Esempio n. 1
     $retval = json_encode($data);
 case 'updatefile':
     $textvars = array('filetitle' => $_POST['filetitle'], 'description' => $_POST['description'], 'tags' => $_POST['tags'], 'approved' => $_POST['approved'], 'vernote' => $_POST['version_note']);
     $intvars = array('folder' => $_POST['folder'], 'fid' => $_POST['id'], 'version' => $_POST['version']);
     // Need to disable HTML filter or even new lines are removed
     $filter->cleanData('int', $intvars);
     $filter->cleanData('text', $textvars);
     $_CLEAN = $filter->normalize($filter->getDbData('', '', false));
     $_WEB = $filter->normalize($filter->getWebData());
     $data['tagerror'] = '';
     $query = DB_query("SELECT fname,cid,version FROM {$_TABLES['nxfile_files']} WHERE fid={$_CLEAN['fid']}");
     list($fname, $cid, $curVersion) = DB_fetchArray($query);
     $tagcloud = new nexfileTagCloud();
     if (fm_getPermission($cid, 'view', 0, false) and !$tagcloud->update_tags($_CLEAN['fid'], $_POST['tags'])) {
         $data['tagerror'] = 'Tags not added - Group view perms requried';
     $date = time();
     $filemoved = false;
     if ($_CLEAN['approved'] == 'false') {
         $sql = "UPDATE {$_TABLES['nxfile_filesubmissions']} SET title='{$_CLEAN['filetitle']}', description='{$_CLEAN['description']}', ";
         $sql .= "version_note='{$_CLEAN['vernote']}', cid={$_CLEAN['folder']}, tags='{$_CLEAN['tags']}' WHERE id={$_CLEAN['fid']} ";
         fm_updateAuditLog("Updated File Submission ID: {$_CLEAN['fid']}");
         $data['cid'] = $_CLEAN['folder'];
         $data['tags'] = $_CLEAN['tags'];
     } else {
         // Allow updating the category, title, description and image for the current version and primary file record
         if ($_CLEAN['version'] == $curVersion) {
             $newcid = $_CLEAN['folder'];
Esempio n. 2
function nexdocsrv_approveFileSubmission($id)
    global $_TABLES, $_CONF, $_FMCONF;
    $query = DB_query("SELECT fid,cid,fname,tempname,title,description,tags,ftype,size,version,version_note,submitter,date,version_ctl,notify FROM {$_TABLES['nxfile_filesubmissions']} WHERE id={$id}");
    list($fid, $cid, $fname, $tmpname, $title, $description, $tags, $ftype, $fsize, $version, $verNote, $submitter, $date, $versionmgmt, $notify) = DB_fetchARRAY($query);
    $data = array();
    // Check if there have been multiple submission requests for the same file and thus have same new version #
    if ($version == 1) {
        if ($ftype == 'file') {
            $curfile = "{$_FMCONF['storage_path']}{$cid}/submissions/{$tmpname}";
            $newfile = "{$_FMCONF['storage_path']}{$cid}/{$fname}";
            $rename = @rename($curfile, $newfile);
        DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['nxfile_files']} (cid,fname,title,version,ftype,size,submitter,status,date,version_ctl)\r\n            VALUES ('{$cid}','{$fname}','{$title}','1','{$ftype}','{$fsize}','{$submitter}',1,'{$date}','{$versionmgmt}')");
        $newfid = DB_insertId();
        DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['nxfile_filedetail']} (fid,description,hits,rating,votes,comments)\r\n            VALUES ('{$newfid}','{$description}',0,0,0,0)");
        DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['nxfile_fileversions']} (fid,fname,ftype,version,notes,size,date,uid,status)\r\n            VALUES ('{$newfid}','{$uploadfilename}','{$ftype}','1','{$verNote}','{$fsize}','{$date}','{$submitter}',1)");
    } else {
        // Need to rename the current versioned file
        if ($ftype == 'file') {
            $curfile = $_CONF['path_html'] . 'nexfile/data/' . $cid . '/submissions/' . $tmpname;
            $newfile = $_CONF['path_html'] . 'nexfile/data/' . $cid . '/' . $fname;
            $rename = @rename($curfile, $newfile);
        DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['nxfile_fileversions']} (fid,fname,ftype,version,notes,size,date,uid,status)\r\n           VALUES ('{$fid}','{$fname}','{$ftype}','{$version}','{$verNote}','{$fsize}','{$date}','{$submitter}','1')");
        DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['nxfile_files']} SET fname='{$fname}',version='{$version}', date='{$date}' WHERE fid={$fid}");
        $newfid = $fid;
    if ($newfid > 0) {
        $tagcloud = new nexfileTagCloud();
        // Update tags table and return tags formated as required
        $tagcloud->update_tags($newfid, $tags);
        // Send out notifications of approval
        fm_sendNotification($newfid, "2");
        DB_query("DELETE FROM {$_TABLES['nxfile_filesubmissions']} WHERE id={$id}");
        // Optionally add notification records and send out notifications to all users with view access to this new file
        if (DB_getItem($_TABLES['nxfile_categories'], 'auto_create_notifications', "cid='{$cid}'") == 1) {
            fm_autoCreateNotifications($fid, $cid);
        // Send out notifications of update to all subscribed users
        fm_sendNotification($newfid, "1");
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;