/** * Create a PDF and export to defined path * @param $dir str directory of the source file to convert * @param $src str filename of the source file to convert * @param $path str path to export the resultant PDF to * @param $chapters array chapters to convert into a single PDF * @param $journalId int Id of the journal(imprint) * @param $args array arguments for the conversion (e.g. Description, cover image, etc) * @param $coverPath str path to export the front cover artwork to */ function createPdf($dir = null, $src, $path, $chapters = array(), $journalId, $args = array(), $coverPath) { $mpdf = new mPDF('utf-8'); $mpdf->useOddEven = 1; $htmlEncode = array('title', 'author'); foreach ($htmlEncode as $encode) { $args[$encode] = htmlentities($args[$encode], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"); } isset($args['title']) ? $mpdf->SetTitle($args['title']) : $mpdf->SetTitle("No Title"); isset($args['description']) ? $mpdf->SetSubject($args['description']) : $mpdf->SetSubject("No description"); isset($args['author']) ? $mpdf->SetCreator($args['author']) : $mpdf->SetCreator("No author"); $CBPPlatformDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('CBPPlatformDAO'); $imprintType = $CBPPlatformDao->getImprintType($journalId); $stylesheet = $CBPPlatformDao->getImprintStylesheet($journalId); $stylesheetContents = file_get_contents($this->stylesheetDir . "{$stylesheet}.css"); $mpdf->WriteHTML($stylesheetContents, 1); $mpdf->WriteHTML($this->contentStart . ' <htmlpagefooter name="myFooter1" style="display:none"> <table width="100%" style="vertical-align: bottom; font-family: serif; font-size: 8pt; color: #000000; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"><tr> <td width="33%" style="text-align: right; ">{PAGENO}</td> </tr></table> </htmlpagefooter> <htmlpagefooter name="myFooter2" style="display:none"> <table width="100%" style="vertical-align: bottom; font-family: serif; font-size: 8pt; color: #000000; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;"><tr> <td width="33%"><span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">{PAGENO}</span></td> </tr></table> </htmlpagefooter>'); $imagesize = getimagesize($args['cover']); if (substr($imagesize[1] / $imagesize[0], 0, strpos($imagesize[1] / $imagesize[0], '.') + 1 + 2) == 1.41 || substr($imagesize[1] / $imagesize[0], 0, strpos($imagesize[1] / $imagesize[0], '.') + 1 + 2) == 1.53) { $pdfContent .= '<div style="position: absolute; left:0; right: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0;"><img src="' . $args['cover'] . '" id="cover" /></div>'; } else { $pdfContent .= "<div style='margin: 0 auto; width: 80%; text-align: center;'>"; if (isset($args['title'])) { $pdfContent .= "<h1>" . $args['title'] . "</h1>"; } if (isset($args['cover'])) { $pdfContent .= "<img src=\"" . $args['cover'] . "\" >"; } else { $pdfContent .= "<br/>"; } if (isset($args['author'])) { $pdfContent .= "<h2>" . $args['author'] . "</h2>"; } $pdfContent .= "</div>"; } $mpdf->WriteHTML($pdfContent); $mpdf->AddPage('', '', '', '', 'Off'); $copyrightStatement = $CBPPlatformDao->getJournalCopyrightStatement($journalId); if (!empty($copyrightStatement)) { $copyrightStatement = reset($copyrightStatement); $mpdf->AddPage('', '', '', '', 'Off'); $innerPageConent = "<div style='width: 90%; text-align: center; margin: 0 auto;'><p>" . $copyrightStatement . "</p></div>"; $mpdf->WriteHTML($innerPageConent); } if (!empty($chapters)) { $mpdf->TOCpagebreakByArray(array('TOCusePaging' => true, 'TOCuseLinking' => true, 'toc_preHTML' => '<h1>Table of Contents</h1>', 'toc_postHTML' => '', 'resetpagenum' => 1, 'suppress' => 'true')); $chapterCount = 0; $authorBiographies = 0; foreach ($chapters as $chapter) { if (!isset($chapter['type']) && $chapter['type'] != "supp") { $chapterCount++; } else { if ($chapter['desc'] == "Author Biography") { $authorBiographies++; } $suppChapters = true; } } for ($i = 0; $i < count($chapters); $i++) { $htmlEncode = array('name', 'author'); foreach ($htmlEncode as $encode) { $chapters[$i][$encode] = htmlentities($chapters[$i][$encode], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"); } $document = new TransformDoc(); $document->setStrFile($chapters[$i]['src'], $chapters[$i]['dir']); $document->generateXHTML(); //problem, here $document->validatorXHTML(); if ($chapterCount == 1) { $contentPreg = $this->stripTagsAddChapters($document->getStrXHTML()); $contentPreg = ltrim($contentPreg); if (substr($contentPreg, 0, 13) == "<pagebreak />") { $contentPreg = substr_replace($contentPreg, '', 0, 13); } $mpdf->addPage('', '', '', '', 'On'); $mpdf->PageNumSubstitutions[] = array('from' => $mpdf->page + 1, 'reset' => 1, 'type' => '1', 'suppress' => 'off'); $mpdf->WriteHTML("<div class='content'>", 2); $mpdf->WriteHTML($contentPreg, 2); if ($suppChapters == true) { foreach ($chapters as $chapter) { if (isset($chapter['type']) && $chapter['type'] == "supp") { $document = new TransformDoc(); $document->setStrFile($chapter['src'], $chapter['dir']); $document->generateXHTML(); $document->validatorXHTML(); if ($authorBiographies > 1) { $contentPreg = $this->stripTags($document->getStrXHTML()); $mpdf->TOC_Entry($chapter['name']); $mpdf->WriteHTML("<pagebreak />" . $contentPreg, 2); } else { $addAuthorBiographyToBack = true; $authorBiography = $this->stripTags($document->getStrXHTML()); } } } } break; } else { $contentPreg = $this->stripTags($document->getStrXHTML()); $contentPreg = ltrim($contentPreg); if (substr($contentPreg, 0, 13) == "<pagebreak />") { $contentPreg = substr_replace($contentPreg, '', 0, 13); } if ($i != 0) { $prepend = "<pagebreak />"; } else { $mpdf->addPage('', 'E', '', '', 'On'); $mpdf->PageNumSubstitutions[] = array('from' => $mpdf->page + 1, 'reset' => 1, 'type' => '1', 'suppress' => 'off'); $mpdf->WriteHTML("<div class='content'>", 2); } if ($imprintType == "atomistic") { $mpdf->WriteHTML($prepend . "<tocentry content='" . $chapters[$i]['name'] . "' level='0' />" . $contentPreg, 2); } elseif ($imprintType == "collection") { if ($chapters[$i]['description'] != "") { $introduction = "<div class='submissionIntro'><h1>" . $chapters[$i]['author'] . "</h1>" . $this->stripTags($chapters[$i]['description'], true) . "</div><pagebreak /><tocentry content='" . $chapters[$i]['name'] . " by " . $chapters[$i]['author'] . "' level='0' />"; } $mpdf->WriteHTML($prepend . $introduction . $contentPreg, 2); } } } $mpdf->writeHTML("</div>"); if (isset($args['description'])) { $mpdf->WriteHTML("<pagebreak page-selector='none' odd-footer-value = '' even-footer-value= '' /><pagebreak /><div style='width: 90%; text-align: center; margin: 0 auto;'><p>" . $this->stripTags($args['description'], true) . "</p></div>", 2); if ($addAuthorBiographyToBack == true) { $backCoverContent .= "<div style='width: 90%; text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; margin-top: 10px;'><p>" . $authorBiography . "</p></div>"; } $backCoverContent .= "<p style='width: 90%; text-align: center; margin: 0 auto;'><strong>Published " . date("F Y") . ", Scarborough, UK</strong></p>"; $mpdf->WriteHTML($backCoverContent, 2); } $mpdf->WriteHTML("</body></html>"); $pdfData = $mpdf->Output('', 'S'); $pageCount = $mpdf->page; file_put_contents($path, $pdfData); if (file_exists($this->stylesheetDir . "{$stylesheet}-FC.css")) { $this->createCoverPdf($stylesheet, $pageCount, $args['cover'], $this->stripTags($args['description'], true), $addAuthorBiographyToBack, $authorBiography, $args['title'], $args['imprint'], $coverPath); } return true; } else { $document = new TransformDoc(); $document->setStrFile($src, $dir); $document->generateXHTML(); $document->validatorXHTML(); $contentPreg = $this->stripTagsAddChapters($document->getStrXHTML()); $contentPreg = ltrim($contentPreg); if (substr($contentPreg, 0, 13) == "<pagebreak />") { $contentPreg = substr_replace($contentPreg, '', 0, 13); } $mpdf->addPage('', 'E', '', '', 'On'); $mpdf->PageNumSubstitutions[] = array('from' => $mpdf->page + 1, 'reset' => 1, 'type' => '1', 'suppress' => 'off'); $mpdf->WriteHTML("<div class='content'>", 2); $mpdf->WriteHTML($contentPreg, 2); $mpdf->WriteHTML("</div></body></html>"); $pdfData = $mpdf->Output('', 'S'); file_put_contents($path, $pdfData); return true; } }
<?php include './mpdf/mpdf.php'; $mpdf = new mPDF(); $mpdf->TOCpagebreak(); $mpdf->TOC_Entry("X Acknowledgements"); $mpdf->Output(); exit;
</div>'; $mpdf->TOCpagebreakByArray(array( 'TOCuseLinking' => true, 'toc_ohname' => 'indice', 'toc_ohvalue' => 1, 'toc_preHTML' => $previo, 'toc_postHTML' => $post, 'resetpagenum' => 2, 'ohname' => 'indice', 'ohvalue' => 1, )); $valida = 0; $mpdf->WriteHTML('<b><h2>1. Objetivo General</h2></b>'); $mpdf->TOC_Entry('<b style="font-family: roboto-light">1. Objetivo General</b>', 0); if($row["objetivo"] == ''){ $mpdf->WriteHTML('<div style="text-align:justify;">No Aplica.</div>'); $altura = $mpdf->y; if($altura > 205){ $mpdf->AddPage(); } else { $mpdf->WriteHTML('<br>'); } } else { $mpdf->WriteHTML('<div style="text-align:justify;">'.$row["objetivo"].'</div>'); $altura = $mpdf->y; if($altura > 205){ $mpdf->AddPage(); } else {
$mpdf->WriteHTML("<p style='font-size: 16px; text-align: left; float: left;'><i> Students: </i></span>"); $mpdf->WriteHTML("<columnbreak />"); $mpdf->WriteHTML("<p style='font-size: 16px; text-align: right; float: right;'><i> Faculty: </i> </span>"); $mpdf->WriteHTML("</div>"); $mpdf->TOCpagebreak(array('toc-preHTML' => '<h1> Contents </h1>')); $mpdf->AddPage('P', 'Letter', '1'); //$mpdf->WriteHTML('<pagebreak resetpagenum="1" />'); $mpdf->WriteHTML('<columns column-count="2" column-gap="17" />'); $mpdf->keepColumns = true; $mpdf->pagenumPrefix = "Page "; $mpdf->SetHeader('{PAGENO}'); foreach ($sql as $name => $dep) { $result = $conn->query($dep); $mpdf->WriteHTML('<h4 class="text-align: center"> ' . strtoupper($name) . '</h4>'); $letter = 'A'; $mpdf->TOC_Entry($name, 0); if ($result->num_rows > 0) { while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $text = $row['abstract']; $title = $row['title']; $mpdf->TOC_Entry($title, 1); $text = iconv("UTF-8", "UTF-8//IGNORE", $text); $title = iconv("UTF-8", "UTF-8//IGNORE", $title); $authors = array(); array_push($authors, $row['pauthor']); // getting authors $app_id = $row['app_id']; $author_sql = "SELECT author_name FROM authors WHERE app_id='{$app_id}'"; $author_result = $conn->query($author_sql); if ($author_result->num_rows > 0) { while ($auth = $author_result->fetch_assoc()) {