Esempio n. 1
 public function getInstance()
     if (myClass::$instance == null) {
         myClass::$instance = new myClass();
     return myClass::$instance;
Esempio n. 2
 public static function myStaticMethodWithArgs($arg1, $arg2 = 'default')
     self::$retStatic = "before myStaticMethodWithArgs\n";
     self::$retStatic .= "after myStaticMethodWithArgs\n";
     return self::$retStatic;
Esempio n. 3
 * The IDE includes function parameter help. Uncomment the line
 * below, and continue the my_function call by typing a "(" and pausing
 * for just a moment.
 * The IDE will tell you which parameters are available to that function.
//echo my_function
class myClass
    var $size = 50;
    var $height = 2;
    function myClass()
         * There is also popup help for class methods and variables.
         * Uncomment the line below and continue the call to $this->size
         * by typing a ">" and pausing for just a moment. The IDE will
         * popup the methods and functions available in this class
    function classFunc()
        echo "Call to classFunc\n";
$c = new myClass();
Esempio n. 4

class myClass
    public $name = "Md Ariful Islam ";
    public $district = "Dinajpur";
    public function myfunc()
        echo "I am " . $this->name . "and i come from " . $this->district;
class MyOtherClass extends myClass
    public function myfunc2()
        echo "I am " . $this->name . "and i come from " . $this->district;
$object1 = new myClass();
Esempio n. 5
 public function __construct()
     echo "A new contructor in" . __CLASS__ . "<br />";
Esempio n. 6

class myClass
    public $name = "Jimbo";
    function sayHello()
        echo "HELLO! My name is " . $this->name;
$object1 = new myClass();

Esempio n. 7
function main_func($name, $department)
    $MAX_Classes = Department::where('code', $department->code)->first()->total_rooms;
    //Thana kawaye nashi file read yaye ta kha
    /*$inputData=CSV2Array($name);//CSV2Array is a function defined inside the file functions.php and this file returns an array
    		foreach($inputData as $temp){//this loop will unwrap the two layered array which was stored in previous variable $inputvariable by the function CSV2Array in functions.php
    			${"data".$i}=$temp;//Array ko array lai unwrap gari ra cha
    		unset($courseName[0]);//unset array na 0th item of array ta hate yana bi
    		unset($start[0]);//This chaye yanyu dhasa tho ma yata dhasa ASP algorithm le taye mau pani chau first pseudo class miss jui so tho object yu data kha
    		unset($end[0]);//THisis for the first column of the csv file chaye choya tayu pani mile maju
    		$courseName=arrangeArray($courseName);//tho arrangeArray userdefined function kha... thake yo 0th item maru ta hana milaya yana bi.... ie ..A[0] delete jui hanji so A[1] ta A[0] yana bi and A[2] ta A[1] and so on
    $scheduledata = Schedule::where('day', $name)->where('department_code', $department->code)->get();
    $courseName = array();
    $start = array();
    $end = array();
    foreach ($scheduledata as $schedule) {
        $courseName[count($courseName)] = $schedule->course_code;
        $start[count($start)] = $schedule->stime;
        $end[count($end)] = $schedule->etime;
    //File read yayau pati sidhala
    //For initializing the objects.... i.e. one object for one class
    $classes = array();
    $i = 1;
    foreach ($start as $a) {
        $foo = new myClass();
        $foo->set_Data($a, $end[$i - 1], $courseName[$i - 1], $i);
        array_push($classes, $foo);
    if (count($classes)) {
        echo "<h2>Routine for: " . $name . "</h2><br>";
        echo "The classes mentioned below are the classes that you want to arrange for <strong>" . $name . "</strong> is as below.";
        printObject($classes, 0, $name, $department->code);
        //Sorting accourding to the start time
        //This is the addition of A0 object at the first
        $temp = new myClass();
        $temp->set_Data(9999, 0, "A0", 0);
        array_unshift($classes, $temp);
        //array_unshift() inserts passed elements to the front of the array
        //End of the A0 object addition
        $i = 1;
        while (sizeof($classes) != 1) {
            ${"abc" . $i} = AC_Object($classes);
            //$abc.$i is the array which stores the object of the classes that is being taught in the room
            $classes = array_udiff($classes, ${"abc" . $i}, 'compare_objects');
            //This will call the functions compare_objects defined in the function functions.php so in this case the remaining classes to be arranged is ordered back
            $classes = arrangeArray($classes);
            //This will arrange the items in an array. After the removal the array will empty on certain slots for eg if array element A[7] is arranged and now it empty this gap will be arranged by this function and the new sequential function will be arranged.
        //end of while for room.
        //this is fdone for counting the nof rooms required for the class rookm.
        $number_of_classes = $i;
        if ($number_of_classes <= $MAX_Classes && $number_of_classes > 0) {
            echo "You will require " . $i . " rooms for arranging this no of classes.";
        } else {
            echo "This above schedule cant be operated with existing no of classes. You will either require " . ($i - $MAX_Classes) . " additional classes or reschedule the following classes";
        $a = 1;
        if ($i > $MAX_Classes) {
            while ($a <= $MAX_Classes) {
                echo "<br><strong>Room: " . $a . "</strong>";
                printObject(${"abc" . $a}, $a, $name, $department->code);
        //end of if($i>3
        if ($number_of_classes > $MAX_Classes) {
            echo "The schedule you wish to prepare cant be arranged with " . $MAX_Classes . " classes. Please try to arrange the following classes in the empty slot for this day.";
        while ($a <= $i) {
            echo "<br><strong>Room: " . $a . "</strong>";
            printObject(${"abc" . $a}, $a, $name, $department->code);
    //end of if(count)
Esempio n. 8

 * Разработайте программу, которая из чисел 20..45 находила те, которые делятся на 5 и найдите сумму этих чисел.
include 'class_for_2.php';
$a = 20;
$b = 26;
$c = 7;
$obj = new myClass();
$n = $obj->zeroMod($a, $b, $c);
if (is_array($n)) {
    $p = array_sum($n);
    echo '<br>' . $p . '<br>';
Esempio n. 9

require '../../../vendor/autoload.php';
use Ozdemir\Datatables\Datatables;
use Ozdemir\Datatables\DB\MySQL;
class myClass
    function ajax()
        include "../../_config.php";
        $dt = new Datatables(new MySQL($config), $this);
        $dt->query("Select film_id, title, description, rating, length from film");
        $dt->edit('description', "\$1", 'sample_callback(film_id), strtolower(title)');
        echo $dt->generate();
    function sample_callback($data)
        return "returned film id: " . $data;
$my_class = new myClass();
Esempio n. 10

class myClass
    // public property
    private $username;
    // public methods
    public function set_data($username)
        $this->username = $username;
    public function get_data()
        return $this->username;
$my_object = new myClass();
$my_object->set_data("Are you ready to learn OOP?");
echo $my_object->get_data();
Esempio n. 11
 public function __construct()
     echo 'A New Construct in class "' . __CLASS__ . '".<br />';
Esempio n. 12
function thrower2()
    $x = new myClass();
Esempio n. 13

 * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.
class myClass
    public $name;
    public $age;
    protected static $test;
    static function test()
        var_dump(property_exists('myClass', 'age'));
class TestClass
    public $declared = null;
$testObject = new TestClass();
$testObject->monkey = NULL;
//  kiem tra có phải 1 đối tượng cà tồn tại thuộc tính
var_dump(property_exists($testObject, 'monkey'));
Esempio n. 14
        echo "yay i woke up!!!\n";
class zot
    var $prop = array(1, 2, array("hah" => 'yoles'));
$a = array('one' => 'nine', 'string' => 'two', array(1 => 'six', array(4, 2, 1)), '2');
//$a[] =& $a;
$a[] =& $globa;
$a[] = 'breaker';
$a[] = $a;
$a[] = $globa;
$a['luck'] =& $globa;
$b = test_ser($a);
// test ref assignment from unserialized array
$b['luck'] = 'new val';
$sing =& $globa;
$b = test_ser($sing);
$a = array('my global hi there', $globa, &$globa, 'nonref' => $globa, 'ref' => &$globa);
$a[] =& $globa;
$c = new myClass();
$d = test_ser($c);
$d->p6 = 'new val';
$a = array('hi', &$a);
    public function printValue()
        print "The Value is: {$this->a}\n";
    public function changeValue($val, $obj = null)
        if (is_null($obj)) {
            $this->a = $val;
        } else {
            //$obj->a = $val;
            $obj->b = $val;
    public function getValue()
        return $this->a;
class mySubClass extends myClass
    private $b;
$obj_one = new myClass();
$obj_two = new mySubClass();
$obj_one->changeValue(20, $obj_two);
$obj_two->changeValue($obj_two->getValue(), $obj_one);
FATAL ERROR: Cannot access private property
Esempio n. 16
 function test_myClass()
     $test_myClass = new myClass();
     $result = $test_myClass->myFunction();
     $this->assertEquals("data", $result);
Esempio n. 17
function DB($active_record_override = NULL)
    $myClass = new myClass();
    return $myClass->DB($active_record_override);
Esempio n. 18

class myClass
    public $name = "Jimbo";
    function setName($n)
        $this->name = $n;
    function sayHello()
        echo "HELLO! My name is " . $this->name;
$object1 = new myClass();