Esempio n. 1
function cacheTest($ok, $notok)
    /*	echo microtime() . "<br>";
    	 usleep( 2000000 );
    	 echo microtime() . "<br>";
    try {
        echo "(" . microtime() . ") Testing cache <br>";
        $start_microtime = microtime();
        $cache1 = new myCache("c1");
        $cache2 = new myCache("c2");
        echo "Fetching an object from cache1<br>";
        $obj1 = $cache1->get("obj1");
        echo "This is what we have: " . $obj1 . "<br>";
        $obj1 = $obj1 == NULL ? 0 : ($obj1 = $obj1 + 3);
        echo "Now setting with new value: " . $obj1 . " (+3)<br>";
        $cache1->put("obj1", $obj1, 0);
        echo "Fetching an object from cache2 - using the same object name 'obj1'<br>";
        $obj2 = $cache2->get("obj1");
        echo "This is what we have: " . $obj2 . "<br>";
        $obj2 = $obj2 == NULL ? 0 : ($obj2 = $obj2 - 2);
        echo "Now setting with new value: " . $obj2 . " (-2)<br>";
        $cache2->put("obj1", $obj2, 0);
        echo "incrementing by 7<br>";
        $inc_res = $cache2->increment("obj1", 7);
        echo "inc result: {$inc_res}<br>";
        echo "incrementing by 6<br>";
        $inc_res = $cache2->increment("obj1", 6);
        echo "inc result: {$inc_res}<br>";
        $end_microtime = microtime();
        echo "(" . microtime() . ") Test took [" . ($end_microtime - $start_microtime) . "] seconds";
        echo $ok;
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo "Problem with your memcache installtion";
        echo $notok;