  * Sets the creator of this comment.
  * @param kyUser|kyStaff|string $creator Creator (staff object, user object or user fullname) of this comment.
  * @return $this
 public function setCreator($creator)
     if ($creator instanceof kyStaff) {
         $this->creator_staff = $creator;
         $this->creator_id = $this->creator_staff->getId();
         $this->creator_type = self::CREATOR_TYPE_STAFF;
         $this->creator_user = null;
     } elseif ($creator instanceof kyUser) {
         $this->creator_user = $creator;
         $this->creator_id = $this->creator_user->getId();
         $this->creator_type = self::CREATOR_TYPE_USER;
         $this->creator_staff = null;
     } elseif (is_string($creator) && strlen($creator) > 0) {
     } else {
         $this->creator_id = null;
         $this->creator_type = null;
         $this->creator_staff = null;
         $this->creator_user = null;
     return $this;
Esempio n. 2
  * Sets staff user, owner of this ticket.
  * @param kyStaff $owner_staff Staff user.
  * @return kyTicket
 public function setOwnerStaff($owner_staff)
     $this->owner_staff = ky_assure_object($owner_staff, 'kyStaff');
     $this->owner_staff_id = $this->owner_staff !== null ? $this->owner_staff->getId() : null;
     return $this;
Esempio n. 3
  * Creates new staff user.
  * WARNING: Data is not sent to Kayako unless you explicitly call create() on this method's result.
  * @param string $first_name First name of new staff user.
  * @param string $last_name Last name of new staff user.
  * @param string $user_name Login username of new staff user.
  * @param string $email E-mail address of new staff user.
  * @param kyStaffGroup $staff_group Staff group of new staff user.
  * @param string $password Password for new staff user.
  * @return kyStaff
 public static function createNew($first_name, $last_name, $user_name, $email, kyStaffGroup $staff_group, $password)
     $new_staff = new kyStaff();
     return $new_staff;
  * Sets staff user, the editor of this news item update.
  * @param kyStaff $staff Staff user.
  * @return kyNewsItem
 public function setEditedStaff($staff)
     $this->edited_staff = ky_assure_object($staff, 'kyStaff');
     $this->edited_staff_id = $this->edited_staff !== null ? $this->edited_staff->getId() : null;
     return $this;
  * Creates new staff user in this staff group.
  * WARNING: Data is not sent to Kayako unless you explicitly call create() on this method's result.
  * @param string $first_name First name of new staff user.
  * @param string $last_name Last name of new staff user.
  * @param string $user_name Login username of new staff user.
  * @param string $email E-mail address of new staff user.
  * @param string $password Password for new staff user.
  * @return kyStaff
 public function newStaff($first_name, $last_name, $user_name, $email, $password)
     return kyStaff::createNew($first_name, $last_name, $user_name, $email, $this, $password);
  * Sets staff user, the creator of this post.
  * @param kyStaff $staff Staff user.
  * @return kyTicketPost
 public function setStaff($staff)
     $this->staff = ky_assure_object($staff, 'kyStaff');
     $this->staff_id = $this->staff !== null ? $this->staff->getId() : null;
     $this->creator = $this->staff !== null ? self::CREATOR_STAFF : null;
     $this->user_id = null;
     $this->user = null;
     return $this;
  * Sets staff user, the creator of this knowledgebase article.
  * @param kyStaff $staff Staff user.
  * @return kyKnowledgebaseArticle
 public function setStaff($creator)
     $this->creator = ky_assure_object($creator, 'kyStaff');
     $this->creator_id = $this->creator !== null ? $this->creator->getId() : null;
     return $this;
  * Sets staff user that creates the time track.
  * @param kyStaff $creator_staff Staff user that creates the time track.
  * @return kyTicketTimeTrack
 public function setCreatorStaff($creator_staff)
     $this->creator_staff = ky_assure_object($creator_staff, 'kyStaff');
     $this->creator_staff_id = $this->creator_staff !== null ? $this->creator_staff->getId() : null;
     $this->creator_staff_name = $this->creator_staff !== null ? $this->creator_staff->getFullName() : null;
     return $this;
Esempio n. 9
  * Sets the staff who this note is for.
  * @param kyStaff $for_staff
  * @return kyTicketNote
 public function setForStaff($for_staff)
     $this->for_staff = $for_staff instanceof kyStaff ? $for_staff : null;
     $this->for_staff_id = $this->for_staff !== null ? $this->for_staff->getId() : null;
     return $this;
Esempio n. 10
function get_staff_member_by_user($username)
    $config = json_decode(file_get_contents("config/config.json"), true);
    $staff = kyStaff::getAll()->filterByEmail($config["slack"][$username]);
    return $staff;
Esempio n. 11
$tickets = kyTicket::search("power cable", array(kyTicket::SEARCH_CONTENTS, kyTicket::SEARCH_NOTES));
//print them
print "Searching tickets:\n" . $tickets;
 * Search for open and assigned tickets with no replies in all departments.
 * WARNING: Can be time consuming.
$tickets = kyTicket::getAll(kyDepartment::getAll())->filterByStatusId(kyTicketStatus::getAll()->filterByTitle(array("!=", "Closed"))->collectId())->filterByReplies(array('<=', 1))->filterByOwnerStaffId(array("!=", null));
//print them
print "Searching tickets:\n" . $tickets;
 * Filtering, sorting and paging results.
//print available filter methods for User objects
print "User available filter methods:\n";
//print available order methods for Staff objects
print "Staff available order methods:\n";
//find the user with email someuser@example.com
$user = kyUser::getAll()->filterByEmail("*****@*****.**")->first();
//find ticket time tracks with billable time greater than 10 minutes and sort them ascending using time worked
$time_tracks = $ticket->getTimeTracks()->filterByTimeBillable(array(">", 10 * 60))->orderByTimeWorked();
//find department with title "General"
$general_department = kyDepartment::getAll()->filterByTitle("General")->first();
//find tickets in "General" department with word "help" in subject
$tickets = kyTicket::getAll($general_department->getId())->filterBySubject(array("~", "/help/i"));
//assuming 10 items per page, get second page from list of staff users ordered by fullname
$staff_page_2 = kyStaff::getAll()->orderByFullName()->getPage(2, 10);
  * Gets the staff user, the creator of this TroubleshooterCategory.
  * @param bool $reload True to reload data from server. False to use the cached value (if present).
  * @return kyStaff
 public function getStaff($reload = false)
     if ($this->staff !== null && !$reload) {
         return $this->staff;
     if ($this->staff_id === null) {
         return null;
     $this->staff = kyStaff::get($this->staff_id);
     return $this->staff;