// Payment Gateways $include_files = array_merge($include_files, (array) glob( dirname(__FILE__)."/gateways/*.php" )); // Drop-ins (addons, premium features etc) $include_files = array_merge($include_files, (array) glob( dirname(__FILE__)."/drop-ins/*.php" )); if ($include_files) : foreach($include_files as $filename) : if (!empty($filename) && strstr($filename, 'php')) : include_once($filename); endif; endforeach; endif; $jigoshop = jigoshop::get(); // Init class singletons $jigoshop_customer = jigoshop_customer::get(); // Customer class, sorts out session data such as location $jigoshop_shipping = jigoshop_shipping::get(); // Shipping class. loads and stores shipping methods $jigoshop_payment_gateways = jigoshop_payment_gateways::get(); // Payment gateways class. loads and stores payment methods $jigoshop_cart = jigoshop_cart::get(); // Cart class, stores the cart contents // Constants if (!defined('JIGOSHOP_USE_CSS')) : if (get_option('jigoshop_disable_css')=='yes') define('JIGOSHOP_USE_CSS', false); else define('JIGOSHOP_USE_CSS', true); endif; if (!defined('JIGOSHOP_TEMPLATE_URL')) define('JIGOSHOP_TEMPLATE_URL', 'jigoshop/'); // Trailing slash is important :) /**