$blocks = new jzBlocks(); $blocks->playlistDisplay(); exit; } } } else { $pl = new jzPlaylist(); $pl->addFromForm(); $pl->flatten(); if (isset($_POST['limit'])) { $pl->truncate($_POST['limit']); } if (isset($_POST['sendListRandom'])) { $pl->shuffle(); } $pl->play(); } } } } } if ($exit) { exit; } break; case "playlistAction": writeLogData("messages", "Index: Preforming a playlist action"); if ($jzUSER->getSetting('stream') === false && $jzUSER->getSetting('lofi') === false && $jzUSER->getSetting('download') === false) { exit; } $exit = true;
function jzPopup() { global $jzUSER; // Now let's se if they selected a Genre, Artist, or Album: if (isset($_POST['chosenPath'])) { if (isset($_POST['jz_type']) && $_POST['jz_type'] == "track") { if (checkPermission($jzUSER, 'play', $_POST['chosenPath']) === false) { $this->closeWindow(false); } $e = new jzMediaTrack($_POST['chosenPath']); $pl = new jzPlaylist(); $pl->add($e); $pl->play(); exit; } else { $return = $this->returnGoBackPage($_POST['return']); } //$url = $return. "&" . jz_encode("path") . "=". jz_encode(urlencode($_POST['chosenPath'])); $link = array(); $link['jz_path'] = $_POST['chosenPath']; // Now let's fix that if we need to // Ok, now that we've got the URL let's refresh the parent and close this window echo '<body onload="opener.location.href=\'' . urlize($link) . '\';window.close();">'; exit; } }