    case 1:
        // toujours
        $navigation = "navigationHover: false,\n                navigation: true,\n                playPause: true,";
    case 2:
        // on mouseover
        $navigation = "navigationHover: true,\n                navigation: true,\n                playPause: true,";
// load the slideshow script
$js = "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> <!--\n       jQuery(function(){\n        jQuery('#camera_wrap_" . $module->id . "').camera({\n                height: '" . $params->get('height', '400') . "',\n                minHeight: '',\n                pauseOnClick: false,\n                hover: " . $params->get('hover', '1') . ",\n                fx: '" . implode(",", $params->get('effect', array('linear'))) . "',\n                loader: '" . $params->get('loader', 'pie') . "',\n                pagination: " . $params->get('pagination', '1') . ",\n                thumbnails: " . $params->get('thumbnails', '1') . ",\n                thumbheight: " . $params->get('thumbnailheight', '100') . ",\n                thumbwidth: " . $params->get('thumbnailwidth', '75') . ",\n                time: " . $params->get('time', '7000') . ",\n                transPeriod: " . $params->get('transperiod', '1500') . ",\n                alignment: '" . $params->get('alignment', 'center') . "',\n                autoAdvance: " . $params->get('autoAdvance', '1') . ",\n                mobileAutoAdvance: " . $params->get('autoAdvance', '1') . ",\n                portrait: " . $params->get('portrait', '0') . ",\n                barDirection: '" . $params->get('barDirection', 'leftToRight') . "',\n                imagePath: '" . JURI::base(true) . "/modules/mod_slideshowck/images/',\n                lightbox: '" . $params->get('lightboxtype', 'mediaboxck') . "',\n                fullpage: " . $params->get('fullpage', '0') . ",\n\t\t\t\tmobileimageresolution: '" . ($params->get('usemobileimage', '0') ? $params->get('mobileimageresolution', '640') : '0') . "',\n                " . $navigation . "\n                barPosition: '" . $params->get('barPosition', 'bottom') . "',\n\t\t\t\tcontainer: '" . $params->get('container', '') . "'\n        });\n}); //--> </script>";
echo $js;
$css = '';
// load some css
$css = "#camera_wrap_" . $module->id . " .camera_pag_ul li img, #camera_wrap_" . $module->id . " .camera_thumbs_cont ul li > img {height:" . modSlideshowckHelper::testUnit($params->get('thumbnailheight', '75')) . ";}";
// load the caption styles
$captioncss = modSlideshowckHelper::createCss($params, 'captionstyles');
$fontfamily = $params->get('captionstylesusefont', '0') && $params->get('captionstylestextgfont', '0') ? "font-family:'" . $params->get('captionstylestextgfont', 'Droid Sans') . "';" : '';
if ($fontfamily) {
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    $document->addStylesheet('' . $gfonturl);
$css .= "\n#camera_wrap_" . $module->id . " .camera_caption {\n\tdisplay: block;\n\tposition: absolute;\n}\n#camera_wrap_" . $module->id . " .camera_caption > div {\n\t" . $captioncss['padding'] . $captioncss['margin'] . $captioncss['background'] . $captioncss['gradient'] . $captioncss['borderradius'] . $captioncss['shadow'] . $captioncss['border'] . $captioncss['fontcolor'] . $captioncss['fontsize'] . $fontfamily . "\n}\n#camera_wrap_" . $module->id . " .camera_caption > div div.slideshowck_description {\n\t" . $captioncss['descfontcolor'] . $captioncss['descfontsize'] . "\n}\n";
if ($params->get('usecaptionresponsive') == '1') {
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// display the module
require JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_slideshowck', $params->get('layout', 'default'));