Esempio n. 1
function reportDHCP_Configuration($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, &$pDB, $arrConf)
    $pDHCP_Configuration = new paloSantoDHCP_Configuration($pDB);
    $filter_field = getParameter("filter_field");
    $filter_value = getParameter("filter_value");
    $action = getParameter("nav");
    $start = getParameter("start");
    //begin grid parameters
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    $nameOpt = array("hostname" => _tr('Host Name'), "ipaddress" => _tr('IP Address'), "macaddress" => _tr('MAC Address'));
    if (isset($nameOpt[$filter_field])) {
        $valorFiltro = $nameOpt[$filter_field];
    } else {
        $valorFiltro = "";
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . " " . $valorFiltro . " = {$filter_value}", $_POST, array("filter_field" => "hostname", "filter_value" => ""));
    $totalDHCP_Configuration = $pDHCP_Configuration->contarIpFijas($filter_field, $filter_value);
    $oGrid->addNew("new_dhcpconft", _tr("Assign IP Address"));
    $oGrid->deleteList("Are you sure you wish to delete the DHCP configuration.", "delete_dhcpConf", _tr("Delete"));
    $limit = 20;
    $total = $totalDHCP_Configuration;
    $oGrid->calculatePagination($action, $start);
    $offset = $oGrid->getOffsetValue();
    $end = $oGrid->getEnd();
    $arrData = null;
    $arrResult = $pDHCP_Configuration->leerIPsFijas($limit, $offset, $filter_field, $filter_value);
    if (is_array($arrResult) && $total > 0) {
        foreach ($arrResult as $key => $value) {
            $arrTmp[0] = "<input type='checkbox' name='DhcpConfID_{$value['id']}' />";
            $arrTmp[1] = "<a href='?menu={$module_name}&action=view_dhcpconf&id=" . $value['id'] . "'>" . $value['hostname'] . "</a>";
            $arrTmp[2] = $value['ipaddress'];
            $arrTmp[3] = $value['macaddress'];
            $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
    $buttonDelete = "";
    $arrGrid = array("title" => _tr('Assign IP Address to Host'), "icon" => "web/apps/{$module_name}/images/system_network_assign_ip_address.png", "width" => "99%", "start" => $total == 0 ? 0 : $offset + 1, "end" => $end, "total" => $total, "url" => array('menu' => $module_name, 'filter_field' => $filter_field, 'filter_value' => $filter_value), "columns" => array(0 => array("name" => $buttonDelete, "property1" => ""), 1 => array("name" => _tr('Host Name'), "property1" => ""), 2 => array("name" => _tr('IP Address'), "property1" => ""), 3 => array("name" => _tr('MAC Address'), "property1" => "")));
    //begin section filter
    $arrFormFilterDHCP_Configuration = createFieldFilter();
    $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormFilterDHCP_Configuration);
    $smarty->assign("SHOW", _tr('Show'));
    $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $_POST);
    //end section filter
    $contenidoModulo = $oGrid->fetchGrid($arrGrid, $arrData);
    //end grid parameters
    return $contenidoModulo;
Esempio n. 2
function reportIVR($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, &$pDB, $arrConf, $credentials)
    global $arrPermission;
    $error = "";
    $pORGZ = new paloSantoOrganization($pDB);
    $domain = getParameter("organization");
    $name = getParameter("name");
    $domain = empty($domain) ? 'all' : $domain;
    if ($credentials['userlevel'] != 'superadmin') {
        $domain = $credentials['domain'];
    $url['menu'] = $module_name;
    $url['organization'] = $domain;
    $url['name'] = $name;
    if ($credentials['userlevel'] == "superadmin") {
        if (isset($domain) && $domain != "all") {
            $pIVR = new paloIvrPBX($pDB, $domain);
        } else {
            $pIVR = new paloIvrPBX($pDB, "");
        $total = $pIVR->getTotalIvr($domain, $name);
        $arrOrgz = array("all" => _tr("all"));
        foreach ($pORGZ->getOrganization(array()) as $value) {
            $arrOrgz[$value["domain"]] = $value["name"];
    } else {
        $arrOrgz = array();
        $pIVR = new paloIvrPBX($pDB, $domain);
        $total = $pIVR->getTotalIvr($domain, $name);
    if ($total === false) {
        $error = $pIVR->errMsg;
        $total = 0;
    $limit = 20;
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    $offset = $oGrid->calculateOffset();
    $end = $offset + $limit <= $total ? $offset + $limit : $total;
    $oGrid->setTitle(_tr('Ivrs List'));
    $oGrid->setStart($total == 0 ? 0 : $offset + 1);
    if ($credentials['userlevel'] == "superadmin") {
        $arrColumns[] = _tr("Organization");
    $arrColumns[] = _tr("Ivr Name");
    $arrColumns[] = _tr("Timeout");
    $arrColumns[] = _tr("Enable Call Extensions");
    $arrColumns[] = _tr("# Loops");
    $arrData = array();
    $arrIVR = array();
    if ($total != 0) {
        $arrIVR = $pIVR->getIvrs($domain, $name, $limit, $offset);
    if ($arrIVR === false) {
        $error = _tr("Error getting ivr data.") . $pIVR->errMsg;
    } else {
        foreach ($arrIVR as $ivr) {
            $arrTmp = array();
            if ($credentials['userlevel'] == "superadmin") {
                $arrTmp[] = $arrOrgz[$ivr['organization_domain']];
            $arrTmp[] = "&nbsp;<a href='?menu={$module_name}&action=view&id_ivr=" . $ivr['id'] . "&organization={$ivr["organization_domain"]}'>" . htmlentities($ivr["name"], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . "</a>";
            $arrTmp[] = $ivr["timeout"];
            $arrTmp[] = $ivr["directdial"];
            $arrTmp[] = $ivr["loops"];
            $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
    $smarty->assign("USERLEVEL", $credentials['userlevel']);
    $smarty->assign("SEARCH", "<input type='submit' class='button' value='" . _tr('Search') . "' name='report'>");
    if ($pORGZ->getNumOrganization(array()) >= 1) {
        if (in_array('create', $arrPermission)) {
            if ($credentials['userlevel'] == 'superadmin') {
                $oGrid->addComboAction("organization_add", _tr("Create New IVR"), array_slice($arrOrgz, 1), $selected = null, "create_ivr", $onchange_select = null);
            } else {
                $oGrid->addNew("create_ivr", _tr("Create New IVR"));
        if ($credentials['userlevel'] == 'superadmin') {
            $_POST["organization"] = $domain;
            $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("Organization") . " = " . $arrOrgz[$domain], $_POST, array("organization" => _tr("all")), true);
        $_POST["name"] = $name;
        //ivr name
        $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("Name") . " = " . $name, $_POST, array("name" => ""));
        $arrFormElements = createFieldFilter($arrOrgz);
        $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormElements);
        $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $_POST);
    } else {
        $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("MESSAGE"));
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr("It's necesary you create at least one organization so you can use this module"));
    if ($error != "") {
        $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("MESSAGE"));
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", $error);
    $contenidoModulo = $oGrid->fetchGrid(array(), $arrData);
    $mensaje = showMessageReload($module_name, $pDB, $credentials);
    $contenidoModulo = $mensaje . $contenidoModulo;
    return $contenidoModulo;
Esempio n. 3
function listPackages($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, $arrConf)
    $oPackages = new PaloSantoPackages($arrConf['ruta_yum']);
    $submitInstalado = getParameter('submitInstalado');
    $nombre_paquete = getParameter('nombre_paquete');
    $smarty->assign(array('module_name' => $module_name, 'RepositoriesUpdate' => _tr('Repositories Update'), 'Search' => _tr('Search'), 'UpdatingRepositories' => _tr('Updating Repositories'), 'InstallPackage' => _tr('Installing Package'), 'UpdatePackage' => _tr('Updating Package'), 'accionEnProceso' => _tr('There is an action in process'), 'msgConfirmDelete' => _tr('You will uninstall package along with everything what it depends on it. System can lose important functionalities or become unstable! Are you sure want to Uninstall?'), 'msgConfirmInstall' => _tr('Are you sure want to Install this package?'), 'UninstallPackage' => _tr('Uninstalling Package'), 'msgConfirmUpdate' => _tr('Are you sure want to Update this package?')));
    $arrPaquetes = $oPackages->listarPaquetes($submitInstalado == 'all' ? 'all' : 'installed', $nombre_paquete);
    if ($oPackages->bActualizar) {
        $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("Message"));
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr("The repositories are not up to date. Click on the") . " <b>\"" . _tr('Repositories Update') . "\"</b> " . _tr("button to list all available packages."));
    // Pagination
    $limit = 20;
    $total = count($arrPaquetes);
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    $offset = $oGrid->calculateOffset();
    $end = $oGrid->getEnd();
    $arrPaquetes = array_slice($arrPaquetes, $offset, $limit);
    $arrData = array();
    foreach ($arrPaquetes as $paquete) {
        $packageActions = array();
        $tmpPaquete = $paquete['name'] . '.' . $paquete['arch'];
        if ($paquete['canupdate']) {
            $packageActions[] = "<a href='#'  onclick=" . "confirmUpdate('{$tmpPaquete}')" . ">[" . _tr('Update') . "]</a>";
        if (is_null($paquete['version'])) {
            $packageActions[] = "<a href='#'  onclick=" . "installaPackage('{$tmpPaquete}',0)" . ">[" . _tr('Install') . "]</a>";
        } else {
            $packageActions[] = "<a href='#'  onclick=" . "confirmDelete('{$tmpPaquete}')" . ">[" . _tr('Uninstall') . "]</a>";
        $rowData = array($paquete['name'], $paquete['arch'], $paquete['summary'], is_null($paquete['version']) ? _tr('(not installed)') : $paquete['version'] . '-' . $paquete['release'], is_null($paquete['latestversion']) ? _tr('(not available)') : $paquete['latestversion'] . '-' . $paquete['latestrelease'], $paquete['repo'], implode('&nbsp;', $packageActions));
        if ($paquete['canupdate']) {
            $rowData[0] = '<b>' . $rowData[0] . '</b>';
            $rowData[4] = '<b>' . $rowData[4] . '</b>';
        $arrData[] = $rowData;
    $url = array('menu' => $module_name, 'submitInstalado' => $submitInstalado, 'nombre_paquete' => $nombre_paquete);
    $arrGrid = array("title" => _tr('Packages'), "icon" => "web/apps/{$module_name}/images/system_updates_packages.png", "width" => "99%", "start" => $total == 0 ? 0 : $offset + 1, "end" => $end, "total" => $total, "url" => $url, "columns" => array(array("name" => _tr("Package Name")), array("name" => _tr("Architecture")), array("name" => _tr("Package Info")), array('name' => _tr('Current Version')), array('name' => _tr('Available Version')), array("name" => _tr("Repositor Place")), array("name" => _tr("Status"))));
    /*Inicio Parte del Filtro*/
    $arrFilter = filterField();
    $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFilter);
    if (getParameter('submitInstalado') == 'all') {
        $arrFilter["submitInstalado"] = 'all';
        $tipoPaquete = _tr('All Package');
    } else {
        $arrFilter["submitInstalado"] = 'installed';
        $tipoPaquete = _tr('Package Installed');
    $arrFilter["nombre_paquete"] = $nombre_paquete;
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("Status") . " =  {$tipoPaquete}", $arrFilter, array("submitInstalado" => "installed"), true);
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("Name") . " = {$nombre_paquete}", $arrFilter, array("nombre_paquete" => ""));
    $oGrid->addButtonAction('update_repositorios', _tr('Repositories Update'), null, 'mostrarReloj()');
    $oGrid->showFilter($oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/new.tpl", '', $arrFilter));
    return $oGrid->fetchGrid($arrGrid, $arrData);
Esempio n. 4
function listRepositories($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, $arrConf)
    global $arrLang;
    $oRepositories = new PaloSantoRepositories();
    $arrReposActivos = array();
    $typeRepository = getParameter("typeRepository");
    if (isset($_POST['submit_aceptar'])) {
        foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
            if (substr($key, 0, 5) == 'repo-') {
                $arrReposActivos[] = substr($key, 5);
        $oRepositories->setRepositorios($arrConf['ruta_repos'], $arrReposActivos, $typeRepository, $arrConf["main_repos"]);
    $option["main"] = "";
    $option["others"] = "";
    $option["all"] = "";
    $arrRepositorios = $oRepositories->getRepositorios($arrConf['ruta_repos'], $typeRepository, $arrConf["main_repos"]);
    $limit = 40;
    $total = count($arrRepositorios);
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    $offset = $oGrid->calculateOffset();
    $end = $oGrid->getEnd();
    $arrData = array();
    $version = $oRepositories->obtenerVersionDistro();
    $arch = $oRepositories->obtenerArquitectura();
    //   print($arch);
    if (is_array($arrRepositorios)) {
        for ($i = $offset; $i < $end; $i++) {
            $activo = "";
            if ($arrRepositorios[$i]['activo']) {
                $activo = "checked='checked'";
            $arrData[] = array("<input {$activo} name='repo-" . $arrRepositorios[$i]['id'] . "' type='checkbox' id='repo-{$i}' />", $valor = str_replace(array("\$releasever", "\$basearch"), array($version, $arch), $arrRepositorios[$i]['name']));
    if (isset($typeRepository)) {
        $_POST["typeRepository"] = $typeRepository;
    } else {
        $_POST["typeRepository"] = "main";
    $arrGrid = array("title" => $arrLang["Repositories"], "icon" => "modules/repositories/images/system_updates_repositories.png", "width" => "99%", "start" => $total == 0 ? 0 : $offset + 1, "end" => $end, "total" => $total, "columns" => array(0 => array("name" => $arrLang["Active"], "property1" => ""), 1 => array("name" => $arrLang["Name"], "property1" => "")));
    $oGrid->customAction('submit_aceptar', _tr('Save/Update'));
    $oGrid->addButtonAction("default", _tr('Default'), null, "defaultValues({$total},'{$version}','{$arch}')");
    $FilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, createFilter());
    $arrOpt = array("main" => _tr('Main'), "others" => _tr('Others'), "all" => _tr('All'));
    if (isset($arrOpt[$typeRepository])) {
        $valorfiltro = $arrOpt[$typeRepository];
    } else {
        $valorfiltro = _tr('Main');
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("Repo") . " = " . $valorfiltro, $_POST, array("typeRepository" => "main"), true);
    $htmlFilter = $FilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/new.tpl", "", $_POST);
    $contenidoModulo = $oGrid->fetchGrid($arrGrid, $arrData, $arrLang);
    return $contenidoModulo;
Esempio n. 5
function reportTG($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, &$pDB, $arrConf, $credentials)
    global $arrPermission;
    $error = "";
    $pORGZ = new paloSantoOrganization($pDB);
    $domain = getParameter("organization");
    $domain = empty($domain) ? 'all' : $domain;
    if ($credentials['userlevel'] != "superadmin") {
        $domain = $credentials['domain'];
    $name = getParameter('name');
    $url['menu'] = $module_name;
    $url['organization'] = $domain;
    $url['name'] = $name;
    $pTG = new paloSantoTG($pDB, $domain);
    $total = $pTG->getNumTG($domain, $name);
    $arrOrgz = array();
    if ($credentials['userlevel'] == "superadmin") {
        $arrOrgz = array("all" => "all");
        foreach ($pORGZ->getOrganization(array()) as $value) {
            $arrOrgz[$value["domain"]] = $value["name"];
    if ($total === false) {
        $error = $pTG->errMsg;
        $total = 0;
    $limit = 20;
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    $offset = $oGrid->calculateOffset();
    $end = $offset + $limit <= $total ? $offset + $limit : $total;
    $oGrid->setTitle(_tr('Time Groups List'));
    //$oGrid->setIcon('url de la imagen');
    $oGrid->setStart($total == 0 ? 0 : $offset + 1);
    $arrColum = array();
    if ($credentials['userlevel'] == "superadmin") {
        $arrColum[] = _tr("Organization");
    $arrColum[] = _tr("Name");
    $arrTG = array();
    $arrData = array();
    if ($total != 0) {
        $arrTG = $pTG->getTGs($domain, $name, $limit, $offset);
    if ($arrTG === false) {
        $error = _tr("Error to obtain Time Groups") . $pTG->errMsg;
        $arrTG = array();
    $arrData = array();
    foreach ($arrTG as $tg) {
        $arrTmp = array();
        if ($credentials['userlevel'] == "superadmin") {
            $arrTmp[] = $arrOrgz[$tg["organization_domain"]];
        $arrTmp[] = "&nbsp;<a href='?menu={$module_name}&action=edit&id_tg=" . $tg['id'] . "&organization={$tg['organization_domain']}'>" . $tg['name'] . "</a>";
        $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
    if ($pORGZ->getNumOrganization(array()) >= 1) {
        if (in_array('create', $arrPermission)) {
            if ($credentials['userlevel'] == 'superadmin') {
                $oGrid->addComboAction("organization_add", _tr("ADD Time Group"), array_slice($arrOrgz, 1), $selected = null, "create_tg", $onchange_select = null);
            } else {
                $oGrid->addNew("create_tg", _tr("ADD Time Group"));
        if ($credentials['userlevel'] == 'superadmin') {
            $_POST["organization"] = $domain;
            $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("Organization") . " = " . $arrOrgz[$domain], $_POST, array("organization" => "all"), true);
        $_POST["name"] = $name;
        // name
        $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("Time Condition Group") . " = " . $name, $_POST, array("name" => ""));
        $arrFormElements = createFieldFilter($arrOrgz);
        $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormElements);
        $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $_POST);
    } else {
        $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("MESSAGE"));
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr("It's necesary you create at least one organization so you can use this module"));
    if ($error != "") {
        $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("MESSAGE"));
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", $error);
    $contenidoModulo = $oGrid->fetchGrid(array(), $arrData);
    $mensaje = showMessageReload($module_name, $pDB, $credentials);
    $contenidoModulo = $mensaje . $contenidoModulo;
    return $contenidoModulo;
Esempio n. 6
function report_adress_book($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, $pDB, $pDB_2, $arrLang, $arrConf, $dsn_agi_manager, $dsnAsterisk)
    $padress_book = new paloAdressBook($pDB);
    $pACL = new paloACL($pDB_2);
    $user = $_SESSION["elastix_user"];
    $id_user = $pACL->getIdUser($user);
    $extension = $pACL->getUserExtension($user);
    if (is_null($extension) || $extension == "") {
        if ($pACL->isUserAdministratorGroup($user)) {
            $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("MESSAGE"));
            $smarty->assign("mb_message", "<b>" . $arrLang["You don't have extension number associated with user"] . "</b>");
        } else {
            $smarty->assign("mb_message", "<b>" . $arrLang["contact_admin"] . "</b>");
    if (getParameter('select_directory_type') != null && getParameter('select_directory_type') == 'external') {
        $smarty->assign("external_sel", 'selected=selected');
        $directory_type = 'external';
    } else {
        $smarty->assign("internal_sel", 'selected=selected');
        $directory_type = 'internal';
    $_POST['select_directory_type'] = $directory_type;
    $arrComboElements = array("name" => $arrLang["Name"], "telefono" => $arrLang["Phone Number"]);
    if ($directory_type == 'external') {
        $arrComboElements["last_name"] = $arrLang["Last Name"];
    $arrFormElements = array("field" => array("LABEL" => $arrLang["Filter"], "REQUIRED" => "no", "INPUT_TYPE" => "SELECT", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => $arrComboElements, "VALIDATION_TYPE" => "text", "VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM" => ""), "pattern" => array("LABEL" => "", "REQUIRED" => "no", "INPUT_TYPE" => "TEXT", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => "", "VALIDATION_TYPE" => "text", "VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM" => "", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => array('id' => 'filter_value')));
    $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormElements);
    $smarty->assign("SHOW", $arrLang["Show"]);
    $smarty->assign("NEW_adress_book", $arrLang["New Contact"]);
    $smarty->assign("CSV", $arrLang["CSV"]);
    $smarty->assign("module_name", $module_name);
    $smarty->assign("Phone_Directory", $arrLang["Phone Directory"]);
    $smarty->assign("Internal", $arrLang["Internal"]);
    $smarty->assign("External", $arrLang["External"]);
    $field = NULL;
    $pattern = NULL;
    $namePattern = NULL;
    $allowSelection = array("name", "telefono", "last_name");
    if (isset($_POST['field']) and isset($_POST['pattern']) and $_POST['pattern'] != "") {
        $field = $_POST['field'];
        if (!in_array($field, $allowSelection)) {
            $field = "name";
        $pattern = "%{$_POST['pattern']}%";
        $namePattern = $_POST['pattern'];
        $nameField = $arrComboElements[$field];
    $arrFilter = array("select_directory_type" => $directory_type, "field" => $field, "pattern" => $namePattern);
    $startDate = $endDate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("Phone Directory") . " =  {$directory_type} ", $arrFilter, array("select_directory_type" => "internal"), true);
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . $field . " = {$namePattern}", $arrFilter, array("field" => "name", "pattern" => ""));
    $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter_adress_book.tpl", "", $arrFilter);
    if ($directory_type == 'external') {
        $total = $padress_book->getAddressBook(NULL, NULL, $field, $pattern, TRUE, $id_user);
    } else {
        $total = $padress_book->getDeviceFreePBX($dsnAsterisk, NULL, NULL, $field, $pattern, TRUE);
    $total_datos = $total[0]["total"];
    $limit = 20;
    $total = $total_datos;
    $offset = $oGrid->calculateOffset();
    $inicio = $total == 0 ? 0 : $offset + 1;
    $end = $offset + $limit <= $total ? $offset + $limit : $total;
    //Fin Paginacion
    if ($directory_type == 'external') {
        $arrResult = $padress_book->getAddressBook($limit, $offset, $field, $pattern, FALSE, $id_user);
    } else {
        $arrResult = $padress_book->getDeviceFreePBX($dsnAsterisk, $limit, $offset, $field, $pattern);
    $arrData = null;
    //echo print_r($arrResult,true);
    if (is_array($arrResult) && $total > 0) {
        $arrMails = array();
        $typeContact = "";
        if ($directory_type == 'internal') {
            $arrMails = $padress_book->getMailsFromVoicemail();
        foreach ($arrResult as $key => $adress_book) {
            if ($directory_type == 'external') {
                $exten = explode(".", $adress_book["picture"]);
                if (isset($exten[count($exten) - 1])) {
                    $exten = $exten[count($exten) - 1];
                $picture = "/var/www/address_book_images/{$adress_book['id']}_Thumbnail.{$exten}";
                if (file_exists($picture)) {
                    $arrTmp[1] = "<a href='?menu={$module_name}&action=show&id=" . $adress_book['id'] . "'><img alt='image' border='0' src='index.php?menu={$module_name}&action=getImage&idPhoto={$adress_book['id']}&thumbnail=yes&rawmode=yes'/></a>";
                } else {
                    $defaultPicture = "modules/{$module_name}/images/Icon-user_Thumbnail.png";
                    $arrTmp[1] = "<a href='?menu={$module_name}&action=show&id=" . $adress_book['id'] . "'><img border='0' alt='image' src='{$defaultPicture}'/></a>";
            $arrTmp[0] = $directory_type == 'external' ? "<input type='checkbox' name='contact_{$adress_book['id']}'  />" : '';
            if ($directory_type == 'external') {
                $email = $adress_book['email'];
                if ($adress_book['status'] == 'isPublic') {
                    if ($id_user == $adress_book['iduser']) {
                        $typeContact = "<div><div style='float: left;'><a href='?menu={$module_name}&action=show&id=" . $adress_book['id'] . "'><img alt='public' style='padding: 5px;' title='" . $arrLang['Public Contact'] . "' border='0' src='modules/{$module_name}/images/public_edit.png' /></a></div><div style='padding: 16px 0px 0px 5px; text-align:center;'><span style='visibility: hidden;'>" . $arrLang['Public editable'] . "</span></div></div>";
                        $arrTmp[0] = "<input type='checkbox' name='contact_{$adress_book['id']}'  />";
                    } else {
                        $typeContact = "<div><div style='float: left;'><a href='?menu={$module_name}&action=show&id=" . $adress_book['id'] . "'><img alt='public' style='padding: 5px;' title='" . $arrLang['Public Contact'] . "' border='0' src='modules/{$module_name}/images/public.png' /></a></div><div style='padding: 16px 0px 0px 5px; text-align:center;'><span style='visibility: hidden;'>" . $arrLang['Public not editable'] . "</span></div></div>";
                        $arrTmp[0] = "";
                } else {
                    $typeContact = "<div><div style='float: left;'><a href='?menu={$module_name}&action=show&id=" . $adress_book['id'] . "'><img alt='private' style='padding: 5px;' title='" . $arrLang['Private Contact'] . "' border='0' src='modules/{$module_name}/images/contact.png' /></a></div><div style='padding: 16px 0px 0px 5px; text-align:center;'><span style='visibility: hidden;'>" . $arrLang['Private'] . "</span></div></div>";
            } else {
                if (isset($arrMails[$adress_book['id']])) {
                    $email = $arrMails[$adress_book['id']];
                    $typeContact = "<div><div style='float: left;'><img alt='public' title='" . $arrLang['Public Contact'] . "' src='modules/{$module_name}/images/public.png' /></div><div style='padding: 16px 0px 0px 5px; text-align:center;'><span style='visibility: hidden;'>" . $arrLang['Public not editable'] . "</span></div></div>";
                } else {
                    $email = '';
                    $typeContact = "<div><div style='float: left;'><img alt='public' title='" . $arrLang['Public Contact'] . "' src='modules/{$module_name}/images/public.png' /></div><div style='padding: 16px 0px 0px 5px; text-align:center;'><span style='visibility: hidden;'>" . $arrLang['Public not editable'] . "</span></div></div>";
            $arrTmp[2] = $directory_type == 'external' ? "<a href='?menu={$module_name}&action=show&id=" . $adress_book['id'] . "'>" . htmlspecialchars($adress_book['last_name'], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . " " . htmlspecialchars($adress_book['name'], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . "</a>" : $adress_book['description'];
            $arrTmp[3] = $directory_type == 'external' ? $adress_book['telefono'] : $adress_book['id'];
            $arrTmp[4] = $email;
            $arrTmp[5] = "<a href='?menu={$module_name}&action=call2phone&id=" . $adress_book['id'] . "&type=" . $directory_type . "'><img border=0 src='/modules/{$module_name}/images/call.png' /></a>";
            $arrTmp[6] = "<a href='?menu={$module_name}&action=transfer_call&id=" . $adress_book['id'] . "&type=" . $directory_type . "'>{$arrLang["Transfer"]}</a>";
            $arrTmp[7] = $typeContact;
            $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
    if ($directory_type == 'external') {
        $name = "";
        $picture = $arrLang["picture"];
        $oGrid->deleteList(_tr("Are you sure you wish to delete the contact."), "delete", _tr("Delete"));
    } else {
        $name = "";
        $picture = "";
    $arrGrid = array("title" => $arrLang["Address Book"], "url" => array('menu' => $module_name, 'filter' => $pattern, 'select_directory_type' => $directory_type), "icon" => "modules/{$module_name}/images/address_book.png", "width" => "99%", "start" => $inicio, "end" => $end, "total" => $total, "columns" => array(0 => array("name" => $name, "property1" => ""), 1 => array("name" => $picture, "property1" => ""), 2 => array("name" => $arrLang["Name"], "property1" => ""), 3 => array("name" => $arrLang["Phone Number"], "property1" => ""), 4 => array("name" => $arrLang["Email"], "property1" => ""), 5 => array("name" => $arrLang["Call"], "property1" => ""), 6 => array("name" => $arrLang["Transfer"], "property1" => ""), 7 => array("name" => $arrLang["Type Contact"], "property1" => "")));
    $oGrid->addNew("new", _tr("New Contact"));
    $contenidoModulo = $oGrid->fetchGrid($arrGrid, $arrData, $arrLang);
    return $contenidoModulo;
Esempio n. 7
function reportWeakKeys($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, &$pDB, $arrConf)
    $pWeakKeys = new paloSantoWeakKeys($pDB);
    $filter_field = getParameter("filter_field");
    $filter_value = getParameter("filter_value");
    //begin grid parameters
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    $total = $pWeakKeys->getNumWeakKeys($filter_field, $filter_value);
    $pDB2 = new paloDB($arrConf['elastix_dsn']['acl']);
    $pACL = new paloACL($pDB2);
    // enable csv export.
    // show paging section.
    $oGrid->setTitle(_tr("Weak Secrets"));
    $oGrid->setNameFile_Export(_tr("Weak Secrets"));
    if ($oGrid->isExportAction()) {
        $limit = $total;
        $offset = 0;
        $bExportation = true;
    } else {
        $limit = 30;
        $offset = $oGrid->calculateOffset();
        $bExportation = false;
    $url = array('menu' => $module_name, 'filter_field' => $filter_field, 'filter_value' => $filter_value);
    $arrResult = $pWeakKeys->getWeakKeys($limit, $offset, $filter_field, $filter_value);
    $arrData = null;
    //$arrResult =$pWeakKeys->getWeakKeysChecker();
    $arrColumns = array(_tr("Extension"), _tr("Description"), _tr("Status"));
    if (is_array($arrResult) && $total > 0) {
        foreach ($arrResult as $tech) {
            foreach ($tech as $key => $value) {
                $arrTmp[0] = $value['id'];
                $arrTmp[1] = $value['description'];
                $mensaje = getMensaje($value['id'], $value['data']);
                if ($mensaje != "OK" && !$bExportation) {
                    if ($pACL->isUserAdministratorGroup($_SESSION['elastix_user']) || $pACL->getUserExtension($_SESSION['elastix_user']) == $value['id']) {
                        $mensaje = _tr("Weak Key") . ": {$mensaje} &nbsp;<a href='?menu={$module_name}&action=change&id={$value['id']}'>" . _tr("Change Secret") . "</a>";
                $arrTmp[2] = $mensaje;
                $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
    //begin section filter
    $arrFormFilterWeakKeys = createFieldFilter();
    $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormFilterWeakKeys);
    $smarty->assign("SHOW", _tr("Show"));
    $_POST["filter_field"] = $filter_field;
    $_POST["filter_value"] = $filter_value;
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied: ") . _tr("Extension") . " = " . $filter_value, $_POST, array("filter_field" => "extension", "filter_value" => ""));
    $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $_POST);
    //end section filter
    $content = $oGrid->fetchGrid();
    //end grid parameters
    return $content;
Esempio n. 8
function _moduleContent(&$smarty, $module_name)
    require_once "modules/{$module_name}/libs/ringgroup.php";
    //include module files
    include_once "modules/{$module_name}/configs/default.conf.php";
    global $arrConf;
    global $arrConfModule;
    $arrConf = array_merge($arrConf, $arrConfModule);
    //folder path for custom templates
    $base_dir = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
    $templates_dir = isset($arrConf['templates_dir']) ? $arrConf['templates_dir'] : 'themes';
    $local_templates_dir = "{$base_dir}/modules/{$module_name}/" . $templates_dir . '/' . $arrConf['theme'];
    // DSN para consulta de cdrs
    $dsn = generarDSNSistema('asteriskuser', 'asteriskcdrdb');
    $pDB = new paloDB($dsn);
    $oCDR = new paloSantoCDR($pDB);
    $pDBACL = new paloDB($arrConf['elastix_dsn']['acl']);
    if (!empty($pDBACL->errMsg)) {
        return "ERROR DE DB: {$pDBACL->errMsg}";
    $pACL = new paloACL($pDBACL);
    if (!empty($pACL->errMsg)) {
        return "ERROR DE ACL: {$pACL->errMsg}";
    $exten = '6868';
    $isAdministrator = true;
    if (is_null($exten) || $exten == "") {
        if (!$isAdministrator) {
            $smarty->assign('mb_message', "<b>" . _tr("contact_admin") . "</b>");
            return "";
        } else {
            $smarty->assign('mb_message', "<b>" . _tr("no_extension") . "</b>");
    // Para usuarios que no son administradores, se restringe a los CDR de la
    // propia extensión
    $sExtension = $isAdministrator ? '' : $pACL->getUserExtension($_SESSION['elastix_user']);
    // DSN para consulta de ringgroups
    $dsn_asterisk = generarDSNSistema('asteriskuser', 'asterisk');
    $pDB_asterisk = new paloDB($dsn_asterisk);
    $oRG = new RingGroup($pDB_asterisk);
    $dataRG = $oRG->getRingGroup();
    $dataRG[''] = _tr('(Any ringgroup)');
    // Cadenas estáticas en la plantilla
    $smarty->assign(array("Filter" => _tr("Filter")));
    $arrFormElements = array("date_start" => array("LABEL" => _tr("Start Date"), "REQUIRED" => "yes", "INPUT_TYPE" => "DATE", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => "", "VALIDATION_TYPE" => "ereg", "VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM" => "^[[:digit:]]{1,2}[[:space:]]+[[:alnum:]]{3}[[:space:]]+[[:digit:]]{4}\$"), "date_end" => array("LABEL" => _tr("End Date"), "REQUIRED" => "yes", "INPUT_TYPE" => "DATE", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => "", "VALIDATION_TYPE" => "ereg", "VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM" => "^[[:digit:]]{1,2}[[:space:]]+[[:alnum:]]{3}[[:space:]]+[[:digit:]]{4}\$"), "field_name" => array("LABEL" => _tr("Field Name"), "REQUIRED" => "no", "INPUT_TYPE" => "SELECT", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => array("dst" => _tr("Destination"), "src" => _tr("Source"), "channel" => _tr("Src. Channel"), "accountcode" => _tr("Account Code"), "dstchannel" => _tr("Dst. Channel")), "VALIDATION_TYPE" => "ereg", "VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM" => "^(dst|src|channel|dstchannel|accountcode)\$"), "field_pattern" => array("LABEL" => _tr("Field"), "REQUIRED" => "no", "INPUT_TYPE" => "TEXT", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => "", "VALIDATION_TYPE" => "ereg", "VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM" => "^[\\*|[:alnum:]@_\\.,/\\-]+\$"), "status" => array("LABEL" => _tr("Status"), "REQUIRED" => "no", "INPUT_TYPE" => "SELECT", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => array("ALL" => _tr("ALL"), "ANSWERED" => _tr("ANSWERED"), "BUSY" => _tr("BUSY"), "FAILED" => _tr("FAILED"), "NO ANSWER " => _tr("NO ANSWER")), "VALIDATION_TYPE" => "text", "VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM" => ""), "ringgroup" => array("LABEL" => _tr("Ring Group"), "REQUIRED" => "no", "INPUT_TYPE" => "SELECT", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => $dataRG, "VALIDATION_TYPE" => "text", "VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM" => ""));
    $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormElements);
    // Parámetros base y validación de parámetros
    $url = array('menu' => $module_name);
    $paramFiltroBase = $paramFiltro = array('date_start' => date("d M Y"), 'date_end' => date("d M Y"), 'field_name' => 'dst', 'field_pattern' => '', 'status' => 'ALL', 'ringgroup' => '');
    foreach (array_keys($paramFiltro) as $k) {
        if (!is_null(getParameter($k))) {
            $paramFiltro[$k] = getParameter($k);
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    if ($paramFiltro['date_start'] === "") {
        $paramFiltro['date_start'] = " ";
    if ($paramFiltro['date_end'] === "") {
        $paramFiltro['date_end'] = " ";
    $valueFieldName = $arrFormElements['field_name']["INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM"][$paramFiltro['field_name']];
    $valueStatus = $arrFormElements['status']["INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM"][$paramFiltro['status']];
    $valueRingGRoup = $arrFormElements['ringgroup']["INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM"][$paramFiltro['ringgroup']];
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied: ") . _tr("Start Date") . " = " . $paramFiltro['date_start'] . ", " . _tr("End Date") . " = " . $paramFiltro['date_end'], $paramFiltro, array('date_start' => date("d M Y"), 'date_end' => date("d M Y")), true);
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied: ") . $valueFieldName . " = " . $paramFiltro['field_pattern'], $paramFiltro, array('field_name' => "dst", 'field_pattern' => ""));
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied: ") . _tr("Status") . " = " . $valueStatus, $paramFiltro, array('status' => 'ALL'), true);
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied: ") . _tr("Ring Group") . " = " . $valueRingGRoup, $paramFiltro, array('ringgroup' => ''));
    $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $paramFiltro);
    if (!$oFilterForm->validateForm($paramFiltro)) {
        $smarty->assign(array('mb_title' => _tr('Validation Error'), 'mb_message' => '<b>' . _tr('The following fields contain errors') . ':</b><br/>' . implode(', ', array_keys($oFilterForm->arrErroresValidacion))));
        $paramFiltro = $paramFiltroBase;
        // Se aborta el intento de borrar CDRs, si había uno.
    // Tradudir fechas a formato ISO para comparación y para API de CDRs.
    $url = array_merge($url, $paramFiltro);
    $paramFiltro['date_start'] = translateDate($paramFiltro['date_start']) . ' 00:00:00';
    $paramFiltro['date_end'] = translateDate($paramFiltro['date_end']) . ' 23:59:59';
    // Valores de filtrado que no se seleccionan mediante filtro
    if ($sExtension != '') {
        $paramFiltro['extension'] = $sExtension;
    // Ejecutar el borrado, si se ha validado.
    if (isset($_POST['delete'])) {
        if ($isAdministrator) {
            if ($paramFiltro['date_start'] <= $paramFiltro['date_end']) {
                $r = $oCDR->borrarCDRs($paramFiltro);
                if (!$r) {
                    $smarty->assign(array('mb_title' => _tr('ERROR'), 'mb_message' => $oCDR->errMsg));
            } else {
                $smarty->assign(array('mb_title' => _tr('ERROR'), 'mb_message' => _tr("Please End Date must be greater than Start Date")));
        } else {
            $smarty->assign(array('mb_title' => _tr('ERROR'), 'mb_message' => _tr("Only administrators can delete CDRs")));
    $oGrid->setTitle(_tr("CDR Report"));
    // show paging section.
    // enable export.
    //$oGrid->deleteList("Are you sure you wish to delete CDR(s) Report(s)?","delete",_tr("Delete"));
    $arrData = null;
    if (!isset($sExtension) || $sExtension == "" && !$isAdministrator) {
        $total = 0;
    } else {
        $total = $oCDR->contarCDRs($paramFiltro);
    if ($oGrid->isExportAction()) {
        $limit = $total;
        $offset = 0;
        $arrColumns = array(_tr("Date"), _tr("Source"), _tr("Ring Group"), _tr("Destination"), _tr("Src. Channel"), _tr("Account Code"), _tr("Dst. Channel"), _tr("Status"), _tr("Duration"));
        $arrResult = $oCDR->listarCDRs($paramFiltro, $limit, $offset);
        if (is_array($arrResult['cdrs']) && $total > 0) {
            foreach ($arrResult['cdrs'] as $key => $value) {
                $arrTmp[0] = date("d-m-Y H:i:s", strtotime($value[0]));
                $arrTmp[1] = $value[1];
                $arrTmp[2] = $value[11];
                $arrTmp[3] = $value[3];
                $arrTmp[4] = $value[9];
                $arrTmp[5] = $value[5];
                $iDuracion = $value[8];
                $iSec = $iDuracion % 60;
                $iDuracion = (int) (($iDuracion - $iSec) / 60);
                $iMin = $iDuracion % 60;
                $iDuracion = (int) (($iDuracion - $iMin) / 60);
                $sTiempo = "{$value[6]}s";
                if ($value[6] >= 60) {
                    if ($iDuracion > 0) {
                        $sTiempo .= " ({$iDuracion}h {$iMin}m {$iSec}s)";
                    } elseif ($iMin > 0) {
                        $sTiempo .= " ({$iMin}m {$iSec}s)";
                $arrTmp[7] = $sTiempo;
                $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
        if (!is_array($arrResult)) {
            $smarty->assign(array('mb_title' => _tr('ERROR'), 'mb_message' => $oCDR->errMsg));
    } else {
        $limit = 20;
        $offset = $oGrid->calculateOffset();
        $arrResult = $oCDR->listarCDRs($paramFiltro, $limit, $offset);
        $arrColumns = array('STT', _tr("Date"), _tr("Source"), _tr("Destination"), _tr("Src. Channel"), _tr("Dst. Channel"), _tr("Status"), _tr("Duration"));
        if (is_array($arrResult['cdrs']) && $total > 0) {
            $index = 0;
            foreach ($arrResult['cdrs'] as $key => $value) {
                $arrTmp[0] = $index;
                $arrTmp[1] = date("d-m-Y H:i:s", strtotime($value[0]));
                $arrTmp[2] = $value[1];
                $arrTmp[3] = $value[2];
                $arrTmp[4] = channel_lookup($pDB_asterisk, $value[3]);
                $arrTmp[5] = channel_lookup($pDB_asterisk, $value[4]);
                $arrTmp[6] = $value[5];
                $iDuracion = $value[8];
                $iSec = $iDuracion % 60;
                $iDuracion = (int) (($iDuracion - $iSec) / 60);
                $iMin = $iDuracion % 60;
                $iDuracion = (int) (($iDuracion - $iMin) / 60);
                $sTiempo = "{$value[8]}s";
                if ($value[7] >= 60) {
                    if ($iDuracion > 0) {
                        $sTiempo .= " ({$iDuracion}h {$iMin}m {$iSec}s)";
                    } elseif ($iMin > 0) {
                        $sTiempo .= " ({$iMin}m {$iSec}s)";
                $arrTmp[7] = $sTiempo;
                $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
        if (!is_array($arrResult)) {
            $smarty->assign(array('mb_title' => _tr('ERROR'), 'mb_message' => $oCDR->errMsg));
    $smarty->assign("SHOW", _tr("Show"));
    $content = $oGrid->fetchGrid();
    return $content;
Esempio n. 9
function reportMonitoring($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, &$pDB, $pACL, $arrConf, $user, $extension, $esAdministrador)
    $pMonitoring = new paloSantoMonitoring($pDB);
    $filter_field = getParameter("filter_field");
    switch ($filter_field) {
        case "dst":
            $filter_field = "dst";
            $nameFilterField = _tr("Destination");
        case "userfield":
            $filter_field = "userfield";
            $nameFilterField = _tr("Type");
            $filter_field = "src";
            $nameFilterField = _tr("Source");
    if ($filter_field == "userfield") {
        $filter_value = getParameter("filter_value_userfield");
        $filter = "";
        $filter_userfield = $filter_value;
    } else {
        $filter_value = getParameter("filter_value");
        $filter = $filter_value;
        $filter_userfield = "";
    switch ($filter_value) {
        case "outgoing":
            $smarty->assign("SELECTED_2", "Selected");
            $nameFilterUserfield = _tr("Outgoing");
        case "queue":
            $smarty->assign("SELECTED_3", "Selected");
            $nameFilterUserfield = _tr("Queue");
        case "group":
            $smarty->assign("SELECTED_4", "Selected");
            $nameFilterUserfield = _tr("Group");
            $smarty->assign("SELECTED_1", "Selected");
            $nameFilterUserfield = _tr("Incoming");
    $date_ini = getParameter("date_start");
    $date_end = getParameter("date_end");
    $path_record = $arrConf['records_dir'];
    $_POST['date_start'] = isset($date_ini) ? $date_ini : date("d M Y");
    $_POST['date_end'] = isset($date_end) ? $date_end : date("d M Y");
    if ($date_ini === "") {
        $_POST['date_start'] = " ";
    if ($date_end === "") {
        $_POST['date_end'] = " ";
    if (!empty($pACL->errMsg)) {
        echo "ERROR DE ACL: {$pACL->errMsg} <br>";
    $date_initial = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($_POST['date_start'])) . " 00:00:00";
    $date_final = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($_POST['date_end'])) . " 23:59:59";
    $_DATA = $_POST;
    //begin grid parameters
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    // show paging section.
    // enable export.
    if ($esAdministrador) {
        $totalMonitoring = $pMonitoring->getNumMonitoring($filter_field, $filter_value, null, $date_initial, $date_final);
    } elseif (!($extension == "" || is_null($extension))) {
        $totalMonitoring = $pMonitoring->getNumMonitoring($filter_field, $filter_value, $extension, $date_initial, $date_final);
    } else {
        $totalMonitoring = 0;
    $url = array('menu' => $module_name);
    $paramFilter = array('filter_field' => $filter_field, 'filter_value' => $filter, 'filter_value_userfield' => $filter_userfield, 'date_start' => $_POST['date_start'], 'date_end' => $_POST['date_end']);
    $url = array_merge($url, $paramFilter);
    $arrData = null;
    if ($oGrid->isExportAction()) {
        $limit = $totalMonitoring;
        $offset = 0;
        $arrColumns = array(_tr("Date"), _tr("Time"), _tr("Source"), _tr("Destination"), _tr("Duration"), _tr("Type"), _tr("File"));
        if ($esAdministrador) {
            $arrResult = $pMonitoring->getMonitoring($limit, $offset, $filter_field, $filter_value, null, $date_initial, $date_final);
        } elseif (!($extension == "" || is_null($extension))) {
            $arrResult = $pMonitoring->getMonitoring($limit, $offset, $filter_field, $filter_value, $extension, $date_initial, $date_final);
        } else {
            $arrResult = array();
        if (is_array($arrResult) && $totalMonitoring > 0) {
            foreach ($arrResult as $key => $value) {
                $arrTmp[0] = date('d M Y', strtotime($value['calldate']));
                $arrTmp[1] = date('H:i:s', strtotime($value['calldate']));
                $arrTmp[2] = $value['src'];
                $arrTmp[3] = $value['dst'];
                $arrTmp[4] = $value['dstchannel'];
                $arrTmp[5] = SecToHHMMSS($value['duration']);
                $file = $value['uniqueid'];
                $namefile = basename($value['userfield']);
                $namefile = str_replace("audio:", "", $namefile);
                if ($namefile == 'deleted') {
                    $arrTmp[6] = _tr('Deleted');
                } else {
                    switch ($namefile[0]) {
                        case "O":
                            $arrTmp[6] = _tr("Outgoing");
                        case "g":
                            $arrTmp[6] = _tr("Group");
                        case "q":
                            $arrTmp[6] = _tr("Queue");
                            $arrTmp[6] = _tr("Incoming");
                $arrTmp[7] = $namefile;
                $arrTmp[8] = $value['note'];
                $arrTmp[9] = $value['delivery_id'];
                $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
    } else {
        $limit = 20;
        $total = $totalMonitoring;
        $offset = $oGrid->calculateOffset();
        if ($esAdministrador) {
            $oGrid->deleteList(_tr("message_alert"), 'submit_eliminar', _tr("Delete"));
            $buttonDelete = "";
        } else {
            $buttonDelete = "";
        $arrColumns = array($buttonDelete, "Ngày", "Giờ", "Gọi từ", "Gọi đến", "Nhân viên/PSTN", "Thời gian gọi", "Loại", "Ghi âm", "Nội dung", "Giao vé");
        if ($esAdministrador) {
            $arrResult = $pMonitoring->getMonitoring($limit, $offset, $filter_field, $filter_value, null, $date_initial, $date_final);
        } elseif (!($extension == "" || is_null($extension))) {
            $arrResult = $pMonitoring->getMonitoring($limit, $offset, $filter_field, $filter_value, $extension, $date_initial, $date_final);
        } else {
            $arrResult = array();
        if (is_array($arrResult) && $total > 0) {
            $src = "";
            $dst = "";
            foreach ($arrResult as $key => $value) {
                if ($esAdministrador) {
                    $arrTmp[0] = "<input type='checkbox' name='id_" . $value['uniqueid'] . "' />";
                } else {
                    $arrTmp[0] = "";
                $arrTmp[1] = date('d M Y', strtotime($value['calldate']));
                $arrTmp[2] = date('H:i:s', strtotime($value['calldate']));
                if (!isset($value['src']) || $value['src'] == "") {
                    $src = "<font color='gray'>" . _tr("unknown") . "</font>";
                } else {
                    $src = $value['src'];
                if (!isset($value['dst']) || $value['dst'] == "") {
                    $dst = "<font color='gray'>" . _tr("unknown") . "</font>";
                } else {
                    $dst = $value['dst'];
                $arrTmp[3] = $src;
                $arrTmp[4] = $dst;
                $arrTmp[5] = channel_lookup($pDB, $value['dstchannel']);
                $arrTmp[6] = "<label title='" . $value['duration'] . " seconds' style='color:green'>" . SecToHHMMSS($value['duration']) . "</label>";
                //$file = base64_encode($value['userfield']);
                $file = $value['uniqueid'];
                $namefile = basename($value['userfield']);
                $namefile = str_replace("audio:", "", $namefile);
                if ($namefile == 'deleted') {
                    $arrTmp[7] = _tr('Deleted');
                } else {
                    switch ($namefile[0]) {
                        case "O":
                            $arrTmp[7] = _tr("Outgoing");
                        case "g":
                            $arrTmp[7] = _tr("Group");
                        case "q":
                            $arrTmp[7] = _tr("Queue");
                            $arrTmp[7] = _tr("Incoming");
                if ($namefile != 'deleted') {
                    $recordingLink = "<a  href=\"javascript:popUp('index.php?menu={$module_name}&action=display_record&id={$file}&namefile={$namefile}&rawmode=yes',350,100);\">" . _tr("Listen") . "</a>&nbsp;";
                    $recordingLink .= "<a href='?menu={$module_name}&action=download&id={$file}&namefile={$namefile}&rawmode=yes' >" . _tr("Download") . "</a>";
                } else {
                    $recordingLink = '';
                $arrTmp[8] = $recordingLink;
                $arrTmp[9] = is_null($value['note_id']) ? '-' : '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="view_note(\'' . $value['note_id'] . '\')">Xem</a>';
                $arrTmp[10] = is_null($value['delivery_id']) ? '-' : '<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="view_delivery(\'' . $value['delivery_id'] . '\')">Xem</a>';
                $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
    //begin section filter
    $arrFormFilterMonitoring = createFieldFilter();
    $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormFilterMonitoring);
    $smarty->assign("INCOMING", _tr("Incoming"));
    $smarty->assign("OUTGOING", _tr("Outgoing"));
    $smarty->assign("QUEUE", _tr("Queue"));
    $smarty->assign("GROUP", _tr("Group"));
    $smarty->assign("SHOW", _tr("Show"));
    $_POST["filter_field"] = $filter_field;
    $_POST["filter_value"] = $filter;
    $_POST["filter_value_userfield"] = $filter_userfield;
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("Start Date") . " = " . $paramFilter['date_start'] . ", " . _tr("End Date") . " = " . $paramFilter['date_end'], $paramFilter, array('date_start' => date("d M Y"), 'date_end' => date("d M Y")), true);
    if ($filter_field == "userfield") {
        $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . " {$nameFilterField} = {$nameFilterUserfield}", $_POST, array('filter_field' => "src", 'filter_value_userfield' => "incoming"));
    } else {
        $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . " {$nameFilterField} = {$filter}", $_POST, array('filter_field' => "src", "filter_value" => ""));
    $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $_POST);
    //end section filter
    $content = $oGrid->fetchGrid();
    //end grid parameters
    return $content;
Esempio n. 10
function showLanguages($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, $arrLang, $arrLangModule)
    //$oPaloSanto = new paloSantoLanguageAdmin();
    $pLanguages = new paloSantoLanguageAdmin();
    $arrFormElements = array("module" => array("LABEL" => $arrLangModule["Select Module"], "REQUIRED" => "no", "INPUT_TYPE" => "SELECT", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => $pLanguages->leer_directorio_modulos(), "VALIDATION_TYPE" => "text", "VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM" => ""), "language" => array("LABEL" => $arrLangModule["Select Language"], "REQUIRED" => "no", "INPUT_TYPE" => "SELECT", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => $pLanguages->leer_directorio_lenguajes(), "VALIDATION_TYPE" => "text", "VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM" => ""));
    $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormElements);
    $smarty->assign("SHOW", $arrLang["Show"]);
    $smarty->assign("SAVE_ALL", "Save All");
    $module = getParameter("module");
    $language = getParameter("language");
    $action = getParameter('nav');
    $start = getParameter('start');
    $smarty->assign("start_value", $start);
    $smarty->assign("nav_value", $action);
    $_POST["module"] = $module;
    $_POST["language"] = $language;
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    if (!is_null($module) && !is_null($language)) {
        $nameModule = $arrFormElements["module"]["INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM"][$module];
        $valueLanguage = $arrFormElements["language"]["INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM"][$language];
    } else {
        $nameModule = "";
        $valueLanguage = "";
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied: ") . $nameModule . " = " . $valueLanguage, $_POST, array("module" => null, "language" => null));
    $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $_POST);
    $limit = 20;
    $total_datos = $pLanguages->ObtainNumLanguages($module, $language);
    $total = $total_datos;
    $oGrid->addNew("new", _tr("Add"));
    $oGrid->customAction("save_all", _tr("Save All"));
    $oGrid->setTitle(_tr("Language Admin"));
    $offset = $oGrid->calculateOffset();
    $url = "?menu={$module_name}&module={$module}&language={$language}";
    $arrColumns = array(_tr("Key"), _tr("Value"));
    $arrLangMod = $pLanguages->obtainLanguages($limit, $offset, $module, $language);
    $arrData = array();
    $counter = 1;
    if (is_array($arrLangMod) && count($arrLangMod) > 0) {
        foreach ($arrLangMod as $key => $value) {
            $tmpKey = htmlspecialchars($key);
            $tmpValue = htmlspecialchars($value);
            $arrTmp[0] = $tmpKey;
            $arrTmp[1] = "<input class='table_data' style='width:450px' type='text' name=\"langvalue_{$counter}\" id=\"langvalue_{$counter}\" value=\"{$tmpValue}\" /><input type='hidden' name='langkey_{$counter}' id='langkey_{$counter}' value='{$tmpKey}'>";
            $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
    $moduleContent = $oGrid->fetchGrid();
    if (strpos($moduleContent, '<form') === FALSE) {
        $moduleContent = "<form  method='POST' style='margin-bottom:0;' action={$url}>{$moduleContent}</form>";
    return $moduleContent;
Esempio n. 11
function reportOutbound($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, &$pDB, $arrConf, $credentials, $reorderRoute = false)
    global $arrPermission;
    $pORGZ = new paloSantoOrganization($pDB);
    $error = "";
    $arrOrgz = array();
    $domain = getParameter("organization");
    $name = getParameter("name");
    // outbound name
    $domain = empty($domain) ? 'all' : $domain;
    if ($credentials['userlevel'] != "superadmin") {
        $domain = $credentials['domain'];
    $url['menu'] = $module_name;
    $url['organization'] = $domain;
    $url['name'] = $name;
    if ($credentials['userlevel'] == "superadmin") {
        if (isset($domain) && $domain != "all") {
            $pOutbound = new paloSantoOutbound($pDB, $domain);
        } else {
            $pOutbound = new paloSantoOutbound($pDB, "");
        $total = $pOutbound->getNumOutbound($domain, $name);
        $arrOrgz = array("all" => _tr("all"));
        foreach ($pORGZ->getOrganization(array()) as $value) {
            $arrOrgz[$value["domain"]] = $value["name"];
    } else {
        $pOutbound = new paloSantoOutbound($pDB, $domain);
        $total = $pOutbound->getNumOutbound($domain, $name);
    if ($total === false) {
        $error = $pOutbound->errMsg;
        $total = 0;
    $limit = 20;
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    $offset = $oGrid->calculateOffset();
    $end = $offset + $limit <= $total ? $offset + $limit : $total;
    $arrGrid = array("title" => _tr('Outbound Routes List'), "url" => $url, "width" => "99%", "start" => $total == 0 ? 0 : $offset + 1, "end" => $end, "total" => $total);
    $arrColumns = array();
    $arrColumns[] = _tr("Order");
    $arrColumns[] = _tr("Route Name");
    if ($credentials['userlevel'] == "superadmin") {
        $arrColumns[] = _tr("Organization");
    $arrColumns[] = _tr("Route CID");
    $arrColumns[] = _tr("Route Password");
    $arrColumns[] = _tr("Time Group");
    $arrOutbound = array();
    $arrData = array();
    if ($total != 0) {
        $arrOutbound = $pOutbound->getOutbounds($domain, $name, $limit, $offset);
    if ($arrOutbound === false) {
        $error = _tr("Error to obtain outbounds") . $pOutbound->errMsg;
        $arrOutbound = array();
    $create = in_array('create', $arrPermission);
    $edit = in_array('edit', $arrPermission);
    foreach ($arrOutbound as $outbound) {
        $arrTmp = array();
        if ($edit) {
            $arrTmp[] = fieldOrden($arrOutbound, $outbound["seq"], $outbound["id"], $outbound["organization_domain"]);
        } else {
            $arrTmp[] = $outbound["seq"];
        $arrTmp[] = "&nbsp;<a href='?menu=outbound_route&action=view&id_outbound=" . $outbound['id'] . "&organization={$outbound["organization_domain"]}'>" . htmlentities($outbound['routename'], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . "</a>";
        if ($credentials['userlevel'] == "superadmin") {
            $arrTmp[] = $arrOrgz[$outbound["organization_domain"]];
        $arrTmp[] = $outbound["outcid"];
        $arrTmp[] = $outbound["routepass"];
        if (isset($outbound["time_group_id"])) {
            $query = "SELECT name from time_group where id=?";
            $result = $pDB->getFirstRowQuery($query, true, array($outbound["time_group_id"]));
            if ($result != false) {
                $arrTmp[] = $result["name"];
            } else {
                $arrTmp[] = "";
        $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
    $smarty->assign("USERLEVEL", $credentials['userlevel']);
    $smarty->assign("SEARCH", "<input type='submit' class='button' value='" . _tr('Search') . "' name='report'>");
    if ($pORGZ->getNumOrganization(array()) >= 1) {
        if (in_array('create', $arrPermission)) {
            if ($credentials['userlevel'] == 'superadmin') {
                $oGrid->addComboAction("organization_add", _tr("ADD Outbound Route"), array_slice($arrOrgz, 1), $selected = null, "create_outbound", $onchange_select = null);
            } else {
                $oGrid->addNew("create_outbound", _tr("ADD Outbound Route"));
        if ($credentials['userlevel'] == "superadmin") {
            $_POST["organization"] = $domain;
            $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("Organization") . " = " . $arrOrgz[$domain], $_POST, array("organization" => "all"), true);
        $_POST["name"] = $name;
        //outbound_route name
        $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("Name") . " = " . $name, $_POST, array("name" => ""));
        $arrFormElements = createFieldFilter($arrOrgz);
        $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormElements);
        $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $_POST);
    } else {
        $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("MESSAGE"));
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr("It's necesary you create at least one organization so you can use this module"));
    if ($error != "") {
        $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("MESSAGE"));
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", $error);
    $contenidoModulo = $oGrid->fetchGrid($arrGrid, $arrData);
    $mensaje = showMessageReload($module_name, $pDB, $credentials);
    $contenidoModulo = $mensaje . $contenidoModulo;
    return $contenidoModulo;
Esempio n. 12
function reportPuertos($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, &$pDB, $arrConf)
    $pPuertos = new paloSantoPortService($pDB);
    $field_type = getParameter("filter_type");
    $field_pattern = getParameter("filter_txt");
    //begin grid parameters
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    $oGrid->addNew("new", _tr("Define Port"));
    $oGrid->deleteList("Are you sure you wish to delete the port(s).?", "delete", _tr("Delete"));
    $totalPuertos = $pPuertos->ObtainNumPuertos($field_type, $field_pattern);
    $limit = 20;
    $total = $totalPuertos;
    $oGrid->setTitle(_tr("Define Ports"));
    $offset = $oGrid->calculateOffset();
    $url = array("menu" => $module_name, "filter_type" => $field_type, "filter_txt" => $field_pattern);
    $arrData = null;
    $arrResult = $pPuertos->ObtainPuertos($limit, $offset, $field_type, $field_pattern);
    $button_eliminar = "";
    $arrColumns = array($button_eliminar, _tr("Name"), _tr("Protocol"), _tr("Details"), _tr("Option"));
    if (is_array($arrResult) && $total > 0) {
        foreach ($arrResult as $key => $value) {
            $arrTmp[0] = "<input type='checkbox' name='" . $value['id'] . "' id='" . $value['id'] . "'>";
            $arrTmp[1] = $value['name'];
            $arrTmp[2] = $value['protocol'];
            if ($value['protocol'] == "TCP" || $value['protocol'] == "UDP") {
                $port = $value['details'];
                $arrTmp[3] = stripos($port, ":") === false ? _tr('Port') . "  " . $value['details'] : _tr('Ports') . "  " . $value['details'];
            } elseif ($value['protocol'] == "ICMP") {
                $arr = explode(":", $value['details']);
                if (isset($arr[1])) {
                    $arrTmp[3] = "Type: " . $arr[0] . " Code: " . $arr[1];
            } else {
                $arrTmp[3] = "Protocol Number: " . $value['details'];
            $arrTmp[4] = "&nbsp;<a href='?menu={$module_name}&action=view&id=" . $value['id'] . "'>" . _tr('View') . "</a>";
            $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
    //begin section filter
    $arrFormFilterPuertos = createFieldForm();
    $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormFilterPuertos);
    $smarty->assign("SHOW", _tr("Show"));
    $_POST["filter_type"] = $field_type;
    $_POST["filter_txt"] = $field_pattern;
    if (is_null($field_type) || $field_type == "") {
        $nameFieldType = "";
    } else {
        $nameFieldType = $arrFormFilterPuertos["filter_type"]["INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM"][$field_type];
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied: ") . $nameFieldType . " = " . $field_pattern, $_POST, array("filter_type" => "name", "filter_txt" => "x"));
    $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $_POST);
    //end section filter
    $contenidoModulo = $oGrid->fetchGrid();
    if (strpos($contenidoModulo, '<form') === FALSE) {
        $contenidoModulo = "<form  method='POST' style='margin-bottom:0;' action={$url}>{$contenidoModulo}</form>";
    //end grid parameters
    return $contenidoModulo;
Esempio n. 13
function reportExten($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, &$pDB, $arrConf, $credentials)
    global $arrPermission;
    $pExten = new paloSantoExtensions($pDB);
    $pORGZ = new paloSantoOrganization($pDB);
    $error = '';
    $domain = getParameter("organization");
    $domain = empty($domain) ? 'all' : $domain;
    if ($credentials['userlevel'] != "superadmin") {
        $domain = $credentials['domain'];
    $extension = getParameter("extension");
    if (isset($extension) && $extension != '') {
        $pPBX = new paloAsteriskDB($pDB);
        $expression = $pPBX->getRegexPatternFromAsteriskPattern($extension);
        if ($expression === false) {
            $extension = '';
    $url['menu'] = $module_name;
    $url['organization'] = $domain;
    $url['extension'] = $extension;
    $total = $pExten->getNumExtensions($domain, $extension);
    $arrOrgz = array();
    if ($credentials['userlevel'] == "superadmin") {
        $arrOrgz = array("all" => _tr("all"));
        foreach ($pORGZ->getOrganization(array()) as $value) {
            $arrOrgz[$value["domain"]] = $value["name"];
    if ($total === false) {
        $error = $pExten->errMsg;
        $total = 0;
    $limit = 20;
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    $offset = $oGrid->calculateOffset();
    $end = $offset + $limit <= $total ? $offset + $limit : $total;
    $oGrid->setTitle(_tr('Extensions List'));
    //$oGrid->setIcon('url de la imagen');
    $oGrid->setStart($total == 0 ? 0 : $offset + 1);
    if ($credentials['userlevel'] == "superadmin") {
        $arrColum[] = _tr("Organization");
    $arrColum[] = _tr("Extension");
    $arrColum[] = _tr("Caller ID");
    $arrColum[] = _tr("Technology");
    $arrColum[] = _tr("Device");
    $arrColum[] = _tr("Context");
    $arrColum[] = _tr("User");
    $arrColum[] = _tr("Voicemail");
    $arrColum[] = _tr("Recording In") . " / " . _tr("Recording Out");
    $arrExtens = array();
    $arrData = array();
    if ($total != 0) {
        $arrExtens = $pExten->getExtensions($domain, $extension, $limit, $offset);
    if ($arrExtens === false) {
        $error = _tr("Error to obtain extensions") . $pExten->errMsg;
        $arrExtens = array();
    } else {
        foreach ($arrExtens as $exten) {
            $arrTmp = array();
            if ($credentials['userlevel'] == "superadmin") {
                $arrTmp[] = $arrOrgz[$exten["organization_domain"]];
            $arrTmp[] = "&nbsp;<a href='?menu=extensions&action=view&id_exten=" . $exten['id'] . "&organization={$exten['organization_domain']}'>" . $exten["exten"] . "</a>";
            $arrTmp[] = $exten['clid_name'] . " <{$exten['clid_number']}>";
            $arrTmp[] = strtoupper($exten['tech']);
            $arrTmp[] = $exten['device'];
            $arrTmp[] = $exten['context'];
            $query = "Select username from acl_user where extension=? and id_group in (select from acl_group g join organization o on where o.domain=?)";
            $result = $pDB->getFirstRowQuery($query, false, array($exten["exten"], $exten["organization_domain"]));
            if ($result != false) {
                $arrTmp[] = $result[0];
            } else {
                $arrTmp[] = _tr("Nobody");
            if (isset($exten["voicemail"])) {
                if ($exten["voicemail"] != "novm") {
                    $arrTmp[] = "yes";
                } else {
                    $arrTmp[] = "no";
            } else {
                $arrTmp[] = "no";
            $arrTmp[] = _tr($exten["record_in"]) . " / " . _tr($exten["record_out"]);
            $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
    $smarty->assign("USERLEVEL", $credentials['userlevel']);
    $smarty->assign("SEARCH", "<input type='submit' class='button' value='" . _tr('Search') . "' name='report'>");
    if ($pORGZ->getNumOrganization(array()) >= 1) {
        if (in_array('create', $arrPermission)) {
            if ($credentials['userlevel'] == 'superadmin') {
                $oGrid->addComboAction("organization_add", _tr("Create New Extension"), array_slice($arrOrgz, 1), $selected = null, "create_exten", $onchange_select = null);
            } else {
                $oGrid->addNew("create_exten", _tr("Create New Extension"));
        if ($credentials['userlevel'] == 'superadmin') {
            $_POST["organization"] = $domain;
            $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("Organization") . " = " . $arrOrgz[$domain], $_POST, array("organization" => "all"), true);
        $_POST["extension"] = $extension;
        // patter to filter estension number
        $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("Extension") . " = " . $extension, $_POST, array("extension" => ""));
        $arrFormElements = createFieldFilter($arrOrgz);
        $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormElements);
        $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $_POST);
    } else {
        $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("MESSAGE"));
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr("It's necesary you create at least one organization so you can use this module"));
    if ($error != "") {
        $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("MESSAGE"));
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", $error);
    $contenidoModulo = $oGrid->fetchGrid(array(), $arrData);
    $mensaje = showMessageReload($module_name, $pDB, $credentials);
    $contenidoModulo = $mensaje . $contenidoModulo;
    return $contenidoModulo;
Esempio n. 14
function report_AccessAudit($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir)
    global $arrPermission;
    $pAccessLogs = new paloSantoAccessaudit();
    $listaFechas = $pAccessLogs->astLog->listarFechas();
    $arrFormElements = createFieldFilter($listaFechas);
    $field_pattern = getParameter("filter");
    $busqueda = getParameter('busqueda');
    $sUltimaBusqueda = getParameter('ultima_busqueda');
    $iUltimoOffset = getParameter('ultimo_offset');
    if (is_null($busqueda) || trim($busqueda) == '') {
        $busqueda = '';
    if ($busqueda != '') {
        $_POST['busqueda'] = $busqueda;
    /* Última búsqueda, si existe */
    if (is_null($sUltimaBusqueda) || $sUltimaBusqueda == '' || is_null($iUltimoOffset) || !ereg('^[[:digit:]]+$', $iUltimoOffset)) {
        $sUltimaBusqueda = NULL;
        $iUltimoOffset = NULL;
    if (!ereg($arrFormElements['filter']['VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM'], $field_pattern)) {
        $field_pattern = $listaFechas[count($listaFechas) - 1];
    $_POST['filter'] = $field_pattern;
    $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormElements);
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    // show paging section.
    if (in_array("export", $arrPermission)) {
    // enable export.
    $oGrid->setNameFile_Export(_tr("Access audit"));
    if (in_array("export", $arrPermission)) {
        $isExport = $oGrid->isExportAction();
    } else {
        $isExport = false;
    $total_datos = $pAccessLogs->ObtainNumAccessLogs($field_pattern);
    $totalBytes = $total_datos[0];
    $iNumLineasPorPagina = 30;
    $iEstimadoBytesPagina = $iNumLineasPorPagina * 128;
    $iOffsetVerdadero = getParameter('offset');
    if (is_null($iOffsetVerdadero) || !ereg('^[[:digit:]]+$', $iOffsetVerdadero)) {
        $iOffsetVerdadero = 0;
    if ($iOffsetVerdadero >= $totalBytes) {
        $iOffsetVerdadero = 0;
    if (isset($_GET['filter']) && isset($_POST['filter']) && $_GET['filter'] != $_POST['filter']) {
        $iOffsetVerdadero = 0;
    /* Para ubicarse en la página, se obtiene la región 5 páginas estimadas hacia delante y
         5 páginas estimadas hacia atrás desde el offset indicado.
    $inicioRango = $iOffsetVerdadero - 5 * $iEstimadoBytesPagina;
    if ($inicioRango < 0) {
        $inicioRango = 0;
    if ($isExport) {
        $arrResult = $pAccessLogs->ObtainAccessLogs($totalBytes, 0, $field_pattern, NULL, $isExport);
    } else {
        $arrResult = $pAccessLogs->ObtainAccessLogs(10 * $iEstimadoBytesPagina, $inicioRango, $field_pattern, NULL, $isExport);
    /* Localizar la línea del offset verdadero, así como los offsets de las páginas previa y siguiente */
    for ($iPos = 0; $iPos < count($arrResult); $iPos++) {
        if ($arrResult[$iPos]['offset'] >= $iOffsetVerdadero) {
    $iPosPrevio = $iPos - $iNumLineasPorPagina;
    $iPosSiguiente = $iPos + $iNumLineasPorPagina;
    if ($iPosPrevio < 0) {
        $iPosPrevio = 0;
    if ($iPosSiguiente > count($arrResult) - 1) {
        $iPosSiguiente = count($arrResult) - 1;
    $iOffsetPrevio = $arrResult[$iPosPrevio]['offset'];
    $iOffsetSiguiente = $arrResult[$iPosSiguiente]['offset'];
    $limit = 30;
    $total = (int) ($totalBytes / 128);
    $offset = $iOffsetVerdadero;
    $nav = getParameter('nav');
    if ($nav) {
        switch ($nav) {
            case 'start':
                $offset = 0;
            case 'end':
                /* Caso especial: se debe tomar la última sección del log */
                $inicioRango = $totalBytes - 5 * $iEstimadoBytesPagina;
                if ($inicioRango < 0) {
                    $inicioRango = 0;
                if ($isExport) {
                    $arrResult = $pAccessLogs->ObtainAccessLogs($totalBytes, 0, $field_pattern, $busqueda != '' ? $busqueda : NULL, $isExport);
                } else {
                    $arrResult = $pAccessLogs->ObtainAccessLogs(10 * $iEstimadoBytesPagina, $inicioRango, $field_pattern, NULL, $isExport);
                if (count($arrResult) <= $iNumLineasPorPagina) {
                    $offset = $arrResult[0]['offset'];
                } else {
                    $offset = $arrResult[count($arrResult) - $iNumLineasPorPagina]['offset'];
            case 'next':
                $offset = $iOffsetSiguiente;
            case 'previous':
                $offset = $iOffsetPrevio;
            case 'bypage':
                $numPage = $limit == 0 ? 0 : ceil($total / $limit);
                $page = getParameter("page");
                if (preg_match("/[0-9]+/", $page) == 0) {
                    // no es un número
                    $page = 1;
                if ($page > $numPage) {
                    // se está solicitando una pagina mayor a las que existen
                    $page = $numPage;
                $start = ($page - 1) * $limit + 1 - $limit;
                //$accion = "next";
                if ($start + $limit <= 1) {
                /*$inicioRango = $page * $iEstimadoBytesPagina;
                        $arrResult =$pAccessLogs->ObtainAccessLogs(10 * $iEstimadoBytesPagina, $inicioRango, $field_pattern, NULL, $isExport);
                        $offset = $arrResult[0]['offset'];
                        $oGrid->setEnd(((int)($offset / 128) + $iNumLineasPorPagina) <= $oGrid->getTotal() ? (int)($offset / 128) + $iNumLineasPorPagina : $oGrid->getTotal());
                        $oGrid->setStart(($oGrid->getTotal()==0) ? 0 : (1 + (int)($offset / 128)));*/
                $inicioBusqueda = $page * $iEstimadoBytesPagina - $iEstimadoBytesPagina;
                $arrResult = $pAccessLogs->ObtainAccessLogs(10 * $iEstimadoBytesPagina, $inicioBusqueda, $field_pattern, NULL, $isExport);
                $offset = $arrResult[0]['offset'];
    // Buscar la cadena de texto indicada, y modificar offset si se encuentra
    $smarty->assign("SEARCHNEXT", _tr('Search'));
    if (isset($_POST['searchnext']) && $busqueda != '') {
        $pAccessLogs->astLog->posicionarMensaje($field_pattern, $offset);
        $posBusqueda = $pAccessLogs->astLog->buscarTextoMensaje($busqueda);
        if (!is_null($posBusqueda)) {
            $offset = $posBusqueda[1];
            $smarty->assign('SEARCHNEXT', _tr('Search next'));
            $_POST['ultima_busqueda'] = $busqueda;
            $_POST['ultimo_offset'] = $offset;
            // Si el offset anterior indicado es idéntico al offset recién encontrado
            // y la cadena de búsqueda es también idéntica, se asume que se ha
            // pedido una búsqueda de la siguiente ocurrencia.
            if (!is_null($sUltimaBusqueda) && !is_null($iUltimoOffset) && $offset == $iUltimoOffset && $sUltimaBusqueda == $busqueda) {
                $pAccessLogs->astLog->posicionarMensaje($field_pattern, $offset);
                // Sólo para ignorar primera ocurrencia
                $posBusqueda = $pAccessLogs->astLog->buscarTextoMensaje($busqueda);
                if (!is_null($posBusqueda)) {
                    $offset = $posBusqueda[1];
                    $_POST['ultimo_offset'] = $offset;
        } else {
    $url = array('menu' => $module_name, 'filter' => $field_pattern, 'offset' => $offset, 'busqueda' => $busqueda, 'ultima_busqueda' => isset($_POST['ultima_busqueda']) ? $_POST['ultima_busqueda'] : '', 'ultimo_offset' => isset($_POST['ultimo_offset']) ? $_POST['ultimo_offset'] : '');
    //Fin Paginacion
    if ($isExport) {
        $arrResult = $pAccessLogs->ObtainAccessLogs($totalBytes, 0, $field_pattern, $busqueda != '' ? $busqueda : NULL, $isExport);
    } else {
        $arrResult = $pAccessLogs->ObtainAccessLogs(10 * $iEstimadoBytesPagina, $offset, $field_pattern, $busqueda != '' ? $busqueda : NULL, $isExport);
    if (!$isExport) {
        $arrResult = array_slice($arrResult, 0, $iNumLineasPorPagina);
    $arrData = null;
    if (is_array($arrResult) && $totalBytes > 0) {
        foreach ($arrResult as $key => $value) {
            $arrTmp[0] = $value['fecha'];
            $arrTmp[1] = $value['tipo'];
            $arrTmp[2] = $value['origen'];
            $arrTmp[3] = $value['linea'];
            $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
    $arrColumns = array(_tr("Date"), _tr("Type"), _tr("User"), _tr("Message"));
    $oGrid->setStart($totalBytes == 0 ? 0 : 1 + (int) ($offset / 128));
    $t = (int) ($totalBytes / 128);
    $e = (int) ($offset / 128) + $iNumLineasPorPagina;
    $e = $t <= $e ? $t : $e;
    $oGrid->setEnd($e + 1);
    $oGrid->setTotal($t + 1);
    $_POST['offset'] = $offset;
    $smarty->assign("SHOW", _tr("Show"));
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied: ") . _tr("Date") . " = " . $_POST['filter'], $_POST, array('filter' => $listaFechas[count($listaFechas) - 1]), true);
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied: ") . _tr('Search string') . " = " . $busqueda, $_POST, array('busqueda' => ""));
    $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $_POST);
    return $oGrid->fetchGrid();
Esempio n. 15
function reportUser($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, &$pDB, $arrConf, $credentials)
    global $arrPermission;
    $pACL = new paloACL($pDB);
    $pORGZ = new paloSantoOrganization($pDB);
    $idOrgFil = getParameter("idOrganization");
    $username = getParameter("username");
    $total = 0;
    if ($credentials['userlevel'] == "superadmin") {
        if (!empty($idOrgFil)) {
            $total = $pACL->getNumUsers($idOrgFil, $username);
        } else {
            $idOrgFil = 0;
            //opcion default se muestran todos los usuarios
            $total = $pACL->getNumUsers(null, $username);
    } else {
        $idOrgFil = $credentials['id_organization'];
        $total = $pACL->getNumUsers($idOrgFil, $username);
    if ($total === false) {
        $total = 0;
        $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("Error"));
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr("Couldn't be retrieved user data"));
    $url['menu'] = $module_name;
    $url['idOrganization'] = $idOrgFil;
    $url['username'] = $module_name;
    $limit = 20;
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    $offset = $oGrid->calculateOffset();
    $end = $offset + $limit <= $total ? $offset + $limit : $total;
    $oGrid->setTitle(_tr('User List'));
    $oGrid->setStart($total == 0 ? 0 : $offset + 1);
    $arrColumns = array();
    if ($credentials["userlevel"] == "superadmin") {
        $arrColumns[] = _tr("Organization");
    $arrColumns[] = _tr("Username");
    $arrColumns[] = _tr("Name");
    $arrColumns[] = _tr("Group");
    $arrColumns[] = _tr("Extension") . " / " . _tr("Fax Extension");
    $arrColumns[] = _tr("Used Space") . " / " . _tr("Email Quota");
    if (in_array('reconstruct_mailbox', $arrPermission)) {
        $arrColumns[] = "";
    //reconstruct mailbox
    $arrData = array();
    if ($credentials['userlevel'] == "superadmin") {
        if ($idOrgFil != 0) {
            $arrUsers = $pACL->getUsersPaging($limit, $offset, $idOrgFil, $username);
        } else {
            $arrUsers = $pACL->getUsersPaging($limit, $offset, null, $username);
    } else {
        $arrUsers = $pACL->getUsersPaging($limit, $offset, $idOrgFil, $username);
    if ($arrUsers === false) {
        $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("ERROR"));
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr($pACL->errMsg));
    //si es un usuario solo se ve a si mismo
    //si es un administrador ve a todo los usuarios de
    foreach ($arrUsers as $user) {
        $arrTmp = array();
        if ($credentials["userlevel"] == "superadmin") {
            $arrOgz = $pORGZ->getOrganizationById($user[4]);
            $arrTmp[] = htmlentities($arrOgz["name"], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
        $arrTmp[] = "&nbsp;<a href='?menu=userlist&action=view&id={$user['0']}'>" . $user[1] . "</a>";
        $arrTmp[] = htmlentities($user[2], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
        $gpTmp = $pACL->getGroupNameByid($user[7]);
        $arrTmp[] = $gpTmp == "superadmin" ? _tr("NONE") : $gpTmp;
        if (!isset($user[5]) || $user[5] == "") {
            $ext = _tr("Not assigned");
        } else {
            $ext = $user[5];
        if (!isset($user[6]) || $user[6] == "") {
            $faxExt = _tr("Not assigned");
        } else {
            $faxExt = $user[6];
        $arrTmp[] = $ext . " / " . $faxExt;
        if ($user[4] != 1) {
            //user that belong organization 1 do not have email account
            $arrTmp[] = obtener_quota_usuario($user[1], $module_name);
            //email quota
            if (in_array('reconstruct_mailbox', $arrPermission)) {
                $arrTmp[] = "&nbsp;<a href='#' onclick=mailbox_reconstruct('{$user[1]}')>" . _tr('Reconstruct Mailbox') . "</a>";
                //reconstruct mailbox
        } else {
            $arrTmp[] = '';
            $arrTmp[] = '';
        $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
    $smarty->assign("USERLEVEL", $credentials['userlevel']);
    $smarty->assign("SEARCH", "<input name='search_org' type='submit' class='button' value='" . _tr('Search') . "'>");
    if ($pORGZ->getNumOrganization(array()) > 0) {
        $arrOrgz = array(0 => _tr("all"));
        if (in_array('create_user', $arrPermission)) {
            $oGrid->addNew("create_user", _tr("Create New User"));
        if ($credentials['userlevel'] == "superadmin") {
            foreach ($pORGZ->getOrganization(array()) as $value) {
                $arrOrgz[$value["id"]] = $value["name"];
            $_POST["idOrganization"] = $idOrgFil;
            $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("Organization") . " = " . $arrOrgz[$idOrgFil], $_POST, array("idOrganization" => 0), true);
        $arrFormElements = createFieldFilter($arrOrgz);
        $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormElements);
        $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("Username") . " = " . $username, $_POST, array("username" => ""));
        $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $_POST);
    } else {
        $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("MESSAGE"));
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr("In order to use this module must exist at least 1 organization in the Elastix Server"));
    $contenidoModulo = $oGrid->fetchGrid(array(), $arrData);
    $mensaje = showMessageReload($module_name, $pDB, $credentials);
    $contenidoModulo = $mensaje . $contenidoModulo;
    return $contenidoModulo;
Esempio n. 16
function listarFaxes(&$smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir)
    $smarty->assign(array('SEARCH' => _tr('Search')));
    $oFax = new paloFaxVisor();
    // Generación del filtro
    $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, getFormElements());
    // Parámetros base y validación de parámetros
    $url = array('menu' => $module_name);
    $paramFiltroBase = $paramFiltro = array('name_company' => '', 'fax_company' => '', 'date_fax' => NULL, 'filter' => 'All');
    foreach (array_keys($paramFiltro) as $k) {
        if (!is_null(getParameter($k))) {
            $paramFiltro[$k] = getParameter($k);
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    $arrType = array("All" => _tr('All'), "In" => _tr('in'), "Out" => _tr('out'));
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("Company Name") . " = " . $paramFiltro['name_company'], $paramFiltro, array("name_company" => ""));
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("Company Fax") . " = " . $paramFiltro['fax_company'], $paramFiltro, array("fax_company" => ""));
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("Fax Date") . " = " . $paramFiltro['date_fax'], $paramFiltro, array("date_fax" => NULL));
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("Type Fax") . " = " . $arrType[$paramFiltro['filter']], $paramFiltro, array("filter" => "All"), true);
    $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $paramFiltro);
    if (!$oFilterForm->validateForm($paramFiltro)) {
        $smarty->assign(array('mb_title' => _tr('Validation Error'), 'mb_message' => '<b>' . _tr('The following fields contain errors') . ':</b><br/>' . implode(', ', array_keys($oFilterForm->arrErroresValidacion))));
        $paramFiltro = $paramFiltroBase;
        // Se aborta el intento de borrar faxes, si había uno.
    $url = array_merge($url, $paramFiltro);
    // Ejecutar el borrado, si se ha validado.
    if (isset($_POST['faxes_delete']) && isset($_POST['faxes']) && is_array($_POST['faxes']) && count($_POST['faxes']) > 0) {
        $msgError = NULL;
        foreach ($_POST['faxes'] as $idFax) {
            if (!$oFax->deleteInfoFax($idFax)) {
                if ($oFax->errMsg = '') {
                    $msgError = _tr('Unable to eliminate pdf file from the path.');
                } else {
                    $msgError = _tr('Unable to eliminate pdf file from the database.') . ' - ' . $oFax->errMsg;
        if (!is_null($msgError)) {
            $smarty->assign(array('mb_title' => _tr('ERROR'), 'mb_message' => $oFax->errMsg));
    $oGrid->setTitle(_tr("Fax Viewer"));
    // show paging section.
    $arrData = NULL;
    $total = $oFax->obtener_cantidad_faxes($paramFiltro['name_company'], $paramFiltro['fax_company'], $paramFiltro['date_fax'], $paramFiltro['filter']);
    $limit = 20;
    $offset = $oGrid->calculateOffset();
    $arrResult = $oFax->obtener_faxes($paramFiltro['name_company'], $paramFiltro['fax_company'], $paramFiltro['date_fax'], $offset, $limit, $paramFiltro['filter']);
    $oGrid->setColumns(array("", _tr('Type'), _tr('File'), _tr('Company Name'), _tr('Company Fax'), _tr('Fax Destiny'), _tr('Fax Date'), _tr('Status'), _tr('Options')));
    if (is_array($arrResult) && $total > 0) {
        foreach ($arrResult as $fax) {
            foreach (array('pdf_file', 'company_name', 'company_fax', 'destiny_name', 'destiny_fax', 'errormsg') as $k) {
                $fax[$k] = htmlentities($fax[$k], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
            if (empty($fax['status']) && !empty($fax['errormsg'])) {
                $fax['status'] = 'failed';
            $arrData[] = array('<input type="checkbox" name="faxes[]" value="' . $fax['id'] . '" />', _tr($fax['type']), strtolower($fax['type']) == 'in' || strpos($fax['pdf_file'], '.pdf') !== FALSE ? "<a href='?menu={$module_name}&action=download&id=" . $fax['id'] . "&rawmode=yes'>" . $fax['pdf_file'] . "</a>" : $fax['pdf_file'], $fax['company_name'], $fax['company_fax'], $fax['destiny_name'] . " - " . $fax['destiny_fax'], $fax['date'], _tr($fax['status']) . (empty($fax['errormsg']) ? '' : ': ' . $fax['errormsg']), "<a href='?menu={$module_name}&action=edit&id=" . $fax['id'] . "'>" . _tr('Edit') . "</a>");
    if (!is_array($arrResult)) {
        $smarty->assign(array('mb_title' => _tr('ERROR'), 'mb_message' => $oFax->errMsg));
    $oGrid->deleteList(_tr('Are you sure you wish to delete fax (es)?'), "faxes_delete", _tr("Delete"));
    return $oGrid->fetchGrid();
Esempio n. 17
function reportANI($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, &$pDB, $arrConf, $credentials)
    global $arrPermission;
    $error = "";
    $smarty->assign("SHOW_DIV_ERROR", "0");
    //FIXED: can show div error message with javascript
    $smarty->assign("mb_message", "hide");
    //FIXED: can show div error message with javascript
    $pORGZ = new paloSantoOrganization($pDB);
    $domain = getParameter("organization");
    $domain = empty($domain) ? 'all' : $domain;
    if ($credentials['userlevel'] != "superadmin") {
        $domain = $credentials['domain'];
    $ani_prefix = getParameter("ani_prefix");
    $pANI = new paloSantoANI($pDB, $domain);
    $url['menu'] = $module_name;
    $url['organization'] = $domain;
    $url['ani_prefix'] = $ani_prefix;
    $total = $pANI->getNumANI($domain, $ani_prefix);
    $arrOrgz = array();
    if ($credentials['userlevel'] == "superadmin") {
        $arrOrgz = array("all" => _tr("all"));
        foreach ($pORGZ->getOrganization(array()) as $value) {
            $arrOrgz[$value["domain"]] = $value["name"];
    if ($total === false) {
        $error = $pANI->errMsg;
        $total = 0;
    $limit = 20;
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    $offset = $oGrid->calculateOffset();
    $end = $offset + $limit <= $total ? $offset + $limit : $total;
    $oGrid->setTitle(_tr('ANI List'));
    $oGrid->setStart($total == 0 ? 0 : $offset + 1);
    $arrColum = array();
    if ($credentials['userlevel'] == "superadmin") {
        $arrColum[] = _tr("Organization");
    $arrColum[] = _tr("Trunk Name");
    $arrColum[] = _tr("Prefix ANI");
    $arrANI = array();
    $arrData = array();
    if ($total != 0) {
        $arrANI = $pANI->getANI($domain, $ani_prefix, $limit, $offset);
    if ($arrANI === false) {
        $error = _tr("Error to obtain ANI") . $pANI->errMsg;
        $arrANI = array();
    if ($error != "") {
        $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("MESSAGE"));
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", $error);
        $smarty->assign("SHOW_DIV_ERROR", "1");
    foreach ($arrANI as $row) {
        $arrTmp = array();
        if ($credentials['userlevel'] == "superadmin") {
            $arrTmp[] = $arrOrgz[$row["organization_domain"]];
        $arrTmp[] = $row["name"];
        $arrTmp[] = "<input type='text' style='width:60px; text-align:center;' id='text#{$row['organization_domain']}#{$row['trunkid']}' value='{$row['ani_prefix']}' />&nbsp;&nbsp;\n                     <input type='button' id='button#{$row['organization_domain']}#{$row['trunkid']}' value='" . _tr("Save") . "' />";
        $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
    $smarty->assign("USERLEVEL", $credentials['userlevel']);
    $smarty->assign("SEARCH", "<input type='submit' class='button' value='" . _tr('Search') . "' name='report'>");
    if ($pORGZ->getNumOrganization(array()) == 0) {
        $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("MESSAGE"));
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr("It's necesary you create at least one organization so you can use this module"));
        $smarty->assign("SHOW_DIV_ERROR", "1");
    if ($credentials['userlevel'] == 'superadmin') {
        $_POST["organization"] = $domain;
        $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("Organization") . " = " . $arrOrgz[$domain], $_POST, array("organization" => "all"), true);
    $_POST["ani_prefix"] = $ani_prefix;
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("ANI Prefix") . " = " . $ani_prefix, $_POST, array("ani_prefix" => ""));
    $arrFormElements = createFieldFilter($arrOrgz);
    $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormElements);
    $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $_POST);
    return $oGrid->fetchGrid(array(), $arrData);
Esempio n. 18
function report_conference($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, $pDB, $arrLang2, $arrConfig, $dsn_agi_manager, $dsnAsterisk)
    global $arrLang;
    global $arrConf;
    $bSoporteWebConf = file_exists('modules/conferenceroom_list/libs/conferenceActions.lib.php');
    $arrConference = array("Past_Conferences" => $arrLang["Past Conferences"], "Current_Conferences" => $arrLang["Current Conferences"], "Future_Conferences" => $arrLang["Future Conferences"]);
    $arrFormElements = array("conference" => array("LABEL" => $arrLang["State"], "REQUIRED" => "yes", "INPUT_TYPE" => "SELECT", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => $arrConference, "VALIDATION_TYPE" => "text", "VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM" => "", "EDITABLE" => "no", "SIZE" => "1"), "filter" => array("LABEL" => $arrLang["Filter"], "REQUIRED" => "no", "INPUT_TYPE" => "TEXT", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => array("id" => "filter_value"), "VALIDATION_TYPE" => "text", "VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM" => ""));
    $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormElements);
    $smarty->assign("SHOW", $arrLang["Show"]);
    // $smarty->assign("NEW_CONFERENCE", $arrLang["New Conference"]);
    $startDate = $endDate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $conference = getParameter("conference");
    $field_pattern = getParameter("filter");
    if ($conference) {
        $_POST['conference'] = $conference;
    } else {
        $_POST['conference'] = "Current_Conferences";
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied: ") . _tr("State") . " = " . $arrConference[$_POST['conference']], $_POST, array("conference" => "Current_Conferences"), true);
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied: ") . _tr("Conference Name") . " = {$field_pattern}", $_POST, array("filter" => ""));
    $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/conference.tpl", "", $_POST);
    $pConference = new paloSantoConference($pDB);
    $total_datos = $pConference->ObtainNumConferences($startDate, $endDate, "confDesc", $field_pattern, $conference);
    $limit = 8;
    $total = $total_datos[0];
    $offset = $oGrid->calculateOffset();
    $end = $offset + $limit <= $total ? $offset + $limit : $total;
    $url = array('menu' => $module_name, 'conference' => $conference, 'filter' => $field_pattern);
    //Fin Paginacion
    $arrResult = $pConference->ObtainConferences($limit, $offset, $startDate, $endDate, "confDesc", $field_pattern, $conference);
    $pConfWeb = NULL;
    if ($bSoporteWebConf) {
        $pConfWeb = embedded_prepareWebConfLister();
    $arrData = null;
    if (is_array($arrResult) && $total > 0) {
        // En caso de haber soporte de conferencias web, se recoge el ID de
        // conferencia telefónica asociada a la conferencia web, y se construye
        // la lista de datos para las columnas adicionales
        $listaWebConf = array();
        if (!is_null($pConfWeb)) {
            $pACL = new paloACL($arrConf['elastix_dsn']['acl']);
            $listaWC = $pConfWeb->listarConferencias($pACL->isUserAdministratorGroup($_SESSION['elastix_user']));
            foreach ($listaWC as $tuplaConf) {
                if (!is_null($tuplaConf['id_cbmysql_conference'])) {
                    $listaWebConf[$tuplaConf['id_cbmysql_conference']] = $tuplaConf;
        foreach ($arrResult as $key => $conference) {
            $arrTmp[0] = "<input type='checkbox' name='conference_{$conference['bookId']}'  />";
            $arrTmp[1] = "<a href='?menu={$module_name}&accion=view_conference&conferenceId=" . $conference['bookId'] . "'>" . htmlentities($conference['confDesc'], ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8") . "</a>";
            $arrTmp[2] = $conference['roomNo'];
            $arrTmp[3] = $conference['startTime'] . ' - ' . $conference['endTime'];
            if ($_POST['conference'] == "Current_Conferences") {
                $arrCallers = $pConference->ObtainCallers($dsn_agi_manager, $conference['roomNo']);
                $numCallers = count($arrCallers);
                $arrTmp[4] = "<a href='?menu={$module_name}&accion=show_callers&roomNo=" . $conference['roomNo'] . "'>{$numCallers} / {$conference['maxUser']}</a>";
            } else {
                $arrTmp[4] = $conference['maxUser'];
            if ($bSoporteWebConf) {
                $arrTmp[5] = '';
                $arrTmp[6] = '';
                $arrTmp[7] = '';
                $arrTmp[8] = '';
                if (isset($listaWebConf[$conference['bookId']])) {
                    $tuplaConf = $listaWebConf[$conference['bookId']];
                    $arrTmp[5] = htmlentities($tuplaConf['tema'], ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8");
                    $arrTmp[6] = $tuplaConf['num_invitados'];
                    $arrTmp[7] = $tuplaConf['num_documentos'];
                    $arrTmp[8] = "<a href=\"?menu={$module_name}&amp;action=list_guests&amp;id_conference={$tuplaConf['id_conferencia']}\">[{$arrLang['List guests']}]</a>&nbsp;" . "<a href=\"?menu={$module_name}&amp;action=list_chatlog&amp;id_conference={$tuplaConf['id_conferencia']}\">[{$arrLang['Chatlog']}]</a>";
            $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
    $arrGrid = array("title" => $arrLang["Conference"], "url" => $url, "icon" => "/modules/{$module_name}/images/pbx_conference.png", "width" => "99%", "start" => $total == 0 ? 0 : $offset + 1, "end" => $end, "total" => $total, 'columns' => array(array('name' => ""), array("name" => $arrLang["Conference Name"]), array("name" => $arrLang["Conference #"]), array('name' => 'Period'), array('name' => $arrLang["Participants"])));
    if ($bSoporteWebConf) {
        $arrGrid['columns'][] = array('name' => $arrLang['Topic']);
        $arrGrid['columns'][] = array('name' => $arrLang['# Guests']);
        $arrGrid['columns'][] = array('name' => $arrLang['# Docs']);
        $arrGrid['columns'][] = array('name' => $arrLang['Options']);
    $oGrid->addNew("new_conference", _tr('New Conference'));
    $oGrid->deleteList(_tr("Are you sure you wish to delete conference (es)?"), "delete_conference", _tr("Delete"));
    $contenidoModulo = $oGrid->fetchGrid($arrGrid, $arrData, $arrLang);
    return $contenidoModulo;
Esempio n. 19
function report_AsteriskLogs($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, $arrLang)
    $arrFormElements = array("filter" => array("LABEL" => $arrLang["Date"], "REQUIRED" => "no", "INPUT_TYPE" => "SELECT", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => NULL, "VALIDATION_TYPE" => "ereg", "VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM" => '^[[:digit:]]{4}-[[:digit:]]{2}-[[:digit:]]{2}$'), "busqueda" => array("LABEL" => $arrLang['Search string'], "REQUIRED" => "no", "INPUT_TYPE" => "TEXT", 'VALIDATION_TYPE' => 'text', 'INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM' => '', 'VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM' => ''), "offset" => array("LABEL" => $arrLang["offset"], "REQUIRED" => "no", "INPUT_TYPE" => "HIDDEN", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => NULL, "VALIDATION_TYPE" => "ereg", "VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM" => '^[[:digit:]]+$'), "ultima_busqueda" => array("LABEL" => $arrLang['Search string'], "REQUIRED" => "no", "INPUT_TYPE" => "HIDDEN", 'VALIDATION_TYPE' => 'text', 'INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM' => '', 'VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM' => ''), "ultimo_offset" => array("LABEL" => $arrLang["offset"], "REQUIRED" => "no", "INPUT_TYPE" => "HIDDEN", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => NULL, "VALIDATION_TYPE" => "ereg", "VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM" => '^[[:digit:]]+$'));
    $smarty->assign("SHOW", $arrLang["Show"]);
    $smarty->assign("SEARCHNEXT", $arrLang['Search']);
    $field_pattern = getParameter("filter");
    $busqueda = getParameter('busqueda');
    if (is_null($busqueda) || trim($busqueda) == '') {
        $busqueda = '';
    /* Última búsqueda, si existe */
    $sUltimaBusqueda = getParameter('ultima_busqueda');
    $iUltimoOffset = getParameter('ultimo_offset');
    if (is_null($sUltimaBusqueda) || $sUltimaBusqueda == '' || is_null($iUltimoOffset) || !ereg('^[[:digit:]]+$', $iUltimoOffset)) {
        $sUltimaBusqueda = NULL;
        $iUltimoOffset = NULL;
    $pAsteriskLogs = new paloSantoAsteriskLogs($pDB);
    $listaFechas = $pAsteriskLogs->astLog->listarFechas();
    if (!ereg($arrFormElements['filter']['VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM'], $field_pattern)) {
        $field_pattern = $listaFechas[count($listaFechas) - 1];
    $_POST['filter'] = $field_pattern;
    $total_datos = $pAsteriskLogs->ObtainNumAsteriskLogs($field_pattern);
    $comboFechas = array();
    foreach ($listaFechas as $f) {
        $comboFechas[$f] = $f;
    $arrFormElements['filter']['INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM'] = $comboFechas;
    $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormElements);
    if ($busqueda != '') {
        $_POST['busqueda'] = $busqueda;
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    $iNumLineasPorPagina = 30;
    $iEstimadoBytesPagina = $iNumLineasPorPagina * 128;
    $iOffsetVerdadero = getParameter('offset');
    if (is_null($iOffsetVerdadero) || !ereg('^[[:digit:]]+$', $iOffsetVerdadero)) {
        $iOffsetVerdadero = 0;
    $totalBytes = $total_datos[0];
    if ($iOffsetVerdadero >= $totalBytes) {
        $iOffsetVerdadero = 0;
    if (isset($_GET['filter']) && isset($_POST['filter']) && $_GET['filter'] != $_POST['filter']) {
        $iOffsetVerdadero = 0;
    /* Para ubicarse en la página, se obtiene la región 5 páginas estimadas hacia delante y 
         5 páginas estimadas hacia atrás desde el offset indicado.
    $inicioRango = $iOffsetVerdadero - 5 * $iEstimadoBytesPagina;
    if ($inicioRango < 0) {
        $inicioRango = 0;
    $arrResult = $pAsteriskLogs->ObtainAsteriskLogs(10 * $iEstimadoBytesPagina, $inicioRango, $field_pattern);
    /* Localizar la línea del offset verdadero, así como los offsets de las páginas previa y siguiente */
    for ($iPos = 0; $iPos < count($arrResult); $iPos++) {
        if ($arrResult[$iPos]['offset'] >= $iOffsetVerdadero) {
    $iPosPrevio = $iPos - $iNumLineasPorPagina;
    $iPosSiguiente = $iPos + $iNumLineasPorPagina;
    if ($iPosPrevio < 0) {
        $iPosPrevio = 0;
    if ($iPosSiguiente > count($arrResult) - 1) {
        $iPosSiguiente = count($arrResult) - 1;
    $iOffsetPrevio = $arrResult[$iPosPrevio]['offset'];
    $iOffsetSiguiente = $arrResult[$iPosSiguiente]['offset'];
    $limit = $iNumLineasPorPagina;
    $total = (int) ($totalBytes / 128);
    $offset = $iOffsetVerdadero;
    $nav = getParameter('nav');
    if ($nav) {
        switch ($nav) {
            case 'start':
                $offset = 0;
            case 'end':
                /* Caso especial: se debe tomar la última sección del log */
                $inicioRango = $totalBytes - 5 * $iEstimadoBytesPagina;
                if ($inicioRango < 0) {
                    $inicioRango = 0;
                $arrResult = $pAsteriskLogs->ObtainAsteriskLogs(10 * $iEstimadoBytesPagina, $inicioRango, $field_pattern);
                if (count($arrResult) <= $iNumLineasPorPagina) {
                    $offset = $arrResult[0]['offset'];
                } else {
                    $offset = $arrResult[count($arrResult) - $iNumLineasPorPagina]['offset'];
            case 'next':
                $offset = $iOffsetSiguiente;
            case 'previous':
                $offset = $iOffsetPrevio;
            case 'bypage':
                $numPage = $limit == 0 ? 0 : ceil($total / $limit);
                $page = getParameter("page");
                if (preg_match("/[0-9]+/", $page) == 0) {
                    // no es un número
                    $page = 1;
                if ($page > $numPage) {
                    // se está solicitando una pagina mayor a las que existen
                    $page = $numPage;
                $start = ($page - 1) * $limit + 1 - $limit;
                if ($start + $limit <= 1) {
                    $offset = 0;
                $inicioBusqueda = $page * $iEstimadoBytesPagina - $iEstimadoBytesPagina;
                $arrResult = $pAsteriskLogs->ObtainAsteriskLogs(10 * $iEstimadoBytesPagina, $inicioBusqueda, $field_pattern);
                $offset = $arrResult[0]['offset'];
    // Buscar la cadena de texto indicada, y modificar offset si se encuentra
    if (isset($_POST['searchnext']) && $busqueda != '') {
        $pAsteriskLogs->astLog->posicionarMensaje($field_pattern, $offset);
        $posBusqueda = $pAsteriskLogs->astLog->buscarTextoMensaje($busqueda);
        if (!is_null($posBusqueda)) {
            $offset = $posBusqueda[1];
            $smarty->assign('SEARCHNEXT', $arrLang['Search next']);
            $_POST['ultima_busqueda'] = $busqueda;
            $_POST['ultimo_offset'] = $offset;
            // Si el offset anterior indicado es idéntico al offset recién encontrado
            // y la cadena de búsqueda es también idéntica, se asume que se ha
            // pedido una búsqueda de la siguiente ocurrencia.
            if (!is_null($sUltimaBusqueda) && !is_null($iUltimoOffset) && $offset == $iUltimoOffset && $sUltimaBusqueda == $busqueda) {
                $pAsteriskLogs->astLog->posicionarMensaje($field_pattern, $offset);
                // Sólo para ignorar primera ocurrencia
                $posBusqueda = $pAsteriskLogs->astLog->buscarTextoMensaje($busqueda);
                if (!is_null($posBusqueda)) {
                    $offset = $posBusqueda[1];
                    $_POST['ultimo_offset'] = $offset;
        } else {
    $url = array('menu' => $module_name, 'filter' => $field_pattern, 'offset' => $offset, 'busqueda' => $busqueda, 'ultima_busqueda' => isset($_POST['ultima_busqueda']) ? $_POST['ultima_busqueda'] : '', 'ultimo_offset' => isset($_POST['ultimo_offset']) ? $_POST['ultimo_offset'] : '');
    //Fin Paginacion
    $arrResult = $pAsteriskLogs->ObtainAsteriskLogs(10 * $iEstimadoBytesPagina, $offset, $field_pattern, $busqueda != '' ? $busqueda : NULL);
    $arrResult = array_slice($arrResult, 0, $iNumLineasPorPagina);
    $posLog = $pAsteriskLogs->astLog->obtenerPosicionMensaje();
    $arrData = null;
    if (is_array($arrResult) && $totalBytes > 0) {
        foreach ($arrResult as $key => $value) {
            $arrTmp[0] = $value['fecha'];
            $arrTmp[1] = $value['tipo'];
            $arrTmp[2] = $value['origen'];
            $arrTmp[3] = $value['linea'];
            $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
    $_POST['offset'] = $offset;
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied: ") . _tr("Date") . " = " . $_POST['filter'], $_POST, array('filter' => $listaFechas[count($listaFechas) - 1]), true);
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied: ") . _tr('Search string') . " = " . $busqueda, $_POST, array('busqueda' => ""));
    $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $_POST);
    $arrGrid = array("title" => $arrLang["Asterisk Logs"], "url" => $url, "icon" => "/modules/{$module_name}/images/reports_asterisk_logs.png", "width" => "99%", "start" => $totalBytes == 0 ? 0 : 1 + (int) ($offset / 128), "end" => (int) ($offset / 128) + $iNumLineasPorPagina, "total" => (int) ($totalBytes / 128), "columns" => array(0 => array("name" => $arrLang['Date'], "property1" => ""), 1 => array("name" => $arrLang['Type'], "property1" => ""), 2 => array("name" => $arrLang['Source'], "property1" => ""), 3 => array("name" => $arrLang['Message'], "property1" => "")));
    $contenidoModulo = $oGrid->fetchGrid($arrGrid, $arrData, $arrLang);
      $contenidoModulo .= "<script type='text/javascript'>
          var offset = ".$offset.";
          var limit = ".$limit.";
          var current_page = ".$current_page.";
              var start = current_page * limit;
              page = Math.floor(start / limit);
    return $contenidoModulo;
Esempio n. 20
function reportGroupPermission($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, &$pDB, $arrConf, $credentials)
    $pACL = new paloACL($pDB);
    $pORGZ = new paloSantoOrganization($pDB);
    $arrGroups = array();
    $arrOrgz = array();
    $idOrgFil = getParameter("idOrganization");
    if ($credentials['userlevel'] == "superadmin") {
        $orgTmp = $pORGZ->getOrganization(array());
        if ($orgTmp === false) {
            $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("ERROR"));
            $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr($pORGZ->errMsg));
        } elseif (count($orgTmp) == 0) {
            $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("MESSAGE"));
            $msg = _tr("You haven't created any organization");
            $smarty->assign("mb_message", $msg);
        } else {
            //si el usuario a selecionado una organizacion comprobamos que esta exista
            //caso contrario procedemos a sellecionar la primera disponible
            $flag = false;
            foreach ($orgTmp as $value) {
                $arrOrgz[$value["id"]] = $value["name"];
                if ($value["id"] == $idOrgFil) {
                    $flag = true;
            if (!$flag) {
                $idOrgFil = $orgTmp[0]['id'];
    } else {
        $idOrgFil = $credentials['id_organization'];
        $orgTmp = $pORGZ->getOrganizationById($idOrgFil);
        if ($orgTmp == false) {
            $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("ERROR"));
            $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr("An error has ocurred to retrieved organization data"));
        } else {
            $arrOrgz = $orgTmp;
    if (count($arrOrgz) > 0) {
        //que se un arreglo y que tenga al menos una organizacion
        $groupTmp = $pACL->getGroupsPaging(null, null, $idOrgFil);
        if ($groupTmp === false) {
            $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("ERROR"));
            $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr($pACL->errMsg));
        } else {
            foreach ($groupTmp as $value) {
                $arrGroups[$value[0]] = $value[1];
    $filter_group = getParameter("filter_group");
    if (count($arrGroups) > 0) {
        if (empty($filter_group)) {
            //seleccionamos el primer grupo de la lista de grupos
            $filter_group = $groupTmp[0][0];
        //valido que el grupo pertenzca a la organizacion
        if ($pACL->getGroups($filter_group, $idOrgFil) == false) {
            $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("ERROR"));
            $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr("Invalid Group"));
            $filter_group = $groupTmp[0][0];
    $filter_resource = getParameter("filter_resource");
    $lang = get_language();
    if ($lang != "en") {
        if (isset($filter_resource)) {
            if (trim($filter_resource) != "") {
                global $arrLang;
                $filter_value = strtolower(trim($filter_resource));
                $parameter_to_find[] = $filter_value;
                //parametro de busqueda sin traduccion
                foreach ($arrLang as $key => $value) {
                    $langValue = strtolower(trim($value));
                    if (preg_match("/^[[:alnum:]| ]*\$/", $filter_value)) {
                        if (strpos($langValue, $filter_value) !== FALSE) {
                            $parameter_to_find[] = $key;
    if (isset($filter_resource)) {
        $parameter_to_find[] = $filter_resource;
    } else {
        $parameter_to_find = null;
    $totalGroupPermission = 0;
    if (count($arrGroups) > 0) {
        $arrResourceOrg = $pACL->getResourcesByOrg($idOrgFil, $parameter_to_find);
        if ($arrResourceOrg === false) {
            $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("ERROR"));
            $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr("An error has ocurred to retrieved Resources"));
        } else {
            $totalGroupPermission = count($arrResourceOrg);
    //begin grid parameters
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    $limit = 25;
    $total = $totalGroupPermission;
    $offset = $oGrid->calculateOffset();
    $end = $offset + $limit <= $total ? $offset + $limit : $total;
    $url['menu'] = $module_name;
    $url['idOrganization'] = $idOrgFil;
    $url['filter_group'] = $filter_group;
    $url['filter_resource'] = $filter_resource;
    $arrData = $arrResourceActions = $arrPermisos = array();
    $error = false;
    if (count($arrGroups) > 0 && $totalGroupPermission > 0) {
        $arrResource = array_slice($arrResourceOrg, $offset, $limit);
        $idGroup = $filter_group;
        foreach ($arrResource as $resource) {
            $listResource[] = $resource['id'];
            //lista de id de los recursos que queremos consulta
            $listResDes[$resource['id']] = $resource['description'];
        //las acciones que tiene cada drecurso
        $arrResourceActions = $pACL->getResourcesActions($listResource);
        if ($arrResourceActions === false) {
            $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("ERROR"));
            $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr("An error has ocurred to retrieved Resources Actions"));
            $error = true;
        //los premisos que tiene el grupo
        $arrPermisos = $pACL->loadGroupPermissions($idGroup, $listResource);
        if ($arrPermisos === false) {
            $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("ERROR"));
            $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr("An error has ocurred to retrieved Group Permissions"));
            $error = true;
    $max_actions = 0;
    $isAdministrator = $pACL->getGroupNameByid($idGroup) == _tr("administrator") ? true : false;
    if ($totalGroupPermission > 0 && !$error) {
        foreach ($arrResourceActions as $resource => $actions) {
            $arrTmp = array();
            $arrTmp[] = _tr($listResDes[$resource]);
            $disabled = "";
            if ($isAdministrator && ($resource == 'grouplist' || $resource == 'userlist' || $resource == 'group_permission')) {
                $disabled = "disabled='disabled'";
            //dentro del modulo organizacion ahi acciones que unicamente las puede realizar el superadmin
            //por lo tando no deben aparecer listadas
            if ($resource == "organization") {
                $actions = array_diff($actions, array('change_org_status', 'create_org', 'delete_org', 'edit_DID'));
            } elseif ($resource == "dashboard") {
                $actions = array('access');
            } elseif ($resource == 'cdrreport') {
                $actions = array('access', 'export');
            if (count($actions) > $max_actions) {
                $max_actions = count($actions);
            $desactivar = false;
            if (isset($arrPermisos[$resource])) {
                //grupo no tiene nigun permiso
                if (!in_array('access', $arrPermisos[$resource])) {
                    $desactivar = true;
            } else {
                $desactivar = true;
                $arrPermisos[$resource] = array();
            foreach ($actions as $action) {
                $class = 'other_act';
                if ($action == 'access') {
                    $class = 'access_act';
                } elseif ($desactivar) {
                    $disabled = "disabled='disabled'";
                $checked0 = '';
                //chequeamos si la accion se encuentra en la lista de acciones permitidas en el recurso
                if (in_array($action, $arrPermisos[$resource])) {
                    $checked0 = "checked";
                $arrTmp[] = "<input type='checkbox' class='{$class}' {$disabled} name='groupPermission[" . $resource . "][{$action}]' {$checked0}> {$action}";
            $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
    $oGrid->setTitle(_tr("Group Permission"));
    $oGrid->setStart($total == 0 ? 0 : $offset + 1);
    $arrColumn[] = _tr("Resource");
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $max_actions; $i++) {
        $act = _tr("Action");
        $arrColumn[] = "{$act}" . " {$i}";
    //begin section filter
    $arrFormFilter = createFieldFilter($arrGroups);
    $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormFilter);
    $smarty->assign("SHOW", _tr("Show"));
    $smarty->assign("limit_apply", htmlspecialchars($limit, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'));
    $smarty->assign("offset_apply", htmlspecialchars($offset, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'));
    $smarty->assign("resource_apply", htmlentities($filter_resource));
    $_POST["filter_group"] = htmlspecialchars($filter_group, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
    $_POST["filter_resource"] = htmlspecialchars($filter_resource, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
    $_POST["idOrganization"] = $idOrgFil;
    if (count($arrOrgz) > 0) {
        global $arrPermission;
        if (in_array('edit_permission', $arrPermission)) {
            $oGrid->addSubmitAction("apply", _tr("Save"));
        if ($credentials['userlevel'] == "superadmin") {
            $oGrid->addComboAction("idOrganization", _tr("Organization"), $arrOrgz, $idOrgFil, "report");
        $nameGroup = isset($arrGroups[$filter_group]) ? $arrGroups[$filter_group] : "";
        $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("Group") . " = {$nameGroup}", $_POST, array("filter_group" => $groupTmp[0][0]), true);
        $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("Resource") . " = {$filter_resource}", $_POST, array("filter_resource" => ""));
        $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $_POST);
    } else {
        $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("MESSAGE"));
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr("You haven't created any organization"));
    $contenidoModulo = $oGrid->fetchGrid(array(), $arrData);
    //end grid parameters
    return $contenidoModulo;
Esempio n. 21
function reportGroup($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, &$pDB, $arrConf, $userLevel1, $userAccount, $idOrganization)
    $pACL = new paloACL($pDB);
    $pORGZ = new paloSantoOrganization($pDB);
    $idOrgFil = getParameter("idOrganization");
    if ($userLevel1 == "superadmin") {
        if (!empty($idOrgFil)) {
            $cntGroups = $pACL->getNumGroups($idOrgFil);
        } else {
            $idOrgFil = 0;
            //opcion default se muestran todos los grupos
            $cntGroupsMO = $pACL->getNumGroups(1);
            //obtenemos en numero de grupos que pertenecen a
            //la organizacion 1 y lo restamos del total de grupos
            $cntGroups = $pACL->getNumGroups() - $cntGroupsMO;
    } else {
        $idOrgFil = $idOrganization;
        $cntGroups = $pACL->getNumGroups($idOrganization);
    if ($cntGroups === false) {
        $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("ERROR"));
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr($pACL->errMsg));
        $total = 0;
    } else {
        $total = $cntGroups;
    $url['menu'] = $module_name;
    $url['idOrganization'] = $idOrgFil;
    $total = $total == NULL ? 0 : $total;
    $limit = 20;
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    $offset = $oGrid->calculateOffset();
    $end = $oGrid->getEnd();
    $oGrid->setTitle(_tr('Group List'));
    $oGrid->setStart($total == 0 ? 0 : $offset + 1);
    if ($userLevel1 == "superadmin") {
        $arrColumns[] = _tr("Organization");
    $arrColumns[] = _tr("Group Name");
    $arrColumns[] = _tr("Group Description");
    if ($idOrgFil != 0) {
        $Groups = $pACL->getGroupsPaging($limit, $offset, $idOrgFil);
    } else {
        $Groups = $pACL->getGroupsPaging($limit, $offset);
    $arrData = array();
    foreach ($Groups as $group) {
        if ($group[3] != 1) {
            $arrTmp = array();
            if ($userLevel1 == "superadmin") {
                $orgz = $pORGZ->getOrganizationById($group[3]);
                $arrTmp[] = htmlentities($orgz["name"], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
            $arrTmp[] = "&nbsp;<a href='?menu=grouplist&action=view&id=" . $group[0] . "'>" . $group[1] . "</a>";
            //id,group name
            $arrTmp[] = _tr($group[2]);
            $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
    if ($pORGZ->getNumOrganization(array()) > 0) {
        global $arrPermission;
        if (in_array('create_group', $arrPermission)) {
            $oGrid->addNew("create_group", _tr("Create New Group"));
        if ($userLevel1 == "superadmin") {
            $arrOrgz = array(0 => _tr("all"));
            foreach ($pORGZ->getOrganization(array()) as $value) {
                if ($value["id"] != 1) {
                    $arrOrgz[$value["id"]] = $value["name"];
            $arrFormElements = createFieldFilter($arrOrgz);
            $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormElements);
            $_POST["idOrganization"] = $idOrgFil;
            $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("Organization") . " = " . $arrOrgz[$idOrgFil], $_POST, array("idOrganization" => 0), true);
            $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $_POST);
    } else {
        $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("ERROR"));
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr("You need have created at least one organization before you can create a new group"));
    $contenidoModulo = $oGrid->fetchGrid(array(), $arrData);
    return $contenidoModulo;
Esempio n. 22
function reportOrgPermission($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, &$pDB, $arrConf, $arrCredentiasls)
    $pACL = new paloACL($pDB);
    $pORGZ = new paloSantoOrganization($pDB);
    $arrGroups = array();
    $arrOrgz = array();
    $filter_resource = getParameter("filter_resource");
    $idOrgFil = getParameter("idOrganization");
    $orgTmp = $pORGZ->getOrganization(array());
    if ($orgTmp === false) {
        $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("ERROR"));
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr($pORGZ->errMsg));
    } elseif (count($orgTmp) == 0) {
        $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("MESSAGE"));
        $msg = _tr("You haven't created any organization");
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", $msg);
    } else {
        //si el usuario a selecionado una organizacion comprobamos que esta exista
        //caso contrario procedemos a sellecionar la primera disponible
        $flag = false;
        foreach ($orgTmp as $value) {
            $arrOrgz[$value["id"]] = $value["name"];
            if ($value["id"] == $idOrgFil) {
                $flag = true;
        if (!$flag) {
            $idOrgFil = $orgTmp[0]['id'];
    $filter_resource = htmlentities($filter_resource);
    //buscamos en el arreglo del lenguaje la traduccion del recurso en caso de que exista
    $lang = get_language();
    //lenguage que esta siendo usado
    $parameter_to_find = null;
    if (isset($filter_resource)) {
        if (trim($filter_resource) != "") {
            if ($lang != "en") {
                global $arrLang;
                $filter_value = strtolower(trim($filter_resource));
                $parameter_to_find[] = $filter_value;
                //parametro de busqueda sin traduccion
                foreach ($arrLang as $key => $value) {
                    $langValue = strtolower(trim($value));
                    if (preg_match("/^[[:alnum:]| ]*\$/", $filter_value)) {
                        if (strpos($langValue, $filter_value) !== FALSE) {
                            $parameter_to_find[] = $key;
            } else {
                $parameter_to_find[] = $filter_resource;
    //obtenemos el numero de recursos disponibles del sistema
    $total = 0;
    if (count($arrOrgz) > 0) {
        $total = $pACL->getNumResources($parameter_to_find, 'yes');
    if ($total == false && $pACL->errMsg != "") {
        $total = 0;
        $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("ERROR"));
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr("An error has ocurred to retrieved resources data"));
    $limit = 25;
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    $offset = $oGrid->calculateOffset();
    $end = $offset + $limit <= $total ? $offset + $limit : $total;
    $url["menu"] = $module_name;
    $url["filter_resource"] = $filter_resource;
    $url["idOrganization"] = $idOrgFil;
    $oGrid->setTitle(_tr("Organization Permission"));
    $oGrid->setStart($total == 0 ? 0 : $offset + 1);
    $arrColumn = array(_tr("Resource"), "<input type='checkbox' name='selectAll' id='selectAll' />" . _tr('Permit Access'));
    $arrData = array();
    if (count($arrOrgz) > 0 && $total > 0) {
        //obtengo una lista con todos los recursos a los que una organizacion puede tener acceso
        $arrResource = $pACL->getListResources($limit, $offset, $parameter_to_find, 'yes');
        //lista de los recursos permitidos a la organizacion seleccionada organizacion
        $arrResourceOrg = $pACL->getResourcesByOrg($idOrgFil, $parameter_to_find);
        if ($arrResourceOrg === false || $arrResource === false) {
            $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("ERROR"));
            $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr("An error has ocurred to retrieve resource list.") . " " . _tr($pACL->errMsg));
        } else {
            $temp = array();
            foreach ($arrResourceOrg as $value) {
                $temp[] = $value["id"];
            if (is_array($arrResource) && count($arrResource) > 0) {
                foreach ($arrResource as $resource) {
                    $disabled = "";
                    if ($resource["id"] == 'usermgr' || $resource["id"] == 'grouplist' || $resource["id"] == 'userlist' || $resource["id"] == 'group_permission' || $resource["id"] == 'organization') {
                        $disabled = "disabled='disabled'";
                    $checked0 = "";
                    if (in_array($resource["id"], $temp)) {
                        $checked0 = "checked";
                    $arrTmp[0] = _tr($resource["description"]);
                    $arrTmp[1] = "<input type='checkbox' {$disabled} name='resource[" . $resource["id"] . "]' id='" . $resource["id"] . "' class='resource' {$checked0}>" . " " . _tr("Permit");
                    $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
    $smarty->assign("SHOW", _tr("Show"));
    $smarty->assign("resource_apply", $filter_resource);
    if (count($arrOrgz) > 0) {
        $oGrid->addSubmitAction("apply", _tr("Save"));
        $oGrid->addComboAction("idOrganization", _tr("Organization"), $arrOrgz, $idOrgFil, "report");
        $arrFormFilter = createFieldFilter();
        $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormFilter);
        $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $_POST);
        $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("Resource") . " = {$filter_resource}", $_POST, array("filter_resource" => ""));
    $contenidoModulo = $oGrid->fetchGrid(array(), $arrData);
    //end grid parameters
    return $contenidoModulo;
Esempio n. 23
function reportOtherDestinations($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, &$pDB, $arrConf, $credentials)
    global $arrPermission;
    $error = "";
    $pORGZ = new paloSantoOrganization($pDB);
    $domain = getParameter("organization");
    $domain = empty($domain) ? 'all' : $domain;
    if ($credentials['userlevel'] != "superadmin") {
        $domain = $credentials['domain'];
    $other_destination_name = getParameter("other_destination_name");
    $pOtherDestinations = new paloSantoOtherDestinations($pDB, $domain);
    $url['menu'] = $module_name;
    $url['organization'] = $domain;
    $url['other_destination_name'] = $other_destination_name;
    $total = $pOtherDestinations->getNumOtherDestinations($domain, $other_destination_name);
    $arrOrgz = array();
    if ($credentials['userlevel'] == "superadmin") {
        $arrOrgz = array("all" => _tr("all"));
        foreach ($pORGZ->getOrganization(array()) as $value) {
            $arrOrgz[$value["domain"]] = $value["name"];
    if ($total === false) {
        $error = $pOtherDestinations->errMsg;
        $total = 0;
    $limit = 20;
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    $offset = $oGrid->calculateOffset();
    $end = $offset + $limit <= $total ? $offset + $limit : $total;
    $oGrid->setTitle(_tr('Other Destinations List'));
    //$oGrid->setIcon('url de la imagen');
    $oGrid->setStart($total == 0 ? 0 : $offset + 1);
    $arrColum = array();
    if ($credentials['userlevel'] == "superadmin") {
        $arrColum[] = _tr("Organization");
    $arrColum[] = _tr("Other Destination Name");
    $arrColum[] = _tr("Dial Destination");
    $arrOtherDestinations = array();
    $arrData = array();
    if ($total != 0) {
        $arrOtherDestinations = $pOtherDestinations->getOtherDestinations($domain, $other_destination_name, $limit, $offset);
    if ($arrOtherDestinations === false) {
        $error = _tr("Error to obtain Other Destinations") . $pOtherDestinations->errMsg;
        $arrOtherDestinations = array();
    foreach ($arrOtherDestinations as $row) {
        $arrTmp = array();
        if ($credentials['userlevel'] == "superadmin") {
            $arrTmp[] = $arrOrgz[$row["organization_domain"]];
        $arrTmp[] = "&nbsp;<a href='?menu={$module_name}&action=view&id=" . $row['id'] . "&organization={$row['organization_domain']}'>" . htmlentities($row["description"], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8") . "</a>";
        $arrTmp[] = $row["destdial"];
        $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
    $smarty->assign("USERLEVEL", $credentials['userlevel']);
    $smarty->assign("SEARCH", "<input type='submit' class='button' value='" . _tr('Search') . "' name='report'>");
    if ($pORGZ->getNumOrganization(array()) >= 1) {
        if (in_array('create', $arrPermission)) {
            if ($credentials['userlevel'] == 'superadmin') {
                $oGrid->addComboAction("organization_add", _tr("ADD Other Destination"), array_slice($arrOrgz, 1), $selected = null, "create_other_destination", $onchange_select = null);
            } else {
                $oGrid->addNew("create_other_destination", _tr("ADD Other Destination"));
        if ($credentials['userlevel'] == 'superadmin') {
            $_POST["organization"] = $domain;
            $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("Organization") . " = " . $arrOrgz[$domain], $_POST, array("organization" => "all"), true);
        $_POST["other_destination_name"] = $other_destination_name;
        // name
        $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("Other Destination Name") . " = " . $other_destination_name, $_POST, array("other_destination_name" => ""));
        $arrFormElements = createFieldFilter($arrOrgz);
        $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormElements);
        $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $_POST);
    } else {
        $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("MESSAGE"));
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr("It's necesary you create at least one organization so you can use this module"));
    if ($error != "") {
        $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("MESSAGE"));
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", $error);
    $contenidoModulo = $oGrid->fetchGrid(array(), $arrData);
    $mensaje = showMessageReload($module_name, $pDB, $credentials);
    $contenidoModulo = $mensaje . $contenidoModulo;
    return $contenidoModulo;
Esempio n. 24
function _moduleContent(&$smarty, $module_name)
    include_once "libs/paloSantoGrid.class.php";
    include_once "libs/paloSantoConfig.class.php";
    include_once "libs/paloSantoACL.class.php";
    include_once "libs/paloSantoForm.class.php";
    require_once "libs/misc.lib.php";
    include_once "lib/paloSantoVoiceMail.class.php";
    //include module files
    include_once "modules/{$module_name}/configs/default.conf.php";
    $lang = get_language();
    $base_dir = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
    $lang_file = "modules/{$module_name}/lang/{$lang}.lang";
    if (file_exists("{$base_dir}/{$lang_file}")) {
        include_once "{$lang_file}";
    } else {
        include_once "modules/{$module_name}/lang/en.lang";
    //global variables
    global $arrConf;
    global $arrConfModule;
    global $arrLang;
    global $arrLangModule;
    $arrConf = array_merge($arrConf, $arrConfModule);
    $arrLang = array_merge($arrLang, $arrLangModule);
    //folder path for custom templates
    $base_dir = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
    $templates_dir = isset($arrConf['templates_dir']) ? $arrConf['templates_dir'] : 'themes';
    $local_templates_dir = "{$base_dir}/modules/{$module_name}/" . $templates_dir . '/' . $arrConf['theme'];
    //segun el usuario que esta logoneado consulto si tiene asignada extension para buscar los voicemails
    $pDB = new paloDB($arrConf['elastix_dsn']['acl']);
    $pConfig = new paloConfig("/etc", "amportal.conf", "=", "[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*");
    $arrAMP = $pConfig->leer_configuracion(false);
    $dsnAsterisk = $arrAMP['AMPDBENGINE']['valor'] . "://" . $arrAMP['AMPDBUSER']['valor'] . ":" . $arrAMP['AMPDBPASS']['valor'] . "@" . $arrAMP['AMPDBHOST']['valor'] . "/asterisk";
    $pDB_ast = new paloDB($dsnAsterisk);
    if (!empty($pDB->errMsg)) {
        echo "ERROR DE DB: {$pDB->errMsg} <br>";
    $arrData = array();
    $pACL = new paloACL($pDB);
    if (!empty($pACL->errMsg)) {
        echo "ERROR DE ACL: {$pACL->errMsg} <br>";
    $arrVoiceData = array();
    $inicio = $fin = $total = 0;
    $extension = $pACL->getUserExtension($_SESSION['elastix_user']);
    $ext = $extension;
    $esAdministrador = $pACL->isUserAdministratorGroup($_SESSION['elastix_user']);
    $bandCustom = true;
    if (is_null($ext) || $ext == "") {
        $bandCustom = false;
        if (!$esAdministrador) {
            $smarty->assign("mb_message", "<b>" . $arrLang["contact_admin"] . "</b>");
            return "";
    if ($esAdministrador) {
        $extension = "[[:digit:]]+";
    $smarty->assign("menu", "voicemail");
    $smarty->assign("Filter", $arrLang['Show']);
    //formulario para el filtro
    $arrFormElements = createFieldFormVoiceList($arrLang);
    $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormElements);
    // Por omision las fechas toman el sgte. valor (la fecha de hoy)
    $date_start = date("Y-m-d") . " 00:00:00";
    $date_end = date("Y-m-d") . " 23:59:59";
    $dateStartFilter = getParameter('date_start');
    $dateEndFilter = getParameter('date_end');
    $report = false;
    if (getParameter('filter')) {
        if ($oFilterForm->validateForm($_POST)) {
            // Exito, puedo procesar los datos ahora.
            $date_start = translateDate($dateStartFilter) . " 00:00:00";
            $date_end = translateDate($dateEndFilter) . " 23:59:59";
            $arrFilterExtraVars = array("date_start" => $dateStartFilter, "date_end" => $dateEndFilter);
        } else {
            // Error
            $smarty->assign("mb_title", $arrLang["Validation Error"]);
            $arrErrores = $oFilterForm->arrErroresValidacion;
            $strErrorMsg = "<b>{$arrLang['The following fields contain errors']}:</b><br>";
            foreach ($arrErrores as $k => $v) {
                $strErrorMsg .= "{$k}, ";
            $strErrorMsg .= "";
            $smarty->assign("mb_message", $strErrorMsg);
        if ($dateStartFilter == "") {
            $dateStartFilter = " ";
        if ($dateEndFilter == "") {
            $dateEndFilter = " ";
        //se añade control a los filtros
        $report = true;
        $arrDate = array('date_start' => $dateStartFilter, 'date_end' => $dateEndFilter);
        $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $_POST);
    } else {
        if (isset($dateStartFilter) and isset($dateEndFilter)) {
            $report = true;
            $date_start = translateDate($dateStartFilter) . " 00:00:00";
            $date_end = translateDate($dateEndFilter) . " 23:59:59";
            $arrDate = array('date_start' => $dateStartFilter, 'date_end' => $dateEndFilter);
            $arrFilterExtraVars = array("date_start" => $dateStartFilter, "date_end" => $dateEndFilter);
            $htmlFilter = $contenidoModulo = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $_GET);
        } else {
            $report = true;
            //se añade control a los filtros
            $arrDate = array('date_start' => date("d M Y"), 'date_end' => date("d M Y"));
            $htmlFilter = $contenidoModulo = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", array('date_start' => date("d M Y"), 'date_end' => date("d M Y")));
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    if ($report) {
        $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("Start Date") . " = " . $arrDate['date_start'] . ", " . _tr("End Date") . " = " . $arrDate['date_end'], $arrDate, array('date_start' => date("d M Y"), 'date_end' => date("d M Y")), true);
    if (getParameter('submit_eliminar')) {
        if ($oFilterForm->validateForm($_POST)) {
            // Exito, puedo procesar los datos ahora.
            $date_start = translateDate($_POST['date_start']) . " 00:00:00";
            $date_end = translateDate($_POST['date_end']) . " 23:59:59";
            $arrFilterExtraVars = array("date_start" => $_POST['date_start'], "date_end" => $_POST['date_end']);
        $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $_POST);
    if (getParameter('config')) {
        if (!(is_null($ext) || $ext == "")) {
            return form_config($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, $arrLang, $ext, $pDB_ast);
    if (getParameter('save')) {
        if (!save_config($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, $arrLang, $ext, $pDB_ast)) {
            return form_config($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, $arrLang, $ext, $pDB_ast);
    if (getParameter('action') == "display_record") {
        $file = getParameter("name");
        $ext = getParameter("ext");
        $user = isset($_SESSION['elastix_user']) ? $_SESSION['elastix_user'] : "";
        $extension = $pACL->getUserExtension($user);
        $esAdministrador = $pACL->isUserAdministratorGroup($user);
        $path = "/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default";
        $voicemailPath = "{$path}/{$ext}/INBOX/" . base64_decode($file);
        $tmpfile = basename($voicemailPath);
        $filetmp = "{$path}/{$ext}/INBOX/{$tmpfile}";
        if (!is_file($filetmp)) {
            die("<b>404 " . $arrLang["no_file"] . "</b>");
        if (!$esAdministrador) {
            if ($extension != $ext) {
                die("<b>404 " . $arrLang["no_file"] . "</b>");
            $voicemailPath = "{$path}/{$extension}/INBOX/" . base64_decode($file);
        if (isset($file) && preg_match("/^[[:alpha:]]+[[:digit:]]+\\.(wav|WAV|Wav|mp3|gsm)\$/", base64_decode($file))) {
            if (!is_file($voicemailPath)) {
                die("<b>404 " . $arrLang["no_file"] . "</b>");
            $sContenido = "";
            $name = basename($voicemailPath);
            $format = substr(strtolower($name), -3);
            // This will set the Content-Type to the appropriate setting for the file
            $ctype = '';
            switch ($format) {
                case "mp3":
                    $ctype = "audio/mpeg";
                case "wav":
                    $ctype = "audio/x-wav";
                case "Wav":
                    $ctype = "audio/x-wav";
                case "WAV":
                    $ctype = "audio/x-wav";
                case "gsm":
                    $ctype = "audio/x-gsm";
                    // not downloadable
                // not downloadable
                    die("<b>404 " . $arrLang["no_file"] . "</b>");
            if ($sContenido == "") {
                $session_id = session_id();
            $sContenido = <<<contenido
                    <embed src='index.php?menu={$module_name}&action=download&ext={$ext}&name={$file}&rawmode=yes&elastixSession={$session_id}' width=300, height=20 autoplay=true loop=false type="{$ctype}"></embed><br>
            $smarty->assign("CONTENT", $sContenido);
        } else {
            die("<b>404 " . $arrLang["no_file"] . "</b>");
    if (getParameter('action') == "download") {
        $user = isset($_SESSION['elastix_user']) ? $_SESSION['elastix_user'] : "";
        $extension = $pACL->getUserExtension($user);
        $esAdministrador = $pACL->isUserAdministratorGroup($user);
        $record = getParameter("name");
        $ext = getParameter("ext");
        if (!preg_match("/^[[:digit:]]+\$/", $ext)) {
            Header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
            die("<b>404 " . $arrLang["no_file"] . "</b>");
        $record = base64_decode($record);
        $path = "/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default";
        $voicemailPath = "{$path}/{$ext}/INBOX/" . $record;
        $tmpfile = basename($voicemailPath);
        $filetmp = "{$path}/{$ext}/INBOX/{$tmpfile}";
        if (!is_file($filetmp)) {
            die("<b>404 " . $arrLang["no_file"] . "</b>");
        if (!$esAdministrador) {
            if ($extension != $ext) {
                Header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
                die("<b>404 " . $arrLang["no_extension"] . "</b>");
            $voicemailPath = "{$path}/{$extension}/INBOX/" . $record;
        if (isset($record) && preg_match("/^[[:alpha:]]+[[:digit:]]+\\.(wav|WAV|Wav|mp3|gsm)\$/", $record)) {
            // See if the file exists
            if (!is_file($voicemailPath)) {
                Header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
                die("<b>404 " . $arrLang["no_file"] . "</b>");
            // Gather relevent info about file
            $size = filesize($voicemailPath);
            $name = basename($voicemailPath);
            //$extension = strtolower(substr(strrchr($name,"."),1));
            $extension = substr(strtolower($name), -3);
            // This will set the Content-Type to the appropriate setting for the file
            $ctype = '';
            switch ($extension) {
                case "mp3":
                    $ctype = "audio/mpeg";
                case "wav":
                    $ctype = "audio/x-wav";
                case "Wav":
                    $ctype = "audio/x-wav";
                case "WAV":
                    $ctype = "audio/x-wav";
                case "gsm":
                    $ctype = "audio/x-gsm";
                    // not downloadable
                // not downloadable
                    die("<b>404 " . $arrLang["no_file"] . "</b>");
            // need to check if file is mislabeled or a liar.
            $fp = fopen($voicemailPath, "rb");
            if ($size && $ctype && $fp) {
                header("Pragma: public");
                header("Expires: 0");
                header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
                header("Cache-Control: public");
                header("Content-Description: wav file");
                header("Content-Type: " . $ctype);
                header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . $name);
                header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
                header("Content-length: " . $size);
        } else {
            Header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");
            die("<b>404 " . $arrLang["no_file"] . "</b>");
    $end = 0;
    $url = array('menu' => $module_name);
    //si tiene extension consulto sino, muestro un mensaje de que no tiene asociada extension
    $archivos = array();
    if (!(is_null($ext) || $ext == "") || $esAdministrador) {
        if (is_null($ext) || $ext == "") {
            $smarty->assign("mb_message", "<b>" . $arrLang["no_extension_assigned"] . "</b>");
        $path = "/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default";
        $folder = "INBOX";
        if ($esAdministrador) {
            if ($handle = opendir($path)) {
                while (false !== ($dir = readdir($handle))) {
                    if ($dir != "." && $dir != ".." && ereg($extension, $dir, $regs) && is_dir($path . "/" . $dir)) {
                        $directorios[] = $dir;
        } else {
            $directorios[] = $extension;
        $arrData = array();
        foreach ($directorios as $directorio) {
            $voicemailPath = "{$path}/{$directorio}/{$folder}";
            if (file_exists($voicemailPath)) {
                if ($handle = opendir($voicemailPath)) {
                    $bExito = true;
                    while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
                        //no tomar en cuenta . y ..
                        //buscar los archivos de texto (txt) que son los que contienen los datos de las llamadas
                        if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && ereg("(.+)\\.[txt|TXT]", $file, $regs)) {
                            //leer la info del archivo
                            $pConfig = new paloConfig($voicemailPath, $file, "=", "[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*");
                            $arrVoiceMailDes = array();
                            $arrVoiceMailDes = $pConfig->leer_configuracion(false);
                            //verifico que tenga datos
                            if (is_array($arrVoiceMailDes) && count($arrVoiceMailDes) > 0 && isset($arrVoiceMailDes['origtime']['valor'])) {
                                //uso las fechas del filtro
                                //si la fecha de llamada esta dentro del rango, la muestro
                                $fecha = date("Y-m-d", $arrVoiceMailDes['origtime']['valor']);
                                $hora = date("H:i:s", $arrVoiceMailDes['origtime']['valor']);
                                if (strtotime("{$fecha} {$hora}") <= strtotime($date_end) && strtotime("{$fecha} {$hora}") >= strtotime($date_start)) {
                                    $arrTmp[0] = "<input type='checkbox' name='" . utf8_encode("voc-" . $file) . ",{$directorio}' />";
                                    $arrTmp[1] = $fecha;
                                    $arrTmp[2] = $hora;
                                    $arrTmp[3] = $arrVoiceMailDes['callerid']['valor'];
                                    $arrTmp[4] = $arrVoiceMailDes['origmailbox']['valor'];
                                    $arrTmp[5] = $arrVoiceMailDes['duration']['valor'] . ' sec.';
                                    $pathRecordFile = base64_encode($regs[1] . '.wav');
                                    $recordingLink = "<a href='#' onClick=\"javascript:popUp('index.php?menu={$module_name}&action=display_record&ext={$directorio}&name={$pathRecordFile}&rawmode=yes',350,100); return false;\">{$arrLang['Listen']}</a>&nbsp;";
                                    $recordingLink .= "<a href='?menu={$module_name}&action=download&ext={$directorio}&name={$pathRecordFile}&rawmode=yes'>{$arrLang['Download']}</a>";
                                    $arrTmp[6] = $recordingLink;
                                    $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
            } else {
                // No vale la ruta
        function sort_voicemails_hora_desc($a, $b) { return ($a[2] == $b[2]) ? 0 : (($a[2] < $b[2]) ? 1 : -1); }
        function sort_voicemails_fecha_desc($a, $b) { return ($a[1] == $b[1]) ? 0 : (($a[1] < $b[1]) ? 1 : -1); }
        usort($arrData, 'sort_voicemails_hora_desc');
        usort($arrData, 'sort_voicemails_fecha_desc');
        $fechas = array();
        $horas = array();
        foreach ($arrData as $llave => $fila) {
            $fechas[$llave] = $fila[1];
            $horas[$llave] = $fila[2];
        array_multisort($fechas, SORT_DESC, $horas, SORT_DESC, $arrData);
        $limit = 15;
        $total = count($arrData);
        $offset = $oGrid->calculateOffset();
        $end = $offset + $limit <= $total ? $offset + $limit : $total;
        // Construyo el URL base
        if (isset($arrFilterExtraVars) && is_array($arrFilterExtraVars) and count($arrFilterExtraVars) > 0) {
            $url = array_merge($url, $arrFilterExtraVars);
        //Fin Paginacion
        $arrVoiceData = array_slice($arrData, $offset, $limit);
    } else {
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", "<b>" . $arrLang["contact_admin"] . "</b>");
    $arrGrid = array("title" => $arrLang["Voicemail List"], "url" => $url, "icon" => "/modules/{$module_name}/images/pbx_voicemail.png", "width" => "99%", "start" => $total == 0 ? 0 : $offset + 1, "end" => $end, "total" => $total, "columns" => array(0 => array("name" => "", "property1" => ""), 1 => array("name" => $arrLang["Date"], "property1" => ""), 2 => array("name" => $arrLang["Time"], "property1" => ""), 3 => array("name" => $arrLang["CallerID"], "property1" => ""), 4 => array("name" => $arrLang["Extension"], "property1" => ""), 5 => array("name" => $arrLang["Duration"], "property1" => ""), 6 => array("name" => $arrLang["Message"], "property1" => "")));
    if ($bandCustom == true) {
        $oGrid->customAction("config", _tr("Configuration"));
    $oGrid->deleteList(_tr("Are you sure you wish to delete voicemails?"), "submit_eliminar", _tr("Delete"));
    $contenidoModulo = $oGrid->fetchGrid($arrGrid, $arrVoiceData, $arrLang);
    if (strpos($contenidoModulo, '<form') === FALSE) {
        $contenidoModulo = "<form style='margin-bottom:0;' method='POST' action='?menu={$module_name}'>{$contenidoModulo}</form>";
    return $contenidoModulo;
Esempio n. 25
function report_adress_book($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, $pDB, $pDB_2, $arrLang, $arrConf, $dsn_agi_manager, $dsnAsterisk)
    $padress_book = new paloAdressBook($pDB);
    $arrBooker = $padress_book->getBookerList();
    $arrPayment_type = array(0 => 'Khách lẻ không thường xuyên', 1 => 'Khách lẻ thường xuyên', 2 => 'Khách hàng công ty', 3 => 'Khách hàng đại lý');
    $arrComboElements = array("customer_code" => "Mã khách hàng", "firstname" => "Tên khách hàng", "phone" => "Số điện thoại", "email" => "Email", "agent_id" => "Booker", "sale" => "Kinh Doanh", "booker" => "Kế Toán", "type" => "Loại khách hàng");
    $arrFormElements = array("field" => array("LABEL" => "Tìm theo", "REQUIRED" => "no", "INPUT_TYPE" => "SELECT", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => $arrComboElements, "VALIDATION_TYPE" => "text", "VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM" => ""), "pattern" => array("LABEL" => "", "REQUIRED" => "no", "INPUT_TYPE" => "TEXT", "VALIDATION_TYPE" => "text", "VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM" => "", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => array('id' => 'filter_value')), "booker" => array("LABEL" => "", "REQUIRED" => "no", "INPUT_TYPE" => "SELECT", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => $arrBooker, "VALIDATION_TYPE" => "text", "VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM" => ""), "payment" => array("LABEL" => "", "REQUIRED" => "no", "INPUT_TYPE" => "SELECT", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => $arrPayment_type, "VALIDATION_TYPE" => "text", "VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM" => ""));
    $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormElements);
    $smarty->assign("SHOW", "Tìm");
    $smarty->assign("module_name", $module_name);
    $field = NULL;
    $pattern = NULL;
    $namePattern = NULL;
    if (isset($_POST['field']) and isset($_POST['pattern']) and $_POST['pattern'] != "") {
        $field = $_POST['field'];
        $pattern = "%" . trim($_POST['pattern']) . "%";
        $namePattern = trim($_POST['pattern']);
        //$agent_id = $_POST['booker'];
        //$payment_type = $_POST['booker'];
    $arrFilter = array("field" => $field, "pattern" => $namePattern);
    $startDate = $endDate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    // enable export.
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . $field . " = {$namePattern}", $arrFilter, array("field" => "name", "pattern" => ""));
    $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter_adress_book.tpl", "", $arrFilter);
    $total = $padress_book->getAddressBook(NULL, NULL, $field, $pattern, TRUE);
    $total_datos = $total[0]["total"];
    if ($oGrid->isExportAction()) {
        $total = $total_datos;
        $limit = $total;
        $arr_cols = array(0 => array("name" => "Mã KH", "property1" => ""), 1 => array("name" => "Tên khách hàng", "property1" => ""), 2 => array("name" => "Họ/Hình thức", "property1" => ""), 3 => array("name" => "Điện thoại/Liên hệ", "property1" => ""), 4 => array("name" => "Email/Liên hệ", "property1" => ""), 5 => array("name" => "Booker", "property1" => ""), 6 => array("name" => "Kinh doanh", "property1" => ""), 7 => array("name" => "Kế toán", "property1" => ""), 8 => array("name" => "Phân loại", "property1" => ""), 9 => array("name" => "Thẻ thành viên", "property1" => ""), 10 => array("name" => "Cách thanh toán", "property1" => ""));
    } else {
        $limit = 20;
        $total = $total_datos;
        $arr_cols = array(0 => array("name" => "", "property1" => ""), 1 => array("name" => "Mã KH", "property1" => ""), 2 => array("name" => "Tên khách hàng", "property1" => ""), 3 => array("name" => "Họ/Hình thức", "property1" => ""), 4 => array("name" => "Điện thoại/Liên hệ", "property1" => ""), 5 => array("name" => "Email/Liên hệ", "property1" => ""), 6 => array("name" => "Booker", "property1" => ""), 7 => array("name" => "Kinh doanh", "property1" => ""), 8 => array("name" => "Kế toán", "property1" => ""), 9 => array("name" => "Phân loại", "property1" => ""), 10 => array("name" => "Thẻ thành viên", "property1" => ""), 11 => array("name" => "Cách thanh toán", "property1" => ""), 12 => array("name" => "Lựa chọn", "property1" => ""));
    $offset = $oGrid->calculateOffset();
    $inicio = $total == 0 ? 0 : $offset + 1;
    $end = $offset + $limit <= $total ? $offset + $limit : $total;
    //Fin Paginacion
    $arrResult = $padress_book->getAddressBook($limit, $offset, $field, $pattern, FALSE);
    $arrData = null;
    //echo print_r($arrResult,true);
    if (is_array($arrResult) && $total > 0) {
        if ($oGrid->isExportAction()) {
            foreach ($arrResult as $key => $adress_book) {
                $typeContact = "";
                switch ($adress_book['type']) {
                    case '0':
                        $typeContact = "Khách hàng lẽ";
                    case '1':
                        $typeContact = "Khách lẽ thường xuyên";
                    case '2':
                        $typeContact = 'Khách hàng công ty';
                    case '3':
                        $typeContact = "Khách hàng đại lý";
                $phone_list = '';
                if (isset($adress_book['number']) && count($adress_book['number']) > 0) {
                    foreach ($adress_book['number'] as $phone) {
                        $phone_list .= is_null($phone) || trim($phone) == '' ? '' : $phone . '\\n';
                //SDT column
                $email_list = '';
                if (count($adress_book['email']) > 0) {
                    foreach ($adress_book['email'] as $email) {
                        $email_list .= is_null($email) || trim($email) == '' ? '' : $email . '\\n';
                $arrTmp[] = $adress_book['customer_code'];
                //Ten column
                $arrTmp[] = $adress_book['firstname'];
                //Ten column
                $arrTmp[] = $adress_book['lastname'];
                //Ten column
                $arrTmp[] = $phone_list;
                $arrTmp[] = $email_list;
                $arrTmp[] = $adress_book['booker'];
                $arrTmp[] = $adress_book['sale'];
                $arrTmp[] = $adress_book['accountant'];
                $arrTmp[] = $typeContact;
                $arrTmp[] = $adress_book['membership'];
                $arrTmp[] = $adress_book['payment'];
                $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
        } else {
            foreach ($arrResult as $key => $adress_book) {
                switch ($adress_book['type']) {
                    case '0':
                        $typeContact = '<img border=0 src="/modules/' . $module_name . '/images/nor-customer.png" title="Khách hàng lẽ"/>KLE';
                    case '1':
                        $typeContact = '<img border=0 src="/modules/' . $module_name . '/images/fre-customer.png" title="Khách hàng lẽ thường xuyên"/>KLE-TX';
                    case '2':
                        $typeContact = '<img border=0 src="/modules/' . $module_name . '/images/company.png" title="Khách hàng công ty"/>CTY';
                    case '3':
                        $typeContact = '<img border=0 src="/modules/' . $module_name . '/images/agency.png" title="Khách hàng đại lý"/>DLY';
                $phone_list = '';
                if (isset($adress_book['number']) && count($adress_book['number']) > 0) {
                    foreach ($adress_book['number'] as $phone) {
                        $phone1 = explode('-', $phone);
                        $call = trim($phone1[0]);
                        $phone_list .= is_null($call) || trim($call) == '' ? '' : "<a href='?menu={$module_name}&action=call2phone&id=" . $call . "'><img border=0 src='/modules/{$module_name}/images/call.png' title='Gọi số " . $call . "'/></a> " . $phone . '<br/>';
                        //SDT column
                $email_list = '';
                if (count($adress_book['email']) > 0) {
                    foreach ($adress_book['email'] as $email) {
                        $phone1 = explode('-', $email);
                        $addr = trim($phone1[0]);
                        $email_list .= is_null($addr) || trim($addr) == '' ? '' : '<a title="Gửi mail đến hộp mail này" href="mailto:' . $addr . '?Subject=[CallCenter]:" target="_top">' . $email . '</a><br/>';
                $arrTmp[0] = "<input type='checkbox' name='contact_{$adress_book['id']}'  />";
                $arrTmp[1] = $adress_book['customer_code'];
                //Ten column
                $arrTmp[2] = $adress_book['firstname'];
                //Ten column
                $arrTmp[3] = $adress_book['lastname'];
                //Ten column
                $arrTmp[4] = $phone_list;
                $arrTmp[5] = $email_list;
                $arrTmp[6] = $adress_book['booker'];
                $arrTmp[7] = $adress_book['sale'];
                $arrTmp[8] = $adress_book['accountant'];
                $arrTmp[9] = $typeContact;
                $arrTmp[10] = $adress_book['membership'];
                $arrTmp[11] = $adress_book['payment'];
                $arrTmp[12] = "<a href='?menu={$module_name}&action=show&id=" . $adress_book['id'] . "'><img src='modules/{$module_name}/images/extra.png' title='Xem'></a>&nbsp;\n                <a href='?menu={$module_name}&action=edit&id=" . $adress_book['id'] . "'><img src='modules/{$module_name}/images/edit.png' title='Sửa'></a> ";
                $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
    $oGrid->deleteList("Bạn có muốn xóa khách hàng này không?", "delete", "Xóa");
    $arrGrid = array("title" => "Thông tin khách hàng", "url" => array('menu' => $module_name, 'filter' => $pattern), "icon" => "modules/{$module_name}/images/address_book.png", "width" => "99%", "start" => $inicio, "end" => $end, "total" => $total, "columns" => $arr_cols);
    $oGrid->addNew("new", "Thêm khách hàng");
    $contenidoModulo = $oGrid->fetchGrid($arrGrid, $arrData, $arrLang);
    return $contenidoModulo;
Esempio n. 26
function reportQueue($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, &$pDB, $arrConf, $credentials)
    global $arrPermission;
    $error = "";
    $pORGZ = new paloSantoOrganization($pDB);
    $domain = getParameter("organization");
    $domain = empty($domain) ? 'all' : $domain;
    if ($credentials['userlevel'] != "superadmin") {
        $domain = $credentials['domain'];
    $queue_name = getParameter("queue_name");
    $pQueue = new paloQueuePBX($pDB, $domain);
    $queue_number = getParameter("queue_number");
    if (isset($queue_number) && $queue_number != '') {
        $expression = $pQueue->getRegexPatternFromAsteriskPattern($queue_number);
        if ($expression === false) {
            $queue_number = '';
    $url['menu'] = $module_name;
    $url['organization'] = $domain;
    $url['queue_number'] = $queue_number;
    $url['queue_name'] = $queue_name;
    $total = $pQueue->getTotalQueues($domain, $queue_number, $queue_name);
    $arrOrgz = array();
    if ($credentials['userlevel'] == "superadmin") {
        $arrOrgz = array("all" => _tr("all"));
        foreach ($pORGZ->getOrganization(array()) as $value) {
            $arrOrgz[$value["domain"]] = $value["name"];
    if ($total === false) {
        $error = $pQueue->errMsg;
        $total = 0;
    $limit = 20;
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    $offset = $oGrid->calculateOffset();
    $end = $offset + $limit <= $total ? $offset + $limit : $total;
    $oGrid->setTitle(_tr('Queues List'));
    //$oGrid->setIcon('url de la imagen');
    $oGrid->setStart($total == 0 ? 0 : $offset + 1);
    if ($credentials['userlevel'] == 'superadmin') {
        $arrColumns[] = _tr("Organization");
    $arrColumns[] = _tr("Queue Number");
    $arrColumns[] = _tr("Queue Name");
    $arrColumns[] = _tr("Password");
    $arrColumns[] = _tr("Record Call");
    $arrColumns[] = _tr("Strategy");
    $arrColumns[] = _tr("Timeout Queue");
    $arrColumns[] = _tr("Timeout Agent");
    $arrData = array();
    $arrQueues = array();
    if ($total != 0) {
        $arrQueues = $pQueue->getQueues($domain, $queue_number, $queue_name, $limit, $offset);
    if ($arrQueues === false) {
        $error = _tr("Error getting queue data. ") . $pQueue->errMsg;
    } else {
        foreach ($arrQueues as $queue) {
            $arrTmp = array();
            if ($credentials['userlevel'] == 'superadmin') {
                $arrTmp[] = $arrOrgz[$queue['organization_domain']];
            $queunumber = $queue["queue_number"];
            $arrTmp[] = "&nbsp;<a href='?menu=queues&action=view&qname=" . $queue['name'] . "&organization={$queue['organization_domain']}'>" . $queunumber . "</a>";
            $arrTmp[] = htmlentities($queue["description"], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
            $arrTmp[] = $queue["password_detail"];
            $arrTmp[] = isset($queue["monitor_format"]) ? "yes" : "no";
            $arrTmp[] = $queue["strategy"];
            $arrTmp[] = $queue["timeout_detail"] == "0" ? "unlimited" : $queue["timeout_detail"];
            $arrTmp[] = $queue["timeout"];
            $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
    $smarty->assign("USERLEVEL", $credentials['userlevel']);
    $smarty->assign("SEARCH", "<input type='submit' class='button' value='" . _tr('Search') . "' name='report'>");
    if ($pORGZ->getNumOrganization(array()) >= 1) {
        if (in_array('create', $arrPermission)) {
            if ($credentials['userlevel'] == 'superadmin') {
                $oGrid->addComboAction("organization_add", _tr("Create New Queue"), array_slice($arrOrgz, 1), $selected = null, "create_queue", $onchange_select = null);
            } else {
                $oGrid->addNew("create_queue", _tr("Create New Queue"));
        if ($credentials['userlevel'] == 'superadmin') {
            $_POST["organization"] = $domain;
            $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("Organization") . " = " . $arrOrgz[$domain], $_POST, array("organization" => "all"), true);
        $_POST["queue_number"] = $queue_number;
        // patter to filter estension number
        $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("Queue Number") . " = " . $queue_number, $_POST, array("queue_number" => ""));
        $_POST["queue_name"] = $queue_name;
        // patter to filter estension number
        $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("Queue Name") . " = " . $queue_name, $_POST, array("queue_name" => ""));
        $arrFormElements = createFieldFilter($arrOrgz);
        $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormElements);
        $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $_POST);
    } else {
        $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("MESSAGE"));
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", _tr("It's necesary you create at least one organization so you can use this module"));
    if ($error != "") {
        $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("MESSAGE"));
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", $error);
    $contenidoModulo = $oGrid->fetchGrid(array(), $arrData);
    $mensaje = showMessageReload($module_name, $pDB, $credentials);
    $contenidoModulo = $mensaje . $contenidoModulo;
    return $contenidoModulo;
Esempio n. 27
function reportMemberList($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, &$pDB, $arrConf, $credentials)
    global $arrPermission;
    $pEmailList = new paloSantoEmailList($pDB);
    $id_list = getParameter("id");
    if ($credentials['userlevel'] == 'superadmin') {
        $emailList = $pEmailList->getEmailList($id_list);
    } else {
        $emailList = $pEmailList->getEmailList($id_list, $credentials['domain']);
    if ($emailList == false) {
        $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("Error"));
        $error = $emailList === false ? _tr("Couldn't be retrieved Email List data") : _tr("Email List does not exist");
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", $error);
        return reportEmailList($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, $pDB, $arrConf, $credentials);
    $field_type = getParameter("filter_type");
    $field_pattern = getParameter("filter_txt");
    $smarty->assign("IDEMAILLIST", $id_list);
    $smarty->assign("ACTION", 'view_memberlist');
    $smarty->assign("SHOW", _tr("Show"));
    $smarty->assign("RETURN", _tr("Return"));
    $smarty->assign("LINK", "?menu={$module_name}&action=export&id={$id_list}&rawmode=yes");
    $smarty->assign("EXPORT", _tr("Export Members"));
    $edit_permission = in_array('edit_list', $arrPermission);
    $totalMembers = $pEmailList->getTotalMembers($id_list);
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    $limit = 20;
    $oGrid->setTitle(_tr("List Members of") . " " . $pEmailList->getListName($id_list));
    $offset = $oGrid->calculateOffset();
    $url['menu'] = $module_name;
    $url['action'] = 'view_memberlist';
    $url['id'] = $id_list;
    $url['filter_type'] = $field_type;
    $url['filter_txt'] = $field_pattern;
    if ($edit_permission) {
        $arrColumns[] = '';
    $arrColumns[] = _tr("Member name");
    $arrColumns[] = _tr("Member email");
    $arrResult = $pEmailList->getMembers($limit, $offset, $id_list, $field_type, $field_pattern);
    $arrData = null;
    if (is_array($arrResult) && $totalMembers > 0) {
        foreach ($arrResult as $list) {
            $arrTmp = array();
            if ($edit_permission) {
                $arrTmp[] = "<input type='checkbox' name='del_emailmembers[{$list["mailmember"]}]'>";
            $arrTmp[] = $list["namemember"];
            $arrTmp[] = $list["mailmember"];
            $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
    $arrFormFilterMembers = createFieldFilterViewMembers();
    $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormFilterMembers);
    $arrType = array("name" => _tr("Name"), "email" => _tr("Email"));
    if (!is_null($field_type)) {
        $nameField = $arrType[$field_type];
    } else {
        $nameField = "";
    $oGrid->customAction("return", _tr("Return"));
    if ($edit_permission) {
        $oGrid->addNew("new_memberlist", _tr("Add Member(s) to List"));
        $oGrid->deleteList(_tr("Are you sure you wish to delete the Email List(s)."), "remove_memberlist", _tr("Delete"));
    $oGrid->customAction("?menu={$module_name}&action=export&id={$id_list}&rawmode=yes", _tr("Export Members"), null, true);
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied: ") . $nameField . " = " . $field_pattern, $_POST, array("filter_type" => "name", "filter_txt" => ""));
    $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/view_members.tpl", "", $_POST);
    $content = $oGrid->fetchGrid(array(), $arrData);
    return $content;
Esempio n. 28
function reportMoH($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, &$pDB, $arrConf, $credentials)
    global $arrPermission;
    $error = "";
    $pORGZ = new paloSantoOrganization($pDB);
    $name = getParameter("name");
    if ($credentials['userlevel'] == "superadmin") {
        $domain = getParameter("organization");
        $domain = empty($domain) ? 'all' : $domain;
        $arrOrgz = array("all" => _tr("all"));
        foreach ($pORGZ->getOrganization(array()) as $value) {
            $arrOrgz[$value["domain"]] = $value["name"];
    } else {
        $arrOrgz = array();
        $domain = $credentials['domain'];
    $url["menu"] = $module_name;
    $url["organization"] = $domain;
    $url["name"] = $name;
    $pMoH = new paloSantoMoH($pDB, $domain);
    $total = $pMoH->getNumMoH($domain, $name);
    if ($total === false) {
        $error = $pMoH->errMsg;
        $total = 0;
    $limit = 20;
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    $offset = $oGrid->calculateOffset();
    $end = $offset + $limit <= $total ? $offset + $limit : $total;
    $oGrid->setTitle(_tr('MoH Class List'));
    //$oGrid->setIcon('url de la imagen');
    $oGrid->setStart($total == 0 ? 0 : $offset + 1);
    $arrColum = array();
    if ($credentials['userlevel'] == "superadmin") {
        $arrColum[] = _tr("Organization");
    $arrColum[] = _tr("Name");
    $arrColum[] = _tr("Type");
    $arrColum[] = _tr("Sort");
    $arrColum[] = _tr("Directory");
    $arrColum[] = _tr("Aplication");
    $arrMoH = array();
    $arrData = array();
    if ($total != 0) {
        $arrMoH = $pMoH->getMoHs($domain, $name, $limit, $offset);
    if ($arrMoH === false) {
        $error = _tr("Error to obtain MoH Class") . $pMoH->errMsg;
        $arrMoH = array();
    $arrData = array();
    foreach ($arrMoH as $moh) {
        $arrTmp = array();
        if ($credentials['userlevel'] == "superadmin") {
            if (empty($moh["organization_domain"])) {
                $arrTmp[] = "";
                $arrTmp[] = "&nbsp;<a href='?menu={$module_name}&action=view&id_moh=" . $moh["name"] . "'>" . $moh["description"] . "</a>";
            } else {
                $arrTmp[] = $arrOrgz[$moh["organization_domain"]];
                $arrTmp[] = $moh["description"];
        } else {
            $arrTmp[] = "&nbsp;<a href='?menu={$module_name}&action=view&id_moh=" . $moh["name"] . "'>" . $moh["description"] . "</a>";
        $arrTmp[] = $moh["mode"];
        $arrTmp[] = $moh["sort"];
        $arrTmp[] = $moh["directory"];
        $arrTmp[] = $moh["application"];
        $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
    $smarty->assign("USERLEVEL", $credentials['userlevel']);
    $smarty->assign("SEARCH", "<input type='submit' class='button' value='" . _tr('Search') . "' name='report'>");
    if (in_array("create", $arrPermission)) {
        $oGrid->addNew("create_moh", _tr("Create New Class MoH"));
    if ($credentials['userlevel'] == "superadmin") {
        $_POST["organization"] = $domain;
        $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("Organization") . " = " . $arrOrgz[$domain], $_POST, array("organization" => "all"), true);
    $_POST["name"] = $name;
    // name
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("Name") . " = " . $name, $_POST, array("name" => ""));
    $arrFormElements = createFieldFilter($arrOrgz);
    $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormElements);
    $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $_POST);
    if ($error != "") {
        $smarty->assign("mb_title", _tr("MESSAGE"));
        $smarty->assign("mb_message", $error);
    $contenidoModulo = $oGrid->fetchGrid(array(), $arrData);
    return $contenidoModulo;
Esempio n. 29
function listarArchivos($module_name, $smarty, $local_templates_dir, $sDirectorio)
    global $arrLang;
    // Función que rechaza los directorios punto y doble punto
    function _reject_dotdirs($s)
        return !($s == '.' || $s == '..');
    $listaArchivos = file_exists($sDirectorio) && is_dir($sDirectorio) ? array_filter(scandir($sDirectorio), '_reject_dotdirs') : NULL;
    if (!is_array($listaArchivos)) {
        $smarty->assign("msj_err", _tr('This is not a valid directory'));
    // Filtrar por la cadena indicada en el filtro
    $sSubStrArchivo = getParameter('file');
    if ($sSubStrArchivo != '') {
        $t = array();
        foreach ($listaArchivos as $sArchivo) {
            if (strpos($sArchivo, $sSubStrArchivo) !== FALSE) {
                $t[] = $sArchivo;
        $listaArchivos = $t;
    // Mapear de la lista de archivos al listado completo con URLs
    $arrData = array();
    foreach ($listaArchivos as $sArchivo) {
        $arrData[] = array(sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', construirURL(array('menu' => $module_name, 'action' => 'edit', 'file' => $sArchivo, 'search' => $sSubStrArchivo, 'nav' => getParameter('nav'), 'page' => getParameter('page'))), htmlentities($sArchivo, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')), filesize($sDirectorio . $sArchivo));
    $total = count($arrData);
    $limit = 25;
    $offset = 0;
    $oForm = new paloForm($smarty, array("file" => array("LABEL" => _tr("File"), "REQUIRED" => "no", "INPUT_TYPE" => "TEXT", "INPUT_EXTRA_PARAM" => "", "VALIDATION_TYPE" => "text", "VALIDATION_EXTRA_PARAM" => "")));
    $smarty->assign("Filter", _tr('Filter'));
    $smarty->assign("NEW_FILE", _tr("New File"));
    $smarty->assign('url_new', construirURL(array('menu' => $module_name, 'action' => 'new')));
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    $arr = array("file" => getParameter("file"), "filter" => "Filter");
    if (empty($_POST)) {
        $_POST = $arr;
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied ") . _tr("File") . " = " . $sSubStrArchivo, $_POST, array("file" => ""));
    $htmlFilter = $oForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/new.tpl", _tr("File Editor"), $_POST);
    $offset = $oGrid->calculateOffset();
    $inicio = $total == 0 ? 0 : $offset + 1;
    $fin = $offset + $limit <= $total ? $offset + $limit : $total;
    $leng = $fin - $inicio;
    $arrDatosGrid = array_slice($arrData, $inicio - 1, $leng + 1);
    $arrGrid = array("title" => _tr("File Editor"), "url" => array('menu' => $module_name, 'file' => $sSubStrArchivo), "icon" => "/modules/{$module_name}/images/pbx_tools_asterisk_file_editor.png", "width" => "99%", "start" => $inicio, "end" => $fin, "total" => $total, "columns" => array(0 => array("name" => _tr("File List"), "property1" => ""), 1 => array("name" => _tr("File Size"), "property1" => "")));
    $oGrid->addNew("?menu={$module_name}&action=new", _tr("New File"), true);
    return $oGrid->fetchGrid($arrGrid, $arrDatosGrid, $arrLang);
Esempio n. 30
function reportReportCall($smarty, $module_name, $local_templates_dir, &$pDB_cdr, &$pDB_billing, $arrConf, $arrLang)
    $pReportCall = new paloSantoReportCall($pDB_cdr, $pDB_billing);
    $type = getParameter("option_fil");
    $value_tmp = getParameter("value_fil");
    $date_ini_tmp = getParameter("date_from");
    $date_end_tmp = getParameter("date_to");
    $order_by_tmp = getParameter("order_by");
    $order_type_tmp = getParameter("order_type");
    $action = getParameter("nav");
    $start = getParameter("start");
    $value = isset($value_tmp) ? $value_tmp : "";
    $order_by = isset($order_by_tmp) ? $order_by_tmp : 1;
    $order_type = isset($order_type_tmp) ? $order_type_tmp : "asc";
    $date_from = isset($date_ini_tmp) ? $date_ini_tmp : date("d M Y");
    $date_to = isset($date_end_tmp) ? $date_end_tmp : date("d M Y");
    $date_ini = translateDate($date_from) . " 00:00:00";
    $date_end = translateDate($date_to) . " 23:59:59";
    //begin grid parameters
    $oGrid = new paloSantoGrid($smarty);
    $limit = 40;
    $total = $pReportCall->ObtainNumberDevices($type, $value);
    $oGrid->calculatePagination($action, $start);
    $offset = $oGrid->getOffsetValue();
    $end = $oGrid->getEnd();
    $urlFields = array('menu' => $module_name, 'option_fil' => $type, 'value_fil' => $value, 'date_from' => $date_from, 'date_to' => $date_to);
    $url = construirUrl($urlFields, array('nav', 'start'));
    $urlFields['order_by'] = $order_by;
    $urlFields['order_type'] = $order_type;
    $smarty->assign("order_by", $order_by);
    $smarty->assign("order_type", $order_type);
    $arrData = null;
    $arrResult = $pReportCall->ObtainReportCall($limit, $offset, $date_ini, $date_end, $type, $value, $order_by, $order_type);
    $order_type = $order_type == "desc" ? "asc" : "desc";
    if (is_array($arrResult) && $total > 0) {
        foreach ($arrResult as $key => $val) {
            $ext = $val['extension'];
            $arrTmp[0] = $ext;
            $arrTmp[1] = $val['user_name'];
            $arrTmp[2] = $val['num_incoming_call'];
            $arrTmp[3] = $val['num_outgoing_call'];
            $arrTmp[4] = "<label style='color: green;' title='{$val['duration_incoming_call']} {$arrLang['seconds']}'>" . $pReportCall->Sec2HHMMSS($val['duration_incoming_call']) . "</label>";
            $arrTmp[5] = "<label style='color: green;' title='{$val['duration_outgoing_call']} {$arrLang['seconds']}'>" . $pReportCall->Sec2HHMMSS($val['duration_outgoing_call']) . "</label>";
            $arrTmp[6] = "<a href='javascript: popup_ventana(\"?menu={$module_name}&action=graph&rawmode=yes&ext={$ext}&dini={$date_ini}&dfin={$date_end}\");'>" . "" . $arrLang['Call Details'] . "</a>";
            $arrData[] = $arrTmp;
    $img = "<img src='images/flecha_{$order_type}.png' border='0' align='absmiddle'>";
    $leyend_1 = "<a class='link_summary_off' href='{$url}&amp;order_by=1&amp;order_type=asc'>{$arrLang["Extension"]}</a>";
    $leyend_2 = "<a class='link_summary_off' href='{$url}&amp;order_by=2&amp;order_type=asc'>{$arrLang["User name"]}</a>";
    $leyend_3 = "<a class='link_summary_off' href='{$url}&amp;order_by=3&amp;order_type=asc'>{$arrLang["Num. Incoming Calls"]}</a>";
    $leyend_4 = "<a class='link_summary_off' href='{$url}&amp;order_by=4&amp;order_type=asc'>{$arrLang["Num. Outgoing Calls"]}</a>";
    $leyend_5 = "<a class='link_summary_off' href='{$url}&amp;order_by=5&amp;order_type=asc'>{$arrLang["Sec. Incoming Calls"]}</a>";
    $leyend_6 = "<a class='link_summary_off' href='{$url}&amp;order_by=6&amp;order_type=asc'>{$arrLang["Sec. Outgoing Calls"]}</a>";
    if ($order_by == 1) {
        $leyend_1 = "<a class='link_summary_on' href='{$url}&amp;order_by=1&amp;order_type={$order_type}'>{$arrLang["Extension"]}&nbsp;{$img}</a>";
    } else {
        if ($order_by == 2) {
            $leyend_2 = "<a class='link_summary_on' href='{$url}&amp;order_by=2&amp;order_type={$order_type}'>{$arrLang["User name"]}&nbsp;{$img}</a>";
        } else {
            if ($order_by == 3) {
                $leyend_3 = "<a class='link_summary_on' href='{$url}&amp;order_by=3&amp;order_type={$order_type}'>{$arrLang["Num. Incoming Calls"]}&nbsp;{$img}</a>";
            } else {
                if ($order_by == 4) {
                    $leyend_4 = "<a class='link_summary_on' href='{$url}&amp;order_by=4&amp;order_type={$order_type}'>{$arrLang["Num. Outgoing Calls"]}&nbsp;{$img}</a>";
                } else {
                    if ($order_by == 5) {
                        $leyend_5 = "<a class='link_summary_on' href='{$url}&amp;order_by=5&amp;order_type={$order_type}'>{$arrLang["Sec. Incoming Calls"]}&nbsp;{$img}</a>";
                    } else {
                        if ($order_by == 6) {
                            $leyend_6 = "<a class='link_summary_on' href='{$url}&amp;order_by=6&amp;order_type={$order_type}'>{$arrLang["Sec. Outgoing Calls"]}&nbsp;{$img}</a>";
    $arrGrid = array("title" => $arrLang["Summary by Extension"], "icon" => "images/list.png", "width" => "100%", "start" => $total == 0 ? 0 : $offset + 1, "end" => $end, "total" => $total, "url" => $urlFields, "columns" => array(0 => array("name" => $leyend_1, "property1" => ""), 1 => array("name" => $leyend_2, "property1" => ""), 2 => array("name" => $leyend_3, "property1" => ""), 3 => array("name" => $leyend_4, "property1" => ""), 4 => array("name" => $leyend_5, "property1" => ""), 5 => array("name" => $leyend_6, "property1" => ""), 6 => array("name" => $arrLang["Details"], "property1" => "")));
    //begin section filter
    $arrFormFilterReportCall = createFieldForm($arrLang);
    $oFilterForm = new paloForm($smarty, $arrFormFilterReportCall);
    $_POST['option_fil'] = $type;
    $_POST['value_fil'] = $value;
    $_POST['date_from'] = $date_from;
    $_POST['date_to'] = $date_to;
    $smarty->assign("SHOW", $arrLang["Show"]);
    if ($_POST["date_from"] === "") {
        $_POST["date_from"] = " ";
    if ($_POST['date_to'] === "") {
        $_POST['date_to'] = " ";
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied: ") . _tr("Start Date") . " = " . $date_from . ", " . _tr("End Date") . " = " . $date_to, $_POST, array("date_from" => date("d M Y"), "date_to" => date("d M Y")), true);
    $valueType = "";
    if (!is_null($type)) {
        if ($type == "Ext") {
            $valueType = _tr("Extension");
        } else {
            $valueType = _tr("User");
    $oGrid->addFilterControl(_tr("Filter applied: ") . $valueType . " = " . $value, $_POST, array("option_fil" => "Ext", "value_fil" => ""));
    $htmlFilter = $oFilterForm->fetchForm("{$local_templates_dir}/filter.tpl", "", $_POST);
    //end section filter
    $contenidoModulo = $oGrid->fetchGrid($arrGrid, $arrData, $arrLang);
    return $contenidoModulo;