public function __construct($data, $question, $case_sensitive = false, $modifiable = true)
     $dh = $GLOBALS['dh'];
     $this->question = $question;
     $this->case_sensitive = $case_sensitive;
     $this->ordine = array();
     $this->answers = array();
     $this->modifiable = $modifiable;
     require_once MODULES_TEST_PATH . '/include/';
     $this->questionObj = nodeTest::readNode($this->question);
     $res = $dh->test_getNodesByParent($this->questionObj->id_nodo);
     foreach ($res as $k => $v) {
         $this->questionObj->addChild(nodeTest::readNode($v, $this->questionObj));
     $tmp = array();
     foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
         $tmp[$v['ordine']][] = $v;
  * Function that automatic creates answers (and save it to database) for cloze question type
  * @global db $dh
  * @param int $question_id
  * @param array $data question data
  * @param array $test test record
  * @see QuestionClozeTest::createClozeAnswers
 public static function createEraseClozeAnswers($question_id, $data, $test)
     $dh = $GLOBALS['dh'];
     QuestionClozeTest::createClozeAnswers($question_id, $data, $test);
     require_once MODULES_TEST_PATH . '/include/';
     $questionObj = nodeTest::readNode($question_id);
     //the next function computes cloze orders with span orders and returns it
     $nuovi_ordini = $questionObj->getClozeOrders();
     //save new computed orders for each answer
     $res = $dh->test_getNodesByParent($questionObj->id_nodo);
     if (!empty($res)) {
         foreach ($res as $v) {
             $v['ordine'] = $nuovi_ordini[$v['ordine']];
             $dh->test_updateNode($v['id_nodo'], array('ordine' => $v['ordine']));
     //change original orders with new ones inside question text
     $testo = $questionObj->testo;
     foreach ($nuovi_ordini as $k => $v) {
         $testo = str_replace('<cloze title="' . $k . '">', '<clozeTMP title="' . $v . '">', $testo);
     $testo = str_replace('<clozeTMP', '<cloze', $testo);
     $dh->test_updateNode($questionObj->id_nodo, array('testo' => $testo));
  * Function that executes answer logic (add / mod)
  * @global db $dh
  * @return string
 protected function action()
     $dh = $GLOBALS['dh'];
     $tmp = $dh->test_getNodesByParent($this->question['id_nodo']);
     $risposte = array();
     if (!empty($tmp)) {
         foreach ($tmp as $k => $v) {
             $risposte[] = array('other_answer' => $v['tipo'][1], 'answer' => $v['testo'], 'value' => $v['correttezza'], 'case_sensitive' => $v['tipo'][2], 'record' => $v['id_nodo'], 'ordine' => $v['ordine']);
     $case_sensitive = false;
     if ($this->question['tipo'][1] == ADA_OPEN_AUTOMATIC_TEST_TYPE || $this->question['tipo'][1] == ADA_CLOZE_TEST_TYPE && in_array($this->question['tipo'][3], $open_cloze)) {
         $case_sensitive = true;
     $open_answer = false;
     if (in_array($this->question['tipo'][1], array(ADA_STANDARD_TEST_TYPE, ADA_MULTIPLE_CHECK_TEST_TYPE))) {
         $open_answer = true;
     $form = $this->instantiateObject($risposte, $this->question, $case_sensitive, $open_answer);
     if ($_POST) {
         //hack to capture ajax calls from ADA_CLOZE_TEST_TYPE -> ADA_MULTIPLE_TEST_SIMPLICITY
         if ($this->question['tipo'][3] == ADA_MULTIPLE_TEST_SIMPLICITY) {
             require_once MODULES_TEST_PATH . '/include/';
             $questionObj = nodeTest::readNode($this->question['id_nodo']);
         if ($form->isValid()) {
             //crea nuove risposte con i dati del form
             $post = array();
             foreach ($_POST['answer'] as $k => $v) {
                 $post[] = array('answer' => $_POST['answer'][$k], 'value' => intval($_POST['value'][$k]), 'case_sensitive' => $_POST['case_sensitive'][$k] == 1 ? true : false, 'other_answer' => $_POST['other_answer'][$k] == 1 ? true : false, 'record' => $_POST['record'][$k], 'ordine' => $_POST['ordine'][$k]);
             $result = true;
             foreach ($post as $k => $v) {
                 $t = $tipo;
                 $t[1] = $v['other_answer'] ? ADA_OPEN_TEST_ANSWER : ADA_NO_OPEN_TEST_ANSWER;
                 $t[2] = $v['case_sensitive'] ? ADA_CASE_INSENSITIVE_TEST : ADA_CASE_SENSITIVE_TEST;
                 $data = array('id_corso' => $this->test['id_corso'], 'id_utente' => $_SESSION['sess_id_user'], 'id_istanza' => $this->test['id_istanza'], 'nome' => $v['answer'], 'testo' => Node::prepareInternalLinkMediaForDatabase($v['answer']), 'correttezza' => $v['value'], 'tipo' => $t, 'id_nodo_parent' => $this->question['id_nodo'], 'id_nodo_radice' => $this->test['id_nodo'], 'ordine' => $v['ordine'] ? $v['ordine'] : $k + 1);
                 if (intval($v['record']) > 0) {
                     $res = $dh->test_updateNode(intval($v['record']), $data);
                 } else {
                     $res = $dh->test_addNode($data);
                 if (AMATestDataHandler::isError($res)) {
                     $result = false;
                     $html = translateFN('Errore durante la creazione delle risposte');
             if ($result) {
                 $get_topic = isset($_GET['topic']) ? '&topic=' . $_GET['topic'] : '';
                 if ($_POST['return'] == 'here') {
                     redirect(MODULES_TEST_HTTP . '/edit_answers.php?id_question=' . $this->question['id_nodo'] . $get_topic);
                 } else {
                     redirect(MODULES_TEST_HTTP . '/index.php?id_test=' . $this->test['id_nodo'] . $get_topic . '#liQuestion' . $this->question['id_nodo']);
     } else {
         $html = $form->getHtml();
         $div = CDOMElement::create('div', 'id:insertImage,class:hide');
         $div->setAttribute('title', translateFN('Inserisci Immagine'));
         $div->setAttribute('style', 'text-align:right;');
         $labelUrl = CDOMElement::create('label', 'for:inputUrl');
         $labelUrl->addChild(new CText(translateFN('Url') . ':'));
         $inputUrl = CDOMElement::create('text', 'id:inputUrl');
         $div->addChild(new CText('<br />'));
         $labelTitle = CDOMElement::create('label', 'for:inputTitle');
         $labelTitle->addChild(new CText(translateFN('Titolo') . ':'));
         $inputTitle = CDOMElement::create('text', 'id:inputTitle');
         $div->addChild(new CText('<br />'));
         $labelRadio = CDOMElement::create('label');
         $labelRadio->addChild(new CText(translateFN('Permetti zoom') . ':'));
         $labelYes = CDOMElement::create('label', 'for:radioPopupYes');
         $labelYes->addChild(new CText(translateFN('Si')));
         $labelNo = CDOMElement::create('label', 'for:radioPopupNo');
         $labelNo->addChild(new CText(translateFN('No')));
         $radioYes = CDOMElement::create('radio', 'id:radioPopupYes,name:radioPopup');
         $radioYes->setAttribute('checked', '');
         $radioNo = CDOMElement::create('radio', 'id:radioPopupNo,name:radioPopup');
         $div->addChild(new CText('<br />'));
         $labelWidth = CDOMElement::create('label', 'for:inputWidth');
         $labelWidth->addChild(new CText(translateFN('Larghezza') . ':'));
         $inputWidth = CDOMElement::create('text', 'id:inputWidth,size:4,value:75');
         $labelHeight = CDOMElement::create('label', 'for:inputHeight');
         $labelHeight->addChild(new CText(translateFN('Altezza') . ':'));
         $inputHeight = CDOMElement::create('text', 'id:inputHeight,size:4,value:75');
         $html .= $div->getHtml();
     return $html;