Esempio n. 1
	public function getAutoEdit( $id, $user, $plugin, $message = null ) {
		global $_CB_framework;

		cbgjClass::getTemplate( 'cbgroupjiveauto_edit' );

		$row						=	cbgjAutoData::getAutos( null, array( 'id', '=', (int) $id ), null, null, false );
		$params						=	$row->getParams();

		$js							=	"function conditionalCalculate() {"
									.		"$( '#conditional table' ).each( function() {"
									.			"if ( $( this ).find( 'tbody tr' ).length > 1 ) {"
									.				"$( this ).find( '.moveConditional,.removeConditional' ).removeClass( 'gjautoHide' );"
									.				"$( this ).find( 'tbody' ).sortable( 'enable' );"
									.			"} else {"
									.				"$( this ).find( '.moveConditional,.removeConditional' ).addClass( 'gjautoHide' );"
									.				"$( this ).find( 'tbody' ).sortable( 'disable' );"
									.			"}"
									.			"$( this ).find( 'tbody tr' ).each( function( index ) {"
									.				"$( this ).find( '.conditionalField input' ).attr( 'id', 'fields__field' + index ).attr( 'name', 'fields[field' + index + ']' );"
									.				"$( this ).find( '.conditionalOperator select' ).attr( 'id', 'operators__operator' + index ).attr( 'name', 'operators[operator' + index + ']' );"
									.				"$( this ).find( '.conditionalValue input' ).attr( 'id', 'values__value' + index ).attr( 'name', 'values[value' + index + ']' );"
									.			"});"
									.		"});"
									.	"};"
									.	"$( '.addConditional' ).live( 'click', function() {"
									.		"var conditional = $( this ).parents( 'tr' ).first().clone();"
									.		"conditional.find( '.conditionalField input,.conditionalOperator select,.conditionalValue input' ).val( '' ).removeClass( 'gjautoHide' );"
									.		"conditional.appendTo( '#conditional table tbody' );"
									.		"conditionalCalculate();"
									.	"});"
									.	"$( '.removeConditional' ).live( 'click', function() {"
									.		"if ( $( '#conditional table tbody tr' ).length > 1 ) {"
									.			"$( this ).parents( 'tr' ).first().remove();"
									.		"}"
									.		"conditionalCalculate();"
									.	"});"
									.	"$( '.conditionalOperator select' ).live( 'change', function() {"
									.		"if ( ( $( this ).val() == 6 ) || ( $( this ).val() == 7 ) ) {"
									.			"$( this ).closest( 'tr' ).find( '.conditionalValue input' ).addClass( 'gjautoHide' );"
									.		"} else {"
									.			"$( this ).closest( 'tr' ).find( '.conditionalValue input' ).removeClass( 'gjautoHide' );"
									.		"}"
									.	"});"
									.	"$( '#conditional table tbody' ).sortable( { items: 'tr', containment: 'parent', animated: true, stop: conditionalCalculate, tolerance: 'pointer', handle: '.moveConditional', opacity: 0.5 } );"
									.	"conditionalCalculate();"
									.	"function validate() {"
									.		"if ( $( '#trigger' ).val() ) {"
									.			"$( '#object,#access__' ).closest( 'tr' ).removeClass( 'gjautoHide' );"
									.			"if ( $( '#object' ).val() == 1 ) {"
									.				"$( '#variable' ).removeClass( 'gjautoHide' );"
									.				"$( '#variable_user' ).addClass( 'gjautoHide' );"
									.			"} else if ( $( '#object' ).val() == 3 ) {"
									.				"$( '#variable' ).addClass( 'gjautoHide' );"
									.				"$( '#variable_user' ).removeClass( 'gjautoHide' );"
									.			"} else {"
									.				"$( '#variable,#variable_user' ).addClass( 'gjautoHide' );"
									.			"}"
									.			"if ( $( '#access__' ).val() ) {"
									.				"$( '#access__' ).closest( 'tr' ).nextAll( 'tr' ).removeClass( 'gjautoHide' );"
									.				"$( '#params__auto' ).closest( 'tr' ).nextAll( 'tr' ).addClass( 'gjautoHide' );"
									.				"if ( $( '#params__auto' ).val() == 1 ) {"
									.					"$( '#list_groups' ).removeClass( 'gjautoHide' );"
									.					"$( '#params__status' ).closest( 'tr' ).removeClass( 'gjautoHide' );"
									.				"} else if ( $( '#params__auto' ).val() == 2 ) {"
									.					"$( '#list_category' ).removeClass( 'gjautoHide' );"
									.					"if ( $( '#params__category' ).val() ) {"
									.						"$( '#list_category' ).closest( 'tr' ).nextAll( 'tr' ).removeClass( 'gjautoHide' );"
									.						"if ( $( '#params__category' ).val() != -1 ) {"
									.							"$( '#params__types__,#params__cat_parent,#params__cat_name,#params__cat_description,#params__cat_owner,#params__cat_unique' ).closest( 'tr' ).addClass( 'gjautoHide' );"
									.						"}"
									.						"if ( $( '#params__grp_unique' ).val() == 1 ) {"
									.							"$( '#params__grp_autojoin' ).closest( 'tr' ).addClass( 'gjautoHide' );"
									.						"}"
									.					"} else {"
									.						"$( '#list_category' ).closest( 'tr' ).nextAll( 'tr' ).addClass( 'gjautoHide' );"
									.					"}"
									.				"} else if ( $( '#params__auto' ).val() == 3 ) {"
									.					"$( '#list_category' ).closest( 'tr' ).nextAll( 'tr' ).removeClass( 'gjautoHide' );"
									.					"$( '#params__grp_parent,#params__grp_name,#params__grp_description,#params__grp_owner,#params__grp_unique,#params__grp_autojoin,#params__type' ).closest( 'tr' ).addClass( 'gjautoHide' );"
									.				"} else if ( $( '#params__auto' ).val() == 4 ) {"
									.					"$( '#list_groups' ).removeClass( 'gjautoHide' );"
									.				"}"
									.			"} else {"
									.				"$( '#access__' ).closest( 'tr' ).nextAll( 'tr' ).addClass( 'gjautoHide' );"
									.			"}"
									.		"} else {"
									.			"$( '#trigger' ).closest( 'tr' ).nextAll( 'tr' ).addClass( 'gjautoHide' );"
									.		"}"
									.	"};"
									.	"$( '#triggers' ).change( function() {"
									.		"if ( $( '#trigger' ).val() ) {"
									.			"value = $( '#trigger' ).val() + ',' + $( this ).val();"
									.		"} else {"
									.			"value = $( this ).val();"
									.		"}"
									.		"if ( value ) {"
									.			"$( '#trigger' ).attr( 'value', value ).focus();"
									.			"$( this ).attr( 'value', '' );"
									.		"}"
									.	"});"
									.	"$( '#adminForm :input' ).bind( 'change keyup focus', function() {"
									.		"validate();"
									.	"});"
									.	"validate();";

		$_CB_framework->outputCbJQuery( $js, 'ui-all' );

		$input						=	array();

		$input['published']			=	moscomprofilerHTML::yesnoSelectList( 'published', null, (int) cbgjClass::getCleanParam( true, 'published', $row->get( 'published', 0 ) ) );
		$input['title']				=	'<input type="text" id="title" name="title" value="' . htmlspecialchars( cbgjClass::getCleanParam( true, 'title', $row->get( 'title' ) ) ) . '" class="inputbox" size="40" />';
		$input['description']		=	'<textarea id="description" name="description" class="inputbox" cols="40" rows="3">' . htmlspecialchars( cbgjClass::getCleanParam( true, 'description', $row->get( 'description' ) ) ) . '</textarea>';

		$listTriggers				=	array();
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '', CBTxt::T( '- Add Trigger -' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOptGroup( CBTxt::T( 'Frontend' ) );
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		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'onBeforeLogin', CBTxt::T( 'Before User Login' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'onLoginAuthentication', CBTxt::T( 'Login Authentication' ) );
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		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'onAfterUserAvatarUpdate', CBTxt::T( 'After Avatar Update' ) );
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		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'gj_onAfterDeleteCategory', CBTxt::T( 'After Delete Category' ) );
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		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'gj_onAfterUpdateCategoryOrder', CBTxt::T( 'After Update Category Order' ) );
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		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOptGroup( CBTxt::T( 'CB Paid Subscriptions' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'onCPayAfterPlanRenewalSelected', CBTxt::T( 'After Plan Renewal Selected' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'onCPayEditBasketIntegration', CBTxt::T( 'Edit Basket Integration' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'onCbSubsAfterPaymentBasket', CBTxt::T( 'After Payment Basket' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'onCPayBeforeDrawSomething', CBTxt::T( 'Before Draw Something' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'onCPayAfterDrawSomething', CBTxt::T( 'After Draw Something' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'onCPayBeforeDrawPlan', CBTxt::T( 'Before Draw Plan' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'onCPayAfterDrawPlan', CBTxt::T( 'After Draw Plan' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'onCPayAfterPlanSelected', CBTxt::T( 'After Plan Selected' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'onCPayAfterPaymentStatusChange', CBTxt::T( 'After Payment Status Change' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'onCPayAfterPaymentStatusUpdateEvent', CBTxt::T( 'After Payment Status Update Event' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'onCPayBeforeBackendPlanDisplay', CBTxt::T( 'Before Backend Plan Display' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'onCPayBeforeDisplayProductPeriodPrice', CBTxt::T( 'Before Display Product Period Price' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'onCPayAfterDisplayProductPeriodPrice', CBTxt::T( 'After Display Product Period Price' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'onCPayBeforeComputeTotalizersPaymentBasketUpdated', CBTxt::T( 'Before Compute Totalizers Payment Basket Updated' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'onCPayBeforeStorePaymentBasketUpdated', CBTxt::T( 'Before Store Payment Basket Updated' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'onCPayAfterPaymentBasketUpdated', CBTxt::T( 'After Payment Basket Updated' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'onCPayPaymentItemEvent', CBTxt::T( 'Payment Item Event' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'onCPayBeforeGetProductPrice', CBTxt::T( 'Before Get Product Price' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'onCPayAfterGetProductPrice', CBTxt::T( 'After Get Product Price' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'onCPayBeforeDisplaySubscriptionPeriodPrice', CBTxt::T( 'Before Display Subscription Period Price' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'onCPayAfterDisplaySubscriptionPeriodPrice', CBTxt::T( 'After Display Subscription Period Price' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'onCPayUserStateChange', CBTxt::T( 'User State Change' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'onCPayBeforeMailerEmailMessageSent', CBTxt::T( 'Before Mailer Email Message Sent' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'onCPayBeforeMailerPrivateMessageSent', CBTxt::T( 'Before Mailer Private Message Sent' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'onCPayAfterMailerMessageSent', CBTxt::T( 'After Mailer Message Sent' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'onCPayBeforeDrawSubscription', CBTxt::T( 'Before Draw Subscription' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOptGroup( CBTxt::T( 'CB Activity' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'activity_onBeforeMessageDisplay', CBTxt::T( 'Before Message Display' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'activity_onAfterMessageDisplay', CBTxt::T( 'After Message Display' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'activity_onBeforeItemDisplay', CBTxt::T( 'Before Item Display' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'activity_onAfterItemDisplay', CBTxt::T( 'After Item Display' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'activity_onBeforeUpdateActivity', CBTxt::T( 'Before Update Activity' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'activity_onBeforeCreateActivity', CBTxt::T( 'Before Create Activity' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'activity_onAfterUpdateActivity', CBTxt::T( 'After Update Activity' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'activity_onAfterCreateActivity', CBTxt::T( 'After Create Activity' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'activity_onBeforeDeleteActivity', CBTxt::T( 'Before Delete Activity' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'activity_onAfterDeleteActivity', CBTxt::T( 'After Delete Activity' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'activity_onBeforeAccess', CBTxt::T( 'Before Access' ) );
		$listTriggers[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'activity_onAfterAccess', CBTxt::T( 'After Access' ) );
		$input['triggers']			=	moscomprofilerHTML::selectList( $listTriggers, 'triggers', null, 'value', 'text', null, 1, false, false );

		$input['trigger']			=	'<input type="text" id="trigger" name="trigger" value="' . htmlspecialchars( str_replace( ' ', '', cbgjClass::getCleanParam( true, 'trigger', $row->get( 'trigger' ) ) ) ) . '" class="inputbox" size="40" />';

		$listObject					=	array();
		$listObject[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '0', CBTxt::T( 'Automatic' ) );
		$listObject[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '1', CBTxt::T( 'Manually' ) );
		$listObject[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '2', CBTxt::T( 'User' ) );
		$listObject[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '3', CBTxt::T( 'Specific' ) );
		$input['object']			=	moscomprofilerHTML::selectList( $listObject, 'object', null, 'value', 'text', (int) cbgjClass::getCleanParam( true, 'object', $row->get( 'object', 0 ) ), 1, false, false );

		$listVariable				=	array();
		$listVariable[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '1', CBTxt::T( 'Variable 1' ) );
		$listVariable[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '2', CBTxt::T( 'Variable 2' ) );
		$listVariable[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '3', CBTxt::T( 'Variable 3' ) );
		$listVariable[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '4', CBTxt::T( 'Variable 4' ) );
		$listVariable[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '5', CBTxt::T( 'Variable 5' ) );
		$listVariable[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '6', CBTxt::T( 'Variable 6' ) );
		$listVariable[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '7', CBTxt::T( 'Variable 7' ) );
		$listVariable[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '8', CBTxt::T( 'Variable 8' ) );
		$listVariable[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '9', CBTxt::T( 'Variable 9' ) );
		$listVariable[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '10', CBTxt::T( 'Variable 10' ) );
		$input['variable']			=	moscomprofilerHTML::selectList( $listVariable, 'variable', null, 'value', 'text', (int) cbgjClass::getCleanParam( true, 'variable', $row->get( 'variable', 0 ) ), 1, false, false );

		$input['variable_user']		=	'******' . htmlspecialchars( cbgjClass::getCleanParam( true, 'variable', $row->get( 'variable' ) ) ) . '" class="inputbox" size="5" />';

		$listAccess					=	array();
		$listAccess[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOptGroup( CBTxt::T( 'Custom ACL' ) );
		$listAccess[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '-1', CBTxt::T( 'Everybody' ) );
		$listAccess[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '-2', CBTxt::T( 'All Non-Registered Users' ) );
		$listAccess[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '-3', CBTxt::T( 'All Registered Users' ) );
		$listAccess[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '-4', CBTxt::T( 'All Non-Moderators' ) );
		$listAccess[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '-5', CBTxt::T( 'All Moderators' ) );
		$listAccess[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOptGroup( CBTxt::T( 'CMS ACL' ) );
		$listAccess					=	array_merge( $listAccess, $_CB_framework->acl->get_group_children_tree( null, 'USERS', false ) );
		$input['access']			=	moscomprofilerHTML::selectList( $listAccess, 'access[]', 'size="6" multiple="multiple"', 'value', 'text', explode( '|*|', cbgjClass::getCleanParam( true, 'access', $row->get( 'access' ) ) ), 1, false, false );

		$listOperator				=	array();
		$listOperator[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '', CBTxt::T( '- Select Operator -' ) );
		$listOperator[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '0', CBTxt::T( 'Equal To' ) );
		$listOperator[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '1', CBTxt::T( 'Not Equal To' ) );
		$listOperator[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '2', CBTxt::T( 'Greater Than' ) );
		$listOperator[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '3', CBTxt::T( 'Less Than' ) );
		$listOperator[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '4', CBTxt::T( 'Greater Than or Equal To' ) );
		$listOperator[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '5', CBTxt::T( 'Less Than or Equal To' ) );
		$listOperator[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '6', CBTxt::T( 'Empty' ) );
		$listOperator[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '7', CBTxt::T( 'Not Empty' ) );
		$listOperator[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '8', CBTxt::T( 'Does Contain' ) );
		$listOperator[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '9', CBTxt::T( 'Does Not Contain' ) );
		$listOperator[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '10', CBTxt::T( 'Is REGEX' ) );
		$listOperator[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '11', CBTxt::T( 'Is Not REGEX' ) );

		$conditionals				=	count( explode( "\n", $row->get( 'field' ) ) );

		for ( $i = 0, $n = ( $conditionals ? $conditionals : 1 ); $i < $n; $i++ ) {
			$operator				=	cbgjClass::getCleanParam( true, "operator$i", null, null, $row->get( 'operator' ) );

			$input["field$i"]		=	'<input type="text" id="fields__field' . $i . '" name="fields[field' . $i . ']" value="' . htmlspecialchars( cbgjClass::getHTMLCleanParam( true, "field$i", null, null, $row->get( 'field' ) ) ) . '" class="inputbox" size="25" />';
			$input["operator$i"]	=	moscomprofilerHTML::selectList( $listOperator, "operators[operator$i]", null, 'value', 'text', $operator, 1, false, false );
			$input["value$i"]		=	'<input type="text" id="values__' . $i . '" name="values[value' . $i . ']" value="' . htmlspecialchars( cbgjClass::getHTMLCleanParam( true, "value$i", null, null, $row->get( 'value' ) ) ) . '" class="inputbox' . ( in_array( $operator, array( 6, 7 ) ) ? ' gjautoHide' : null ) . '" size="25" />';

		$input['conditionals']		=	( $conditionals ? $conditionals : 1 );

		$listAuto					=	array();
		$listAuto[]					=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '', CBTxt::T( '- Select Auto -' ) );
		$listAuto[]					=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '1', CBTxt::T( 'Join Groups' ) );
		$listAuto[]					=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '4', CBTxt::T( 'Leave Groups' ) );
		$listAuto[]					=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '2', CBTxt::T( 'New Group' ) );
		$listAuto[]					=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '3', CBTxt::T( 'New Category' ) );
		$input['auto']				=	moscomprofilerHTML::selectList( $listAuto, 'params[auto]', null, 'value', 'text', $params->get( 'auto' ), 1, false, false );

		$listGroups					=	array();

		$categories					=	cbgjData::getCategories();

		if ( $categories ) foreach ( $categories as $cat ) {
			$groups					=	cbgjData::listArray( cbgjData::getGroups( null, array( 'category', '=', $cat->get( 'id' ) ) ) );

			if ( $groups ) {
				$listGroups[]		=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOptGroup( $cat->get( 'name' ) );

				foreach ( $groups as $grp ) {
					$listGroups[]	=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( $grp->value, $grp->text );

		if ( $listGroups ) {
			$input['groups']		=	moscomprofilerHTML::selectList( $listGroups, 'params[groups][]', 'size="6" multiple="multiple"', 'value', 'text', explode( '|*|', $params->get( 'groups', '1|*|2|*|3' ) ), 1, false, false );

			array_unshift( $listGroups, moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '0', CBTxt::T( 'No Parent' ) ) );

			$input['grp_parent']	=	moscomprofilerHTML::selectList( $listGroups, 'params[grp_parent]', null, 'value', 'text', $params->get( 'grp_parent', 0 ), 1, false, false );
		} else {
			$input['groups']		=	CBTxt::T( 'No groups exist!' );
			$input['grp_parent']	=	CBTxt::T( 'No groups exist!' );

		$listStatus					=	array();
		$listStatus[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '-1', CBTxt::T( 'Banned' ) );
		$listStatus[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '0', CBTxt::T( 'Inactive' ) );
		$listStatus[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '1', CBTxt::T( 'Active' ) );
		$listStatus[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '2', CBTxt::T( 'Moderator' ) );
		$listStatus[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '3', CBTxt::T( 'Admin' ) );
		$listStatus[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '4', CBTxt::T( 'Owner' ) );
		$input['status']			=	moscomprofilerHTML::selectList( $listStatus, 'params[status]', null, 'value', 'text', $params->get( 'status', 1 ), 1, false, false );

		if ( $categories ) {
			$categories				=	cbgjData::listArray( $categories );
			$categoriesParents		=	$categories;

			array_unshift( $categories, moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '-1', CBTxt::T( 'New Category' ) ) );
			array_unshift( $categories, moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '', CBTxt::T( '- Select Category -' ) ) );

			$input['category']		=	moscomprofilerHTML::selectList( $categories, 'params[category]', null, 'value', 'text', $params->get( 'category' ), 1, false, false );

			array_unshift( $categoriesParents, moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '0', CBTxt::T( 'No Parent' ) ) );

			$input['cat_parent']	=	moscomprofilerHTML::selectList( $categoriesParents, 'params[cat_parent]', null, 'value', 'text', $params->get( 'cat_parent', 0 ), 1, false, false );
		} else {
			$input['category']		=	CBTxt::T( 'No categories exist!' );
			$input['cat_parent']	=	CBTxt::T( 'No categories exist!' );

		$input['cat_name']			=	'<input type="text" id="params__cat_name" name="params[cat_name]" value="' . htmlspecialchars( $params->get( 'cat_name' ) ) . '" class="inputbox" size="40" />';
		$input['cat_description']	=	'<textarea id="params__cat_description" name="params[cat_description]" class="inputbox" cols="40" rows="5">' . htmlspecialchars( $params->get( 'cat_description' ) ) . '</textarea>';
		$input['cat_owner']			=	'<input type="text" id="params__cat_owner" name="params[cat_owner]" value="' . htmlspecialchars( $params->get( 'cat_owner' ) ) . '" class="inputbox" size="10" />';
		$input['cat_unique']		=	moscomprofilerHTML::yesnoSelectList( 'params[cat_unique]', null, $params->get( 'cat_unique', 1 ), CBTxt::T( 'Enable' ), CBTxt::T( 'Disable' ) );

		$listTypes					=	array();
		$listTypes[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '1', CBTxt::T( 'Open' ) );
		$listTypes[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '2', CBTxt::T( 'Approval' ) );
		$listTypes[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '3', CBTxt::T( 'Invite' ) );
		$input['types']				=	moscomprofilerHTML::selectList( $listTypes, 'params[types][]', 'size="4" multiple="multiple"', 'value', 'text', explode( '|*|', $params->get( 'types', '1|*|2|*|3' ) ), 1, false, false );

		$input['grp_name']			=	'<input type="text" id="params__grp_name" name="params[grp_name]" value="' . htmlspecialchars( $params->get( 'grp_name' ) ) . '" class="inputbox" size="40" />';
		$input['grp_description']	=	'<textarea id="params__grp_description" name="params[grp_description]" class="inputbox" cols="40" rows="5">' . htmlspecialchars( $params->get( 'grp_description' ) ) . '</textarea>';
		$input['grp_owner']			=	'<input type="text" id="params__grp_owner" name="params[grp_owner]" value="' . htmlspecialchars( $params->get( 'grp_owner' ) ) . '" class="inputbox" size="10" />';
		$input['grp_unique']		=	moscomprofilerHTML::yesnoSelectList( 'params[grp_unique]', null, $params->get( 'grp_unique', 1 ), CBTxt::T( 'Enable' ), CBTxt::T( 'Disable' ) );
		$input['grp_autojoin']		=	moscomprofilerHTML::yesnoSelectList( 'params[grp_autojoin]', null, $params->get( 'grp_autojoin', 1 ), CBTxt::T( 'Enable' ), CBTxt::T( 'Disable' ) );
		$input['type']				=	moscomprofilerHTML::selectList( $listTypes, 'params[type]', null, 'value', 'text', $params->get( 'type', 1 ), 1, false, false );
		$input['exclude']			=	'<input type="text" id="exclude" name="exclude" value="' . htmlspecialchars( $params->get( 'exclude' ) ) . '" class="inputbox" size="20" />';

		cbgjClass::displayMessage( $message );

		if ( class_exists( 'HTML_cbgroupjiveautoEdit' ) ) {
			HTML_cbgroupjiveautoEdit::showAutoEdit( $row, $input, $user, $plugin );
		} else {
			$this->showAutoEdit( $row, $input, $user, $plugin );
Esempio n. 2
  * Outputs search format including $html being html with input fields
  * @param  FieldTable  $field
  * @param  UserTable   $user
  * @param  string      $html
  * @param  string      $type                'text', 'choice', 'isisnot', 'none'
  * @param  int         $list_compare_types  IF reason == 'search' : 0 : simple 'is' search, 1 : advanced search with modes, 2 : simple 'any' search
  * @param  string      $class               Extra-class (e.g. for jQuery)
  * @return string
 protected function _fieldSearchModeHtml(&$field, &$user, $html, $type, $list_compare_types, $class = '')
     switch ($list_compare_types) {
         case 1:
             // Advanced: all possibilities:
             $col = $field->name . '__srmch';
             $selected = $user->get($col);
             switch ($type) {
                 case 'text':
                     $choices = array('is' => CBTxt::T('UE_MATCH_IS_EXACTLY', 'is exactly'), 'phrase' => CBTxt::T('UE_MATCH_PHRASE', 'contains phrase'), 'all' => CBTxt::T('UE_MATCH_ALL', 'contains all of'), 'any' => CBTxt::T('UE_MATCH_ANY', 'contains any of'), '-' => CBTxt::T('UE_MATCH_EXCLUSIONS', 'Exclusions:'), 'isnot' => CBTxt::T('UE_MATCH_IS_EXACTLY_NOT', 'is exactly not'), 'phrasenot' => CBTxt::T('UE_MATCH_PHRASE_NOT', 'doesn\'t contain phrase'), 'allnot' => CBTxt::T('UE_MATCH_ALL_NOT', 'doesn\'t contain all of'), 'anynot' => CBTxt::T('UE_MATCH_ANY_NOT', 'doesn\'t contain any of'));
                 case 'singlechoice':
                     $choices = array('is' => CBTxt::T('UE_MATCH_IS', 'is'), 'anyis' => CBTxt::T('UE_MATCH_IS_ONE_OF', 'is one of'), '-' => CBTxt::T('UE_MATCH_EXCLUSIONS', 'Exclusions:'), 'isnot' => CBTxt::T('UE_MATCH_IS_NOT', 'is not'), 'anyisnot' => CBTxt::T('UE_MATCH_IS_NOT_ONE_OF', 'is not one of'));
                 case 'multiplechoice':
                     $choices = array('is' => CBTxt::T('UE_MATCH_ARE_EXACTLY', 'are exactly'), 'all' => CBTxt::T('UE_MATCH_INCLUDE_ALL_OF', 'include all of'), 'any' => CBTxt::T('UE_MATCH_INCLUDE_ANY_OF', 'include any of'), '-' => CBTxt::T('Exclusions:'), 'isnot' => CBTxt::T('UE_MATCH_ARE_EXACTLY_NOT', 'are exactly not'), 'allnot' => CBTxt::T('UE_MATCH_INCLUDE_ALL_OF_NOT', 'don\'t include all of'), 'anynot' => CBTxt::T('UE_MATCH_INCLUDE_ANY_OF_NOT', 'don\'t include any of'));
                 case 'isisnot':
                     $choices = array('is' => CBTxt::T('UE_MATCH_IS', 'is'), '-' => CBTxt::T('UE_MATCH_EXCLUSIONS_COLUMN', 'Exclusions:'), 'isnot' => CBTxt::T('UE_MATCH_IS_NOT', 'is not'));
                 case 'none':
                     $choices = null;
             if ($choices !== null) {
                 $drop = array();
                 $drop[] = moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption('', CBTxt::T('UE_NO_PREFERENCE', 'No preference'));
                 $group = false;
                 foreach ($choices as $k => $v) {
                     if ($k == '-') {
                         $drop[] = moscomprofilerHTML::makeOptGroup($v);
                         $group = true;
                     } else {
                         $drop[] = moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption($k, $v);
                 if ($group) {
                     $drop[] = moscomprofilerHTML::makeOptGroup(null);
                 $additional = ' class="form-control"';
                 $list = moscomprofilerHTML::selectList($drop, $field->name . '__srmch', $additional, 'value', 'text', $selected, 1);
             } else {
                 $list = null;
             $return = '<div class="cbSearchContainer cbSearchAdvanced' . ($type ? ' cbSearchAdvanced' . ucfirst($type) : '') . '">' . ($list ? '<div class="cbSearchKind' . ($type ? ' cbSearchKind' . ucfirst($type) : '') . '">' . $list . '</div>' : '') . '<div class="cbSearchCriteria' . ($type ? ' cbSearchCriteria' . ucfirst($type) : '') . ($class ? ' ' . $class : '') . '">' . $html . '</div>' . '</div>';
         case 2:
             // Simple "contains" and ranges:
         // Simple "contains" and ranges:
         case 0:
             // Simple: Only 'is' and ranges:
             $return = '<div class="cbSearchContainer cbSearchSimple">' . '<div class="cbSearchCriteria' . ($class ? ' ' . $class : '') . '">' . $html . '</div>' . '</div>';
     return $return;
Esempio n. 3
	* @param string The name of the form element
	* @param string The value of the element
	* @param CBSimpleXMLElement  $node The xml element for the parameter
	* @param string The control name
	* @return string The html for the element
	function _form_list( $name, $value, &$node, $control_name ) {
		$options = array();

		if ( ( $node->attributes( 'blanktext' ) ) && ( ( $node->attributes( 'hideblanktext' ) != 'true' ) || ( $value == $node->attributes( 'default' ) ) ) ) {
			$options[] = moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( $node->attributes( 'default' ), $node->attributes( 'blanktext' ) );
		foreach ( $node->children() as $option ) {
			if ( $option->name() == 'option' ) {
				if ( $option->attributes( 'index' ) ) {
					$val = $option->attributes( 'index' );
				} else {
					$val = $option->attributes( 'value' );
				$text = CBTxt::T( getLangDefinition($option->data()) );
				$options[] = moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( $val, $text );
			} elseif ( $option->name() == 'optgroup' ) {
				$text = CBTxt::T( getLangDefinition( $option->attributes( 'label' ) ) );
				$options[] = moscomprofilerHTML::makeOptGroup( $text );
				foreach ( $option->children() as $optGroupOption ) {
					if ( $optGroupOption->name() == 'option' ) {
						if ( $optGroupOption->attributes( 'index' ) ) {
							$val = $optGroupOption->attributes( 'index' );
						} else {
							$val = $optGroupOption->attributes( 'value' );
						$text = CBTxt::T( getLangDefinition($optGroupOption->data()) );
						$options[] = moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( $val, $text );
				$options[] = moscomprofilerHTML::makeOptGroup( null );

		return moscomprofilerHTML::selectList( $options, ''. $this->control_name( $control_name, $name ) . '', 'class="inputbox" id="' . $this->control_id( $control_name, $name ) . '"', 'value', 'text', $value, 2, true, false );
  * Outputs search format including $html being html with input fields
  * @param  moscomprofilerFields  $field
  * @param  moscomprofilerUser    $user
  * @param  string                $html
  * @param  string                $type   'text', 'choice', 'isisnot', 'none'
  * @param  int                   $list_compare_types   IF reason == 'search' : 0 : simple 'is' search, 1 : advanced search with modes, 2 : simple 'any' search
  * @param  string                $class  Extra-class (e.g. for jQuery)
  * @return string
 function _fieldSearchModeHtml(&$field, &$user, $html, $type, $list_compare_types, $class = '')
     switch ($list_compare_types) {
         case 1:
             // Advanced: all possibilities:
             $col = $field->name . '__srmch';
             $selected = $user->get($col);
             switch ($type) {
                 case 'text':
                     $choices = array('is' => _UE_MATCH_IS_EXACTLY, 'phrase' => _UE_MATCH_PHRASE, 'all' => _UE_MATCH_ALL, 'any' => _UE_MATCH_ANY, '-' => _UE_MATCH_EXCLUSIONS . ':', 'isnot' => _UE_MATCH_IS_EXACTLY_NOT, 'phrasenot' => _UE_MATCH_PHRASE_NOT, 'allnot' => _UE_MATCH_ALL_NOT, 'anynot' => _UE_MATCH_ANY_NOT);
                 case 'singlechoice':
                     $choices = array('is' => _UE_MATCH_IS, 'anyis' => _UE_MATCH_IS_ONE_OF, '-' => _UE_MATCH_EXCLUSIONS . ':', 'isnot' => _UE_MATCH_IS_NOT, 'anyisnot' => _UE_MATCH_IS_NOT_ONE_OF);
                 case 'multiplechoice':
                     $choices = array('is' => _UE_MATCH_ARE_EXACTLY, 'all' => _UE_MATCH_INCLUDE_ALL_OF, 'any' => _UE_MATCH_INCLUDE_ANY_OF, '-' => _UE_MATCH_EXCLUSIONS . ':', 'isnot' => _UE_MATCH_ARE_EXACTLY_NOT, 'allnot' => _UE_MATCH_INCLUDE_ALL_OF_NOT, 'anynot' => _UE_MATCH_INCLUDE_ANY_OF_NOT);
                 case 'isisnot':
                     $choices = array('is' => _UE_MATCH_IS, '-' => _UE_MATCH_EXCLUSIONS . ':', 'isnot' => _UE_MATCH_IS_NOT);
                 case 'none':
                     $choices = null;
             if ($choices !== null) {
                 $drop = array();
                 $drop[] = moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption('', _UE_NO_PREFERENCE);
                 $group = false;
                 foreach ($choices as $k => $v) {
                     if ($k == '-') {
                         $drop[] = moscomprofilerHTML::makeOptGroup($v);
                         $group = true;
                     } else {
                         $drop[] = moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption($k, $v);
                 if ($group) {
                     $drop[] = moscomprofilerHTML::makeOptGroup(null);
                 $additional = ' class="inputbox"';
                 $list = moscomprofilerHTML::selectList($drop, $field->name . '__srmch', $additional, 'value', 'text', $selected, 1);
             } else {
                 $list = null;
             $return = '<div class="cbSearchContainer cbSearchAdvanced">' . ($list ? '<div class="cbSearchKind">' . $list . '</div>' : '') . '<div class="cbSearchCriteria' . ($class ? ' ' . $class : '') . '">' . $html . '</div>' . '</div>';
         case 2:
             // Simple "contains" and ranges:
         // Simple "contains" and ranges:
         case 0:
             // Simple: Only 'is' and ranges:
             $return = '<div class="cbSearchContainer cbSearchSimple">' . '<div class="cbSearchCriteria' . ($class ? ' ' . $class : '') . '">' . $html . '</div>' . '</div>';
     return $return;
Esempio n. 5
	 * Returns an options array of available groups
	 * @param bool  $raw
	 * @param array $excludeCategories
	 * @param array $excludeGroups
	 * @return array|\stdClass[]
	static public function getGroupOptions( $raw = false, $excludeCategories = array(), $excludeGroups = array() )
		global $_CB_database;

		if ( Application::Cms()->getClientId() ) {
			$raw					=	false;
			$excludeCategories		=	array();
			$excludeGroups			=	array();

		static $cache				=	array();

		$userId						=	Application::MyUser()->getUserId();

		if ( ! isset( $cache[$userId] ) ) {
			$query					=	'SELECT g.' . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'id' ) . ' AS value'
									.	', g.' . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'name' ) . ' AS text'
									.	', g.' . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'category' )
									.	', c.' . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'name' ) . ' AS category_name'
									.	"\n FROM " . $_CB_database->NameQuote( '#__groupjive_groups' ) . " AS g"
									.	"\n LEFT JOIN " . $_CB_database->NameQuote( '#__groupjive_categories' ) . " AS c"
									.	' ON c.' . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'id' ) . ' = g.' . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'category' );

			if ( ( ! self::isModerator( $userId ) ) && ( ! Application::Cms()->getClientId() ) ) {
				$query				.=	"\n LEFT JOIN " . $_CB_database->NameQuote( '#__groupjive_users' ) . " AS u"
									.	' ON u.' . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'group' ) . ' = g.' . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'id' )
									.	' AND u.' . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'user_id' ) . ' = ' . (int) $userId
									.	' AND u.' . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'status' ) . ' >= 1'
									.	"\n WHERE c." . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'published' ) . " = 1"
									.	"\n AND c." . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'access' ) . " IN " . $_CB_database->safeArrayOfIntegers( self::getAccess( $userId ) )
									.	"\n AND ( g." . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'user_id' ) . " = " . (int) $userId
									.		' OR ( ( g.' . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'published' ) . ' = 1 )'
									.		' AND ( ( g.' . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'type' ) . ' IN ( 1, 2 ) )'
									.		' OR ( u.' . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'id' ) . ' IS NOT NULL ) ) ) )'
									.	( $excludeCategories ? "\n AND c." . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'id' ) . " NOT IN " . $_CB_database->safeArrayOfIntegers( $excludeCategories ) : null )
									.	( $excludeGroups ? "\n AND g." . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'id' ) . " NOT IN " . $_CB_database->safeArrayOfIntegers( $excludeGroups ) : null );
			} else {
				$query				.=	( $excludeCategories ? "\n WHERE c." . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'id' ) . " NOT IN " . $_CB_database->safeArrayOfIntegers( $excludeCategories ) : null )
									.	( $excludeGroups ? "\n " . ( $excludeCategories ? 'AND' : 'WHERE' ) . " g." . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'id' ) . " NOT IN " . $_CB_database->safeArrayOfIntegers( $excludeGroups ) : null );

			$query					.=	"\n ORDER BY c." . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'ordering' ) . ", g." . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'ordering' );
			$_CB_database->setQuery( $query );
			$cache[$userId]			=	$_CB_database->loadObjectList();

		if ( $raw === true ) {
			return $cache[$userId];

		$optGroups					=	array();
		$options					=	array();

		foreach ( $cache[$userId] as $group ) {
			$category				=	(int) $group->category;

			if ( ! in_array( $category, $optGroups ) ) {
				$options[]			=	\moscomprofilerHTML::makeOptGroup( ( $category ? CBTxt::T( $group->category_name ) : CBTxt::T( 'Uncategorized' ) ) );

				$optGroups[]		=	$category;

			$options[]				=	\moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( (int) $group->value, CBTxt::T( $group->text ) );

		return $options;
	 * loops groups for display in dropdown lists
	 * @param string $access
	 * @param null|int $categoryId
	 * @param int $parent
	 * @param array $exclude
	 * @param array $options
	 * @param array $children
	 * @param array $categoryGroups
	 * @param int $categoryRoot
	 * @return array
	static public function getGroupOptions( $access = 'grp_nested_create', $categoryId = null, $parent = 0, $exclude = array(), &$options = array(), &$children = array(), &$categoryGroups = array(), &$categoryRoot = null ) {
		static $categoryCache			=	null;

		if ( ! isset( $categoryCache ) ) {
			$categoryCache				=	cbgjData::getCategories( array( 'cat_access', 'mod_lvl1' ) );

		static $groupCache				=	null;

		if ( ! isset( $groupCache ) ) {
			$groupCache					=	cbgjData::getGroups( array( 'grp_access', 'mod_lvl2' ) );

		if ( $categoryId ) {
			$categoryId					=	(int) $categoryId;

			if ( isset( $categoryCache[$categoryId] ) ) {
				$categories				=	array( $categoryCache[$categoryId] );
			} else {
				$categories				=	null;

			if ( ( ! $options ) && ( ! $categoryRoot ) ) {
				$categoryRoot			=	$categoryId;
		} else {
			$categories					=	$categoryCache;

		if ( $categories ) foreach ( $categories as $category ) {
			$groups						=	array();

			if ( $groupCache ) foreach ( $groupCache as $grp ) {
				if ( ( $category->get( 'id' ) == $grp->get( 'category' ) ) && ( $parent == $grp->get( 'parent' ) ) && ( ( ! $exclude ) || ( $exclude && ( ! in_array( $grp->get( 'id' ), $exclude ) ) ) ) ) {
					$groups[]			=	$grp;

			$categoryIndent				=	null;

			if ( ! $categoryId ) {
				$categoryGroups			=	array();

				$depth					=	$category->getDepth();

				if ( $depth ) {
					for ( $i = 0, $n = $depth; $i < $n; $i++ ) {
						$categoryIndent	.=	'- - ';

				$options[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOptGroup( $categoryIndent . $category->getName() );
				$options[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOptGroup( null );

			if ( $groups ) foreach ( $groups as $group ) {
				if ( $access ) {
					$authorized			=	cbgjClass::getAuthorization( $category, $group );
				} else {
					$authorized			=	array();

				if ( ! $categoryRoot ) {
					$indent				=	'- - ';
				} else {
					$indent				=	null;

				if ( $parent ) {
					$depth				=	$group->getDepth( $parent );

					if ( $depth ) {
						for ( $i = 0, $n = $depth; $i < $n; $i++ ) {
							$indent		.=	'- - ';

					$children[]			=	$group->get( 'id' );

				$optGroup				=	false;

				if ( ( ! $authorized ) || cbgjClass::hasAccess( $access, $authorized ) ) {
					$categoryGroups[]	=	$group->get( 'id' );

					$options[]			=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( $group->get( 'id' ), $categoryIndent . $indent . $group->getName() );
				} else {
					$optGroup			=	true;

					$options[]			=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOptGroup( $indent . $group->getName() );
					$options[]			=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOptGroup( null );

					$children			=	array();

				cbgjClass::getGroupOptions( $access, $category->get( 'id' ), $group->get( 'id' ), $exclude, $options, $children, $categoryGroups, $categoryRoot );

				if ( $optGroup && ( ! $children ) ) {
					$options			=	array_slice( $options, 0, -2 );

			if ( ( ! $categoryId ) && ( ! $categoryGroups ) ) {
				$options				=	array_slice( $options, 0, -2 );

		return $options;
Esempio n. 7
	 * @param string $name
	 * @param string $value
	 * @param string $control_name
	 * @return array
	public function loadFieldOptions( $name, $value, $control_name )
 		global $_CB_database;

		$fields				=	array();
		$values				=	array();

		$query				=	'SELECT o.' . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'fieldvalueid' ) . ' AS value'
							.	', IF( o.' . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'fieldlabel' ) . ', o.' . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'fieldlabel' ) . ', o.' . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'fieldtitle' ) . ' ) AS text'
							.	', o.' . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'fieldid' )
							.	', f.' . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'title' ) . ' AS fieldtitle'
							.	', f.' . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'name' ) . ' AS fieldname'
							. 	"\n FROM " . $_CB_database->NameQuote( '#__comprofiler_field_values' ) . " AS o"
							.	"\n LEFT JOIN " . $_CB_database->NameQuote( '#__comprofiler_fields' ) . " AS f"
							.	' ON f.' . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'fieldid' ) . ' = o.' . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'fieldid' )
							.	"\n LEFT JOIN " . $_CB_database->NameQuote( '#__comprofiler_tabs' ) . " AS t"
							.	' ON t.' . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'tabid' ) . ' = f.' . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'tabid' )
							.	"\n WHERE f." . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'published' ) . " = 1"
							.	"\n AND f." . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'name' ) . " != " . $_CB_database->Quote( 'NA' )
							.	"\n ORDER BY t." . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'position' ) . ", t." . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'ordering' ) . ", f." . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'ordering' ) . ", f." . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'title' ) . ", o." . $_CB_database->NameQuote( 'ordering' );
		$_CB_database->setQuery( $query );
		$options			=	$_CB_database->loadObjectList();

		if ( $options ) foreach( $options as $option ) {
			if ( ! in_array( $option->fieldid, $fields ) ) {
				$values[]	=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOptGroup( CBTxt::T( $option->fieldtitle ) );
				$fields[]	=	$option->fieldid;

			$values[]		=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( $option->value, CBTxt::T( $option->text ) );

		return $values;
Esempio n. 8
	 * Returns an options array of available privacy values
	 * @return array
	static public function getPrivacyOptions()
		global $_PLUGINS, $ueConfig;

		static $cache						=	null;

		$plugin								=	$_PLUGINS->getLoadedPlugin( 'user', 'cbprivacy' );

		if ( ! $plugin ) {
			return array();

		$params								=	$_PLUGINS->getPluginParams( $plugin );

		if ( $cache === null ) {
			$cache							=	array();

			$_PLUGINS->trigger( 'privacy_onBeforePrivacyOptions', array( &$cache ) );

			if ( $params->get( 'privacy_options_visible', 1 ) ) {
				$cache[]					=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '0', CBTxt::T( 'Public' ) );

			if ( ( ( $ueConfig['profile_viewaccesslevel'] == 1 ) && $params->get( 'privacy_options_users', 1 ) ) ) {
				$cache[]					=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '1', CBTxt::T( 'Users' ) );

			if ( $params->get( 'privacy_options_invisible', 1 ) ) {
				$cache[]					=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '99', CBTxt::T( 'Private' ) );

			if ( $ueConfig['allowConnections'] ) {
				if ( $params->get( 'privacy_options_conn', 1 ) ) {
					$cache[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '2', CBTxt::T( 'Connections' ) );

				if ( $params->get( 'privacy_options_connofconn', 1 ) ) {
					$cache[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '3', CBTxt::T( 'Connections of Connections' ) );

				if ( $ueConfig['connection_categories'] && ( $params->get( 'privacy_options_conntypes', '0' ) != '' ) ) {
					$connTypes				=	explode( '|*|', $params->get( 'privacy_options_conntypes', '0' ) );
					$types					=	self::getConnectionTypes();

					if ( $types ) {
						$cache[]			=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOptGroup( CBTxt::T( 'Connection Types' ) );

						foreach ( $types as $type ) {
							if ( in_array( '0', $connTypes ) || in_array( $type->value, $connTypes ) ) {
								$cache[]	=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'CONN-' . (string) $type->value, $type->text );

						$cache[]			=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOptGroup( null );

			if ( $params->get( 'privacy_options_viewaccesslevels', '' ) != '' ) {
				$viewAccessLevels			=	explode( '|*|', $params->get( 'privacy_options_viewaccesslevels', '' ) );
				$accessLevels				=	Application::CmsPermissions()->getAllViewAccessLevels( true, Application::MyUser() );

				if ( $accessLevels ) {
					$cache[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOptGroup( CBTxt::T( 'View Access Levels' ) );

					foreach ( $accessLevels as $accessLevel ) {
						if ( in_array( '0', $viewAccessLevels ) || in_array( $accessLevel->value, $viewAccessLevels ) ) {
							$cache[]		=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'ACCESS-' . (string) $accessLevel->value, CBTxt::T( $accessLevel->text ) );

					$cache[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOptGroup( null );

			if ( $params->get( 'privacy_options_usergroups', '' ) != '' ) {
				$userGroups					=	explode( '|*|', $params->get( 'privacy_options_usergroups', '' ) );
				$groups						=	Application::CmsPermissions()->getAllGroups( true, '' );

				if ( $groups ) {
					$cache[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOptGroup( CBTxt::T( 'Usergroups' ) );

					foreach ( $groups as $group ) {
						if ( in_array( '0', $userGroups ) || in_array( $group->value, $userGroups ) ) {
							$cache[]		=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( 'GROUP-' . (string) $group->value, CBTxt::T( $group->text ) );

					$cache[]				=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOptGroup( null );

			$_PLUGINS->trigger( 'privacy_onAfterPrivacyOptions', array( &$cache ) );

		return $cache;
	 * prepare backend invites render
	 * @param moscomprofilerUser $user
	 * @param object $plugin
	private function showInvites( $user, $plugin ) {
		$paging								=	new cbgjPaging( 'invites' );

		$limit								=	$paging->getlimit( 30 );
		$limitstart							=	$paging->getLimistart();
		$search								=	$paging->getFilter( 'search' );
		$category							=	$paging->getFilter( 'category' );
		$group								=	$paging->getFilter( 'group' );
		$code								=	$paging->getFilter( 'code' );
		$id									=	$paging->getFilter( 'id' );
		$where								=	array();

		if ( isset( $search ) && ( $search != '' ) ) {
			$where[]						=	array( 'email', 'CONTAINS', $search, array( '', '=', (int) $search ), array( 'f.username', 'CONTAINS', $search ), array( '', 'CONTAINS', $search ) );

		if ( isset( $category ) && ( $category != '' ) ) {
			$where[]						=	array( '', '=', (int) $category );

		if ( isset( $group ) && ( $group != '' ) ) {
			$where[]						=	array( 'group', '=', (int) $group );

		if ( isset( $code ) && ( $code != '' ) ) {
			$where[]						=	array( 'code', 'CONTAINS', $code );

		if ( isset( $id ) && ( $id != '' ) ) {
			$where[]						=	array( 'id', '=', (int) $id );

		$searching							=	( count( $where ) ? true : false );

		$total								=	count( cbgjData::getInvites( null, $where ) );

		if ( $total <= $limitstart ) {
			$limitstart						=	0;

		$pageNav							=	$paging->getPageNav( $total, $limitstart, $limit );

		$rows								=	array_values( cbgjData::getInvites( null, $where, null, array( $pageNav->limitstart, $pageNav->limit ) ) );

		$input								=	array();

		$categories							=	cbgjData::getCategories();
		$listCategories						=	cbgjData::listArray( $categories );

		if ( $categories ) {
			array_unshift( $listCategories, moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '', CBTxt::T( '- Select Category -' ) ) );

			$input['category']				=	$paging->getInputSelect( 'adminForm', 'category', $listCategories, $category );

			if ( $category ) {
				$listGroups					=	cbgjData::listArray( cbgjData::getGroups( null, array( 'category', '=', (int) $category ) ) );
			} else {
				$listGroups					=	array();

				foreach ( $categories as $cat ) {
					$groups					=	cbgjData::listArray( cbgjData::getGroups( null, array( 'category', '=', (int) $cat->get( 'id' ) ) ) );

					if ( $groups ) {
						$listGroups[]		=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOptGroup( $cat->get( 'name' ) );

						foreach ( $groups as $grp ) {
							$listGroups[]	=	moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( $grp->value, $grp->text );

			array_unshift( $listGroups, moscomprofilerHTML::makeOption( '', CBTxt::T( '- Select Group -' ) ) );

			$input['group']					=	$paging->getInputSelect( 'adminForm', 'group', $listGroups, $group );
		} else {
			$input['category']				=	'-';
			$input['group']					=	'-';

		$input['search']					=	$paging->getInputText( 'adminForm', 'search', $search, '30' );
		$input['code']						=	$paging->getInputText( 'adminForm', 'code', $code, '30' );
		$input['id']						=	$paging->getInputText( 'adminForm', 'id', $id, '6' );

		$pageNav->searching					=	$searching;

		HTML_cbgjAdmin::showInvites( $rows, $pageNav, $input, $user, $plugin );