/** * Validates a number value. * * @param string $value The value to validate. * * @return bool|string Returns boolean TRUE upon successfull validation, and an error message string upon failure. */ public function validate(&$value) { $required = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'required', false) == 'required'; $integeronly = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'integeronly', false, array(true, false)); $msglbl = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'msglbl', get::array_def($this->attributes, 'name', $this->getId())); if ($required && (!isset($value) || strlen(trim($value)) < 1)) { return sprintf('"%s" is a required field.', $msglbl); } if (isset($value) && strlen(trim($value)) > 0) { $value = trim($value); $valid = $integeronly ? preg_match('/^[+-]?\\d+$/', $value) ? (int) $value : false : is::float($value); $errorText = $integeronly ? 'integer' : 'number'; $min = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'min', null); $max = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'max', null); if ($valid === false) { return sprintf('"%s" is not a valid %s.', $msglbl, $errorText); } elseif (isset($min) && $valid < $min) { return sprintf('"%s" is not allowed to be less than %s.', $msglbl, $min); } elseif (isset($max) && $valid > $max) { return sprintf('"%s" is not allowed to be greater than %s.', $msglbl, $max); } $value = $valid; } return true; }
public final function render() { $this->lf = $this->layout !== null ? get::mvc_file('layout', $this->layout) : false; if ($this->lf === false && $this->layout != 'default') { $this->lf = get::mvc_file('layout', 'default'); } $this->vf = $this->view !== null ? get::mvc_file('view', $this->view) : false; if ($this->lf === false) { throw new Exception('Unable to find layout: ' . $this->layout); } if ($this->vf === false) { throw new Exception('Unable to find view: ' . $this->view); } if (isset($this->params) && is_array($this->params) && is::assoc_array($this->params)) { extract($this->params); } $this->helpers = get::helpers('template'); extract($this->helpers); ob_start(); require $this->vf; $munla_view_data = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if (!isset($page_title)) { $page_title = config::TITLE_DEFAULT; } if (!isset($page_class)) { $page_class = preg_replace('[^a-zA-Z0-9-_]', '', str_replace('/', '-', $this->view)); } require $this->lf; }
/** * Attempts to redirect the user to the last page they * were on. If there is no history, then processing continues. * * @return bool FALSE on failure. */ public static function back() { if (is::existset(munla::$session, 'lastpage') && strlen(munla::$session['lastpage']) > 0) { return go::url(munla::$session['lastpage']); } return false; }
/** * Generates the HTML for the form element. * * @return string */ public function __toString() { $this->attributes['id'] = $this->getId(); $this->attributes['name'] = $this->getName(); $this->attributes['type'] = $this->type; $html = sprintf('<input%s />', get::formattedAttributes($this->getAttributes())); if (is::existset($this->attributes, 'autofocus')) { $html .= $this->getAutoFocusScript($this->attributes['id']); } return $html; }
/** * Generates the HTML for the form element. * * @return string */ public function __toString() { $this->attributes['id'] = $this->getId(); $this->attributes['name'] = $this->getName(); $value = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'value', ''); $html = sprintf('<textarea%s>%s</textarea>', get::formattedAttributes($this->getAttributes()), get::entities($value)); if (is::existset($this->attributes, 'autofocus')) { $html .= $this->getAutoFocusScript($this->attributes['id']); } return $html; }
/** * Generates the HTML for the form element. * * @return string */ public function __toString() { $this->attributes['id'] = $this->getId(); $this->attributes['name'] = $this->getName(); $this->attributes['value'] = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'value', ''); $this->attributes['type'] = $this->type; $content = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'content', $this->attributes['value']); $html = sprintf('<button%s>%s</button>', get::formattedAttributes($this->getAttributes()), $content); if (is::existset($this->attributes, 'autofocus')) { $html .= $this->getAutoFocusScript($this->attributes['id']); } return $html; }
/** * Validates a datetime value. * * @param string $value The value to validate. * * @return bool|string Returns boolean TRUE upon successfull validation, and an error message string upon failure. */ public function validate(&$value) { $return = parent::validate($value); if ($return !== true) { return $return; } if (isset($value) && strlen(trim($value)) > 0) { $msglbl = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'msglbl', get::array_def($this->attributes, 'name', $this->getId())); $valid = is::datetime($value); if ($valid === false) { return sprintf('"%s" does not have a valid date/time. The format is YYYY-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.fff. "T" is a literal separator.', $msglbl); } $mode = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'datemode', 'html'); $min = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'min', false); if (is_object($min) && $min instanceof cDateTime) { if ($valid->lessThan($min)) { switch ($mode) { case 'html': break; case 'us': $min = $min->format_us(); break; default: $min = $min->format($mode); break; } return sprintf('"%s" cannot be before "%s".', $msglbl, $min); } } $max = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'max', false); if (is_object($max) && $max instanceof cDateTime) { if ($max->lessThan($valid)) { switch ($mode) { case 'html': break; case 'us': $max = $max->format_us(); break; default: $max = $max->format($mode); break; } return sprintf('"%s" cannot be after "%s".', $msglbl, $max); } } $value = $valid; } return true; }
/** * Creates the HTML for the datalist element. * * @return string */ public function __toString() { $html = sprintf('<datalist id="%s">', get::encodedAttribute($this->getId())); if (is::assoc_array($this->list)) { foreach ($this->list as $value => $lbl) { $html .= sprintf('<option label="%s" value="%s" />', get::encodedAttribute($lbl), get::encodedAttribute($value)); } } else { foreach ($this->list as $value) { $html .= sprintf('<option value="%s" />', get::encodedAttribute($value)); } } $html .= '</datalist>'; return $html; }
/** * Validates a url value. * * @param string $value The value to validate. * * @return bool|string Returns boolean TRUE upon successfull validation, and an error message string upon failure. */ public function validate(&$value) { $return = parent::validate($value); if ($return !== true) { return $return; } if (isset($value) && strlen(trim($value)) > 0) { $valid = is::url($value, true); if (!is_array($valid)) { $msglbl = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'msglbl', get::array_def($this->attributes, 'name', $this->getId())); return sprintf('"%s" has an invalid url. Urls start with http/https/ftp followed by "://" and then the domain and path.', $msglbl); } $value = $valid; } return true; }
/** * Validates a email value. * * @param string $value The value to validate. * * @return bool|string Returns boolean TRUE upon successfull validation, and an error message string upon failure. */ public function validate(&$value) { $return = parent::validate($value); if ($return !== true) { return $return; } if (isset($value) && strlen(trim($value)) > 0) { $valid = is::email($value, get::array_def($this->attributes, 'multiple', false) == 'multiple'); if (!is_object($valid) || !($valid instanceof emailAddressList || $valid instanceof emailAddress)) { $msglbl = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'msglbl', get::array_def($this->attributes, 'name', $this->getId())); return sprintf('"%s" has an invalid email address.', $msglbl); } $value = $valid; } return true; }
/** * Validates a color value. According to the W3C this field should ALWAYS have a value. * * @param string $value The value to validate. * * @return bool|string Returns boolean TRUE upon successfull validation, and an error message string upon failure. */ public function validate(&$value) { $return = parent::validate($value); if ($return !== true) { return $return; } if (!isset($value) || strlen(trim($value)) < 1) { $value = '#000000'; } if (isset($value) && strlen(trim($value)) > 0) { $valid = is::color($value); if ($valid === false) { $msglbl = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'msglbl', get::array_def($this->attributes, 'name', $this->getId())); return sprintf('"%s" has an invalid color (ex. #FFFFFF).', $msglbl); } $value = $valid; } return true; }
assertIdentical(is::is_kana_utf8('アあ'), false); // assertIdentical(is::is_kana_utf8('あ'), true); assertIdentical(is::is_kana_utf8('あいう'), true); assertIdentical(is::is_kana_utf8('あーん'), true); // ドメイン assertIdentical(is::is_domain('test.com'), true); assertIdentical(is::is_domain('www.hogehoge.jp'), true); assertIdentical(is::is_domain('www.hoge-hoge.jp'), true); // assertIdentical(is::is_domain('www.hogehoge.jp.'), false); // …微妙だけどねぇ assertIdentical(is::is_domain('www..hogehoge.jp'), false); assertIdentical(is::is_domain('www.hoge_hoge.jp'), false); assertIdentical(is::is_domain('www.hoge&%$#"hoge.jp'), false); // メアド assertIdentical(is::is_email('*****@*****.**'), true); assertIdentical(is::is_email('*****@*****.**'), true); assertIdentical(is::is_email('*****@*****.**'), true); assertIdentical(is::is_email('*****@*****.**'), true); assertIdentical(is::is_email('"hoge@aaa+test"@aa.jp'), true); assertIdentical(is::is_email('*****@*****.**'), true); assertIdentical(is::is_email('"><script>alert(\'or/**/1=1#\')</script>"@example.jp'), true); assertIdentical(is::is_email('"><script>alert(\'or 1=1#\')</script>"@example.jp'), true); // assertIdentical(is::is_email('hoge@'), false); assertIdentical(is::is_email('hoge@ho_ge.com'), false); assertIdentical(is::is_email('hoge@ho_ge'), false); assertIdentical(is::is_email('@hoge.com'), false); assertIdentical(is::is_email('hoge@'), false);
/** * Creates a new form element. * * @param array $attributes The attributes that should be assigned to the input element. */ public function __construct(array $attributes) { if (is::existset($attributes, 'id')) { $this->setId($attributes['id']); } if (is::existset($attributes, 'name')) { $this->setName($attributes['name']); } $this->attributes = $attributes; }
public function forgot() { $email = $this->request->post('email'); $type = $this->request->post('type'); if (empty($email) || empty($type)) { return false; } switch ($type) { case 'email': if (!is::email($email)) { return false; } $sql = 'SELECT id,code FROM UserLogin WHERE email=:id'; break; case 'phone': if (!is::phone($email)) { return false; } $sql = 'SELECT id,code FROM UserLogin WHERE phone=:id'; break; default: return false; } }
/** * Generates the HTML for the form element. * * @return string */ public function __toString() { $this->attributes['id'] = $this->getId(); $this->attributes['name'] = $this->getName(); $keyvalues = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'keyvalues', false, array(true, false)); $placeholder = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'placeholder', ''); $separator = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'separator', false); $value = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'value', array()); $multiple = get::array_def($this->attributes, 'multiple', false) == 'multiple'; if ($multiple && substr($this->attributes['name'], -2) != '[]') { $this->attributes['name'] .= '[]'; } if (!is_array($value) && strlen(trim($value)) < 1) { $value = array(); } if (!is_array($value)) { $value = array($value); } $html = sprintf('<select%s>', get::formattedAttributes($this->getAttributes())); if (!$multiple && isset($placeholder) && strlen(trim($placeholder)) > 0) { $html .= sprintf('<option value="%s" disabled%s>%s</option>', get::encodedAttribute($this->emptyValue), count($value) > 0 ? '' : ' selected', get::entities($placeholder)); if (isset($separator) && $separator !== false) { $separator = $separator === true ? '---------------' : $separator; $html .= sprintf('<option value="%s" disabled>%s</option>', get::encodedAttribute($this->emptyValue), get::entities($separator)); } } if (isset($this->list) && count($this->list) > 0) { $stack = $this->build_stack($this->list); while ($stack) { $current = array_shift($stack); if (!is_array($current)) { $html .= $current; continue; } if (is_array($current['value'])) { if (!is_string($current['key'])) { continue; } $substack = $this->build_stack($current['value']); if ($substack) { $html .= sprintf('<optgroup label="%s">', get::encodedAttribute($current['key'])); array_unshift($stack, '</optgroup>'); while ($substack) { array_unshift($stack, array_pop($substack)); } } } else { $v = $keyvalues || is_string($current['key']) ? (string) $current['key'] : $current['value']; $l = $current['value']; $selected = ''; if ($l == '-') { $l = !isset($separator) || is_bool($separator) ? '---------------' : $separator; $v = $this->emptyValue; } else { $selected = in_array($v, $value) ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; } $html .= sprintf('<option value="%s"%s>%s</option>', get::encodedAttribute($v), $selected, get::entities($l)); } } } $html .= '</select>'; if (is::existset($this->attributes, 'autofocus')) { $html .= $this->getAutoFocusScript($this->attributes['id']); } return $html; }
/** * Generates an anchor element. * * @param mixed $name The content of the anchor element. * @param string $webpath The path following the domain name. * @param string|bool $https Whether the url should be secure or not. Valid values: true, false, 'http', 'https'. * @param int $port The port number that should be used (ex. http://www.google.com:57/). * @param string|array $get The query string that should be appended to the url. * @param string $argSeparator The separator that should splite arguements in the query string. * @param array $attributes,... OPTIONAL Any number of associative arrays containing html attributes as the keys. * * @return he_a */ public function a($content, $webpath) { $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); array_shift($args); $https = null; $port = null; $get = null; $argSeparator = '&'; $attributes = array(); $allowed = he_a::acceptedAttributes(); if (count($args) == 1 && is_array($args[0])) { $vargs = array('https', 'port', 'get', 'argSeparator', 'attributes'); $is_assoc = false; //must use this method rather than is::assoc_array because GET can be an assoc array foreach ($vargs as $v) { if (is::existset($args[0], $v)) { $is_assoc = true; break; } } if ($is_assoc) { //arguements were passed as associative array if (is::existset($args[0], 'https')) { $https = $args[0]['https'] == 'https' || $args[0]['https'] === true; } if (is::existset($args[0], 'port')) { $port = $args[0]['port']; } if (is::existset($args[0], 'get')) { $get = $args[0]['get']; } if (is::existset($args[0], 'argSeparator')) { $argSeparator = $args[0]['argSep']; } if (is::existset($args[0], 'attributes') && is_array($args[0]['attributes'])) { $attributes = $args[0]['attributes']; } } else { if ($this->hasHtmlAttributes($args[0], $allowed)) { $attributes = $args[0]; } else { $get = $args[0]; } //not an associative array, the array is meant for get } } else { // cycle through the arguments and assign them based on type // remember to not go out of order // https, port, get, argSeparator, attributes // bool|string, int, string|array, string, array $argPos = 0; while (count($args) > 0) { $arg = array_shift($args); if (is_string($arg)) { $argl = strtolower($arg); if ($argPos < 1 && ($argl == 'https' || $argl == 'http')) { $argPos = 1; $https = $argl == 'https'; continue; } if ($argPos > 0 && $argPos <= 2) { if (strlen($arg) > 1) { $get = $arg; } $argPos = 3; continue; } if ($argPos > 2) { $argSeparator = $arg; break; } } if ($argPos < 1 && is_bool($arg)) { $https = $arg; $argPos = 1; } if ($argPos <= 1 && is_int($arg)) { $port = $arg; $argPos = 2; } if (is_array($arg)) { if ($argPos <= 2) { //must check for attributes if ($this->hasHtmlAttributes($arg, $allowed)) { foreach ($arg as $n => $v) { $n = strtolower($n); if (!array_key_exists($n, $attributes)) { if (array_key_exists($n, htmlElement::$enumAttributes) && !in_array($v, htmlElement::$enumAttributes[$n]) && array_key_exists($v, htmlElement::$enumAttributes[$n])) { $v = htmlElement::$enumAttributes[$n][$v]; } elseif (in_array($n, htmlElement::$boolAttributes)) { if (is_bool($v) && !$v || !is_bool($v) && $v !== 'true') { continue; } $v = $n; } $attributes[$n] = $v; } } } else { $get = $arg; } } if ($argPos > 2) { //must be attributes foreach ($arg as $n => $v) { $n = strtolower($n); if (!array_key_exists($n, $attributes)) { if (array_key_exists($n, htmlElement::$enumAttributes) && !in_array($v, htmlElement::$enumAttributes[$n]) && array_key_exists($v, htmlElement::$enumAttributes[$n])) { $v = htmlElement::$enumAttributes[$n][$v]; } elseif (in_array($n, htmlElement::$boolAttributes)) { if (is_bool($v) && !$v || !is_bool($v) && $v !== 'true') { continue; } $v = $n; } $attributes[$n] = $v; } } $argPos = 4; } } } } $attributes['href'] = get::url($webpath, $https, $port, $get, $argSeparator); //, $attributes); $e = new he_a($content, $attributes); if (!$this->echoOff) { echo $e; } return $e; }
/** * Validates a given CSRF form submission. * * @throws CSRFException when a POST form doesn't have a csrf field. * * @return bool TRUE when CSRF token validates, false otherwise. */ public static function validate_form() { self::removeExpiredTokens(); if (count($_POST)) { if (!is::existset($_POST, 'csrf_token')) { throw new CSRFException('No CSRF form fields were found.'); } return self::validate($_POST['csrf_token']); } return false; }
/** * Gets the form to process, or given the form to process - processes it. * * @param string|null $form * The form identifier of the form to process. * * @return string|bool|null * When $form is null, returns either null or a string form identifier. * When a form identifier is passed, returns a boolean indicating the success or failure of the form processing. */ public static function process($form = null) { if (isset(self::$processed)) { log::warning('Invalid call to formHelper::process() - the form has already been processed.'); return false; } if (!isset($form)) { if (is::existset(munla::$session, 'forms')) { foreach (munla::$session['forms'] as $csrfName => $csrfForms) { foreach ($csrfForms as $formid => $f) { if (!is::existset($f, 'callback') || !is_callable($f['callback'])) { continue; } $_FORM = array(); switch (strtolower($f['method'])) { case 'post': $_FORM =& $_POST; break; case 'get': $_FORM =& $_GET; break; } if (!is::existset($_FORM, 'mnl_formid')) { unset($_FORM); continue; } if (substr($_FORM['mnl_formid'], 0, strlen($csrfName) + 1) == $csrfName . '-' && substr($_FORM['mnl_formid'], strlen($csrfName) + 1) == $formid) { unset($_FORM); return sprintf('%s::%s', $csrfName, $formid); } unset($_FORM); } } } $mnl_formaction = self::validateAction(is::existset($_POST, 'mnl_formaction') ? $_POST['mnl_formaction'] : (is::existset($_GET, 'mnl_formaction') ? $_GET['mnl_formaction'] : null)); if ($mnl_formaction) { return 'simpleForm::' . $mnl_formaction; } return $form; } if (!is_string($form) || strpos($form, '::') === false) { log::error(sprintf('Invalid form identifier "%s"', $form)); return false; } list($csrfName, $formid) = explode('::', $form, 2); if ($csrfName == 'simpleForm' && is_callable($formid)) { //$formid(); //trigger the callback - we don't know the values or form definition so no parameters $_FORM = array(); if (is::existset($_POST, 'mnl_formaction')) { $_FORM =& $_POST; } if (is::existset($_GET, 'mnl_formaction')) { $_FORM =& $_GET; } self::fixArrays(); unset($_FORM['mnl_formaction']); //normalize the file listing into a better array if any files were uploaded self::fixFileArray($_FORM); self::$processed = array('errors' => array(), 'fielderrors' => array(), 'msg' => null); self::$processed['form']['formid'] = $formid; $p = get::helper('form'); $processed = call_user_func($formid, $p, $_FORM); if ($processed === false) { self::$processed['errors'][] = 'Failed to process the form.'; } elseif ($processed !== true) { if (is_array($processed)) { foreach ($processed as $err) { $success = false; switch (substr($err, 0, 1)) { case '+': $err = substr($err, 1); $success = true; break; case '-': $err = substr($err, 1); break; } self::$processed[$success ? 'msg' : 'errors'][] = $err; } } else { $success = false; switch (substr($processed, 0, 1)) { case '+': $processed = substr($processed, 1); $success = true; break; case '-': $processed = substr($processed, 1); break; } self::$processed[$success ? 'msg' : 'errors'][] = $processed; } } return count(self::$processed['errors']) < 1; } if (!is::existset(munla::$session, 'forms') || !is::existset(munla::$session['forms'], $csrfName) || !is::existset(munla::$session['forms'][$csrfName], $formid)) { log::error(sprintf('Specified form definition "%s" was not found', $form)); return false; } $form = munla::$session['forms'][$csrfName][$formid]; if (!is::existset($form, 'callback') || !is_callable($form['callback'])) { log::error(sprintf('Form does not have a valid callback.')); return false; } $callback = explode('::', $form['callback']); $_FORM = array(); switch (strtolower($form['method'])) { case 'post': $_FORM =& $_POST; break; case 'get': $_FORM =& $_GET; break; } self::fixArrays(); self::$processed = array('errors' => array(), 'fielderrors' => array(), 'msg' => null); self::$processed['form'] = $form; if (is::existset($_FORM, 'mnl_formid')) { unset($_FORM['mnl_formid']); } //normalize the file listing into a better array if any files were uploaded self::fixFileArray($_FORM); //fix up special field types foreach ($form['fields'] as $field) { $type = get_class($field); if ($type == 'fe_image') { $name = $field->getName(); if (!is::existset($_FORM, $name) && is::existset($_FORM, $name . '_x')) { $_FORM[$name] = true; } } elseif ($type == 'fe_session') { $_FORM[$field->getName()] = $field->get_value(); } } $fields = new formFieldList($form['fields']); $validating = array($callback[0], $callback[1] . '_validating'); $validate = array($callback[0], $callback[1] . '_validate'); if (is_callable($validating)) { $validating($this, $fields, $_FORM); } $valid = is_callable($validate) ? $validate($_FORM) : self::validate($fields, $_FORM, strtolower($form['method']) == 'post' && !$form['nocsrf']); if ($valid) { $processed = $callback($_FORM); if (isset($processed)) { if ($processed === false) { self::$processed['errors'][] = 'Failed to process the form.'; } elseif ($processed !== true) { if (is_array($processed)) { foreach ($processed as $err) { $success = false; switch (substr($err, 0, 1)) { case '+': $err = substr($err, 1); $success = true; break; case '-': $err = substr($err, 1); break; } self::$processed[$success ? 'msg' : 'errors'][] = $err; } } else { $success = false; switch (substr($processed, 0, 1)) { case '+': $processed = substr($processed, 1); $success = true; break; case '-': $processed = substr($processed, 1); break; } self::$processed[$success ? 'msg' : 'errors'][] = $processed; } } } } elseif (count(self::$processed['errors']) < 1) { self::$processed['errors'][] = 'Failed form validation.'; } return count(self::$processed['errors']) < 1; }
/** * Checks the access permission for the given method name. Checks SSL context, and user permission. * * @param string $name The method the check. * * @throws SSLException|PermissionException when access permission is invalid. * * @return void */ public function check_permission($name) { //first ignore some functions for some classes if (is_subclass_of($this->internal, 'controller') && $name == 'getAction') { return; } //check SSL access $ssl = $this->internal->getSSL(); if (isset($ssl)) { if (is_bool($ssl) && $ssl != is::ssl() || is_array($ssl) && array_key_exists($name, $ssl) && is_bool($ssl[$name]) && $ssl[$name] != is::ssl()) { throw new SSLException(sprintf('Invalid context to run "%s" on %s. Must be %sssl.', $name, get_class($this->internal), $ssl ? '' : 'non-')); } } //check permission access $access = $this->internal->getAccess(); if (is_array($access) && array_key_exists($name, $access) && isset($access[$name])) { $ret = munla::$user->hasPermission($access[$name]); if (is_string($ret)) { throw new PermissionException($ret); } elseif ($ret === false) { throw new PermissionException(sprintf('Invalid permissions to run "%s" on %s.', $name, get_class($this->internal))); } } }
/** * Checks to see if the given input is a valid date/time according to the HTML5 * specifications used for datetime fields. * * See http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/common-microsyntaxes.html#dates * for the rules on parsing dates * * @param string $input * The value to check. * * @return mixed * Returns a boolean false if the input is not a time, otherwise it * returns an array with the following keys. * - year: The numeric year. * - month: The numeric month. * - day: The numeric day. * - formatted: US formatted date string m/d/y. * - hour: The numeric hour in 24 notation. * - minute: The numeric minute. * - second: The numeric second. * - faction: The numeric fraction of a second. * - meridiem: AM/PM * - format24: The formatted time using 24 hour notation. * - format12: The formatted time using 12 hour notation without the meridiem. * - unixdatetime: The unix datetimestamp as created by mktime. * - datetime: A DateTime class containing the date/time. * - isutc: Boolean indicating whether the time is UTC(Zulu) time or not. */ public static function datetime($input, $local = false) { if (!isset($input)) { return false; } $in = trim($input); if (substr_count($in, 'T') != 1) { return false; } list($datepart, $timepart) = explode('T', $in); $dateValid = is::date($datepart); if ($dateValid === false) { return false; } $timeValid = is::time($timepart); if ($timeValid === false) { return false; } $timeValid->setDate($dateValid->format('Y'), $dateValid->format('m'), $dateValid->format('d')); return new cDateTime($timeValid, $local === true ? cDateTime::DATETIMELOCAL_KIND : cDateTime::DATETIME_KIND); }
public function __toString() { if (isset($this->params) && is_array($this->params) && is::assoc_array($this->params)) { extract($this->params); } $this->helpers = get::helpers('template'); if (count($this->helpers) > 0) { extract($this->helpers); } ob_start(); require $this->file; $data = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $data; }
/** * Starts the application. * * @return void */ public static function run() { self::$starttime = microtime(true); error_reporting(config::ERROR_LEVEL); if (isset(config::$session_cookie_domain)) { ini_set('session.cookie_domain', config::$session_cookie_domain); } if (class_exists('formHelper')) { formHelper::fixArrays(); } if (class_exists('csrfHelper')) { injector::register(array('csrfHelper', 'injector')); } if (is::ssl() && isset(config::$https_domain) && !isset(config::$http_domain)) { if (is::existset($_GET, 'r_domain')) { config::$http_domain = get::fulldomain($_GET['r_domain']); } else { config::$http_domain = get::fulldomain('www'); } } session_start(); if (config::$isolated_subdomains) { // find the domain $domain = isset(config::$http_domain) ? config::$http_domain : get::fulldomain(); // kill any subdomain sessions that have been transfered to another subdomain $existing = array_keys($_SESSION); foreach ($existing as $d) { if (!is_array($_SESSION[$d])) { continue; } if (array_key_exists('kill_munla_session', $_SESSION[$d]) && $_SESSION[$d]['kill_munla_session']) { unset($_SESSION[$d]); } } // initialize and setup the session for this subdomain if (!array_key_exists($domain, $_SESSION)) { $_SESSION[$domain] = array(); } munla::$session =& $_SESSION[$domain]; } else { munla::$session =& $_SESSION; } if (class_exists('singleUseArray')) { if (!is::existset(munla::$session, 'MUNLA_SINGLE_USE')) { munla::$singleUse = new singleUseArray(); } else { munla::$singleUse = unserialize(munla::$session['MUNLA_SINGLE_USE']); } } $route = get::route(); if (is_array($route) && $route['controller'] == 'csrf' && $route['action'] == 'keepalive' && class_exists('csrfHelper') && is::existset($route, 'params') && count($route['params']) > 0) { if (isset($_POST['token'])) { echo csrfHelper::keepAlive($route['params'][0], $_POST['token']); } exit; } if (class_exists('user') && is_subclass_of('user', 'userBase')) { if (!is::existset(munla::$session, 'MUNLA_USER')) { munla::$session['MUNLA_USER'] = new userWrapper(new user()); } } injector::start(); if (class_exists('app') && is_callable(array('app', 'setup'))) { app::setup(); } if (!isset(munla::$user) && is::existset(munla::$session, 'MUNLA_USER')) { munla::$user =& munla::$session['MUNLA_USER']; } if (!is::ajax()) { $submittedForm = formHelper::process(); if (isset($submittedForm)) { formHelper::process($submittedForm); } } if (class_exists('app') && is_callable(array('app', 'start'))) { $route = app::start($route); } if ($route === null) { $route = array('controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index', 'params' => null); } $controller = get::controller($route['controller']); if (!isset($controller) && $route['controller'] != 'index') { //push action to params, controller to action, and set controller to index and try again. if ($route['action'] != 'index') { if (!isset($route['params'])) { $route['params'] = array(); } array_unshift($route['params'], $route['action']); } $route['action'] = $route['controller']; $route['controller'] = 'index'; $controller = get::controller('index'); } $view = null; if (isset($controller)) { $action = $controller->getAction(array($route['action'], $route['params'])); if (isset($action)) { try { $viewParams = call_user_func_array(array($controller, $action['action']), $action['params']); //various things could happen here... if (!isset($viewParams)) { $viewParams = array(); } elseif (!is_array($viewParams)) { $viewParams = array($viewParams); } $view = get::view($route, $controller, $viewParams); } catch (SSLException $e) { go::ssl(!is::ssl()); } catch (PermissionException $e) { munla::$nohistory = true; if (isset(munla::$user) && !munla::$user->is_logged_in() && munla::$user->getLoginView()) { $view = munla::$user->getLoginView(); } else { $view = get::view('errors/generic', 'default', array('error_msg' => $e->getMessage())); } } catch (Exception $e) { munla::$nohistory = true; $view = get::view('errors/generic', 'default', array('error_msg' => $e->getMessage())); } } else { $view = get::view($route, $controller); } } else { $view = get::view($route); } if ($view != null) { $view->render(); } else { throw new Exception('View not found!'); } if (class_exists('app', false)) { munla::$nohistory = app::finish(munla::$nohistory); } if (munla::$nohistory === false) { munla::$session['lastpage'] = get::url(); } if (isset(munla::$singleUse)) { munla::$session['MUNLA_SINGLE_USE'] = serialize(munla::$singleUse); } }
public function &cache($value = null, &$result = null) { if (!isset($this->cache)) { $this->cache = new ModelCacheStorage(); } $num_args = func_num_args(); if ($num_args == 1) { //store the cache if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $v) { if (!is::model($v)) { trigger_error('Array must contain only models'); } } } elseif (!is::model($value)) { trigger_error(sprintf('Argument 1 must be an %s of %s "model"', is_object($value) ? 'instance' : 'object', is_object($value) ? '' : 'class '), E_USER_ERROR); } $keys = $this->cache_keys(); if (count($keys) > 0) { $avalue = is_array($value) ? $value : array($value); foreach ($avalue as $v) { foreach ($keys as $key) { if (is_array($key)) { //compound key $ck = new StdClass(); foreach ($key as $k) { if (!isset($v->{$k})) { throw new Exception(sprintf('Property %s does not exist.', $k)); } $ck->{$k} = $v->{$k}; } $this->cache->attach($ck, $v); } else { if (!isset($v->{$key})) { throw new Exception(sprintf('Property %s does not exist.', $key)); } $ck = new StdClass(); $ck->{$key} = $v->{$key}; $this->cache->attach($ck, $v); } } } } else { trigger_error('Unable to cache model, cache_keys() does not containing any keys to index.', E_USER_ERROR); } return $value; } elseif ($num_args == 2) { //get the cache if (!is_array($value)) { trigger_error('Argument 1 must be an array', E_USER_ERROR); } $ck = new StdClass(); foreach ($value as $k => $v) { $ck->{$k} = $v; } $result = false; if ($this->cache->offsetExists($ck)) { $result = $this->cache[$ck]; $r = true; return $r; } return $result; } else { trigger_error(sprintf('Incorrect number of arguments received. Expected 1 or 2, got %s.', $num_args)); } }
/** * Attempts to construct the full URL for the given file. * * Files that match a url (begin with http, ftp, or https followed by * ://) will be returned as is. * Files that appear to be a url (start with www.) will have the * current scheme prepended to them. * * All others will be checked to see if the file exists relative to * the document root, and the current URL directory (request came from * http://www.mysite.com/path/two/otherfile.php then it would check * both relative to http://www.mysite.com/path/two/ and http://www.mysite.com/. * If the file exists and is within the document root (can't have anyone * accessing system files using ../../ patterns) it will return the url * to the file. * * If it cannot match as a URL or a valid file, it returns the passed * file exactly as it is. * * Example: * Called from - http://www.mysite.com/path/file.php * File exists - http://www.mysite.com/css/layout.css * File exists - /var/systemfile (/var/www being the document root) * $file -> $return * css/layout.css -> http://www.mysite.com/css/layout.css * ../css/layout.css -> http://www.mysite.com/css/layout.css * http://www.othersite.com/file.pdf -> http://www.othersite.com/file.pdf * www.otheriste.com/file.pdf -> http://www.othersite.com/file.pdf * ../../systemfile -> systemfile (would result it broken link) * css/notthere.css -> css/notthere.css * * @param string $file * The file to create the URL for. * * @return string * The full URL of the file specified or the filename as given. * If outside the server document root, the filename only. */ public static function cache_file_url($file) { if (preg_match('/^(http|ftp|https):\\/\\//', $file)) { return $file; } if (strlen($file) > 4 && strtolower(substr($file, 0, 4)) == 'www.') { return 'http' . (is::ssl() ? 's' : '') . '://' . $file; } $docroot = strtr($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '\\', '/'); $self = strtr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '\\', '/'); if (substr($docroot, -1) != '/') { $docroot .= '/'; } if (substr($self, 0, 1) == '/') { $self = substr($self, 1); } $base_dir = get::dirname($docroot . $self); if (substr($base_dir, -1) != '/') { $base_dir .= '/'; } if (strlen($file) > strlen($docroot) && strtolower(substr($file, 0, strlen($docroot))) == strtolower($docroot)) { $file = substr($file, strlen($docroot)); } //try relative (from basename of URL file, and server docroot) if (file_exists($base_dir . $file) || file_exists($docroot . $file)) { $path = get::realpath(file_exists($base_dir . $file) ? $base_dir . $file : $docroot . $file); if ($path !== false && strtolower(substr($path, 0, strlen($docroot))) == strtolower($docroot)) { //file is within the website $self_url = self::url(); if ($self_url == null) { define('DEBUG_URL', true); $self_url = self::url(); log::debug($self_url); define('URL_DEBUGGED', true); } $current = parse_url($self_url); $temp = ''; if (isset($current['user']) && isset($current['pass'])) { $temp .= sprintf('%s:%s@', $current['user'], $current['pass']); } $temp .= $current['host']; if (isset($current['port'])) { $temp .= ':' . $current['port']; } return $current['scheme'] . '://' . str_replace('//', '/', $temp . '/' . substr($path, strlen($docroot))); } else { //file is outside of the website - hacking attempt return basename($file); } } return $file; }
/** * Checks a given file array for errors. * * @param array $file The fixed file array from $_FILES. * * @return bool|string Returns boolean TRUE upon successfull validation, and an error message string upon failure. */ private function checkFileForError(array &$file) { if (!in_array($file['error'], array(0, 4))) { switch ($file['error']) { case 1: $return = 'The uploaded file(%1$s) exceeds the servers max filesize.'; break; case 2: $return = 'The uploaded file(%1$s) exceeds the max filesize.'; break; case 3: $return = 'The uploaded file(%1$s) was only partially uploaded.'; break; case 4: $return = 'No file was uploaded.'; break; case 6: $return = 'Missing a temporary folder.'; break; case 7: $return = 'Failed to write file(%1$s) to disk.'; break; case 8: $return = 'The uploaded file(%1$s) was stopped.'; break; default: $return = 'Unknown file upload error (%2$d).'; break; } return sprintf($return, $file['name'], $file['error']); } if (is::existset($this->attributes, 'accept')) { $accepted = array_filter(array_map('trim', explode(',', $this->attributes['accept'])), 'strlen'); $valid = false; foreach ($accepted as $mime) { if (substr_count($mime, '/') != 1 || substr($mime, -1) == '/' || substr($mime, 0, 1) == '/') { continue; } if (substr($mime, -2) == '/*') { //generic accepted value... if (strncmp($file['type'], substr($mime, 0, -2), strlen($mime) - 2) === 0) { $valid = true; break; } } else { //specific value... if ($file['type'] == $mime) { $valid = true; break; } } } if (!$valid) { return sprintf('The uploaded file(%s) is not of an excepted file type.', $file['name']); } } return true; }