Esempio n. 1
 public static function updateUserstojNews($force = false)
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $time = isset($GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'last_sub_update']) && $GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'last_sub_update'] > 0 ? $GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'last_sub_update'] : 10000;
     $newTask = mktime(date("H") - 1, date("i"), date("s"), date("m"), date("d") - 1, date("Y"));
     if ($force || $newTask > $GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'last_sub_update']) {
         $xf = new jNews_Config();
         $newtime = mktime(date("H", $time) - 1, date("i", $time), date("s", $time), date("m", $time), date("d", $time), date("Y", $time));
         $oneDay = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $newtime);
         $query = 'SELECT M.* FROM `#__users` AS M ' . ' LEFT JOIN `#__jnews_subscribers` AS N ON = ';
         $query .= ' WHERE M.registerDate > \'' . $oneDay . '\'';
         $query .= ' AND IS NULL AND M.block=0 ';
         $rows = $db->loadObjectList();
         if (!empty($rows)) {
             foreach ($rows as $row) {
                 $query = "INSERT INTO `#__jnews_subscribers` (`user_id`,`subscribe_date`, `name`,`email`,`confirmed`)";
                 $query .= " VALUES ( {$row->id} , '{$row->registerDate}', '{$row->name}', '{$row->email}' , 1 ) ";
                 $xf->plus('totalsubcribers0', 1);
                 $xf->plus('act_totalsubcribers0', 1);
Esempio n. 2
 public static function upgrade_News3()
     $my = JFactory::getUser();
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $xf = new jNews_Config();
     $newLists = array();
     $idImportedList = array();
     $i = 0;
     $db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__yanc_letters");
     $newsletters = $db->loadObjectList();
     $error = $db->getErrorMsg();
     $newSubscriber = null;
     $list = null;
     $mailings = null;
     $subscriberId = 0;
     $total = 0;
     if (!empty($error)) {
         echo '<p><b>Error (class.upgrade.php->upgrade_News3 () line ' . __LINE__ . '):</b> Error getting newsletters. Database error: <br />' . $error . '</p>';
         return false;
     } else {
         foreach ($newsletters as $newsletter) {
             $list->list_name = $newsletter->list_name;
             $list->list_desc = $newsletter->list_desc;
             $list->sendername = $newsletter->sendername;
             $list->senderemail = $newsletter->senderemail;
             $list->bounceadres = $newsletter->bounceadres;
             $list->layout = $newsletter->layout;
             $list->template = 0;
             $list->subscribemessage = $newsletter->subscribemessage;
             $list->unsubscribemessage = $newsletter->unsubscribemessage;
             $list->notifyadminmsg = $newsletter->notifyadminmsg;
             $list->html = $newsletter->html;
             $list->hidden = !$newsletter->hidden;
             $list->unsubscribesend = 1;
             $list->unsubscribenotifyadmin = 1;
             $list->list_type = '1';
             $list->auto_add = 0;
             $list->user_choose = 0;
             $list->cat_id = '0:0';
             $list->delay_min = 0;
             $list->delay_max = 0;
             $list->follow_up = 0;
             $list->owner = $my->id;
             $list->acc_level = $newsletter->aid;
             $list->acc_id = 29;
             $list->published = 1;
             $list->createdate = time();
             $list->footer = 1;
             $list->notify_id = 0;
             $list->notification = 0;
             $query = 'INSERT INTO `#__jnews_lists` (`list_name`) VALUES (\'' . $list->list_name . '\'  )';
             $error = $db->getErrorMsg();
             if (!empty($error)) {
                 echo '<p><b>Error (class.upgrade.php->upgrade_News3() line ' . __LINE__ . '):</b> Error adding list to database. Database error: <br />' . $error . '</p><br /><br />Are you trying to insert a list name which is already in use?    The list name has to be different for each list! <br /><br />';
             } else {
                 $query = 'SELECT * FROM `#__jnews_lists` WHERE `list_name`= \'' . $list->list_name . '\'';
                 $mynewlist = $db->loadObject();
                 $error = $db->getErrorMsg();
                 $xf->plus('totallist0', 1);
                 $xf->plus('act_totallist0', 1);
                 $xf->plus('totallist1', 1);
                 $xf->plus('act_totallist1', 1);
                 if (!empty($error)) {
                     echo '<p><b>Error (class.upgrade.php->upgrade_News3() line ' . __LINE__ . '):</b> Error getting listname. Database error: <br />' . $error . '</p>';
                     return false;
                 } else {
                     $idImportedList[$newsletter->id] = $mynewlist->list_id;
                     $newLists[$i] = $mynewlist->list_id;
                     $list->id = $mynewlist->list_id;
                     $error = jNews_Lists::updateListData($list);
                     if (!$error) {
                         echo '<p><b>Error (class.upgrade.php->upgrade_News3 () line ' . __LINE__ . '):</b> Error inserting list. Database error: <br />' . $error . '</p>';
                     } else {
                         echo '<br /><b>' . @constant($GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'listnames1']) . ': </b>' . $list->list_name . ': ' . jnews::printM('green', _JNEWS_IMPORT_SUCCESS);
                         $db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__yanc_letters WHERE `list_id`=" . $newsletter->id);
                         $mailingsImports = $db->loadObjectList();
                         $error = $db->getErrorMsg();
                         if (!empty($error)) {
                             echo '<p><b>Error (class.upgrade.php->upgrade_News3() line ' . __LINE__ . '):</b> Error getting mailings. Database error: <br />' . $error . '</p>';
                             return false;
                         } else {
                             $issue_nb = 1;
                             foreach ($mailingsImports as $mailingsImport) {
                                 $mailings->list_id = $mynewlist->list_id;
                                 $mailings->list_type = '1';
                                 $mailings->send_date = $mailingsImport->send_date;
                                 $mailings->subject = $mailingsImport->subject;
                                 $mailings->htmlcontent = $mailingsImport->htmlcontent;
                                 $mailings->textonly = $mailingsImport->textonly;
                                 $mailings->attachments = $mailingsImport->attachments;
                                 $mailings->images = $mailingsImport->images;
                                 $mailings->published = $mailingsImport->published;
                                 $mailings->visible = $mailingsImport->visible;
                                 $mailings->html = $mynewlist->html;
                                 $mailings->fromname = $list->sendername;
                                 $mailings->fromemail = $list->senderemail;
                                 $mailings->frombounce = $list->bounceadres;
                                 $mailings->author_id = $my->id;
                                 $mailings->delay = 0;
                                 $mailings->issue_nb = $issue_nb;
                                 $mailings->acc_level = 25;
                                 $mailings->createdate = $list->createdate;
                                 $error = jNews_Mailing::insertMailingData($mailings);
                                 if (!$error) {
                                     echo '<p><b>Error (class.upgrade.php->upgrade_News3() line ' . __LINE__ . '):</b> Error inserting mailing. Database error: <br />' . $error . '</p>';
                                 } else {
                                     echo '<br /><b>' . _JNEWS_MENU_MAILING_TITLE . ': </b>' . $mailingsImport->subject . ': ' . jnews::printM('green', _JNEWS_IMPORT_SUCCESS);
         $db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__yanc_subscribers");
         $subscribers = $db->loadObjectList();
         $error = $db->getErrorMsg();
         if (!empty($error)) {
             echo '<p><b>Error (class.upgrade.php->upgrade_News3() line ' . __LINE__ . '):</b> Error getting subscribers. Database error: <br />' . $error . '</p>';
             return false;
         } else {
             foreach ($subscribers as $subscriber) {
                 $newSubs = true;
                 $jnewssubscribers = jNews_Subscribers::getSubscribers(-1, -1, '', $total, 0, '', '', '', '', '');
                 //added one parameter for mailid
                 foreach ($jnewssubscribers as $jnewssubscriber) {
                     if ($subscriber->subscriber_email == $jnewssubscriber->email) {
                         $newSubs = false;
                         $subId[0] = $jnewssubscriber->id;
                 if ($newSubs) {
                     $newSubscriber->user_id = $subscriber->userid;
                     $newSubscriber->name = $subscriber->subscriber_name;
                     $newSubscriber->email = $subscriber->subscriber_email;
                     $newSubscriber->ip = $subscriber->ip;
                     $newSubscriber->receive_html = $subscriber->receive_html;
                     $newSubscriber->confirmed = $subscriber->confirmed;
                     $newSubscriber->subscribe_date = $subscriber->subscribe_date;
                     $newSubscriber->blacklist = 0;
                     $newSubscriber->timezone = '00:00:00';
                     $newSubscriber->language_iso = 'eng';
                     $newSubscriber->params = '';
                     if ($GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'level'] > 2) {
                         //check if the version of jnews is pro
                         $newSubscriber->column1 = $newSubscriber->column1;
                         $newSubscriber->column2 = $newSubscriber->column2;
                         $newSubscriber->column3 = $newSubscriber->column3;
                         $newSubscriber->column4 = $newSubscriber->column4;
                         $newSubscriber->column5 = $newSubscriber->column5;
                     //end if for check version pro
                     $error = jNews_Subscribers::saveSubscriber($newSubscriber, $subscriberId, true);
                     if (!empty($error)) {
                         if ($subscriberId < 1) {
                             echo ' Error inserting subscriber:' . $newSubscriber->name;
                         $error = '';
                         $subId[0] = $subscriberId;
                     } else {
                         echo '<br /><b>' . _JNEWS_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS . ': </b>' . $newSubscriber->name . ': ' . jnews::printM('green', _JNEWS_IMPORT_SUCCESS);
                         $d['email'] = $subscriber->email;
                         $subId[0] = $d['subscriberId'];
                 } else {
                     echo '<br /><b>' . _JNEWS_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS . ': </b>' . $subscriber->subscriber_name . ': ' . jnews::printM('red', _JNEWS_IMPORT_EXIST);
                 $j = 0;
                 $queue = jNews_ListsSubs::getListSubscriberInfo($subId[0], $idImportedList[$subscriber->list_id]);
                 if (empty($queue)) {
                     $error = jNews_Queue::insertQueuesForNews($subId, $idImportedList[$subscriber->list_id], 29);
                     if (!$error) {
                         echo '<p><b>Error (class.upgrade.php->upgrade_News3 () line ' . __LINE__ . '):</b> Error inserting queue. Database error: <br />' . $error . '</p>';
     return true;
Esempio n. 3
 public static function insertMailingData($mailing)
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     if ($mailing->mailing_type == 7) {
         //modified for the fix on smartnewsletter
         $mailing->senddate = !empty($mailing->send_date) ? $mailing->send_date : 0;
         if (empty($mailing->notify_id)) {
             $mailing->notify_id = 0;
         if (empty($mailing->delay_max)) {
             $mailing->delay_max = 1;
         if (empty($mailing->smart_date)) {
             $mailing->smart_date = 0;
         if (empty($mailing->cat_id)) {
             $mailing->cat_id = '0:0';
         if (empty($mailing->attachments)) {
             $mailing->attachments = '';
         if (empty($mailing->images)) {
             $mailing->images = '';
     if (is_array($mailing->attachments)) {
         $mailing->attachments = trim(implode("\n", $mailing->attachments));
     if (empty($mailing->senddate)) {
         $mailing->senddate = 0;
     if (empty($mailing->list_id)) {
         $mailing->list_id = 0;
     $xf = new jNews_Config();
     $query = "INSERT INTO `#__jnews_mailings` ( `list_id`,\n                                                            `mailing_type`,\n                                                            `template_id`,\n                                                            `send_date`,\n                                                            `subject`,\n                                                            `htmlcontent`,\n                                                            `textonly`,\n                                                            " . "\n `attachments`,\n                                                            `images`,\n                                                            `published`,\n                                                            `html`,\n                                                            `visible`,\n                                                            `fromname`,\n                                                            `fromemail`,\n                                                            `frombounce`,\n                                                            " . "\n `author_id`,\n                                                            `delay`,\n                                                            `follow_up`,\n                                                            `cat_id`,\n                                                            `delay_min`,\n                                                            `delay_max`,\n                                                            `notify_id`,\n                                                            `next_date`,\n                                                            `start_date`,\n                                                            `smart_date`,\n                                                            `issue_nb`,\n                                                            `acc_level`,\n                                                            `createdate`) " . "\n VALUES (" . "{$mailing->list_id}, " . "{$mailing->mailing_type}, " . "{$mailing->template_id}, " . "'{$mailing->senddate}', " . "'" . addslashes($mailing->subject) . "', " . "'" . addslashes($mailing->htmlcontent) . "', " . "'" . addslashes($mailing->textonly) . "', " . "'{$mailing->attachments}', " . "'{$mailing->images}', " . "{$mailing->published}, " . "{$mailing->html}, " . "{$mailing->visible}, " . "'{$mailing->fromname}', " . "'{$mailing->fromemail}', " . "'{$mailing->frombounce}', " . "'{$mailing->author_id}', " . "{$mailing->delay}, " . "{$mailing->follow_up}, " . "'{$mailing->cat_id}', " . "{$mailing->delay_min}, " . "{$mailing->delay_max}, " . "{$mailing->notify_id}, " . "{$mailing->next_date}, " . "{$mailing->start_date}, " . "'{$mailing->smart_date}', " . "'{$mailing->issue_nb}', " . "'{$mailing->acc_level}', " . "{$mailing->createdate} ) ";
     $xf->plus('totalmailing0', 1);
     $xf->plus('act_totalmailing0', 1);
     $xf->plus('totalmailing' . $mailing->mailing_type, 1);
     $xf->plus('act_totalmailing' . $mailing->mailing_type, 1);
     $mailingId = jNews_Mailing::getLastMailingId();
     return $mailingId;
Esempio n. 4
 public static function copyList($listId)
     $db = JFactory::getDBO();
     $xf = new jNews_Config();
     $list = jNews_Lists::getOneList($listId);
     $copyList = $list;
     $ii = 0;
     $time = time();
     $listname = $copyList->list_name . '_' . $time;
     $copyList->published = 0;
     $copyList->list_name = $listname;
     $query = "INSERT INTO `#__jnews_lists` (`list_name`,`list_desc` , `sendername` , `senderemail`, `bounceadres`, `layout` ," . " `template` , `subscribemessage`, \t`unsubscribemessage`,`notifyadminmsg` ,\t`unsubscribesend` , `unsubscribenotifyadmin`, `subnotifysend`,`subnotifymsg`, `html` ," . " `hidden` , `list_type`, `auto_add` ,\t`user_choose` ,  `cat_id` , \t`delay_min` ," . " \t`delay_max`, \t`follow_up` , \t`owner` , `acc_level` ,\t`acc_id` ,\t`published`,\t`footer`,\t`notify_id`\t) " . "\n VALUES ( '" . addslashes($copyList->list_name) . "', '" . addslashes($copyList->list_desc) . "', " . "'" . $copyList->sendername . "', " . "'" . $copyList->senderemail . "', " . "'" . $copyList->bounceadres . "', " . "'" . addslashes($copyList->layout) . "', " . "'" . $copyList->template . "', " . "'" . addslashes($copyList->subscribemessage) . "', " . "'" . addslashes($copyList->unsubscribemessage) . "', " . "'" . addslashes($copyList->notifyadminmsg) . "', " . "'" . $copyList->unsubscribesend . "', " . "'" . addslashes($copyList->subnotifymsg) . "', " . "'" . $copyList->subnotifysend . "', " . "'" . $copyList->unsubscribenotifyadmin . "', " . "'" . $copyList->html . "', " . "'" . $copyList->hidden . "', " . "'" . $copyList->list_type . "', " . "'" . $copyList->auto_add . "', " . "'" . $copyList->user_choose . "', " . "'" . $copyList->cat_id . "', " . "'" . $copyList->delay_min . "', " . "'" . $copyList->delay_max . "', " . "'" . $copyList->follow_up . "', " . "'" . $copyList->owner . "', " . "'" . $copyList->acc_level . "', " . "'" . $copyList->acc_id . "', " . "'" . $copyList->published . "', " . "'" . $copyList->footer . "', " . "'" . $copyList->notify_id . "' )";
     $listname = $listname . $ii;
     $xf->plus('totallist0', 1);
     $xf->plus('act_totallist0', 1);
     $xf->plus('totallist1', 1);
     $xf->plus('act_totallist1', 1);
     return true;
Esempio n. 5
function lists($action, $task, $listId, $listType)
    $db = JFactory::getDBO();
    $my = JFactory::getUser();
    $css = '.icon-48-lists { background-image:url(' . JNEWS_PATH_ADMIN_IMAGES2 . 'header/lists.png)}';
    $doc = JFactory::getDocument();
    $doc->addStyleDeclaration($css, $type = 'text/css');
    $img = 'lists.png';
    $listsearch = JRequest::getVar('listsearch', '');
    $message = '';
    $xf = new jNews_Config();
    $showLists = true;
    $checkToggle = false;
    // defined toggle for publish and unpublish of mailings
    if (!empty($task) && $task == 'togle') {
        $checkToggle = true;
        $id = JRequest::getVar('listid');
        $col = JRequest::getVar('col');
        $listId = !empty($id) && !empty($col) ? $id : $listId;
        $task = !empty($listId) && !empty($col) ? $col : $task;
    switch ($task) {
        case 'new':
        case 'add':
            $subscriber = jNews_Subscribers::getSubscriberInfoFromUserId($my->id);
            if (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', '<')) {
                $acl = JFactory::getACL();
                $groups = $acl->get_group_children_tree(null, 'USERS', false);
            } else {
                $db = JFactory::getDBO();
                $db->setQuery('SELECT a.*, a.title as text, as value  FROM #__usergroups AS a ORDER BY a.lft ASC');
                $groups = $db->loadObjectList();
            $allGroupIds = array();
            foreach ($groups as $oneGroup) {
                $allGroupIds[] = $oneGroup->value;
            $newList = new stdClass();
            $showLists = false;
            $newList->id = '';
            $newList->html = 1;
            $newList->new_letter = 1;
            $newList->list_name = '';
            $newList->list_desc = '';
            $newList->template = '';
            if (empty($subscriber)) {
                $newList->sendername = '';
                $newList->senderemail = '';
                $newList->bounceadres = '';
            } else {
                $newList->sendername = '';
                $newList->senderemail = '';
                $newList->bounceadres = '';
            $newList->hidden = 1;
            $newList->auto_add = 0;
            $newList->list_type = $listType;
            $newList->delay_min = 1;
            $newList->delay_max = 7;
            $newList->user_choose = 0;
            $newList->cat_id = '0:0';
            $newList->follow_up = '';
            $newList->notify_id = 0;
            $newList->owner = $my->id;
            $newList->acc_level = '24,25,7,8';
            $newList->acc_id = implode(',', $allGroupIds);
            $newList->published = 1;
            $newList->start_date = date('Y-m-d', time());
            $newList->next_date = jnews::getNow();
            $newList->subscribemessage = _JNEWS_DEFAULT_SUBSCRIBE_MESS;
            $newList->unsubscribemessage = _JNEWS_DEFAULT_UNSUBSCRIBE_MESS;
            $newList->notifyadminmsg = _JNEWS_UNSUBSCRIBE_ADMIN_NOTIFICATION;
            $newList->subnotifymsg = _JNEWS_SUBSDEFAULT_NOTIFYMSG;
            $newList->subnotifysend = 1;
            $newList->unsubscribesend = 1;
            $newList->unsubscribenotifyadmin = 1;
            $newList->footer = 1;
            $forms['main'] = " <form action='index.php' method='post' name='adminForm' id=\"adminForm\">";
            $show = jNews_ListType::showType($newList->list_type, 'editlist');
            if ($listType == 1) {
                backHTML::_header(_JNEWS_NEW . ' ' . _JNEWS_LIST, $img, $message, $task, $action);
            } else {
                backHTML::_header(_JNEWS_NEW . ' ' . _JNEWS_AUTORESP . ' ' . _JNEWS_LIST, $img, $message, $task, $action);
            backHTML::formStart('editlist', $newList->html, '');
            jNews_ListsHTML::editList($newList, $forms, $show, $listType);
            $go[] = jnews::makeObj('act', $action);
            $go[] = jnews::makeObj('listid', $newList->id);
        case 'doNew':
            JRequest::checkToken() or die('Invalid Token');
            $listname = JRequest::getVar('list_name', '');
            if (empty($listname)) {
                echo "<script> alert(' List name must be filled out. '); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
                return false;
            $now = jnews::getNow();
            $query = "SELECT `id` FROM `#__jnews_lists` WHERE `list_name`= '" . addslashes($listname) . "' ";
            $lId = $db->loadResult();
            if ($lId > 0) {
                echo "<script> alert(' This list already exist, please choose another name. '); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
                return false;
            } else {
                $query = "INSERT INTO `#__jnews_lists` (`list_name`,`createdate`) VALUES ( '" . addslashes($listname) . "'  , '{$now}' )";
            $query = "SELECT * FROM `#__jnews_lists` WHERE `list_name`= '" . addslashes($listname) . "' ";
            $mynewlist = $db->loadObject();
            $mynewlist->list_name = stripslashes($mynewlist->list_name);
            $mynewlist->list_desc = stripslashes($mynewlist->list_desc);
            $mynewlist->template = $mynewlist->template;
            $mynewlist->layout = stripslashes($mynewlist->layout);
            $mynewlist->subscribemessage = stripslashes($mynewlist->subscribemessage);
            $mynewlist->unsubscribemessage = stripslashes($mynewlist->unsubscribemessage);
            $mynewlist->notifyadminmsg = stripslashes($mynewlist->notifyadminmsg);
            $mynewlist->subnotifysend = stripslashes($mynewlist->subnotifysend);
            $mynewlist->subnotifymsg = stripslashes($mynewlist->subnotifymsg);
            $listId = $mynewlist->id;
            $message = jnews::printYN(jNews_Lists::updateListFromEdit($listId, '', true, $listType), _JNEWS_LIST_ADDED, _JNEWS_ERROR);
            $xf->plus('totallist0', 1);
            $xf->plus('act_totallist0', 1);
            $xf->plus('totallist' . $listType, 1);
            $xf->plus('act_totallist' . $listType, 1);
        case 'edit':
            if ($listId == 0) {
                echo "<script> alert('" . addslashes(_JNEWS_SELECT_LIST) . "'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
                return false;
            } else {
                $showLists = false;
                $query = 'SELECT * FROM `#__jnews_lists` WHERE `id` = ' . intval($listId);
                $listEdit = $db->loadObject();
                if ($listEdit->acc_id == 'all') {
                    if (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', '<')) {
                        $acl = JFactory::getACL();
                        $groups = $acl->get_group_children_tree(null, 'USERS', false);
                    } else {
                        $db = JFactory::getDBO();
                        $db->setQuery('SELECT a.*, a.title as text, as value  FROM #__usergroups AS a ORDER BY a.lft ASC');
                        $groups = $db->loadObjectList();
                    $allGroupIds = array();
                    foreach ($groups as $oneGroup) {
                        $allGroupIds[] = $oneGroup->value;
                    $listEdit->acc_id = implode(',', $allGroupIds);
                $listEdit->list_name = stripslashes($listEdit->list_name);
                $listEdit->list_desc = stripslashes($listEdit->list_desc);
                $listEdit->template = $listEdit->template;
                $listEdit->layout = stripslashes($listEdit->layout);
                $listEdit->subscribemessage = stripslashes($listEdit->subscribemessage);
                $listEdit->unsubscribemessage = stripslashes($listEdit->unsubscribemessage);
                $listEdit->notifyadminmsg = stripslashes($listEdit->notifyadminmsg);
                $listEdit->subnotifysend = stripslashes($listEdit->subnotifysend);
                $listEdit->subnotifymsg = stripslashes($listEdit->subnotifymsg);
                $listEdit->new_letter = 0;
                $forms['main'] = " <form action='index.php' method='post' name='adminForm' id=\"adminForm\">";
                $show = jNews_ListType::showType($listEdit->list_type, 'editlist');
                backHTML::_header(_JNEWS_EDIT_A . @constant($GLOBALS[JNEWS . 'listname' . $listEdit->list_type]) . ' ' . _JNEWS_LIST, $img, $message, $task, $action);
                backHTML::formStart('listedit', $listEdit->html, '');
                jNews_ListsHTML::editList($listEdit, $forms, $show, $listType);
                $go[] = jnews::makeObj('act', $action);
                $go[] = jnews::makeObj('listid', $listEdit->id);
        case 'update':
            JRequest::checkToken() or die('Invalid Token');
            $message = jnews::printYN(jNews_Lists::updateListFromEdit($listId, '', false, $listType), _JNEWS_LIST_UPDATED, _JNEWS_ERROR);
        case 'delete':
            JRequest::checkToken() or die('Invalid Token');
            $query = "SELECT list_name FROM #__jnews_lists WHERE id = {$listId}";
            $listName = $db->loadResult();
            $message = jnews::printYN(jNews_Lists::deleteList($listId), '"' . $listName . '"' . _JNEWS_LIST . _JNEWS_SUCCESS_DELETED, _JNEWS_ERROR);
        case 'copy':
            JRequest::checkToken() or die('Invalid Token');
            $message = jnews::printYN(jNews_Lists::copyList($listId), _JNEWS_LIST_COPY, _JNEWS_ERROR);
        case 'publish':
            if (!$checkToggle) {
                JRequest::checkToken() or die('Invalid Token');
            $message = jnews::printYN(jNews_Lists::updateListFromList($listId, true, false), _JNEWS_PUBLISHED, _JNEWS_ERROR);
            if ($listType == 1) {
                jNews_Tools::redirect('index.php?option=' . JNEWS_OPTION . '&act=list&listype=' . $listType);
            } else {
                jNews_Tools::redirect('index.php?option=' . JNEWS_OPTION . '&act=arlist&listype=' . $listType);
        case 'unpublish':
            if (!$checkToggle) {
                JRequest::checkToken() or die('Invalid Token');
            $message = jnews::printYN(jNews_Lists::updateListFromList($listId, false, false), _JNEWS_UNPUBLISHED, _JNEWS_ERROR);
            if ($listType == 1) {
                jNews_Tools::redirect('index.php?option=' . JNEWS_OPTION . '&act=list&listype=' . $listType . '&listid=' . $listId);
            } else {
                jNews_Tools::redirect('index.php?option=' . JNEWS_OPTION . '&act=arlist&listype=' . $listType . '&listid=' . $listId);
        case 'forms':
        case 'make':
            if (class_exists('jNews_CreateForm')) {
                $showLists = false;
            } else {
                $showLists = true;
        case 'cpanel':
            return true;
        case 'toggle':
            $listid = JRequest::getVar('listid');
            $column = JRequest::getVar('col');
            if (!empty($listid) && !empty($column)) {
                $passObj = new stdClass();
                $passObj->tableName = '#__jnews_lists';
                $passObj->columnName = $column;
                $passObj->whereColumn = 'id';
                $passObj->whereColumnValue = $listid;
            if ($listType == 1) {
                jNews_Tools::redirect('index.php?option=' . JNEWS_OPTION . '&act=list&listype=1');
            } else {
                jNews_Tools::redirect('index.php?option=' . JNEWS_OPTION . '&act=arlist&listype=2');
    if ($showLists) {
        $limit = -1;
        //Title header
        if ($listType == 1) {
            backHTML::_header(_JNEWS_MENU_LIST, $img, $message, $task, $action);
        } else {
            backHTML::_header(_JNEWS_ARLIST, $img, $message, $task, $action);
        $show = jNews_ListType::showType(0, 'showListsBack');
        $forms['main'] = "<form action='index.php' method='post' name='adminForm' id=\"adminForm\">";
        backHTML::formStart('show_mailing', '', '');
        $paginationStart = JRequest::getVar('pg');
        $app = JFactory::getApplication();
        if (!empty($paginationStart)) {
            $limitstart = 0;
            $limitend = $paginationStart;
        } else {
            $limitstart = $app->getUserStateFromRequest('limitstart', 'limitstart', 0, 'int');
            $limitend = $app->getUserStateFromRequest('limit', 'limit', 0, 'int');
        $limittotal = jNews_Lists::getListCount($listType);
        $limittotal = $limittotal[0];
        $setLimit = new stdClass();
        $setLimit->total = !empty($limittotal) ? $limittotal : 0;
        $setLimit->start = !empty($limitstart) ? $limitstart : 0;
        $setLimit->end = !empty($limitend) ? $limitend : $limittotal;
        // recheck start
        if ($setLimit->total == $setLimit->end) {
            $setLimit->start = 0;
        $setSort = new stdClass();
        if ($listType == '2') {
            $key = JNEWS_OPTION . '.arlist';
            $column = 'id';
            $direction = 'desc';
        } else {
            $key = JNEWS_OPTION . '.list';
            $column = 'list_name';
            $direction = 'asc';
        $setSort->orderValue = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($key . 'filter_order', 'filter_order', $column, 'cmd');
        $setSort->orderDir = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($key . 'filter_order_Dir', 'filter_order_Dir', $direction, 'word');
        if ($listType == 2) {
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
	function submitbutton(pressbutton) {
		var form = document.adminForm;
		if (pressbutton == 'delete') {
			var $ok = confirm('Are you sure you want to delete?\r\nAll of the mailings attached in this auto-responder will be deleted as well.');
			if ( $ok == true ){
				form.action = 'index.php?option=<?php 
            echo JNEWS_OPTION;
		submitform( pressbutton );
        $listing = jNews_Lists::getLists(0, $listType, 1, '', false, false, false, false, false, $listsearch, $setLimit, $setSort);
        if (isset($setLimit->total) && !empty($listsearch)) {
            $lists = jNews_Lists::getLists(0, $listType, 1, '', false, false, false, false, false, $listsearch, $setSort);
            $setLimit->total = !empty($lists) ? count($lists) : $setLimit->total;
        $totalSubs = array();
        $totalUnSubs = array();
        $db = JFactory::getDBO();
        if (!empty($listing)) {
            foreach ($listing as $list) {
                $totalSubs[] = jNews_Subscribers::getSubscribersCount($list->id, true);
                $totalUnSubs[] = jNews_Subscribers::getSubscribersCount($list->id, 2);
        jNews_ListsHTML::showListingLists($listing, $action, 'edit', $forms, $show, $listsearch, $setLimit->end, $setLimit, $totalSubs, $setSort, $totalUnSubs);
        $go[] = jnews::makeObj('act', $action);
        $go[] = jnews::makeObj('filter_order', $setSort->orderValue);
        $go[] = jnews::makeObj('filter_order_Dir', $setSort->orderDir);
        return true;