Esempio n. 1
 * Convert a screen string to a screen object
 * @since 3.0.0
 * @param string $hook_name The hook name (also known as the hook suffix) used to determine the screen.
 * @return nxt_Screen Screen object.
function convert_to_screen($hook_name)
    if (!class_exists('nxt_Screen')) {
        _doing_it_wrong('convert_to_screen(), add_meta_box()', __("Likely direct inclusion of nxt-admin/includes/template.php in order to use add_meta_box(). This is very wrong. Hook the add_meta_box() call into the add_meta_boxes action instead."), '3.3');
        return (object) array('id' => '_invalid', 'base' => '_are_belong_to_us');
    return nxt_Screen::get($hook_name);
Esempio n. 2
 * Set the current screen object
 * @since 3.0.0
 * @uses $current_screen
 * @param mixed $hook_name Optional. The hook name (also known as the hook suffix) used to determine the screen,
 *	or an existing screen object.
function set_current_screen($hook_name = '')