Esempio n. 1
  * Tear down the fixture.
  * @return null
 protected function tearDown()
     //clean it
     oxDB::getDb()->execute('delete from oxactions where oxtitle like "test%"');
     oxDB::getDb()->execute('delete from oxnews where oxshortdesc like "oxbasetest%"');
Esempio n. 2
  * Insert this Object into the database, this function only works
  * on the main table, it will not save any dependend tables, which
  * might be loaded through oxlist.
  * @return bool
 protected function _insert()
     $blRet = parent::_insert();
     if ($blRet) {
         //also insert to multilang tables if it is separate
         foreach ($this->_getLanguageSetTables() as $sTable) {
             $sSq = "insert into {$sTable} set " . $this->_getUpdateFieldsForTable($sTable, false);
             $blRet = $blRet && (bool) oxDB::getDb()->execute($sSq);
     return $blRet;
Esempio n. 3
  * Update this Object into the database, this function only works on
  * the main table, it will not save any dependend tables, which might
  * be loaded through oxlist.
  * @throws oxObjectException Throws on failure inserting
  * @return bool
 protected function _update()
     //do not allow derived item update
     if (!$this->allowDerivedUpdate()) {
         return false;
     if (!$this->getId()) {
         $oEx = oxNew('oxObjectException');
         throw $oEx;
     $sIDKey = oxUtils::getInstance()->getArrFldName($this->_sCoreTable . ".oxid");
     $this->{$sIDKey} = new oxField($this->getId(), oxField::T_RAW);
     $oDb = oxDB::getDb();
     $sUpdate = "update {$this->_sCoreTable} set " . $this->_getUpdateFields() . " where {$this->_sCoreTable}.oxid = " . $oDb->quote($this->getId());
     //trigger event
     $blRet = (bool) $oDb->execute($sUpdate);
     return $blRet;
Esempio n. 4
 public function testSearchWithCorrectVendorAndCat()
     $sIDVend = "68342e2955d7401e6.18967838";
     $sIDCat = "8a142c3e4d3253c95.46563530";
     if ($this->getConfig()->getEdition() === 'EE') {
         $sIDVend = "d2e44d9b31fcce448.08890330";
         $sIDCat = "30e44ab8593023055.23928895";
     $oSearch = oxNew('oxSearch');
     $oSearchList = $oSearch->getSearchArticles("", $sIDCat, $sIDVend);
     $iAllArtCnt = $oSearch->getSearchArticleCount("", $sIDCat, $sIDVend);
     $sArticleTable = getViewName('oxarticles');
     $sQ = "select {$sArticleTable}.* from {$sArticleTable}, oxobject2category as\n        oxobject2category where oxobject2category.oxcatnid='{$sIDCat}' and\n        oxobject2category.oxobjectid={$sArticleTable}.oxid and ( ( {$sArticleTable}.oxactive = 1  or (\n        {$sArticleTable}.oxactivefrom < '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "' and {$sArticleTable}.oxactiveto > '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "' ) )\n        and ( {$sArticleTable}.oxstockflag != 2 or ( {$sArticleTable}.oxstock + {$sArticleTable}.oxvarstock ) > 0  )  ) and\n        {$sArticleTable}.oxparentid = '' and {$sArticleTable}.oxissearch = 1  and {$sArticleTable}.oxvendorid = '{$sIDVend}'\n        and ( (  {$sArticleTable}.oxtitle like '%%' or {$sArticleTable}.oxshortdesc like '%%' or  {$sArticleTable}.oxsearchkeys like '%%' or\n        {$sArticleTable}.oxartnum like '%%' )  )";
     $aAll = oxDB::getDb()->getAll($sQ);
     // testing if article count in list is <= 'iNrofCatArticles' = 10;
     $count = 5;
     if ($this->getConfig()->getEdition() === 'EE') {
         $count = 8;
     $this->assertEquals($count, $oSearchList->count());
     $this->assertEquals(count($aAll), $iAllArtCnt);
     // now looking if all found articles are correct
     $aFoundIds = $oSearchList->arrayKeys();
     $aAll = array_slice($aAll, 0, 10);
     // if this tests fails here - you must add spec sorting for an upper SQL
     foreach ($aAll as $aData) {
         if (($sKey = array_search($aData[0], $aFoundIds)) !== false) {
     $this->assertEquals(0, count($aFoundIds));