function __construct($sel, $locale = null, $charset = null) { global $gJConfig; if ($locale === null) { $locale = $gJConfig->locale; } if ($charset === null) { $charset = $gJConfig->charset; } if (strpos($locale, '_') === false) { $locale .= '_' . strtoupper($locale); } $this->locale = $locale; $this->charset = $charset; $this->_suffix = '.' . $charset . '.properties'; $this->_compilerPath = JELIX_LIB_CORE_PATH . 'jLocalesCompiler.class.php'; if (preg_match("/^(([a-zA-Z0-9_\\.]+)~)?([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\\.([a-zA-Z0-9_\\.]+)\$/", $sel, $m)) { if ($m[1] != '' && $m[2] != '') { $this->module = $m[2]; } else { $this->module = jContext::get(); } $this->resource = $m[3]; $this->fileKey = $m[3]; $this->messageKey = $m[4]; $this->_createPath(); $this->_createCachePath(); } else { throw new jExceptionSelector('jelix~errors.selector.invalid.syntax', array($sel, $this->type)); } }
/** * Launch the compilation of a template * * Store the result (a php content) into a cache file given by the selector. * @param jSelectorTpl $selector the template selector * @return boolean true if ok */ public function compile($selector) { $this->_sourceFile = $selector->getPath(); $cachefile = $selector->getCompiledFilePath(); $this->outputType = $selector->outputType; $this->trusted = $selector->trusted; $this->_modifier = array_merge($this->_modifier, $selector->userModifiers); $this->_userFunctions = $selector->userFunctions; jContext::push($selector->module); if (!file_exists($this->_sourceFile)) { $this->doError0('errors.tpl.not.found'); } $result = $this->compileContent(file_get_contents($this->_sourceFile)); $header = "<?php \n"; foreach ($this->_pluginPath as $path => $ok) { $header .= ' require_once(\'' . $path . "');\n"; } $header .= 'function template_meta_' . md5($selector->module . '_' . $selector->resource . '_' . $this->outputType . ($this->trusted ? '_t' : '')) . '($t){'; $header .= "\n" . $this->_metaBody . "\n}\n"; $header .= 'function template_' . md5($selector->module . '_' . $selector->resource . '_' . $this->outputType . ($this->trusted ? '_t' : '')) . '($t){' . "\n?>"; $result = $header . $result . "<?php \n}\n?>"; jFile::write($cachefile, $result); jContext::pop(); return true; }
public function compile($selector) { $this->_sourceFile = $selector->getPath(); $this->outputType = $selector->outputType; $this->trusted = $selector->trusted; $md5 = md5($selector->module . '_' . $selector->resource . '_' . $this->outputType . ($this->trusted ? '_t' : '')); jContext::push($selector->module); if (!file_exists($this->_sourceFile)) { $this->doError0('errors.tpl.not.found'); } $this->compileString(file_get_contents($this->_sourceFile), $selector->getCompiledFilePath(), $selector->userModifiers, $selector->userFunctions, $md5); jContext::pop(); return true; }
function __construct($sel) { if (preg_match("/^(([a-zA-Z0-9_\\.]+)~)?([a-zA-Z0-9_\\.]+)\$/", $sel, $m)) { if ($m[1] != '' && $m[2] != '') { $this->module = $m[2]; } else { $this->module = jContext::get(); } $this->resource = $m[3]; $this->_createPath(); $this->_createCachePath(); } else { throw new jExceptionSelector('jelix~errors.selector.invalid.syntax', array($sel, $this->type)); } }
function __construct($sel) { if (preg_match("/^(([a-zA-Z0-9_\\.]+)~)?([a-zA-Z0-9_\\.\\/]+)\$/", $sel, $m)) { if ($m[1] != '' && $m[2] != '') { $this->module = $m[2]; } else { $this->module = jContext::get(); } $this->resource = $m[3]; if (($p = strrpos($m[3], '/')) !== false) { $this->className = substr($m[3], $p + 1); $this->subpath = substr($m[3], 0, $p + 1); } else { $this->className = $m[3]; $this->subpath = ''; } $this->_createPath(); $this->_createCachePath(); } else { throw new jExceptionSelector('jelix~errors.selector.invalid.syntax', array($sel, $this->type)); } }
/** * @param string $sel the selector * @param boolean $enableRequestPart true if the selector can contain the request part */ function __construct($sel, $enableRequestPart = false) { global $gJCoord; if (preg_match("/^(?:([a-zA-Z0-9_\\.]+|\\#)~)?([a-zA-Z0-9_:]+|\\#)?(?:@([a-zA-Z0-9_]+))?\$/", $sel, $m)) { $m = array_pad($m, 4, ''); if ($m[1] != '') { if ($m[1] == '#') { $this->module = $gJCoord->moduleName; } else { $this->module = $m[1]; } } else { $this->module = jContext::get(); } if ($m[2] == '#') { $this->resource = $gJCoord->actionName; } else { $this->resource = $m[2]; } $r = explode(':', $this->resource); if (count($r) == 1) { $this->controller = 'default'; $this->method = $r[0] == '' ? 'index' : $r[0]; } else { $this->controller = $r[0] == '' ? 'default' : $r[0]; $this->method = $r[1] == '' ? 'index' : $r[1]; } $this->resource = $this->controller . ':' . $this->method; if ($m[3] != '' && $enableRequestPart) { $this->request = $m[3]; } else { $this->request = $gJCoord->request->type; } $this->_createPath(); } else { throw new jExceptionSelector('jelix~errors.selector.invalid.syntax', array($sel, $this->type)); } }
public function run() { $this->loadAppConfig(); #if ENABLE_OPTIMIZED_SOURCE require JELIX_LIB_PATH . 'dao/jDaoCompiler.class.php'; // jDaoParser is in jDaoCompiler file #endif $path = $this->getModulePath($this->_parameters['module']); $filename = $path . 'forms/'; $this->createDir($filename); $filename .= strtolower($this->_parameters['form']) . '.form.xml'; if ($this->getOption('-createlocales')) { $locale_content = ''; $locale_base = $this->_parameters['module'] . '~' . strtolower($this->_parameters['form']) . '.form.'; $locale_filename_fr = $path . 'locales/fr_FR/'; $this->createDir($locale_filename_fr); $locale_filename_fr .= strtolower($this->_parameters['form']) . ''; $locale_filename_en = $path . 'locales/en_EN/'; $this->createDir($locale_filename_en); $locale_filename_en .= strtolower($this->_parameters['form']) . ''; $submit = "\n\n<submit ref=\"_submit\">\n\t<label locale='" . $locale_base . "ok' />\n</submit>"; } else { $submit = "\n\n<submit ref=\"_submit\">\n\t<label>ok</label>\n</submit>"; } $dao = $this->getParam('dao'); if ($dao === null) { if ($this->getOption('-createlocales')) { $locale_content = "form.ok=OK\n"; $this->createFile($locale_filename_fr, 'locales.tpl', array('content' => $locale_content)); $this->createFile($locale_filename_en, 'locales.tpl', array('content' => $locale_content)); } $this->createFile($filename, 'module/form.xml.tpl', array('content' => '<!-- add control declaration here -->' . $submit)); return; } global $gJConfig; $gJConfig->startModule = $this->_parameters['module']; jContext::push($this->_parameters['module']); $tools = jDb::getConnection()->tools(); // we're going to parse the dao $selector = new jSelectorDao($dao, ''); $doc = new DOMDocument(); $daoPath = $selector->getPath(); if (!$doc->load($daoPath)) { throw new jException('jelix~daoxml.file.unknown', $daoPath); } if ($doc->documentElement->namespaceURI != JELIX_NAMESPACE_BASE . 'dao/1.0') { throw new jException('jelix~daoxml.namespace.wrong', array($daoPath, $doc->namespaceURI)); } $parser = new jDaoParser($selector); $parser->parse(simplexml_import_dom($doc), $tools); // now we generate the form file $properties = $parser->GetProperties(); $table = $parser->GetPrimaryTable(); $content = ''; foreach ($properties as $name => $property) { if (!$property->ofPrimaryTable) { continue; } if ($property->isPK && $property->autoIncrement) { continue; } $attr = ''; if ($property->required) { $attr .= ' required="true"'; } if ($property->defaultValue !== null) { $attr .= ' defaultvalue="' . htmlspecialchars($property->defaultValue) . '"'; } if ($property->maxlength !== null) { $attr .= ' maxlength="' . $property->maxlength . '"'; } if ($property->minlength !== null) { $attr .= ' minlength="' . $property->minlength . '"'; } $datatype = ''; $tag = 'input'; switch ($property->unifiedType) { case 'integer': case 'numeric': $datatype = 'integer'; break; case 'datetime': $datatype = 'datetime'; break; case 'time': $datatype = 'time'; break; case 'date': $datatype = 'date'; break; case 'double': case 'float': $datatype = 'decimal'; break; case 'text': case 'blob': $tag = 'textarea'; break; case 'boolean': $tag = 'checkbox'; break; } if ($datatype != '') { $attr .= ' type="' . $datatype . '"'; } if ($this->getOption('-createlocales')) { $locale_content .= 'form.' . $name . '=' . ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $name)) . "\n"; $content .= "\n\n<{$tag} ref=\"{$name}\"{$attr}>\n\t<label locale='" . $locale_base . $name . "' />\n</{$tag}>"; } else { $content .= "\n\n<{$tag} ref=\"{$name}\"{$attr}>\n\t<label>" . ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $name)) . "</label>\n</{$tag}>"; } } if ($this->getOption('-createlocales')) { $locale_content .= "form.ok=OK\n"; $this->createFile($locale_filename_fr, 'module/locales.tpl', array('content' => $locale_content)); $this->createFile($locale_filename_en, 'module/locales.tpl', array('content' => $locale_content)); } $this->createFile($filename, 'module/form.xml.tpl', array('content' => $content . $submit)); }
public function run() { jxs_init_jelix_env(); $path = $this->getModulePath($this->_parameters['module']); $filename = $path . 'forms/'; $this->createDir($filename); $filename .= strtolower($this->_parameters['form']) . '.form.xml'; $submit = "\n\n<submit ref=\"_submit\">\n\t<label>ok</label>\n</submit>"; if (($dao = $this->getParam('dao')) === null) { $this->createFile($filename, 'form.xml.tpl', array('content' => '<!-- add control declaration here -->' . $submit)); return; } global $gJConfig; $gJConfig->startModule = $this->_parameters['module']; jContext::push($this->_parameters['module']); // we're going to parse the dao $selector = new jSelectorDao($dao, '', false); jDaoCompiler::$daoId = $selector->toString(); jDaoCompiler::$daoPath = $selector->getPath(); jDaoCompiler::$dbType = $selector->driver; $doc = new DOMDocument(); if (!$doc->load(jDaoCompiler::$daoPath)) { throw new jException('jelix~daoxml.file.unknow', jDaoCompiler::$daoPath); } if ($doc->documentElement->namespaceURI != JELIX_NAMESPACE_BASE . 'dao/1.0') { throw new jException('jelix~daoxml.namespace.wrong', array(jDaoCompiler::$daoPath, $doc->namespaceURI)); } $parser = new jDaoParser(); $parser->parse(simplexml_import_dom($doc)); // know we generate the form file $properties = $parser->GetProperties(); $table = $parser->GetPrimaryTable(); $content = ''; foreach ($properties as $name => $property) { if (!$property->ofPrimaryTable) { continue; } if ($property->isPK && ($property->datatype == 'autoincrement' || $property->datatype == 'bigautoincrement')) { continue; } $attr = ''; if ($property->required) { $attr .= ' required="true"'; } if ($property->defaultValue !== null) { $attr .= ' defaultvalue="' . htmlspecialchars($property->defaultValue) . '"'; } if ($property->maxlength !== null) { $attr .= ' maxlength="' . $property->maxlength . '"'; } if ($property->minlength !== null) { $attr .= ' minlength="' . $property->minlength . '"'; } //if(false) // $attr.=' defaultvalue=""'; $datatype = ''; $tag = 'input'; switch ($property->datatype) { case 'autoincrement': case 'bigautoincrement': case 'int': case 'integer': case 'numeric': $datatype = 'integer'; break; case 'datetime': $datatype = 'datetime'; break; case 'time': $datatype = 'time'; break; case 'date': $datatype = 'date'; break; case 'double': case 'float': $datatype = 'decimal'; break; case 'text': $tag = 'textarea'; break; case 'boolean': $tag = 'checkbox'; break; } if ($datatype != '') { $attr .= ' type="' . $datatype . '"'; } $content .= "\n\n<{$tag} ref=\"{$name}\"{$attr}>\n\t<label>{$name}</label>\n</{$tag}>"; } $this->createFile($filename, 'form.xml.tpl', array('content' => $content . $submit)); }
/** * clear the context */ static function clear() { self::$context = array(); }
/** * main method : launch the execution of the action. * * This method should be called in a entry point. * @param jRequest $request the request object */ public function process($request) { global $gJConfig; $this->request = $request; // let's log messages appeared during init foreach ($this->initErrorMessages as $msg) { jLog::log($msg, $msg->getCategory()); } $this->request->init(); jSession::start(); $this->moduleName = $request->getParam('module'); $this->actionName = $request->getParam('action'); if (empty($this->moduleName)) { $this->moduleName = $gJConfig->startModule; } if (empty($this->actionName)) { if ($this->moduleName == $gJConfig->startModule) { $this->actionName = $gJConfig->startAction; } else { $this->actionName = 'default:index'; } } jContext::push($this->moduleName); try { $this->action = new jSelectorActFast($this->request->type, $this->moduleName, $this->actionName); if ($gJConfig->modules[$this->moduleName . '.access'] < 2) { throw new jException('jelix~errors.module.untrusted', $this->moduleName); } $ctrl = $this->getController($this->action); } catch (jException $e) { if ($gJConfig->urlengine['notfoundAct'] == '') { throw $e; } try { $this->action = new jSelectorAct($gJConfig->urlengine['notfoundAct']); $ctrl = $this->getController($this->action); } catch (jException $e2) { throw $e; } } if (count($this->plugins)) { $pluginparams = array(); if (isset($ctrl->pluginParams['*'])) { $pluginparams = $ctrl->pluginParams['*']; } if (isset($ctrl->pluginParams[$this->action->method])) { $pluginparams = array_merge($pluginparams, $ctrl->pluginParams[$this->action->method]); } foreach ($this->plugins as $name => $obj) { $result = $this->plugins[$name]->beforeAction($pluginparams); if ($result) { $this->action = $result; jContext::pop(); jContext::push($result->module); $this->moduleName = $result->module; $this->actionName = $result->resource; $ctrl = $this->getController($this->action); break; } } } $this->response = $ctrl->{$this->action->method}(); if ($this->response == null) { throw new jException('jelix~errors.response.missing', $this->action->toString()); } foreach ($this->plugins as $name => $obj) { $this->plugins[$name]->beforeOutput(); } $this->response->output(); foreach ($this->plugins as $name => $obj) { $this->plugins[$name]->afterProcess(); } jContext::pop(); jSession::end(); }
/** * instancy a zone object, and call one of its methods * @param string $name zone selector * @param string $method method name * @param array $params arguments for the method * @return mixed the result returned by the method */ private static function _callZone($name, $method, &$params) { $sel = new jSelectorZone($name); jContext::push($sel->module); $fileName = $sel->getPath(); require_once $fileName; $className = $sel->resource . 'Zone'; $zone = new $className($params); $toReturn = $zone->{$method}(); jContext::pop(); return $toReturn; }
public function create($urlact) { if ($this->dataCreateUrl == null) { $sel = new jSelectorUrlCfgSig(jApp::config()->urlengine['significantFile']); jIncluder::inc($sel); $this->dataCreateUrl =& $GLOBALS['SIGNIFICANT_CREATEURL']; } $url = new jUrl('', $urlact->params, ''); $module = $url->getParam('module', jContext::get()); $action = $url->getParam('action'); $id = $module . '~' . $action . '@' . $urlact->requestType; $urlinfo = null; if (isset($this->dataCreateUrl[$id])) { $urlinfo = $this->dataCreateUrl[$id]; $url->delParam('module'); $url->delParam('action'); } else { $id = $module . '~*@' . $urlact->requestType; if (isset($this->dataCreateUrl[$id])) { $urlinfo = $this->dataCreateUrl[$id]; if ($urlinfo[0] != 3 || $urlinfo[3] === true) { $url->delParam('module'); } } else { $id = '@' . $urlact->requestType; if (isset($this->dataCreateUrl[$id])) { $urlinfo = $this->dataCreateUrl[$id]; } else { throw new Exception("Significant url engine doesn't find corresponding url to this action :" . $module . '~' . $action . '@' . $urlact->requestType); } } } if ($urlinfo[0] == 4) { $l = count($urlinfo); $urlinfofound = null; for ($i = 1; $i < $l; $i++) { $ok = true; foreach ($urlinfo[$i][7] as $n => $v) { $specialStatic = $v[0] == '$'; $paramStatic = $url->getParam($n, null); if ($specialStatic) { $typePS = $v[1]; $v = substr($v, 2); if ($typePS == 'l') { if ($paramStatic === null) { $paramStatic = jLocale::getCurrentLang(); } else { if (preg_match('/^(\\w{2,3})_\\w{2,3}$/', $paramStatic, $m)) { $paramStatic = $m[1]; } } } elseif ($typePS == 'L') { if ($paramStatic === null) { $paramStatic = jApp::config()->locale; } else { if (preg_match('/^\\w{2,3}$/', $paramStatic, $m)) { $paramStatic = jLocale::langToLocale($paramStatic); } } } } if ($paramStatic != $v) { $ok = false; break; } } if ($ok) { $urlinfofound = $urlinfo[$i]; break; } } if ($urlinfofound !== null) { $urlinfo = $urlinfofound; } else { $urlinfo = $urlinfo[1]; } } $url->scriptName = jApp::config()->urlengine['basePath'] . $urlinfo[1]; if ($urlinfo[2]) { $url->scriptName = jApp::coord()->request->getServerURI(true) . $url->scriptName; } if ($urlinfo[1] && !jApp::config()->urlengine['multiview']) { $url->scriptName .= jApp::config()->urlengine['entrypointExtension']; } if (in_array($urlact->requestType, array('xmlrpc', 'jsonrpc', 'soap'))) { $url->clearParam(); return $url; } if ($urlinfo[0] == 0) { $s = new jSelectorUrlHandler($urlinfo[3]); $c = $s->resource . 'UrlsHandler'; $handler = new $c(); $handler->create($urlact, $url); if ($urlinfo[4] != '') { $url->pathInfo = $urlinfo[4] . $url->pathInfo; } } elseif ($urlinfo[0] == 1) { $pi = $urlinfo[5]; foreach ($urlinfo[3] as $k => $param) { $typeParam = $urlinfo[4][$k]; $value = $url->getParam($param, ''); if ($typeParam & 2) { $value = jUrl::escape($value, true); } else { if ($typeParam & 1) { $value = str_replace('%2F', '/', urlencode($value)); } else { if ($typeParam & 4) { if ($value == '') { $value = jLocale::getCurrentLang(); } else { if (preg_match('/^(\\w{2,3})_\\w{2,3}$/', $value, $m)) { $value = $m[1]; } } } else { if ($typeParam & 8) { if ($value == '') { $value = jApp::config()->locale; } else { if (preg_match('/^\\w{2,3}$/', $value, $m)) { $value = jLocale::langToLocale($value); } } } else { $value = urlencode($value); } } } } $pi = str_replace(':' . $param, $value, $pi); $url->delParam($param); } $url->pathInfo = $pi; if ($urlinfo[6]) { $url->setParam('action', $action); } foreach ($urlinfo[7] as $name => $value) { $url->delParam($name); } } elseif ($urlinfo[0] == 3) { if ($urlinfo[3]) { $url->delParam('module'); } } return $url; }
function single() { $rep = $this->_prepareResponse(); $module = $this->param('mod'); $testname = $this->param('test'); if (isset($this->testsList[$module])) { $reporter = jClasses::create("junittests~jtextrespreporter"); jClasses::inc('junittests~junittestcase'); jClasses::inc('junittests~junittestcasedb'); $reporter->setResponse($rep); foreach ($this->testsList[$module] as $test) { if ($test[1] == $testname) { $group = new GroupTest('"' . $module . '" module , ' . $test[2]); $group->addTestFile($GLOBALS['gJConfig']->_modulesPathList[$module] . 'tests/' . $test[0]); jContext::push($module); $result = $group->run($reporter); if (!$result) { $rep->setExitCode(jResponseCmdline::EXIT_CODE_ERROR); } jContext::pop(); break; } } } else { $rep->addContent("\n" . 'no tests for "' . $module . '" module.' . "\n"); } return $this->_finishResponse($rep); }
protected function tearDown() { jContext::pop(); }
function single() { if (!isset($GLOBALS['gJConfig']->enableTests) || !$GLOBALS['gJConfig']->enableTests) { // security $rep = $this->getResponse('html', true); $rep->title = 'Error'; $rep->setHttpStatus('404', 'Not found'); $rep->addContent('<p>404 Not Found</p>'); return $rep; } $rep = $this->_prepareResponse(); $module = $this->param('mod'); $testname = $this->param('test'); if (isset($this->testsList[$module])) { $reporter = jClasses::create("junittests~jhtmlrespreporter"); jClasses::inc('junittests~junittestcase'); jClasses::inc('junittests~junittestcasedb'); $reporter->setResponse($rep); foreach ($this->testsList[$module] as $test) { if ($test[1] == $testname) { $group = new TestSuite('"' . $module . '" module , ' . $test[2]); $group->addFile($GLOBALS['gJConfig']->_modulesPathList[$module] . 'tests/' . $test[0]); jContext::push($module); $group->run($reporter); jContext::pop(); break; } } } else { $rep->body->assign('MAIN', '<p>no tests for "' . $module . '" module.</p>'); } return $this->_finishResponse($rep); }
/** * Create a jurl object with the given action data * @param jUrlAction $url information about the action * @return jUrl the url correspondant to the action * @author Laurent Jouanneau * @copyright 2005 CopixTeam, 2005-2006 Laurent Jouanneau * very few lines of code are copyrighted by CopixTeam, written by Laurent Jouanneau * and released under GNU Lesser General Public Licence, * in an experimental version of Copix Framework v2.3dev20050901, * */ public function create($urlact) { if ($this->dataCreateUrl == null) { $sel = new jSelectorUrlCfgSig($GLOBALS['gJConfig']->urlengine['significantFile']); jIncluder::inc($sel); $this->dataCreateUrl =& $GLOBALS['SIGNIFICANT_CREATEURL']; } $url = new jUrl('', $urlact->params, ''); $module = $url->getParam('module', jContext::get()); $action = $url->getParam('action'); // let's try to retrieve informations corresponding // to the given action. this informations will allow us to build // the url $id = $module . '~' . $action . '@' . $urlact->requestType; $urlinfo = null; if (isset($this->dataCreateUrl[$id])) { $urlinfo = $this->dataCreateUrl[$id]; $url->delParam('module'); $url->delParam('action'); } else { $id = $module . '~*@' . $urlact->requestType; if (isset($this->dataCreateUrl[$id])) { $urlinfo = $this->dataCreateUrl[$id]; if ($urlinfo[0] != 3 || $urlinfo[3] === true) { $url->delParam('module'); } } else { $id = '@' . $urlact->requestType; if (isset($this->dataCreateUrl[$id])) { $urlinfo = $this->dataCreateUrl[$id]; } else { throw new Exception("Significant url engine doesn't find corresponding url to this action :" . $module . '~' . $action . '@' . $urlact->requestType); } } } /* urlinfo = or array(0,'entrypoint', https true/false, 'handler selector', 'basepathinfo') or array(1,'entrypoint', https true/false, array('year','month',), // list of dynamic values included in the url array(true, false..), // list of integers which indicates for each // dynamic value: 0: urlencode, 1:urlencode except '/', 2:escape "/news/%1/%2/", // the url true/false, // false : this is a secondary action array('bla'=>'whatIWant' ) // list of static values ) or array(2,'entrypoint', https true/false), // for the patterns "@request" or array(3,'entrypoint', https true/false), // for the patterns "module~@request" or array(4, array(1,...), array(1,...)...) */ if ($urlinfo[0] == 4) { // an action is mapped to several urls // so it isn't finished. Let's find building information // into the array $l = count($urlinfo); $urlinfofound = null; for ($i = 1; $i < $l; $i++) { $ok = true; // verify that given static parameters of the action correspond // to those defined for this url foreach ($urlinfo[$i][7] as $n => $v) { if ($url->getParam($n, '') != $v) { $ok = false; break; } } if ($ok) { // static parameters correspond: we found our informations $urlinfofound = $urlinfo[$i]; break; } } if ($urlinfofound !== null) { $urlinfo = $urlinfofound; } else { $urlinfo = $urlinfo[1]; } } // at this step, we have informations to build the url $url->scriptName = $GLOBALS['gJConfig']->urlengine['basePath'] . $urlinfo[1]; if ($urlinfo[2]) { $url->scriptName = $GLOBALS['gJCoord']->request->getServerURI(true) . $url->scriptName; } if ($urlinfo[1] && !$GLOBALS['gJConfig']->urlengine['multiview']) { $url->scriptName .= $GLOBALS['gJConfig']->urlengine['entrypointExtension']; } // pour certains types de requete, les paramètres ne sont pas dans l'url // donc on les supprime // c'est un peu crade de faire ça en dur ici, mais ce serait lourdingue // de charger la classe request pour savoir si on peut supprimer ou pas if (in_array($urlact->requestType, array('xmlrpc', 'jsonrpc', 'soap'))) { $url->clearParam(); return $url; } if ($urlinfo[0] == 0) { $s = new jSelectorUrlHandler($urlinfo[3]); $c = $s->resource . 'UrlsHandler'; $handler = new $c(); $handler->create($urlact, $url); if ($urlinfo[4] != '') { $url->pathInfo = $urlinfo[4] . $url->pathInfo; } } elseif ($urlinfo[0] == 1) { $pi = $urlinfo[5]; foreach ($urlinfo[3] as $k => $param) { switch ($urlinfo[4][$k]) { case 2: $value = jUrl::escape($url->getParam($param, ''), true); break; case 1: $value = str_replace('%2F', '/', urlencode($url->getParam($param, ''))); break; default: $value = urlencode($url->getParam($param, '')); break; } $pi = str_replace(':' . $param, $value, $pi); $url->delParam($param); } $url->pathInfo = $pi; if ($urlinfo[6]) { $url->setParam('action', $action); } // removed parameters corresponding to static values foreach ($urlinfo[7] as $name => $value) { $url->delParam($name); } } elseif ($urlinfo[0] == 3) { if ($urlinfo[3]) { $url->delParam('module'); } } return $url; }
/** * Create a jurl object with the given action data * @param jUrlAction $url information about the action * @return jUrl the url correspondant to the action * @author Laurent Jouanneau * @copyright 2005 CopixTeam, 2005-2006 Laurent Jouanneau * very few lines of code are copyrighted by CopixTeam, written by Laurent Jouanneau * and released under GNU Lesser General Public Licence, * in an experimental version of Copix Framework v2.3dev20050901, * */ public function create($urlact) { if ($this->dataCreateUrl == null) { $sel = new jSelectorUrlCfgSig($GLOBALS['gJConfig']->urlengine['significantFile']); jIncluder::inc($sel); $this->dataCreateUrl =& $GLOBALS['SIGNIFICANT_CREATEURL']; } /* a) recupere module~action@request -> obtient les infos pour la creation de l'url b) récupère un à un les parametres indiqués dans params à partir de jUrl c) remplace la valeur récupérée dans le result et supprime le paramètre de l'url d) remplace scriptname de jUrl par le resultat */ $url = new jUrl('', $urlact->params, ''); $module = $url->getParam('module', jContext::get()); $action = $url->getParam('action'); $id = $module . '~' . $action . '@' . $urlact->requestType; $urlinfo = null; if (isset($this->dataCreateUrl[$id])) { $urlinfo = $this->dataCreateUrl[$id]; $url->delParam('module'); $url->delParam('action'); } else { $id = $module . '~*@' . $urlact->requestType; if (isset($this->dataCreateUrl[$id])) { $urlinfo = $this->dataCreateUrl[$id]; $url->delParam('module'); } else { $id = '@' . $urlact->requestType; if (isset($this->dataCreateUrl[$id])) { $urlinfo = $this->dataCreateUrl[$id]; } else { throw new Exception("Significant url engine doesn't find corresponding url to this action :" . $module . '~' . $action . '@' . $urlact->requestType); } } } /* urlinfo = array(0,'entrypoint', https true/false,'selecteur handler') ou array(1,'entrypoint', https true/false, array('annee','mois','jour','id','titre'), // liste des paramètres de l'url à prendre en compte array(true, false..), // valeur des escapes "/news/%1/%2/%3/%4-%5", // forme de l'url false, //indique si c'est une action surchargeante ) ou array(2,'entrypoint', https true/false,); pour les clés du type "@request" array(3,'entrypoint', https true/false); pour les clés du type "module~@request" array(4, array(1,..), array(1,..)...); */ if ($urlinfo[0] == 4) { $l = count($urlinfo); $urlinfofound = null; for ($i = 1; $i < $l; $i++) { $ok = true; foreach ($urlinfo[$i][7] as $n => $v) { if ($url->getParam($n, '') != $v) { $ok = false; break; } } if ($ok) { $urlinfofound = $urlinfo[$i]; break; } } if ($urlinfofound !== null) { $urlinfo = $urlinfofound; } else { $urlinfo = $urlinfo[1]; } } $url->scriptName = $GLOBALS['gJConfig']->urlengine['basePath'] . $urlinfo[1]; if ($urlinfo[2]) { $url->scriptName = 'https://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $url->scriptName; } if ($urlinfo[1] && !$GLOBALS['gJConfig']->urlengine['multiview']) { $url->scriptName .= $GLOBALS['gJConfig']->urlengine['entrypointExtension']; } // pour certains types de requete, les paramètres ne sont pas dans l'url // donc on les supprime // c'est un peu crade de faire ça en dur ici, mais ce serait lourdingue // de charger la classe request pour savoir si on peut supprimer ou pas if (in_array($urlact->requestType, array('xmlrpc', 'jsonrpc', 'soap'))) { $url->clearParam(); return $url; } if ($urlinfo[0] == 0) { $s = new jSelectorUrlHandler($urlinfo[3]); $c = $s->resource . 'UrlsHandler'; $handler = new $c(); $handler->create($urlact, $url); } elseif ($urlinfo[0] == 1) { $pi = $urlinfo[5]; foreach ($urlinfo[3] as $k => $param) { if ($urlinfo[4][$k]) { $pi = str_replace(':' . $param, jUrl::escape($url->getParam($param, ''), true), $pi); } else { $pi = str_replace(':' . $param, $url->getParam($param, ''), $pi); } $url->delParam($param); } $url->pathInfo = $pi; if ($urlinfo[6]) { $url->setParam('action', $action); } // removed parameters corresponding to static values foreach ($urlinfo[7] as $name => $value) { $url->delParam($name); } } elseif ($urlinfo[0] == 3) { $url->delParam('module'); } return $url; }
function single() { $rep = $this->_prepareResponse(); $module = $this->param('mod'); $testname = $this->param('test'); $category = $this->category ? ' ' . $this->category : ''; if (isset($this->testsList[$module])) { $reporter = jClasses::create($this->responseType); jClasses::inc('junittests~junittestcase'); jClasses::inc('junittests~junittestcasedb'); $reporter->setResponse($rep); foreach ($this->testsList[$module] as $test) { if ($test[1] == $testname) { $group = new TestSuite('"' . $module . '" module , ' . $test[2]); $group->addFile(jApp::config()->_modulesPathList[$module] . 'tests/' . $test[0]); jContext::push($module); $result = $group->run($reporter); if (!$result) { $rep->setExitCode(jResponseCmdline::EXIT_CODE_ERROR); } jContext::pop(); break; } } } else { $this->output("\n" . 'no' . $category . ' tests for "' . $module . '" module.' . "\n"); } return $this->_finishResponse($rep); }