public function index($arguments) { $news = new news(ConnectionFactory::get('mongo')); $articles = new articles(ConnectionFactory::get('mongo')); $notices = new notices(ConnectionFactory::get('redis')); $irc = new irc(ConnectionFactory::get('redis')); $quotes = new quotes(ConnectionFactory::get('mongo')); $forums = new forums(ConnectionFactory::get('redis')); // Set all site-wide notices. foreach ($notices->getAll() as $notice) { Error::set($notice, true); } // Fetch the easy data. $this->view['news'] = $news->getNewPosts(); $this->view['shortNews'] = $news->getNewPosts(true); $this->view['newArticles'] = $articles->getNewPosts('new', 1, 5); $this->view['ircOnline'] = $irc->getOnline(); $this->view['randomQuote'] = $quotes->getRandom(); $this->view['fPosts'] = $forums->getNew(); // Get online users. $apc = new APCIterator('user', '/' . Cache::PREFIX . 'user_.*/'); $this->view['onlineUsers'] = array(); while ($apc->valid()) { $current = $apc->current(); array_push($this->view['onlineUsers'], substr($current['key'], strlen(Cache::PREFIX) + 5)); $apc->next(); } // Set title. Layout::set('title', 'Home'); }
public function omgzold($line, $args) { if ($line['to'] == $this->ircClass->getNick()) { return; } $chan = irc::myStrToLower($line['to']); if(preg_match('@(https?://[^ ]*)@',$line['text']. " ",$url)) { //print("URLZ: ". $url[1]); $values = array( $url[1], $chan, ); $query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM omgzold WHERE url='[1]' AND channel='[2]' AND deleted='0' LIMIT 1",$values); if($this->db->numRows($query)) { $quote = $this->db->fetchArray($query); $diff = $this->timeDiff(time(),$quote['time']); $msg = BOLD."OMGZOLD: " .BOLD.$quote['author'] . " wrote ". $quote['url'] ." ". $diff ."ago"; $this->ircClass->privMsg($chan,$msg); } else { $values = array( $line['fromNick'], $url[1], $chan, ); $query = $this->db->query("INSERT INTO omgzold (author,url,channel) VALUES('[1]', '[2]', '[3]')",$values); } } }
public static function build($action, $settings) { global $config; if ($action == 'all') { file_write($config['dir']['home'] . $settings['file'], irc::install($settings)); } }
public function priv_pizza($line, $args) { if ($args['nargs'] < 1) { $this->ircClass->privMsg($line['to'], chr(2).'Usage'.chr(2).': !pizza <time> , in minutes, 0<'.chr(2).'x'.chr(2).'<=240'); return; } if (!is_numeric($args['arg1'])) { $this->ircClass->privMsg($line['to'], chr(2).'Usage'.chr(2).': !pizza <time> , in minutes, 0<'.chr(2).'x'.chr(2).'<=240'); return; } $args['arg1']++; $args['arg1']--; if (!is_integer($args['arg1'])) { $this->ircClass->privMsg($line['to'], chr(2).'Usage'.chr(2).': !pizza <time> , in minutes, integer, 0<'.chr(2).'x'.chr(2).'<=240'); return; } if ($args['arg1']>240) { $this->ircClass->privMsg($line['to'], chr(2).'Usage'.chr(2).': !pizza <time> , in minutes, integer, 0<'.chr(2).'x'.chr(2).'<=240'); return; } $pizza_id = "pizza_". irc::randomhash(); $time = $args['arg1'] *60; $this->timerClass->addTimer($pizza_id, $this, "pizzaRemind", $line, $time, false); $this->ircClass->privMsg($line['to'], $line['fromNick'].", you will be notified at ".date("d.m.y, H:i", time()+$time).", ".$args['arg1']. " minutes from now"); }
public function priv_throw( $line, $args ) { $chan = irc::myStrToLower( $line[ 'to' ] ); $nick = irc::myStrToLower( $line[ 'fromNick' ] ); if( $args[ 'nargs' ] < 3 ) { $this->ircClass->notice( $nick, "Syntax: !throw <item> at <user>" ); } else { $this->ircClass->action( $chan, "throws {$args['query']}"); } }
private function getStatus() { $sqlCount = 0; $bwStats = $this->ircClass->getStats(); if (is_object($this->db)) { $sqlCount = $this->db->numQueries(); } $bwUp = irc::intToSizeString($bwStats['BYTESUP']); $bwDown = irc::intToSizeString($bwStats['BYTESDOWN']); $fileBwUp = irc::intToSizeString($this->dccClass->getBytesUp()); $fileBwDown = irc::intToSizeString($this->dccClass->getBytesDown()); $txtQueue = $this->ircClass->getTextQueueLength() + 1; $ircStat = $this->ircClass->getStatusString($this->ircClass->getStatusRaw()); $permin = round($sqlCount / $this->ircClass->getRunTime(), 1); $kbs = ($bwStats['BYTESUP'] + $bwStats['BYTESDOWN']) / 1024; $kbs = round($kbs / $this->ircClass->getRunTime(), 2); $status = "Status: " . number_format($sqlCount) . " SQL / {$permin} Q/sec (irc BW: " . $bwUp . " up, " . $bwDown . " down avg ~{$kbs} kbps)"; return $status; }
public function bad_words($line, $args) { if ($line['to'] == $this->ircClass->getNick()) { return; } $chan = irc::myStrToLower($line['to']); if (!$this->ircClass->hasModeSet($line['to'], $this->ircClass->getNick(), "hoa")) { return; // we don't have power to kick! } if (isset($this->badWords[$chan])) { foreach ($this->badWords[$chan] as $bw => $blah) { if (preg_match("/ " . $bw . " /i", " " . $line['text'] . " ")) { $this->ircClass->sendRaw("KICK " . $line['to'] . " " . $line['fromNick'] . " :Bad word!"); break; } } } }
private function onAccept() { //Get the sockInt from the socketClass $newSockInt = $this->socketClass->hasAccepted($this->sockInt); if ($newSockInt === false) { //False alarm.. just ignore it. return false; } //Create a new connection object for the new socket connection, then return it to onAccept //We must assume that onAccept will handle the connection object. Otherwise it'll die, and the //connection will be orphaned. $newConn = new connection(null, null, 0); $newConn->setSocketClass($this->socketClass); $newConn->setIrcClass($this->ircClass); $newConn->setCallbackClass($this->callbackClass); //Can be overwritten in the onAccept function $newConn->setTimerClass($this->timerClass); $newConn->listen(); //We don't need to call init(), we're already setup. //Setup our connection transmission timeout thing. if ($this->transTimeout > 0) { $this->timerClass->addTimer(irc::randomHash(), $newConn, "transTimeout", "", $this->transTimeout); } $newConn->setTransTimeout($this->transTimeout); //Set handler for our new sockInt to new connection class $this->socketClass->setHandler($newSockInt, $this->ircClass, $newConn, "handle"); //Set our new sockInt $newConn->setSockInt($newSockInt); //Call our callback function for accepting with old object, and new object. $this->callbackClass->onAccept($this, $newConn); return false; }
public function link($arguments) { if (!Session::isLoggedIn()) { return Error::set('Please login.'); } $irc = new irc(ConnectionFactory::get('redis')); $username = Session::getVar('username'); $this->view['valid'] = true; $this->view['pending'] = $nicks = $irc->getPending($username); $this->view['nicks'] = $goodNicks = $irc->getNicks($username); if (!empty($arguments[0]) && $arguments[0] == 'add') { if (!isset($nicks[$arguments[1]])) { return Error::set('Invalid nick id.'); } $irc->addNick($username, $nicks[$arguments[1]]); $this->view['pending'] = $irc->getPending($username); $this->view['nicks'] = $irc->getNicks($username); } else { if (!empty($arguments[0]) && $arguments[0] == 'delP') { if (!isset($nicks[$arguments[1]])) { return Error::set('Invalid nick id.'); } $irc->delNick($username, $nicks[$arguments[1]]); $this->view['pending'] = $irc->getPending($username); } else { if (!empty($arguments[0]) && $arguments[0] == 'delA') { if (!isset($goodNicks[$arguments[1]])) { return Error::set('Invalid nick id.'); } $irc->delAcceptedNick($username, $goodNicks[$arguments[1]]); $this->view['nicks'] = $irc->getPending($username); } } } }
public function search_response($line, $args, $result, $site) { if ($result == QUERY_ERROR) { $this->ircClass->notice($line['fromNick'], "Error: " . $site); return; } $site = str_replace(" ", ";", $site); $site = str_replace("\r", "", $site); $site = html_entity_decode($site); preg_match_all("/<li>\\s*<a href=\"\\/title\\/(.+?)\\/.+?>(.+?)<\\/a>\\s*(\\(.+?\\)){1}?(\\s)?(.+?)*?<\\/li>/i", $site, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); $topTen = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[1]); $i++) { if ($matches[4][$i] == " ") { continue; } $link = trim($matches[1][$i]); $title = trim($matches[2][$i]); $date = trim($matches[3][$i]); $lTitle = strtolower($title); if (!isset($this->cache[$lTitle])) { $this->cache[$lTitle] = array(); $this->cache[$lTitle][$date] = $link; } else { if (!isset($this->cache[$lTitle][$date])) { $this->cache[$lTitle][$date] = $link; krsort($this->cache[$lTitle]); } } $topTen[] = $title . " " . $date; } $tkey = strtolower($args["query"]); $lArgs = explode(chr(32), $tkey); $tCount = count($lArgs); if ($tCount > 0) { $date = $lArgs[count($lArgs) - 1]; $title = trim(str_replace($date, "", $tkey)); } if (isset($this->cache[$tkey])) { foreach ($this->cache[$tkey] as $date => $link) { break; } $line["link"] = $link; $line["title"] = $tkey; $line["date"] = $date; $search = socket::generateGetQuery("", "", "/title/" . $link . "/", "1.0"); $this->ircClass->addQuery("", 80, $search, $line, $this, "title_response"); } else { if ($tCount > 0 && isset($this->cache[$title]) && isset($this->cache[$title][$date])) { $link = $this->cache[$title][$date]; $line["link"] = $link; $line["title"] = $title; $line["date"] = $date; $search = socket::generateGetQuery("", "", "/title/" . $link . "/", "1.0"); $this->ircClass->addQuery("", 80, $search, $line, $this, "title_response"); } else { $total = count($topTen); $total = $total > 10 ? 10 : $total; if ($total <= 0) { $this->ircClass->notice($line['fromNick'], "No responses from server. Try broadening your search. If you included a date, remove it and try again."); return; } $this->ircClass->notice($line['fromNick'], "Top " . $total . " responses from"); $resp = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $total; $i++) { $resp .= DARK . "[" . BRIGHT . $topTen[$i] . DARK . "] - "; } $multi = irc::multiLine($resp); foreach ($multi as $mult) { $this->ircClass->notice($line['fromNick'], $mult); } } } }
public function addFile($nick, $host, $port, $type, $filename, $size, $fromTimer = false) { $reverse = false; if ($this->ircClass->getClientConf("mircdccreverse") != "" && $fromTimer == false && $type != DOWNLOAD) { $port = intval($this->ircClass->getClientConf("mircdccreverse")); if ($port == 0) { return NULL; } $args = new argClass(); $args->arg1 = $nick; $args->arg2 = $host; $args->arg3 = $port; $args->arg4 = $type; $args->arg5 = $filename; $args->arg6 = $size; $args->arg7 = time(); $args->arg8 = FILE; $this->ircClass->notice($nick, "DCC: NOTICE: This server is using the mIRC File Server Protocol. Please use ' /dccserver +s on " . $this->ircClass->getClientConf("mircdccreverse") . " ' to recieve files from me! Starting 6 second delay...", 0); $this->ircClass->sendRaw("WHOIS " . $nick); $this->timerClass->addTimer(irc::randomHash(), $this, "reverseTimer", $args, 6); return; } if ($fromTimer == true) { $reverse = DCC_REVERSE; // using mIRC dcc reverse protocol } if ($host == NULL || $port == NULL) { $conn = new connection(null, null, 0); $listening = true; $status = DCC_LISTENING; } else { $conn = new connection($host, $port, CONNECT_TIMEOUT); $listening = false; $status = DCC_CONNECTING; } $conn->setSocketClass($this->socketClass); $conn->setIrcClass($this->ircClass); $conn->setCallbackClass($this); $conn->setTransTimeout(30); $conn->setTimerClass($this->timerClass); $port = $conn->init(); if ($conn->getError()) { $this->ircClass->log("File transfer start error: " . $conn->getErrorMsg()); return false; } $sockInt = $conn->getSockInt(); $id = $this->highestId(); $file = new file($id, $nick, $sockInt, $host, $port, $type, $reverse); if ($file->transferType == UPLOAD) { $this->fileUlCount++; } else { $this->fileDlCount++; } $file->setIrcClass($this->ircClass); $file->setDccClass($this); $file->setSocketClass($this->socketClass); $file->setProcQueue($this->procQueue); $file->setTimerClass($this->timerClass); $file->connection = $conn; $file->status = $status; $file->removed = false; $this->dccList[$sockInt] = $file; $file->initialize($filename, $size); $conn->setCallbackClass($file); if ($listening == true) { $this->timerClass->addTimer(irc::randomHash(), $this, "checkDccTimeout", $file, 30, true); } if ($reverse == true) { $conn->connect(); } return $port; }
private function getStatus() { $sqlCount = 0; $bwStats = $this->ircClass->getStats(); if (is_object($this->db)) { $sqlCount = $this->db->numQueries(); } $bwUp = irc::intToSizeString($bwStats['BYTESUP']); $bwDown = irc::intToSizeString($bwStats['BYTESDOWN']); $fileBwUp = irc::intToSizeString($this->dccClass->getBytesUp()); $fileBwDown = irc::intToSizeString($this->dccClass->getBytesDown()); $txtQueue = $this->ircClass->getTextQueueLength() + 1; $ircStat = $this->ircClass->getStatusString($this->ircClass->getStatusRaw()); $status = "Status: [" . $ircStat . "] " . $sqlCount . " SQL, " . $txtQueue . " SrQ, (irc BW: " . $bwUp . " up, " . $bwDown . " down, file BW: " . $fileBwUp . " up, " . $fileBwDown . " down)"; return $status; }
function dccParse($line, $vars, $txt) { $cVars = count($vars); if ($cVars < 1) { return; } $cmd = irc::myStrToUpper($vars[0]); switch ($cmd) { case "CHAT": if ($cVars == 4) { $iplong = long2ip((double) $vars[2]); $port = $vars[3]; $this->dccClass->addChat($line['fromNick'], $iplong, (int) $port, false, null); } break; case "SEND": if ($this->ircClass->getClientConf('upload') != 'yes') { $this->ircClass->notice($line['fromNick'], "DCC: I do not accept dcc transfers at this time.", 0); break; } if ($cVars >= 5) { //Some bastard sent a file with spaces. Shit. Ass. if (strpos($query, chr(34)) !== false) { $first = strpos($query, chr(34)); $second = strpos($query, chr(34), $first + 1); $filename = substr($query, $first + 1, $second - $first - 1); $query = str_replace("\"" . $filename . "\"", "file.ext", $query); $vars = explode(chr(32), $query); } else { $filename = $vars[1]; } $iplong = long2ip((double) $vars[2]); $port = $vars[3]; $filesize = $vars[4]; $this->dccClass->addFile($line['fromNick'], $iplong, (int) $port, DOWNLOAD, $filename, $filesize); } break; case "ACCEPT": if ($cVars == 4) { $port = $vars[2]; $bytes = $vars[3]; $this->dccClass->dccAccept($port, $bytes); } break; case "RESUME": if ($cVars == 4) { $port = $vars[2]; $bytes = $vars[3]; $this->dccClass->dccResume($port, $bytes); } break; } }
public function priv_adminslap( $line, $args ) { $chan = irc::myStrToLower( $line[ 'to' ] ); $nick = irc::myStrToLower( $line[ 'fromNick' ] ); $host = $line[ 'fromIdent' ] . "@" . $line[ 'fromHost' ]; if( !in_array( $host, $this->allow ) ) { $this->ircClass->notice( $nick, "You don't have access." ); return; } if( $args[ 'nargs' ] < 1 ) { if( !$this->slaps->getSection( "all" ) ) { $this->ircClass->notice( $chan, "None." ); return; } $approve = $this->slaps->getSection( "all" ); $this->ircClass->notice( $nick, "The following slaps aren't approved yet:" ); foreach( $approve as $msg => $approved ) { if( $approved == "wait" ) { $this->ircClass->notice( $nick, $msg ); } } } else { if( $args[ 'nargs' ] < 2 ) { $this->ircClass->notice( $nick, "Syntax: !adminslap <ok|del> <slap>" ); } else { $approve = $this->slaps->getSection( "all" ); $newQ = stristr( $args[ 'query' ], " " ); $slapLen = strlen( $newQ ); $newSlap = substr( $newQ, 1, $slapLen ); if( $args[ 'arg1' ] == "ok" ) { if( $approve[ $newSlap ] == "wait" ) { $this->slaps->setIniVal( "all", $newSlap, "approved" ); $this->slaps->writeIni( ); $this->ircClass->notice( $nick, "The slap is now approved." ); } else { $this->ircClass->notice( $nick, "That slap already is approved or does not exist." ); } } else if( $args[ 'arg1' ] == "del" ) { if( isset( $approve[ $newSlap ] ) ) { $this->slaps->deleteVar( "all", $newSlap ); $this->slaps->writeIni( ); $this->ircClass->notice( $nick, "The slap has been deleted!" ); } else { $this->ircClass->notice( $nick, "That slap does not exit." ); } } else { $this->ircClass->notice( $nick, "Syntax: !adminslap <ok|del> <slap>" ); } } } }
private function doHandShake() { $this->dccSendRaw("100 " . $this->ircClass->getNick() . "\n"); $this->handShakeSent = true; $this->timerClass->addTimer(irc::randomHash(), $this, "handShakeTimeout", "", 8); }
public function priv_admin($line, $args) { if ($args['nargs'] < 2) { return; } if ($this->ircClass->getClientConf('dccadminpass') == "") { return; } if (md5($args['arg1']) != $this->ircClass->getClientConf('dccadminpass')) { return; } $query = substr($args['query'], strlen($args['arg1']) + 1); $myArgs = parser::createLine($query); switch ($args['arg2']) { case "chatme": $port = $this->dccClass->addChat($line['fromNick'], null, null, true, null); if ($port === false) { $this->ircClass->notice($line['fromNick'], "Error starting chat, please try again.", 1); } break; default: $chat = new chat_wrapper($line['fromNick'], $this->ircClass); $cmdList = $this->parserClass->getCmdList(); $cmdLower = $myArgs['cmd']; if (isset($cmdList['dcc'][$cmdLower])) { if ($myArgs['nargs'] < $cmdList['dcc'][$cmdLower]['numArgs']) { $chat->dccSend("Usage: " . $cmdLower . " " . $cmdList['dcc'][$cmdLower]['usage']); break; } $module = $cmdList['dcc'][$cmdLower]['module']; $class = $cmdList['file'][$module]['class']; $func = $cmdList['dcc'][$cmdLower]['function']; $class->{$func}($chat, $myArgs); $chat->dccSend("ADMIN " . irc::myStrToUpper($cmdLower) . " Requested"); } else { $chat->dccSend("Invalid Command: " . $myArgs['cmd']); } break; } }
public function priv_findquote($line, $args) { $channel = $line['to']; if ($channel == $this->ircClass->getNick()) { return; } $cqDB = $this->openDatabase($channel); if (!$cqDB) { $this->ircClass->notice($line['fromNick'], "Error attempting to access quotes database!"); return; } if ($args['nargs'] == 0) { $this->ircClass->notice($line['fromNick'], "Usage: " . $args['cmd'] . " <search>"); } else { if (strlen($args['query']) <= 2) { $this->ircClass->notice($line['fromNick'], "Query must be more than 2 characters."); return; } $type = "author"; if ($args['cmd'] == "!findquote") { $type = "quote"; } $results = $cqDB->searchSectionsByVar($type, $args['query'], CONTAINS_MATCH); $count = count($results); if ($count > 0) { $this->ircClass->notice($line['fromNick'], "There are " . $count . " quotes matching your query:"); sort($results); $resultArray = irc::multiLine(implode(" ", $results)); foreach ($resultArray as $quoteLine) { $this->ircClass->notice($line['fromNick'], $quoteLine); } $this->ircClass->notice($line['fromNick'], "End of results."); } else { $this->ircClass->notice($line['fromNick'], "No quotes matching your query."); } } }
/* A.I.R.C.O chat module @author #urk team */ if (isset($_POST['msg']) or isset($externalMsg)) { set_time_limit(0); if (isset($_POST['msg'])) { $msg = $_POST['msg']; } if (isset($externalMsg)) { $msg = $externalMsg; } /* IRC */ require 'classes/irc.class.php'; $irc = new irc($config); $irc->login(); $count = 0; do { if ($count == 15) { foreach ($config['channels'] as $channel) { $irc->send("PRIVMSG", $channel . ' :' . $msg); } $irc->send("NICK", "dwa"); break; } $irc->run(); $count++; } while (true); } $bodyLoad = " onload=\"document.form.msg.focus();\"";
public function sendLeoResults($line, $args, $result, $response) { if ($result == QUERY_SUCCESS) { // <td nowrap width="5%"> // this tag appears only when we have a search result, so lets look for this // better than using regexps :) // // old variant: //$wordExistsExpr = "#\<TR\>\<TD ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN=5\>.*?\<B\>(.*?)\</B\>.*?\</table\>#i"; //if (0 == preg_match_all($wordExistsExpr, $response, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) if (false == strstr($response, '<td nowrap width="5%">')) { $this->sendMsg($line, $args, 'Your search - ' . BOLD . $args['query'] . BOLD . ' - did not match anything.'); return; } // .*? == ? makes the last quantifier ungreedy // so: match any char before next part of expression, but smallest version possible $wordMatchExpr = '\\<td valign="middle" width="43%"\\>(.*?)\\</td\\>'; // not used //$wordJumpExpr = '\<td class="td1" valign="middle" width="43%"\>.*?\</td\>'; $wordCountExpr = '\\<tr valign="top".*?' . $wordMatchExpr . '.*?' . $wordMatchExpr . '.*?\\</tr\\>'; $wordCount = preg_match_all('#' . $wordCountExpr . '#i', $response, $matchesWordCount, PREG_SET_ORDER); // $matchesWordCount[x][y] // x: result number 0-n // y = 0: trash // y = 1: english/spanish/french // y = 2: german (needs cleaning from <b></b> tags if ($wordCount > $this->max_results) { $wordCount = $this->max_results; } $result = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $wordCount; $i++) { $result .= $this->cleanup($matchesWordCount[$i][1]) . BOLD . ' = ' . BOLD . $this->cleanup($matchesWordCount[$i][2]) . BOLD . ' / ' . BOLD; } $cmdLower = irc::myStrToLower($args['cmd']); switch ($cmdLower) { case '!fra': $lang = 'frde'; break; case '!esp': $lang = 'esde'; break; case '!ita': $lang = 'itde'; break; //case '!chn': // $lang = 'chde'; // break; //case '!chn': // $lang = 'chde'; // break; default: $lang = 'ende'; } // switch $result .= 'more: ' . UNDERLINE . '' . $lang . '?search=' . $args['query'] . UNDERLINE; $this->ircClass->privMsg($line['to'], $result); } else { $this->sendMsg($line, $args, 'Leo says NO! (server didn\'t respond)'); return false; } }
public function priv_seen($line, $args) { if ($this->seen->getError()) { $this->ircClass->notice($line['fromNick'], "There was an error while attempting to access the seen database."); return; } if ($line['to'] == $this->ircClass->getNick()) { return; } if ($args['nargs'] <= 0) { $this->ircClass->notice($line['fromNick'], "Usage: !seen <nick>"); return; } $user = irc::myStrToLower($args['arg1']); if ($user == irc::myStrToLower($line['fromNick'])) { $this->ircClass->privMsg($line['to'], $line['fromNick'] . ", umm... O..kay..."); $this->ircClass->action($line['to'], "points at " . $line['fromNick'] . "..."); return; } $data = $this->getLast($user); if ($data === false) { $this->ircClass->privMsg($line['to'], $line['fromNick'] . ", I have never seen " . $args['arg1'] . " before."); return; } $time = time() - $data['time']; if ($time > 3600 * 24) { $timeString = irc::timeFormat($time, "%d days %h hours %m min %s sec"); } else { if ($time > 3600) { $timeString = irc::timeFormat($time, "%h hours %m min %s sec"); } else { if ($time > 60) { $timeString = irc::timeFormat($time, "%m min %s sec"); } else { $timeString = irc::timeFormat($time, "%s sec"); } } } $action = ""; switch ($data['act']) { case "privmsg": $action = "saying in a channel"; break; case "notice": $action = "noticing a channel"; break; case "join": $action = "joining a channel"; break; case "kick": $action = "being kicked from a channel"; break; case "part": $action = "parting a channel"; break; case "quit": $action = "quitting"; break; } if ($data['txt'] != "") { $action .= ": " . $data['txt']; } $this->ircClass->privMsg($line['to'], $line['fromNick'] . ", I last saw " . $data['user'] . " " . $timeString . " ago " . $action . "."); }
public function initialize($filename, $size = 0) { $this->reportedRecieved = 0; $this->completed = 0; $this->filesize = $size; $this->timeConnected = time(); $this->timeOutLevel = 0; $this->readQueue = ""; $this->type = FILE; if ($this->transferType == UPLOAD) { $this->filename = $filename; if (strpos($filename, "/") !== false) { $filenameArray = explode("/", $filename); $this->filenameNoDir = $filenameArray[count($filenameArray) - 1]; } else { if (strpos($filename, "\\") !== false) { $filenameArray = explode("\\", $filename); $this->filenameNoDir = $filenameArray[count($filenameArray) - 1]; } else { $this->filenameNoDir = $filename; } } $this->filenameNoDir = $this->cleanFilename($this->filenameNoDir); $this->dccClass->dccInform($this->dccString . "Initiating file transfer of (" . $this->filenameNoDir . ") to " . $this->nick); if (!$this->file_exists($this->filename)) { $this->disconnect("File does not exist"); return; } $fileSize = $this->filesize($this->filename); if ($fileSize === false) { $this->disconnect("File does not exist"); return; } $this->filesize = $fileSize; $kbSize = irc::intToSizeString($fileSize); if ($this->reverse == false) { $this->ircClass->privMsg($this->nick, "DCC SEND " . $this->filenameNoDir . " " . $this->ircClass->getClientIP(1) . " " . $this->port . " " . $fileSize . "", 0); } $this->ircClass->notice($this->nick, "DCC: Sending you (\"" . $this->filenameNoDir . "\") which is " . $kbSize . " (resume supported)", 0); } else { $uldir = $this->ircClass->getClientConf('uploaddir'); $lastChar = substr($uldir, strlen($uldir) - 1, 1); if ($lastChar != "\\" || $lastChar != "/") { $uldir .= "/"; } $filename = $this->cleanFilename($filename); $this->filename = $uldir . $filename; $this->dccClass->dccInform($this->dccString . "Initiating file transfer of (" . $filename . ") from " . $this->nick); if ($this->file_exists($this->filename)) { $bytesFinished = $this->filesize($this->filename); if ($bytesFinished >= $this->filesize) { $this->disconnect("Connection aborted. I already have that file."); return; } else { $this->status = DCC_WAITING; $this->bytesTransfered = $bytesFinished; $this->resumedSize = $bytesFinished; $this->ircClass->privMsg($this->nick, "DCC RESUME file.ext " . $this->port . " " . $bytesFinished . "", 0); } return; } $this->ircClass->notice($this->nick, "DCC: Upload accepted, connecting to you (" . $this->connectHost . ") on port " . $this->port . ".", 0); $this->status = DCC_CONNECTING; $this->connection->connect(); } }
private function news_clear($line, $args) { $chan = irc::myStrToLower($line['to']); $nick = irc::myStrToLower($line['fromNick']); if (!$this->ircClass->hasModeSet($chan, $nick, "oa")) { return; } if ($this->news[$args['cmd']]->sectionExists($chan)) { $this->news[$args['cmd']]->deleteSection($chan); $this->news[$args['cmd']]->writeIni(); $this->ircClass->notice($line['fromNick'], "All lines from this channel have been cleared."); } else { $this->ircClass->notice($line['fromNick'], "That channel does not have any news items set."); } }
public function getSendCount() { $dccTransfers = $this->dccClass->getDccList(); $sendCount = array(); foreach ($dccTransfers as $sockInt => $xfer) { if ($xfer->type == FILE && $xfer->transferType == UPLOAD) { $nick = irc::myStrToLower($xfer->nick); if (!isset($sendCount[$nick])) { $sendCount[$nick] = 1; } else { $sendCount[$nick]++; } } } return $sendCount; }