function hotlinkimage($cat_id, $type, $imgid, $key) { global $mosConfig_live_site, $my; $gallery = new gallery($cat_id, false); if (!$key) { $key = $gallery->getImageKey($imgid); } else { $imgid = $gallery->_images[$key]->_id; } $image = new image($imgid); $image->getInfo(); if ($this->_CONFIG['hotlinkProtection']) { $params = "uid=" . $my->id . "&catid=" . $cat_id . "&key=" . $key . "&type=" . $type; $params = $this->encrypt($params); return $mosConfig_live_site . "/components/com_zoom/www/image.php?q=" . $params; } else { if ($type == '0') { return $mosConfig_live_site . "/" . $this->_CONFIG['imagepath'] . $gallery->_dir . "/" . $image->_viewsize; } elseif ($type == '1') { return $mosConfig_live_site . "/" . $this->_CONFIG['imagepath'] . $gallery->_dir . "/" . $image->_filename; } else { return $image->_thumbnail; } } }
function comGenerateVideo() { require_once 'include/class/image.php'; $image = new image(false); $image->video = 'flv'; $image->id = $this->data['id']; $image->getCacheName(); $image->getInfo(); $image->generate(); $this->html = ' setVideoGenerated()'; $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <RESPONSE> <INFO> <COMMAND>' . $this->command . '</COMMAND> <ID>' . $this->data['id'] . '</ID> <PID>' . $this->data['pid'] . '</PID> </INFO> </RESPONSE>'; $xml = preg_replace('/(\\s*)(.*)\\n/', "\\2\n", $xml); $xml = preg_replace('/>(\\s*)\\n(\\s*)</', "><", $xml); $this->html = $xml; }
$rating = "Explicit"; } else { if ($rating == "q") { $rating = "Questionable"; } else { $rating = "Safe"; } } if ($userc->check_log()) { $user = $checked_username; } else { $user = "******"; } $ip = $db->real_escape_string($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $thumb = $image->thumbnail($iinfo[0] . "/" . $iinfo[1]); $isinfo = $image->getInfo(); $query = "INSERT INTO {$post_table}(creation_date, hash, image, title, owner, height, width, ext, rating, tags, directory, source, active_date, ip) VALUES(NOW(), '" . md5_file("./images/" . $iinfo[0] . "/" . $iinfo[1]) . "', '" . $iinfo[1] . "', '{$title}', '{$user}', '" . $isinfo[1] . "', '" . $isinfo[0] . "', '{$ext}', '{$rating}', '{$tags}', '" . $iinfo[0] . "', '{$source}', '" . date("Ymd") . "', '{$ip}')"; if (!is_dir("./thumbnails/" . $iinfo[0] . "/")) { $image->makethumbnailfolder($iinfo[0]); } if (!$thumb) { print "Thumbnail generation failed! A serious error occurred and the image could not be resized.<br /><br />"; } if (!$db->query($query)) { print "failed to upload image."; print $query; unlink("./images/" . $iinfo[0] . "/" . $iinfo[1]); $image->folder_index_decrement($iinfo[0]); $ttags = explode(" ", $tags); foreach ($ttags as $current) { $tclass->deleteindextag($current);