Esempio n. 1
    $price_guest = $_POST['price_guest'];
    $price_members = $_POST['price_members'];
    $tax = $_POST['tax'];
    $discount = $_POST['discount'];
    $stock = $_POST['stock'];
    $expiration_date = $_POST['expiration_date'];
    $maxpick = $_POST['maxpick'];
    $photo = $_FILES['photo']['name'];
    $photo1 = $_FILES['photo1']['name'];
    $photo2 = $_FILES['photo2']['name'];
    $photo3 = $_FILES['photo3']['name'];
    $photo4 = $_FILES['photo4']['name'];
/* creating coupon id for new product */
//getting last value of coupon id
$c_id = $manageData->getLastValue("coupon_table", "coupon_id", "id");
if ($c_id[0]['coupon_id'] != "") {
    //setting the new coupon id increamented by 1
    $new_c_id = substr($c_id[0]['coupon_id'], 7) + 1;
    //coupon id for new coupon
    $coupon_id = "Coupon_" . $new_c_id;
} else {
    $coupon_id = "Coupon_1001";
/* product id is set*/
//getting current date/time
$getdate = getdate();
$date = $getdate['year'] . "-" . $getdate['mon'] . "-" . $getdate['mday'];
if (!empty($photo)) {
    //move the uploaded file to the UI Layer img folder of main image
    $result_upload = $uploadFile->upload_file($coupon_id, 'photo', '../../../img/');
$manageData = new manageContent_DAL();
//include the library for uploading the files
include '../library/class.upload_file.php';
$uploadFile = new FileUpload();
//taking the values from form
    $product_name = $_POST['product_name'];
    $description = $_POST['description'];
    $price = $_POST['price'];
    $discount = $_POST['discount'];
    $stock = $_POST['stock'];
    $photo = $_FILES['photo']['name'];
/* creating product id for new product */
//getting last value of product id
$p_id = $manageData->getLastValue("membership_product", "product_id", "product_id");
if ($p_id[0]['product_id'] != "") {
    //setting the new product id increamented by 1
    $new_p_id = substr($p_id[0]['product_id'], 2) + 1;
    //product id for new product
    $product_id = "M_" . $new_p_id;
} else {
    $product_id = "M_1001";
/* product id is set*/
if (!empty($photo)) {
    //move the uploaded file to the UI Layer img folder
    $result_upload = $uploadFile->upload_file($product_id, 'photo', '../../../img/');
    //photo_name variable saves the image location.
    $photo_name = "img/" . $result_upload;
} else {
Esempio n. 3
$order_id = $_GET['o_id'];
if (!empty($order_id)) {
    //setting payment request value
    $value = "Progressing";
    //calling method for money distribution
    $result = $manageData->updateValueWhere("purchase_info", "payment_request", $value, "order_id", $order_id);
//getting current date
$getdate = getdate();
$date = $getdate['year'] . "-" . $getdate['mon'] . "-" . $getdate['mday'];
//change date format
$change_date = explode("-", $date);
$curdate = $change_date[2] . "-" . $change_date[1] . "-" . $change_date[0];
$year = $getdate['year'];
//getting invoice no
$invoice = $manageData->getLastValue("purchase_log", "*", "invoice_no");
//separating year from invoice no and increase the value by 1
$new_no = sprintf("%05s", substr($invoice[0]['invoice_no'], 5) + 1);
$new_invoice_no = $year . "-" . $new_no;
//update invoice no and date
$updateinvoice = $manageData->updateValueWhere("purchase_log", "invoice_no", $new_invoice_no, "order_id", $order_id);
$updatedate = $manageData->updateValueWhere("purchase_log", "invoice_date", $date, "order_id", $order_id);
//getting member or guest email id
$email = $manageData->getValueWhere("purchase_log", "*", "order_id", $order_id);
if ($email[0]['membership_id'] == 'guest') {
    $email_id = $email[0]['email_id'];
    $price = 'price_guest';
} else {
    $member = $manageData->getValueWhere("member_table", "*", "membership_id", $email[0]['membership_id']);
    $email_id = $member[0]['email_id'];
    $price = 'price_members';
Esempio n. 4
    $price_guest = $_POST['price_guest'];
    $price_members = $_POST['price_members'];
    $tax = $_POST['tax'];
    $discount = $_POST['discount'];
    $stock = $_POST['stock'];
    $expiration_date = $_POST['expiration_date'];
    $maxpick = $_POST['maxpick'];
    $photo = $_FILES['photo']['name'];
    $photo1 = $_FILES['photo1']['name'];
    $photo2 = $_FILES['photo2']['name'];
    $photo3 = $_FILES['photo3']['name'];
    $photo4 = $_FILES['photo4']['name'];
/* creating product id for new product */
//getting last value of product id
$p_id = $manageData->getLastValue("product_table", "product_id", "product_id");
if ($p_id[0]['product_id'] != "") {
    //setting the new product id increamented by 1
    $new_p_id = substr($p_id[0]['product_id'], 2) + 1;
    //product id for new product
    $product_id = "P_" . $new_p_id;
} else {
    $product_id = "P_1001";
/* product id is set*/
//getting current date/time
$getdate = getdate();
$date = $getdate['year'] . "-" . $getdate['mon'] . "-" . $getdate['mday'];
//move the uploaded file to the UI Layer img folder of main image
$result_upload = $uploadFile->upload_file($product_id, 'photo', '../../../img/');
//photo_name variable saves the image location