  * @param $form
 protected function outputAdjustQuestionForm($form)
     $this->tpl->addBlockFile("ADM_CONTENT", "adm_content", "tpl.il_as_tst_questions.html", "Modules/Test");
     $this->tpl->setVariable('QUESTIONBROWSER', $form->getHTML());
 protected function updateRoleAssignmentRule()
     global $ilAccess, $ilErr;
     if (!$ilAccess->checkAccess('write', '', $this->ref_id)) {
         ilUtil::sendFailure($this->lng->txt('permission_denied'), true);
         return false;
     if (!$this->form->checkInput() or $err = $this->checkInput((int) $_REQUEST['rule_id'])) {
         if ($err) {
         $this->tpl->addBlockFile('ADM_CONTENT', 'adm_content', 'tpl.shib_role_assignment.html', 'Services/AuthShibboleth');
         $this->tpl->setVariable('NEW_RULE_TABLE', $this->form->getHTML());
         return true;
     return true;
  * Export media object to html
 function exportHTMLMOB($a_mob_id, &$a_linked_mobs)
     global $tpl;
     $source_dir = ilUtil::getWebspaceDir() . "/mobs/mm_" . $a_mob_id;
     if (@is_dir($source_dir)) {
         ilUtil::makeDir($this->mobs_dir . "/mm_" . $a_mob_id);
         ilUtil::rCopy($source_dir, $this->mobs_dir . "/mm_" . $a_mob_id);
     // fullscreen
     include_once "./Services/MediaObjects/classes/class.ilObjMediaObject.php";
     $mob_obj = new ilObjMediaObject($a_mob_id);
     if ($mob_obj->hasFullscreenItem()) {
         $tpl = new ilTemplate("tpl.main.html", true, true);
         $tpl->addBlockFile("CONTENT", "content", "tpl.adm_content.html");
         $file = $this->exp_dir . "/fullscreen_" . $a_mob_id . ".html";
         // open file
         if (!($fp = @fopen($file, "w+"))) {
             die("<b>Error</b>: Could not open \"" . $file . "\" for writing" . " in <b>" . __FILE__ . "</b> on line <b>" . __LINE__ . "</b><br />");
         chmod($file, 0770);
         fwrite($fp, $content);
     $linked_mobs = $mob_obj->getLinkedMediaObjects();
     $a_linked_mobs = array_merge($a_linked_mobs, $linked_mobs);
Esempio n. 4
  * Creates output
  * recursive method
  * @access	public
  * @return	string
 function getOutput()
     global $ilBench, $tpl, $lng;
     $ilBench->start("Explorer", "getOutput");
     $this->format_options[0]["tab"] = array();
     $depth = $this->getMaximumTreeDepth();
     for ($i = 0; $i < $depth; ++$i) {
     include_once "./Services/YUI/classes/class.ilYuiUtil.php";
     $tpl->addBlockFile("EXPLORER_TOP", "exp_top", "tpl.explorer_top.html");
     //echo "hh";
     // set global body class
     //		$tpl->setBodyClass("il_Explorer");
     $tpl_tree = new ilTemplate("tpl.tree.html", true, true, "Services/UIComponent/Explorer");
     // updater
     if (($_GET["ict"] || $_POST["collapseAll"] != "" || $_POST["expandAll"] != "") && $this->up_frame != "") {
         $tpl_tree->setVariable("UPDATE_FRAME", $this->up_frame);
         $tpl_tree->setVariable("UPDATE_SCRIPT", $this->up_script);
         if (is_array($this->up_params)) {
             $up_str = $lim = "";
             foreach ($this->up_params as $p) {
                 $up_str .= $lim . "'" . $p . "'";
                 $lim = ",";
             $tpl_tree->setVariable("UPDATE_PARAMS", $up_str);
     $cur_depth = -1;
     foreach ($this->format_options as $key => $options) {
         //echo "-".$options["depth"]."-";
         if (!$options["visible"]) {
         // end tags
         $this->handleListEndTags($tpl_tree, $cur_depth, $options["depth"]);
         // start tags
         $this->handleListStartTags($tpl_tree, $cur_depth, $options["depth"]);
         $cur_depth = $options["depth"];
         if ($options["visible"] and $key != 0) {
             $this->formatObject($tpl_tree, $options["child"], $options, $options['obj_id']);
         if ($key == 0) {
             $this->formatHeader($tpl_tree, $options["child"], $options);
     //if ($GLOBALS["ilUser"]->getLogin() == "alex") var_dump($this->format_options);
     $this->handleListEndTags($tpl_tree, $cur_depth, -1);
     $ilBench->stop("Explorer", "getOutput");
     $tpl_tree->setVariable("TREE_LEAD", "");
     if ($this->tree_lead != "") {
         $tpl_tree->setVariable("TREE_LEAD", $this->tree_lead);
     if ($this->getId() != "") {
         $tpl_tree->setVariable("TREE_ID", 'id="' . $this->getId() . '_tree"');
     $html = $tpl_tree->get();
     if ($this->getUseStandardFrame()) {
         $mtpl = new ilTemplate("tpl.main.html", true, true);
         $mtpl->setVariable("LOCATION_STYLESHEET", ilUtil::getStyleSheetLocation());
         $mtpl->setVariable("BODY_CLASS", "il_Explorer");
         $mtpl->addBlockFile("CONTENT", "content", "tpl.explorer.html");
         if ($this->getTitle() != "") {
             $mtpl->setVariable("TXT_EXPLORER_HEADER", $this->getTitle());
         if ($this->getId() != "") {
             $mtpl->setVariable("ID", 'id="' . $this->getId() . '"');
         $mtpl->setVariable("IMG_SPACE", ilUtil::getImagePath("spacer.png", false));
         $mtpl->setVariable("EXPLORER", $html);
         $mtpl->setVariable("EXP_REFRESH", $lng->txt("refresh"));
         $html = $mtpl->get();
     return $html;
  * export page html
 function exportPageHTML(&$a_lm_gui, $a_target_dir, $a_lm_page_id, $a_frame = "", $a_exp_id_map = array())
     global $tpl, $ilBench;
     //echo "<br>B: export Page HTML ($a_lm_page_id)"; flush();
     // template workaround: reset of template
     $tpl = new ilTemplate("tpl.main.html", true, true);
     $tpl->addBlockFile("CONTENT", "content", "tpl.adm_content.html");
     $_GET["obj_id"] = $a_lm_page_id;
     $_GET["frame"] = $a_frame;
     if ($a_frame == "") {
         //if ($nid = ilLMObject::_lookupNID($a_lm_gui->lm->getId(), $a_lm_page_id, "pg"))
         if (is_array($a_exp_id_map) && isset($a_exp_id_map[$a_lm_page_id])) {
             $file = $a_target_dir . "/lm_pg_" . $a_exp_id_map[$a_lm_page_id] . ".html";
         } else {
             $file = $a_target_dir . "/lm_pg_" . $a_lm_page_id . ".html";
     } else {
         if ($a_frame != "toc") {
             $file = $a_target_dir . "/frame_" . $a_lm_page_id . "_" . $a_frame . ".html";
         } else {
             $file = $a_target_dir . "/frame_" . $a_frame . ".html";
     // return if file is already existing
     if (@is_file($file)) {
     $ilBench->start("ExportHTML", "layout");
     $ilBench->start("ExportHTML", "layout_" . $a_frame);
     $content =& $a_lm_gui->layout("main.xml", false);
     $ilBench->stop("ExportHTML", "layout_" . $a_frame);
     $ilBench->stop("ExportHTML", "layout");
     // open file
     if (!($fp = @fopen($file, "w+"))) {
         die("<b>Error</b>: Could not open \"" . $file . "\" for writing" . " in <b>" . __FILE__ . "</b> on line <b>" . __LINE__ . "</b><br />");
     // set file permissions
     chmod($file, 0770);
     // write xml data into the file
     fwrite($fp, $content);
     // close file
     if ($this->first_page_id == $a_lm_page_id && $a_frame == "") {
         copy($file, $a_target_dir . "/index.html");
     // write frames of frameset
     $ilBench->start("ExportHTML", "getCurrentFrameSet");
     $frameset = $a_lm_gui->getCurrentFrameSet();
     $ilBench->stop("ExportHTML", "getCurrentFrameSet");
     foreach ($frameset as $frame) {
         $this->exportPageHTML($a_lm_gui, $a_target_dir, $a_lm_page_id, $frame);
Esempio n. 6
  * export media object to html
 function exportHTMLMOB($a_target_dir, &$a_glo_gui, $a_mob_id)
     global $tpl;
     $mob_dir = $a_target_dir . "/mobs";
     $source_dir = ilUtil::getWebspaceDir() . "/mobs/mm_" . $a_mob_id;
     if (@is_dir($source_dir)) {
         ilUtil::makeDir($mob_dir . "/mm_" . $a_mob_id);
         ilUtil::rCopy($source_dir, $mob_dir . "/mm_" . $a_mob_id);
     $tpl = new ilTemplate("tpl.main.html", true, true);
     $tpl->addBlockFile("CONTENT", "content", "tpl.adm_content.html");
     $_GET["obj_type"] = "MediaObject";
     $_GET["mob_id"] = $a_mob_id;
     $_GET["cmd"] = "";
     $content =& $a_glo_gui->media();
     $file = $a_target_dir . "/media_" . $a_mob_id . ".html";
     // open file
     if (!($fp = @fopen($file, "w+"))) {
         die("<b>Error</b>: Could not open \"" . $file . "\" for writing" . " in <b>" . __FILE__ . "</b> on line <b>" . __LINE__ . "</b><br />");
     chmod($file, 0770);
     fwrite($fp, $content);
     // fullscreen
     include_once "./Services/MediaObjects/classes/class.ilObjMediaObject.php";
     $mob_obj = new ilObjMediaObject($a_mob_id);
     if ($mob_obj->hasFullscreenItem()) {
         $tpl = new ilTemplate("tpl.main.html", true, true);
         $tpl->addBlockFile("CONTENT", "content", "tpl.adm_content.html");
         $_GET["mob_id"] = $a_mob_id;
         $_GET["cmd"] = "fullscreen";
         $content = $a_glo_gui->fullscreen();
         $file = $a_target_dir . "/fullscreen_" . $a_mob_id . ".html";
         // open file
         if (!($fp = @fopen($file, "w+"))) {
             die("<b>Error</b>: Could not open \"" . $file . "\" for writing" . " in <b>" . __FILE__ . "</b> on line <b>" . __LINE__ . "</b><br />");
         chmod($file, 0770);
         fwrite($fp, $content);
  * show client list
 function showClientList()
     global $tpl, $ilIliasIniFile, $ilCtrl;
     //echo "1";
     if (!$ilIliasIniFile->readVariable("clients", "list")) {
     //echo "2";
     $tpl = new ilTemplate("tpl.main.html", true, true);
     // to do: get standard style
     $tpl->setVariable("PAGETITLE", "Client List");
     $tpl->setVariable("LOCATION_STYLESHEET", "./templates/default/delos.css");
     // load client list template
     $tpl->addBlockfile("CONTENT", "content", "tpl.startup_screen.html", "Services/Init");
     $tpl->setVariable("HEADER_ICON", ilUtil::getImagePath("HeaderIcon.png"));
     $tpl->addBlockFile("STARTUP_CONTENT", "startup_content", "tpl.client_list.html", "Services/Init");
     // load template for table
     $tpl->addBlockfile("CLIENT_LIST", "client_list", "tpl.table.html");
     // load template for table content data
     $tpl->addBlockfile("TBL_CONTENT", "tbl_content", "tpl.obj_tbl_rows.html");
     // load table content data
     require_once "setup/classes/class.ilClientList.php";
     require_once "setup/classes/class.ilClient.php";
     require_once "setup/classes/class.ilDBConnections.php";
     require_once "./Services/Table/classes/class.ilTableGUI.php";
     $this->db_connections = new ilDBConnections();
     $clientlist = new ilClientList($this->db_connections);
     $list = $clientlist->getClients();
     if (count($list) == 0) {
         header("Location: ./setup/setup.php");
     $hasPublicSection = false;
     foreach ($list as $key => $client) {
         if ($client->checkDatabaseExists(true) and $client->ini->readVariable("client", "access") and $client->getSetting("setup_ok")) {
             $this->ctrl->setParameter($this, "client_id", $key);
             $tmp = array();
             $tmp[] = $client->getName();
             $tmp[] = "<a href=\"" . "login.php?cmd=force_login&client_id=" . urlencode($key) . "\">Login page</a>";
             if ($client->getSetting('pub_section')) {
                 $hasPublicSection = true;
                 $tmp[] = "<a href=\"" . "ilias.php?baseClass=ilRepositoryGUI&client_id=" . urlencode($key) . "\">Start page</a>";
             } else {
                 $tmp[] = '';
             $data[] = $tmp;
     // create table
     $tbl = new ilTableGUI();
     // title & header columns
     if ($hasPublicSection) {
         $tbl->setTitle("Available Clients");
         $tbl->setHeaderNames(array("Installation Name", "Login", "Public Access"));
         $tbl->setHeaderVars(array("name", "index", "login"));
         $tbl->setColumnWidth(array("50%", "25%", "25%"));
     } else {
         $tbl->setTitle("Available Clients");
         $tbl->setHeaderNames(array("Installation Name", "Login", ''));
         $tbl->setHeaderVars(array("name", "login", ''));
         $tbl->setColumnWidth(array("70%", "25%", '1px'));
     // control
     $tbl->setOrderColumn($_GET["sort_by"], "name");
     // content
     // footer
     // styles
     $tbl->setStyle("table", "std");
     // render table
     $tpl->show("DEFAULT", true, true);