Esempio n. 1
 public function prepareQueryBeforeCount(xPDOQuery $c)
     $c = parent::prepareQueryBeforeCount($c);
     $folders = array(startId);
     $where = array('id:in' => $this->getFolders((int) $this->getProperty('startId'), $folders), 'or:parent:in' => $this->getFolders((int) $this->getProperty('startId'), $folders));
     return $c;
Esempio n. 2
 public function prepareQueryBeforeCount(xPDOQuery $c)
     $c = parent::prepareQueryBeforeCount($c);
     $alias = $c->getAlias();
     if ($this->getProperty('JoinParents')) {
         if ($this->getProperty('parent_joining_type') == 'inner') {
             $c->innerJoin('modResource', "Parent");
         } else {
             $c->leftJoin('modResource', "Parent");
     $where = array();
         Поиск по тегам
     if ($tag = (int) $this->getProperty('tag')) {
         # $c->query['where'][] = new xPDOQueryCondition(array('sql' => "find_in_set('{$tag}', {$alias}.tags)"));
         $c->innerJoin("modResourceTag", "Tags", "Tags.tag_id = {$tag} AND Tags.resource_id = {$alias}.id");
         # $where['Tags.tag_id'] = $tag;
     // Поиск по автору
     if ($author = (int) $this->getProperty('author')) {
         $where["createdby"] = $author;
         Поиск по датам
     if ($date_from = $this->getProperty('date_from')) {
         $time = strtotime($date_from);
         $c->where(array("createdon:>=" => $time, "OR:publishedon:>=" => $time));
     if ($date_till = $this->getProperty('date_till')) {
         $time = strtotime($date_till);
         $c->where(array("createdon:<=" => $time, "OR:publishedon:<=" => $time));
         По типу статей
     if ($article_type = (int) $this->getProperty('article_type')) {
         $where['article_type'] = $article_type;
         Только топовые новости
     if ($this->getProperty('top_news_only')) {
         $where['top_news'] = '1';
         Только главные новости
     if ($this->getProperty('main_news_only')) {
         $where['main'] = '1';
         Только для новостной ленты
     if ($this->getProperty('in_news_list_only')) {
         $where['news_list'] = '1';
         Только для RSS
     if ($this->getProperty('in_rss_only')) {
         $where['rss'] = '1';
         По статусу
         Выберите из списка==||Пишется==0||На редакции==1||Опубликована==2||Скрыта==3||Просрочена==4
     $article_status = $this->getProperty('article_status', null);
     if (is_numeric($article_status)) {
         switch ($article_status) {
             case '2':
                 $where['published'] = 1;
             case '3':
                 $where['hidemenu'] = 1;
                 $where['article_status'] = $article_status;
         Только собственные статьи
     if ($this->getProperty('own_articles')) {
         $where['createdby'] = $this->modx->user->id;
         Поиск по рубрикам
     if ($section = (int) $this->getProperty('section')) {
         $c->leftJoin("modResourceSection", "Section", "Section.resource_id = {$alias}.id AND Section.section_id = {$section}");
         $c->where(array("parent" => $section, "!=" => null));
     // Поиск по запросу
     if ($query_string = $this->getProperty('query') or $query_string = $this->getProperty('query_string')) {
         # $c->where(array(
         #     "id"    => $query_string,
         #     "OR:pagetitle:like" => "%{$query_string}%",
         #     "OR:longtitle:like" => "%{$query_string}%",
         #     # "OR:content:like" => "%{$query_string}%",
         # ));
             Обрабатываем поисковый запрос
         $searcher = $this->modx->getService('modSearch', 'modSearch', MODX_CORE_PATH . 'components/modsearch/model/modsearch/');
         $lemmas = $searcher->textToLemmas($query_string);
         foreach ($lemmas as &$lemma) {
             $lemma = "{$lemma}";
         # unset($lemma);
         # print_r($lemmas);
         # exit;
         $indexes_table = $this->modx->getTableName('modSearchIndex');
             Поиск по любому из слов
         # $sql = "EXISTS (
         #     SELECT NULL FROM {$indexes_table} WHERE {$indexes_table}.resource_id = {$alias}.id AND {$indexes_table}.lemma IN (". implode(", ", $lemmas) .")
         # )";
             Поиск по всем словам
         # $sql = '';
         $condition = array();
         foreach ($lemmas as $lemma) {
             $quoted = $this->modx->quote("%{$lemma}%");
             $condition[] = "{$indexes_table}.lemma LIKE {$quoted}";
         $sql = "EXISTS (\n                SELECT NULL FROM {$indexes_table} \n                    WHERE {$indexes_table}.resource_id = {$alias}.id \n                    AND (" . implode(' OR ', $condition) . ")\n            )";
         $c->query['where'][] = new xPDOQueryCondition(array('sql' => $sql));
         # $sql = "SELECT NULL FROM {$indexes_table} WHERE {$indexes_table}.resource_id = {$alias}.id";
         # foreach($lemmas as $lemma){
         #     $sql .= " AND {$indexes_table}.lemma = $lemma";
         # }
         # $sql = "EXISTS (
         #     {$sql}
         # )";
         # print_r($lemmas);
         # exit;
         # $c->select(array(
         #     "{$alias}.*",
         # ));
         # $c->select(array(
         #     "{$alias}.id",
         #     "{$alias}.pagetitle",
         # ));
         # $c->prepare();
         # print $c->toSQL();
         # exit;
         Скрытые с главной
     if (!$this->getProperty('show_hidden_on_mainpage')) {
         $where['hide_on_mainpage'] = '0';
     # if($this->modx->hasPermission('debug')){
     #     print_r($where);
     # }
     if ($where) {
     return $c;