function checkPermision() { $user = $_SESSION["ExtDeskSession"]["username"]; $id = $_SESSION["ExtDeskSession"]["id"]; $module = null; $option = null; $action = null; if (isset($_GET["Module"])) { $module = $_GET["Module"]; } if (isset($_GET["option"])) { $option = $_GET["option"]; } if (isset($_GET["action"])) { $action = $_GET["action"]; } if (isset($_POST["Module"])) { $module = $_POST["Module"]; } if (isset($_POST["option"])) { $option = $_POST["option"]; } if (isset($_POST["action"])) { $action = $_POST["action"]; } $sql = "select a.module, \n a.option, \n a.action,\n ug.idGroup,\n u.p_id\n from groups_actions ga, \n actions a, \n user_groups \n ug,modules m,\n groups g,\n users u\n where \n and ug.idGroup=ga.idGroups \n and m.js=a.module \n and\n and ug.idUser=u.p_id\n and \n and\n and u.P_id={$id}\n and a.module='{$module}'\n and a.option='{$option}'\n and a.action='{$action}'\n order by"; /* $d = new debug(); $d->log($sql);*/ $stmt = $this->dbh->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $log = new log(); if (count($result) == 0) { $log->save($user, "Access denied to module", $module, $option, $action); return FALSE; } else { $log->save($user, "Granted access to the module", $module, $option, $action); return TRUE; } }
/** * hook telegram messages * @param boolean $_save [description] * @return [type] [description] */ public static function hook() { // if telegram is off then do not run if (!\lib\utility\option::get('telegram', 'status')) { return 'telegram is off!'; } self::$hook = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true); // if debug mode is enable give text from get parameter if (!isset(self::$hook['message']['text']) && \lib\utility\option::get('telegram', 'meta', 'debug') && \lib\utility::get('text')) { self::$hook['message']['text'] = \lib\utility::get('text'); } // save log if allow log::save(self::$hook, true); // detect cmd and save it in static value self::cmd(self::response('text')); // if botan is set then save analytics with self::botan(); }
/** * 运行项目 */ public static function run() { self::init(); //初始化运行环境 self::formatRequest(); //如果开启自动转义,去除转义 self::setAppGroupPath(); //设置应用路径 self::loadAppGroupConfig(); //载入应用组配置 self::setAppPath(); //设置PATH_APP self::loadAppConfig(); //加载应用配置文件 self::loadUserFile(); //加载系统类文件数据 self::setPathConst(); //设置缓存目录常量 self::createDemoControl(); //创建应用目录 self::setTplConst(); //设置模板常量 self::language(); //加载语言包 self::ajaxCloseDebug(); //ajax时关闭调试 self::setCharset(); //设置字符集 self::createDir(); //创建项目缓存目录结构 self::session_set(); self::compileAppGroupFile(); //项目核心文件编译缓存 self::compileAppFile(); //模块核心文件编译缓存 debug::start("app_start"); //调试开启,需要打开配置文件调试开关 self::apprun(); //项目开始 debug::show("app_start", "app_end"); //显示调试结果 log::save(); //记录日志 }
/** * TODO: update Log object to use static method * @param string $method * @return json */ protected function log($method) { $remote_addr = filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, "REMOTE_ADDR"); $user_agent = filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, "HTTP_USER_AGENT"); $data = $this->curl('' . $remote_addr); if ($remote_addr != "::1" && 0 !== strpos($remote_addr, "192.168.")) { $log = new log($this->template); $log->created_on = date("Y-m-d h:i:s"); $log->viewed = $method; $log->remote_addr = $remote_addr; $log->user_agent = $user_agent; $log->loc = $data->{"loc"}; $log->country = $data->{"country"}; $log->state = $data->{"region"}; $log->city = $data->{"city"}; $log->save(); } return $data; }
/** * Updates an existing Product model. * If update is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page. * @param integer $id * @return mixed */ public function actionMinius($id) { // echo Url::toRoute(['admin/product/minius', 'id' => $id]); $searchModel = new ProductSearch(); $dataProvider = $searchModel->search(Yii::$app->request->queryParams); $LogModel = new log(); $LogModel->product_id = $id; $LogModel->number = -1; $model = $this->findModel($id); $LogModel->content = "đã bán sản phẩm " . $model->name . " với số lượng là "; $LogModel->save(); if ($model->number != 0) { $model->number--; } else { echo "<script>alert('không thể thực hiện vì số lượng đã bằng 0');</script>"; } $model->save(); if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->save()) { return $this->render('index', ['searchModel' => $searchModel, 'dataProvider' => $dataProvider]); } else { return $this->render('index', ['searchModel' => $searchModel, 'dataProvider' => $dataProvider]); } }
function openDefaultFuncGroups() { // 为新注册用户自动打开部分功能 $currTime = time(); $currUserFuncs = M('user_func_group')->where(array('user_id' => $this->websiteUserId))->select(); $basicOpenFGs = array(); $secondaryOpenFGs = array(); if ($currUserFuncs !== FALSE) { $basicDefaultFuncGroups = C('DEFAULT_OPEN_FUNC_GROUPS'); foreach ($basicDefaultFuncGroups as $funcGroupId) { // 检查该功能组是否已经存在 $existing = false; foreach ($currUserFuncs as $currFunc) { if ($currFunc['group_id'] == $funcGroupId) { $existing = true; break; } } if (!$existing) { $userFuncGroupData = array(); $userFuncGroupData['user_id'] = $this->websiteUserId; $userFuncGroupData['group_id'] = $funcGroupId; $userFuncGroupData['start_time'] = $currTime; $openDuration = intval(C('DEFAULT_OPEN_FUNC_GROUPS_DAYS')); if ($openDuration == -1) { $expireTime = 2147483647; } else { $expireTime = $currTime + $openDuration * 24 * 60 * 60; } $userFuncGroupData['expire_time'] = $expireTime; $userFuncGroupData['status'] = 1; M('user_func_group')->add($userFuncGroupData); array_push($basicOpenFGs, $funcGroupId); } } // 自动开通辅助功能组列表:减少测试码的发送量 $secondaryFuncGroups = C('DEFAULT_OPEN_FUNC_GROUPS_SECONDARY'); foreach ($secondaryFuncGroups as $secondaryFG) { // 检查该功能组是否已经存在 $existing = false; foreach ($currUserFuncs as $currFunc) { if ($currFunc['group_id'] == $secondaryFG) { $existing = true; break; } } if (!$existing) { $userFuncGroupData = array(); $userFuncGroupData['user_id'] = $this->websiteUserId; $userFuncGroupData['group_id'] = $secondaryFG; $userFuncGroupData['start_time'] = $currTime; $userFuncGroupData['expire_time'] = $currTime + intval(C('DEFAULT_OPEN_FUNC_GROUPS_SECONDARY_DAYS')) * 24 * 60 * 60; $userFuncGroupData['status'] = 1; M('user_func_group')->add($userFuncGroupData); array_push($secondaryOpenFGs, $secondaryFG); } } } log::record('user:'******'id'] . ' basicFGs:' . join(',', $basicOpenFGs) . ' secondaryFGs:' . join(',', $secondaryOpenFGs)); log::save(); }
/** * Execute cURL call * @return mixed Result of the cURL call */ public static function send($_method = null, array $_data = null, $_output = null) { if (!isset($_data['is_json'])) { $is_json = true; } else { $is_json = $_data['is_json']; unset($_data['is_json']); } // if telegram is off then do not run if (!\lib\utility\option::get('telegram', 'status')) { return 'telegram is off!'; } // if method or data is not set return if (!$_method || !$_data) { return 'method or data is not set!'; } if (array_key_exists('method', $_data)) { if ($_data['method'] == 'answerInlineQuery') { $is_json = true; } unset($_data['method']); } $response_callback = null; if (array_key_exists('response_callback', $_data)) { $response_callback = $_data['response_callback']; unset($_data['response_callback']); } // if api key is not set get it from options if (!self::$api_key) { self::$api_key = \lib\utility\option::get('telegram', 'meta', 'key'); } // if key is not correct return if (strlen(self::$api_key) < 20) { return 'api key is not correct!'; } // initialize curl $ch = curl_init(); if ($ch === false) { return 'Curl failed to initialize'; } $curlConfig = [CURLOPT_URL => "" . self::$api_key . "/{$_method}", CURLOPT_POST => true, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_SAFE_UPLOAD => true, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false]; curl_setopt_array($ch, $curlConfig); if (!empty($_data)) { if ($is_json) { $data_string = json_encode($_data); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_string); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json', 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($data_string))); } else { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: multipart/form-data')); // curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded')); // curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($_data)); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $_data); } } if (Tld === 'dev') { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); } $result = curl_exec($ch); if ($response_callback) { if (is_object($response_callback)) { call_user_func_array($response_callback, [json_decode($result), $_data]); } elseif (is_array($response_callback)) { $args = array_splice($response_callback, 1); array_unshift($args, json_decode($result), $_data); call_user_func_array($response_callback[0], $args); } } if ($result === false) { return curl_error($ch) . ':' . curl_errno($ch); } if (empty($result) | is_null($result)) { return 'Empty server response'; } curl_close($ch); //Logging curl requests if (substr($result, 0, 1) === "{") { $result = json_decode($result, true); if ($_output && isset($result[$_output])) { $result = $result[$_output]; } } log::save($result); // return result return $result; }
<?php session_start(); require_once "server/include/config.php"; require_once "server/include/class.log.php"; $user = $_SESSION["ExtDeskSession"]["username"]; $log = new log(); $log->save($user, "leaving the system", "system"); $_SESSION = array(); //destroy all of the session variables session_destroy(); ?> {"success" : true}
/** * @return if falis return false if ok return session */ function CheckLogin() { $stmt = $this->dbh->prepare("SELECT P_id,username, password, wallPaper,theme, wpStretch,extrainfo1,extrainfo2,extrainfo3,active,shorcutColor FROM users\n WHERE username = :username AND password = :password and active=1"); $stmt->bindParam(':username', $this->Username); $stmt->bindParam(':password', $this->Password); $stmt->execute(); $log = new log(); if ($stmt->rowCount() > 0) { $result = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $_SESSION['ExtDeskSession']['id'] = $result["P_id"]; $_SESSION['ExtDeskSession']['username'] = $result["username"]; $_SESSION['ExtDeskSession']['wallPaper'] = $result["wallPaper"]; $_SESSION['ExtDeskSession']['theme'] = $result["theme"]; $_SESSION['ExtDeskSession']['wpStretch'] = $result["wpStretch"]; $_SESSION['ExtDeskSession']['extrainfo1'] = $result["extrainfo1"]; $_SESSION['ExtDeskSession']['extrainfo2'] = $result["extrainfo2"]; $_SESSION['ExtDeskSession']['extrainfo3'] = $result["extrainfo3"]; $_SESSION['ExtDeskSession']['bactive'] = $result["active"]; $_SESSION['ExtDeskSession']['color'] = $result["shorcutColor"]; $log->save($this->Username, "Granted access to the system", "system", "login"); } else { $log->save($this->Username, "Access denied to the system", "system", "login"); return false; } }