public function smtp() { global $dbh, $postvar, $getvar, $instance; $body = eregi_replace("[\\]", '', $body); $users_data = $dbh->select("users", array("email", "=", $instance->email['to']), 0, "1"); $to_name = $users_data['firstname'] . " " . $users_data['lastname']; if ($to_name == " ") { $staff_data = $dbh->select("staff", array("email", "=", $instance->email['to']), 0, "1"); $to_name = $staff_data['name']; } if (!class_exists("PHPMailer")) { include INC . "/smtp/class_phpmailer.php"; } $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->IsSMTP(); // telling the class to use SMTP $mail->SMTPAuth = true; // enable SMTP authentication (Log in with credentials to send) $mail->SMTPKeepAlive = true; // SMTP connection will not close after each email sent $mail->Host = $instance->details['smtp_host']; // sets the SMTP server $mail->Port = $dbh->config('smtp_port'); // set the SMTP port for the SMTP server $mail->Username = $instance->details['smtp_user']; // SMTP account username $mail->Password = $instance->details['smtp_password']; // SMTP account password $mail->SetFrom($instance->details['from'], $dbh->config('name')); $mail->AddReplyTo($instance->details['from'], $dbh->config('name')); $mail->Subject = $instance->email['subject']; $mail->MsgHTML($instance->email['content']); $mail->AddAddress($instance->email['to'], $to_name); if (!$mail->Send()) { $response = "Mailer Error (" . $instance->email['to'] . ') ' . $mail->ErrorInfo . "\n"; main::thtlog("SMTP Error", $response, main::userid()); $mail->ClearAddresses(); return false; } $mail->ClearAddresses(); return true; }
private function getMonthly($id, $user = "") { $type_additional = type::additional($id); if (!$user) { $user = $_SESSION['cuser']; } if (!is_numeric($user)) { $user = main::userid($user); } $type_additional['monthly'] = coupons::get_discount("p2hmonthly", $type_additional['monthly'], $user); return $type_additional['monthly']; }
public function validate_coupon($coupcode, $areaused, $uname, $package) { global $dbh, $postvar, $getvar, $instance; $userid = main::userid($uname); $coupon_info = self::coupon_data($coupcode); if (empty($coupon_info)) { return false; } if ($coupon_info['expiredate'] != "99/99/9999") { $today = time(); $coupon_expiry = explode("/", $coupon_info['expiredate']); $expiry_time = mktime(date("H"), date("i"), date("s"), ltrim($coupon_expiry[0]), ltrim($coupon_expiry[1]), $coupon_expiry[2]); if ($today >= $expiry_time) { return false; } } if ($coupon_info['area'] != "both" && $coupon_info['area'] != $areaused) { return false; } if ($coupon_info['user'] != "all" && $coupon_info['user'] != $uname) { return false; } if ($coupon_info['packages'] != "all") { $available_packs = explode(",", $coupon_info['packages']); if (!in_array($package, $available_packs)) { return false; } } if ($coupon_info['limited']) { $coupons_used_query = $dbh->select("coupons_used", array("coupcode", "=", $coupcode), 0, 0, 1); $coupons_used_rows = $dbh->num_rows($coupons_used_query); if ($coupons_used_rows >= $coupon_info['limited']) { return false; } } $coupon_used = self::user_coupon_data($userid, 0, $coupcode); if (!empty($coupon_used) && $coupon_used['disabled'] != '2') { return false; } //All checks passed. // //Brok // en // Eng // lish // lol $package_type = type::packagetype($package); $package_info = type::additional($package); $package_monthly = $package_info['monthly']; $package_p2hinit = $package_info['signup']; $paidtype = $coupon_info['paidtype']; $p2hinittype = $coupon_info['p2hinittype']; $p2hmonthlytype = $coupon_info['p2hmonthlytype']; $coupon_info['paiddisc'] = self::percent_to_value("paid", $paidtype, $coupon_info['paiddisc'], $package_monthly); $coupon_info['p2hinitdisc'] = self::percent_to_value("p2h", $p2hinittype, $coupon_info['p2hinitdisc'], $package_p2hinit); $coupon_info['p2hmonthlydisc'] = self::percent_to_value("p2h", $p2hmonthlytype, $coupon_info['p2hmonthlydisc'], $package_monthly); if ($package_type == "paid") { if ($coupon_info['paiddisc'] >= $package_monthly) { $coupon_text = "Free "; } else { $they_pay = $package_monthly - $coupon_info['paiddisc']; $currency = main::money($they_pay); $coupon_text = "Only pay " . $currency . " "; $pay_per_month = "/month"; } } else { $init_required = $package_p2hinit - $coupon_info['p2hinitdisc']; $monthly_required = $package_monthly - $coupon_info['p2hmonthlydisc']; if ($init_required > 1) { $s = "s"; } if ($monthly_required > 1) { $s2 = "s"; } if ($coupon_info['p2hinitdisc'] >= $package_p2hinit) { $coupon_p2hdisc = "0 Posts"; } else { $coupon_p2hdisc = $init_required . " Post" . $s . " required"; } if ($coupon_info['p2hmonthlydisc'] >= $package_monthly) { $coupon_p2hmonth = "0 Posts"; } else { $coupon_p2hmonth = $monthly_required . " Post" . $s2 . " required"; } if ($coupon_info['p2hinitdisc'] > 0 && $coupon_info['p2hmonthlydisc'] > 0) { $coupon_text = $coupon_p2hdisc . " to sign up and " . $coupon_p2hmonth . " for the month"; } else { if ($coupon_info['p2hinitdisc'] > 0) { $coupon_text = $coupon_p2hdisc . " to sign up"; $no_goodfor = "1"; //YOU! lol Good for nothing? lol } else { $coupon_text = $coupon_p2hmonth . " for the month"; } } } if ($coupon_info['goodfor'] == "life") { $coupon_text .= $pay_per_month . " for the lifetime of the account."; } if ($coupon_info['goodfor'] == "current") { $coupon_text .= " for the current month."; } if ($coupon_info['goodfor'] == "months") { if ($coupon_info['monthsgoodfor'] > 1) { $s3 = "s"; } if ($no_goodfor != '1') { $coupon_text .= $pay_per_month . " for the next " . $coupon_info['monthsgoodfor'] . " month" . $s3 . "."; } else { $coupon_text .= "."; //<- It's a period. lol } } $coupon_text = "<font color = '#779500'>Good for: " . $coupon_text . "</font>"; return $coupon_text; }