Esempio n. 1
icms_core_Filesystem::chmod("../mainfile.php", 0444);
if (defined('XOOPS_TRUST_PATH') && XOOPS_TRUST_PATH != '') {
    icms_core_Filesystem::chmod(XOOPS_TRUST_PATH, 0777);
    icms_core_Filesystem::chmod(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules', 0777);
    icms_core_Filesystem::chmod("/modules/protector/root/modules/protector", 0777);
    icms_core_Filesystem::chmod("/modules/protector/trust_path/modules", 0777);
    if (!is_dir(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/protector')) {
        icms_core_Filesystem::copyRecursive(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/install/modules/protector/root/modules/protector', XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/protector');
    if (!is_dir(XOOPS_TRUST_PATH . '/modules')) {
        icms_core_Filesystem::copyRecursive(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/install/modules/protector/trust_path/modules', XOOPS_TRUST_PATH . '/modules');
    if (!is_dir(XOOPS_TRUST_PATH . '/modules/protector')) {
        icms_core_Filesystem::copyRecursive(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/install/modules/protector/trust_path/modules/protector', XOOPS_TRUST_PATH . '/modules/protector');
    icms_core_Filesystem::chmod(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules', 0755);
$pageHasForm = true;
$pageHasHelp = false;
$vars =& $_SESSION['settings'];
include_once "../mainfile.php";
include_once './class/dbmanager.php';
$dbm = new db_manager();
if (!$dbm->isConnectable()) {
$process = '';
Esempio n. 2
 * Copy a file, or a folder and its contents
 * @author	Aidan Lister <*****@*****.**>
 * @param	string	$source	The source
 * @param	string  $dest	  The destination
 * @return   bool	Returns true on success, false on failure
 * @deprecated	Use icms_core_Filesystem::copyRecursive, instead
 * @todo		Remove in version 1.4 - all occurrences have been removed from the core
function icms_copyr($source, $dest)
    icms_core_Debug::setDeprecated('icms_core_Filesystem::copyRecursive', sprintf(_CORE_REMOVE_IN_VERSION, '1.4'));
    return icms_core_Filesystem::copyRecursive($source, $dest);
Esempio n. 3
function profile_db_upgrade_2()
    // Initialization
    $profile_field_handler = icms_getModuleHandler('field', basename(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))), 'profile');
    // add new fields
    $fieldid = addField('email', _US_EMAIL, '', 2, 'email', 1, 5, 0, array(), 1, 255, 1);
    addVisibility($fieldid, array(ICMS_GROUP_ADMIN, ICMS_GROUP_USERS), 0);
    // Copy images
    icms_core_Filesystem::copyRecursive(ICMS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . basename(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/images/field', ICMS_UPLOAD_PATH . '/' . basename(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/field');
    // Assign Images to fields
    $profile_field_handler->updateAll('url', 'aim.gif', new icms_db_criteria_Compo(new icms_db_criteria_Item('field_name', 'user_aim')));
    $profile_field_handler->updateAll('url', 'bio.gif', new icms_db_criteria_Compo(new icms_db_criteria_Item('field_name', 'bio')));
    $profile_field_handler->updateAll('url', 'birthday.gif', new icms_db_criteria_Compo(new icms_db_criteria_Item('field_name', 'user_regdate')));
    $profile_field_handler->updateAll('url', 'clock.gif', new icms_db_criteria_Compo(new icms_db_criteria_Item('field_name', 'last_login')));
    $profile_field_handler->updateAll('url', 'comments.gif', new icms_db_criteria_Compo(new icms_db_criteria_Item('field_name', 'posts')));
    $profile_field_handler->updateAll('url', 'email.gif', new icms_db_criteria_Compo(new icms_db_criteria_Item('field_name', 'email')));
    $profile_field_handler->updateAll('url', 'house.gif', new icms_db_criteria_Compo(new icms_db_criteria_Item('field_name', 'user_from')));
    $profile_field_handler->updateAll('url', 'icq.gif', new icms_db_criteria_Compo(new icms_db_criteria_Item('field_name', 'user_icq')));
    $profile_field_handler->updateAll('url', 'interests.gif', new icms_db_criteria_Compo(new icms_db_criteria_Item('field_name', 'user_intrest')));
    $profile_field_handler->updateAll('url', 'msnm.gif', new icms_db_criteria_Compo(new icms_db_criteria_Item('field_name', 'user_msnm')));
    $profile_field_handler->updateAll('url', 'occ.gif', new icms_db_criteria_Compo(new icms_db_criteria_Item('field_name', 'user_occ')));
    $profile_field_handler->updateAll('url', 'openid.gif', new icms_db_criteria_Compo(new icms_db_criteria_Item('field_name', 'openid')));
    $profile_field_handler->updateAll('url', 'rank.gif', new icms_db_criteria_Compo(new icms_db_criteria_Item('field_name', 'rank')));
    $profile_field_handler->updateAll('url', 'signature.gif', new icms_db_criteria_Compo(new icms_db_criteria_Item('field_name', 'user_sig')));
    $profile_field_handler->updateAll('url', 'url.gif', new icms_db_criteria_Compo(new icms_db_criteria_Item('field_name', 'url')));
    $profile_field_handler->updateAll('url', 'username.gif', new icms_db_criteria_Compo(new icms_db_criteria_Item('field_name', 'name')));
    $profile_field_handler->updateAll('url', 'ym.gif', new icms_db_criteria_Compo(new icms_db_criteria_Item('field_name', 'user_yim')));
    // update existing fields
    $profile_field_handler->updateAll('field_type', 'url', new icms_db_criteria_Compo(new icms_db_criteria_Item('field_name', 'url')));
    $profile_field_handler->updateAll('field_type', 'location', new icms_db_criteria_Compo(new icms_db_criteria_Item('field_name', 'user_from')));
    $profile_field_handler->updateAll('field_type', 'openid', new icms_db_criteria_Compo(new icms_db_criteria_Item('field_name', 'openid')));
    $profile_field_handler->updateAll('field_edit', '0', new icms_db_criteria_Compo(new icms_db_criteria_Item('field_name', '("posts", "openid", "user_viewoid")', 'IN')));
    $profile_field_handler->updateAll('system', '1', new icms_db_criteria_Compo(new icms_db_criteria_Item('field_name', '("' . implode('", "', $profile_field_handler->getUserVars()) . '")', 'IN')));
Esempio n. 4
 function protector_oninstall_base($module, $mydirname)
     // transations on module install
     global $ret;
     // TODO :-D
     // for Cube 2.1
     if (defined('XOOPS_CUBE_LEGACY')) {
         $root =& XCube_Root::getSingleton();
         $root->mDelegateManager->add('Legacy.Admin.Event.ModuleInstall.' . ucfirst($mydirname) . '.Success', 'protector_message_append_oninstall');
         $ret = array();
     } else {
         if (!is_array($ret)) {
             $ret = array();
     $db =& icms_db_Factory::instance();
     $mid = $module->getVar('mid');
     // TABLES (loading mysql.sql)
     $sql_file_path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/sql/mysql.sql';
     $prefix_mod = $db->prefix() . '_' . $mydirname;
     if (file_exists($sql_file_path)) {
         $ret[] = "SQL file found at <b>" . htmlspecialchars($sql_file_path) . "</b>.<br /> Creating tables...";
         $sqlutil = new icms_db_legacy_mysql_Utility();
         $sql_query = trim(file_get_contents($sql_file_path));
         $sqlutil->splitMySqlFile($pieces, $sql_query);
         $created_tables = array();
         foreach ($pieces as $piece) {
             $prefixed_query = $sqlutil->prefixQuery($piece, $prefix_mod);
             if (!$prefixed_query) {
                 $ret[] = "Invalid SQL <b>" . htmlspecialchars($piece) . "</b><br />";
                 return false;
             if (!$db->query($prefixed_query[0])) {
                 $ret[] = '<b>' . htmlspecialchars($db->error()) . '</b><br />';
                 //var_dump( $db->error() ) ;
                 return false;
             } else {
                 if (!in_array($prefixed_query[4], $created_tables)) {
                     $ret[] = 'Table <b>' . htmlspecialchars($prefix_mod . '_' . $prefixed_query[4]) . '</b> created.<br />';
                     $created_tables[] = $prefixed_query[4];
                 } else {
                     $ret[] = 'Data inserted to table <b>' . htmlspecialchars($prefix_mod . '_' . $prefixed_query[4]) . '</b>.</br />';
     $tplfile_handler =& new icms_view_template_file_Handler(icms::$xoopsDB);
     $tpl_path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates';
     if ($handler = @opendir($tpl_path . '/')) {
         while (($file = readdir($handler)) !== false) {
             if (substr($file, 0, 1) == '.') {
             $file_path = $tpl_path . '/' . $file;
             if (is_file($file_path) && in_array(strrchr($file, '.'), array('.html', '.css', '.js'))) {
                 $mtime = intval(@filemtime($file_path));
                 $tplfile =& $tplfile_handler->create();
                 $tplfile->setVar('tpl_source', file_get_contents($file_path), true);
                 $tplfile->setVar('tpl_refid', $mid);
                 $tplfile->setVar('tpl_tplset', 'default');
                 $tplfile->setVar('tpl_file', $mydirname . '_' . $file);
                 $tplfile->setVar('tpl_desc', '', true);
                 $tplfile->setVar('tpl_module', $mydirname);
                 $tplfile->setVar('tpl_lastmodified', $mtime);
                 $tplfile->setVar('tpl_lastimported', 0);
                 $tplfile->setVar('tpl_type', 'module');
                 if (!$tplfile_handler->insert($tplfile)) {
                     $ret[] = '<span style="color:#ff0000;">ERROR: Could not insert template <b>' . htmlspecialchars($mydirname . '_' . $file) . '</b> to the database.</span><br />';
                 } else {
                     $tplid = $tplfile->getVar('tpl_id');
                     $ret[] = 'Template <b>' . htmlspecialchars($mydirname . '_' . $file) . '</b> added to the database. (ID: <b>' . $tplid . '</b>)<br />';
                     // generate compiled file
                     if (!icms_view_Tpl::template_touch($tplid)) {
                         $ret[] = '<span style="color:#ff0000;">ERROR: Failed compiling template <b>' . htmlspecialchars($mydirname . '_' . $file) . '</b>.</span><br />';
                     } else {
                         $ret[] = 'Template <b>' . htmlspecialchars($mydirname . '_' . $file) . '</b> compiled.</span><br />';
     Fixes Bug #619 : parse Error
     if (defined('ICMS_PRELOAD_PATH') && !file_exists(ICMS_PRELOAD_PATH . '/protector.php') && (!defined('PROTECTOR_POSTCHECK_INCLUDED') || !defined('PROTECTOR_PRECHECK_INCLUDED'))) {
         if (icms_core_Filesystem::copyRecursive(ICMS_TRUST_PATH . '/modules/protector/patches/ImpressCMS1.1/preload_protector.php', ICMS_PRELOAD_PATH . '/protector.php')) {
             $ret[] = 'Successfully moved protector preload<br />';
         } else {
             $ret[] = icms_core_Message::error("Failed to move protector preload - your site is not protected.", "", FALSE);
     return true;
Esempio n. 5
 function protector_onupdate_base($module, $mydirname)
     // transations on module update
     global $msgs;
     // TODO :-D
     // for Cube 2.1
     if (defined('XOOPS_CUBE_LEGACY')) {
         $root =& XCube_Root::getSingleton();
         $root->mDelegateManager->add('Legacy.Admin.Event.ModuleUpdate.' . ucfirst($mydirname) . '.Success', 'protector_message_append_onupdate');
         $msgs = array();
     } else {
         if (!is_array($msgs)) {
             $msgs = array();
     $db =& icms_db_Factory::instance();
     $mid = $module->getVar('mid');
     // TABLES (write here ALTER TABLE etc. if necessary)
     // configs (Though I know it is not a recommended way...)
     $check_sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM " . $db->prefix("config") . " LIKE 'conf_title'";
     if (($result = $db->query($check_sql)) && ($myrow = $db->fetchArray($result)) && @$myrow['Type'] == 'varchar(30)') {
         $db->queryF("ALTER TABLE " . $db->prefix("config") . " MODIFY `conf_title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', MODIFY `conf_desc` varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''");
     list(, $create_string) = $db->fetchRow($db->query("SHOW CREATE TABLE " . $db->prefix("config")));
     foreach (explode('KEY', $create_string) as $line) {
         if (preg_match('/(\\`conf\\_title_\\d+\\`) \\(\\`conf\\_title\\`\\)/', $line, $regs)) {
             $db->query("ALTER TABLE " . $db->prefix("config") . " DROP KEY " . $regs[1]);
     $db->query("ALTER TABLE " . $db->prefix("config") . " ADD KEY `conf_title` (`conf_title`)");
     // 2.x -> 3.0
     list(, $create_string) = $db->fetchRow($db->query("SHOW CREATE TABLE " . $db->prefix($mydirname . "_log")));
     if (preg_match('/timestamp\\(/i', $create_string)) {
         $db->query("ALTER TABLE " . $db->prefix($mydirname . "_log") . " MODIFY `timestamp` DATETIME");
     // TEMPLATES (all templates have been already removed by modulesadmin)
     $tplfile_handler =& icms::handler('icms_view_template_file');
     $tpl_path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/templates';
     if ($handler = @opendir($tpl_path . '/')) {
         while (($file = readdir($handler)) !== false) {
             if (substr($file, 0, 1) == '.') {
             $file_path = $tpl_path . '/' . $file;
             if (is_file($file_path) && in_array(strrchr($file, '.'), array('.html', '.css', '.js'))) {
                 $mtime = intval(@filemtime($file_path));
                 $tplfile =& $tplfile_handler->create();
                 $tplfile->setVar('tpl_source', file_get_contents($file_path), true);
                 $tplfile->setVar('tpl_refid', $mid);
                 $tplfile->setVar('tpl_tplset', 'default');
                 $tplfile->setVar('tpl_file', $mydirname . '_' . $file);
                 $tplfile->setVar('tpl_desc', '', true);
                 $tplfile->setVar('tpl_module', $mydirname);
                 $tplfile->setVar('tpl_lastmodified', $mtime);
                 $tplfile->setVar('tpl_lastimported', 0);
                 $tplfile->setVar('tpl_type', 'module');
                 if (!$tplfile_handler->insert($tplfile)) {
                     $msgs[] = '<span style="color:#ff0000;">ERROR: Could not insert template <b>' . htmlspecialchars($mydirname . '_' . $file) . '</b> to the database.</span>';
                 } else {
                     $tplid = $tplfile->getVar('tpl_id');
                     $msgs[] = 'Template <b>' . htmlspecialchars($mydirname . '_' . $file) . '</b> added to the database. (ID: <b>' . $tplid . '</b>)';
                     // generate compiled file
                     if (!icms_view_Tpl::template_touch($tplid)) {
                         $msgs[] = '<span style="color:#ff0000;">ERROR: Failed compiling template <b>' . htmlspecialchars($mydirname . '_' . $file) . '</b>.</span>';
                     } else {
                         $msgs[] = 'Template <b>' . htmlspecialchars($mydirname . '_' . $file) . '</b> compiled.</span>';
     if (defined(ICMS_PRELOAD_PATH) && !file_exists(ICMS_PRELOAD_PATH . '/protector.php') && (!defined('PROTECTOR_POSTCHECK_INCLUDED') || !defined('PROTECTOR_PRECHECK_INCLUDED')) && function_exists('icms_copyr')) {
         icms_core_Filesystem::copyRecursive(ICMS_TRUST_PATH . '/modules/protector/patches/ImpressCMS1.1/preload_protector.php', ICMS_PRELOAD_PATH . '/protector.php');
     return true;
 } else {
     $new_folder = $row['imgcat_foldername '];
 /* attempt to create the new folder for the image category */
 if (FALSE === icms_core_Filesystem::mkdir(ICMS_IMANAGER_FOLDER_PATH . '/' . $new_folder)) {
     $newDbVersion = 36;
     echo '<br />' . sprintf('Unable to create category folder - %s', $new_folder);
     $abortUpdate = true;
 } else {
     $moved = array();
     /* Get all the images in the category */
     $result1 = icms::$xoopsDB->query('SELECT * FROM `' . icms::$xoopsDB->prefix('image') . '` WHERE imgcat_id=' . $row['imgcat_id']);
     /* copy all the images in the category to the new folder */
     while (($row1 = icms::$xoopsDB->fetchArray($result1)) && !$abortUpdate) {
         if (!file_exists(ICMS_IMANAGER_FOLDER_PATH . '/' . $new_folder . '/' . $row1['image_name']) && file_exists(ICMS_UPLOAD_PATH . '/' . $row1['image_name'])) {
             if (icms_core_Filesystem::copyRecursive(ICMS_UPLOAD_PATH . '/' . $row1['image_name'], ICMS_IMANAGER_FOLDER_PATH . '/' . $new_folder . '/' . $row1['image_name'])) {
                 $moved[] = $row1['image_name'];
             } else {
                 $newDbVersion = 36;
                 echo '<br />' . sprintf('Unable to copy image - %s', $row1['image_name']);
                 $abortUpdate = true;
     /* if all the images were successfully copied for this category - update the category folder and
      * Do NOT delete the old images - it affects existing content
     if (FALSE === $abortUpdate) {
         icms::$xoopsDB->queryF('UPDATE `' . icms::$xoopsDB->prefix('imagecategory') . '` SET imgcat_foldername="' . $new_folder . '" WHERE imgcat_id=' . $row['imgcat_id']);
         /* This would delete the images from the uploads folder after they are moved
         			 * do not do this - it will affect any existing content
Esempio n. 7
  * Relocate images for ranks from previous location
  * @return	bool
 public function MoveAllRanksImagesToProperPath()
     $sql = "SELECT rank_image FROM " . $this->table;
     $Query = $this->query($sql, FALSE);
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($Query); $i++) {
         $values[] = $Query[$i]["rank_image"];
     foreach ($values as $value) {
         if (file_exists(ICMS_UPLOAD_PATH . "/" . $value)) {
             icms_core_Filesystem::copyRecursive(ICMS_UPLOAD_PATH . "/" . $value, $this->getImagePath() . $value);
     return TRUE;