function parseSkins() { $skinPaths = glob(dirname($this->_file()) . '/skins/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR); lava::currentPlugin($this->_this()); //make sure theme files can access the plugin easily foreach ($skinPaths as $skinPath) { $includePath = $skinPath . '/skin.php'; if (file_exists($includePath)) { $dir = str_replace('\\', '/', $skinPath); $dir = explode('/', $dir); $dir = end($dir); $this->currentSkinSlug = $dir; $skinName = $dir; $skinAuthor = "Undefined"; if ($this->_request("admin")) { //only parse file headers on admin requests $skinHeader = file_get_contents($includePath); if (strpos(substr($skinHeader, 0, 20), '/*') === false) { //the substr prevents the search incorrectly matching the string in code (like on this line) by only searching the top of the file (where the header should be) //File has no header so leave defaults } else { $skinHeader = explode('/*', $skinHeader); $skinHeader = $skinHeader[1]; $skinHeader = explode('*/', $skinHeader); $skinHeader = $skinHeader[0]; $skinHeader = explode("\n", $skinHeader); foreach ($skinHeader as $head) { $head = trim($head); if (!empty($head)) { $head = explode(":", $head); if (count($head == 2)) { $property = strtoupper($head[0]); $value = trim($head[1]); switch ($property) { case 'NAME': case 'TITLE': $skinName = $value; break; case 'AUTHOR': $skinAuthor = $value; break; } } } } } } $this->registerSkin()->setName($skinName)->setAuthor($skinAuthor); include_once $includePath; } } }
<?php /* Serves media files */ // include wordpress $current = __FILE__; $junction = true; for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $current = dirname($current); if (file_exists($current . '/wp-load.php')) { require_once $current . '/wp-load.php'; $junction = false; break; } } if ($junction) { require_once 'G:\\Projects\\_workflow_\\WordPress 3.4\\wp-load.php'; } $thePlugin = lava::fetchPlugin('Private Blog'); $thePlugin->pluginCallbacks->doMedia();
<?php /* Plugin Name: Private Blog Plugin URI: Description: Private Blog is a wordpress plugin which allows you to password protect all of your wordpress blog including all posts and feeds with a single password. Version: 5.0.5 Author: Daniel Chatfield Author URI: License: GPLv2 */ error_reporting(0); include dirname(__FILE__) . "/lava/lava.php"; $pluginName = "Private Blog"; $pluginVersion = "5.0.5"; $thePlugin = lava::newPlugin(__FILE__, $pluginName, $pluginVersion); $pluginSlug = $thePlugin->_slug(); /** * * Define the plugin settings: * Enabled * Multiple Passwords * Passwords * Login Duration * Add logout button */ // To change maximum passwords change the value of the variable below global $maxPasswords; $maxPasswords = 10; $thePlugin->_settings()->addSetting("enabled")->setName(__("Enable Password Protection", $pluginSlug))->setType("checkbox")->setDefault("on")->setHelp(__("When enabled visitors to your site will need to login to access it.", $pluginSlug))->addSetting("use_template_hook")->setName(__("Enable this ONLY if the login page never appears (RSS feeds will not be public)", $pluginSlug))->setType("checkbox")->setDefault("off")->addSetting("multiple_passwords")->setName(__("Enable multiple passwords", $pluginSlug))->setType("checkbox")->setDefault("off")->setHelp(sprintf(__("When enabled, upto %s different passwords can be set.", $pluginSlug), 10))->addTag("is-premium"); for ($i = 1; $i <= $maxPasswords; $i++) {
static function currentPlugin($thePlugin = null) { if (!is_null($thePlugin)) { self::$currentPlugin = $thePlugin; } return self::$currentPlugin; }
public function graficarBarras(Request $request) { $datos = array(); $productos = Producto::all(); if ($request->id == 'Id') { $opcion = $request->id; foreach ($productos as $producto) { $datos1 = array($producto->nombre, $producto->id); array_push($datos, $datos1); } } if ($request->existencias == 'Existencias') { $opcion = $request->existencias; foreach ($productos as $producto) { $datos1 = array($producto->nombre, $producto->existencias); array_push($datos, $datos1); } } if ($request->precio == 'Precio') { $opcion = $request->precio; foreach ($productos as $producto) { $datos1 = array($producto->nombre, $producto->precio); array_push($datos, $datos1); } } if ($request->id == null && $request->existencias == null && $request->precio == null) { $opcion = "ighjh"; $datos = null; return view('admi.graficas')->with(['errorBarras' => 'Tiene que seleccionar por lo menos una opcion']); } $tabla = \Lava::DataTable(); $tabla->addStringColumn('Nombre')->addNumberColumn($opcion); foreach ($datos as $dato) { $tabla->addRow($dato); } $barchart = \lava::ColumnChart('Barras')->dataTable($tabla)->title('Grafica de Barras'); return view('admi.graficas')->with(['barchart' => $barchart]); }
<?php /* Title: Default with options Author: Daniel Chatfield */ $thePlugin = lava::currentPlugin(); $skinUrl = $thePlugin->_skins()->getSkin(__FILE__)->skinUrl(); $thePlugin->_skins()->getSkin(__FILE__)->addSkinSetting("logo")->setName(__("Logo", $thePlugin->_slug()))->setType("image")->setDefault($skinUrl . 'static/images/logo.png')->addTag("is-premium")->addSkinSetting("enable_message")->setName(__("Display a message", $thePlugin->_slug()))->setHelp(__("Set a message to appear above the form. Any urls and email addresses will be converted into links.", $thePlugin->_slug()))->setType("checkbox")->setDefault("off")->settingToggle("message")->addTag("is-premium")->addSkinSetting("message")->setType("textarea")->addTag("no-margin")->addTag("align-center")->addTag("is-premium")->addPresetSkinSetting("custom_css")->addTag("is-premium");