private function validateIP($ip) { $val = new ipValidator(); if (!$val->validate($ip)) { return false; } return true; }
private function mightBeIP($inValue) { $validator = new ipValidator(); $parsed = parse_url($inValue); return $validator->validate($parsed['host']); }
public function isLockedOut($ipAddress) { $val = new ipValidator(); //Lock the client out if the clients IP isn't valid if (!$val->validate($ipAddress)) { return true; } $lockout = $this->getLockout($ipAddress); if ($lockout === false) { return false; } if ($lockout->getNumberOfAttemptsLeft() > 0) { return false; } $lockoutPeriod = $this->getLockoutPeriod(); $totalLockoutLength = $lockout->getNumberOfFailedAttempts() * $lockoutPeriod; $lastUpdate = clone $lockout->lastUpdated(); $lockedOutUntil = $lastUpdate->add(DateInterval::createFromDateString($totalLockoutLength . ' minutes')); $currentTime = new DateTime(); if ($currentTime >= $lockedOutUntil) { $lockout->reEnable($this->getNumberOfAttemptsBeforeLockout()); $this->setLockout($lockout); return false; } return true; }