Esempio n. 1
/* Note that the 4th column is a barcode column; the header should
   have the text "Barcode" in it, so it's a instance of jh_pdf_text_jhpci
   just like the other columns; however, the rows should show a barcode;
   this is done by just using another class, the rest is the same as
   with the other columns! */
$col4h = new jh_pdf_text_jhpci(&$pdf);
$col4r = new jh_pdf_container_jhpci(&$pdf);
/* Use Courier for the rows in the 2nd and 3rd column
   and make the content right-aligned */
/* Make an instance of the table class */
$table = new jh_pdf_table(&$pdf, &$ypos, 30, 812, 30);
/* Set a function that will be called if a new page is necessary */
/* Define the columns; the first column has "*" as its width which
   tells the class to use the remaining width for this column;
   the addcolumn() method returns a handle so you can adjust
   the column's parameters */
$col1 =& $table->addcolumn("License", "*", &$col1h, &$col1r);
$col2 =& $table->addcolumn("Branches", 100, &$col2h, &$col2r);
$col3 =& $table->addcolumn("Percentage", 100, &$col3h, &$col3r);
$col4 =& $table->addcolumn("Barcode", 100, &$col4h, &$col4r);
/* Adjust some table parameters */