public function execute()
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = null;
     $go = $this->getP("go");
     $filter = new ConversionProfileFilter();
     $this->list = array();
     $fields_set = $filter->fillObjectFromRequest($_REQUEST, "filter_", null);
     if ($go) {
         $c = new Criteria();
         // filter
         //if ($order_by != -1) kshowPeer::setOrder( $c , $order_by );
         $this->list = ConversionProfilePeer::doSelect($c);
     $the_conv = myConversionProfileUtils::getConversionProfile($filter->get("_eq_partner_id"), $filter->get("_eq_profile_type"));
     $selected = false;
     if ($the_conv) {
         foreach ($this->list as &$conv) {
             if ($conv->getId() == $the_conv->getId()) {
                 $selected = true;
                 $conv->selected = true;
     // is none was selected - need to add the_conv to the list
     if (!$selected && $the_conv) {
         $the_conv->selected = true;
         $this->list[] = $the_conv;
     $this->filter = $filter;
Esempio n. 2
  * return the ConversionProfile for this entry is specified on the entry or for the partner
  * the is_flv is important for deciding on the actual set of conversion params
  * @param string $entry_id
  * @return conversionProfile2
 public static function getConversionProfile2ForEntry($entry_id)
     $entry = entryPeer::retrieveByPK($entry_id);
     if (!$entry) {
         return null;
     // conversion quality is an alias for conersion_profile_type ('low' , 'med' , 'hi' , 'hd' ... )
     $conversion_profile_2_id = $entry->getConversionProfileId();
     $conversion_quality = "";
     KalturaLog::log("conversion_profile_2_id [{$conversion_profile_2_id}]");
     if (is_null($conversion_profile_2_id) || $conversion_profile_2_id <= 0) {
         // this is assumed to be the old conversion profile
         $conversion_quality = $entry->getConversionQuality();
         $partner_id = $entry->getPartnerId();
         // try to extract the conversion profile from the partner
         $partner = PartnerPeer::retrieveByPK($partner_id);
         if (!$partner) {
             throw new Exception("Cannot find partner for entry [{$entry_id}]");
         KalturaLog::log("conversion_quality [{$conversion_quality}]");
         $partner_kmc_version = $partner->getKmcVersion();
         if (is_null($partner_kmc_version) || version_compare($partner_kmc_version, "2", "<")) {
             // if old kmc - the fallback conversion_quality is the one on the partner->getDefConversionProfileType
             if (is_null($conversion_quality) || $conversion_quality <= 0) {
                 // search for the default one on the partner
                 $old_conversion_profile = self::getCurrentConversionProfile($partner->getId());
             } else {
                 // load old profile from the given conversion_quality
                 $old_conversion_profile = myConversionProfileUtils::getConversionProfile($partner_id, $conversion_quality);
             if (!$old_conversion_profile) {
                 throw new Exception("Cannot find conversion profile for entry_id [{$entry_id}] OLD conversion_quality [{$conversion_quality}]");
             // this is a partner working with OLD KMC
             // - we need to create the new conversion profile from the old one
             $new_conversion_profile = myConversionProfileUtils::createConversionProfile2FromConversionProfile($old_conversion_profile);
         } else {
             // if new kmc_version - the fallback conversion_quality is the one on the partner->getDefaultConversionProfileId
             if (is_null($conversion_quality) || $conversion_quality <= 0) {
                 // search for the default one on the partner
                 $conversion_quality = $partner->getDefaultConversionProfileId();
             // partner with new KMC version - use the $conversion_quality as if it was the conversionProfile2 id
             $new_conversion_profile = conversionProfile2Peer::retrieveByPk($conversion_quality);
         // set the new conversionProfileId on the entry
         if ($new_conversion_profile) {
     } else {
         $new_conversion_profile = conversionProfile2Peer::retrieveByPk($conversion_profile_2_id);
     // if there is no new conversion_profile OR the new_conversion_profile doesn't belong to the current partner (and doesn't belong to partner 0 - the partner all default profiules belong to)
     // - this indicates an error !
     if (!$new_conversion_profile || $new_conversion_profile->getPartnerId() != $entry->getPartnerId() && $new_conversion_profile->getPartnerId() != 0) {
         throw new Exception("Cannot find conversion profile for entry_id [{$entry_id}] OLD conversion_quality [{$conversion_quality}] NEW conversion_profile_2_id [{$conversion_profile_2_id}]");
     return $new_conversion_profile;
Esempio n. 3
    if (DEBUG) {
        KalturaLog::debug("This was dry-run, going to set partner with DefaultConversionProfileId: " . $partner->getDefaultConversionProfileId());
    } else {
        // set new id as defaultConversionProfileId
        KalturaLog::debug("Partner was set with DefaultConversionProfileId: " . $partner->getDefaultConversionProfileId());
} else {
    // no currentConversionProfileType, lets see what on default
    $defConversionProfileType = $partner->getFromCustomData('defConversionProfileType');
    if (!is_null($defConversionProfileType)) {
        $oldCp = myConversionProfileUtils::getConversionProfile($partner->getId(), $defConversionProfileType);
        if (!$oldCp->getConversionProfile2Id() && $oldCp->getPartnerId() == $partner->getId()) {
            if (DEBUG) {
                KalturaLog::debug("This was dry-run, going to convert old default conversion profile according to defConversionProfileType");
            } else {
                // set new id on defaultConversionProfileId
                KalturaLog::debug("converted old default conversion profile. new DefaultConversionProfileId is: " . $partner->getDefaultConversionProfileId());