function set($var, $value)
     $value = mydb::cxn()->real_escape_string($value);
     switch ($var) {
         case 'serial_num':
             // Test for the correct form (i.e. COH-123) 2-5 letters, hyphen, 3-7 numbers
             if (preg_match('/\\b[a-zA-Z]{2,5}-[0-9]{3,7}\\b/', $value) != 1) {
                 throw new Exception('Rappel Equipment serial numbers must be written as 2-5 letters followed by a hyphen and 3-7 numbers (i.e. COH-1234567) : ' . $value);
             } else {
                 // Make sure that the requested serial_num is NOT already in the database.
                 if ($this->is_duplicate($value, get_class($this))) {
                     throw new Exception('There is already a ' . get_class($this) . ' with a Serial Number of ' . strtoupper($value));
                 } else {
                     parent::set('serial_num', strtoupper($value));
         case 'mfr_serial_num':
             //This field will store the manufacturer's serial number in the event that an item has been assigned a 'local' serial number by the owner.
             //The database allows a VARCHAR of 0-15 characters
             if (strlen($value) > 15) {
                 throw new Exception('The manufacturer\'s serial number can only be 15 characters');
             } else {
                 $this->mfr_serial_num = $value;
         case 'use_offset':
             if ($value == "") {
                 $this->use_offset = 0;
             } elseif (!$this->var_is_int($value)) {
                 throw new Exception('The USE_OFFSET must be an integer value.');
             } else {
                 $this->use_offset = $value;
         case 'in_service_date':
             //This must be either blank or mm/dd/yyyy
             $dates = explode("/", $value);
             // The Date ($value) should be in the form: mm/dd/yyyy
             if ($value != "" && !checkdate((int) $dates[0], (int) $dates[1], (int) $dates[2])) {
                 throw new Exception('The In-Service Date entered is not a valid date (dates must be in the form: mm/dd/yyyy)');
             } else {
                 $this->in_service_date = $value;
         case 'retired_date':
             //This must be either blank or mm/dd/yyyy
             $dates = explode("/", $value);
             // The Date ($value) should be in the form: mm/dd/yyyy
             if ($value != "" && !checkdate((int) $dates[0], (int) $dates[1], (int) $dates[2])) {
                 throw new Exception('The Retirement Date entered is not a valid date (dates must be in the form: mm/dd/yyyy)');
             } else {
                 $this->retired_date = $value;
         case 'retired_reason':
             $this->retired_reason = $value;
             //This value is a string with no restrictions. Just store it.
         case 'retired_category':
             if(in_array(strtolower($value),$this->valid_retired_categories)) $this->retired_category = strtolower($value);
             else throw new Exception('The rappel_equipment->set() function attempted to set an invalid \'retired_category\' ('.$value.')');
             $this->retired_category = strtolower($value);
             parent::set($var, $value);
             // If this request is not specific to a piece of rappel equipment, let the ITEM class deal with it
             //throw new Exception('The rappel_equipment->set() function attempted to modify an invalid variable ('.$var.')');
     // End: switch($var)