public function get_task_indus($indus_pid = '', $ajax = '') { global $kekezu; global $_lang; if ($indus_pid > 0) { if ($this->_model_info['indus_bid']) { $indus_ids = kekezu::get_table_data('*', "witkey_industry", "indus_id in ({$this->_model_info['indus_bid']}) and indus_pid = {$indus_pid}", 'CASE WHEN listorder = 0 THEN 9999999 WHEN listorder > 0 THEN listorder END', '', '', 'indus_id', null); } else { $indus_ids = kekezu::get_table_data('*', "witkey_industry", " indus_pid = {$indus_pid}", 'CASE WHEN listorder = 0 THEN 9999999 WHEN listorder > 0 THEN listorder END', '', '', 'indus_id', null); } switch ($ajax == 'show_indus') { case "0": return $indus_ids; break; case "1": $option .= '<option value=""> ' . $_lang['please_son_industry'] . ' </option>'; foreach ($indus_ids as $v) { $option .= '<option value=' . $v[indus_id] . '>' . $v[indus_name] . '</option>'; } echo $option; die; break; } } else { return false; } }
public static function get_auth_item($auth_code = null, $find_str = null, $is_open = false, $w = null, $cache = true) { global $_cache_obj; $auth_code && is_array($auth_code) and $auth_code = implode(",", $auth_code); $auth_code and (is_array($auth_code) and $where = " auth_code in ('{$auth_code}') " or $where = " auth_code = '{$auth_code}'") or $where = " 1 = 1"; $find_str and $fds = $find_str or $fds = '*'; $is_open and $where .= " and auth_open=1 "; $w and $where .= " and " . $w; $cache == true and $c = null or $c = 0; $auth_item = kekezu::get_table_data($fds, "witkey_auth_item", $where, 'listorder asc', '', '', 'auth_code', $c); if ($auth_code && !is_array($auth_code)) { return $auth_item[$auth_code]; } else { return $auth_item; } }
function run() { global $_K, $kekezu; $shop_time = new goods_time_class(); $shop_time->validtaskstatus(); $this->validautoMail(); $model_list = $model_list ? $model_list : kekezu::get_table_data('*', 'witkey_model', 'model_status=1', '', null, '', 'model_id'); $this->task_finish_auto_mark(); foreach ($model_list as $model_info) { $model_dir = $model_info['model_dir']; if (file_exists(S_ROOT . "./task/{$model_dir}")) { $m = strtolower($model_dir) . "_time_class"; } if (class_exists($m)) { $time_obj = new $m(); $time_obj->validtaskstatus(); } } keke_task_class::hp_timeout(7); }
public function wap_list() { global $_K; $_D = $_REQUEST; $ls = intval($_D['ls']); $le = intval($_D['le']); $s = isset($_D['work_status']) ? $_D['work_status'] : "all"; $s !== "all" and $w = ' and work_status = ' . $s; $info = db_factory::query(sprintf('select * from %switkey_task_work where task_id=%d %s limit %d,%d', TABLEPRE, $this->_task_id, $w, $ls, $le), 1, 3600); $count = db_factory::get_count('select count(work_id) from ' . TABLEPRE . 'witkey_task_work where task_id=' . $this->_task_id . $w); if ($info) { $ids = implode(',', array_keys($info)); $f_tmp = kekezu::get_table_data("obj_id,CONCAT('" . $_K['siteurl'] . "/',`save_name`) file", 'witkey_file', " obj_id in ('" . ids . "') and obj_type='work'", '', '', '', 'obj_id', 3600); foreach ($f_tmp as $k => $v) { $info[$k]['work_file'] = $v['file']; } $info = array_values($info); } kekezu::echojson(intval($count), 1, $info); die; }
public function alipayjs_success_notify($detail_arr, $status = true) { global $_lang, $_K; $ids = implode(",", array_keys($detail_arr)); $info = kekezu::get_table_data("withdraw_id,uid,username,withdraw_status,withdraw_cash,pay_username,pay_account", "witkey_withdraw", " withdraw_id in ({$ids})", "", "", "", "withdraw_id"); foreach ($detail_arr as $k => $v) { if ($info[$k]['withdraw_status'] == 1) { switch ($v['status']) { case "S": $fee = $info[$k]['withdraw_cash'] - keke_finance_class::get_to_cash($info[$k]['withdraw_cash']); $res = db_factory::execute(sprintf(" update %switkey_withdraw set withdraw_status='2',fee=%.2f where withdraw_id ='%d'", TABLEPRE, $fee, $k)); $arr = array($_lang['sitename'] => $_K['sitename'], $_lang['tx_cash'] => $v['fee']); keke_msg_class::notify_user($info[$k]['uid'], $info[$k]['username'], 'draw_success', $_lang['tx_success'], $arr, 2); break; case "F": $res = db_factory::execute(sprintf(" update %switkey_withdraw set withdraw_status='3' where withdraw_id ='%d'", TABLEPRE, $k)); $v_arr = array('网站名称' => $_K['sitename'], '提现方式' => $pay_way[$withdraw_info[0]['pay_type']], '失败原因' => '未注明原因', '帐户' => $withdraw_info[0]['pay_account'], '提现金额' => $v['withdraw_cash']); keke_msg_class::notify_user($info[$k]['uid'], $info[$k]['username'], 'withdraw_fail', $_lang['tx_fail'], $v_arr, 2); break; } } } }
public static function get_payitem_info($user_type, $model_code) { $where = sprintf(" user_type='%s' and is_open = 1 and find_in_set('%s',model_code)", $user_type, $model_code); $payitem_arr = kekezu::get_table_data("*", "witkey_payitem", "{$where}", "", "", "", "item_id"); return $payitem_arr; }
function init_industry() { $this->_indus_p_arr = kekezu::get_table_data('*', "witkey_industry", "indus_type=1 and indus_pid = 0 ", " CASE WHEN listorder = 0 THEN 9999999 WHEN listorder > 0 THEN listorder END ", '', '', 'indus_id', NULL); $tmpArrIndus = kekezu::get_table_data('*', 'witkey_industry', 'indus_type=1 and indus_pid >0', ' CASE WHEN listorder = 0 THEN 9999999 WHEN listorder > 0 THEN listorder END ', '', '', 'indus_id', NULL); if (is_array($tmpArrIndus) && !empty($tmpArrIndus)) { $this->_indus_c_arr = array(); foreach ($this->_indus_p_arr as $k1 => $v1) { foreach ($tmpArrIndus as $k => $v) { if ($v1['indus_id'] == $v['indus_pid']) { $this->_indus_c_arr[$v['indus_id']] = $v; } } } } $this->_indus_arr = kekezu::get_table_data('*', 'witkey_industry', '', ' CASE WHEN listorder = 0 THEN 9999999 WHEN listorder > 0 THEN listorder END ', '', '', 'indus_id', NULL); $arrtotask = db_factory::query("show COLUMNS FROM " . TABLEPRE . 'witkey_industry' . " WHERE Field='totask' "); if ($arrtotask[0]) { $this->_indus_task_arr = kekezu::get_table_data('*', "witkey_industry", "indus_type=1 and indus_pid = 0 and totask=1 ", " CASE WHEN listorder = 0 THEN 9999999 WHEN listorder > 0 THEN listorder END ", '', '', 'indus_id', NULL); } $arrtogoods = db_factory::query("show COLUMNS FROM " . TABLEPRE . 'witkey_industry' . " WHERE Field='togoods' "); if ($arrtogoods[0]) { $this->_indus_goods_arr = kekezu::get_table_data('*', "witkey_industry", "indus_type=1 and indus_pid = 0 and togoods=1 ", " CASE WHEN listorder = 0 THEN 9999999 WHEN listorder > 0 THEN listorder END ", '', '', 'indus_id', NULL); } }
<?php defined('IN_KEKE') or exit('Access Denied'); $strUrl = 'index.php?do=user&view=account&op=basic'; $arrTopIndustrys = $indus_p_arr; $arrAllIndustrys = $indus_arr; $objSpaceT = keke_table_class::get_instance('witkey_space'); $intUserRole = intval($gUserInfo['user_type']); $arrMemberExts = kekezu::get_table_data("*", "witkey_member_ext", " type='sect' and uid= " . $gUid, "", "", "", "k"); $boolEmailAuth = keke_auth_fac_class::auth_check('email', $gUid); $boolMobileAuth = keke_auth_fac_class::auth_check('mobile', $gUid); $arrProvinces = CommonClass::getDistrictByPid('0', 'id,upid,name'); if ($gUserInfo['province']) { $arrCity = CommonClass::getDistrictByPid($gUserInfo['province'], 'id,upid,name'); } if ($gUserInfo['city']) { $arrArea = CommonClass::getDistrictByPid($gUserInfo['city'], 'id,upid,name'); } if ($intUserRole === 2) { $intAuthStatus = keke_auth_fac_class::auth_check('enterprise', $gUid); $arrEnterPriseInfo = db_factory::get_one(sprintf("select * from %switkey_auth_enterprise where uid='%d'", TABLEPRE, $gUid)); if (isset($formhash) && kekezu::submitcheck($formhash)) { if ($gUserInfo['uid'] != $pk['uid']) { kekezu::show_msg('无权操作', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'error'); return false; } if (strtoupper(CHARSET) == 'GBK') { $company = kekezu::utftogbk($company); $legal = kekezu::utftogbk($legal); $address = kekezu::utftogbk($address); $summary = kekezu::utftogbk($summary);
<?php defined('ADMIN_KEKE') or die('Access Denied'); kekezu::admin_check_role(32); $table_name = 'witkey_ad_target'; $target_arr = kekezu::get_table_data('*', $table_name, '', '', '', '', 'target_id', null); $target_ad_num = kekezu::get_table_data('target_id, count(*) as num', 'witkey_ad', 'target_id is not null', '', 'target_id', '', 'target_id', null); while (list($key, $value) = each($target_arr)) { $target_ad_arr[$key] = $target_ad_num[$key]['num'] ? $target_ad_num[$key]['num'] : '0'; } require $template_obj->template(ADMIN_DIRECTORY . '/tpl/admin_' . $do . '_' . $view);
public static function get_prom_type() { return kekezu::get_table_data("prom_code,prom_item,type", "witkey_prom_rule", "", "", "", "", "prom_code", 3600); }
<?php defined('IN_KEKE') or exit('Access Denied'); $intUserRole = intval($gUserInfo['user_type']); $footer_load = 1; $identy_auth_info = kekezu::get_table_data('auth_code,auth_status', 'witkey_auth_record', "uid=" . $gUid, '', '', '', 'auth_code'); if ($intUserRole === 2) { $strCodeWh = " auth_code!='realname' "; $intAuthStatus = keke_auth_fac_class::auth_check('enterprise', $gUid); if ($intUserRole && !$intAuthStatus) { $intAuthStatus = 1; } } else { $strCodeWh = " auth_code!='enterprise' "; $intAuthStatus = keke_auth_fac_class::auth_check('realname', $gUid); if ($intUserRole && !$intAuthStatus) { $intAuthStatus = 1; } } $arrAuthItems = keke_auth_base_class::get_auth_item(null, null, 1, $strCodeWh); $arrAllAuthItems = keke_auth_base_class::get_auth_item(null, null, 1, null); $keys = array_keys($arrAuthItems); $arrAllowAuth = array('realname', 'enterprise', 'bank', 'mobile', 'email', 'alipayjs'); if ($code && in_array($code, $arrAllowAuth)) { $code or $code = $keys['0']; $code or kekezu::show_msg($_lang['param_error'], "index.php?do=auth", 3, '', 'warning'); $auth_class = "keke_auth_" . $code . "_class"; $objAuth = new $auth_class($code); $auth_item = $arrAllAuthItems[$code]; $auth_dir = $auth_item['auth_dir']; $arrAuthInfo = $objAuth->get_user_auth_info($gUid, 0, $intBankAid);
if ($arrNerLists) { foreach ($arrNerLists as $k => $v) { $arrNerLists[$k]['pro_city'] = keke_shop_class::getUserAddress($v['uid'], 2, 1, 1, 0); } } $arrShopIndusC = $kekezu->_indus_c_arr; $arrShopIndusP = $kekezu->_indus_p_arr; if (is_array($arrShopIndusC)) { $arrNewShopIndusC = array(); foreach ($arrShopIndusC as $k => $v) { $arrNewShopIndusC[$v['indus_pid']][] = $v; } } $arrDisplaypro = CommonClass::getDistrictByPid('0', 'id,upid,name'); $arrSellerType = array('1' => '个人用户', '2' => '企业用户'); $data = array('地区' => $arrCityone['name'] . $arrCitytwo['name'] . $arrCitythree['name'], '店铺类型' => $arrSellerType[$t], '行业' => $arrIndusPInfo['indus_name'], '子行业' => $arrIndusInfo['indus_name']); list($strPageTitle, $strPageKeyword, $strPageDescription) = keke_seo_class::getListSEO($pd, $i, $data, 'seller', true); $floatCashLists = kekezu::get_table_data(' uid,sum(fina_cash) as threeCash', 'witkey_finance', "(fina_action='sale_service' or fina_action='task_bid') and DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 90 day) <= date(from_unixtime(fina_time))", '', 'uid', '', 'uid'); function thisurl($keys = '') { $pars = parse_url($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]); $pars = explode("&", $pars['path']); foreach ($pars as $ps) { $uri = explode("=", $ps); $url .= !strstr($keys, $uri[0]) ? "&" . $ps : ''; } return $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . trim($url, "&"); } $arrFeedPubs = kekezu::get_feed("(feedtype='pub_task' or feedtype='pub_service')", "feed_time desc", 8); $arrRecommShops = db_factory::query(sprintf("select a.username,a.uid,b.indus_id,b.indus_pid,a.shop_name,if(b.seller_total_num>0,b.seller_good_num/b.seller_total_num,0) as good_rate from %switkey_shop a " . " left join %switkey_space b on a.uid=b.uid where b.recommend=1 and b.status=1 and IFNULL(a.is_close,0)=0 and shop_status=1 order by good_rate desc limit 0,5", TABLEPRE, TABLEPRE), 1, $intIndexCacheTime); $_SESSION['spread'] = 'index.php?do=sellerlist';
<?php defined('IN_KEKE') or exit('Access Denied'); $strUrl = 'index.php?do=user&view=account&op=binding'; $arrApiNames = keke_glob_class::get_open_api(); $strOauthUrl = $kekezu->_sys_config['website_url'] . "/index.php?do={$do}&view={$view}&op={$op}&ac={$ac}&type={$type}"; $res = kekezu::get_table_data('*', 'witkey_member_oauth', 'uid=' . $gUid, "", "source", 6, "source"); if (is_array($api_open)) { foreach ($api_open as $key => $value) { $value = array("open" => $value); if ($res[$key]) { $t[$key] = array_merge($value, $res[$key]); } else { $t[$key] = $value; } } } switch ($ac) { case 'bind': if ($type) { switch ($type == "alipay_trust") { case true: $interface = "sns_bind"; require S_ROOT . "/payment/alipay_trust/order.php"; header("Location:" . $request); break; case false: if (in_array($type, array('sina', 'qq', 'taobao', 'renren', 'douban', 'baidu'))) { $oauth_obj = OAuthClass::factory($type); $oauth_obj->requestAuthorize(); } else {
<?php defined('IN_KEKE') or exit('Access Denied'); $strUrl = 'index.php?do=user&view=account&op=banklist'; $objMemBankT = keke_table_class::get_instance("witkey_member_bank"); $arrBankList = keke_glob_class::get_bank(); if ($action == 'removeBind') { if ($intBankId) { if ($intBankAid) { db_factory::execute(sprintf(" delete from %switkey_auth_bank where bank_a_id='%d'", TABLEPRE, $intBankAid)); db_factory::execute(sprintf(" delete from %switkey_auth_record where ext_data='%d'", TABLEPRE, $intBankAid)); } $res = db_factory::execute(sprintf(" delete from %switkey_member_bank where bank_id='%d'", TABLEPRE, $intBankId)); $res and kekezu::show_msg('解除关联成功', $strUrl, null, null, 'ok') or kekezu::show_msg('解除关联失败', $strUrl, null, null, 'error'); } else { kekezu::show_msg('请选择关联账户', null, null, null, null); } } else { $arrBankLists = db_factory::query(sprintf(" select * from %switkey_member_bank where uid = '%d' and bind_status='1'", TABLEPRE, $gUid)); $arrAuthLists = kekezu::get_table_data('bank_a_id,bank_id', "witkey_auth_bank", " uid='.{$gUid}.' and auth_status!=2", '', '', '', 'bank_id', null); }
public function get_task_prize() { $task_prize_arr = kekezu::get_table_data("*", "witkey_task_prize", "task_id={$this->_task_id}", "", "", "", "prize", 0); return $task_prize_arr; }
<?php defined('ADMIN_KEKE') or exit('Access Denied'); $art_cat_obj = new Keke_witkey_article_category_class(); $types = array('help', 'art'); $type = !empty($type) && in_array($type, $types) ? $type : 'art'; if ($type == 'art') { kekezu::admin_check_role(14); $art_cat_arr = kekezu::get_table_data('*', "witkey_article_category", "art_cat_pid =1 or art_cat_id = 1", " art_cat_id desc", '', '', 'art_cat_id', null); } elseif ($type == 'help') { kekezu::admin_check_role(44); $art_cat_arr = kekezu::get_table_data('*', "witkey_article_category", "art_index like '%{100}%'", " art_cat_id desc", '', '', 'art_cat_id', null); } if ($art_cat_id) { $art_cat_obj->setWhere('art_cat_id=' . intval($art_cat_id)); $art_cat_info = $art_cat_obj->query_keke_witkey_article_category(); $art_cat_info = $art_cat_info[0]; $art_cat_pid = $art_cat_info[art_cat_pid]; } if ($sbt_edit) { $flag = null; if ($hdn_art_cat_id) { $art_cat_obj->setWhere('art_cat_id=' . intval($hdn_art_cat_id)); $art_cat_info = $art_cat_obj->query_keke_witkey_article_category(); $art_cat_info = $art_cat_info[0]; if ($art_cat_info['art_cat_pid'] > 0) { $art_cat_obj->setArt_cat_pid($slt_cat_id); } } else { $art_cat_obj->setArt_cat_pid($slt_cat_id); }
} else { kekezu::admin_show_msg($_lang['del_fail_select_operate'], $url); } } elseif (isset($sbt_action)) { $ckb_string = $ckb; is_array($ckb_string) and $ckb_string = implode(',', $ckb_string); if (count($ckb_string)) { $case_obj->setWhere('case_id in (' . $ckb_string . ')'); $res = $case_obj->del_keke_witkey_case(); kekezu::admin_system_log($_lang['mulit_delete_case'] . ':' . $ckb_string); $res and kekezu::admin_show_msg($_lang['mulit_operate_success'], $url, 3, '', 'success') or kekezu::admin_show_msg($_lang['mulit_operate_fail'], $url, 3, '', 'warning'); } else { kekezu::admin_show_msg($_lang['mulit_del_fail_select_operate'], $url, 3, '', 'warning'); } } else { $model_list = kekezu::get_table_data('*', 'witkey_model', "model_status=1 and model_dir!='employtask'", 'listorder asc ', '', '', 'model_id', null); $count = $case_obj->count_keke_witkey_case(); $sql = "select * from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_case"; $where = ' where 1 = 1'; $w['case_id'] and $where .= " and case_id = '" . $w['case_id'] . "' "; $w['art_title'] and $where .= " and case_title like '%" . $w['art_title'] . "%' "; $w['case_auther'] and $where .= " and case_auther like '%" . $w['case_auther'] . "%' "; $w['obj_type'] and $where .= " and obj_type = '" . $w['obj_type'] . "' "; $w[ord][1] && $w[ord][0] and $where .= ' order by ' . $w['ord']['0'] . ' ' . $w['ord']['1'] or $where .= " order by on_time desc"; $kekezu->_page_obj->setAjax(1); $kekezu->_page_obj->setAjaxDom("ajax_dom"); $pages = $kekezu->_page_obj->getPages($count, $page_size, $page, $url); $sql .= $where . $pages['where']; $case_arr = db_factory::query($sql); } require $template_obj->template(ADMIN_DIRECTORY . '/tpl/admin_' . $do . '_' . $view);
<?php defined('ADMIN_KEKE') or exit('Access Denied'); kekezu::admin_check_role(140); if (isset($submit)) { $basic_obj = new Keke_witkey_basic_config_class(); foreach ($conf as $k => $v) { $basic_obj->setWhere("k = '{$k}'"); $basic_obj->setV($v); $res .= $basic_obj->edit_keke_witkey_basic_config(); } !empty($api) and $attent_api = $api or $attent_api = array(); $basic_obj->setWhere("k = 'attent_api_open'"); $basic_obj->setV(serialize($attent_api)); $basic_obj->edit_keke_witkey_basic_config(); kekezu::admin_system_log($_lang['weibo_config_view']); kekezu::admin_show_msg($_lang['weibo_view_config_success'], "index.php?do=msg&view=attention", 3, '', 'success'); } else { $attent_api = db_factory::get_count(sprintf(" select v from %switkey_basic_config where type='attent_api'", TABLEPRE)); $attent_api = unserialize($attent_api); $attent_list = kekezu::get_table_data("k,v,desc", "witkey_basic_config", "type='attention'", 'listorder asc ', "", "", "k"); } require keke_tpl_class::template(ADMIN_DIRECTORY . '/tpl/admin_' . $do . '_' . $view);
public static function get_task_info($indus_id) { return kekezu::get_table_data("task_id,task_title,task_cash", "witkey_task", " indus_id = '{$indus_id}' and task_status='2'", "", "", "14", "", 3600); }
<?php kekezu::check_login(); $strPageTitle = '发布任务-' . $_K['html_title']; $strPageKeyword = '发布任务,' . $_K['html_title']; $strPageDescription = $kekezu->_sys_config['index_seo_desc']; $id = intval($id); $step = strval(trim($step)); $strRandKf = kekezu::get_rand_kf(); $is_task_template = db_factory::query("select * from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_task_template"); $arrPubProcess = array(1 => array('step' => 'step1', 'desc' => '选择交易模式'), 2 => array('step' => 'step2', 'desc' => '描述任务需求'), 3 => array('step' => 'step3', 'desc' => '核对交易清单'), 4 => array('step' => 'step4', 'desc' => '成功发布任务')); $arrPayitemLists = PayitemClass::getPayitemListForPub(); $arrPayitemPriceLists = PayitemClass::getPayitemPriceList(); $arrDistribution = array(1 => '单人中标', 2 => '多人中标', 3 => '', 4 => '单人中标', 5 => '单人中标', 12 => '单人中标'); $arrTopIndustrys = $kekezu->_indus_task_arr; $arrModelLists = kekezu::get_table_data('*', 'witkey_model', " model_type = 'task' and model_status='1'", 'listorder asc ', '', '', 'model_id', 3600); if (0 === $id) { $arrModelIds = array_keys($arrModelLists); $id = $arrModelIds['0']; } $arrModelInfo = $arrModelLists[$id]; if (empty($arrModelInfo)) { kekezu::show_msg('不存在该任务模型,请重新选择', 'index.php?do=pubtask', 3, null, 'warning'); } $arrStep = array('step1', 'step2', 'step3', 'step4'); if (!in_array($step, $arrStep)) { $step = 'step1'; } $strUrl = "index.php?do=pubtask&id=" . $id; $arrOutFinance = db_factory::query(sprintf("select * from %switkey_finance where fina_type='out' and obj_id='%d' and uid='%d'", TABLEPRE, $taskId, $gUid)); if ($arrOutFinance) {
<?php defined('ADMIN_KEKE') or exit('Access Denied'); intval($task_id) or kekezu::admin_show_msg($_lang['param_error'], 'index.php?do=model&model_id=' . $model_id . '&view=list', 3, '', 'warning'); $ops = array('basic', 'work', 'comm'); in_array($op, $ops) or $op = 'basic'; $task_info = db_factory::get_one(sprintf(" select * from %switkey_task where task_id='%d'", TABLEPRE, $task_id)); $task_config = unserialize($model_info['config']); keke_lang_class::loadlang('task_edit', 'task'); $task_sub_time = date('Y-m-d', $task_info['sub_time']); $task_end_time = date('Y-m-d', $task_info['end_time']); $task_start_time = date('Y-m-d', $task_info['start_time']); if ($op == 'basic') { $cash_rule_arr = kekezu::get_table_data("*", "witkey_task_cash_cove", "model_code='{$model_info['model_code']}'", "", '', '', "cash_rule_id"); $task_info['ext_fields'] = CustomClass::getExtDataList($task_id, $task_info['model_id']); if ($sbt_edit) { if ($ext_fds) { CustomClass::editExtData($task_id, $model_id, $ext_fds); } $task_obj = new Keke_witkey_task_class(); $task_obj->setWhere(" task_id ='{$task_id}'"); $task_obj->setTask_title(kekezu::escape($task_title)); if ($txt_task_day) { $task_obj->setSub_time(strtotime($txt_task_day)); $task_obj->setEnd_time(strtotime($txt_task_day) + $task_config['choose_time'] * 24 * 3600); } $task_obj->setIndus_id($slt_indus_id); $task_obj->setTask_cash($task_cash); $task_obj->setReal_cash($task_cash * (1 - $task_info['profit_rate'] / 100)); $fds['task_cash_coverage'] and $task_obj->setTask_cash_coverage($fds['task_cash_coverage']); $fds['budget'] and $task_obj->setBudget($fds['budget']);
public static function get_delay_rule($model_id, $cache_time = null) { return kekezu::get_table_data("*", "witkey_task_delay_rule", "model_id='{$model_id}'", "defer_times", "", "", "", $cache_time); }
function get_reply_info($obj_id) { $reply_arr = kekezu::get_table_data("*", "witkey_comment", "obj_type='" . $this->_comment_type . "' and obj_id='{$obj_id}' and p_id>0", " on_time desc"); return $reply_arr; }
<?php defined('IN_KEKE') or exit('Access Denied'); $strNavActive = 'articlelist'; $strUrl = $_K['siteurl'] . "/index.php?do=articlelist"; $catid and $strUrl .= "&catid=" . intval($catid); $intPage and $strUrl .= "&intPage=" . $intPage; $arrArtCats = kekezu::get_table_data("*", "witkey_article_category", "cat_type='article' and art_cat_pid=1", "listorder asc", "", "", "", null); $page and $intPage = intval($page); $intPage = intval($intPage) ? $intPage : 1; $intPagesize = intval($intPagesize) ? $intPagesize : 20; intval($catid) and $intCatid = intval($catid) or $intCatid = intval($arrArtCats['0']['art_cat_id']); $intCatid and $strWhere .= " and a.art_cat_id = " . intval($intCatid); $strWhere .= " and a.is_show!=2"; $strWhere .= " order by is_recommend desc,a.listorder asc,pub_time desc"; $strSql = "select a.* ,b.cat_name from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_article a left join " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_article_category b on a.art_cat_id=b.art_cat_id where b.cat_type='article' {$strWhere}"; $strCsql = "select count(a.art_id) as c from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_article a left join " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_article_category b on a.art_cat_id=b.art_cat_id where b.cat_type='article' {$strWhere}"; $intCount = intval(db_factory::get_count($strCsql, 0, NULL, 10 * 60)); $kekezu->_page_obj->setStatic($static); $strPages = $kekezu->_page_obj->getPages($intCount, $intPagesize, $intPage, $strUrl); $arrArticleLists = db_factory::query($strSql . $strPages['where'], 5 * 60); foreach ($arrArtCats as $k => $v) { intval($v['art_cat_id']) == $intCatid and $articleType = $v['cat_name']; } list($strPageTitle, $strPageKeyword, $strPageDescription) = keke_seo_class::getListSEO(0, 0, array('资讯分类' => $articleType), 'article', true); $arrHotNews = db_factory::query("select * from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_article where cat_type='article' order by views desc limit 10"); $arrRecommShops = db_factory::query(sprintf("select a.username,a.uid,b.indus_id,b.indus_pid,a.shop_name,if(b.seller_total_num>0,b.seller_good_num/b.seller_total_num,0) as good_rate from %switkey_shop a " . " left join %switkey_space b on a.uid=b.uid where b.recommend=1 and b.status=1 and IFNULL(a.is_close,0)=0 and shop_status=1 order by good_rate desc limit 0,5", TABLEPRE, TABLEPRE), 1, $intIndexCacheTime); $_SESSION['spread'] = 'index.php?do=articlelist';
$strSql = ' select a.case_id,a.obj_id,a.obj_type,a.case_img,a.case_title,a.case_price '; $task_open and $strSql .= ',b.work_num,b.model_id,b.username,b.uid '; $shop_open and $strSql .= ' ,c.sale_num,c.model_id,c.username,b.uid '; $strSql .= ' from ' . TABLEPRE . 'witkey_case a '; $task_open and $strSql .= ' left join ' . TABLEPRE . 'witkey_task b ON a.obj_id = b.task_id '; $shop_open or $strSql .= ' where a.obj_type="task" '; $shop_open and $strSql .= ' left join ' . TABLEPRE . 'witkey_service c on a.obj_id= c.service_id '; $task_open or $strSql .= ' where a.obj_type="service" '; $strSql .= " order by a.on_time desc limit 9 "; $arrCaseLists = db_factory::query($strSql, 1, $intIndexCacheTime); if (!$basic_config['css_auto_fit']) { $arrCaseLists = array_merge(array($arrCaseLists[0]), $arrCaseLists); if (count($arrCaseLists) > 9) { unset($arrCaseLists[9]); } } $arrDynamicPlays = kekezu::get_feed("feedtype='work_accept'", "feed_time desc", 10); $arrRecommShops = db_factory::query(sprintf("select a.username,a.uid,b.indus_id,b.indus_pid,a.shop_name,if(b.seller_total_num>0,b.seller_good_num/b.seller_total_num,0) as good_rate from %switkey_shop a " . " left join %switkey_space b on a.uid=b.uid where b.recommend=1 and b.status=1 and IFNULL(a.is_close,0)=0 and shop_status=1 order by good_rate desc limit 0,6", TABLEPRE, TABLEPRE), 1, $intIndexCacheTime); $arrRecommShops1 = db_factory::query(sprintf("select a.username,a.uid,b.indus_id,b.indus_pid,a.shop_name,if(b.seller_total_num>0,b.seller_good_num/b.seller_total_num,0) as good_rate from %switkey_shop a " . " left join %switkey_space b on a.uid=b.uid where b.recommend=1 and b.status=1 and IFNULL(a.is_close,0)=0 and shop_status=1 order by good_rate desc ", TABLEPRE, TABLEPRE), 1, $intIndexCacheTime); $arrArticleTop = db_factory::get_one("select * from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_article where cat_type='article' and LENGTH(art_pic)>20 order by pub_time desc limit 1", 1, $intIndexCacheTime); $arrArticleLists = db_factory::query("select * from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_article where cat_type='article' and art_id !='" . $arrArticleTop['art_id'] . "' order by pub_time desc limit 6", 1, $intIndexCacheTime); $arrPubToday = db_factory::query("select count(*) as count from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_task where date(from_unixtime(start_time)) = curdate() and task_status>=2", 1, $intIndexCacheTime); $arrAcceptTask = db_factory::query("SELECT obj_id FROM " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_feed where obj_id>0 and feedtype='work_accept' and date(from_unixtime(feed_time)) = curdate() group by obj_id ; ", 1, $intIndexCacheTime); $arrAcceptToday = count($arrAcceptTask); $arrCashToday = db_factory::query("SELECT sum(fina_cash) as cash FROM " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_finance where (fina_action='task_bid' or fina_action='sale_service') and date(from_unixtime(fina_time)) = curdate() ;", 1, $intIndexCacheTime); $arrPubAll = db_factory::query("select count(*) as count from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_task where task_status>=2", 1, $intIndexCacheTime); $arrAcceptTasks = db_factory::query("SELECT obj_id FROM " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_feed where obj_id>0 and feedtype='work_accept' group by obj_id ;", 1, $intIndexCacheTime); $arrAcceptAll = count($arrAcceptTasks); $arrCashAll = db_factory::query("SELECT sum(fina_cash) as cash FROM " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_finance where (fina_action='task_bid' or fina_action='sale_service') ;", 1, $intIndexCacheTime); $arrFlink = kekezu::get_table_data("link_id,link_name,link_url,listorder", "witkey_link", "", " listorder asc", "", "", "", $intIndexCacheTime); }
$add_time = time() - $service_info['on_time']; keke_payitem_class::update_service_payitem_time($service_info['payitem_time'], $add_time, $v); } $res = goods_shop_class::set_service_status($key_ids, 2); $action = $_lang['mulit_pass']; break; case $_lang['mulit_nopass']: $res = goods_shop_class::set_service_status($key_ids, 4); foreach ($key_ids as $v) { PayitemClass::refundPayitem($v, 'goods'); } $action = '批量审核不通过'; break; case $_lang['batch_shelves']: foreach ($key_ids as $v) { $service_info = kekezu::get_table_data("*", "witkey_service", "service_id = {$v}"); $service_info = $service_info['0']; $add_time = time() - $service_info['on_time']; keke_payitem_class::update_service_payitem_time($service_info['payitem_time'], $add_time, $v); } $res = goods_shop_class::set_service_status($key_ids, 2); $action = $_lang['shelves']; break; case $_lang['batch_off_the_shelf']: $res = goods_shop_class::set_service_status($key_ids, 3); $action = $_lang['off_the_shelf']; break; } $res and kekezu::admin_show_msg($_lang['mulit'] . $action . $_lang['success'], $url_str, 2, $_lang['mulit'] . $action . $_lang['success'], 'success') or kekezu::admin_show_msg($_lang['mulit'] . $action . $_lang['fail'], $url_str, 2, $_lang['mulit'] . $action . $_lang['fail'], "warning"); } }
<?php defined('ADMIN_KEKE') or exit('Access Denied'); kekezu::admin_check_role(141); if ($sbt_edit) { $api = array(); foreach ($conf as $k => $v) { $res .= db_factory::execute(" update " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_basic_config set v='{$v}' where k='{$k}'"); $open == $k and $api[$k] = 1 or $api[$k] = 0; } $api = serialize($api); db_factory::execute(sprintf("update %switkey_basic_config set v='%s' where k='map_api_open'", TABLEPRE, $api)); kekezu::admin_system_log($_lang['edit_map_api']); if ($res) { kekezu::admin_show_msg($_lang['map_api_edit_success'], "index.php?do={$do}&view={$view}", 2, '', 'success'); } } else { $map_apis = kekezu::get_table_data("k,v,type,desc", "witkey_basic_config", "type='map'", "", "", "", "k"); $api_open = db_factory::get_one("select v from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_basic_config where k='map_api_open'"); $api_open = unserialize($api_open['v']); } require $template_obj->template(ADMIN_DIRECTORY . '/tpl/admin_' . $do . '_' . $view);
$sys_info['php_ver'] = PHP_VERSION; $sys_info['mysql_ver'] = $mysql_ver; $sys_info['safe_mode'] = (bool) ini_get('safe_mode') ? $_LANG['yes'] : $_LANG['no']; $sys_info['safe_mode_gid'] = (bool) ini_get('safe_mode_gid') ? $_LANG['yes'] : $_LANG['no']; $sys_info['timezone'] = function_exists('date_default_timezone_set') ? date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Shanghai') : date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Shanghai'); $sys_info['max_filesize'] = ini_get('upload_max_filesize'); $sys_info['file_uploads'] = ini_get('file_uploads'); $model_list = kekezu::get_table_data('*', 'witkey_model', " model_type = 'task' and model_status='1'", 'listorder asc ', '', '', 'model_id', 3600); $shop_list = kekezu::get_table_data('*', 'witkey_model', " model_type = 'shop' and model_status='1'", 'listorder asc ', '', '', 'model_id', 3600); $task_count = kekezu::get_table_data("model_id,count(task_id) as count", "witkey_task", " DATE(from_unixtime(start_time))=DATE('" . date('Y-m-d', time()) . "')", '', 'model_id', '', 'model_id'); $shop_all_count = intval(db_factory::get_count(sprintf(" select count(service_id) from %switkey_service where DATE(from_unixtime(on_time))=DATE('%s') ", TABLEPRE, date('Y-m-d', time())))); $shop_all_count += db_factory::get_count("select count(*) from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_service where edit_status =1 "); $shop_all_count += db_factory::get_count("select count(*) from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_service where service_status =1 "); $shop_count = kekezu::get_table_data("model_id,count(service_id) as count", "witkey_service", " DATE(from_unixtime(on_time))=DATE('" . date('Y-m-d', time()) . "')", '', 'model_id', '', 'model_id'); $shop_count_dai = kekezu::get_table_data("model_id,count(service_id) as count", "witkey_service", " service_status = 1 ", '', 'model_id', '', 'model_id'); $shop_count_edit = kekezu::get_table_data("model_id,count(service_id) as count", "witkey_service", " edit_status = 1 ", '', 'model_id', '', 'model_id'); $news_count = intval(db_factory::get_count(sprintf(" select count(msg_id) from %switkey_msg where to_uid='%d' and uid>0 ", TABLEPRE, $admin_info[uid]))); $task_all_count = intval(db_factory::get_count(sprintf(" select count(task_id) from %switkey_task where DATE(from_unixtime(start_time))=DATE('%s') ", TABLEPRE, date('Y-m-d', time())))); $user_count = intval(db_factory::get_count(sprintf(" select count(uid) from %switkey_space where DATE(from_unixtime(reg_time))=DATE('%s')", TABLEPRE, date('Y-m-d', time())))); $withdraw_count = intval(db_factory::get_count(sprintf(" select count(withdraw_id) from %switkey_withdraw where DATE(from_unixtime(applic_time))=DATE('%s')", TABLEPRE, date('Y-m-d', time())))); $charge_count = intval(db_factory::get_count(sprintf(" select count(order_id) from %switkey_order_charge where DATE(from_unixtime(pay_time))=DATE('%s') ", TABLEPRE, date('Y-m-d', time())))); $apply_shop_count = intval(db_factory::get_count(sprintf(" select count(shop_id) from %switkey_shop where DATE(from_unixtime(on_time))=DATE('%s') and shop_status is null ", TABLEPRE, date('Y-m-d', time())))); $right_count = intval(db_factory::get_count(sprintf(" select count(report_id) from %switkey_report where DATE(from_unixtime(on_time))=DATE('%s') and report_type = 1", TABLEPRE, date('Y-m-d', time())))); $proposal_count = intval(db_factory::get_count(sprintf(" select count(p_id) from %switkey_proposal where DATE(from_unixtime(pro_time))=DATE('%s')", TABLEPRE, date('Y-m-d', time())))); $report_count = intval(db_factory::get_count(sprintf(" select count(report_id) from %switkey_report where DATE(from_unixtime(on_time))=DATE('%s') and report_type = 2", TABLEPRE, date('Y-m-d', time())))); $pars = array('ac' => 'run', 'sitename' => urlencode($basic_config['website_name']), 'siteurl' => htmlentities($basic_config['website_url']), 'charset' => $_K['charset'], 'version' => KEKE_VERSION, 'release' => KEKE_RELEASE, 'os' => PHP_OS, 'php' => $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'mysql' => $mysql_ver, 'browser' => urlencode($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']), 'username' => urlencode($_SESSION['username']), 'email' => $basic_config['email'] ? $basic_config['email'] : 'noemail', 'p_name' => P_NAME); $data = http_build_query($pars); $lic = $_K['ci']; $str_lic = kekezu::set_star($lic, 5, 5, '3', '*'); $verify = md5($data . $lic); $notice = "" . $data . "&lic=" . urlencode($lic) . "&verify=" . $verify;
static function get_adgroup_by_target($target_id, $target_name, $ad_list_num) { global $kekezu, $_K; $arrTag = db_factory::get_one(sprintf('select * from %s where target_id = %d', TABLEPRE . 'witkey_ad_target', intval($target_id))); $datalist = kekezu::get_table_data('*', 'witkey_ad', '1=1 and is_allow=1 and target_id = ' . intval($target_id), 'listorder', '', $ad_list_num, '', 3600); require keke_tpl_class::parse_code(htmlspecialchars_decode($arrTag['content']), $arrTag['target_id']); }
public static function user_auth_info($uid) { $auth_list = kekezu::get_table_data("*,max(auth_status) auth_status", "witkey_auth_record", "uid='{$uid}'", '', 'auth_code', '', 'auth_code'); return $auth_list; }