Esempio n. 1
  * Returns variant parent object
  * @param string $sParentId parent product id
  * @return oxarticle
 protected function _getProductParent($sParentId)
     if ($this->_oProductParent === null || $this->_oProductParent !== false && $this->_oProductParent->getId() != $sParentId) {
         $this->_oProductParent = false;
         $oProduct = oxNew("oxArticle");
         if ($oProduct->load($sParentId)) {
             $this->_oProductParent = $oProduct;
     return $this->_oProductParent;
  * Returns SEO uri for passed article.
  * @param oxarticle $oArticle Article object.
  * @param string    $sActCatId
 public function pingArticleCategoryUrl($oArticle, $sActCatId)
     $oActCat = $this->getCategoryById($sActCatId);
     $iLang = $oArticle->getLanguage();
     if (!($sSeoUri = $this->_loadFromDb('oxarticle', $oArticle->getId(), $iLang, null, $sActCatId, true))) {
         if ($oActCat) {
             $blInCat = false;
             if ($oActCat->isPriceCategory()) {
                 $blInCat = $oArticle->inPriceCategory($sActCatId);
             } else {
                 $blInCat = $oArticle->inCategory($sActCatId);
             if ($blInCat) {
                 $this->_createArticleCategoryUri($oArticle, $oActCat, $iLang);
Esempio n. 3
  * Searches for current article in article list and sets previous/next product ids
  * @param oxarticle $oArticle       current Article
  * @param object    $oIdList        articles list containing only fake article objects !!!
  * @param oxubase   $oLocatorTarget oxubase object
  * @return integer
 protected function _getProductPos($oArticle, $oIdList, $oLocatorTarget)
     $iCnt = 1;
     $iPos = 0;
     // variant handling
     $sOxid = $oArticle->oxarticles__oxparentid->value ? $oArticle->oxarticles__oxparentid->value : $oArticle->getId();
     if ($oIdList->count() && isset($oIdList[$sOxid])) {
         $aIds = $oIdList->arrayKeys();
         $iPos = oxRegistry::getUtils()->arrayStringSearch($sOxid, $aIds);
         if (array_key_exists($iPos - 1, $aIds)) {
             $oBackProduct = oxNew('oxArticle');
             if ($oBackProduct->load($aIds[$iPos - 1])) {
                 $this->_oBackProduct = $oBackProduct;
         if (array_key_exists($iPos + 1, $aIds)) {
             $oNextProduct = oxNew('oxArticle');
             if ($oNextProduct->load($aIds[$iPos + 1])) {
                 $this->_oNextProduct = $oNextProduct;
         return $iPos + 1;
     return 0;
Esempio n. 4
  * Loads article default category
  * @param oxarticle $oArticle Article object
  * @return record set
 public function getDefaultCategoryString($oArticle)
     $sLang = oxRegistry::getLang()->getBaseLanguage();
     $oDB = oxDb::getDb();
     $sCatView = getViewName('oxcategories', $sLang);
     $sO2CView = getViewName('oxobject2category', $sLang);
     //selecting category
     $sQ = "select {$sCatView}.oxtitle from {$sO2CView} as oxobject2category left join {$sCatView} on {$sCatView}.oxid = oxobject2category.oxcatnid ";
     $sQ .= "where oxobject2category.oxobjectid=" . $oDB->quote($oArticle->getId()) . " and {$sCatView}.oxactive = 1 order by oxobject2category.oxtime ";
     return $oDB->getOne($sQ);
Esempio n. 5
  * Converts a oxarticle object to an EMOS_Item
  * @param oxarticle $oProduct article to convert
  * @param string $sCatPath category path
  * @param int $iQty buyable amount
  * @return EMOS_Item
 protected function _convProd2EmosItem($oProduct, $sCatPath = "NULL", $iQty = 1)
     $oItem = $this->_getNewEmosItem();
     $sProductId = isset($oProduct->oxarticles__oxartnum->value) && $oProduct->oxarticles__oxartnum->value ? $oProduct->oxarticles__oxartnum->value : $oProduct->getId();
     $oItem->productId = $this->_convertToUtf($sProductId);
     $oItem->productName = $this->_prepareProductTitle($oProduct);
     // #810A
     $oCur = $this->getConfig()->getActShopCurrencyObject();
     $oItem->price = $oProduct->getPrice()->getBruttoPrice() * (1 / $oCur->rate);
     $oItem->productGroup = "{$sCatPath}/{$this->_convertToUtf($oProduct->oxarticles__oxtitle->value)}";
     $oItem->quantity = $iQty;
     // #3452: Add brands to econda tracking
     $oItem->variant1 = $oProduct->getVendor() ? $this->_convertToUtf($oProduct->getVendor()->getTitle()) : "NULL";
     $oItem->variant2 = $oProduct->getManufacturer() ? $this->_convertToUtf($oProduct->getManufacturer()->getTitle()) : "NULL";
     $oItem->variant3 = $oProduct->getId();
     return $oItem;
Esempio n. 6
  * Returns array of product categories
  * @param oxarticle $oArticle Article object
  * @return array
 protected function _getCategoryList($oArticle)
     $sMainCatId = false;
     if ($oMainCat = $oArticle->getCategory()) {
         $sMainCatId = $oMainCat->getId();
     $aCatList = array();
     $iLang = $this->getEditLang();
     // adding categories
     $sView = getViewName('oxobject2category');
     $oDb = oxDb::getDb(oxDB::FETCH_MODE_ASSOC);
     $sSqlForPriceCategories = $oArticle->getSqlForPriceCategories('oxid');
     $sQuotesArticleId = $oDb->quote($oArticle->getId());
     $sQ = "select oxobject2category.oxcatnid as oxid from {$sView} as oxobject2category " . "where oxobject2category.oxobjectid=" . $sQuotesArticleId . " union " . $sSqlForPriceCategories;
     $oRs = $oDb->execute($sQ);
     if ($oRs != false && $oRs->recordCount() > 0) {
         while (!$oRs->EOF) {
             $oCat = oxNew('oxCategory');
             if ($oCat->loadInLang($iLang, current($oRs->fields))) {
                 if ($sMainCatId == $oCat->getId()) {
                     $sSuffix = oxRegistry::getLang()->translateString('(main category)', $this->getEditLang());
                     $sTitleField = 'oxcategories__oxtitle';
                     $sTitle = $oCat->{$sTitleField}->getRawValue() . " " . $sSuffix;
                     $oCat->{$sTitleField} = new oxField($sTitle, oxField::T_RAW);
                 $aCatList[] = $oCat;
     return $aCatList;
  * deletes article seo entries
  * @param oxarticle $oArticle article to remove
  * @return null
 public function onDeleteArticle($oArticle)
     $oDb = oxDb::getDb();
     $sIdQuoted = $oDb->quote($oArticle->getId());
     $oDb->execute("delete from oxseo where oxobjectid = {$sIdQuoted} and oxtype = 'oxarticle'");
     $oDb->execute("delete from oxobject2seodata where oxobjectid = {$sIdQuoted}");