Esempio n. 1
 public static function get_customers($search = array(), $return_options = false)
     $cache_key_args = func_get_args();
     $cache_key = self::_customer_cache_key('all', $cache_key_args);
     $cache_timeout = module_config::c('cache_objects', 60);
     if ($cached_item = module_cache::get('customer', $cache_key)) {
         return $cached_item;
     // work out what customers this user can access?
     $customer_access = self::get_customer_data_access();
     // build up a custom search sql query based on the provided search fields
     $sql = "SELECT ";
     if (is_array($return_options) && isset($return_options['columns'])) {
         $sql .= $return_options['columns'];
     } else {
         $sql .= " c.*, c.customer_id AS id, u.user_id,, u.last_name, ";
         $sql .= " , pu.user_id, AS primary_user_name, pu.last_name AS primary_user_last_name, AS primary_user_phone, AS primary_user_email";
         $sql .= " , pu.fax AS primary_user_fax, AS primary_user_mobile, pu.language AS primary_user_language";
         $sql .= " , a.line_1, a.line_2, a.suburb, a.state, a.region,, a.post_code ";
         if (!count($search)) {
             // we're pulling all available customers into an array.
             //echo "all customers! ";
         if (isset($_REQUEST['import_export_go']) && $_REQUEST['import_export_go'] == 'yes') {
             // doing the export, pull in the staff names as well.
             $sql .= ', GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT, \' \', st.last_name SEPARATOR \', \' ) AS `customer_staff` ';
     $sql .= " FROM `" . _DB_PREFIX . "customer` c ";
     $where = "";
     if (defined('_SYSTEM_ID')) {
         $sql .= " AND c.system_id = '" . _SYSTEM_ID . "' ";
     $group_order = '';
     $sql .= ' LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX . "user` u ON c.customer_id = u.customer_id";
     //c.primary_user_id = u.user_id AND
     $sql .= ' LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX . "user` pu ON c.primary_user_id = pu.user_id";
     if (isset($_REQUEST['import_export_go']) && $_REQUEST['import_export_go'] == 'yes') {
         // doing the export, pull in the staff names as well.
         $sql .= " LEFT JOIN `" . _DB_PREFIX . "customer_user_rel` cur ON (c.customer_id = cur.customer_id)";
         $sql .= ' LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX . "user` st ON cur.user_id = st.user_id";
     $sql .= ' LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX . "address` a ON c.customer_id = a.owner_id AND a.owner_table = 'customer' AND a.address_type = 'physical'";
     if (isset($search['generic']) && trim($search['generic'])) {
         $str = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($search['generic']));
         // search the customer name, contact name, cusomter phone, contact phone, contact email.
         //$where .= 'AND u.customer_id IS NOT NULL AND ( ';
         $where .= " AND ( ";
         $where .= "c.customer_name LIKE '%{$str}%' OR ";
         // $where .= " LIKE '%$str%' OR "; // search company phone number too.
         $where .= " LIKE '%{$str}%' OR LIKE '%{$str}%' OR ";
         $where .= "u.last_name LIKE '%{$str}%' OR ";
         $where .= " LIKE '%{$str}%' OR u.fax LIKE '%{$str}%' ";
         $where .= ') ';
     if (isset($search['customer_id']) && (int) $search['customer_id'] > 0) {
         $where .= " AND c.customer_id = " . (int) $search['customer_id'];
     if (isset($search['customer_type_id'])) {
         $where .= " AND c.customer_type_id = " . (int) $search['customer_type_id'];
     if (isset($search['address']) && trim($search['address'])) {
         $str = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($search['address']));
         // search all the customer site addresses.
         $where .= " AND ( ";
         $where .= " a.line_1 LIKE '%{$str}%' OR ";
         $where .= " a.line_2 LIKE '%{$str}%' OR ";
         $where .= " a.suburb LIKE '%{$str}%' OR ";
         $where .= " a.state LIKE '%{$str}%' OR ";
         $where .= " a.region LIKE '%{$str}%' OR ";
         $where .= " LIKE '%{$str}%' OR ";
         $where .= " a.post_code LIKE '%{$str}%' ";
         $where .= " ) ";
     if (isset($search['state_id']) && trim($search['state_id'])) {
         $str = (int) $search['state_id'];
         // search all the customer site addresses.
         $sql .= " LEFT JOIN `" . _DB_PREFIX . "address` a ON (a.owner_id = c.customer_id)";
         // swap join around? meh.
         $where .= " AND (a.state_id = '{$str}' AND a.owner_table = 'customer')";
     if (isset($search['staff_id']) && trim($search['staff_id'])) {
         $str = (int) $search['staff_id'];
         // search all the customer site addresses.
         $sql .= " LEFT JOIN `" . _DB_PREFIX . "customer_user_rel` cur ON (c.customer_id = cur.customer_id)";
         $where .= " AND (cur.user_id = '{$str}')";
     if (isset($search['company_id']) && trim($search['company_id'])) {
         $str = (int) $search['company_id'];
         // search all the customer site addresses.
         $sql .= " LEFT JOIN `" . _DB_PREFIX . "company_customer` ccr ON (c.customer_id = ccr.customer_id)";
         $where .= " AND (ccr.company_id = '{$str}')";
     if (isset($search['group_id']) && trim($search['group_id'])) {
         $str = (int) $search['group_id'];
         $sql .= " LEFT JOIN `" . _DB_PREFIX . "group_member` gm ON (c.customer_id = gm.owner_id)";
         $where .= " AND (gm.group_id = '{$str}' AND gm.owner_table = 'customer')";
     if (isset($search['extra_fields']) && is_array($search['extra_fields']) && class_exists('module_extra', false)) {
         $extra_fields = array();
         foreach ($search['extra_fields'] as $key => $val) {
             if (strlen(trim($val))) {
                 $extra_fields[$key] = trim($val);
         if (count($extra_fields)) {
             $sql .= " LEFT JOIN `" . _DB_PREFIX . "extra` ext ON (ext.owner_id = c.customer_id)";
             //AND ext.owner_table = 'customer'
             $where .= " AND (ext.owner_table = 'customer' AND ( ";
             foreach ($extra_fields as $key => $val) {
                 $val = mysql_real_escape_string($val);
                 $key = mysql_real_escape_string($key);
                 $where .= "( ext.`extra` LIKE '%{$val}%' AND ext.`extra_key` = '{$key}') OR ";
             $where = rtrim($where, ' OR');
             $where .= ' ) )';
     switch ($customer_access) {
         case _CUSTOMER_ACCESS_ALL:
             if (class_exists('module_company', false) && module_company::is_enabled()) {
                 $companys = module_company::get_companys_access_restrictions();
                 if (count($companys)) {
                     $sql .= " LEFT JOIN `" . _DB_PREFIX . "company_customer` cc ON c.customer_id = cc.customer_id";
                     $where .= " AND ( ";
                     if (module_config::c('customer_show_unassigned_company', 0)) {
                         $where .= 'cc.company_id IS NULL OR ';
                     $where .= "cc.company_id IN ( ";
                     $where .= mysql_real_escape_string(implode(', ', $companys));
                     $where .= " ) ) ";
             // we only want customers that are directly linked with the currently logged in user contact.
             //$sql .= " LEFT JOIN `"._DB_PREFIX."user` u ON c.customer_id = u.customer_id "; // done above.
             $sql .= " LEFT JOIN `" . _DB_PREFIX . "user_customer_rel` ucr ON c.customer_id = ucr.customer_id ";
             $where .= " AND (";
             $where .= "u.user_id = " . (int) module_security::get_loggedin_id();
             $where .= " OR ( ucr.customer_id = c.customer_id AND ucr.user_id = " . (int) module_security::get_loggedin_id() . " AND ucr.primary = u.user_id )";
             $where .= " OR ( ucr.customer_id = c.customer_id AND ucr.primary = " . (int) module_security::get_loggedin_id() . " AND ucr.user_id = u.user_id )";
             $where .= ' )';
             //                if(isset($_SESSION['_restrict_customer_id']) && (int)$_SESSION['_restrict_customer_id']> 0){
                                 // this session variable is set upon login, it holds their customer id.
                                 // todo - share a user account between multiple customers!
                                 //$where .= " AND c.customer_id IN (SELECT customer_id FROM )";
                             if(isset($res['linked_parent_user_id']) && $res['linked_parent_user_id'] == $res['user_id']){
                                 // this user is a primary user.
                                 $_SESSION['_restrict_customer_id'] = array();
                                 $_SESSION['_restrict_customer_id'][$res['customer_id']] = $res['customer_id'];
                                 foreach(module_user::get_contact_customer_links($res['user_id']) as $linked){
                                     $_SESSION['_restrict_customer_id'][$linked['customer_id']] = $linked['customer_id'];
                                 // oldschool permissions.
                                 $_SESSION['_restrict_customer_id'] = $res['customer_id'];
             /*$valid_customer_ids = module_security::get_customer_restrictions();
                   $where .= " AND ( ";
                   foreach($valid_customer_ids as $valid_customer_id){
                       $where .= " c.customer_id = '".(int)$valid_customer_id."' OR ";
                   $where = rtrim($where,'OR ');
                   $where .= " )";
             //                }
             // only customers who have linked jobs that I am assigned to.
             $sql .= " LEFT JOIN `" . _DB_PREFIX . "job` j ON c.customer_id = j.customer_id ";
             $sql .= " LEFT JOIN `" . _DB_PREFIX . "task` t ON j.job_id = t.job_id ";
             $where .= " AND (j.user_id = " . (int) module_security::get_loggedin_id() . " OR t.user_id = " . (int) module_security::get_loggedin_id() . ")";
             // only customers who have linked staff entries
             $sql .= " LEFT JOIN `" . _DB_PREFIX . "customer_user_rel` cur ON c.customer_id = cur.customer_id ";
             $where .= " AND (cur.user_id = " . (int) module_security::get_loggedin_id() . ")";
     $group_order = ' GROUP BY c.customer_id ORDER BY c.customer_name ASC';
     // stop when multiple company sites have same region
     $sql = $sql . (strlen($where) > 0 ? ' WHERE 1' . $where : '') . $group_order;
     if (!is_array($return_options) && $return_options === true || is_array($return_options) && isset($return_options['as_resource']) && $return_options['as_resource']) {
         return query($sql);
     $result = qa($sql);
           function sort_customers($a,$b){
               return strnatcasecmp($a['customer_name'],$b['customer_name']);
     // we are filtering in the SQL code now..
     module_cache::put('customer', $cache_key, $result, $cache_timeout);
     return $result;
     //return get_multiple("customer",$search,"customer_id","fuzzy","name");