Esempio n. 1
  * Get profile fields (DEPRECATED, use ilUserProfile() instead)
  * @return array of fieldnames
 static function &getProfileFields()
     include_once "./Services/User/classes/class.ilUserProfile.php";
     $up = new ilUserProfile();
     $fds = $up->getStandardFields();
     foreach ($fds as $k => $f) {
         $profile_fields[] = $k;
     return $profile_fields;
  * Init personal form
 function initPersonalDataForm()
     global $ilSetting, $lng, $ilUser, $styleDefinition, $rbacreview;
     include_once "Services/Form/classes/class.ilPropertyFormGUI.php";
     $this->form = new ilPropertyFormGUI();
     // user defined fields
     $user_defined_data = $ilUser->getUserDefinedData();
     foreach ($this->user_defined_fields->getVisibleDefinitions() as $field_id => $definition) {
         if ($definition['field_type'] == UDF_TYPE_TEXT) {
             $this->input["udf_" . $definition['field_id']] = new ilTextInputGUI($definition['field_name'], "udf_" . $definition['field_id']);
             $this->input["udf_" . $definition['field_id']]->setMaxLength(255);
             $this->input["udf_" . $definition['field_id']]->setSize(40);
         } else {
             if ($definition['field_type'] == UDF_TYPE_WYSIWYG) {
                 $this->input["udf_" . $definition['field_id']] = new ilTextAreaInputGUI($definition['field_name'], "udf_" . $definition['field_id']);
                 $this->input["udf_" . $definition['field_id']]->setUseRte(true);
             } else {
                 $options = $this->user_defined_fields->fieldValuesToSelectArray($definition['field_values']);
                 $this->input["udf_" . $definition['field_id']] = new ilSelectInputGUI($definition['field_name'], "udf_" . $definition['field_id']);
                 $this->input["udf_" . $definition['field_id']]->setOptions($options);
         $value = $user_defined_data["f_" . $field_id];
         $this->input["udf_" . $definition['field_id']]->setValue($value);
         if ($definition['required']) {
             $this->input["udf_" . $definition['field_id']]->setRequired(true);
         if (!$definition['changeable'] && (!$definition['required'] || $value)) {
             $this->input["udf_" . $definition['field_id']]->setDisabled(true);
         // add "please select" if no current value
         if ($definition['field_type'] == UDF_TYPE_SELECT && !$value) {
             $options = array("" => $lng->txt("please_select")) + $options;
             $this->input["udf_" . $definition['field_id']]->setOptions($options);
     // standard fields
     include_once "./Services/User/classes/class.ilUserProfile.php";
     $up = new ilUserProfile();
     $up->setAjaxCallback($this->ctrl->getLinkTargetByClass('ilPublicUserProfileGUI', 'doProfileAutoComplete', '', true));
     // standard fields
     $up->addStandardFieldsToForm($this->form, $ilUser, $this->input);
     $this->addLocationToForm($this->form, $ilUser);
     $this->form->addCommandButton("savePersonalData", $lng->txt("save"));
Esempio n. 3
  * Import record
  * @param
  * @return
 function importRecord($a_entity, $a_types, $a_rec, $a_mapping, $a_schema_version)
     global $ilSetting, $ilUser;
     //echo $a_entity;
     switch ($a_entity) {
         case "personal_data":
             // only users themselves import their profiles!
             // thus we can map the import id of the dataset to the current user
             $a_mapping->addMapping("Services/User", "usr", $a_rec["Id"], $ilUser->getId());
         case "usr_profile":
             $usr_id = $a_mapping->getMapping("Services/User", "usr", $a_rec["Id"]);
             if ($usr_id > 0 && ilObject::_lookupType($usr_id) == "usr") {
                 if (!isset($this->users[$usr_id])) {
                     $this->users[$usr_id] = new ilObjUser($usr_id);
                 $user = $this->users[$usr_id];
                 include_once "./Services/User/classes/class.ilUserProfile.php";
                 $prof = new ilUserProfile();
                 $fields = $prof->getStandardFields();
                 foreach ($fields as $k => $f) {
                     $up_k = $this->convertToLeadingUpper($k);
                     // only change fields, when it is possible in profile
                     if (ilUserProfile::userSettingVisible($k) && !$ilSetting->get("usr_settings_disable_" . $k) && $f["method"] != "" && isset($a_rec[$up_k])) {
                         $set_method = "set" . substr($f["method"], 3);
                         //	echo "<br>-setting-".$set_method."-".$a_rec[$up_k]."-";
                 // personal picture
                 $pic_dir = $this->getImportDirectory() . "/" . str_replace("..", "", $a_rec["Picture"]);
                 if ($pic_dir != "" && is_dir($pic_dir)) {
                     $upload_file = $pic_dir . "/upload_" . $a_rec["Id"] . "pic";
                     if (is_file($upload_file)) {
                         ilObjUser::_uploadPersonalPicture($upload_file, $user->getId());
         case "usr_setting":
             $usr_id = $a_mapping->getMapping("Services/User", "usr", $a_rec["UserId"]);
             if ($usr_id > 0 && ilObject::_lookupType($usr_id) == "usr") {
                 if (!isset($this->users[$usr_id])) {
                     $this->users[$usr_id] = new ilObjUser($usr_id);
                 $user = $this->users[$usr_id];
                 $user->writePref($a_rec["Keyword"], $a_rec["Value"]);
         case "usr_multi":
             $usr_id = $a_mapping->getMapping("Services/User", "usr", $a_rec["UserId"]);
             if ($usr_id > 0 && ilObject::_lookupType($usr_id) == "usr") {
                 $this->multi[$usr_id][$a_rec["FieldId"]][] = $a_rec["Value"];
 protected function getSelectableUserColumns($a_in_course = false, $a_in_group = false)
     global $lng, $ilSetting;
     $cols = $privacy_fields = array();
     include_once "./Services/User/classes/class.ilUserProfile.php";
     $up = new ilUserProfile();
     $ufs = $up->getStandardFields();
     // default fields
     $cols["login"] = array("txt" => $lng->txt("login"), "default" => true);
     if (!$this->anonymized) {
         $cols["firstname"] = array("txt" => $lng->txt("firstname"), "default" => true);
         $cols["lastname"] = array("txt" => $lng->txt("lastname"), "default" => true);
     // show only if extended data was activated in lp settings
     include_once 'Services/Tracking/classes/class.ilObjUserTracking.php';
     $tracking = new ilObjUserTracking();
     if ($tracking->hasExtendedData(ilObjUserTracking::EXTENDED_DATA_LAST_ACCESS)) {
         $cols["first_access"] = array("txt" => $lng->txt("trac_first_access"), "default" => true);
         $cols["last_access"] = array("txt" => $lng->txt("trac_last_access"), "default" => true);
     if ($tracking->hasExtendedData(ilObjUserTracking::EXTENDED_DATA_READ_COUNT)) {
         $cols["read_count"] = array("txt" => $lng->txt("trac_read_count"), "default" => true);
     if ($tracking->hasExtendedData(ilObjUserTracking::EXTENDED_DATA_SPENT_SECONDS)) {
         $cols["spent_seconds"] = array("txt" => $lng->txt("trac_spent_seconds"), "default" => true);
     if ($this->isPercentageAvailable($this->obj_id)) {
         $cols["percentage"] = array("txt" => $lng->txt("trac_percentage"), "default" => true);
     // do not show status if learning progress is deactivated
     $olp = ilObjectLP::getInstance($this->obj_id);
     if ($olp->isActive()) {
         $cols["status"] = array("txt" => $lng->txt("trac_status"), "default" => true);
         $cols['status_changed'] = array('txt' => $lng->txt('trac_status_changed'), 'default' => false);
     if ($this->type != "lm") {
         $cols["mark"] = array("txt" => $lng->txt("trac_mark"), "default" => true);
     $cols["u_comment"] = array("txt" => $lng->txt("trac_comment"), "default" => false);
     $cols["create_date"] = array("txt" => $lng->txt("create_date"), "default" => false);
     $cols["language"] = array("txt" => $lng->txt("language"), "default" => false);
     // add user data only if object is [part of] course
     if (!$this->anonymized && ($a_in_course || $a_in_group)) {
         // only show if export permission is granted
         include_once 'Services/PrivacySecurity/classes/class.ilPrivacySettings.php';
         if (ilPrivacySettings::_getInstance()->checkExportAccess($this->ref_id)) {
             // other user profile fields
             foreach ($ufs as $f => $fd) {
                 if (!isset($cols[$f]) && $f != "username" && !$fd["lists_hide"]) {
                     if ($a_in_course && !($fd["course_export_fix_value"] || $ilSetting->get("usr_settings_course_export_" . $f))) {
                     if ($a_in_group && !($fd["group_export_fix_value"] || $ilSetting->get("usr_settings_group_export_" . $f))) {
                     $cols[$f] = array("txt" => $lng->txt($f), "default" => false);
                     $privacy_fields[] = $f;
             // additional defined user data fields
             include_once './Services/User/classes/class.ilUserDefinedFields.php';
             $user_defined_fields = ilUserDefinedFields::_getInstance();
             if ($a_in_course) {
                 $user_defined_fields = $user_defined_fields->getCourseExportableFields();
             } else {
                 $user_defined_fields = $user_defined_fields->getGroupExportableFields();
             foreach ($user_defined_fields as $definition) {
                 if ($definition["field_type"] != UDF_TYPE_WYSIWYG) {
                     $f = "udf_" . $definition["field_id"];
                     $cols[$f] = array("txt" => $definition["field_name"], "default" => false);
                     $privacy_fields[] = $f;
     return array($cols, $privacy_fields);
 protected function __createUser($a_role)
     global $ilSetting, $rbacadmin;
     $this->userObj = new ilObjUser();
     include_once "./Services/User/classes/class.ilUserProfile.php";
     $up = new ilUserProfile();
     $map = array();
     foreach ($up->getStandardFields() as $k => $v) {
         if ($v["method"]) {
             $method = "set" . substr($v["method"], 3);
             if (method_exists($this->userObj, $method)) {
                 if ($k != "username") {
                     $k = "usr_" . $k;
                 $field_obj = $this->form->getItemByPostVar($k);
                 if ($field_obj) {
     $birthday_obj = $this->form->getItemByPostVar("usr_birthday");
     if ($birthday_obj) {
         $birthday = $this->form->getInput("usr_birthday");
         $birthday = $birthday["date"];
         // when birthday was not set, array will not be substituted with string by ilBirthdayInputGui
         if (!is_array($birthday)) {
     // messenger
     $map = array("icq", "yahoo", "msn", "aim", "skype", "jabber", "voip");
     foreach ($map as $client) {
         $field = "usr_im_" . $client;
         $field_obj = $this->form->getItemByPostVar($field);
         if ($field_obj) {
             $this->userObj->setInstantMessengerId($client, $this->form->getInput($field));
     if ($this->registration_settings->passwordGenerationEnabled()) {
         $password = ilUtil::generatePasswords(1);
         $password = $password[0];
     } else {
         $password = $this->form->getInput("usr_password");
     // Set user defined data
     include_once './Services/User/classes/class.ilUserDefinedFields.php';
     $user_defined_fields =& ilUserDefinedFields::_getInstance();
     $defs = $user_defined_fields->getRegistrationDefinitions();
     $udf = array();
     foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
         if (substr($k, 0, 4) == "udf_") {
             $f = substr($k, 4);
             $udf[$f] = $v;
     $this->code_was_used = false;
     if ($this->code_enabled) {
         // #10853 - could be optional
         $code = $this->form->getInput('usr_registration_code');
         if ($code) {
             // set code to used
             include_once './Services/Registration/classes/class.ilRegistrationCode.php';
             $this->code_was_used = true;
     // something went wrong with the form validation
     if (!$a_role) {
         global $ilias;
         $ilias->raiseError("Invalid role selection in registration" . ", IP: " . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $ilias->error_obj->FATAL);
     if ($this->registration_settings->getAccessLimitation()) {
         include_once 'Services/Registration/classes/class.ilRegistrationRoleAccessLimitations.php';
         $access_limitations_obj = new ilRegistrationRoleAccessLimitations();
         $access_limit_mode = $access_limitations_obj->getMode($a_role);
         if ($access_limit_mode == 'absolute') {
             $access_limit = $access_limitations_obj->getAbsolute($a_role);
         } elseif ($access_limit_mode == 'relative') {
             $rel_d = (int) $access_limitations_obj->getRelative($a_role, 'd');
             $rel_m = (int) $access_limitations_obj->getRelative($a_role, 'm');
             $rel_y = (int) $access_limitations_obj->getRelative($a_role, 'y');
             $access_limit = $rel_d * 86400 + $rel_m * 2592000 + $rel_y * 31536000 + time();
         } else {
     } else {
     if ($this->registration_settings->getRegistrationType() == IL_REG_DIRECT || $this->registration_settings->getRegistrationType() == IL_REG_CODES || $this->code_was_used) {
         $this->userObj->setActive(1, 0);
     } else {
         if ($this->registration_settings->getRegistrationType() == IL_REG_ACTIVATION) {
             $this->userObj->setActive(0, 0);
         } else {
             $this->userObj->setActive(0, 0);
     // set a timestamp for last_password_change
     // this ts is needed by the ACCOUNT_SECURITY_MODE_CUSTOMIZED
     // in ilSecuritySettings
     //insert user data in table user_data
     // store acceptance of user agreement
     // setup user preferences
     $hits_per_page = $ilSetting->get("hits_per_page");
     if ($hits_per_page < 10) {
         $hits_per_page = 10;
     $this->userObj->setPref("hits_per_page", $hits_per_page);
     $show_online = $ilSetting->get("show_users_online");
     if ($show_online == "") {
         $show_online = "y";
     $this->userObj->setPref("show_users_online", $show_online);
     $rbacadmin->assignUser((int) $a_role, $this->userObj->getId(), true);
     return $password;
Esempio n. 6
  * Get selectable columns
  * @param
  * @return
 function getSelectableColumns()
     global $lng;
     include_once "./Services/User/classes/class.ilUserProfile.php";
     $up = new ilUserProfile();
     // default fields
     $cols = array();
     // first and last name cannot be hidden
     $cols["firstname"] = array("txt" => $lng->txt("firstname"), "default" => true);
     $cols["lastname"] = array("txt" => $lng->txt("lastname"), "default" => true);
     if ($this->getMode() == self::MODE_USER_FOLDER) {
         $ufs = $up->getStandardFields();
         $cols["access_until"] = array("txt" => $lng->txt("access_until"), "default" => true);
         $cols["last_login"] = array("txt" => $lng->txt("last_login"), "default" => true);
         // #13967
         $cols["create_date"] = array("txt" => $lng->txt("create_date"));
         $cols["approve_date"] = array("txt" => $lng->txt("approve_date"));
         $cols["agree_date"] = array("txt" => $lng->txt("agree_date"));
     } else {
         $ufs = $up->getLocalUserAdministrationFields();
     // email should be the 1st "optional" field (can be hidden)
     if (isset($ufs["email"])) {
         $cols["email"] = array("txt" => $lng->txt("email"), "default" => true);
     // other user profile fields
     foreach ($ufs as $f => $fd) {
         if (!isset($cols[$f]) && !$fd["lists_hide"]) {
             $cols[$f] = array("txt" => $lng->txt($f), "default" => false);
     // fields that are always shown
     return $cols;
 protected function __createUser($a_role)
      * @var $ilSetting ilSetting
      * @var $rbacadmin ilRbacAdmin
      * @var $lng       ilLanguage
     global $ilSetting, $rbacadmin, $lng;
     // something went wrong with the form validation
     if (!$a_role) {
         global $ilias;
         $ilias->raiseError("Invalid role selection in registration" . ", IP: " . $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $ilias->error_obj->FATAL);
     $this->userObj = new ilObjUser();
     include_once "./Services/User/classes/class.ilUserProfile.php";
     $up = new ilUserProfile();
     $map = array();
     foreach ($up->getStandardFields() as $k => $v) {
         if ($v["method"]) {
             $method = "set" . substr($v["method"], 3);
             if (method_exists($this->userObj, $method)) {
                 if ($k != "username") {
                     $k = "usr_" . $k;
                 $field_obj = $this->form->getItemByPostVar($k);
                 if ($field_obj) {
     $birthday_obj = $this->form->getItemByPostVar("usr_birthday");
     if ($birthday_obj) {
         $birthday = $this->form->getInput("usr_birthday");
         $birthday = $birthday["date"];
         // when birthday was not set, array will not be substituted with string by ilBirthdayInputGui
         if (!is_array($birthday)) {
     // messenger
     $map = array("icq", "yahoo", "msn", "aim", "skype", "jabber", "voip");
     foreach ($map as $client) {
         $field = "usr_im_" . $client;
         $field_obj = $this->form->getItemByPostVar($field);
         if ($field_obj) {
             $this->userObj->setInstantMessengerId($client, $this->form->getInput($field));
     if ($this->registration_settings->passwordGenerationEnabled()) {
         $password = ilUtil::generatePasswords(1);
         $password = $password[0];
     } else {
         $password = $this->form->getInput("usr_password");
     // Set user defined data
     include_once './Services/User/classes/class.ilUserDefinedFields.php';
     $user_defined_fields =& ilUserDefinedFields::_getInstance();
     $defs = $user_defined_fields->getRegistrationDefinitions();
     $udf = array();
     foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
         if (substr($k, 0, 4) == "udf_") {
             $f = substr($k, 4);
             $udf[$f] = $v;
     $access_limit = null;
     $this->code_was_used = false;
     if ($this->code_enabled) {
         $code_local_roles = $code_has_access_limit = null;
         // #10853 - could be optional
         $code = $this->form->getInput('usr_registration_code');
         if ($code) {
             include_once './Services/Registration/classes/class.ilRegistrationCode.php';
             // set code to used
             $this->code_was_used = true;
             // handle code attached local role(s) and access limitation
             $code_data = ilRegistrationCode::getCodeData($code);
             if ($code_data["role_local"]) {
                 // need user id before we can assign role(s)
                 $code_local_roles = explode(";", $code_data["role_local"]);
             if ($code_data["alimit"]) {
                 // see below
                 $code_has_access_limit = true;
                 switch ($code_data["alimit"]) {
                     case "absolute":
                         $abs = date_parse($code_data["alimitdt"]);
                         $access_limit = mktime(23, 59, 59, $abs['month'], $abs['day'], $abs['year']);
                     case "relative":
                         $rel = unserialize($code_data["alimitdt"]);
                         $access_limit = $rel["d"] * 86400 + $rel["m"] * 2592000 + $rel["y"] * 31536000 + time();
     // code access limitation will override any other access limitation setting
     if (!($this->code_was_used && $code_has_access_limit) && $this->registration_settings->getAccessLimitation()) {
         include_once 'Services/Registration/classes/class.ilRegistrationRoleAccessLimitations.php';
         $access_limitations_obj = new ilRegistrationRoleAccessLimitations();
         switch ($access_limitations_obj->getMode($a_role)) {
             case 'absolute':
                 $access_limit = $access_limitations_obj->getAbsolute($a_role);
             case 'relative':
                 $rel_d = (int) $access_limitations_obj->getRelative($a_role, 'd');
                 $rel_m = (int) $access_limitations_obj->getRelative($a_role, 'm');
                 $rel_y = (int) $access_limitations_obj->getRelative($a_role, 'y');
                 $access_limit = $rel_d * 86400 + $rel_m * 2592000 + $rel_y * 31536000 + time();
     if ($access_limit) {
     } else {
     if ($this->registration_settings->getRegistrationType() == IL_REG_DIRECT || $this->registration_settings->getRegistrationType() == IL_REG_CODES || $this->code_was_used) {
         $this->userObj->setActive(1, 0);
     } else {
         if ($this->registration_settings->getRegistrationType() == IL_REG_ACTIVATION) {
             $this->userObj->setActive(0, 0);
         } else {
             $this->userObj->setActive(0, 0);
     // set a timestamp for last_password_change
     // this ts is needed by ilSecuritySettings
     //insert user data in table user_data
     try {
         require_once 'Services/TermsOfService/classes/class.ilTermsOfServiceSignableDocumentFactory.php';
         ilTermsOfServiceHelper::trackAcceptance($this->userObj, ilTermsOfServiceSignableDocumentFactory::getByLanguageObject($lng));
     } catch (ilTermsOfServiceNoSignableDocumentFoundException $e) {
     // setup user preferences
     $hits_per_page = $ilSetting->get("hits_per_page");
     if ($hits_per_page < 10) {
         $hits_per_page = 10;
     $this->userObj->setPref("hits_per_page", $hits_per_page);
     $show_online = $ilSetting->get("show_users_online");
     if ($show_online == "") {
         $show_online = "y";
     $this->userObj->setPref("show_users_online", $show_online);
     $rbacadmin->assignUser((int) $a_role, $this->userObj->getId());
     // local roles from code
     if ($this->code_was_used && is_array($code_local_roles)) {
         foreach (array_unique($code_local_roles) as $local_role_obj_id) {
             // is given role (still) valid?
             if (ilObject::_lookupType($local_role_obj_id) == "role") {
                 $rbacadmin->assignUser($local_role_obj_id, $this->userObj->getId());
     return $password;
  * Read info about exportable fields
  * @access private
 private function read()
     include_once './Services/User/classes/class.ilUserProfile.php';
     $profile = new ilUserProfile();
     foreach ($profile->getStandardFields() as $key => $data) {
         if ($this->getType() == 'crs') {
             if (!$data['course_export_hide']) {
                 if (isset($data['course_export_fix_value']) and $data['course_export_fix_value']) {
                     $this->possible_fields[$key] = $data['course_export_fix_value'];
                 } else {
                     $this->possible_fields[$key] = 0;
         } elseif ($this->getType() == 'grp') {
             if (!$data['group_export_hide']) {
                 if (isset($data['group_export_fix_value']) and $data['group_export_fix_value']) {
                     $this->possible_fields[$key] = $data['group_export_fix_value'];
                 } else {
                     $this->possible_fields[$key] = 0;
     $settings_all = $this->settings->getAll();
     $field_part_limit = 5;
     switch ($this->getType()) {
         case 'crs':
             $field_prefix = 'usr_settings_course_export_';
             $field_part_limit = 5;
         case 'grp':
             $field_prefix = 'usr_settings_group_export_';
             $field_part_limit = 5;
     foreach ($settings_all as $key => $value) {
         if (stristr($key, $field_prefix) and $value) {
             // added limit for mantis 11096
             $field_parts = explode('_', $key, $field_part_limit);
             $field = $field_parts[count($field_parts) - 1];
             if (array_key_exists($field, $this->possible_fields)) {
                 $this->possible_fields[$field] = 1;
     return true;