Esempio n. 1
 function doSave()
     $uid = (int) $_POST['uid'];
     $info = array();
     if ($_POST['pwd'] || $_POST['pwd1'] || $_POST['pwd2']) {
         $pwd = md5(trim($_POST['pwd']));
         $pwd1 = md5(trim($_POST['pwd1']));
         $pwd2 = md5(trim($_POST['pwd2']));
         if (!$_POST['pwd'] || !$_POST['pwd1'] || !$_POST['pwd2']) {
         $pwd != $user['password'] && javascript::alert("原密码错误!");
         $pwd1 != $pwd2 && javascript::alert("新密码与确认密码不一致!");
         iCMS_DB::query("UPDATE `#iCMS@__members` SET `password` = '{$pwd2}' WHERE `uid` ='{$uid}' LIMIT 1");
     //	    $username=dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['name']);
     $_POST['email'] && !eregi("^([_\\.0-9a-z-]+)@([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]+)\\.([a-z]{2,6})\$", $_POST['email']) && javascript::alert("E-mail格式错误!!");
     $email = stripslashes($_POST['email']);
     $gender = intval($_POST['gender']);
     $info['nickname'] = dhtmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_POST['nickname']));
     cstrlen($info['nickname']) > 12 && javascript::alert("昵称长度大于12");
     $info['icq'] = intval($_POST['icq']);
     $info['home'] = dhtmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_POST['home']));
     $info['year'] = intval($_POST['year']);
     $info['month'] = intval($_POST['month']);
     $info['day'] = intval($_POST['day']);
     $info['from'] = dhtmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_POST['from']));
     $info['signature'] = dhtmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_POST['signature']));
     $user['info'] = $info;
     iCMS_DB::query("UPDATE `#iCMS@__members` SET `info` = '" . addslashes(serialize($user['info'])) . "',`email`='{$email}',`gender`='{$gender}' WHERE `uid` ='{$uid}' LIMIT 1");
     javascript::dialog('用户编辑完成!', 'url:' . __SELF__ . '?mo=user&do=manage');
Esempio n. 2
 function doSave()
     $id = (int) $_POST['id'];
     $name = dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['name']);
     $table = dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['table']);
     $description = dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['desc']);
     $position2 = $_POST['pos'];
     $position = $_POST['position'];
     $binding = isset($_POST['binding']) ? 1 : 0;
     empty($name) && javascript::alert('模块名称不能为空!');
     empty($table) && $binding && javascript::alert('模块名不能为空!');
     if (!$binding && empty($id)) {
         if (empty($table)) {
             include iPATH . 'include/cn.class.php';
             $table = CN::pinyin($name);
         $table = $table . '_content';
     if ($id) {
         iCMS_DB::getValue("SELECT `id` FROM `#iCMS@__model` where `table` = '{$table}' and `id`!='{$id}'") && javascript::alert('该模块已经存在!请检查是否重复');
         iCMS_DB::query("UPDATE `#iCMS@__model` SET `name` = '{$name}', `table` = '{$table}', `binding` = '{$binding}', `description` = '{$description}', `position` = '{$position}', `position2` = '{$position2}' WHERE `id` = '{$id}';");
     } else {
         iCMS_DB::query("INSERT INTO `#iCMS@__model`(`name`, `table`, `binding`, `description`, `position`,`position2`, `addtime`)VALUES ('{$name}', '{$table}', '{$binding}', '{$description}', '{$position}','{$position2}', '" . time() . "');");
         $id = iCMS_DB::$insert_id;
     $moreaction = array(array("text" => "下一步添加字段", "url" => __SELF__ . "?mo=models&do=addfield&id=<?php echo {$id};?>"), array("text" => "返回模块列表", "url" => __SELF__ . "?mo=models&do=manage"));
     javascript::dialog('模块添加完成!<br />10秒后返回模块列表', "url:" . __SELF__ . "?mo=models&do=manage", $moreaction, 10);
Esempio n. 3
 function dodels()
     empty($_POST['id']) && javascript::alert('请选择要操作项');
     foreach ($_POST['id'] as $k => $id) {
         $id && iCMS_DB::query("DELETE FROM `#iCMS@__search` WHERE `id` ='{$id}'");
     javascript::dialog('操作完成!', 'url:0');
Esempio n. 4
 function dodels()
     empty($_POST['id']) && javascript::alert('请选择要操作的TAG');
     foreach ((array) $_POST['id'] as $tId) {
         $js[] = '#tid' . $tId;
     javascript::dialog('全部成功删除!', 'js:parent.$("' . implode(',', $js) . '").remove();parent.iCMS.closeDialog();');
Esempio n. 5
 function dodels()
     empty($_POST['id']) && javascript::alert('请选择要操作的关键字');
     foreach ($_POST['id'] as $k => $id) {
         $id && iCMS_DB::query("DELETE FROM `#iCMS@__keywords` WHERE `id` ='{$id}'");
         $js[] = '#kid' . $id;
     javascript::dialog('全部成功删除!', 'js:parent.$("' . implode(',', $js) . '").remove();parent.iCMS.closeDialog();');
Esempio n. 6
 function doSave()
     strpos($_POST['tplpath'], '..') !== false && javascript::alert("文件路径不能带有..");
     preg_match("/\\.([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})\$/", $_POST['tplpath'], $exts);
     $FileExt = strtolower($exts[1]);
     strstr($FileExt, 'ph') && javascript::alert("文件格式错误!");
     in_array($FileExt, array('cer', 'htr', 'cdx', 'asa', 'asp', 'jsp', 'aspx', 'cgi')) && javascript::alert("文件格式错误!");
     $FileData = stripslashes($_POST['html']);
     FS::write(iPATH . 'templates' . $_POST['tplpath'], $FileData);
     javascript::dialog('保存成功!', 'url:' . __SELF__ . $_POST['REFERER']);
Esempio n. 7
 function dodelete()
     if (isset($_POST['delete'])) {
         foreach ($_POST['delete'] as $k => $id) {
             iCMS_DB::query("DELETE FROM `#iCMS@__plugins_message` WHERE `id` ='{$id}'");
             $js[] = '#mid' . $id;
         javascript::dialog('全部成功删除!', 'js:parent.$("' . implode(',', $js) . '").remove();parent.iCMS.closeDialog();');
     } else {
Esempio n. 8
 function doSave()
     $sortid = (int) $_POST['sortid'];
     $name = dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['name']);
     $url = dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['url']);
     $desc = dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['description']);
     $logo = dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['logo']);
     $orderNum = intval($_POST['orderNum']);
     empty($name) && javascript::alert('网站名称不能为空!');
     empty($url) && javascript::alert('网站URL不能为空!');
     strpos($url, 'http://') === false && ($url = 'http://' . $url);
     iCMS_DB::query("INSERT INTO `#iCMS@__links` (`sortid`,`name`,`logo`,`desc`,`url`,`orderNum`) VALUES ('{$sortid}','{$name}','{$logo}','{$desc}','{$url}','{$orderNum}')");
     javascript::dialog("添加完成!", 'url:' . __SELF__ . '?mo=link');
Esempio n. 9
 function doSave()
     $id = intval($_POST['id']);
     $load = $_POST['load'];
     $state = intval($_POST['state']);
     $varname = $_POST['varname'];
     $title = dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['title']);
     $style = $_POST['style'];
     $starttime = empty($_POST['starttime']) ? 0 : _strtotime($_POST['starttime']);
     $endtime = empty($_POST['endtime']) ? 0 : _strtotime($_POST['endtime']);
     $code = addslashes(serialize($_POST['adv']));
     !$varname && javascript::alert("广告标识符不能为空");
     if ($id) {
         iCMS_DB::getValue("SELECT `id` FROM `#iCMS@__advertise` where `varname` ='{$varname}' AND `id` !='{$id}'") && javascript::alert('该广告标识已经存在!请检查是否重复');
         iCMS_DB::query("UPDATE `#iCMS@__advertise` SET `varname` = '{$varname}',`title` = '{$title}',`style`='{$style}',`starttime` = '{$starttime}',`endtime` = '{$endtime}',`code` = '{$code}',`load` = '{$load}',`status` = '{$state}' WHERE `id` ='{$id}'");
     } else {
         iCMS_DB::getValue("SELECT `id` FROM `#iCMS@__advertise` where `varname` ='{$varname}'") && javascript::alert('该广告标识已经存在!请检查是否重复');
         iCMS_DB::query("INSERT INTO `#iCMS@__advertise`(`varname` , `title` ,`style`, `starttime` , `endtime` , `code` , `load`, `status` ) VALUES ('{$varname}','{$title}','{$style}','{$starttime}', '{$endtime}', '{$code}', '{$load}', '{$state}')");
         $id = iCMS_DB::$insert_id;
     javascript::dialog("更新完成!", 'url:' . __SELF__ . "?mo=advertise");
Esempio n. 10
 function doSave()
     $uid = (int) $_POST['uid'];
     $info = array();
     if ($_POST['pwd1'] && $_POST['pwd2']) {
         $pwd1 = md5(trim($_POST['pwd1']));
         $pwd2 = md5(trim($_POST['pwd2']));
         (!$_POST['pwd1'] || !$_POST['pwd2']) && javascript::alert("新密码,确认密码不能为空");
         $pwd1 != $pwd2 && javascript::alert("新密码与确认密码不一致!");
         iCMS_DB::query("UPDATE `#iCMS@__members` SET `password` = '{$pwd2}' WHERE `uid` ='{$uid}' LIMIT 1");
     $gender = intval($_POST['gender']);
     $nickname = dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['nickname']);
     $info['icq'] = intval($_POST['icq']);
     $info['home'] = dhtmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_POST['home']));
     $info['year'] = intval($_POST['year']);
     $info['month'] = intval($_POST['month']);
     $info['day'] = intval($_POST['day']);
     $info['from'] = dhtmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_POST['from']));
     $info['signature'] = dhtmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_POST['signature']));
     iCMS_DB::query("UPDATE `#iCMS@__members` SET `info` = '" . addslashes(serialize($info)) . "',`nickname`='{$nickname}',`gender`='{$gender}' WHERE `uid` ='{$uid}' LIMIT 1");
     javascript::dialog('用户编辑完成!', 'url:' . __SELF__ . '?mo=user&do=manage');
Esempio n. 11

 * @package iCMS
 * @copyright 2007-2010, iDreamSoft
 * @license iDreamSoft
 * @author coolmoo <*****@*****.**>
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../global.php';
define('__ADMINCP__', __SELF__ . '?mo');
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
iCMS_DB::$show_errors = true;
require_once iPATH . 'include/member.class.php';
require_once iPATH . 'include/forum.class.php';
require_once iPATH . 'admin/function.php';
require_once iPATH . 'admin/admincp.lang.php';
require_once iPATH . 'include/UI.class.php';
require_once iPATH . 'admin/menu.class.php';
require_once iPATH . 'admin/admincp.class.php';
if ($_POST['action'] == "login") {
    ckseccode($_POST['seccode'], 'B') && javascript::alert("验证码错误!", 'js:parent.$("#seccodeimg").click();');
member::$isAdmin = true;
member::MP("ADMINCP", "ADMINCP_Permission_Denied");
Esempio n. 12
 function domove()
     empty($_POST['id']) && javascript::alert("请选择要移动的文章");
     !$_POST['fid'] && javascript::alert("请选择目标栏目");
     $fid = intval($_POST['fid']);
     foreach ((array) $_POST['id'] as $id) {
         $id = intval($id);
         $ofid = iCMS_DB::getValue("SELECT `fid` FROM `#iCMS@__article` where `id` ='{$id}'");
         iCMS_DB::query("UPDATE `#iCMS@__article` SET fid='{$fid}' WHERE `id` ='{$id}'");
         if ($ofid != $fid) {
             iCMS_DB::query("UPDATE `#iCMS@__forum` SET `count` = count-1 WHERE `id` ='{$ofid}' LIMIT 1 ");
             iCMS_DB::query("UPDATE `#iCMS@__forum` SET `count` = count+1 WHERE `id` ='{$fid}' LIMIT 1 ");
             iCMS_DB::query("UPDATE `#iCMS@__vlink` SET `sortId` = '{$fid}' WHERE `sortId` ='{$ofid}' and `indexId`='{$id}'");
     javascript::dialog('成功移动到目标栏目!', "url:1");
Esempio n. 13
 function doSave()
     $id = (int) $_POST['id'];
     $name = dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['name']);
     $table = dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['table']);
     $description = dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['desc']);
     $show = (int) $_POST['show'];
     $position = $_POST['position'];
     $position2 = $_POST['pos'];
     $form = dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['form']);
     $binding = isset($_POST['binding']) ? 1 : 0;
     empty($name) && javascript::alert('模块名称不能为空!');
     empty($table) && $binding && javascript::alert('模块名不能为空!');
     if (!$binding && empty($id)) {
         if (empty($table)) {
             include iPATH . 'include/cn.class.php';
             $table = CN::pinyin($name);
     !preg_match("/[a-zA-Z]/", $table[0]) && javascript::alert('模型表名只能以英文字母开头');
     !preg_match("/[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-~]/", $table) && javascript::alert('模型表名只能由英文字母或数字组成');
     //model::isSysTable($table) && javascript::alert('您所填写的模块表名是系统表!请重新填写.');
     if ($id) {
         iCMS_DB::getValue("SELECT `id` FROM `#iCMS@__model` where `table` = '{$table}' and `id`!='{$id}'") && javascript::alert('该模块已经存在!请检查是否重复');
         iCMS_DB::query("UPDATE `#iCMS@__model` SET `name` = '{$name}', `table` = '{$table}', `binding` = '{$binding}', `description` = '{$description}', `show` = '{$show}', `position` = '{$position}', `position2` = '{$position2}', `form` = '{$form}' WHERE `id` = '{$id}';");
         if (!$binding) {
             $oTable = iCMS_DB::getValue("SELECT `table` FROM `#iCMS@__model` where `id` ='{$id}'");
             if ($oTable != $table) {
                 iCMS_DB::query("RENAME TABLE `#iCMS@__" . model::tbn($oTable) . "` TO `#iCMS@__" . model::tbn($table) . "`");
     } else {
         iCMS_DB::getValue("SELECT `id` FROM `#iCMS@__model` where `table` = '{$table}'") && javascript::alert('该模块已经存在!请检查是否重复');
         $field = $binding ? '' : model::$defaultField;
         iCMS_DB::query("INSERT INTO `#iCMS@__model`(`name`, `table`, `field`, `binding`, `description`,`show`, `position`,`position2`,`form`, `addtime`)VALUES ('{$name}', '{$table}','{$field}', '{$binding}', '{$description}','{$show}', '{$position}','{$position2}','{$form}', '" . time() . "');");
         $id = iCMS_DB::$insert_id;
         if (!$binding) {
             $tableSQL = "CREATE TABLE `#iCMS@__" . model::tbn($table) . "` (\n\t\t\t\t\t   `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n\t\t\t\t\t   `fid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t\t\t\t\t   `orderNum` smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t\t\t\t\t   `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n\t\t\t\t\t   `clink` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n\t\t\t\t\t   `editor` varchar(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n\t\t\t\t\t   `userid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t\t\t\t\t   `tags` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n\t\t\t\t\t   `pubdate` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t\t\t\t\t   `hits` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t\t\t\t\t   `comments` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t\t\t\t\t   `good` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t\t\t\t\t   `bad` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t\t\t\t\t   `vlink` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n\t\t\t\t\t   `type` smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t\t\t\t\t   `top` smallint(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t\t\t\t\t   `postype` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t\t\t\t\t   `status` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',\n\t\t\t\t\t   PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n\t\t\t\t\t   KEY `pubdate` (`pubdate`),\n\t\t\t\t\t   KEY `comment` (`comments`),\n\t\t\t\t\t   KEY `hit` (`hits`),\n\t\t\t\t\t   KEY `order` (`orderNum`),\n\t\t\t\t\t   KEY `sortid` (`fid`,`id`),\n\t\t\t\t\t   KEY `topord` (`top`,`orderNum`),\n\t\t\t\t\t   KEY `userid` (`userid`),\n\t\t\t\t\t   KEY `postype` (`postype`,`id`),\n\t\t\t\t\t   KEY `status` (`status`,`postype`,`id`)\n\t\t\t\t\t ) ENGINE=MyISAM  DEFAULT CHARSET=" . DB_CHARSET;
     $moreaction = array(array("text" => "下一步添加字段", "url" => __SELF__ . "?mo=models&do=addfield&id=" . $id), array("text" => "返回模块列表", "url" => __SELF__ . "?mo=models&do=manage"));
     javascript::dialog('模块' . ($id ? '编辑' : '添加') . '完成!<br />模块基础建表完成...<br />10秒后返回模块列表', "url:" . __SELF__ . "?mo=models&do=manage", $moreaction, 10);
Esempio n. 14
 function search($q = '')
     $q == '' && javascript::alert($this->language('search:keywordempty'));
     empty($type) && ($type = 'title');
     $keyword = $q;
     $q = str_replace(array('%', '_'), array('\\%', '\\_'), $q);
     $this->actionSQL = " And CONCAT(title,keywords,description,author) like '%{$q}%' ";
     if ($id = iCMS_DB::getValue("SELECT id FROM `#iCMS@__search` where `search`='{$q}'")) {
         iCMS_DB::query("UPDATE `#iCMS@__search` SET `times`=times+1 WHERE `id`='{$id}'");
     } else {
         iCMS_DB::query("INSERT INTO `#iCMS@__search` (`search`,`times`,`addtime`) VALUES ('{$q}','0','" . time() . "')");
     $this->assign("search", array('keyword' => $keyword));
     $this->iPrint("iTPL", "search");
Esempio n. 15
 function doSave()
     $fid = (int) $_POST['fid'];
     $rootid = (int) $_POST['rootid'];
     $modelid = (int) $_POST['modelid'];
     $status = (int) $_POST['status'];
     $issend = (int) $_POST['issend'];
     $isexamine = (int) $_POST['isexamine'];
     $orderNum = (int) $_POST['orderNum'];
     $mode = (int) $_POST['mode'];
     $name = dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['name']);
     $subname = dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['subname']);
     $domain = dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['domain']);
     $htmlext = dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['htmlext']);
     $url = dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['url']);
     $password = dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['password']);
     $pic = dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['pic']);
     $dir = dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['dir']);
     $title = dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['title']);
     $keywords = dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['keywords']);
     $description = dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['description']);
     $attr = dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['attr']);
     $forumRule = dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['forumRule']);
     $contentRule = dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['contentRule']);
     $indexTPL = dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['indexTPL']);
     $listTPL = dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['listTPL']);
     $contentTPL = dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['contentTPL']);
     $fid && $fid == $rootid && javascript::dialog('不能以自身做为上级栏目');
     empty($name) && javascript::dialog('栏目名称不能为空!');
     if (empty($dir) && empty($url)) {
         include iPATH . 'include/cn.class.php';
         $dir = strtolower(CN::pinyin($name));
     if ($mode == "2") {
         if (strpos($forumRule, '{FDIR}') === FALSE && strpos($forumRule, '{FID}') === FALSE) {
             javascript::dialog('伪静态模式下版块URL规则<br />必需要有<br />{FDIR}版块目录<br />或者<br />{FID}版块ID', 'js:', 'ok', 10);
         if (strpos($contentRule, '{AID}') === FALSE && strpos($contentRule, '{0xID}') === FALSE && strpos($contentRule, '{LINK}') === FALSE) {
             javascript::dialog('伪静态模式下内容URL规则<br />必需要有<br />{AID}文章ID <br />或者<br />{0xID}文章ID补零<br />或者<br />{LINK}文章自定义链接', 'js:', 'ok', 10);
         global $iCMS;
         $htaFile = iPATH . "/.htaccess";
         //        	if(file_exists($htaFile)){
         //        		$RewriteRule=FS::read($htaFile);
         //        	}
         //        	if(empty($RewriteRule)){
         $RewriteBase = $iCMS->config['dir'] == "/" ? '' : $iCMS->config['dir'];
         $RewriteRule = "RewriteEngine On\nRewriteBase /" . $RewriteBase . "\nRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f\nRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d\n\n";
         //        	}
         $contentRR = RewriteRule($contentRule, "show", $htmlext, $iCMS->config['htmldir']);
         $cmd5 = md5($contentRR);
         if (strstr($RewriteRule, $cmd5) === false) {
             $RewriteRule .= "#{$cmd5}\n" . $contentRR . "#{$cmd5}\n\n\n";
         $forumRR = RewriteRule($forumRule, "forum", $htmlext, $iCMS->config['htmldir']);
         $fmd5 = md5($forumRR);
         if (strstr($RewriteRule, $fmd5) === false) {
             $RewriteRule .= "#{$fmd5}\n" . $forumRR . "#{$fmd5}\n\n\n";
         FS::write($htaFile, $RewriteRule);
     if (empty($fid)) {
         iCMS_DB::getValue("SELECT `dir` FROM `#iCMS@__forum` where `dir` ='{$dir}'") && empty($url) && javascript::dialog('该栏目别名/目录已经存在!请另选一个');
         iCMS_DB::query("INSERT INTO `#iCMS@__forum` (`rootid`,`modelid`,`orderNum`,`name`,`subname`,`password`,`title`,`keywords`,`description`,`dir`,`mode`,`domain`,`url`,`pic`,`htmlext`,`forumRule`,`contentRule`,`indexTPL`,`listTPL`,`contentTPL`,`attr`,`isexamine`,`issend`,`status`)\n    \t\tVALUES ('{$rootid}','{$modelid}', '{$orderNum}', '{$name}','{$subname}','{$password}','{$title}','{$keywords}', '{$description}', '{$dir}','{$mode}','{$domain}', '{$url}','{$pic}','{$htmlext}','{$forumRule}', '{$contentRule}','{$indexTPL}', '{$listTPL}', '{$contentTPL}', '{$attr}','{$isexamine}','{$issend}','{$status}')");
         $forum = new forum();
         $msg = "栏目添加完成!";
     } else {
         Admin::CP($fid, 'Permission_Denied', __SELF__ . '?mo=forums');
         $rootid != $forum->forum[$fid]['rootid'] && Admin::CP($rootid, 'Permission_Denied', __SELF__ . '?mo=forums');
         iCMS_DB::getValue("SELECT `dir` FROM `#iCMS@__forum` where `dir` ='{$dir}' AND `fid` !='{$fid}'") && empty($url) && javascript::alert('该栏目别名/目录已经存在!请另选一个');
         iCMS_DB::query("UPDATE `#iCMS@__forum` SET `rootid` = '{$rootid}',`modelid` = '{$modelid}',`orderNum` = '{$orderNum}',`name` = '{$name}',`subname` = '{$subname}',`password`='{$password}',`title` = '{$title}',`keywords` = '{$keywords}',`description` = '{$description}',`dir` = '{$dir}',`url` = '{$url}',`mode` = '{$mode}',`domain` = '{$domain}',`pic`='{$pic}',`htmlext`='{$htmlext}',`forumRule`='{$forumRule}',`contentRule`='{$contentRule}',`indexTPL` = '{$indexTPL}',`listTPL` = '{$listTPL}',`contentTPL` = '{$contentTPL}',`attr` = '{$attr}',`isexamine`='{$isexamine}',`status`='{$status}',`issend`='{$issend}' WHERE `fid` ='{$fid}' ");
         $forum = new forum();
         $msg = "栏目编辑完成!";
     javascript::dialog($msg, 'url:' . __SELF__ . '?mo=forums');
Esempio n. 16
 function doSave()
     $uid = (int) $_POST['uid'];
     $name = dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['name']);
     $nickname = dhtmlspecialchars($_POST['nickname']);
     $groupid = $_POST['groupid'];
     $pwd = md5($_POST['pwd']);
     $password = md5($_POST['pwd2']);
     if ($_POST['pwd'] && $_POST['pwd2']) {
         $pwd != $password && javascript::alert("密码与确认密码不一致!");
     $email && !preg_match("/^([_\\.0-9a-z-]+)@([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]+)\\.([a-z]{2,6})\$/i", $email) && javascript::alert("E-mail格式错误!!");
     if (empty($uid)) {
         if (!$_POST['pwd'] || !$_POST['pwd2']) {
         iCMS_DB::getValue("SELECT `uid` FROM `#iCMS@__members` WHERE `username`='{$name}'") && javascript::alert("该用户名已经存在!");
         iCMS_DB::query("INSERT INTO `#iCMS@__members` (`username`,`password`,`groupid`,`nickname`,`gender`,`info`,`power`,`cpower`,`lastip`,`lastlogintime`,`logintimes`,`post`,`type`,`status`)values('{$name}', '{$password}', '{$groupid}', '{$name}', '0', '', '', '', '', '', '" . time() . "', '0', '0', '1', '1')");
         javascript::dialog("添加完成!", "url:" . __SELF__ . '?mo=account&do=manage');
     } else {
         if ($_POST['pwd'] && $_POST['pwd2']) {
             iCMS_DB::query("UPDATE `#iCMS@__members` SET `password` = '{$password}' WHERE `uid` ='{$uid}' LIMIT 1");
         iCMS_DB::query("UPDATE `#iCMS@__members` SET `nickname`='{$nickname}',`groupid`='{$groupid}' WHERE `uid` ='{$uid}' LIMIT 1");
         javascript::dialog("编辑完成!", "url:" . __SELF__ . '?mo=account&do=manage');
Esempio n. 17
 function doReplace_Action()
     $field = $_POST["field"];
     $pattern = $_POST["pattern"];
     $replacement = $_POST["replacement"];
     $where = $_POST["where"];
     empty($pattern) && javascript::alert("查找项不能为空~!");
     if ($field == "body") {
         iCMS_DB::query("UPDATE `#iCMS@__article_data` SET `body` = REPLACE(`body`, '{$pattern}', '{$replacement}') {$where}");
     } else {
         if ($field == "tkd") {
             iCMS_DB::query("UPDATE `#iCMS@__article` SET `title` = REPLACE(`title`, '{$pattern}', '{$replacement}'),\n\t\t    \t`keywords` = REPLACE(`keywords`, '{$pattern}', '{$replacement}'),\n\t\t    \t`description` = REPLACE(`description`, '{$pattern}', '{$replacement}'){$where}");
         } else {
             iCMS_DB::query("UPDATE `#iCMS@__article` SET `{$field}` = REPLACE(`{$field}`, '{$pattern}', '{$replacement}'){$where}");
     javascript::dialog(iCMS_DB::$rows_affected . "条记录被替换<br />操作完成!!");
Esempio n. 18
 function doEmpty()
     javascript::alert("请选择操作项", 'url:0');
Esempio n. 19

 * @package iCMS
 * @copyright 2007-2010, iDreamSoft
 * @license iDreamSoft
 * @author coolmoo <*****@*****.**>
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../global.php';
require_once iPATH . 'admin/admin.class.php';
require_once iPATH . 'admin/function.php';
require_once iPATH . 'admin/admincp.lang.php';
require_once iPATH . 'include/UI.class.php';
require_once iPATH . 'admin/menu.class.php';
require_once iPATH . 'admin/admincp.class.php';
define('__ADMINCP__', __SELF__ . '?mo');
if ($_POST['action'] == "login") {
    ckseccode($_POST['seccode']) && javascript::alert('验证码错误!');
    $username = $_POST['username'];
    $password = md5($_POST['password']);
Admin::checklogin($username, $password);
Admin::MP("ADMINCP", "ADMINCP_Permission_Denied");
Esempio n. 20
 function doextractpic()
     include iPATH . 'include/forum.class.php';
     $speed = 100;
     $action = $this->PG('action');
     $fids = $this->PG('fid');
     $startid = (int) $this->PG('startid');
     $endid = (int) $this->PG('endid');
     $starttime = $this->PG('starttime');
     $endtime = $this->PG('endtime');
     $totle = isset($_GET['totle']) ? $_GET['totle'] : 0;
     $loop = isset($_GET['loop']) ? $_GET['loop'] : 1;
     $i = isset($_GET['i']) ? $_GET['i'] : 0;
     empty($action) && javascript::alert("请选择操作项");
     if ($fids) {
         empty($fids) && javascript::alert("请选择版块");
         is_array($fids) && ($fids = implode(",", $fids));
         if (strstr($fids, 'all')) {
             $forum = new forum();
             $fids = substr($forum->fid(), 0, -1);
             if (empty($fids)) {
                 javascript::dialog("提取完毕", 'url:' . __SELF__ . '?mo=files&do=extract');
             } else {
                 _header(__SELF__ . '?mo=files&do=extractpic&fid=' . $fids . '&action=' . $action);
         } else {
             $cArray = explode(',', $fids);
             $_Ccount = count($cArray);
             $k = isset($_GET['k']) ? $_GET['k'] : 0;
             $rs = iCMS_DB::getArray("SELECT id FROM #iCMS@__article WHERE fid in ({$fids}) and `status`='1'");
             empty($totle) && ($totle = count($rs));
             $tloop = ceil($totle / $speed);
             if ($loop <= $tloop) {
                 $max = $i + $speed > $totle ? $totle : $i + $speed;
                 for ($j = $i; $j < $max; $j++) {
                     if ($action == "thumb") {
                         if ($this->extractThumb($rs[$j]['id'])) {
                             $msg .= "文章ID:" . $rs[$j]['id'] . "提取…<span style='color:green;'>√</span><br />";
                     } elseif ($action == "into") {
                         $intoMsg = $this->into($rs[$j]['id']);
                         if ($intoMsg) {
                             $msg .= $intoMsg . "文章ID:" . $rs[$j]['id'] . "提取…<span style='color:green;'>√</span><br />";
                 javascript::dialog($msg ? $msg : "暂无提取信息!", 'src:' . __SELF__ . '?mo=files&do=extractpic&fid=' . $fids . '&totle=' . $totle . '&loop=' . ($loop + 1) . '&i=' . $j . '&action=' . $action);
             } else {
                 javascript::dialog("提取完毕", 'url:' . __SELF__ . '?mo=files&do=extract');
     } elseif ($startid && $endid) {
         $startid > $endid && !isset($_GET['g']) && javascript::alert("开始ID不能大于结束ID");
         empty($totle) && ($totle = $endid - $startid + 1);
         empty($i) && ($i = $startid);
         $tloop = ceil($totle / $speed);
         if ($loop <= $tloop) {
             $max = $i + $speed > $endid ? $endid : $i + $speed;
             for ($j = $i; $j <= $max; $j++) {
                 if ($action == "thumb") {
                     if ($this->extractThumb($j)) {
                         $msg .= "文章ID:" . $j . "提取…<span style='color:green;'>√</span><br />";
                 } elseif ($action == "into") {
                     $intoMsg = $this->into($j);
                     if ($intoMsg) {
                         $msg .= $intoMsg . "文章ID:" . $j . "提取…<span style='color:green;'>√</span><br />";
             javascript::dialog($msg ? $msg : "暂无提取信息!", 'src:' . __SELF__ . '?mo=files&do=extractpic&startid=' . $startid . '&endid=' . $endid . '&g&loop=' . ($loop + 1) . '&i=' . $j . '&action=' . $action);
         } else {
             javascript::dialog("提取完毕", 'url:' . __SELF__ . '?mo=files&do=extract');
     } elseif ($starttime) {
         $s = strtotime($starttime);
         $e = empty($endtime) ? time() + 86400 : strtotime($endtime);
         $rs = iCMS_DB::getArray("SELECT id FROM #iCMS@__article WHERE `pubdate`>='{$s}' and `pubdate`<='{$e}' and `status`='1'");
         empty($totle) && ($totle = count($rs));
         $tloop = ceil($totle / $speed);
         if ($loop <= $tloop) {
             $max = $i + $speed > $totle ? $totle : $i + $speed;
             for ($j = $i; $j < $max; $j++) {
                 if ($action == "thumb") {
                     if ($this->extractThumb($rs[$j]['id'])) {
                         $msg .= "文章ID:" . $rs[$j]['id'] . "提取…<span style='color:green;'>√</span><br />";
                 } elseif ($action == "into") {
                     $intoMsg = $this->into($rs[$j]['id']);
                     if ($intoMsg) {
                         $msg .= $intoMsg . "文章ID:" . $rs[$j]['id'] . "提取…<span style='color:green;'>√</span><br />";
             javascript::dialog($msg ? $msg : "暂无提取信息!", 'src:' . __SELF__ . '?mo=files&do=extractpic&starttime=' . $starttime . '&endtime=' . $endtime . '&totle=' . $totle . '&loop=' . ($loop + 1) . '&i=' . $j . '&action=' . $action);
         } else {
             javascript::dialog("提取完毕", 'url:' . __SELF__ . '?mo=files&do=extract');
     } else {
Esempio n. 21
 function CheckValidExt($value)
     global $iCMS;
     $FileExt = strtolower(FS::getExt($value));
     $aExt = explode(',', strtoupper($iCMS->config['fileext']));
     if (!in_array(strtoupper($FileExt), $aExt)) {
         javascript::alert('[' . $value . '] 不支持上传此类扩展名的附件');
Esempio n. 22
    function dopreview()
        $id = (int) $_GET['id'];
        !$id && javascript::alert("请选择要删除的文章");
        $rs = iCMS_DB::getRow("SELECT a.*,ad.tpl,ad.body,ad.subtitle FROM `#iCMS@__article` a LEFT JOIN `#iCMS@__article_data` ad ON WHERE'{$id}' AND a.userid='" . member::$uId . "' AND a.postype='0'", ARRAY_A);
        echo '<style type="text/css">
.preview .title { height:53px; line-height:53px; margin:0px auto 0px; text-align: center; }
.preview .title h1 { font-size:24px; font-weight: bold; }
.preview .content { overflow:hidden; margin:10px auto; color:#444; font-size:14px; line-height:160%; padding:5px; }
.preview .content p { font-size: 14px; margin-top: 10px; margin-right: auto; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: auto; line-height: 25px; text-indent: 2em; padding: 0px; }
.preview .content img { clear: both; display: block; margin: 0 auto; }
.preview .content a { border-bottom:1px dotted #0B3B8C; color:#0B3B8C; text-decoration:none; }
        echo '<div class="preview"><div class="title"><h1>' . $rs['title'] . '</h1></div>';
        echo '<div class="content">' . $rs['body'] . '</div></div>';
Esempio n. 23
 function dodel()
     $id = $_GET['id'];
     $mid = $_GET['mid'];
     !$id && javascript::alert("请选择要删除的内容");
     $msg = delContent($id, $mid);
     javascript::dialog($msg . '<br />成功删除!', 'js:parent.$("#aid' . $id . '").remove();parent.iCMS.closeDialog();');
Esempio n. 24
 function doCreateTag()
     $speed = 25;
     $sids = $this->PG('sortid');
     $startid = (int) $this->PG('startid');
     $endid = (int) $this->PG('endid');
     $starttime = $this->PG('starttime');
     $endtime = $this->PG('endtime');
     $cpageNum = 0;
     $totle = isset($_GET['totle']) ? $_GET['totle'] : 0;
     $loop = isset($_GET['loop']) ? $_GET['loop'] : 1;
     $i = isset($_GET['i']) ? $_GET['i'] : 0;
     $isA = $this->isAll();
     if ($sids) {
         empty($sids) && javascript::alert("请选择分类");
         is_array($sids) && ($sids = implode(",", $sids));
         if (strstr($sids, 'all')) {
             $forum = new forum();
             $sids = substr($forum->fid(), 0, -1);
             _header(__SELF__ . '?mo=html&do=CreateTag&time=' . $this->cTime . '&cpn=' . $cpageNum . '&sortid=' . $sids . $isA);
         } else {
             $sArray = explode(',', $sids);
             $sCount = count($sArray);
             $cpage = isset($_GET['cpage']) ? $_GET['cpage'] : 1;
             $k = isset($_GET['k']) ? $_GET['k'] : 0;
             $rs = iCMS_DB::getArray("SELECT `id`,`name` FROM #iCMS@__tags WHERE `sortid` in ({$sids}) and `status`='1' order by id DESC");
             empty($totle) && ($totle = count($rs));
             $tloop = ceil($totle / $speed);
             if ($loop <= $tloop) {
                 $max = $i + $speed > $totle ? $totle : $i + $speed;
                 for ($j = $i; $j < $max; $j++) {
                     $c = iHtml::Tag($rs[$j]['name'], $cpage, $loop, $cpageNum);
                     $msg .= "标签: [" . $c['name'] . "] 生成…<span style='color:green;'>√</span><br />";
                 javascript::dialog($msg, 'src:' . __SELF__ . '?mo=html&do=CreateTag&sortid=' . $sids . '&totle=' . $totle . '&loop=' . ($loop + 1) . '&i=' . $j . $isA, 'ok', 0);
             } else {
                 $isA && javascript::dialog("标签更新完毕!<br />开始生成首页", 'url:' . __SELF__ . '?mo=html&do=index&all=true');
         //		}elseif($startid && $endid){
         //			($startid>$endid &&!isset($_GET['g'])) && javascript::alert("开始ID不能大于结束ID");
         //			empty($totle)&&$totle=($endid-$startid)+1;
         //			empty($i)&&$i=$startid;
         //			$tloop=ceil($totle/$speed);
         //			if($loop<=$tloop){
         //				$max=$i+$speed>$endid?$endid:$i+$speed;
         //				for($j=$i;$j<=$max;$j++){
         //					iHtml::Tag($j);
         //					$msg.="标签ID:{$j}生成…<span style='color:green;'>√</span><br />";
         //				}
         // 				javascript::dialog($msg,'src:'.__SELF__.'?mo=html&do=CreateTag&startid='.$startid.'&endid='.$endid.'&g&loop='.($loop+1).'&i='.$j.$isA,'ok',0);
         //			}else{
         //				javascript::dialog("标签更新完毕");
         //			}
     } elseif ($starttime) {
         $s = strtotime($starttime);
         $e = empty($endtime) ? time() + 86400 : strtotime($endtime);
         $rs = iCMS_DB::getArray("SELECT id,name FROM #iCMS@__tags WHERE `updatetime`>='{$s}' and `updatetime`<='{$e}' and `status`='1' order by id DESC");
         empty($totle) && ($totle = count($rs));
         $tloop = ceil($totle / $speed);
         if ($loop <= $tloop) {
             $max = $i + $speed > $totle ? $totle : $i + $speed;
             for ($j = $i; $j < $max; $j++) {
                 $msg .= "标签:[" . $rs[$j]['name'] . "]生成…<span style='color:green;'>√</span><br />";
             javascript::dialog($msg, 'src:' . __SELF__ . '?mo=html&do=CreateTag&starttime=' . $starttime . '&endtime=' . $endtime . '&totle=' . $totle . '&loop=' . ($loop + 1) . '&i=' . $j, 'ok', 0);
         } else {
     } else {