Esempio n. 1
 public static function getRows($feeds, $params)
     if (is_null($feeds) || count($feeds) == 0) {
         return false;
     # Get Parameters
     $totalfeeds = (int) $params->get('rssitems', 5);
     $pagination = (int) $params->get('pagination', 0);
     $pagination_items = (int) $params->get('paginationitems', 5);
     $img_w = $params->get('imagew', 0);
     $img_h = $params->get('imageh', 0);
     $img_marg = $params->get('imagemargin', '0px');
     $imgalign = $params->get('imgalign', 'left');
     $showimage = (int) $params->get('rssimage', 1);
     $showtitle = (int) $params->get('showtitle', 1);
     $showdesc = (int) $params->get('rssitemdesc', 1);
     $rssnoimage = (int) $params->get('rssnoimage', 0);
     //$cleanhtml = (int)$params->get('clean_html', 1);
     $showdatetime = (int) $params->get('showdattime', 1);
     $txtalign = $params->get('txtalign', 'left');
     $titlealign = $params->get('titlealign', 'left');
     $link_target = $params->get('linktarget', 'blank');
     $linksrelation = $params->get('linksrel', 'none');
     $link_title = (int) $params->get('linktitle', 1);
     $link_image = (int) $params->get('linkimage', 1);
     $use_readmore = (int) $params->get('showreadmore', 1);
     $seperator = $params->get('seperator', '');
     $shownoimage = (int) $params->get('shownoimage', 0);
     $noimage = $params->get('noimage', 'modules/mod_we_ufeed_display/images/no_image.jpg');
     $titlelimit = (int) $params->get('titlelimit', 0);
     $textlimit = $params->get('textlimit', 'words');
     $limit_count = (int) $params->get('limit_count', 0);
     $readmorestyle = $params->get('readmorestyle', 'joomla');
     $dformat = $params->get('dformat', 'd-m-Y H:i');
     $readlightbox = (int) $params->get('readlightbox', 0);
     $imagesource = (int) $params->get('imagesource', 1);
     $noconflictjq = (int) $params->get('noconflictjq', 1);
     $showfeedinfo = (int) $params->get('showfeedinfo', 1);
     $videolink = (int) $params->get('videoplayer', 1);
     $internallinks = (int) $params->get('internallinks', 0);
     $minwidth = (int) $params->get('minwidthskip', 30);
     $useLogo = (int) $params->get('uselogo', 0);
     $usedivcrop = (int) $params->get('usedivcrop', 0);
     $replacewords = array_filter(@explode(",", $params->get('rplwords', ',')));
     $RemoveApply = (int) $params->get('rplwordsapply', 0);
     $htmltags = $params->get('htmltags', '');
     $textFunction = (int) $params->get('textfunction', 1);
     $iframeTag = $params->get('iframelightboxtag', 'ufeedpop');
     $modal = $params->get('modaltype', 'colorbox');
     $datePos = $params->get('datepos', 'nexttitle');
     $imgcheckmime = (int) $params->get('checkmime', 1);
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     if ($readlightbox && !defined('RSS_JQREADER')) {
         if ($params->get('loadcolorboxcss', 1)) {
             $document->addStyleSheet(JURI::root(true) . '/modules/mod_we_ufeed_display/colorbox/colorbox.css');
         if ($modal == 'colorbox') {
             if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'lt')) {
                 if ($params->get('loadjq', 1)) {
                     $document->addScript(JURI::root(true) . '/modules/mod_we_ufeed_display/colorbox/jquery-1.9.1.min.js');
             } else {
                 // load jquery
             $document->addScript(JURI::root(true) . '/modules/mod_we_ufeed_display/colorbox/jquery.colorbox-min.js');
             if ($noconflictjq) {
                 $document->addScript(JURI::root(true) . '/modules/mod_we_ufeed_display/colorbox/weultimatefeeddisplay.js?width=98&height=98&itag=' . $iframeTag);
             } else {
                 //$box='(function($){$(document).ready(function(){$(".'.$iframeTag.'").colorbox({width:"98%", height:"98%", iframe:true});});}(jQuery));';
                 $box = 'jQuery(document).ready(function($){$(".' . $iframeTag . '").colorbox({width:"98%", height:"98%", iframe:true});});';
                 $document->addScriptDeclaration($box, 'text/javascript');
         } else {
             if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'lt')) {
             } else {
             $box = "window.addEvent('domready',function(){\n\t\t\t\t\tSqueezeBox.initialize({});\n\t\t\t\t\tSqueezeBox.assign(\$\$('a." . $iframeTag . "'),{size: {x: " . str_replace(array('px', '%'), '', $params->get('sqwidth', 800)) . ", y: " . str_replace(array('px', '%'), '', $params->get('sqheight', 500)) . "},handler: 'iframe'});\n\t\t\t\t});";
             $document->addScriptDeclaration($box, 'text/javascript');
         define('RSS_JQREADER', 1);
     $image_params = "";
     $divCrop = 'class="img_pos_' . $imgalign . '" style="overflow:hidden;';
     # Actualy Code Starts here
     if ($showimage) {
         # Create image style
         $image_params = ' class="img_pos_' . $imgalign . '" style="margin:' . $img_marg . ';';
         $image_dim = '';
         if ($img_w != 0) {
             $divCrop .= ' width:' . $img_w . ';';
             if (!$usedivcrop) {
                 $image_params .= ' width:' . $img_w . ';';
                 $image_dim .= ' width="' . str_replace('px', '', $img_w) . '" ';
         if ($img_h != 0) {
             $divCrop .= ' height:' . $img_h . ';';
             if (!$usedivcrop) {
                 $image_params .= ' height:' . $img_h . ';';
                 $image_dim .= ' height="' . str_replace('px', '', $img_h) . '" ';
         $image_params .= '"';
         $image_params .= $image_dim;
     $divCrop .= '"';
     $html_content = array();
     $counter = 1;
     $limitperpage = $pagination ? $pagination_items : $totalfeeds;
     # Loop to each feed news
     foreach ($feeds as $feed) {
         $useTiny = (int) $params->get('tinyurl', 0);
         $title = $feed->ItemTitle;
         # Title Limit
         if ($titlelimit != 0) {
             $length = JString::strlen($title);
             if ($length > $titlelimit) {
                 $title = JString::substr($title, 0, $titlelimit) . '...';
         // item description
         $text = !$textFunction || empty($feed->ItemText) ? $feed->ItemFulltext : $feed->ItemText;
         $class = "";
         #Links rel(ation)
         $linksrel = "";
         if ($linksrelation != "none") {
             $linksrel = 'rel="' . $linksrelation . '" ';
         if ($readlightbox == 1) {
             $class = 'class="' . $iframeTag . '" ';
         if ($internallinks && JString::strpos($feed->ItemLink, JURI::root()) !== false) {
             $link_target = "self";
             $class = "";
             $linksrel = 'rel="follow" ';
         $text = html_entity_decode($text, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
         $text = htmlspecialchars_decode($text, ENT_QUOTES);
         # News Image
         $no_img_found = false;
         //for hiding news without image
         #Get Image
         if ($showimage) {
             $enclosures = $feed->ItemEnclosures;
             $image_src = false;
             if (@JString::strpos($feed->ItemLink, "") !== false) {
                 $class = '';
             #disable lightbox reader for Facebook Links - Facebook not allow iframe content load.
             #Get the first image with width bigger than $minwidth
             $feedImage = modFeedShowHelper::getImage($text, $minwidth);
             #Youtube: Example Link
             if (JString::strpos($feed->ItemLink, "") !== false) {
                 $query = explode("?", $feed->ItemLink);
                 parse_str($query[1], $ytube);
                 $feedImage['src'] = "" . $ytube['v'] . "/default.jpg";
                 if ($videolink && $readlightbox == 1) {
                     $feed->ItemLink = "" . $ytube['v'] . "?hd=1&autoplay=1";
                 $useTiny = false;
                 unset($query, $ytube);
             if ($feedImage['src'] != false) {
                 $image_src = $feedImage['src'];
             #Facebook Image Links Fixing
             if (JString::strpos($image_src, "") !== false && JString::strpos($image_src, "url=") > 0) {
                 list($site, $image_src) = explode("url=", $image_src, 2);
             #No Image Found in Text
             if (empty($image_src) || $image_src === false) {
                 $no_img_found = true;
             #If no text image or default source Enclusure tag AND Enclusure is image type...then...
             if (is_array($enclosures) && count($enclosures) > 0 && ($imagesource == 0 || $no_img_found === true)) {
                 $images = array();
                 foreach ($enclosures as $enclosure) {
                     if (empty($enclosure->link) && is_array($enclosure->thumbnails)) {
                         foreach ($enclosure->thumbnails as $thumb) {
                             if ($imgcheckmime) {
                                 list($thumb, $query) = @explode("?", $thumb, 2);
                                 $tags = @getimagesize($thumb);
                                 if (!empty($tags["mime"]) && strpos($tags["mime"], 'image') === false || !@preg_match("#\\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|bmp)#s", strtolower($thumb), $matchesEx) || (int) $tags["width"] > 0 && $minwidth != -1 && $minwidth > $tags["width"]) {
                             $obj = new stdClass();
                             $obj->link = trim($thumb);
                             $obj->type = $tags["mime"];
                             $images[(int) $tags["width"]] = $obj;
                     } elseif (!empty($enclosure->link)) {
                         if ($imgcheckmime) {
                             list($enclosure->link, $query) = @explode("?", $enclosure->link, 2);
                             $tags = @getimagesize($enclosure->link);
                             if (!empty($tags["mime"]) && strpos($tags["mime"], 'image') === false || !@preg_match("#\\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|bmp)#s", strtolower($enclosure->link), $matchesEx) || (int) $tags["width"] > 0 && $minwidth != -1 && $minwidth > $tags["width"]) {
                         $obj = new stdClass();
                         $obj->link = trim($enclosure->link);
                         $obj->type = $tags["mime"];
                         $images[(int) $tags["width"]] = $obj;
                 //get the bigger image
                 $enclosure = reset($images);
                 if (!empty($enclosure->link)) {
                     $image_src = $enclosure->link;
                     $no_img_found = false;
             #NoImage or Defaul FeedLogo src
             if ($no_img_found || empty($image_src) || $image_src === false) {
                 $image_src = $useLogo && !empty($feed->FeedLogo) ? $feed->FeedLogo : $noimage;
             $image_src = modFeedShowHelper::downloadImage($image_src, $params);
             #cache image
         #Hide news without images
         if ($rssnoimage && $no_img_found) {
         #Vimeo: Example Link
         if (JString::strpos($feed->ItemLink, "") > 0 && $readlightbox == 1 && $videolink) {
             if (preg_match("/(\\d){8,}/", $feed->ItemLink, $match)) {
                 $feed->ItemLink = "" . $match[0] . "?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&autoplay=1";
                 $useTiny = false;
         #Link Mode
         $FeedItemLink = $useTiny ? modFeedShowHelper::TinyUrl($feed->ItemLink) : $feed->ItemLink;
         if (empty($FeedItemLink)) {
             $FeedItemLink = "#";
         #Remove Image if coditions are met
         if ($no_img_found && $shownoimage || !$showimage) {
             $image = "";
         } else {
             #Create Image Element
             if ($link_image) {
                 $image = '<div ' . $divCrop . '><a title="' . $title . '" ' . $linksrel . $class . ' target="_' . @$link_target . '" href="' . $FeedItemLink . '"><img alt="' . $title . '" src="' . @$image_src . '" ' . @$image_params . ' /></a></div>';
             } else {
                 $image = '<div ' . $divCrop . '><img alt="' . $title . '" src="' . @$image_src . '" ' . @$image_params . ' /></div>';
         //clean content
         $title = strip_tags(str_replace('&apos;', "'", $title), $htmltags);
         $text = strip_tags(str_replace('&apos;', "'", $text), $htmltags);
         //Utf-8 force
         if ($params->get('utf8force', 1)) {
             $text = modFeedShowHelper::fixEncoding($text);
             $title = modFeedShowHelper::fixEncoding($title);
         //Words Replace
         if ($RemoveApply != 0 && count($replacewords) > 0) {
             if ($showtitle && ($RemoveApply == 1 || $RemoveApply == 2)) {
                 $title = str_replace($replacewords, "", $title);
             if ($showdesc && ($RemoveApply == 1 || $RemoveApply == 3)) {
                 $text = str_replace($replacewords, "", $text);
             if ($showdesc && ($RemoveApply == 1 || $RemoveApply == 4)) {
                 $feed->FeedTitle = str_replace($replacewords, "", $feed->FeedTitle);
                 $feed->FeedDescription = str_replace($replacewords, "", $feed->FeedDescription);
         $date_line = '';
         if ($showdatetime) {
             if ($datePos == 'nexttitle') {
                 $date_line = '<span class="feed_datetime nexttitle"> ' . $feed->ItemDate . '</span>';
             } elseif ($datePos == 'abovetitle') {
                 $date_line = '<div class="feed_datetime abovetitle"> ' . $feed->ItemDate . '</div>';
             } elseif ($datePos == 'undertitle') {
                 $date_line = '<div class="feed_datetime undertitle"> ' . $feed->ItemDate . '</div>';
             } elseif ($datePos == 'beforetext') {
                 $date_line = '<div class="feed_datetime beforetext"> ' . $feed->ItemDate . '</div>';
             } elseif ($datePos == 'endoftext') {
                 $date_line = '<div class="feed_datetime endoftext"> ' . $feed->ItemDate . '</div>';
         $news_title = '';
         if ($showtitle) {
             if ($link_title) {
                 $news_title = '<a title="' . $title . '" ' . $linksrel . $class . ' target="_' . $link_target . '" href="' . $FeedItemLink . '">' . $title . '</a>';
             } else {
                 $news_title = $title;
             # News Title
             $news_title = '<div class="feed_title_' . $titlealign . '">' . $news_title;
             #feed channel info
             if ($showfeedinfo) {
                 if (JFile::exists($feed->FeedFavicon)) {
                     $news_title .= '<br/><span class="feed_info" style="display:block;backround:transparent url(' . $feed->FeedFavicon . ') 0 50% no-repeat;padding:2px 0 2px 20px;">';
                 } else {
                     $news_title .= '<br/><span class="feed_info">';
                 $news_title .= '<a rel="nofolow" target="_blank" href="' . $feed->FeedLink . '" title="' . $feed->FeedDescription . '">' . $feed->FeedTitle . '</a></span>';
             #Title with date in same line
             if ($datePos == 'nexttitle') {
                 $news_title .= $date_line;
             $news_title .= '</div>';
         if ($datePos == 'abovetitle') {
             $news_title = $date_line . $news_title;
         } elseif ($datePos == 'undertitle') {
             $news_title = $news_title . $date_line;
         # News Text
         $newstext = "";
         $readmore_link = "";
         if ($showdesc) {
             if ($limit_count != 0) {
                 if ($textlimit == 'words') {
                     $texts = explode(' ', $text);
                     $count = count($texts);
                     if ($count > $limit_count) {
                         $text = '';
                         for ($i = 0; $i < $limit_count; $i++) {
                             $w = JString::trim($texts[$i]);
                             if (empty($w)) {
                             $text .= ' ' . $w;
                         $text .= '...';
                 } else {
                     /* chars */
                     $length = JString::strlen($text);
                     if ($length > $limit_count && $length != 0) {
                         $text = JString::substr($text, 0, $limit_count);
                         $text .= '...';
             if ($datePos == 'beforetext') {
                 $newstext .= $date_line;
             $newstext .= '<div class="feed_newstext_' . $txtalign . '">' . JString::trim($text) . '</div>';
             if ($datePos == 'endoftext') {
                 $newstext .= $date_line;
             # Read more
             if ($use_readmore) {
                 $c = array();
                 if ($readlightbox == 1 && !($internallinks && JString::strpos($feed->ItemLink, JURI::root()) !== false) && !(@JString::strpos($feed->ItemLink, "") > 0)) {
                     $c[] = $iframeTag;
                 if ($readmorestyle == 'joomla') {
                     if (WEJM16) {
                         $c[] = 'readmore';
                     } else {
                         $c[] = 'readon';
                 if ($readmorestyle == 'custom') {
                     $c[] = 'feed_readmore';
                 if ($readmorestyle == 'inline') {
                     $c[] = 'inline_readmore';
                 $class = 'class="' . implode(' ', $c) . '"';
                 $readmore_link = '<span class="feed_readmore_around"><a ' . $linksrel . $class . ' target="_' . $link_target . '" href="' . $FeedItemLink . '">' . JText::_('MOD_WE_UFEED_DISPLAY_READMORE') . '</a></span>';
         $title_order = (int) $params->get('ordertitle', 1);
         $img_order = (int) $params->get('orderimage', 2);
         $ordertext = (int) $params->get('ordertext', 3);
         $first = $second = $third = "";
         switch ($title_order) {
             case 1:
                 $first = $news_title;
             case 2:
                 $second = $news_title;
             case 3:
                 $third = $news_title;
         switch ($img_order) {
             case 1:
                 $first = $image;
             case 2:
                 $second = $image;
             case 3:
                 $third = $image;
         switch ($ordertext) {
             case 1:
                 $first = $newstext;
             case 2:
                 $second = $newstext;
             case 3:
                 $third = $newstext;
         ######################## HERE YOU CAN CHANGE THE ORDER IF YOU WANT ###########################
         # Add All to Array
         $html_content[] = '<div class="ufdrssitem">' . $first . $second . $third . $seperator . $readmore_link . '</div>';
         if ($counter == $limitperpage) {
     // end foraech
     unset($feed, $params);
     if (count($html_content) == 0) {
         return false;
     return $html_content;
Esempio n. 2
                if (isset($items[$b * $tbcolumns + $c])) {
                    echo $items[$b * $tbcolumns + $c];
			<div style="clear:both;"></div>
		<!-- pagination starts here -->
    if ($pagination && $pages > 1) {
			<div class="ufeedpagination">
			  <ul class="pagination-ufeed">
        if ($current_page != 1) {
            $link = modFeedShowHelper::pagination($current_page - 1, $module->id, $params->get('linkhash', 1));
					<li class="previous-off"><a href="<?php 
            echo $link;
Esempio n. 3
//check if feed URL is set
if (!$hideerrors && ($feeddata['rsstotalitems'] == 0 || count($feeddata["items"]) == 0 || $feeddata["items"] === false)) {
    echo '<div>There are not feed items to display.';
    echo '<ul><li>Check if RSS URL is online</li><li>Check if RSS contains items</li>';
    if ($filtermode > 0) {
        echo '<li>Check the #Keyword Filter# parameter. Change the keywords or remove them</li>';
    echo '</ul></div>';
$items = modFeedShowHelper::getRows($feeddata["items"], $params);
// Get RSS News
if ($pagination && $feeddata !== false) {
    $maxitems = $feeddata["rsstotalitems"] > $amount ? $amount : $feeddata["rsstotalitems"];
    $current_page = modFeedShowHelper::getPage($module->id);
    $pages = (int) ceil($maxitems / $pagination_items);
    $amount = $pagination_items;
    # rows
#Auto-calculate values
$tbrows = $tbcolumns == 1 ? $amount : ceil($amount / $tbcolumns);
$unit = JString::strpos($tablewidth, '%') > 0 ? '%' : 'px';
if ($cwidth == 'auto' || $cwidth == 0) {
    $cwidth = round($tablewidth / $tbcolumns, 2) . $unit;
<!-- Ultimate Feed Display Starts here -->
#########Load tmpl, you can customize it, overriding to templates/template-name/html/mod_we_ufeed_display/FOLDERNAME/default.php #########
require JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_we_ufeed_display', $params->get('layout', 'default') . DS . 'default');