Esempio n. 1
  * Extends the default save method.
  * Saves only if this kind of entry do not exists.
  * @return bool
 public function save()
     $oDb = oxDb::getDb();
     $sQ = "select 1 from oxobject2group where oxgroupsid = " . $oDb->quote($this->oxobject2group__oxgroupsid->value);
     $sQ .= " and oxobjectid = " . $oDb->quote($this->oxobject2group__oxobjectid->value);
     // does not exist
     if (!$oDb->getOne($sQ, false, false)) {
         return parent::save();
Esempio n. 2
  * Extends the default save method.
  * Saves only if this kind of entry do not exists.
  * @throws DatabaseException
  * @return bool
 public function save()
     try {
         return parent::save();
     } catch (\OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Core\Exception\DatabaseException $exception) {
          * The table oxobject2group has an UNIQUE index on (OXGROUPSID, OXOBJECTID, OXSHOPID)
          * If there is a DatabaseException and the exception code is 1062 i.e. "Duplicate entry",
          * the exception will be discarded and the record will not be inserted.
         if ($exception->getCode() != '1062') {
             throw $exception;
Esempio n. 3
  * Saves order article object. If saving succeded - updates
  * article stock information if oxOrderArticle::isNewOrderItem()
  * returns TRUE. Returns saving status
  * @return bool
 public function save()
     // ordered articles
     if (($blSave = parent::save()) && $this->isNewOrderItem()) {
         $myConfig = $this->getConfig();
         if ($myConfig->getConfigParam('blUseStock') && $myConfig->getConfigParam('blPsBasketReservationEnabled')) {
             $this->getSession()->getBasketReservations()->commitArticleReservation($this->oxorderarticles__oxartid->value, $this->oxorderarticles__oxamount->value);
         } else {
             $this->updateArticleStock($this->oxorderarticles__oxamount->value * -1, $myConfig->getConfigParam('blAllowNegativeStock'));
         // seting downloadable products article files
         // marking object as "non new" disable further stock changes
     return $blSave;
  * Save this Object to database, insert or update as needed.
  * @return mixed
 public function save()
     if (!$this->oxrecommlists__oxtitle->value) {
         throw oxNew("oxObjectException", 'EXCEPTION_RECOMMLIST_NOTITLE');
     return parent::save();
  * Create object 2 object connection in databse
  * @param array  $aData         db fields and values
  * @param string $sObj2ObjTable table name
 public function createObj2Obj($aData, $sObj2ObjTable)
     if (empty($aData)) {
     $iCnt = count($aData);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $iCnt; $i++) {
         $oObj = new oxBase();
         if ($iCnt < 2) {
             $aObj = $aData[$i];
         } else {
             $aObj = $aData;
         foreach ($aObj as $sKey => $sValue) {
             $sField = $sObj2ObjTable . "__" . $sKey;
             $oObj->{$sField} = new oxField($sValue, oxField::T_RAW);
Esempio n. 6
  * Saves (updates) user object data information in DB. Return true on success.
  * @return bool
 public function save()
     $myConfig = oxRegistry::getConfig();
     $blAddRemark = false;
     if ($this->oxuser__oxpassword->value && $this->oxuser__oxregister->value < 1) {
         $blAddRemark = true;
         //save oxregister value
         $this->oxuser__oxregister = new oxField(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), oxField::T_RAW);
     // setting user rights
     $this->oxuser__oxrights = new oxField($this->_getUserRights(), oxField::T_RAW);
     // processing birth date which came from output as array
     if (is_array($this->oxuser__oxbirthdate->value)) {
         $this->oxuser__oxbirthdate = new oxField($this->convertBirthday($this->oxuser__oxbirthdate->value), oxField::T_RAW);
     $blRet = parent::save();
     //add registered remark
     if ($blAddRemark && $blRet) {
         $oRemark = oxNew('oxremark');
         $oRemark->oxremark__oxtext = new oxField(oxRegistry::getLang()->translateString('usrRegistered', null, true), oxField::T_RAW);
         $oRemark->oxremark__oxtype = new oxField('r', oxField::T_RAW);
         $oRemark->oxremark__oxparentid = new oxField($this->getId(), oxField::T_RAW);
     return $blRet;
Esempio n. 7
  * Saves (updates) user object data information in DB. Return true on success.
  * @return bool
 public function save()
     $myConfig = oxConfig::getInstance();
     $blAddRemark = false;
     if ($this->oxuser__oxpassword->value && $this->oxuser__oxregister->value < 1) {
         $blAddRemark = true;
         //save oxregister value
         $this->oxuser__oxregister = new oxField(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), oxField::T_RAW);
     // setting user rights
     $this->oxuser__oxrights = new oxField($this->_getUserRights(), oxField::T_RAW);
     // processing birth date which came from output as array
     if (is_array($this->oxuser__oxbirthdate->value)) {
         $this->oxuser__oxbirthdate = new oxField($this->convertBirthday($this->oxuser__oxbirthdate->value), oxField::T_RAW);
     // checking if user Facebook ID should be updated
     if ($myConfig->getConfigParam("bl_showFbConnect")) {
         $oFb = oxFb::getInstance();
         if ($oFb->isConnected() && $oFb->getUser()) {
             $this->oxuser__oxfbid = new oxField($oFb->getUser());
     $blRet = parent::save();
     //add registered remark
     if ($blAddRemark && $blRet) {
         $oRemark = oxNew('oxremark');
         $oRemark->oxremark__oxtext = new oxField(oxLang::getInstance()->translateString('usrRegistered'), oxField::T_RAW);
         $oRemark->oxremark__oxtype = new oxField('r', oxField::T_RAW);
         $oRemark->oxremark__oxparentid = new oxField($this->getId(), oxField::T_RAW);
     return $blRet;
Esempio n. 8
  * Updates/inserts order object and related info to DB
  * @return null
 public function save()
     if ($blSave = parent::save()) {
         // saving order articles
         $oOrderArticles = $this->getOrderArticles();
         if ($oOrderArticles && count($oOrderArticles) > 0) {
             foreach ($oOrderArticles as $oOrderArticle) {
     return $blSave;