Esempio n. 1
function showMyGalleries()
    global $rsgConfig, $mainframe;
    $my = JFactory::getUser();
    $database = JFactory::getDBO();
    //Check if My Galleries is enabled in config, if not ..............
    if (!$rsgConfig->get('show_mygalleries')) {
        die(JText::_('Unauthorized access attempt to My Galleries!'));
    //Add gallery pathway items
    $pathway =& $mainframe->getPathway();
    $pathway->addItem(JText::_('my galleries'));
    //Set limits for pagenav
    $limit = trim(rsgInstance::getInt('limit', 10));
    $limitstart = trim(rsgInstance::getInt('limitstart', 0));
    //Get total number of records for paging
    $database->setQuery("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM #__rsgallery2_files WHERE userid = '{$my->id}'");
    $total = $database->loadResult();
    //New instance of mosPageNav
    $pageNav = new JPagination($total, $limitstart, $limit);
    //Get all images
    $database->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__rsgallery2_files" . " WHERE userid = '{$my->id}'" . " ORDER BY date DESC" . " LIMIT {$pageNav->limitstart}, {$pageNav->limit}");
    $images = $database->loadObjectList();
    //Get all galleries based on hierarchy (up to 20 levels deep, with level property to show the level)
    $rows = myGalleries::recursiveGalleriesList();
    if ($my->id) {
        //User is logged in, show it all!
        myGalleries::viewMyGalleriesPage($rows, $images, $pageNav);
    } else {
        //Not logged in, back to main page
        $mainframe->redirect(JRoute::_("index.php?option=com_rsgallery2"), JText::_('MY GALLERIES ACCESSIBLE FOR LOGGED ON USERS'));