Inheritance: extends contacts
Esempio n. 1
 function Execute($Params)
     $pki = new JpkiCorePlugin($this->App);
     if (isset($Params['id'])) {
         $ID = $Params['id'];
     } else {
         $out['Error'][] = "Supply 'id' please.";
     if (isset($Params['content'])) {
         $Data = $Params['content'];
     } else {
         $out['Error'][] = "Supply 'content' please.";
     if (isset($Params['envelopekey'])) {
         $EnvelopeKey = $Params['envelopekey'];
     } else {
         $out['Error'][] = "Supply 'envelopekey' please.";
     $Res = j::SQL("SELECT PrivateKey FROM jpki_certificates WHERE ID=?", $ID);
     if ($Res) {
         $Res = $pki->UnsealData($Data, $EnvelopeKey, $Res[0]['PrivateKey']);
     } else {
         $Res['Error'] = "X509 not found with spplied id.";
     $out['UnsealedResult'] = $Res;
     return $out;
Esempio n. 2
 function Execute($Params)
     $pki = new JpkiCorePlugin($this->App);
     $Params['id'] = array(19, 20);
     if (isset($Params['id']) && is_array($Params['id'])) {
         $ID = $Params['id'];
     } else {
         $out['Error'][] = "Supply 'id' array please.";
     if (isset($Params['content'])) {
         $Data = $Params['content'];
     } else {
         $out['Error'][] = "Supply 'content' please.";
     if (is_array($ID)) {
         foreach ($ID as $i) {
             $Res = j::SQL("SELECT X509 FROM jpki_certificates WHERE ID=?", $i);
             if ($Res) {
                 $PKs[] = $pki->X509_ExtractPublicKey($Res[0]['X509']);
         $Res = $pki->SealData($Data, $PKs);
         $out['SealedResult'] = $Res;
     return $out;
Esempio n. 3
 function Execute($Params)
     $pki = new JpkiCorePlugin($this->App);
     if (isset($Params['id'])) {
         $ID = $Params['id'];
     } else {
         $out['Error'][] = "Supply 'id' please.";
     if (isset($Params['content'])) {
         $Data = $Params['content'];
     } else {
         $out['Error'][] = "Supply 'content' please.";
     if (isset($Params['signature'])) {
         $Signature = $Params['signature'];
     } else {
         $out['Error'][] = "Supply 'signature' please.";
     $Res = j::SQL("SELECT X509 FROM jpki_certificates WHERE ID=?", $ID);
     if ($Res) {
         $PublicKey = $pki->X509_ExtractPublicKey($Res[0]['X509']);
         $Res = $pki->VerifyDataSignature($Data, $Signature, $PublicKey);
     } else {
         $Res['Error'] = 'X509 Not Found with spplied id.';
     $out['Verification'] = $Res;
     return $out;
Esempio n. 4
 function Execute($Params)
     $pki = new JpkiCorePlugin($this->App);
     if (isset($Params['id'])) {
         $ID = $Params['id'];
     } else {
         $out['Error'][] = "Supply 'id' please.";
     $Res = j::SQL("SELECT X509 FROM jpki_certificates WHERE ID=?", $ID);
     if ($Res) {
         $Res = $pki->X509_Details($Res[0]['X509'], false);
     } else {
         $Res['Error'] = 'X509 Not Found.';
     $out['Result'] = $Res;
     return $out;
Esempio n. 5
 function Execute($Params)
     $pki = new JpkiCorePlugin($this->App);
     if (isset($Params['id'])) {
         $ID = $Params['id'];
     } else {
         $out['Error'][] = "Supply 'id' please.";
     if (isset($Params['content'])) {
         $Data = $Params['content'];
     } else {
         $out['Error'][] = "Supply 'content' please.";
     $Res = j::SQL("SELECT PrivateKey FROM jpki_certificates WHERE ID=?", $ID);
     if ($Res) {
         $Res = $pki->Encrypt_Private($Data, $Res[0]['PrivateKey']);
     } else {
         $Res['Error'] = 'PrivateKey Not Found with spplied id.';
     $out['EncryptedData'] = $Res;
     return $out;
Esempio n. 6
  * This is registered as a PHP shutdown function. It checks if a fatal error is occured, and if so
  * logs and outputs it.
 function ShutdownFunction()
     //check to see if shutdown function runned because of error or naturally
     $isError = false;
     $error = error_get_last();
     if ($error) {
         switch ($error['type']) {
             case E_ERROR:
             case E_CORE_ERROR:
             case E_PARSE:
             case E_COMPILE_ERROR:
             case E_USER_ERROR:
                 // 				case E_NOTICE:
                 // 				default:
                 $isError = true;
     if ($isError) {
         $this->Shutdown = true;
         $this->PresentError($error['type'], $error['message'], $error['file'], $error['line']);
         echo "<h1>Fatal Error</h1>\n<p>Some fatal error caused the application to quit unexpectedly. The error details have been successfully \nlogged for the system administrator to review them later.\nWe're sorry for the inconvenience.</p>\n";
         if (j::$Log) {
             j::Log("ShutdownError", "Error type " . $error['type'] . " : " . $error['message'] . " (" . $error['file'] . " at " . $error['line'] . ")", 5);
Esempio n. 7
  * Automatically retrieves the data from the table and sets data
  * @param string $Table
 function SetTable($Table)
     $Query = "SELECT ";
     $fields = array();
     foreach ($this->HeaderArray as $k => $h) {
         $fields[] = $k;
     $Query .= implode(",", $fields);
     $Query .= " FROM {$Table} ";
     if ($this->Sort) {
         $Query .= " ORDER BY {$this->Sort} {$this->Order} ";
     if ($this->Offset) {
         $Query .= " LIMIT {$this->Offset},{$this->Limit}";
     } elseif ($this->Limit) {
         $Query .= " LIMIT {$this->Limit}";
     $r = j::SQL($Query);
     $this->Table = $Table;
Esempio n. 8
* {
<table border='1' width='100%' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='0' >
<td colspan='4'>
$Op = j::SQL("SELECT * FROM jf_options");
if ($Op) {
    foreach ($Op as &$o) {
        $o['Value'] = unserialize($o['Value']);
echo nl2br(str_replace(" ", "&nbsp;", htmlspecialchars(print_r($Op, true))));

Esempio n. 9
  * Calls a web service on any URL
  * Uses constant("SERVICES_INTERMEDIATE_ENCODING") for wrapping, which is SOAP by default
  * @param String $Endpoint WSDL
  * @param string $Method name
  * @param Array $Params
  * @return Mixed
 function CallSoap($Endpoint, $Method, $Params, $isWSDL = false, $Session = false)
     $soap = new nusoap_client($Endpoint, $isWSDL);
     $CookiePath = $this->Hostname($Endpoint) . "_cookies";
     if ($Session) {
     $Result = $soap->call($Method, $Params);
     if ($Session) {
         j::SaveSession($CookiePath, $soap->getCookies());
     return $Result;
Esempio n. 10
  * Disconnects a phrase from its pivot. 
  * One of them should be in Pivot
  * @param $Phrase1 or ID1
  * @param $Language1 or ID2
  * @param $Phrase2
  * @param $Language2
 function Unlink($Phrase1, $Language1, $Phrase2 = null, $Language2 = null)
     if ($Phrase2 !== null) {
         $Phrase1 = $this->PhraseID($Phrase1, $Language1);
         $Language1 = $this->PhraseID($Phrase2, $Language2);
     $ID1 = $Phrase1;
     $ID2 = $Language1;
     j::SQL("DELETE FROM jfp_i18n_graph WHERE ID1=? AND ID2=? LIMIT 1", $ID1, $ID2);
     return j::$DB->AffectedRows();
Esempio n. 11
 public function getAllUsersBelow100()
     $r = j::DQL("SELECT COUNT(U) AS Result FROM MyUser AS U");
     return $r[0]['Result'];
Esempio n. 12
 static function CheckInput($Value, $Title = "temp")
     $X = j::LoadSession("CAPTCHA_{$Title}");
     return $X === $Value;
Esempio n. 13
     Edits a user credentials
     @param String $OldUsername
     @param String $NewUsername
     @param String $NewPassword leave null to not change
     @return null on old user doesn't exist, false on new user already exists,  true on success.
 function EditUser($OldUsername, $NewUsername, $NewPassword = null)
     if (!$this->UserExists($OldUsername)) {
         return null;
     if ($OldUsername != $NewUsername and $this->UserExists($NewUsername)) {
         return false;
     if ($NewPassword) {
         $HashedPass = new Password($NewUsername, $NewPassword);
         j::SQL("UPDATE {$this->TablePrefix()}users SET Username=?, Password=?, Salt=?, Protocol=? WHERE LOWER(Username)=LOWER(?)", $NewUsername, $HashedPass->Password(), $HashedPass->Salt(), $HashedPass->Protocol(), $OldUsername);
     } else {
         j::SQL("UPDATE {$this->TablePrefix()}users SET Username=? WHERE LOWER(Username)=LOWER(?)", $NewUsername, $OldUsername);
     return true;
Esempio n. 14

if (\jf\HttpRequest::File() == "sys/login" or \jf\HttpRequest::File() == "sys/logout") {
if (!j::UserID()) {
    header("location: " . SiteRoot . "/sys/login?return=/{\\jf\\HttpRequest::File()}");
} else {
    if (!j::$RBAC->Check("panel")) {
Esempio n. 15
 static function Delete($Object)
Esempio n. 16
<!-- Critical Logs -->
<td colspan='4'><h2><?php 
tr("Critical Logs");
<td colspan='4'>

<td colspan='8'>
$Logs = j::SQL("SELECT * FROM `" . reg("jf/log/table/name") . "` WHERE `" . reg("jf/log/table/Severity") . "`>=5 ORDER BY `" . reg("jf/log/table/Timestamp") . "` DESC LIMIT 50");
if (is_array($Logs)) {
    $n = 0;
    foreach ($Logs as $L) {
        echo "<strong>" . ++$n . ". " . $L['Subject'] . " (" . $L['Severity'] . ")</strong> " . $L['Data'] . " <i>(" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $L['Timestamp']) . ")</i>" . BR;
<form action='../logs/view' onsubmit='return confirm("Are you sure?");' method='post'>
<input type='hidden' name='DelSeverity' value='7' />
<input type='submit' value='Clear All Logs' />