protected function getFieldValue(kScope $scope = null) { if (!$scope) { $scope = new kScope(); } return $scope->getTime() + $this->offset; }
protected function internalFulfilled(kScope $scope) { if (!$scope instanceof kEventScope) { return false; } $event = $scope->getEvent(); if (!$event instanceof kObjectChangedEvent) { return false; } $trigerColumns = explode(',', $this->modifiedColumns); $modifiedColumns = $event->getModifiedColumns(); $object = $event->getObject(); if (method_exists($object, 'getCustomDataOldValues')) { $customDataOldValues = $object->getCustomDataOldValues(); foreach ($customDataOldValues as $customDataField => $customDataValue) { if ($customDataField) { $modifiedColumns[] = $customDataField; } } if (isset($customDataOldValues[''])) { foreach ($customDataOldValues[''] as $customDataField => $customDataValue) { $modifiedColumns[] = $customDataField; } } } $foundColumns = array_intersect($modifiedColumns, $trigerColumns); KalturaLog::debug("Triger columns [" . print_r($trigerColumns, true) . "]"); KalturaLog::debug("Found columns [" . print_r($foundColumns, true) . "]"); return count($foundColumns) > 0; }
protected function getFieldValue(kScope $scope = null) { if (!$scope) { $scope = new kScope(); } return $scope->getIp(); }
protected function getFieldValue(kScope $scope = null) { kApiCache::addExtraField(kApiCache::ECF_USER_AGENT); if (!$scope) { $scope = new kScope(); } return $scope->getUserAgent(); }
protected function getFieldValue(kScope $scope = null) { kApiCache::addExtraField(kApiCache::ECF_IP); if (!$scope) { $scope = new kScope(); } return $scope->getIp(); }
protected function getFieldValue(kScope $scope = null) { if (!$scope) { $scope = new kScope(); } $kuser = kuserPeer::getKuserByPartnerAndUid($scope->getKs()->partner_id, $scope->getKs()->user); return $kuser->getEmail(); }
protected function getMessage(kScope $scope) { if ($scope instanceof kEventScope) { $object = $scope->getObject(); } // prepare vars as configured by user in admin console $objectType = $this->getApiObjectType(); $format = $this->getObjectFormat(); return call_user_func(kCurrentContext::$serializeCallback, $object, $objectType, $format); }
protected function getFieldValue(kScope $scope = null) { kApiCache::addExtraField(kApiCache::ECF_COORDINATES); if (!$scope) { $scope = new kScope(); } $ip = $scope->getIp(); $ipGeo = kGeoCoderManager::getGeoCoder($this->getGeoCoderType()); $coordinates = $ipGeo->getCoordinates($ip); return implode(",", $coordinates); }
protected function getFieldValue(kScope $scope = null) { kApiCache::addExtraField(kApiCache::ECF_COUNTRY); if (!$scope) { $scope = new kScope(); } $ip = $scope->getIp(); $ipGeo = kGeoCoderManager::getGeoCoder($this->getGeoCoderType()); $country = $ipGeo->getCountry($ip); return trim(strtolower($country), " \n\r\t"); }
/** * @return bool */ protected function isInContext() { if (!is_array($this->contexts) || !count($this->contexts)) { return true; } foreach ($this->contexts as $context) { if ($this->scope->isInContext($context)) { return true; } } return false; }
protected function internalFulfilled(kScope $scope) { $hashes = $scope->getHashes(); if (is_array($hashes) && isset($hashes[$this->hashName])) { $sentHash = $hashes[$this->hashName]; $compareHash = md5($this->hashSecret . kCurrentContext::$ks); if ($sentHash === $compareHash) { KalturaLog::info("Correct hash sent"); return false; } } KalturaLog::info("Incorrect hash sent"); return true; }
/** * @param kScope $scope * @return bool */ protected function internalFulfilled(kScope $scope) { // no properties defined, the condition is fulfilled if (count($this->getProperties()) == 0) { return true; } $entryId = $scope->getEntryId(); $entryAssets = assetPeer::retrieveReadyByEntryId($scope->getEntryId()); foreach ($entryAssets as $asset) { $assetFulfilled = $this->assetFulfilled($asset); if ($assetFulfilled) { return true; } } return false; }
public function getFieldValue(kScope $scope) { $profileId = $this->profileId; if (!$profileId) { if (!$this->profileSystemName) { KalturaLog::err("No metadata profile id and system-name supplied"); return null; } $profile = MetadataProfilePeer::retrieveBySystemName($this->profileSystemName, kCurrentContext::getCurrentPartnerId()); if (!$profile) { KalturaLog::notice("Metadata profile with system-name [{$this->profileSystemName}] not found"); return null; } $profileId = $profile->getId(); } $metadata = null; if ($scope instanceof accessControlScope || $scope instanceof kStorageProfileScope) { $metadata = MetadataPeer::retrieveByObject($profileId, MetadataObjectType::ENTRY, $scope->getEntryId()); } elseif ($scope instanceof kEventScope) { $object = $scope->getEvent()->getObject(); if (kMetadataManager::isMetadataObject($object)) { $objectType = kMetadataManager::getTypeNameFromObject($object); $metadata = MetadataPeer::retrieveByObject($profileId, $objectType, $object->getId()); } else { if ($object instanceof Metadata) { $metadata = $object; } elseif ($scope->getEvent()->getObject() instanceof categoryEntry) { $profileObject = kMetadataManager::getObjectTypeName($profile->getObjectType()); $getter = "get{$profileObject}Id"; KalturaLog::info("Using {$getter} in order to retrieve the metadata object ID"); $categoryEntry = $scope->getEvent()->getObject(); $objectId = $categoryEntry->{$getter}(); $metadata = MetadataPeer::retrieveByObject($profileId, $profile->getObjectType(), $objectId); } elseif ($object instanceof asset) { $metadata = MetadataPeer::retrieveByObject($profileId, MetadataObjectType::ENTRY, $object->getEntryId()); } } } if ($metadata) { return kMetadataManager::parseMetadataValues($metadata, $this->xPath); } KalturaLog::notice("Metadata object not found for scope [" . get_class($scope) . "]"); return null; }
protected function internalFulfilled(kScope $scope) { $referrer = $scope->getReferrer(); if ($this->getNot() === true && !$this->globalWhitelistDomainsAppended && strpos($referrer, "kwidget") === false && kConf::hasParam("global_whitelisted_domains")) { $ks = $scope->getKs(); if (!$ks || !in_array($ks->partner_id, kConf::get('global_whitelisted_domains_exclude'))) { $this->globalWhitelistDomainsAppended = true; $globalWhitelistedDomains = kConf::get("global_whitelisted_domains"); if (!is_array($globalWhitelistedDomains)) { $globalWhitelistedDomains = explode(',', $globalWhitelistedDomains); } foreach ($globalWhitelistedDomains as $globalWhitelistedDomain) { $this->values[] = new kStringValue($globalWhitelistedDomain); } } } kApiCache::addExtraField(kApiCache::ECF_REFERRER, kApiCache::COND_SITE_MATCH, $this->getStringValues($scope)); return parent::internalFulfilled($scope); }
protected function internalFulfilled(kScope $scope) { $profileId = $this->profileId; if (!$profileId) { if (!$this->profileSystemName) { return null; } $profile = MetadataProfilePeer::retrieveBySystemName($this->profileSystemName, kCurrentContext::getCurrentPartnerId()); if (!$profile) { return null; } $profileId = $profile->getId(); } $metadata = null; if ($scope instanceof accessControlScope) { $metadata = MetadataPeer::retrieveByObject($profileId, MetadataObjectType::ENTRY, $scope->getEntryId()); } elseif ($scope instanceof kEventScope && $scope->getEvent() instanceof kApplicativeEvent) { $object = $scope->getEvent()->getObject(); if ($object instanceof Metadata) { $metadata = $object; } elseif (kMetadataManager::isMetadataObject($object)) { $objectType = kMetadataManager::getTypeNameFromObject($object); $metadata = MetadataPeer::retrieveByObject($profileId, $objectType, $object->getId()); } } if (!$metadata) { return false; } if ($this->versionA) { $valuesA = kMetadataManager::parseMetadataValues($metadata, $this->xPath, $this->versionA); } $valuesB = kMetadataManager::parseMetadataValues($metadata, $this->xPath, $this->versionB); if (!$valuesA || !count($valuesA)) { //previous MD version does not exist $changedValues = $valuesB; } else { $changedValues = array_diff($valuesA, $valuesB); } return count($changedValues) > 0; }
protected function dispatchJob(kScope $scope, kEventNotificationDispatchJobData $jobData, $eventNotificationType = null) { $entryId = null; $parentJob = null; if ($scope instanceof kEventScope) { $event = $scope->getEvent(); if ($event instanceof kApplicativeEvent) { $parentJob = $event->getRaisedJob(); } $object = $scope->getObject(); if ($object instanceof entry) { $entryId = $object->getId(); } elseif (method_exists($object, 'getEntryId')) { $entryId = $object->getEntryId(); } } if (!$eventNotificationType) { $eventNotificationType = $this->getType(); } $job = $this->addEventNotificationDispatchJob($eventNotificationType, $jobData, $scope->getPartnerId(), $entryId, $parentJob); return $job->getId(); }
public function getFieldValue(kScope $scope) { $profileId = $this->profileId; if (!$profileId) { if (!$this->profileSystemName) { return null; } $profile = MetadataProfilePeer::retrieveBySystemName($this->profileSystemName, kCurrentContext::getCurrentPartnerId()); if (!$profile) { return null; } $profileId = $profile->getId(); } $metadata = null; if ($scope instanceof accessControlScope || $scope instanceof kStorageProfileScope) { $metadata = MetadataPeer::retrieveByObject($profileId, MetadataObjectType::ENTRY, $scope->getEntryId()); } elseif ($scope instanceof kEventScope && $scope->getEvent() instanceof kApplicativeEvent) { $object = $scope->getEvent()->getObject(); if (kMetadataManager::isMetadataObject($object)) { $objectType = kMetadataManager::getTypeNameFromObject($object); $metadata = MetadataPeer::retrieveByObject($profileId, $objectType, $object->getId()); } else { if ($object instanceof Metadata) { $metadata = $object; } } } if (!$metadata) { return null; } $values = kMetadataManager::parseMetadataValues($metadata, $this->xPath); if (is_null($values)) { return null; } return array_map('intval', $values); }
protected function internalFulfilled(kScope $scope) { if (!$scope->getKs() || !$scope->getKs() instanceof ks) { return false; } if ($scope->getKs()->isAdmin()) { return true; } KalturaLog::debug(print_r($this->privileges, true)); foreach ($this->privileges as $privilege) { if (is_object($privilege)) { $privilege = $privilege->getValue(); } KalturaLog::debug("Checking privilege [{$privilege}] with entry [" . $scope->getEntryId() . "]"); if ($scope->getKs()->verifyPrivileges($privilege, $scope->getEntryId())) { KalturaLog::debug("Privilege [{$privilege}] verified"); return true; } } KalturaLog::debug("No privilege verified"); return false; }
/** * @param KalturaEvent $v */ public function __construct(KalturaEvent $v = null) { parent::__construct(); $this->event = $v; }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->setContexts(array(ContextType::PLAY)); }
public function setScope(kScope $scope) { $this->data = http_build_query($scope->getDynamicValues()); }