Esempio n. 1

defined('IN_KEKE') or exit('Access Denied');
$strUrl = "index.php?do=user&view=finance&op=basic&page={$page}&pageSize={$pageSize}&ord={$ord}&type={$type}";
$arrSort = array('1' => '编号升序', '2' => '编号降序', '3' => '时间升序', '4' => '时间降序');
$w = " username  = '******'";
$page and $page = intval($page);
$pageSize and $pageSize = intval($pageSize) or $pageSize = 10;
$bank_arr = keke_glob_class::get_bank();
$onlinePay = keke_glob_class::get_online_pay();
if ($type == 'charge') {
    $charge_type_arr = keke_glob_class::get_charge_type();
    $status_arr = keke_order_class::get_order_status();
    $intFinaId and $w .= " and order_id ='" . intval($intFinaId) . "'";
    switch ($ord) {
        case 1:
            $w .= ' order by order_id asc';
        case 2:
            $w .= ' order by order_id desc';
        case 3:
            $w .= ' order by pay_time asc';
        case 4:
            $w .= ' order by pay_time desc';
    $strSql = "select * from " . TABLEPRE . "witkey_order_charge where ";
    if (!$ord) {
        $w .= ' order by order_id desc';
Esempio n. 2

defined('IN_KEKE') or exit('Access Denied');
$strUrl = "index.php?do=user&view=finance&op=rechargelog";
$intPagesize and $strUrl .= "&intPagesize=" . intval($intPagesize);
$intOrderId and $strUrl .= "&intOrderId=" . intval($intOrderId);
$strOrderType and $strUrl .= "&strOrderType=" . strval($strOrderType);
$strOrder and $strUrl .= "&strOrder=" . strval($strOrder);
$objChargeT = keke_table_class::get_instance('witkey_order_charge');
$arrOrderType = keke_glob_class::get_charge_type();
$arrBank = keke_glob_class::get_bank();
$arrStatus = keke_order_class::get_order_status();
$arrOrder = array('order_id desc' => '充值单号降序', 'order_id asc' => '充值单号升序', 'pay_time desc' => '充值时间降序', 'pay_time asc' => '充值时间升序');
$page and $intPage = intval($page);
$intPage = intval($intPage) ? $intPage : 1;
$intPagesize = intval($intPagesize) ? $intPagesize : 10;
$strWhere = ' 1 = 1  and uid = ' . intval($gUid);
$intOrderId && $intOrderId != '' and $strWhere .= " and order_id = '{$intOrderId}' ";
$strOrderType and $strWhere .= " and order_type = '{$strOrderType}' ";
$floatCountCashs = kekezu::get_table_data(" sum(pay_money) as cash,order_status ", "witkey_order_charge", " {$strWhere} ", "", " order_status", "", "order_status");
$strOrder && in_array($strOrder, array_keys($arrOrd)) and $strWhere .= " order by {$strOrder} " or $strWhere .= " order by order_id desc ";
$arrDatas = $objChargeT->get_grid($strWhere, $strUrl, $intPage, $intPagesize, null, null, null);
$arrChargeLists = $arrDatas['data'];
$strPages = $arrDatas['pages'];