Esempio n. 1
  * @throws nc_search_exception
  * @return phpMorphy
 protected function get_morphy()
     $language = $this->context->get('language');
     $language = $language . "_" . $language;
     // phpMorphy requires "ru_ru", "en_en"
     $this->language = $language;
     if (!isset(self::$instances[$language])) {
         if (!class_exists('phpMorphy', false)) {
         if (nc_search::should('PhpMorphy_LoadDictsDuringIndexing') && $this->context->get('action') == 'indexing') {
             $storage = PHPMORPHY_STORAGE_MEM;
         } else {
             $storage = PHPMORPHY_STORAGE_FILE;
         $options = array('storage' => $storage, 'predict_by_suffix' => true, 'predict_by_db' => true);
         // Path to directory where dictionaries are located
         $dict_path = nc_search::get_3rdparty_path() . '/phpmorphy/dicts';
         try {
             self::$instances[$language] = new phpMorphy($dict_path, $language, $options);
         } catch (phpMorphy_Exception $e) {
             throw new nc_search_exception("Error occurred while creating phpMorphy instance: {$e->getMessage()}");
     return self::$instances[$language];
Esempio n. 2
  * Если есть мета-тэг robots или с именем бота и значенем 'noindex', 
  * документ не индексируется (внимание: атрибуты case-sensitive)
  * @return boolean
 public function should_index()
     if (!nc_search::should('ObeyMetaNoindex')) {
         return true;
     $xpath_query = '//meta[((@name="robots") or (@name="' . nc_search::get_setting('CrawlerUserAgent') . '")) and (contains(@content, "noindex"))]';
     return $this->xpath($xpath_query)->length == 0;
Esempio n. 3
  * @param string $query
  * @return string
 protected function escape_special_characters($query)
     foreach ($this->escape_patterns as $allow_feature => $pattern) {
         if (!nc_search::should($allow_feature)) {
             $query = preg_replace($pattern, '$1', $query);
     return $query;
Esempio n. 4
 public function __construct()
     // skip numbers?
     $this->ignore_numbers = nc_search::should('IgnoreNumbers');
     $this->tokenizer_regexp = $this->ignore_numbers ? $this->regexp_alpha : $this->regexp_alnum;
     // max terms
     $max_terms = nc_search::get_setting('MaxTermsPerField');
     if ($max_terms > 0) {
         $this->max_terms = $max_terms + 2;
         $this->max_chunks = $max_terms * 2 + 2;
Esempio n. 5
  * Пытается убрать кавычки из запроса
  * @param nc_search_language_corrector_phrase $phrase
  * @return boolean
 public function correct(nc_search_language_corrector_phrase $phrase)
     if (!nc_search::should('RemovePhrasesOnEmptyResult')) {
         return false;
     $orignal_phrase_text = $phrase_text = $phrase->to_string();
     if (strpos($phrase_text, '"') !== false && !preg_match('/"\\S+"/u', $phrase_text)) {
         $phrase_text = preg_replace('/"~[\\d\\.]+/', '"', $phrase_text);
         // remove distance search
         if (nc_search_util::is_boolean_query($phrase_text) || preg_match('/[-+]/', $phrase_text)) {
             // there is a a phrase with several words!
             $phrase_text = preg_replace('/"(\\S)/u', "(\$1", $phrase_text);
             $phrase_text = str_replace('"', ")", $phrase_text);
         } else {
             $phrase_text = str_replace('"', "", $phrase_text);
         $message = sprintf(NETCAT_MODULE_SEARCH_CORRECTION_QUOTES, $orignal_phrase_text, $phrase_text);
         $phrase->set_phrase($phrase_text, $message);
         return true;
     return false;
Esempio n. 6
  * Возвращает массив со словами, которых нет в индексе и в словаре
  * @param nc_search_language_corrector_phrase $phrase
  * @return array|false
 protected function get_unknown_terms(nc_search_language_corrector_phrase $phrase)
     $all_terms = $phrase->get_not_corrected_terms();
     if (!sizeof($all_terms)) {
         return false;
     $stopwords_analyzer = false;
     if (nc_search::should('RemoveStopwords')) {
         $stopwords_analyzer = new nc_search_language_filter_stopwords($this->context);
     $unknown_terms = array();
     foreach ($all_terms as $term) {
         // строка должна быть в правильном регистре, чтобы анализатор мог её корректно обработать
         $string = $term->get('term');
         // выкинем стоп-слова для начала
         if ($stopwords_analyzer && !$stopwords_analyzer->filter(array($string))) {
         // проверка по индексу
         if (!$this->provider_lookup($string)) {
             $unknown_terms[] = $term;
             $term->set('is_incorrect', true);
             // go to next term
         // проверка по словарю
         $analyzer_result = $this->analyzer_lookup($string);
         if ($analyzer_result !== true) {
             // FALSE или STRING
             $unknown_terms[] = $term;
             $term->set('is_incorrect', true);
             if (is_string($analyzer_result)) {
                 $term->set('corrected_term', $analyzer_result);
     return $unknown_terms;
Esempio n. 7
  * @param array $terms
  * @return array
 public function filter(array $terms)
     if (!nc_search::should('RemoveStopwords')) {
         return $terms;
     $language = $this->context->get('language');
     if (!isset(self::$lists[$language])) {
         $query = "SELECT * FROM `%t%` WHERE `Language`='" . nc_search_util::db_escape($language) . "'";
         self::$lists[$language] = nc_search::load('nc_search_language_stopword', $query, 'word');
     $stop_list = self::$lists[$language];
     if (!count($stop_list)) {
         return $terms;
     $result = array();
     foreach ($terms as $term) {
         if (is_array($term)) {
             // alternative forms
             foreach ($term as $i => $t) {
                 if ($stop_list->has_key($t)) {
             $terms_left = count($term);
             if ($terms_left == 1) {
                 $result[] = $term[0];
             } elseif ($terms_left > 1) {
                 $result[] = $term;
         } elseif (!$stop_list->has_key($term)) {
             // ordinary term
             $result[] = $term;
     return $result;
Esempio n. 8
File: ui.php Progetto: Blu2z/implsk
  * @param string $query_string
  * @param string|array $area
  * @param string $params Параметры, через амперсанд
  *   - field - поле поиска. Допустимые значения: 'title'
  *   - interval - непустое значение, если включена фильтрация по дате
  *   - intervalvalue - значение интервала
  *   - intervalunit - тип интервала (hour, day, week, month)
  *   - sortby - сортировка. Если пустое значение - сортировка по релевантности.
  *     Допустимые значения: last_updated или имя поля, по которому разрешена сортировка
  *   - sortdirection - desc (по умолчанию), asc
  *   - language - язык результатов, по умолчанию определяется автоматически
  *   - curPos - текущая позиция (номер первого результата)
  *   - recNum - количество результатов на странице, по умолчанию 10 (берется из
  *     настроек компонента в разделе)
  *   - correct - пытаться исправить запросы, не давшие результатов (по умолчанию
  *     равно соответствующей настройки модуля)
  *   - nologging - не записывать запрос в журнал запросов (при просмотре
  *     результатов из админки, чтобы не искажать картину запросов)
  * @return nc_search_data_persistent_collection
 public function get_results($query_string, $area = "", $params = "")
     if (!nc_search::should('EnableSearch')) {
         return new nc_search_result();
     // return empty collection
     $start_time = microtime(true);
     $query_string = (string) $query_string;
     global $nc_core;
     parse_str($params, $params);
     if (isset($params["field"]) && $params["field"] && nc_search::should('AllowFieldSearch')) {
         $query_string = "{$params['field']}:({$query_string})";
     $query = new nc_search_query($query_string);
     $has_interval = isset($params["interval"]) && isset($params["intervalvalue"]) && isset($params["intervalunit"]) && $params["interval"] && $params["intervalvalue"] && $params["intervalunit"];
     if ($has_interval) {
         $timestamp = strtotime("-{$params['intervalvalue']} {$params['intervalunit']}");
         $query->set('modified_after', strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", $timestamp));
     $allow_sort = isset($params["sortby"]) && $params["sortby"] && nc_search::should('AllowFieldSearch');
     if ($allow_sort) {
         $query->set('sort_by', $params["sortby"]);
         if (isset($params["sortdirection"]) && strtoupper($params["sortdirection"]) == 'ASC') {
             $query->set('sort_direction', SORT_ASC);
     if (isset($params["curPos"]) && $params["curPos"]) {
         $query->set('offset', (int) $params["curPos"]);
     if (isset($params["recNum"]) && $params["recNum"]) {
         $query->set('limit', (int) $params["recNum"]);
     if ($area) {
         if (is_array($area)) {
             $area = join(" ", $area);
         $query->set('area', $area);
     $language = isset($params["language"]) && $params["language"] ? $params["language"] : $nc_core->lang->detect_lang(1);
     $query->set('language', $language);
     $shutdown_page_path = nc_folder_path($nc_core->subdivision->get_current('Subdivision_ID'));
     register_shutdown_function('nc_search_shutdown', $shutdown_page_path, $query_string);
     $query_error = false;
     try {
         $results = nc_search::find($query);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $query_error = true;
         $results = new nc_search_result();
     // попробуем исправить, если не было результатов?
     $try_to_correct = $results->get_total_count() == 0 && !$query_error && (isset($params["correct"]) && $params["correct"] || nc_search::should('TryToCorrectQueries')) && preg_match_all('/[\\pL\\pN\\?\\*]+/u', $query_string, $tmp) <= nc_search::get_setting('MaxQueryLengthForCorrection');
     if ($try_to_correct) {
         $context = new nc_search_context(array("language" => $language, "action" => "searching"));
         $correctors = nc_search_extension_manager::get('nc_search_language_corrector', $context)->get_all();
         if (sizeof($correctors)) {
             $phrase = new nc_search_language_corrector_phrase($query_string);
             $rewritten_query = clone $query;
             foreach ($correctors as $corrector) {
                 if ($corrector->correct($phrase)) {
                     // что-то подправили
                     // попробуем поискать!
                     $rewritten_query->set('query_string', $phrase->to_string());
                     try {
                         $corrected_results = nc_search::find($rewritten_query);
                         if (sizeof($corrected_results)) {
                             $results = $corrected_results;
                             // exit "foreach corrector"
                     } catch (Exception $e) {
                         // может упасть, например, если у изменённого слова есть несколько базовых форм...
                 // of "something changed"
             // of "foreach corrector"
         // end of "has correctors"
     // end of "if ($try_to_correct)"
     $will_log = true;
     if (isset($params['nologging']) && $params['nologging'] && strlen($query_string)) {
         // только очень крутым чувакам разрешается не оставлять следов
         if (isset($GLOBALS['AUTH_USER_ID']) && isset($GLOBALS['perm']) && $GLOBALS["perm"]->isAccess(NC_PERM_MODULE)) {
             $will_log = false;
     if ($will_log && nc_search::should('SaveQueryHistory') && $query->get('offset') == 0) {
         $ip = ip2long($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
         // achtung! не будет работать с IPv6!
         if ($ip > 0x7fffffff) {
             $ip -= 0x100000000;
         // produce a signed 4-byte integer on 64-bit systems
         $query->set('results_count', $results->get_total_count())->set('user_ip', $ip)->set('user_id', $GLOBALS['AUTH_USER_ID'])->set('site_id', $GLOBALS['catalogue'])->save();
     $results->set_search_time(microtime(true) - $start_time);
     return $results;
Esempio n. 9
  * Обработать следующую ссылку из очереди
  * @return integer 
  *   nc_search_indexer::TASK_STEP_SKIPPED (ничего не сделано),
  *   nc_search_indexer::TASK_STEP_FINISHED (сделан и обработан запрос),
  *   nc_search_indexer::TASK_FINISHED (задача завершена)
 public function next()
     $link = $this->task->get_next_link();
     if (!$link) {
         return $this->finalize();
     $done_something = true;
     // флажок, означающий, что после выполнения задачи, возможно,
     // следует сделать паузу (в соответствии с настройками)
     $url = $link->get('url');
     $is_disallowed = $this->task->is_url_disallowed($url);
     if (!$is_disallowed && $this->get_area()->includes($url)) {
         $response = $this->crawler->get($url);
     } elseif (!$is_disallowed && nc_search::should("CrawlerCheckLinks") && ($this->is_internal_link($url) || nc_search::should("CrawlerCheckOutsideLinks"))) {
         // так нам её проверить, да?
         $response = $this->crawler->head($url);
     } else {
         $response = false;
         $done_something = false;
     if ($response) {
         $code = $response->get_code();
         // 0, если ничего не получено (напр., не резолвится домен)
         $max_doc_size = nc_search::get_setting("CrawlerMaxDocumentSize");
         if (!$code || $code == 400 || $code >= 402) {
             // их разыскивает пилиция  (401==Authorization required)
             $link->set('is_broken', true);
         } elseif ($response->has_body() && (!$max_doc_size || $response->get_body_length() <= $max_doc_size)) {
             // есть ответ и он не слишком длинный для нас
             $this->process_response($response, $link);
         } else {
     $link->set('is_processed', true);
     if ($link->get_id()) {
         // save the link status (broken, processed)
         // set ToDelete for the broken links from this page
         try {
             $this->query_db("UPDATE `Search_BrokenLink`\n                                    SET `ToDelete` = 1\n                                  WHERE `Referrer_URL` = '" . nc_search_util::db_escape($link->get('url')) . "'");
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             trigger_error($e->getMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
     return $done_something ? self::TASK_STEP_FINISHED : self::TASK_STEP_SKIPPED;
Esempio n. 10
  * Получить абсолютный URL
  * @param string $href
  * @param string $referrer
  * @return string
  * @throws nc_search_exception
 protected function resolve_link($href, $referrer = null)
     $referrer_parts = $this->parse_utf8_url($referrer);
     // Абсолютная ссылка без указания протокола — неправильно обрабатывается
     // функцией parse_url() до PHP 5.4.7
     if (substr($href, 0, 2) == "//") {
         $scheme = isset($referrer_parts['scheme']) ? $referrer_parts['scheme'] : 'http';
         $href = "{$scheme}:{$href}";
     $href_parts = $this->parse_utf8_url($href);
     if (!is_array($href_parts)) {
         $href_parts = array();
     // $href == "#"
     $result_parts = $href_parts;
     if (!isset($href_parts["host"])) {
         // path with no host name
         if ($referrer == 'http:///') {
             return false;
         if ($referrer == 'http://') {
             return false;
         if (!$referrer_parts || !isset($referrer_parts["host"])) {
             throw new nc_search_exception("Cannot resolve full URL: '{$href}' (no referrer)");
         foreach (array("scheme", "host", "port", "path") as $p) {
             if (isset($referrer_parts[$p]) && !isset($href_parts[$p])) {
                 $result_parts[$p] = $referrer_parts[$p];
         if ($result_parts["path"][0] != "/") {
             // relative path
             $referrer_dir = substr($referrer_parts["path"], -1) == '/' ? $referrer_parts["path"] : dirname($referrer_parts["path"]) . "/";
             $result_parts["path"] = $referrer_dir . $result_parts["path"];
     // end of "path with no host name"
     // "" → ""
     if (!isset($result_parts["path"])) {
         $result_parts["path"] = "/";
     // get rid of "./", "../"
     if (strpos($result_parts["path"], "./") !== false) {
         $path_fragments = array();
         foreach (explode("/", $result_parts["path"]) as $part) {
             if ($part == '.' || $part == '') {
             if ($part == '..') {
             } else {
                 $path_fragments[] = $part;
         $path = join("/", $path_fragments);
         if (substr($href_parts["path"], -1) == '/') {
             $path .= "/";
         if ($path[0] != '/') {
             $path = "/{$path}";
         $result_parts["path"] = $path;
     // Производится сортировка параметров для того, чтобы не запрашивать страницу
     // дважды, если в ссылках на неё параметры перечислены в разном порядке, например:
     // /sub/?tag=22&curPos=10 и /sub/?curPos=10&tag=22 будут считаться одной страницей
     // Параметр модуля: IndexerNormalizeLinks
     if (isset($result_parts["query"]) && strpos($result_parts["query"], "&") && nc_search::should('IndexerNormalizeLinks')) {
         $params = explode("&", $result_parts["query"]);
         $result_parts["query"] = join("&", $params);
     // IDN & non-latin paths
     $result_parts["host"] = nc_search_util::encode_host($result_parts["host"]);
     $result_parts["path"] = nc_search_util::encode_path($result_parts["path"]);
     // MySite.ORG ==
     $result_parts["host"] = strtolower($result_parts["host"]);
     $full_url = strtolower($result_parts["scheme"]) . "://" . $result_parts["host"] . (isset($result_parts["port"]) ? ":{$result_parts['port']}" : "") . $result_parts["path"] . (isset($result_parts["query"]) ? "?{$result_parts['query']}" : "");
     return $full_url;
Esempio n. 11
  * @param string $string Text to tokenize
  * @return array
 protected function tokenize_text($string)
     // split words containing numbers into number+string parts
     $string = preg_replace("/(\\pL)(\\d)/u", "\$1 \$2", $string);
     $string = preg_replace("/(\\d)(\\pL)/u", "\$1 \$2", $string);
     $delimiter = nc_search::should('IgnoreNumbers') ? '/[^\\pL]+/u' : '/[^\\pL\\d]+/u';
     $max_terms = (int) nc_search::get_setting('MaxTermsPerField');
     $tokens = preg_split($delimiter, $string, $max_terms);
     return $tokens;
Esempio n. 12
 protected function get_disallowed_areas()
     $disallowed = array();
     // (1) robots.txt
     if (nc_search::should('CrawlerObeyRobotsTxt')) {
         $disallowed = $this->get_robots_txt_area_parts();
     // (2) Settings (ExcludeUrlRegexps)
     $regexps = preg_split("/\\s*\n/u", nc_search::get_setting('ExcludeUrlRegexps'), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
     foreach ($regexps as $regexp) {
         $regexp = "@" . addcslashes($regexp, "@") . "@u";
         $disallowed[] = new nc_search_area_regexp(array('regexp' => $regexp));
     // done
     return new nc_search_area($disallowed);
Esempio n. 13
require_once $ROOT_FOLDER . "connect_io.php";
$nc_core = nc_Core::get_object();
$lang = $nc_core->lang->detect_lang();
require_once $ADMIN_FOLDER . "lang/" . $lang . ".php";
// замедление работы при необходимости
$delay = trim(nc_search::get_setting('IndexerConsoleSlowdownDelay'));
// секунды
if ($delay) {
    define('NC_SEARCH_INDEXER_DELAY_VALUE', (int) ($delay * 1000000));
    // микросекунды
    function nc_search_indexer_delay()
    declare (ticks=10000);
while (@ob_end_flush()) {
nc_search::register_logger(new nc_search_logger_plaintext(nc_search::LOG_CONSOLE));
$remove_hung_tasks = !nc_search::should('IndexerConsoleRestartHungTasks');
$current_task = nc_search_indexer::get_current_task($remove_hung_tasks);
$continue = $current_task instanceof nc_search_indexer_task && $current_task->get('runner_type') == nc_search::INDEXING_CONSOLE_BATCH && ($current_task->get('is_idle') || nc_search::should('IndexerConsoleRestartHungTasks') && time() > $current_task->get('last_activity') + nc_search::get_setting("IndexerRemoveIdleTasksAfter"));
if ($continue) {
    $indexer = new nc_search_indexer();
    $indexer->resume($current_task, new nc_search_indexer_runner_batch());
} else {
Esempio n. 14
 protected function get_highlight_regexp($language)
     if (!$this->highlight_regexp) {
         $query_string = $this->get_query_string();
         $context = new nc_search_context(array('language' => $language, 'action' => 'searching'));
         // Получить слова из запроса.
         // (Удалять из запроса термины с префиксом "-" и "NOT" не имеет особого смысла,
         // поскольку в результат они как правило не попадают.)
         $query_string = preg_replace("/[\\^~][\\d\\.]+/", '', $query_string);
         // операторы ^1, ~1
         preg_match_all("/[\\pL\\d\\?\\*]+/u", $query_string, $matches);
         $terms = $matches[0];
         if (strpos($query_string, "*") !== false || strpos($query_string, "?") !== false) {
             $wildcards_replacement = nc_search::should('AllowWildcardSearch') ? array("?" => ".", "*" => "[\\S]+") : array("?" => "", "*" => "");
             foreach ($terms as $i => $term) {
                 $terms[$i] = strtr($term, $wildcards_replacement);
         //if ( nc_Core::get_object()->NC_UNICODE ) {
         $terms = nc_search_extension_manager::get('nc_search_language_filter', $context)->except('nc_search_language_filter_stopwords')->apply('filter', $terms);
         $analyzer = nc_search_extension_manager::get('nc_search_language_analyzer', $context)->first();
         if ($analyzer) {
             $regexp = $analyzer->get_highlight_regexp($terms);
         } else {
             $regexp = nc_search_util::word_regexp("(" . join("|", $terms) . ")", "Si");
         $this->highlight_regexp = $regexp;
     // of "there was no 'highlight_regexp'"
     return $this->highlight_regexp;
Esempio n. 15
  * @param string $query_string
  * @param boolean $is_recursive_call
  * @return nc_search_query_expression
 public function parse($query_string, $is_recursive_call = false)
     if (!$is_recursive_call) {
         // change string encoding to UTF-8 or ensure it's not broken if it is
         // already UTF-8
         $query_string = mb_convert_encoding($query_string, 'UTF-8', nc_Core::get_object()->NC_CHARSET);
      * LEXEMES
      * simple/terminal:
      *   term
      *   wildcard*
      *   wildcard?
      * group (inside):
      *   (a b)   -- essentially "a AND b" or "a OR b"
      *   "a b"
      * group (left and right)
      *   AND  &&
      *   OR   ||
      *   [a TO b]
      *   {a TO b}
      * (implicit AND or OR)
      * wrap following expression:
      *   NOT  !
      * modify next expression:
      *   field_name:
      *   +
      *   -    (must be preceded with a whitespace if not at the beginning of the string)
      * modify previous expression:
      *   ^2
      *   ~0.5  (for term: fuzzy search)     --- extracted with the preceding term
      *   ~2    (for phrase: proximity search)
      * special rules:
      *   - terms with both letters and numbers are considered a phrase:
      *       x123y567z → phrase("x 123 y 567 z")
      *       inside quotes: "price usd50" → phrase("price usd 50")
      *   - decimal fractions are considered a phrase:
      *       0.123 → phrase("0 123")
      *       "price 0.12" → phrase("price 0 12")
     $query_remainder = $query_string;
     // part of the query string that is not parsed yet
     $root = null;
     // result of the parsing
     $previous = null;
     // previous expression
     $operator = $this->default_operator;
     // joining operator ("AND", "OR")
     $previous_was_group = false;
     $next_not = $next_required = $next_excluded = false;
     // modifiers for the upcoming token
     $next_field_name = null;
     // field name modifier
     while (true) {
         $expression = null;
         $token = $this->remove_next_token($query_remainder);
         if ($token === null) {
         // ----- make sense of the received token:
         if ($token == "(") {
             // start of the group?
             $expression = $this->remove_group($query_remainder);
             //may return null if parentheses are not balanced
             if ($expression) {
                 $previous_was_group = true;
         } elseif ($token == '"') {
             // phrase?
             $expression = $this->remove_phrase($query_remainder);
             // may return null if not a phrase
         } elseif (($token == "[" || $token == "{") && nc_search::should('AllowRangeSearch')) {
             // can be an interval
             $expression = $this->remove_interval($query_remainder, $token);
             // may return null if not an interval
         } elseif (substr($token, -1) == ":" && nc_search::should('AllowFieldSearch')) {
             // field name!
             $next_field_name = substr($token, 0, -1);
         } elseif ($token == "+") {
             // "required" sign (not same as AND if default operator is OR)
             $next_required = true;
         } elseif ($token == "-" && !$previous || strlen($token) > 1 && trim($token) == "-") {
             // (a) "excluded" sign at the beginning of the query (not same as NOT if default operator is OR)
             // (b) "excluded" sign elsewhere (separated by the space)
             $next_excluded = true;
         } elseif ($token == "!" || $token == "NOT") {
             // boolean operators are case-sensitive
             $next_not = true;
             // wrap next item inside NOT
         } elseif ($token == "&&" || $token == "AND") {
             $operator = "AND";
         } elseif ($token == "||" || $token == "OR") {
             $operator = "OR";
         } elseif (strpos($token, "~") > 0 && preg_match("/^[{$this->term_chars}]+~/u", $token)) {
             // fuzzy search
             list($term, $similarity) = explode("~", $token);
             // decimal value ("0.5")
             if (nc_search::should('AllowFuzzySearch')) {
                 $expression = new nc_search_query_expression_fuzzy($term, $similarity);
             } else {
                 $expression = new nc_search_query_expression_term($term);
         } elseif ($token[0] == "~" && nc_search::should('AllowProximitySearch')) {
             // phrase word distance option
             $value = substr($token, 1);
             // integer value
             if ($previous instanceof nc_search_query_expression_phrase) {
             // no fallback, throw the token out
         } elseif ($token[0] == "^" && nc_search::should('AllowTermBoost')) {
             // term and phrase boost
             $value = substr($token, 1);
             // integer or decimal value
             if ($previous instanceof nc_search_query_expression_term || $previous instanceof nc_search_query_expression_phrase) {
             // no fallback, just discard (complicated: decimal value can result in two terms)
         } elseif ((strpos($token, "*") || strpos($token, "?")) && nc_search::should('AllowWildcardSearch')) {
             // wildcard; can't be the first symbol
             $expression = new nc_search_query_expression_wildcard($token);
         } elseif ($this->ignore_numbers && preg_match("/\\d/", $token)) {
             // reset field flag (e.g.: <price:50 term>)
             $next_field_name = null;
         } elseif (ctype_digit($token) && preg_match("/^\\.(\\d+)\\b/", $query_remainder, $match)) {
             // special case: decimal fractions
             $fraction = $match[1];
             $query_remainder = substr($query_remainder, strlen($fraction) + 1);
             $expression = new nc_search_query_expression_phrase(array($token, $fraction));
             // TODO? можно помечать такие фразы, чтобы транслировать их в FTS-фразы, а не в REGEXP-выражения
         } elseif (preg_match("/^[{$this->term_chars}]+\$/u", $token)) {
             // special case: treat terms with both letters and numbers as a phrase
             if (preg_match("/\\d/", $token)) {
                 $parts = preg_split("/(\\d+)/", $token, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
                 $expression = sizeof($parts) == 1 ? new nc_search_query_expression_term($parts[0]) : new nc_search_query_expression_phrase($parts);
             } else {
                 $expression = new nc_search_query_expression_term($token);
         } else {
             // discard unknown tokens
         // -----
         // process next token if current token didn't produce an expression
         if (!$expression) {
         // -----
         // set expression flags / options
         // reset flags
         $next_field_name = null;
         $next_required = $next_excluded = false;
         if ($next_not) {
             // wrap inside NOT()
             $expression = new nc_search_query_expression_not($expression);
             $next_not = false;
         // store expression in the $root tree
         if ($root == null) {
             // first item
             $root = $expression;
         } else {
             // not a first item
             if ($root instanceof nc_search_query_expression_or) {
                 if ($operator == "OR") {
                     // OR+OR=OR
                 } elseif ($previous_was_group) {
                     // (one OR two) AND three
                     $root = $this->create_boolean($operator, $root, $expression);
                 } else {
                     // replace last item in OR with an AND expression
                     // (t1 OR t2 AND t3) → OR(t1, AND(t2, t3))
                     // (t1 OR t2 AND t3 AND t4) → OR(t1, AND(t2, t3, t4))
             } elseif ($root instanceof nc_search_query_expression_and && $operator == "AND") {
                 // AND+AND=AND
             } else {
                 // (root=AND && operator=OR) --or-- (root is not boolean)
                 // (t1 AND t2 OR t3) → OR(AND(t1, t2), t3)
                 $root = $this->create_boolean($operator, $root, $expression);
             // reset flag
             $previous_was_group = false;
         // reset $operator:
         $operator = $this->default_operator;
         // remember previous expression:
         $previous = $expression;
     // of "while tokens are coming"
     return $root ? $root : new nc_search_query_expression_empty();
Esempio n. 16

if (!class_exists("nc_system")) {
if (!nc_search::should('SaveQueryHistory')) {
    nc_print_status(NETCAT_MODULE_SEARCH_ADMIN_QUERY_LOG_DISABLED, 'info', array($this->hash_href("")));
// генерация полей для ввода диапазонов дат
$time_fields = array("d" => 2, "m" => 2, "Y" => 4, "H" => 2, "M" => 2);
foreach (array('from', 'to') as $i) {
    foreach ($time_fields as $key => $length) {
        $name = "datetime_{$i}_{$key}";
        $input = str_replace("%{$key}", "<input type='text' name='{$name}' value='" . $this->format_input($name, "%0{$length}d") . "' class='i{$length}' maxlength='{$length}' size='{$length}' />", $input);
    ${"datetime_{$i}"} = $input;
$results = $this->get_input('results');
$per_page = (int) $this->get_input('per_page', 20);
$sort_by = $this->get_input('sort_by');

<!-- фильтр -->
<form method="GET" action="">
    <input type="hidden" name="view" value="queries" />
    <table class="query_filter">
            <td class="fragment_cell">
                <div class="caption"><?php 
Esempio n. 17

 * Входящие параметры:
 *  - term
 *  - language
 * @global $catalogue
$NETCAT_FOLDER = realpath("../../../../");
require_once "{$NETCAT_FOLDER}/";
require $INCLUDE_FOLDER . "index.php";
// получение параметров
$input = trim($nc_core->input->fetch_get('term'));
if (!nc_search::should('EnableQuerySuggest') || nc_search::get_setting('SuggestMode') != 'titles' || mb_strlen($input) < nc_search::get_setting('SuggestionsMinInputLength')) {
$input = $nc_core->utf8->conv($nc_core->NC_CHARSET, 'utf-8', $input);
$language = $nc_core->input->fetch_get('language');
if (!$language) {
    $language = $nc_core->lang->detect_lang(1);
// поиск подходящих заголовков is provider-dependent
$suggestions = nc_search::get_provider()->suggest_titles($input, $language, $catalogue);
if (!$nc_core->NC_UNICODE) {
    $suggestions = $nc_core->utf8->array_utf2win($suggestions);
print nc_array_json($suggestions);
Esempio n. 18

if (!class_exists("nc_system")) {
// if (!nc_search::should('EnableSearch')) {
//             array($this->hash_href(""), "_top"));
//     return;
// }
$nc_core = nc_core();
$db = $this->get_db();
$provider = nc_search::get_provider();
$is_history_saved = nc_search::should('SaveQueryHistory');
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Невыполненные задачи
$rules = nc_search::load('nc_search_rule', "SELECT * FROM `%t%` ORDER BY `LastStartTime` DESC");
if (count($rules)) {
    $pending_time = time() - 12 * 60 * 60;
    $pending_tasks = $db->get_var("SELECT `StartTime`\n                                     FROM `Search_Schedule`\n                                    WHERE `StartTime` < {$pending_time}\n                                    LIMIT 1");
    if ($pending_tasks) {
} else {
// Ошибки конфигурации
// (1) Индексатор
// (2) Парсеры
Esempio n. 19
  * @param string $input
  * @param string $language
  * @param integer $site_id
  * @return array
 public function suggest_titles($input, $language, $site_id)
     $suggestions = array();
     // собственно подсказки
     $titles = array();
     $limit = nc_search::get_setting('NumberOfSuggestions');
     // поиск в индексе (то есть будут варианты после обработки фильтрами - базовая форма)
     if (nc_search::should('SearchTitleBaseformsForSuggestions')) {
         $last_space = strrpos($input, " ");
         $as_phrase = nc_search::should('SearchTitleAsPhraseForSuggestions');
         $b1 = $as_phrase ? '"' : '(';
         $b2 = $as_phrase ? '"' : ')';
         /* @todo сделать проверку на то, что последнее слово является правильным/полным? */
         $query_string = "(title:{$b1}{$input}{$b2}" . ($last_space ? " OR title:{$b1}" . trim(substr($input, 0, $last_space)) . $b2 : '') . ") AND site_id:{$site_id}";
         $query = new nc_search_query($query_string);
         $query->set('limit', $limit)->set('options_to_fetch', array('title', 'site_id', 'path'))->set('language', $language);
         $documents = $this->find($query, false);
         foreach ($documents as $doc) {
             $suggestions[] = array("label" => $doc->get('title'), "url" => $doc->get('url'));
             $titles[] = '"' . nc_search_util::db_escape($doc->get('title')) . '"';
         $titles = array_unique($titles);
     // поиск точного соответствия в таблице с документами
     // по-хорошему следовало бы сначала сделать запрос к БД, а потом к индексу, однако
     // в случае запроса к индексу не получится так же просто отфильтровать уже совпавшие запросы
     $query = "SELECT `Catalogue_ID`, `Path`, `Title` FROM `%t%` " . ' WHERE `Title` LIKE "' . nc_search_util::db_escape($input) . '%" ' . ($titles ? " AND `Title` NOT IN (" . join(", ", $titles) . ") " : "") . " ORDER BY `Title` " . " LIMIT {$limit}";
     $documents = new nc_search_result();
     foreach ($documents as $doc) {
         array_unshift($suggestions, array("label" => $doc->get('title'), "url" => $doc->get('url')));
     $suggestions = array_slice($suggestions, 0, $limit);
     return $suggestions;
Esempio n. 20
  * Setting checkbox
 protected function setting_cb($option, $caption, $override_value = null)
     $value = $override_value === null ? nc_search::should($option) : $override_value;
     return "<div class='setting'>\n      <input type='hidden' name='s[{$option}]' value='0' />\n      <input type='checkbox' name='s[{$option}]' value='1' id='cb_{$option}'" . ($value ? " checked" : "") . "/> " . "<label for='cb_{$option}'>{$caption}</label>\n    </div>\n";
Esempio n. 21

if (!class_exists("nc_system")) {
$ui = $this->get_ui();
if (!nc_search::should('EnableSearch')) {
    nc_print_status(NETCAT_MODULE_SEARCH_ADMIN_SETTING_SEARCH_DISABLED, "error", array($this->hash_href(""), "_top"));
$rules = nc_search::load('nc_search_rule', "SELECT * FROM `%t%` ORDER BY `Rule_ID`")->set_output_encoding(nc_core('NC_CHARSET'));
if (count($rules)) {
    foreach ($rules as $r) {
        // строчка «последняя индексация»
        $last_start_time = $r->get('last_start_time');
        $last_finish_time = $r->get('last_finish_time');
        if (!$last_start_time) {
            $last_run = NETCAT_MODULE_SEARCH_ADMIN_RULE_NEVER_RUN . ".";
        } else {
            $last_run = NETCAT_MODULE_SEARCH_ADMIN_RULE_LAST_RUN . ": " . nc_search_util::format_time($last_start_time) . " (";
            if ($last_finish_time < $last_start_time) {
            } else {
                $last_run .= NETCAT_MODULE_SEARCH_ADMIN_RULE_LAST_RUN_DURATION . " " . nc_search_util::format_seconds($last_finish_time - $last_start_time);
            $last_run .= ").";
        // конец формирования строчки «последняя индексация»
        // строчка с результатми последней индексации
        $stats = "";
        if ($last_start_time) {
            $result = $r->get('last_result');
Esempio n. 22
$new_settings = $this->get_input('s', array());
$nc_core = nc_Core::get_object();
if (!$nc_core->NC_UNICODE) {
    $new_settings = $nc_core->utf8->array_utf2win($new_settings);
if ($new_settings) {
    $new_settings["EnableQuerySuggest"] = strlen($new_settings["SuggestMode"]) > 0;
    foreach ($new_settings as $k => $v) {
        nc_search::save_setting($k, $v);
$suggest_mode = nc_search::get_setting('SuggestMode');
$suggest_enabled = nc_search::should('EnableQuerySuggest');
$component = $nc_core->component->get_by_id(nc_search::get_setting('ComponentID'));
$file_mode = $component["File_Mode"];
<form method="POST" class="settings">
    <input type="hidden" name="view" value="templates" />

