Esempio n. 1
function result_screen($mode = 'reg')
    global $month_names;
    $page_title = "Statistic Center Results";
    $page_detail = " ";
    // -----------------------------------------
    if (!checkdate($_POST['to_month'], $_POST['to_day'], $_POST['to_year'])) {
        die("The 'Date To:' time is incorrect, please check the input and try again");
    if (!checkdate($_POST['from_month'], $_POST['from_day'], $_POST['from_year'])) {
        die("The 'Date From:' time is incorrect, please check the input and try again");
    // -----------------------------------------
    $to_time = mktime(12, 0, 0, $_POST['to_month'], $_POST['to_day'], $_POST['to_year']);
    $from_time = mktime(12, 0, 0, $_POST['from_month'], $_POST['from_day'], $_POST['from_year']);
    // $sql_date_to = date("Y-m-d",$to_time);
    // $sql_date_from = date("Y-m-d",$from_time);
    $human_to_date = getdate($to_time);
    $human_from_date = getdate($from_time);
    // -----------------------------------------
    if ($mode == 'reg') {
        $table = 'Registration Statistics';
        $sql_table = 'users';
        $sql_field = 'added';
        $page_detail = "Showing the number of users registered. (Note: All times based on GMT)";
    } else {
        if ($mode == 'rate') {
            $table = 'Rating Statistics';
            $sql_table = 'ratings';
            $sql_field = 'added';
            $page_detail = "Showing the number of ratings. (Note: All times based on GMT)";
        } else {
            if ($mode == 'post') {
                $table = 'Post Statistics';
                $sql_table = 'posts';
                $sql_field = 'added';
                $page_detail = "Showing the number of posts. (Note: All times based on GMT)";
            } else {
                if ($mode == 'msg') {
                    $table = 'PM Sent Statistics';
                    $sql_table = 'messages';
                    $sql_field = 'added';
                    $page_detail = "Showing the number of sent messages. (Note: All times based on GMT)";
                } else {
                    if ($mode == 'torr') {
                        $table = 'Torrent Statistics';
                        $sql_table = 'torrents';
                        $sql_field = 'added';
                        $page_detail = "Showing the number of Torrents. (Note: All times based on GMT)";
                    } else {
                        if ($mode == 'bans') {
                            $table = 'Ban Statistics';
                            $sql_table = 'bans';
                            $sql_field = 'added';
                            $page_detail = "Showing the number of Bans. (Note: All times based on GMT)";
                        } else {
                            if ($mode == 'comm') {
                                $table = 'Comment Statistics';
                                $sql_table = 'comments';
                                $sql_field = 'added';
                                $page_detail = "Showing the number of torrent Comments. (Note: All times based on GMT)";
                            } else {
                                if ($mode == 'new') {
                                    $table = 'News Statistics';
                                    $sql_table = 'news';
                                    $sql_field = 'added';
                                    $page_detail = "Showing the number of News Items added. (Note: All times based on GMT)";
                                } else {
                                    if ($mode == 'poll') {
                                        $table = 'Poll Statistics';
                                        $sql_table = 'polls';
                                        $sql_field = 'added';
                                        $page_detail = "Showing the number of Polls added. (Note: All times based on GMT)";
                                    } else {
                                        if ($mode == 'rqst') {
                                            $table = 'Request Statistics';
                                            $sql_table = 'requests';
                                            $sql_field = 'added';
                                            $page_detail = "Showing the number of Requests made. (Note: All times based on GMT)";
    switch ($_POST['timescale']) {
        case 'daily':
            $sql_date = "%w %U %m %Y";
            $php_date = "F jS - Y";
            // $sql_scale = "DAY";
        case 'monthly':
            $sql_date = "%m %Y";
            $php_date = "F Y";
            // $sql_scale = "MONTH";
            // weekly
            $sql_date = "%U %Y";
            $php_date = " [F Y]";
            // $sql_scale = "WEEK";
    $sortby = isset($_POST['sortby']) ? mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['sortby']) : "";
    // $sortby = sqlesc($sortby);
    $sqlq = "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(MAX({$sql_field})) as result_maxdate,\n\t\t\t\t COUNT(*) as result_count,\n\t\t\t\t DATE_FORMAT({$sql_field},'{$sql_date}') AS result_time\n\t\t\t\t FROM {$sql_table}\n\t\t\t\t WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP({$sql_field}) > '{$from_time}'\n\t\t\t\t AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP({$sql_field}) < '{$to_time}'\n\t\t\t\t GROUP BY result_time\n\t\t\t\t ORDER BY {$sql_field} {$sortby}";
    $res = @mysql_query($sqlq);
    $running_total = 0;
    $max_result = 0;
    $results = array();
    if (mysql_num_rows($res)) {
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
            if ($row['result_count'] > $max_result) {
                $max_result = $row['result_count'];
            $running_total += $row['result_count'];
            $results[] = array('result_maxdate' => $row['result_maxdate'], 'result_count' => $row['result_count'], 'result_time' => $row['result_time']);
        include 'chart/php-ofc-library/open-flash-chart.php';
        foreach ($results as $pOOp => $data) {
            $counts[] = (int) $data['result_count'];
            if ($_POST['timescale'] == 'weekly') {
                $labes[] = "Week #" . strftime("%W", $data['result_maxdate']) . "\n" . date($php_date, $data['result_maxdate']);
            } else {
                $labes[] = date($php_date, $data['result_maxdate']);
        $title = new title($page_title . "\n" . ucfirst($_POST['timescale']) . " " . $table . " " . $human_from_date['mday'] . " " . $month_names[$human_from_date['mon']] . " " . $human_from_date['year'] . " to " . $human_to_date['mday'] . " " . $month_names[$human_to_date['mon']] . " " . $human_to_date['year']);
        $chart = new open_flash_chart();
        $line_1 = new line_hollow();
        $line_1->set_key($table . " | Total: " . $running_total, 12);
        $x_labels = new x_axis_labels();
        $x = new x_axis();
        $x->set_colours('#A2ACBA', '#ECFFAF');
        $y = new y_axis();
        $y->set_range(0, max($counts) + 5, 50);
        $cont = $chart->toPrettyString();
        // toFile($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/chart/","chart.json",$cont,false);
        // unset($cont);
        $html = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"chart/js/json/json2.js\"></script>";
        $html .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"chart/js/swfobject.js\"></script>";
        $html .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\n\t\t\t\tfunction open_flash_chart_data()\n\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\treturn JSON.stringify(data);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tfunction findSWF(movieName) {\n\t\t\t\t  if (navigator.appName.indexOf(\"Microsoft\")!= -1) {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn window[movieName];\n\t\t\t\t  } else {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn document[movieName];\n\t\t\t\t  }\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tvar data = " . $cont . ";\n\n\t\t\t\t\t  swfobject.embedSWF(\"chart/open-flash-chart.swf\", \"my_chart\", \"800\", \"" . (max($counts) * 5 < 200 ? "250" : (max($counts) * 5 > 400 ? "400" : max($counts) * 5)) . "\", \"9.0.0\", \"expressInstall.swf\", {\"loading\":\"Please wait while the stats are loaded!\"} );\n\t\t\t\t\t </script>";
        $html .= "<div id=\"my_chart\"></div>";
    } else {
        $html .= "No results found\n";
    print $html . "<br />";
Esempio n. 2
 private static function make_bandwidth_chart($values, $options = array())
     if (!$values || !count($values)) {
         return false;
     $title = !empty($options['title']) ? $options['title'] : 'Chart';
     //array_check_value($options, 'title', 'BI Chart');
     $step = !empty($options['step']) ? $options['step'] : 0.75;
     //array_check_value($options, 'step', 0.75);
     $max = !empty($options['max']) ? $options['max'] : 0;
     //array_check_value($options, 'max', 0);
     $value_mod = !empty($options['value_modifier']) ? $options['value_modifier'] : 1;
     //array_check_value($options, 'value_modifier', 1);
     $input_title = !empty($options['input_title']) ? $options['input_title'] : 'Downloads for :key: #val#';
     //array_check_value($options, 'input_title', 'Downloads for :key: #val#');
     $output_title = !empty($options['output_title']) ? $options['output_title'] : 'Uploads for :key: #val#';
     //array_check_value($options, 'output_title', 'Uploads for :key: #val#');
     $total_title = !empty($options['total_title']) ? $options['total_title'] : 'Total for :key: #val#';
     //array_check_value($options, 'total_title', 'Total for :key: #val#');
     $on_click = !empty($options['on_click']) ? $options['on_click'] : false;
     //array_check_value($options, 'on_click', false);
     $x_labels = !empty($options['x_labels']) ? $options['x_labels'] : array_keys($values);
     //array_check_value($options, 'x_labels', array_keys($values));
     include_once APP_FOLDER . '/libraries/php-ofc-library/ofc_title.php';
     include_once APP_FOLDER . '/libraries/php-ofc-library/open-flash-chart.php';
     //include(APP_FOLDER . '/libraries/php-ofc-library/ofc_bar_glass_value.php');
     include_once APP_FOLDER . '/libraries/php-ofc-library/ofc_line_dot.php';
     include_once APP_FOLDER . '/libraries/php-ofc-library/ofc_line_base.php';
     include_once APP_FOLDER . '/libraries/php-ofc-library/ofc_x_axis.php';
     $title = new title($title);
     $chart = new open_flash_chart();
     $input = array();
     $ouput = array();
     $total = array();
     $clicks = array();
     foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
         $this_value = (double) number_format($value['input'] / $value_mod, 2, '.', '');
         $tmp = new bar_glass_value($this_value);
         $tmp->set_tooltip(preg_replace('/:key/', $key, $input_title));
         $input[] = $tmp;
         $this_value = (double) number_format($value['output'] / $value_mod, 2, '.', '');
         $tmp = new bar_glass_value($this_value);
         $tmp->set_tooltip(preg_replace('/:key/', $key, $output_title));
         $output[] = $tmp;
         $this_value = (double) number_format(($value['input'] + $value['output']) / $value_mod, 2, '.', '');
         $tmp = new dot_value($this_value, '#000066');
         $tmp->set_tooltip(preg_replace('/:key/', $key, $total_title));
         $total[] = $tmp;
         if ($on_click) {
             $tmp = (double) number_format(($value['input'] + $value['output']) / $value_mod, 2, '.', '');
             $clicks[] = $tmp;
         $max = ceil(max(($value['input'] + $value['output']) / $value_mod, $max));
     $x_axis = new x_axis();
     $x_axis->colour = '#909090';
     if ($max > 0) {
         //Don't know why we sometimes get a division by zero error
         @($max = $max + ($step - $max % $step));
     if ($max / $step > 5) {
         $step = floor($max / 5);
     } else {
         if ($max / $step <= 1) {
             $step = floor($max / 2);
     $y_axis = new y_axis();
     $y_axis->set_range(0, $max, $step);
     $input_bar = new bar_glass();
     $input_bar->colour = '#D54C78';
     $output_bar = new bar_glass();
     $output_bar->colour = '#78D54C';
     $total_graph = new line_hollow();
     if ($on_click) {
         $click_graph = new line();
     //$decoded = json_decode($chart->toString());
     return $chart->toString();