Esempio n. 1
  * Fetch submission details from the database
  * @param int $id ID to search for
  * @return array Result of the query
  * @throws \Exception Required parameter missing
 public static function getByID($id = null)
     if ($id === null) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("Required parameter missing");
     return \jf::SQL("SELECT * FROM " . self::TABLE_NAME . " WHERE ID = ?", $id);
Esempio n. 2
 function Insert()
     if (jf::$RunMode->IsCLI()) {
         return false;
     $res = jf::SQL("INSERT INTO {$this->TablePrefix()}stats (UserID,SessionID,Timestamp,Page,Query,IP,Host,Protocol,UserAgent) VALUES\n\t\t\t(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", jf::CurrentUser() ?: 0, jf::$Session->SessionID(), jf::time(), HttpRequest::URI(), HttpRequest::QueryString(), HttpRequest::IP(), HttpRequest::Host(), HttpRequest::Protocol(), HttpRequest::UserAgent());
     return $res;
Esempio n. 3
  * Returns all roles assigned to a permission
  * @param integer $Permission
  *        	ID
  * @param boolean $OnlyIDs
  *        	if true, result would be a 1D array of IDs
  * @return Array 2D or 1D or null
 function Roles($Permission, $OnlyIDs = true)
     if (!is_numeric($Permission)) {
         $Permission = $this->Permission_ID($Permission);
     if ($OnlyIDs) {
         $Res = jf::SQL("SELECT RoleID AS `ID` FROM\n\t\t\t{$this->TablePrefix()}rbac_rolepermissions WHERE PermissionID=? ORDER BY RoleID", $Permission);
         if (is_array($Res)) {
             $out = array();
             foreach ($Res as $R) {
                 $out[] = $R['ID'];
             return $out;
         } else {
             return null;
     } else {
         return jf::SQL("SELECT `TP`.* FROM {$this->TablePrefix()}rbac_rolepermissions AS `TR`\n\t\t\tRIGHT JOIN {$this->TablePrefix()}rbac_roles AS `TP` ON (`TR`.RoleID=`TP`.ID)\n\t\t\tWHERE PermissionID=? ORDER BY TP.RoleID", $Permission);
Esempio n. 4
  * delete all user settings
  * @throws \Exception
  * @return int, number of rows
 function DeleteAllUser($UserID = null)
     if ($UserID === null) {
         if (jf::CurrentUser() == null) {
             throw new \Exception("Can not load user options without a logged in user.");
         } else {
             $UserID = jf::CurrentUser();
     $r = jf::SQL("DELETE FROM {$this->TablePrefix()}options WHERE UserID=?", $UserID);
     return $r;
Esempio n. 5
  * Reset the lesson
 public function reset()
     \jf::SQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . self::TABLE_NAME);
     \jf::SQL("CREATE TABLE " . self::TABLE_NAME . "(station int auto_increment primary key,\n            name varchar(30) not null, state varchar(5) not null, min_temp int not null, max_temp int not null)");
     \jf::SQL("INSERT INTO " . self::TABLE_NAME . "(name, state, min_temp, max_temp) values ('Columbia', 'MD', -10, 20),\n            ('Seattle', 'WA', -15, 18), ('New York', 'NY', -10, 20), ('Houston', 'TX', 20, 30),\n            ('Camp David', 'MD', -5, 20), ('Ice Station', 'NA', -30, 0)");
     return true;
Esempio n. 6
  * Checks whether or not a session is logged in
  * @param string $SessionID
  * @return boolean
 function IsLoggedIn($SessionID = null)
     if ($SessionID === null) {
         $SessionID = $this->SessionID();
     $Result = jf::SQL("SELECT COUNT(*) AS Result FROM {$this->TablePrefix()}session WHERE SessionID=? AND UserID!=0", $SessionID);
     return $Result[0]['Result'] >= 1;
Esempio n. 7
  * Reset the lesson
 public function reset()
     \jf::SQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " . self::TABLE_NAME);
     \jf::SQL("CREATE TABLE " . self::TABLE_NAME . "(id int not null auto_increment primary key,\n            role varchar(30) not null, first_name varchar(50), last_name varchar(50), password varchar(50),\n            street varchar(100), city varchar(50), phone varchar(20), salary int, cc_no varchar(20),\n            cc_limit varchar(10))");
     \jf::SQL("INSERT INTO " . self::TABLE_NAME . "(role, first_name, last_name, password, street, city, phone, salary, cc_no, cc_limit) values\n            ('employee', 'Larry', 'Stooge', 'larry', '9175 Guilford Rd',\n            'New York, NY', '443-689-0192', '55000', '2578546969853547', '5000'),\n            ('employee', 'Curly', 'Stooge', 'curly', '1112 Crusoe Lane',\n            'New York, NY', '410-667-6654', '50000', 'NA', '0'),\n            ('employee', 'Eric', 'Walker', 'eric', '1160 Prescott Rd',\n            'New York, NY', '410-667-6654', '13000', 'NA', '0'),\n            ('employee', 'Tom', 'Cat', 'tom', '2211 HyperThread Rd',\n            'New York, NY', '443-599-0762', '80000', '5481360857968521', '30000'),\n            ('manager', 'Moe', 'Stooge', 'moe', '3013 AMD Ave',\n            'New York, NY', '443-938-5301', '140000', 'NA', '0'),\n            ('manager', 'David', 'Giambi', 'david', '5132 DIMM Avenue',\n            'New York, NY', '610-521-8413', '100000', '6981754825018101', '10000'),\n            ('admin', 'John', 'Wayne', 'john', '129 Third St',\n            'New York, NY', '610-213-1134', '200000', '4437334565679921', '30000')");
     return true;
Esempio n. 8
  * Adds a child to the beginning of a node's children
  * @param Array $FieldValueArray key-paired field-values to insert
  * @param string $ConditionString of the parent node
  * @param string $Rest optional, rest of variables to fill in placeholders of condition string, one variable for each ? in condition
  * @return Integer ChildID
 function InsertChildData($FieldValueArray = array(), $ConditionString = null, $Rest = null)
     //Find the Sibling
     $Arguments = func_get_args();
     //first argument, the array
     if ($ConditionString) {
         $ConditionString = "WHERE {$ConditionString}";
     $Query = "SELECT {$this->Right()} AS `Right`, {$this->Left()} AS `Left`" . " FROM {$this->Table()} {$ConditionString}";
     array_unshift($Arguments, $Query);
     $Parent = call_user_func_array("jf::SQL", $Arguments);
     $Parent = $Parent[0];
     if ($Parent == null) {
         $Parent["Left"] = $Parent["Right"] = 0;
     jf::SQL("UPDATE {$this->Table()} SET {$this->Right()} = {$this->Right()} + 2 WHERE {$this->Right()} >= ?", $Parent["Right"]);
     jf::SQL("UPDATE {$this->Table()} SET {$this->Left()} = {$this->Left()} + 2 WHERE {$this->Left()} > ?", $Parent["Right"]);
     $FieldsString = $ValuesString = "";
     $Values = array();
     if ($FieldValueArray) {
         foreach ($FieldValueArray as $k => $v) {
             $FieldsString .= ",";
             $FieldsString .= "`" . $k . "`";
             $ValuesString .= ",?";
             $Values[] = $v;
     $Query = "INSERT INTO {$this->Table()} ({$this->Left()},{$this->Right()} {$FieldsString}) " . "VALUES(?,? {$ValuesString})";
     array_unshift($Values, $Parent["Right"] + 1);
     array_unshift($Values, $Parent["Right"]);
     array_unshift($Values, $Query);
     $Res = call_user_func_array("jf::SQL", $Values);
     return $Res;
Esempio n. 9
  * Returns total number of users
  * @return integer
 function UserCount()
     $res = jf::SQL("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$this->TablePrefix()}users");
     return $res[0]['COUNT(*)'];
Esempio n. 10
  * Returns all permissions assigned to a role
  * @param integer $Role
  *        	ID
  * @param boolean $OnlyIDs
  *        	if true, result would be a 1D array of IDs
  * @return Array 2D or 1D or null
  *         the two dimensional array would have ID,Title and Description of
  *         permissions
 function Permissions($Role, $OnlyIDs = true)
     if ($OnlyIDs) {
         $Res = jf::SQL("SELECT PermissionID AS `ID` FROM {$this->TablePrefix()}rbac_rolepermissions WHERE RoleID=? ORDER BY PermissionID", $Role);
         if (is_array($Res)) {
             $out = array();
             foreach ($Res as $R) {
                 $out[] = $R['ID'];
             return $out;
         } else {
             return null;
     } else {
         return jf::SQL("SELECT `TP`.* FROM {$this->TablePrefix()}rbac_rolepermissions AS `TR`\n\t\tRIGHT JOIN {$this->TablePrefix()}rbac_permissions AS `TP` ON (`TR`.PermissionID=`TP`.ID)\n\t\tWHERE RoleID=? ORDER BY TP.PermissionID", $Role);
Esempio n. 11
  * Returns user ID by email
  * @param string $Email
  * @return integer|null UserID
 function FindByEmail($Email)
     $res = jf::SQL("SELECT * FROM {$this->TablePrefix()}xuser WHERE LOWER(Email)=LOWER(?)", $Email);
     if ($res) {
         return $res[0]['ID'];
     } else {
         return null;
Esempio n. 12
  * Get the ID of the active contest
  * @return int ID of the active contest, null if no
  * contest is active
 public static function getActiveID()
     $currentTime = time();
     $query = "SELECT * FROM " . self::TABLE_NAME . " WHERE EndTimestamp > {$currentTime}";
     $result = \jf::SQL($query);
     return $result[0]['ID'];
Esempio n. 13
 function testFetch()
     $insDb = jf::db();
     $r = jf::SQL("SELECT * FROM {$this->TablePrefix()}users;");
     $myStatement = $insDb->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$this->TablePrefix()}users;");
     $this->assertEquals($r[0], $myStatement->fetch());
Esempio n. 14
 private function getMessages()
     return \jf::SQL("SELECT * FROM " . self::TABLE_NAME);
Esempio n. 15
  * Remove all role-permission relations
  * mostly used for testing
  * @param boolean $Ensure
  *        	must set or throws error
  * @return number of deleted relations
 function ResetAssignments($Ensure = false)
     if ($Ensure !== true) {
         throw new \Exception("You must pass true to this function, otherwise it won't work.");
     $res = jf::SQL("DELETE FROM {$this->TablePrefix()}rbac_rolepermissions");
     $Adapter = DatabaseManager::Configuration()->Adapter;
     if ($Adapter == "mysqli" or $Adapter == "pdo_mysql") {
         jf::SQL("ALTER TABLE {$this->TablePrefix()}rbac_rolepermissions AUTO_INCREMENT =1 ");
     } elseif ($Adapter == "pdo_sqlite") {
         jf::SQL("delete from sqlite_sequence where name=? ", $this->TablePrefix() . "_rbac_rolepermissions");
     } else {
         throw new \Exception("RBAC can not reset table on this type of database: {$Adapter}");
     $this->Assign("root", "root");
     return $res;
Esempio n. 16
 private function getUserId($name = null)
     $user = \jf::SQL("SELECT * FROM " . self::TABLE_NAME . " where name = ?", $name);
     if (array_key_exists(0, $user)) {
         return $user[0]['user_id'];
     } else {
         return -1;
Esempio n. 17
  * Retrives the full tree including Depth field.
  * @return 2DArray Rowset
 function FullTree()
     $Res = jf::SQL("SELECT node.*, (COUNT(parent.{$this->ID()}) - 1) AS Depth\n            FROM {$this->Table()} AS node,\n            {$this->Table()} AS parent\n            WHERE node.{$this->Left()} BETWEEN parent.{$this->Left()} AND parent.{$this->Right()}\n            GROUP BY node.{$this->ID()}\n            ORDER BY node.{$this->Left()}");
     return $Res;
Esempio n. 18
 static function Log($Subject, $Content, $Severity = 0)
     if (jf::$App) {
         return jf::SQL("INSERT INTO " . jf::TablePrefix() . "logs (Subject,Data,Severity,UserID,SessionID,Timestamp) \n\t\t" . "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)", $Subject, $Content, $Severity, jf::CurrentUser(), jf::$Session->SessionID(), jf::time());
Esempio n. 19
  * Increments the CompletedCount by 1
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException If required parameters are missing
 public static function incrementCompletedCount($challengeName = null)
     if ($challengeName === null) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("Required parameter missing");
     \jf::SQL("UPDATE " . self::TABLE_NAME . " SET CompletedCount = CompletedCount + 1 WHERE ChallengeName = ?", $challengeName);