Esempio n. 1
  * fix_js_StartUp
  * @param xxx $str (passed by reference)
  * @param xxx $start
  * @param xxx $length
 function fix_js_StartUp(&$str, $start, $length)
     $substr = substr($str, $start, $length);
     $search = '/(\\s*)strInstructions = [^;]*;/';
     $replace = '$1' . "var obj = document.getElementById('Instructions');" . '$1' . "if (obj==null || obj.innerHTML=='') {" . '$1' . "\tvar obj = document.getElementById('InstructionsDiv');" . '$1' . "\tif (obj) {" . '$1' . "\t\ = 'none';" . '$1' . "\t}" . '$1' . "}";
     $substr = preg_replace($search, $replace, $substr, 1);
     parent::fix_js_StartUp($substr, 0, strlen($substr));
     // append the PlaySound() and StopSound() functions
     if ($pos = strrpos($substr, '}')) {
         $append = "\n" . "function PlaySound(i, count) {\n" . '	// li (id="Q_99") -> p (class="questionText") -> span (class="mediaplugin_mp3") -> object' . "\n" . "\tvar li = QArray[i];\n" . "\ttry {\n" . "\t\tvar SoundLoaded = li.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].isSoundLoadedFromJS();\n" . "\t} catch (err) {\n" . "\t\tvar SoundLoaded = false;\n" . "\t}\n" . "\tif (SoundLoaded) {\n" . "\t\ttry {\n" . "\t\t\tli.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].playSoundFromJS();\n" . "\t\t\tvar SoundPlayed = true;\n" . "\t\t} catch (err) {\n" . "\t\t\tvar SoundPlayed = false;\n" . "\t\t}\n" . "\t}\n" . "\tif (SoundLoaded && SoundPlayed) {\n" . "\t\t// sound was successfully played\n" . "\t} else {\n" . "\t\t// sound could not be loaded or played\n" . "\t\tif (count<=100) {\n" . "\t\t\t// try again in 1/10th of a second\n" . "\t\t\tsetTimeout('PlaySound('+i+','+(count+1)+')', 100);\n" . "\t\t}\n" . "\t}\n" . "}\n" . "function StopSound(i) {\n" . '	// li (id="Q_99") -> p (class="questionText") -> span (class="mediaplugin_mp3") -> object' . "\n" . "\tvar li = QArray[i];\n" . "\ttry {\n" . "\t\tvar SoundLoaded = li.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].isSoundLoadedFromJS();\n" . "\t} catch (err) {\n" . "\t\tvar SoundLoaded = false;\n" . "\t}\n" . "\tif (SoundLoaded) {\n" . "\t\ttry {\n" . "\t\t\tli.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].stopSoundFromJS();\n" . "\t\t\tvar SoundStopped = true;\n" . "\t\t} catch (err) {\n" . "\t\t\tvar SoundStopped = false;\n" . "\t\t}\n" . "\t}\n" . "}";
         $substr = substr_replace($substr, $append, $pos + 1, 0);
     $str = substr_replace($str, $substr, $start, $length);
Esempio n. 2
  * fix_js_StartUp
  * @param xxx $str (passed by reference)
  * @param xxx $start
  * @param xxx $length
 function fix_js_StartUp(&$str, $start, $length)
     $substr = substr($str, $start, $length);
     // hide instructions, if they are not required
     $search = '/(\\s*)strInstructions = document.getElementById[^;]*;/s';
     $replace = '' . '\\1' . "var obj = document.getElementById('Instructions');" . '\\1' . "if (obj==null || obj.innerHTML=='') {" . '\\1' . "\tvar obj = document.getElementById('InstructionsDiv');" . '\\1' . "\tif (obj) {" . '\\1' . "\t\ = 'none';" . '\\1' . "\t}" . '\\1' . "}";
     //$substr = preg_replace($search, $replace, $substr, 1);
     $insert = '';
     if ($this->expand_UserDefined1()) {
         $insert .= "\tAA_SetProgressBar();\n";
     if ($this->expand_UserDefined2()) {
         $insert .= "\tsetTimeout('AA_PlaySound(0,0)', 500);";
     if ($insert) {
         $pos = strrpos($substr, '}');
         $substr = substr_replace($substr, $insert, $pos, 0);
     // call the fix_js_StartUp() method on the parent object
     parent::fix_js_StartUp($substr, 0, strlen($substr));
     $str = substr_replace($str, $substr, $start, $length);