Esempio n. 1
 function update($new_assoc, $expired)
     if ($new_assoc) {
         $query = sprintf($this->qstrs[0], $new_assoc->server_url, $new_assoc->handle, oidUtil::to_b64($new_assoc->secret), $new_assoc->issued, $new_assoc->lifetime);
     foreach ($expired as $assoc) {
         $this->invalidate($assoc->server_url, $assoc->handle);
Esempio n. 2
 function associate($server_url)
     list($p, $g) = $this->get_mod_gen();
     $dh = new DiffieHellman($p, $g, $this->srand);
     $cpub = $dh->createKeyExchange();
     $args = array('openid.mode' => 'associate', 'openid.assoc_type' => 'HMAC-SHA1', 'openid.session_type' => 'DH-SHA1', 'openid.dh_modulus' => oidUtil::to_b64(oidUtil::long2a($dh->p)), 'openid.dh_gen' => oidUtil::to_b64(oidUtil::long2a($dh->g)), 'openid.dh_consumer_public' => oidUtil::to_b64(oidUtil::long2a($cpub)));
     $body = http_build_query($args);
     list($url, $data) = $this->http_client->post($server_url, $body);
     $results = oidUtil::parsekv($data);
     $assoc_type = $this->getResult($results, 'assoc_type');
     if ($assoc_type != 'HMAC-SHA1') {
         trigger_error(sprintf('runtime error : Unknown association type %s', $assoc_type), E_USER_WARNING);
     $assoc_handle = $this->getResult($results, 'assoc_handle');
     $expires_in = isset($results['expires_in']) ? $results['expires_in'] : 0;
     $session_type = isset($results['session_type']) ? $results['session_type'] : 0;
     if (!$session_type) {
         $secret = oidUtil::from_b64($this->getResult($results, 'mac_key'));
     } else {
         if ($session_type != 'DH-SHA1') {
             trigger_error(sprintf('runtime error : Unknown Session Type: %s', $session_type), E_USER_WARNING);
         $spub = oidUtil::a2long(oidUtil::from_b64($this->getResult($results, 'dh_server_public')));
         $dh_shared = $dh->decryptKeyExchange($spub);
         $enc_mac_key = $this->getResult($results, 'enc_mac_key');
         // print "enc_mac_key: " . $enc_mac_key;
         $secret = oidUtil::strxor(oidUtil::from_b64($enc_mac_key), oidUtil::sha1(oidUtil::long2a($dh_shared)));
     return ConsumerAssociation::from_expires_in($expires_in, $server_url, $assoc_handle, $secret);
Esempio n. 3
 function sign_reply($reply, $key, $signed_fields)
     // Sign the given fields from the reply with the specified key.
     // Return signed and sig
     $text = '';
     foreach ($signed_fields as $i) {
         $val = $reply['openid.' . $i];
         $text .= sprintf("%s:%s\n", $i, $val);
     $sha1 = oidUtil::hmacsha1($key, $text);
     $b64_sha1 = oidUtil::to_b64($sha1);
     return array(implode(',', $signed_fields), $b64_sha1);
Esempio n. 4
 function do_associate($req)
     // Performs the actions needed for openid.mode=associate.  If
     // srand was provided when constructing this server instance,
     // this method supports the DH-SHA1 openid.session_type when
     // requested.  This function requires that $this->get_new_secret be
     // overriden to function properly.  Returns a Response object
     // indicating what should be sent back to the consumer.
     $reply = array();
     $assoc_type = $req->get('openid.assoc_type', 'HMAC-SHA1');
     $assoc = $this->estore->get($assoc_type);
     $session_type = $req->get('session_type');
     if ($session_type) {
         if ($session_type == 'DH-SHA1') {
             $p = $req->get('dh_modulus');
             $g = $req->get('dh_gen');
             $dh = DiffieHellman::fromBase64($p, $g, $this->srand);
             $cpub = oidUtil::a2long(oidUtil::from_b64($req->get('dh_consumer_public')));
             $dh_shared = $dh->decryptKeyExchange($cpub);
             $mac_key = oidUtil::strxor($assoc->secret, oidUtil::sha1(oidUtil::long2a($dh_shared)));
             $spub = $dh->createKeyExchange();
             $reply['session_type'] = $session_type;
             $reply['dh_server_public'] = oidUtil::to_b64(oidUtil::long2a($spub));
             $reply['enc_mac_key'] = oidUtil::to_b64($mac_key);
             // error_log( "assoc.secret: " . $assoc->secret );
             // error_log( "dh_server_public: " . $reply['dh_server_public'] );
             // error_log( "dh_server_public_raw: " . $spub );
             // error_log( "enc_mac_key: " . $reply['enc_mac_key'] );
         } else {
             // raise ProtocolError('session_type must be DH-SHA1');
             $error = 'session_type must be DH-SHA1';
             return OpenIDServer::_error_page($error);
     } else {
         $reply['mac_key'] = oidUtil::to_b64($assoc->secret);
     $reply['assoc_type'] = $assoc_type;
     $reply['assoc_handle'] = $assoc->handle;
     $reply['expires_in'] = $assoc->get_expires_in();
     return response_page(oidUtil::kvform($reply));
Esempio n. 5
 function create_return_to($base, $identity)
     $args = array('id' => $identity, 'time' => (string) time());
     $args['v'] = oidUtil::to_b64(oidUtil::hmacsha1($this->secret, $args['id'] . $args['time']));
     return oidUtil::append_args($base, $args);