public function hook($params = array()) { $CI =& get_instance(); $output = $CI->output->get_output(); if (!isset($params['header']) || $params['header'] === true) { if (isset($params['theme'])) { luminous::set('theme', $params['theme']); } if (!function_exists('base_url')) { $CI->load->helper('url'); } luminous::set('relative-root', base_url() . 'application/hooks/ci-syntax-highlight/luminous/'); $head = luminous::head_html(); // insert the stylesheets $output = preg_replace('%</head%i', "{$head}\n" . '$0', $output, 1); } $exps = array("/\n \\[(code)(.*?)\\][ \t]*(?:[\r\n]|\r\n)?\n (.*?)\n \\s*\n \\[\\/code\\]\n /xs", "/\n <(pre|code)(.*?)>[ \t]*(?:[\r\n]|\r\n)?\n (.*?)\n \\s*\n <\\/\\1>\n /xs"); foreach ($exps as $e) { $output = preg_replace_callback($e, array($this, 'hook_cb'), $output); } echo $output; }
/** * */ public static function printHtmlHeader() { \luminous::set(array('relative_root' => '../vendor/luminous/luminous')); echo '<html> <head> <link href="../vendor/twbs/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <script src=""></script> <script src="../vendor/twbs/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>'; echo \luminous::head_html(); // outputs CSS includes to highlight xml, intended to go in <head> echo ' </head> <body role="document"> <div class="container theme-showcase" role="main"> <div class="jumbotron"> <h1>Demo Tessera Sanitaria.</h1> <p>Questo è un semplice demo che mostra l\'utilizzo del Package Padosoft TesseraSanitaria.<br /> Il package permette la creazione di file XML delle prestazioni mediche per il servizio nazionale sanità secondo il formato XML della tessera sanitaria definito nel DM 31/07/2015.<br /> Per maggiori info si veda il <a href="" target="_blank">Portale della Tessera Sanitaria</a> </p> </div> '; }
#!/usr/bin/php <?php if (php_sapi_name() !== 'cli') { die('This must be run from the command line'); } include 'functions.php'; if ($argc == 1) { echo "Usage : {$argv[0]} [options] FILE ...\n"; } $targets = array(); for ($i = 1; $i < $argc; $i++) { $x = $argv[$i]; if ($x == '-html') { $output_ext = '._html.luminous'; luminous::set('format', 'html'); luminous::set('max-height', -1); } else { $targets[] = $argv[$i]; } } if (empty($targets)) { $targets = $default_target; } foreach ($targets as $t) { recurse($t, 'generate'); }
$a = $argv[$i]; if ($a == '-i') { $inline = true; } elseif ($a == '-v') { $verbose = true; } elseif ($a == '--help' || !array_key_exists($a, $doctypes)) { print_help(); } else { $doctypes_[] = $argv[$i]; } } // set_error_handler('err_handler'); $out = array(); $num_requests = count($samples) * count($doctypes_); $req = 0; luminous::set('format', $inline ? 'html_inline' : 'html'); foreach ($samples as $s) { $formatter = luminous::formatter(); $formatter->line_numbers = true; $formatter->link = true; // At the moment, this just stops TARGET attributes on links, which happen // to be highly convenient but the w3c in their infinite wisdom decided // were invalid in HTML4 strict. $formatter->strict_standards = true; $src = file_get_contents($s); $output = $formatter->format($src); $out[$s] = array(); foreach ($doctypes_ as $spec) { $doctype = $doctypes[$spec]; $html = @htmlify($output, $doctype); try {
function net2ftp_module_printCss() { // -------------- // This function prints CSS code and includes // -------------- global $net2ftp_settings, $net2ftp_globals; // Include echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"" . $net2ftp_globals["application_rootdir_url"] . "/skins/" . $net2ftp_globals["skin"] . "/css/main.css.php?ltr=" . __("ltr") . "&image_url=" . urlEncode2($net2ftp_globals["image_url"]) . "\" />\n"; // CSS for Luminous syntax highlighter $filename_extension = get_filename_extension($net2ftp_globals["entry"]); if (getFileType($net2ftp_globals["entry"]) == "IMAGE") { $filetype = "image"; } elseif ($filename_extension == "swf") { $filetype = "flash"; } else { $filetype = "text"; } if ($filetype == "text") { luminous::set("cache", FALSE); luminous::set("format", "html"); luminous::set("line-numbers", TRUE); luminous::set("relative-root", $net2ftp_globals["application_rootdir_url"] . "/plugins/luminous/"); // luminous::set("theme", "luminous_dark"); echo luminous::head_html(); } }
#!/usr/bin/php <?php if (php_sapi_name() !== 'cli') { die('This must be run from the command line'); } /** * Raw formatter test. * Luminous raw output is pretty much XML, so we test it's properly formed * by making it proper XML (a very simple transformation), and then * we try loading it into an XML parser which is error intolerant. */ require_once ''; $samples = glob('./samples/src/*'); luminous::set('format', null); libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $errors = array(); foreach ($samples as $s) { $language = substr($s, strrpos($s, '.') + 1); $src = file_get_contents($s); $out = luminous::highlight($language, $src, false); $out = <<<EOF <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <LUMINOUS> {$out} </LUMINOUS> EOF; $xml = simplexml_load_string($out); if ($xml === false) { $errors[$s] = array(); foreach (libxml_get_errors() as $error) { $errors[$s][] = $error->message;
function highlight() { $this->parse_args(); // figure out the code // error cases are: // no input file or source code, if ($this->options['code'] === null && $this->options['input-file'] === null) { $this->error('No input file or source code specified'); } elseif ($this->options['code'] !== null && $this->options['input-file'] !== null) { $this->error('Input file (-i) and source code specified. You probably ' . 'didn\'t mean this'); } // is there an input file? use that. if ($this->options['input-file'] !== null) { $c = @file_get_contents($this->options['input-file']); if ($c === false) { $this->error('Could not read from ' . $this->options['input-file']); } else { $this->options['code'] = $c; } } elseif ($this->options['code'] === '-') { $code = ''; while (($line = fgets(STDIN)) !== false) { $code .= $line; } $this->options['code'] = $code; } // set the formatter luminous::set('format', $this->options['format']); // lame check that the formatter is okay try { luminous::formatter(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->error('Unknown formatter ' . $this->options['format']); } // set the theme $valid_themes = luminous::themes(); $theme = $this->options['theme']; if (!preg_match('/\\.css$/', $theme)) { $theme .= '.css'; } if (!luminous::theme_exists($theme)) { $this->error('No such theme: ' . $theme); } else { luminous::set('theme', $theme); } // set the language if ($this->options['lang'] === null) { // guessing $this->options['lang'] = luminous::guess_language($this->options['code']); } // user provided language $scanners = luminous::scanners(); $valid_scanner = false; foreach ($scanners as $lang => $codes) { if (in_array($this->options['lang'], $codes)) { $valid_scanner = true; break; } } if (!$valid_scanner) { $this->error('No such language: ' . $this->options['lang']); } // other options luminous::set('max-height', $this->options['height']); luminous::set('line-numbers', $this->options['line-numbers']); $h = luminous::highlight($this->options['lang'], $this->options['code']); if ($this->options['output-file'] !== null) { $r = @file_put_contents($this->options['output-file'], $h, LOCK_EX); if ($r === false) { $this->error('Could not write to ' . $this->options['output-file']); } } else { echo $h; } exit(0); }
#!/usr/bin/php <?php if (php_sapi_name() !== 'cli') { die('This must be run from the command line'); } // TODO: this no longer works, rewrite it for the new testing structure. /** * tests the LaTeX formatter by formatting some code as LaTeX * then compiling it to pdf. * Requires pdflatex and the ability to call programs */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../luminous.php'; $testfiles = glob(__DIR__ . '/samples/output/*'); $EXIT_STATUS = 0; luminous::set('format', 'latex'); foreach ($testfiles as $t) { $ts = luminous::themes(); $theme = $ts[array_rand(luminous::themes())]; $formatter = luminous::formatter(); $formatter->set_theme(file_get_contents('../../style/' . $theme)); $src = file_get_contents($t); $t = preg_replace('%.*/%', '', $t); $fmt = $formatter->format($src); file_put_contents(__DIR__ . "/filedump/{$t}.tex", $fmt); chdir('filedump'); system("pdflatex {$t}.tex >> /dev/null", $i); if ($i) { echo "latex formatter test failed on file {$t}, pdflatex exit status: {$i}\n"; $EXIT_STATUS = 1; } chdir(getcwd() . '/../');