public function emailid($user_id) { // Display a form that a vistor can use to contact a registered user. // If this page is disabled, show a 404 error. if (module::get_var("contactowner", "contact_user_link") != true) { kohana::show_404(); } // Locate the record for the user specified by $user_id, // use this to determine the user's name. $userDetails = ORM::factory("user")->where("id", $user_id)->find_all(); // Make a new form with a couple of text boxes. $form = new Forge("contactowner/sendemail", "", "post", array("id" => "gContactOwnerSendForm")); $sendmail_fields = $form->group("contactOwner"); $sendmail_fields->input("email_to")->label(t("To:"))->value($userDetails[0]->name); $sendmail_fields->input("email_from")->label(t("From:"))->value(user::active()->email); $sendmail_fields->input("email_subject")->label(t("Subject:"))->value(""); $sendmail_fields->textarea("email_body")->label(t("Message:"))->value(""); $sendmail_fields->hidden("email_to_id")->value($user_id); // Add a save button to the form. $sendmail_fields->submit("SendMessage")->value(t("Send")); // Set up and display the actual page. $template = new Theme_View("page.html", "Contact"); $template->content = new View("contactowner_emailform.html"); $template->content->sendmail_form = $form; print $template; }
public function rename($id) { access::verify_csrf(); $tag = ORM::factory("tag", $id); if (!$tag->loaded) { kohana::show_404(); } $form = tag::get_rename_form($tag); $valid = $form->validate(); if ($valid) { $new_name = $form->rename_tag->inputs["name"]->value; $new_tag = ORM::factory("tag")->where("name", $new_name)->find(); if ($new_tag->loaded) { $form->rename_tag->inputs["name"]->add_error("in_use", 1); $valid = false; } } if ($valid) { $old_name = $tag->name; $tag->name = $new_name; $tag->save(); $message = t("Renamed tag %old_name to %new_name", array("old_name" => $old_name, "new_name" => $tag->name)); message::success($message); log::success("tags", $message); print json_encode(array("result" => "success", "location" => url::site("admin/tags"), "tag_id" => $tag->id, "new_tagname" => html::clean($tag->name))); } else { print json_encode(array("result" => "error", "form" => $form->__toString())); } }
public function rename($id) { access::verify_csrf(); $tag = ORM::factory("tag", $id); if (!$tag->loaded) { kohana::show_404(); } // Don't use a form as the form is dynamically created in the js $post = new Validation($_POST); $post->add_rules("name", "required", "length[1,64]"); $valid = $post->validate(); if ($valid) { $new_name = $this->input->post("name"); $new_tag = ORM::factory("tag")->where("name", $new_name)->find(); if ($new_tag->loaded) { $error_msg = t("There is already a tag with that name"); $valid = false; } } else { $error_msg = $post->errors(); $error_msg = $error_msg[0]; } if ($valid) { $old_name = $tag->name; $tag->name = $new_name; $tag->save(); $message = t("Renamed tag %old_name to %new_name", array("old_name" => $old_name, "new_name" => $tag->name)); message::success($message); log::success("tags", $message); print json_encode(array("result" => "success", "location" => url::site("admin/tags"), "tag_id" => $tag->id, "new_tagname" => html::clean($tag->name))); } else { print json_encode(array("result" => "error", "message" => (string) $error_msg)); } }
public function children() { if (!user::active()->admin) { access::forbidden(); } $paths = unserialize(module::get_var("server_add", "authorized_paths")); $path_valid = false; $path = $this->input->post("path"); $checked = $this->input->post("checked") == "true"; foreach (array_keys($paths) as $valid_path) { if ($path_valid = strpos($path, $valid_path) === 0) { break; } } if (empty($path_valid)) { throw new Exception("@todo BAD_PATH"); } if (!is_readable($path) || is_link($path)) { kohana::show_404(); } $tree = new View("server_add_tree.html"); $tree->data = $this->_get_children($path); $tree->checked = $checked; $tree->tree_id = "tree_" . md5($path); print $tree; }
public function print_proxy($type, $id) { // If its a request for the full size then make sure we are coming from an // authorized address if ($type == "full") { $remote_addr = ip2long($this->input->server("REMOTE_ADDR")); if ($remote_addr === false) { Kohana::show_404(); } $config = Kohana::config("addthis"); $authorized = false; foreach ($config["ranges"] as $ip_range) { $low = ip2long($ip_range["low"]); $high = ip2long($ip_range["high"]); $authorized = $low !== false && $high !== false && $low <= $remote_addr && $remote_addr <= $high; if ($authorized) { break; } } if (!$authorized) { Kohana::show_404(); } } $proxy = ORM::factory("addthis_proxy", array("uuid" => $id)); if (!$proxy->loaded || !$proxy->item->loaded) { Kohana::show_404(); } $file = $type == "full" ? $proxy->item->file_path() : $proxy->item->thumb_path(); if (!file_exists($file)) { kohana::show_404(); } // We don't need to save the session for this request Session::abort_save(); if (!TEST_MODE) { // Dump out the image header("Content-Type: {$proxy->item}->mime_type"); Kohana::close_buffers(false); $fd = fopen($file, "rb"); fpassthru($fd); fclose($fd); // If the request was for the image and not the thumb, then delete the proxy. if ($type == "full") { $proxy->delete(); } } $this->_clean_expired(); }
public function __call($controller_name, $args) { if (request::method() == "post") { access::verify_csrf(); } if ($controller_name == "index") { $controller_name = "dashboard"; } $controller_name = "Admin_{$controller_name}_Controller"; if ($args) { $method = array_shift($args); } else { $method = "index"; } if (!method_exists($controller_name, $method)) { return kohana::show_404(); } call_user_func_array(array(new $controller_name(), $method), $args); }
public function rename($id) { access::verify_csrf(); $tag = ORM::factory("tag", $id); if (!$tag->loaded) { kohana::show_404(); } $in_place_edit = InPlaceEdit::factory($tag->name)->action("admin/tags/rename/{$tag->id}")->rules(array("required", "length[1,64]"))->messages(array("in_use" => t("There is already a tag with that name")))->callback(array($this, "check_for_duplicate")); if ($in_place_edit->validate()) { $old_name = $tag->name; $tag->name = $in_place_edit->value(); $tag->save(); $message = t("Renamed tag %old_name to %new_name", array("old_name" => $old_name, "new_name" => $tag->name)); message::success($message); log::success("tags", $message); print json_encode(array("result" => "success")); } else { print json_encode(array("result" => "error", "form" => $in_place_edit->render())); } }
public function print_proxy($type, $id) { $proxy = ORM::factory("digibug_proxy", array("uuid" => $id)); if (!$proxy->loaded || !$proxy->item->loaded) { Kohana::show_404(); } $file = $type == "full" ? $proxy->item->file_path() : $proxy->item->thumb_path(); if (!file_exists($file)) { kohana::show_404(); } // We don't need to save the session for this request Session::abort_save(); // Dump out the image header("Content-Type: {$proxy->item}->mime_type"); Kohana::close_buffers(false); $fd = fopen($file, "rb"); fpassthru($fd); fclose($fd); // If the request was for the image and not the thumb, then delete the proxy. if ($type == "full") { $proxy->delete(); } $this->_clean_expired(); }
/** * @see REST_Controller::_form_add($parameters) */ public function _form_add($album_id) { $album = ORM::factory("item", $album_id); access::required("edit", $album); switch ($this->input->get("type")) { case "album": print album::get_add_form($album); break; case "photo": print photo::get_add_form($album); break; default: kohana::show_404(); } }
public function edit_product_form($id) { $product = ORM::factory("bp_product", $id); if (!$product->loaded()) { kohana::show_404(); } $form = bp_product::get_edit_form_admin($product); print $form; }
/** * @see REST_Controller::_form_add($parameters) */ public function _form_add($album_id) { $album = ORM::factory("item", $album_id); access::required("view", $album); access::required("add", $album); switch ($this->input->get("type")) { case "album": print album::get_add_form($album) . html::script("modules/gallery/js/albums_form_add.js"); break; case "photo": print photo::get_add_form($album); break; default: kohana::show_404(); } }
public function __call($function, $args) { // request_uri: $request_uri = $this->input->server("REQUEST_URI"); // var_uri: $var_uri = url::file("var/"); // Make sure that the request is for a file inside var $offset = strpos($request_uri, $var_uri); if ($offset === false) { kohana::show_404(); } $file = substr($request_uri, strlen($var_uri)); // Make sure that we don't leave the var dir if (strpos($file, "..") !== false) { kohana::show_404(); } // We only handle var/resizes and var/albums $paths = explode("/", $file); $type = $paths[0]; if ($type != "resizes" && $type != "albums" && $type != "thumbs") { kohana::show_404(); } // If the last element is .album.jpg, pop that off since it's not a real item if ($paths[count($paths) - 1] == ".album.jpg") { array_pop($paths); } if ($paths[count($paths) - 1] == "") { array_pop($paths); } // Find all items that match the level and name, then iterate over those to find a match. // In most cases we'll get it in one. Note that for the level calculation, we just count the // size of $paths. $paths includes the type ("thumbs", etc) but it doesn't include the root, // so it's a wash. $count = count($paths); $compare_file = VARPATH . $file; $item = null; foreach (ORM::factory("item")->where("name", $paths[$count - 1])->where("level", $count)->find_all() as $match) { if ($type == "albums") { $match_file = $match->file_path(); } else { if ($type == "resizes") { $match_file = $match->resize_path(); } else { $match_file = $match->thumb_path(); } } if ($match_file == $compare_file) { $item = $match; break; } } if (!$item) { kohana::show_404(); } // Make sure we have access to the item if (!access::can("view", $item)) { kohana::show_404(); } // Make sure we have view_full access to the original if ($type == "albums" && !access::can("view_full", $item)) { kohana::show_404(); } // Don't try to load a directory if ($type == "albums" && $item->is_album()) { kohana::show_404(); } if (!file_exists($match_file)) { kohana::show_404(); } // Dump out the image header("Content-Type: {$item->mime_type}"); Kohana::close_buffers(false); $fd = fopen($match_file, "rb"); fpassthru($fd); fclose($fd); }
public function edit_group_form($id) { $group = group::lookup($id); if (empty($group)) { kohana::show_404(); } print $this->_get_group_edit_form_admin($group); }
public function edit_postage_band_form($id) { $postage = ORM::factory("postage_band", $id); if (!$postage->loaded()) { kohana::show_404(); } $form = postage_band::get_edit_form_admin($postage); print $form; }
public function __call($function, $args) { // request_uri: $request_uri = $this->input->server("REQUEST_URI"); $request_uri = preg_replace("/\\?.*/", "", $request_uri); // Unescape %7E (~), %20 ( ) and %27 (') // @todo: figure out why we have to do this and unescape everything appropriate $request_uri = str_replace(array("%7E", "%20", "%27"), array("~", " ", "'"), $request_uri); // var_uri: $var_uri = url::file("var/"); // Make sure that the request is for a file inside var $offset = strpos($request_uri, $var_uri); if ($offset === false) { kohana::show_404(); } $file_uri = substr($request_uri, strlen($var_uri)); // Make sure that we don't leave the var dir if (strpos($file_uri, "..") !== false) { kohana::show_404(); } list($type, $path) = explode("/", $file_uri, 2); if ($type != "resizes" && $type != "albums" && $type != "thumbs") { kohana::show_404(); } // If the last element is .album.jpg, pop that off since it's not a real item $path = preg_replace("|/.album.jpg\$|", "", $path); // We now have the relative path to the item. Search for it in the path cache $item = ORM::factory("item")->where("relative_path_cache", $path)->find(); if (!$item->loaded) { // We didn't turn it up. It's possible that the relative_path_cache is out of date here. // There was fallback code, but bharat deleted it in 8f1bca74. If it turns out to be // necessary, it's easily resurrected. // If we're looking for a .jpg then it's it's possible that we're requesting the thumbnail // for a movie. In that case, the .flv or .mp4 file would have been converted to a .jpg. // So try some alternate types: if (preg_match('/.jpg$/', $path)) { foreach (array("flv", "mp4") as $ext) { $movie_path = preg_replace('/.jpg$/', ".{$ext}", $path); $item = ORM::factory("item")->where("relative_path_cache", $movie_path)->find(); if ($item->loaded) { break; } } } } if (!$item->loaded) { kohana::show_404(); } if ($type == "albums") { $file = $item->file_path(); } else { if ($type == "resizes") { $file = $item->resize_path(); } else { $file = $item->thumb_path(); } } // Make sure we have access to the item if (!access::can("view", $item)) { kohana::show_404(); } // Make sure we have view_full access to the original if ($type == "albums" && !access::can("view_full", $item)) { kohana::show_404(); } // Don't try to load a directory if ($type == "albums" && $item->is_album()) { kohana::show_404(); } if (!file_exists($file)) { kohana::show_404(); } // We don't need to save the session for this request Session::abort_save(); // Dump out the image. If the item is a movie, then its thumbnail will be a JPG. if (in_array($item->mime_type, array("video/x-flv", "video/mp4"))) { header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); } else { header("Content-Type: {$item->mime_type}"); } Kohana::close_buffers(false); $fd = fopen($file, "rb"); fpassthru($fd); fclose($fd); }
public function edit_group_form($id) { $group = ORM::factory("group", $id); if (!$group->loaded) { kohana::show_404(); } print group::get_edit_form_admin($group); }
public function __call($function, $args) { // request_uri: $request_uri = $this->input->server("REQUEST_URI"); $request_uri = preg_replace("/\\?.*/", "", $request_uri); // Unescape %7E ("~") and %20 (" ") $request_uri = str_replace(array("%7E", "%20"), array("~", " "), $request_uri); // var_uri: $var_uri = url::file("var/"); // Make sure that the request is for a file inside var $offset = strpos($request_uri, $var_uri); if ($offset === false) { kohana::show_404(); } $file_uri = substr($request_uri, strlen($var_uri)); // Make sure that we don't leave the var dir if (strpos($file_uri, "..") !== false) { kohana::show_404(); } list($type, $path) = explode("/", $file_uri, 2); if ($type != "resizes" && $type != "albums" && $type != "thumbs") { kohana::show_404(); } // If the last element is .album.jpg, pop that off since it's not a real item $path = preg_replace("|/.album.jpg\$|", "", $path); // We now have the relative path to the item. Search for it in the path cache $item = ORM::factory("item")->where("relative_path_cache", $path)->find(); if (!$item->loaded) { // We didn't turn it up. This may mean that the path cache is out of date, so look it up // the hard way. // // Find all items that match the level and name, then iterate over those to find a match. // In most cases we'll get it in one. Note that for the level calculation, we just count the // size of $paths. $paths = explode("/", $path); $count = count($paths); foreach (ORM::factory("item")->where("name", $paths[$count - 1])->where("level", $count + 1)->find_all() as $match) { if ($match->relative_path() == $path) { $item = $match; break; } } } if (!$item->loaded) { kohana::show_404(); } if ($type == "albums") { $file = $item->file_path(); } else { if ($type == "resizes") { $file = $item->resize_path(); } else { $file = $item->thumb_path(); } } // Make sure we have access to the item if (!access::can("view", $item)) { kohana::show_404(); } // Make sure we have view_full access to the original if ($type == "albums" && !access::can("view_full", $item)) { kohana::show_404(); } // Don't try to load a directory if ($type == "albums" && $item->is_album()) { kohana::show_404(); } if (!file_exists($file)) { kohana::show_404(); } // Dump out the image header("Content-Type: {$item->mime_type}"); Kohana::close_buffers(false); $fd = fopen($file, "rb"); fpassthru($fd); fclose($fd); }
public function edit_email_template_form($id) { $email_template = ORM::factory("bp_email_template", $id); if (!$email_template->loaded()) { kohana::show_404(); } $form = bp_email_template::get_edit_form_admin($email_template); print $form; }