public static function edit_listing_link($url_only = 'no') { global $lang, $config, $current_ID; $display = ''; //Get the listing ID if ($current_ID != '') { $_GET['listingID'] = $current_ID; } if (isset($_GET['listingID'])) { $listingID = intval($_GET['listingID']); $listingagentid = listing_pages::getListingAgentID($listingID); if (isset($_SESSION['userID'])) { $userid = $_SESSION['userID']; if ($_SESSION['edit_all_listings'] == 'yes' || $_SESSION['admin_privs'] == 'yes') { $edit_link = $config['baseurl'] . '/admin/index.php?action=edit_listings&edit=' . $listingID; } elseif ($_SESSION['isAgent'] == 'yes' && $listingagentid == $userid) { $edit_link = $config['baseurl'] . '/admin/index.php?action=edit_my_listings&edit=' . $listingID; } else { return; } if ($url_only == 'yes') { $display = $edit_link; } else { $display = '<a href="' . $edit_link . '">' . $lang['edit_listing'] . '</a>'; } } } return $display; }
function replace_listing_field_tags($listing_id, $tempate_section = '', $utf8HTML = false) { global $lang; if (is_numeric($listing_id)) { global $config, $conn, $or_replace_listing_id, $or_replace_listing_owner; $or_replace_listing_id = $listing_id; require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $misc = new misc(); if ($tempate_section != '') { $tsection = true; } else { $tempate_section = $this->page; $tsection = false; } if ($utf8HTML) { //Deal with listing field blocks $lf_blocks = array(); preg_match_all('/{listing_field_([^{}]*?)_block}/', $tempate_section, $lf_blocks); require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; global $or_replace_listing_owner; if (count($lf_blocks) > 1) { foreach ($lf_blocks[1] as $block) { require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $value = listing_pages::renderSingleListingItem($or_replace_listing_id, $block, 'rawvalue'); if ($value == '') { $tempate_section = preg_replace('/{listing_field_' . $block . '_block}(.*?){\\/listing_field_' . $block . '_block}/is', '', $tempate_section); } else { $tempate_section = str_replace('{listing_field_' . $block . '_block}', '', $tempate_section); $tempate_section = str_replace('{/listing_field_' . $block . '_block}', '', $tempate_section); } } } // Handle Caption Only $tempate_section = preg_replace_callback('/{listing_field_([^{}]*?)_caption}/', create_function('$matches', 'global $config,$or_replace_listing_id,$lang;require_once($config[\'basepath\'].\'/include/\'); return htmlentities(utf8_encode(listing_pages::renderSingleListingItem($or_replace_listing_id, $matches[1],\'caption\')), ENT_QUOTES, \'UTF-8\');'), $tempate_section); // Hanle Value Only $tempate_section = preg_replace_callback('/{listing_field_([^{}]*?)_value}/', create_function('$matches', 'global $config,$or_replace_listing_id,$lang;require_once($config[\'basepath\'].\'/include/\'); return htmlentities(utf8_encode(listing_pages::renderSingleListingItem($or_replace_listing_id, $matches[1],\'value\')), ENT_QUOTES, \'UTF-8\');'), $tempate_section); // Handle Raw Value $tempate_section = preg_replace_callback('/{listing_field_([^{}]*?)_rawvalue}/', create_function('$matches', 'global $config,$or_replace_listing_id,$lang;require_once($config[\'basepath\'].\'/include/\'); return htmlentities(utf8_encode(listing_pages::renderSingleListingItem($or_replace_listing_id, $matches[1],\'rawvalue\')), ENT_QUOTES, \'UTF-8\');'), $tempate_section); // Handle Both Caption and Value $tempate_section = preg_replace_callback('/{listing_field_([^{}]*?)}/', create_function('$matches', 'global $config,$or_replace_listing_id,$lang;require_once($config[\'basepath\'].\'/include/\'); return htmlentities(utf8_encode(listing_pages::renderSingleListingItem($or_replace_listing_id, $matches[1])), ENT_QUOTES, \'UTF-8\');'), $tempate_section); $value = htmlentities(utf8_encode(listing_pages::get_title($listing_id)), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $tempate_section = str_replace('{listing_title}', $value, $tempate_section); $value = listing_pages::get_title($listing_id); if ($config["controlpanel_mbstring_enabled"] == 1) { if (mb_detect_encoding($value) != 'UTF-8') { $value = utf8_encode($value); } } $tempate_section = str_replace('{rss_listing_title}', $value, $tempate_section); $value = htmlentities(utf8_encode(listing_pages::getListingAgent($listing_id)), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $tempate_section = str_replace('{listing_agent_name}', $value, $tempate_section); $value = htmlentities(utf8_encode(listing_pages::getListingAgentFirstName($listing_id)), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $tempate_section = str_replace('{listing_agent_first_name}', $value, $tempate_section); $value = htmlentities(utf8_encode(listing_pages::getListingAgentLastName($listing_id)), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $tempate_section = str_replace('{listing_agent_last_name}', $value, $tempate_section); $value = htmlentities(utf8_encode(listing_pages::getListingAgentLink($listing_id)), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $tempate_section = str_replace('{listing_agent_link}', $value, $tempate_section); $value = htmlentities(utf8_encode(listing_pages::get_pclass($listing_id)), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $tempate_section = str_replace('{listing_pclass}', $value, $tempate_section); $value = htmlentities(utf8_encode(listing_pages::getAgentListingsLink($listing_id)), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $tempate_section = str_replace('{listing_agent_listings}', $value, $tempate_section); $value = htmlentities(utf8_encode(listing_pages::getListingAgentID($listing_id)), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $tempate_section = str_replace('{listing_agent_id}', $value, $tempate_section); // Get listing owner $owner_sql = 'SELECT userdb_id FROM ' . $config['table_prefix'] . 'listingsdb WHERE (listingsdb_id = ' . $or_replace_listing_id . ')'; $recordSet = $conn->execute($owner_sql); $or_replace_listing_owner = $recordSet->fields['userdb_id']; //New listing_agent_field_****_block tag handler for 2.4.1 $laf_blocks = array(); preg_match_all('/{listing_agent_field_([^{}]*?)_block}/', $tempate_section, $laf_blocks); require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; global $or_replace_listing_owner; if (count($laf_blocks) > 1) { foreach ($laf_blocks[1] as $block) { $value = user::renderSingleListingItem($or_replace_listing_owner, $block, 'rawvalue'); if ($value == '') { $tempate_section = preg_replace('/{listing_agent_field_' . $block . '_block}(.*?){\\/listing_agent_field_' . $block . '_block}/is', '', $tempate_section); } else { $tempate_section = str_replace('{listing_agent_field_' . $block . '_block}', '', $tempate_section); $tempate_section = str_replace('{/listing_agent_field_' . $block . '_block}', '', $tempate_section); } } } // Replace listing_agent tags // Handle Caption Only $tempate_section = preg_replace_callback('/{listing_agent_field_([^{}]*?)_caption}/', create_function('$matches', 'global $config,$or_replace_listing_owner,$lang;require_once($config[\'basepath\'].\'/include/\'); return htmlentities(utf8_encode(user::renderSingleListingItem($or_replace_listing_owner, $matches[1],\'caption\')), ENT_QUOTES, \'UTF-8\');'), $tempate_section); // Hanle Value Only $tempate_section = preg_replace_callback('/{listing_agent_field_([^{}]*?)_value}/', create_function('$matches', 'global $config,$or_replace_listing_owner,$lang;require_once($config[\'basepath\'].\'/include/\'); return htmlentities(utf8_encode(user::renderSingleListingItem($or_replace_listing_owner, $matches[1],\'value\')), ENT_QUOTES, \'UTF-8\');'), $tempate_section); // Handle Raw Value $tempate_section = preg_replace_callback('/{listing_agent_field_([^{}]*?)_rawvalue}/', create_function('$matches', 'global $config,$or_replace_listing_owner,$lang;require_once($config[\'basepath\'].\'/include/\'); return htmlentities(utf8_encode(user::renderSingleListingItem($or_replace_listing_owner, $matches[1],\'rawvalue\')), ENT_QUOTES, \'UTF-8\');'), $tempate_section); // Handle Both Caption and Value $tempate_section = preg_replace_callback('/{listing_agent_field_([^{}]*?)}/', create_function('$matches', 'global $config,$or_replace_listing_owner,$lang;require_once($config[\'basepath\'].\'/include/\'); return htmlentities(utf8_encode(user::renderSingleListingItem($or_replace_listing_owner, $matches[1])), ENT_QUOTES, \'UTF-8\');'), $tempate_section); } else { //Deal with listing field blocks $lf_blocks = array(); preg_match_all('/{listing_field_([^{}]*?)_block}/', $tempate_section, $lf_blocks); require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; global $or_replace_listing_owner; if (count($lf_blocks) > 1) { foreach ($lf_blocks[1] as $block) { require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $value = listing_pages::renderSingleListingItem($or_replace_listing_id, $block, 'rawvalue'); if ($value == '') { $tempate_section = preg_replace('/{listing_field_' . $block . '_block}(.*?){\\/listing_field_' . $block . '_block}/is', '', $tempate_section); } else { $tempate_section = str_replace('{listing_field_' . $block . '_block}', '', $tempate_section); $tempate_section = str_replace('{/listing_field_' . $block . '_block}', '', $tempate_section); } } } // Handle Caption Only $tempate_section = preg_replace_callback('/{listing_field_([^{}]*?)_caption}/', create_function('$matches', 'global $config,$or_replace_listing_id,$lang;require_once($config[\'basepath\'].\'/include/\'); return listing_pages::renderSingleListingItem($or_replace_listing_id, $matches[1],\'caption\');'), $tempate_section); // Hanle Value Only $tempate_section = preg_replace_callback('/{listing_field_([^{}]*?)_value}/', create_function('$matches', 'global $config,$or_replace_listing_id,$lang;require_once($config[\'basepath\'].\'/include/\'); return listing_pages::renderSingleListingItem($or_replace_listing_id, $matches[1],\'value\');'), $tempate_section); // Handle Raw Value $tempate_section = preg_replace_callback('/{listing_field_([^{}]*?)_rawvalue}/', create_function('$matches', 'global $config,$or_replace_listing_id,$lang;require_once($config[\'basepath\'].\'/include/\'); return listing_pages::renderSingleListingItem($or_replace_listing_id, $matches[1],\'rawvalue\');'), $tempate_section); // Handle Both Caption and Value $tempate_section = preg_replace_callback('/{listing_field_([^{}]*?)}/', create_function('$matches', 'global $config,$or_replace_listing_id,$lang;require_once($config[\'basepath\'].\'/include/\'); return listing_pages::renderSingleListingItem($or_replace_listing_id, $matches[1]);'), $tempate_section); $value = listing_pages::get_title($listing_id); $tempate_section = str_replace('{listing_title}', $value, $tempate_section); $value = listing_pages::getListingAgent($listing_id); $tempate_section = str_replace('{listing_agent_name}', $value, $tempate_section); $value = listing_pages::getListingAgentFirstName($listing_id); $tempate_section = str_replace('{listing_agent_first_name}', $value, $tempate_section); $value = listing_pages::getListingAgentLastName($listing_id); $tempate_section = str_replace('{listing_agent_last_name}', $value, $tempate_section); $value = listing_pages::getListingAgentLink($listing_id); $tempate_section = str_replace('{listing_agent_link}', $value, $tempate_section); $value = listing_pages::get_pclass($listing_id); $tempate_section = str_replace('{listing_pclass}', $value, $tempate_section); $value = listing_pages::getAgentListingsLink($listing_id); $tempate_section = str_replace('{listing_agent_listings}', $value, $tempate_section); $value = listing_pages::getListingAgentID($listing_id); $tempate_section = str_replace('{listing_agent_id}', $value, $tempate_section); // Get listing owner $owner_sql = 'SELECT userdb_id FROM ' . $config['table_prefix'] . 'listingsdb WHERE (listingsdb_id = ' . $or_replace_listing_id . ')'; $recordSet = $conn->execute($owner_sql); $or_replace_listing_owner = $recordSet->fields['userdb_id']; $laf_blocks = array(); preg_match_all('/{listing_agent_field_([^{}]*?)_block}/', $tempate_section, $laf_blocks); require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; global $or_replace_listing_owner; if (count($laf_blocks) > 1) { foreach ($laf_blocks[1] as $block) { $value = user::renderSingleListingItem($or_replace_listing_owner, $block, 'rawvalue'); if ($value == '') { $tempate_section = preg_replace('/{listing_agent_field_' . $block . '_block}(.*?){\\/listing_agent_field_' . $block . '_block}/is', '', $tempate_section); } else { $tempate_section = str_replace('{listing_agent_field_' . $block . '_block}', '', $tempate_section); $tempate_section = str_replace('{/listing_agent_field_' . $block . '_block}', '', $tempate_section); } } } // Replace listing_agent tags // Handle Caption Only $tempate_section = preg_replace_callback('/{listing_agent_field_([^{}]*?)_caption}/', create_function('$matches', 'global $config,$or_replace_listing_owner,$lang;require_once($config[\'basepath\'].\'/include/\'); return user::renderSingleListingItem($or_replace_listing_owner, $matches[1],\'caption\');'), $tempate_section); // Hanle Value Only $tempate_section = preg_replace_callback('/{listing_agent_field_([^{}]*?)_value}/', create_function('$matches', 'global $config,$or_replace_listing_owner,$lang;require_once($config[\'basepath\'].\'/include/\'); return user::renderSingleListingItem($or_replace_listing_owner, $matches[1],\'value\');'), $tempate_section); // Handle Raw Value $tempate_section = preg_replace_callback('/{listing_agent_field_([^{}]*?)_rawvalue}/', create_function('$matches', 'global $config,$or_replace_listing_owner,$lang;require_once($config[\'basepath\'].\'/include/\'); return user::renderSingleListingItem($or_replace_listing_owner, $matches[1],\'rawvalue\');'), $tempate_section); // Handle Both Caption and Value $tempate_section = preg_replace_callback('/{listing_agent_field_([^{}]*?)}/', create_function('$matches', 'global $config,$or_replace_listing_owner,$lang;require_once($config[\'basepath\'].\'/include/\'); return user::renderSingleListingItem($or_replace_listing_owner, $matches[1]);'), $tempate_section); } // Listing Images $sql2 = "SELECT listingsdb_title FROM " . $config['table_prefix'] . "listingsdb WHERE listingsdb_id = {$listing_id}"; $recordSet2 = $conn->Execute($sql2); if (!$recordSet2) { $misc->log_error($sql2); } $Title = $misc->make_db_unsafe($recordSet2->fields['listingsdb_title']); if ($config['url_style'] == '1') { $url = '<a href="index.php?action=listingview&listingID=' . $listing_id . '">'; $fullurl = '<a href="' . $config["baseurl"] . '/index.php?action=listingview&listingID=' . $listing_id . '">'; // Listing Link $tempate_section = str_replace('{link_to_listing}', 'index.php?action=listingview&listingID=' . $listing_id, $tempate_section); $tempate_section = str_replace('{fulllink_to_listing}', $config['baseurl'] . '/index.php?action=listingview&listingID=' . $listing_id, $tempate_section); } else { $url_title = str_replace("/", "", $Title); $url_title = strtolower(str_replace(" ", $config['seo_url_seperator'], $url_title)); $url = '<a href="listing-' . misc::urlencode_to_sef($url_title) . '-' . $listing_id . '.html">'; $fullurl = '<a href="' . $config["baseurl"] . '/listing-' . misc::urlencode_to_sef($url_title) . '-' . $listing_id . '.html">'; // Listing Link $tempate_section = str_replace('{link_to_listing}', 'listing-' . misc::urlencode_to_sef($url_title) . '-' . $listing_id . '.html', $tempate_section); $tempate_section = str_replace('{fulllink_to_listing}', '' . $config["baseurl"] . '/listing-' . misc::urlencode_to_sef($url_title) . '-' . $listing_id . '.html', $tempate_section); } // grab the listing's image $sql2 = "SELECT listingsimages_id, listingsimages_caption, listingsimages_thumb_file_name, listingsimages_file_name FROM " . $config['table_prefix'] . "listingsimages WHERE listingsdb_id = {$listing_id} ORDER BY listingsimages_rank"; $recordSet2 = $conn->Execute($sql2); if (!$recordSet2) { $misc->log_error($sql2); } $num_images = $recordSet2->RecordCount(); if ($num_images == 0) { if ($config['show_no_photo'] == 1) { $listing_image = $url . '<img src="' . $config["baseurl"] . '/images/nophoto.gif" alt="' . $lang['no_photo'] . '" /></a>'; $listing_image_full = $fullurl . '<img src="' . $config["baseurl"] . '/images/nophoto.gif" alt="' . $lang['no_photo'] . '" /></a>'; if ($_GET['action'] == 'listingview') { $listing_image = '<img src="' . $config["baseurl"] . '/images/nophoto.gif" alt="' . $lang['no_photo'] . '" />'; $listing_image_full = '<img src="' . $config["baseurl"] . '/images/nophoto.gif" alt="' . $lang['no_photo'] . '" />'; } $tempate_section = str_replace('{raw_image_thumb_1}', $config['baseurl'] . '/images/nophoto.gif', $tempate_section); } else { $listing_image = ''; $tempate_section = str_replace('{raw_image_thumb_1}', '', $tempate_section); } $tempate_section = str_replace('{image_thumb_1}', $listing_image, $tempate_section); $tempate_section = str_replace('{image_thumb_fullurl_1}', $listing_image, $tempate_section); } $x = 1; while (!$recordSet2->EOF) { //if we're already on the listing then make the urls goto the view image $listingsimages_id = $misc->make_db_unsafe($recordSet2->fields['listingsimages_id']); $image_caption = $misc->make_db_unsafe($recordSet2->fields['listingsimages_caption']); $thumb_file_name = $misc->make_db_unsafe($recordSet2->fields['listingsimages_thumb_file_name']); $full_file_name = $misc->make_db_unsafe($recordSet2->fields['listingsimages_file_name']); if ($_GET['action'] == 'listingview') { if ($config['url_style'] == '1') { $url = '<a href="index.php?action=view_listing_image&image_id=' . $listingsimages_id . '">'; $fullurl = '<a href="' . $config["baseurl"] . '/index.php?action=view_listing_image&image_id=' . $listingsimages_id . '">'; } else { $url = '<a href="listing_image_' . $listingsimages_id . '.html">'; $fullurl = '<a href="' . $config["baseurl"] . '/listing_image_' . $listingsimages_id . '.html">'; } } if ($thumb_file_name != "" && file_exists("{$config['listings_upload_path']}/{$thumb_file_name}")) { // Full Image Sizes $imagedata = GetImageSize("{$config['listings_upload_path']}/{$full_file_name}"); $imagewidth = $imagedata[0]; $imageheight = $imagedata[1]; $max_width = $config['main_image_width']; $max_height = $config['main_image_height']; $resize_by = $config['resize_by']; $shrinkage = 1; if ($max_width == $imagewidth || $max_height == $imageheight) { $display_width = $imagewidth; $display_height = $imageheight; } else { if ($resize_by == 'width') { $shrinkage = $imagewidth / $max_width; $display_width = $max_width; $display_height = round($imageheight / $shrinkage); } elseif ($resize_by == 'height') { $shrinkage = $imageheight / $max_height; $display_height = $max_height; $display_width = round($imagewidth / $shrinkage); } elseif ($resize_by == 'both') { $display_width = $max_width; $display_height = $max_height; } elseif ($resize_by == 'bestfit') { $shrinkage_width = $imagewidth / $max_width; $shrinkage_height = $imageheight / $max_height; $shrinkage = max($shrinkage_width, $shrinkage_height); $display_height = round($imageheight / $shrinkage); $display_width = round($imagewidth / $shrinkage); } } // Thumbnail Image Sizes $thumb_imagedata = GetImageSize("{$config['listings_upload_path']}/{$thumb_file_name}"); $thumb_imagewidth = $thumb_imagedata[0]; $thumb_imageheight = $thumb_imagedata[1]; $thumb_max_width = $config['thumbnail_width']; $thumb_max_height = $config['thumbnail_height']; $resize_thumb_by = $config['resize_thumb_by']; $shrinkage = 1; if ($thumb_max_width == $thumb_imagewidth || $thumb_max_height == $thumb_imageheight) { $thumb_displaywidth = $thumb_imagewidth; $thumb_displayheight = $thumb_imageheight; } else { if ($resize_thumb_by == 'width') { $shrinkage = $thumb_imagewidth / $thumb_max_width; $thumb_displaywidth = $thumb_max_width; $thumb_displayheight = round($thumb_imageheight / $shrinkage); } elseif ($resize_thumb_by == 'height') { $shrinkage = $thumb_imageheight / $thumb_max_height; $thumb_displayheight = $thumb_max_height; $thumb_displaywidth = round($thumb_imagewidth / $shrinkage); } elseif ($resize_thumb_by == 'both') { $thumb_displayheight = $thumb_max_height; $thumb_displaywidth = $thumb_max_width; } } $listing_image = $url . '<img src="' . $config['listings_view_images_path'] . '/' . $thumb_file_name . '" height="' . $thumb_displayheight . '" width="' . $thumb_displaywidth . '" alt="' . $image_caption . '" /></a>'; $listing_image_full = $url . '<img src="' . $config['listings_view_images_path'] . '/' . $full_file_name . '" height="' . $display_height . '" width="' . $display_width . '" alt="' . $image_caption . '" /></a>'; $listing_image_fullurl = $fullurl . '<img src="' . $config['listings_view_images_path'] . '/' . $thumb_file_name . '" height="' . $thumb_displayheight . '" width="' . $thumb_displaywidth . '" alt="' . $image_caption . '" /></a>'; $listing_image_full_fullurl = $fullurl . '<img src="' . $config['listings_view_images_path'] . '/' . $full_file_name . '" height="' . $display_height . '" width="' . $display_width . '" alt="' . $image_caption . '" /></a>'; $tempate_section = str_replace('{image_thumb_' . $x . '}', $listing_image, $tempate_section); $tempate_section = str_replace('{raw_image_thumb_' . $x . '}', $config['listings_view_images_path'] . '/' . $thumb_file_name, $tempate_section); $tempate_section = str_replace('{image_thumb_fullurl_' . $x . '}', $listing_image_fullurl, $tempate_section); //Full Image tags $tempate_section = str_replace('{image_full_' . $x . '}', $listing_image_full, $tempate_section); $tempate_section = str_replace('{raw_image_full_' . $x . '}', $config['listings_view_images_path'] . '/' . $full_file_name, $tempate_section); $tempate_section = str_replace('{image_full_fullurl_' . $x . '}', $listing_image_full_fullurl, $tempate_section); } else { if ($config['show_no_photo'] == 1) { $listing_image = $url . '<img src="' . $config["baseurl"] . '/images/nophoto.gif" alt="' . $lang['no_photo'] . '" /></a>'; $listing_image_fullurl = $fullurl . '<img src="' . $config["baseurl"] . '/images/nophoto.gif" alt="' . $lang['no_photo'] . '" /></a>'; $tempate_section = str_replace('{raw_image_thumb_' . $x . '}', $config['baseurl'] . '/images/nophoto.gif', $tempate_section); } else { $listing_image = ''; $tempate_section = str_replace('{raw_image_thumb_' . $x . '}', '', $tempate_section); } $tempate_section = str_replace('{image_thumb_' . $x . '}', $listing_image, $tempate_section); $tempate_section = str_replace('{image_thumb_fullurl_' . $x . '}', $listing_image_fullurl, $tempate_section); $tempate_section = str_replace('{image_full_' . $x . '}', '', $tempate_section); $tempate_section = str_replace('{raw_image_full_' . $x . '}', '', $tempate_section); $tempate_section = str_replace('{image_full_fullurl_' . $x . '}', '', $tempate_section); } // We have the image so insert it into the section. $x++; $recordSet2->MoveNext(); } // end while // End Listing Images $value = array(); $value = listing_pages::getListingAgentThumbnail($listing_id); $x = 0; foreach ($value as $y) { $tempate_section = str_replace('{listing_agent_thumbnail_' . $x . '}', $y, $tempate_section); $x++; } $tempate_section = preg_replace('/{listing_agent_thumbnail_([^{}]*?)}/', '', $tempate_section); // End of Listing Tag Replacement if ($tsection === true) { return $tempate_section; } else { $this->page = $tempate_section; } } }
function update_listing($verify_user = true) { global $conn, $lang, $config; require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $misc = new misc(); require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $forms = new forms(); require_once $config['basepath'] . '/include/'; $listing_pages = new listing_pages(); $display = ''; // update the listing if ($verify_user) { $sql_edit = intval($_POST['edit']); $listing_ownerID = $listing_pages->getListingAgentID($sql_edit); if (intval($_SESSION['userID']) != $listing_ownerID) { $display = $lang['listing_editor_permission_denied'] . '<br />'; return $display; } } if ($_POST['title'] == "") { // if the title is blank $display .= "{$lang['admin_new_listing_enter_a_title']}<br />"; } else { $pass_the_form = $forms->validateForm('listingsformelements', $_POST['pclass']); if ($pass_the_form !== "Yes") { // if we're not going to pass it, tell that they forgot to fill in one of the fields foreach ($pass_the_form as $k => $v) { if ($v == 'REQUIRED') { $display .= "<p class=\"redtext\">{$k}: {$lang['required_fields_not_filled']}</p>"; } if ($v == 'TYPE') { $display .= "<p class=\"redtext\">{$k}: {$lang['field_type_does_not_match']}</p>"; } } // $display .= "<p>$lang[required_fields_not_filled]</p>"; } if ($pass_the_form == "Yes") { $sql_title = $misc->make_db_safe($_POST['title']); $sql_notes = $misc->make_db_safe($_POST['notes']); $sql_edit = $misc->make_db_safe($_POST['edit']); if (!isset($_POST['mlsexport'])) { $_POST['mlsexport'] = "no"; } $sql_mlsexport = $misc->make_db_safe($_POST['mlsexport']); $sql = "UPDATE " . $config['table_prefix'] . "listingsdb SET "; if (!$verify_user) { $sql_or_owner = $misc->make_db_safe($_POST['or_owner']); // update the listing data $sql .= "userdb_ID = {$sql_or_owner}, "; } $sql .= "listingsdb_title = {$sql_title}, "; if ($_SESSION['admin_privs'] == "yes" || $_SESSION['featureListings'] == "yes") { // Check Number of Featured Listings User has if (isset($_POST['or_owner'])) { $or_owner = $misc->make_db_safe($_POST['or_owner']); $featuredsql = 'SELECT count(listingsdb_id) as listing_count FROM ' . $config['table_prefix'] . 'listingsdb WHERE listingsdb_featured = \'yes\' AND userdb_id = ' . $or_owner; } else { $featuredsql = 'SELECT count(listingsdb_id) as listing_count FROM ' . $config['table_prefix'] . 'listingsdb WHERE listingsdb_featured = \'yes\' AND userdb_id = ' . $_SESSION['userID']; } $recordSet = $conn->Execute($featuredsql); if ($recordSet === false) { $misc->log_error($featuredsql); } $featuredlisting_count = $recordSet->fields['listing_count']; // Get User Featured Listing Limit if (isset($_POST['or_owner'])) { $or_owner = $misc->make_db_safe($_POST['or_owner']); $featuredsql = 'SELECT userdb_featuredlistinglimit FROM ' . $config['table_prefix'] . 'userdb WHERE userdb_id = ' . $or_owner; } else { $featuredsql = 'SELECT userdb_featuredlistinglimit FROM ' . $config['table_prefix'] . 'userdb WHERE userdb_id = ' . $_SESSION['userID']; } $recordSet = $conn->Execute($featuredsql); if ($recordSet === false) { $misc->log_error($featuredsql); } $featuredlisting_limit = $recordSet->fields['userdb_featuredlistinglimit']; $featuredLimitError = FALSE; if ($_POST['featured'] == 'yes') { if ($featuredlisting_limit > $featuredlisting_count || $featuredlisting_limit == '-1') { // if the user can feature properties $sql_featured = $misc->make_db_safe($_POST['featured']); $sql .= "listingsdb_featured = {$sql_featured}, "; } else { //See if we are already featured.. $featuredcheckSql = 'SELECT listingsdb_featured FROM ' . $config['table_prefix'] . 'listingsdb WHERE listingsdb_id = ' . $sql_edit; $recordSetFeatured = $conn->Execute($featuredcheckSql); if ($recordSetFeatured === false) { $misc->log_error($featuredcheckSql); } $current_status = $recordSetFeatured->fields['listingsdb_featured']; if ($current_status == 'yes') { $sql_featured = $misc->make_db_safe($_POST['featured']); $sql .= "listingsdb_featured = {$sql_featured}, "; } else { $featuredLimitError = TRUE; } } } else { //Not Feautred Save no matter what $sql_featured = $misc->make_db_safe($_POST['featured']); $sql .= "listingsdb_featured = {$sql_featured}, "; } } // end if ($featureListings == "yes") if ($_SESSION['admin_privs'] == "yes" || $_SESSION['moderator'] == "yes") { // if the user is an administrtor $sql_active = $misc->make_db_safe($_POST['edit_active']); $sql .= "listingsdb_active = {$sql_active}, "; } // end if ($admin_privs == "yes") if (($_SESSION['admin_privs'] == "yes" || $_SESSION['edit_expiration'] == "yes") && $config['use_expiration'] == "1") { $expiration_date = $misc->or_date_format($_POST['edit_expiration']); $sql .= "listingsdb_expiration = " . $expiration_date . ","; } if ($verify_user) { $sql .= "listingsdb_notes = {$sql_notes}, listingsdb_mlsexport = {$sql_mlsexport}, listingsdb_last_modified = " . $conn->DBTimeStamp(time()) . " WHERE ((listingsdb_id = {$sql_edit}) AND (userdb_id = {$_SESSION['userID']}))"; } else { $sql .= "listingsdb_notes = {$sql_notes}, listingsdb_mlsexport = {$sql_mlsexport}, listingsdb_last_modified = " . $conn->DBTimeStamp(time()) . " WHERE listingsdb_id = {$sql_edit}"; } $recordSet = $conn->Execute($sql); if ($recordSet === false) { $misc->log_error($sql); } if ($verify_user) { $message = listing_editor::updateListingsData($_POST['edit'], $_SESSION['userID']); } else { // update the image data (in case the or_owner has changed) $sql = "UPDATE " . $config['table_prefix'] . "listingsimages SET userdb_id = {$sql_or_owner} WHERE listingsdb_id = {$sql_edit}"; $recordSet = $conn->Execute($sql); if ($recordSet === false) { $misc->log_error($sql); } $message = listing_editor::updateListingsData($_POST['edit'], $_POST['or_owner']); } // Ok Now Handle Any property class changes that all the data is saved. // First Get a list of all the currently assing property classes. $sql2 = 'SELECT class_id FROM ' . $config['table_prefix_no_lang'] . 'classlistingsdb WHERE listingsdb_id =' . $sql_edit; $recordSet2 = $conn->execute($sql2); if ($recordSet2 === false) { $misc->log_error($sql2); } $current_class_id = array(); while (!$recordSet2->EOF) { $current_class_id[] = $recordSet2->fields['class_id']; $recordSet2->MoveNext(); } // Get List of edited pclasses $new_class_assigned_sql = implode(',', $_POST['pclass']); // Now if teh property class is no longer assigned remove this listin from the class and remove any listing fields tha belogn only to this class foreach ($current_class_id as $c_class_id) { if (!in_array($c_class_id, $_POST['pclass'])) { // Delete listing from class $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $config['table_prefix_no_lang'] . 'classlistingsdb WHERE class_id = ' . $c_class_id . ' AND listingsdb_id = ' . $sql_edit; $recordSet = $conn->execute($sql); if ($recordSet === false) { $misc->log_error($sql); } // Get a list of form element ids for the new selected property classes $sql = 'SELECT listingsformelements_id FROM ' . $config['table_prefix_no_lang'] . 'classformelements WHERE class_id IN (' . $new_class_assigned_sql . ')'; $recordSet = $conn->execute($sql); if ($recordSet === false) { $misc->log_error($sql); } $formelement_ids = array(); while (!$recordSet->EOF) { $formelement_ids[] = $recordSet->fields['listingsformelements_id']; $recordSet->Movenext(); } $new_listingsformelements_id_sql = implode(',', $formelement_ids); $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT(listingsformelements_field_name) FROM ' . $config['table_prefix_no_lang'] . 'classformelements as c,' . $config['table_prefix'] . 'listingsformelements as f WHERE class_id = ' . $c_class_id . ' AND c.listingsformelements_id NOT IN (' . $new_listingsformelements_id_sql . ') AND c.listingsformelements_id = f.listingsformelements_id'; if ($recordSet === false) { $misc->log_error($sql); } while (!$recordSet->EOF) { $sql2 = 'DELETE FROM ' . $config['table_prefix'] . 'listingsdbelements WHERE listingsdbelements_field_name = ' . $recordSet->fields['listingsformelements_field_name'] . ' AND listingsdb_id = ' . $sql_edit; $recordSet2 = $conn->execute($sql2); if ($recordSet2 === false) { $misc->log_error($sql2); } } } } // If this is a new class add the listing to the class foreach ($_POST['pclass'] as $class_id) { if (!in_array($class_id, $current_class_id)) { $sql2 = 'INSERT INTO ' . $config['table_prefix_no_lang'] . 'classlistingsdb (class_id,listingsdb_id) VALUES (' . $class_id . ',' . $sql_edit . ')'; $recordSet2 = $conn->execute($sql2); if ($recordSet2 === false) { $misc->log_error($sql2); } } } if ($message == "success") { $display .= "<p>{$lang['admin_listings_editor_listing_number']} {$_POST['edit']} {$lang['has_been_updated']} </p>"; if ($featuredLimitError == TRUE) { $display .= "<p style=\"error\">{$lang['admin_listings_editor_featuredlistingerror']} </p>"; } $misc->log_action("{$lang['log_updated_listing']} {$_POST['edit']}"); } else { $display .= "<p>{$lang['alert_site_admin']}</p>"; } // end else } // end if $pass_the_form == "Yes" } // end else return $display; }