function snp_ml_get_ic_lists($ml_ic_username = '', $ml_ic_addid = '', $ml_ic_apppass = '') { require_once SNP_DIR_PATH . '/include/icontact/iContactApi.php'; $list = array(); if (snp_get_option('ml_ic_username') && snp_get_option('ml_ic_addid') && snp_get_option('ml_ic_apppass') || $ml_ic_username && $ml_ic_addid && $ml_ic_apppass) { if (!$ml_ic_username || !$ml_ic_addid || !$ml_ic_apppass) { $ml_ic_username = snp_get_option('ml_ic_username'); $ml_ic_addid = snp_get_option('ml_ic_addid'); $ml_ic_apppass = snp_get_option('ml_ic_apppass'); } iContactApi::getInstance()->setConfig(array('appId' => $ml_ic_addid, 'apiPassword' => $ml_ic_apppass, 'apiUsername' => $ml_ic_username)); $oiContact = iContactApi::getInstance(); try { $res = $oiContact->getLists(); foreach ((array) $res as $v) { $list[$v->listId] = array('name' => $v->name); } //var_dump($oiContact->getLists()); } catch (Exception $oException) { // Error // Catch any exceptions // Dump errors //var_dump($oiContact->getErrors()); // Grab the last raw request data //var_dump($oiContact->getLastRequest()); // Grab the last raw response data //var_dump($oiContact->getLastResponse()); } } if (count($list) == 0) { $list[0] = array('name' => 'Nothing Found...'); } return $list; }
/** * Returns iContact API client * @return iClientApi */ public function getClient() { if (null === $this->client) { $this->client = iContactApi::getInstance()->setConfig(array('appId' => OP_ICONTACT_APP_ID, 'apiUsername' => $this->username, 'apiPassword' => $this->password)); } return $this->client; }
/** * Get an instance of the API. * * @since 1.5.4 * @param array $data { * @type string $username A valid username. * @type string $app_id A valid app ID. * @type string $app_password A valid app password. * } * @return object The API instance. */ public function get_api($data) { if ($this->api_instance) { return $this->api_instance; } if (!class_exists('iContactApi')) { require_once FL_BUILDER_DIR . 'includes/vendor/icontact/iContactApi.php'; } iContactApi::getInstance()->setConfig($data); $this->api_instance = iContactApi::getInstance(); return $this->api_instance; }
public function indeed_iContact($apiUser, $appId, $apiPass, $listId, $e_mail, $first_name = '', $last_name = '') { require_once $this->dir_path . '/email_services/icontact/iContactApi.php'; iContactApi::getInstance()->setConfig(array('appId' => $appId, 'apiPassword' => $apiPass, 'apiUsername' => $apiUser)); $oiContact = iContactApi::getInstance(); $res1 = $oiContact->addContact($e_mail, null, null, $first_name, $last_name, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); if ($res1->contactId) { if ($oiContact->subscribeContactToList($res1->contactId, $listId, 'normal')) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } else { return 0; } }
public static function donation_button_icontact_handler($posted) { if (!isset($posted) || empty($posted)) { return; } $ic_api_key = get_option("icontact_api_id"); $app_password = get_option("icontact_api_password"); $app_username = get_option("icontact_api_username"); $icontact_list = get_option("icontact_lists"); $fname = isset($posted['first_name']) ? $posted['first_name'] : ''; $lname = isset($posted['last_name']) ? $posted['last_name'] : ''; $email = isset($posted['payer_email']) ? $posted['payer_email'] : $posted['receiver_email']; $debug = get_option('log_enable_icontact') == 'yes' ? 'yes' : 'no'; if ('yes' == $debug) { $log = new Donation_Button_Logger(); } if (isset($ic_api_key) && !empty($ic_api_key) && (isset($app_username) && !empty($app_username)) && (isset($app_password) && !empty($app_password))) { if (isset($icontact_list) && !empty($icontact_list)) { include_once DBP_PLUGIN_DIR_PATH . '/admin/partials/lib/icontact/icontact.php'; iContactApi::getInstance()->setConfig(array('appId' => $ic_api_key, 'apiUsername' => $app_username, 'apiPassword' => $app_password)); $iContact = iContactApi::getInstance(); try { $contactid = $iContact->addContact($email, 'normal', null, $fname, $lname, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); $subscribed = $iContact->subscribeContactToList($contactid->contactId, $icontact_list, 'normal'); if ('yes' == $debug) { if ($subscribed) { $log->add('Icontact', $email . ' Successfully Add Contact in iContact'); } else { $log->add('Icontact', $email . ' Contact already added to target campaign in iContact'); } } } catch (Exception $e) { if ('yes' == $debug) { $log->add('Icontact', prin_r($e, true)); } } } } }
function UpdateUserToIcontact($user, $iID) { // Load the iContact library require_once APPPATH . 'libraries/iContactApi.php'; // Give the API your information iContactApi::getInstance()->setConfig(array('appId' => 'CxbI1WVaDqdqXsDkGIcKNmJgnfzQZcFN', 'apiPassword' => 'Policy321', 'apiUsername' => '*****@*****.**')); // Store the singleton $oiContact = iContactApi::getInstance(); // Try to make the call(s) try { // are examples on how to call the iContact PHP API class // Grab all contacts // var_dump($oiContact->getContacts()); // Grab a contact // var_dump($oiContact->getContact(42094396)); // // Create a contact $update = $oiContact->updateContact($iID, $user['email'], null, $user['first_name'], $user['last_name'], null, null, null, null, null, null, $user['phone'], null, null, null); // // Get messages // var_dump($oiContact->getMessages()); // // Create a list // var_dump($oiContact->addList('somelist', 1698, true, false, false, 'Just an example list', 'Some List')); // // Subscribe contact to list // $subscribe=$oiContact->subscribeContactToList(contactId, listId, status); // $subscribe=$oiContact->subscribeContactToList($contact->contactId, 17234, 'normal'); // // Grab all campaigns // var_dump($oiContact->getCampaigns()); // // Create message // var_dump($oiContact->addMessage('An Example Message', 585, '<h1>An Example Message</h1>', 'An Example Message', 'ExampleMessage', 33765, 'normal')); // // Schedule send // var_dump($oiContact->sendMessage(array(33765), 179962, null, null, null, mktime(12, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2012))); // // Upload data by sending a filename (execute a PUT based on file contents) // var_dump($oiContact->uploadData('/path/to/file.csv', 179962)); // // Upload data by sending a string of file contents // $sFileData = file_get_contents('/path/to/file.csv'); // Read the file // var_dump($oiContact->uploadData($sFileData, 179962)); // Send the data to the API } catch (Exception $oException) { // Catch any exceptions // Dump errors var_dump($oiContact->getErrors()); // Grab the last raw request data var_dump($oiContact->getLastRequest()); // Grab the last raw response data var_dump($oiContact->getLastResponse()); } }
public function subscribeNewsletter(array $info) { $kuler = Kuler::getInstance(); $mail_service = $kuler->getSkinOption('mail_service'); $result = false; $contact_list = $kuler->getSkinOption('contact_list'); if (empty($contact_list)) { throw new Exception(_t('error_the_newsletter_system_is_not_configured_please_contact_to_site_admin')); } switch ($mail_service) { case 'mailchimp': require_once 'mail_service/mailchimp.php'; $api_key = $kuler->getSkinOption('mailchimp_api_key'); if (empty($api_key)) { throw new Exception(_t('error_the_newsletter_system_is_not_configured_please_contact_to_site_admin')); } $api = new MCAPI($api_key); $mail = $info['mail']; $merge = array('FNAME' => 'Email', 'LNAME' => ' :' . $mail); $api->listSubscribe($contact_list, $mail, $merge); if ($api->errorCode) { $message = $api->errorMessage; if ($api->errorCode == 214) { $message = _t('error_your_email_is_already_subscribed_to_list'); } throw new Exception($message); } $result = true; break; case 'icontact': require_once 'mail_service/icontact.php'; $key = $kuler->getSkinOption('icontact_app_key'); $username = $kuler->getSkinOption('icontact_username'); $password = $kuler->getSkinOption('icontact_password'); if (empty($key) || empty($username) || empty($password)) { throw new Exception(_t('error_the_newsletter_system_is_not_configured_please_contact_to_site_admin')); } iContactApi::getInstance()->setConfig(array('appId' => $key, 'apiUsername' => $username, 'apiPassword' => $password)); $oiContact = iContactApi::getInstance(); try { $result = $oiContact->addContact($info['mail']); $result = $oiContact->subscribeContactToList($result->contactId, $contact_list, 'normal'); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new Exception($e->getMessage()); } $result = true; break; } return $result; }
public function getNewsletterLists($type, array $info) { $mail_service_path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/mail_service/' . $type . '.php'; if (file_exists($mail_service_path)) { require_once $mail_service_path; if ($type == 'icontact') { // Give the API your information iContactApi::getInstance()->setConfig(array('appId' => $info['icontact_app_key'], 'apiUsername' => $info['icontact_username'], 'apiPassword' => $info['icontact_password'])); // Store the singleton $oiContact = iContactApi::getInstance(); try { $lists = $oiContact->getLists(); $results = array(); foreach ($lists as $list) { $results[$list->listId] = $list->name; } } catch (Exception $e) { $errors = $oiContact->getErrors(); throw new Exception(current($errors)); } } else { if ($type == 'mailchimp') { $api = new MCAPI($info['mailchimp_api_key']); $results = array(); if ($api) { $lists = $api->lists(); if ($lists && !empty($lists['data'])) { foreach ($lists['data'] as $list) { $results[$list['id']] = $list['name']; } } } } } } else { throw new Exception(_t('This mail service is not available!')); } return $results; }
function sendiContact($mailSubscribe) { if (defined('IC_APPID') && defined('IC_APIUSERNAME') && defined('IC_APIPASSWORD')) { iContactApi::getInstance()->setConfig(array('appId' => IC_APPID, 'apiPassword' => IC_APIPASSWORD, 'apiUsername' => IC_APIUSERNAME)); $oiContact = iContactApi::getInstance(); try { $oiContact->addContact($mailSubscribe); } catch (Exception $oException) { throw new Exception("Error found Lists", 4); } } }
$service_requirements_status = $cfgenwpapi_obj->checkServiceRequirements($service_id); if ($service_requirements_status['status']) { include '../api/icontact/iContactApi.php'; try { iContactApi::getInstance()->setConfig(array('appId' => $cfgenwpapi_obj->icontact['applicationid'], 'apiUsername' => $cfg[$service_id]['username'], 'apiPassword' => $cfg[$service_id]['applicationpassword'])); } catch (Exception $e) { $icontact_error = $oiContact->getErrors(); $error = $icontact_error[0]; $admin_api_error[$service_id]['error_message'] = $icontact_error[0]; if ($contactform_obj->cfg['debug']) { echo 'iContact ERROR' . "\r\n"; print_r($icontact_error); } } // try iContact connect $oiContact = iContactApi::getInstance(); $ic_makecall_url_prefix = '/a/' . $oiContact->setAccountId() . '/c/' . $oiContact->setClientFolderId() . '/contacts'; foreach ($cfg[$service_id]['lists'] as $list_v) { $list_id = $list_v['list_id']; $api_contact_email = ''; $ic_contact_id = ''; // returned when adding updating the contact into the account, this id is used to subscribe the contact to a list // FIELDS if (isset($list_v['fields']) && $list_v['fields']) { foreach ($list_v['fields'] as $field_v) { $ic_contact[$field_v['list_field_id']] = getElementValue($field_v['element_id']); if ($field_v['list_field_id'] == 'email') { $api_contact_email = getElementValue($field_v['element_id']); } } // Default values for add and update
function snp_popup_submit() { global $wpdb; $result = array(); $errors = array(); $_POST['email'] = trim($_POST['email']); if (isset($_POST['name'])) { $_POST['name'] = trim($_POST['name']); } if (!snp_is_valid_email($_POST['email'])) { $errors['email'] = 1; } if (isset($_POST['name']) && !$_POST['name']) { $errors['name'] = 1; } $post_id = intval($_POST['popup_ID']); if ($post_id) { $POPUP_META = get_post_meta($post_id); } $cf_data = array(); if (isset($POPUP_META['snp_cf']) && $post_id) { $cf = unserialize($POPUP_META['snp_cf'][0]); if (isset($cf) && is_array($cf)) { foreach ($cf as $f) { if (isset($f['name'])) { if (strpos($f['name'], '[')) { $f['name'] = substr($f['name'], 0, strpos($f['name'], '[')); } if (!empty($_POST[$f['name']])) { $cf_data[$f['name']] = $_POST[$f['name']]; } } if (isset($f['required']) && $f['required'] == 'Yes' && !$cf_data[$f['name']]) { $errors[$f['name']] = 1; } } } } if (count($errors) > 0) { $result['Errors'] = $errors; $result['Ok'] = false; } else { $Done = 0; if (!empty($_POST['name'])) { $names = snp_detect_names($_POST['name']); } else { $names = array('first' => '', 'last' => ''); } $api_error_msg = ''; if (snp_get_option('ml_manager') == 'directmail') { require_once SNP_DIR_PATH . '/include/directmail/class.directmail.php'; $form_id = snp_get_option('ml_dm_form_id'); if ($form_id) { $api = new DMSubscribe(); $retval = $api->submitSubscribeForm($form_id, $_POST['email'], $error_message); if ($retval) { $Done = 1; } else { // Error... Send by email? $api_error_msg = $error_message; } } } elseif (snp_get_option('ml_manager') == 'sendy') { $list_id = $POPUP_META['snp_ml_sendy_list'][0]; if (!$list_id) { $list_id = snp_get_option('ml_sendy_list'); } if ($list_id) { $options = array('list' => $list_id, 'boolean' => 'true'); $args['email'] = $_POST['email']; if (!empty($_POST['name'])) { $args['name'] = $_POST['name']; } if (count($cf_data) > 0) { $args = array_merge($args, (array) $cf_data); } $content = array_merge($args, $options); $postdata = http_build_query($content); $ch = curl_init(snp_get_option('ml_sendy_url') . '/subscribe'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postdata); $api_result = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); if (strval($api_result) == 'true' || strval($api_result) == '1' || strval($api_result) == 'Already subscribed.') { $Done = 1; } else { $api_error_msg = $api_result; } } } elseif (snp_get_option('ml_manager') == 'mailchimp') { require_once SNP_DIR_PATH . '/include/mailchimp/Mailchimp.php'; $ml_mc_list = $POPUP_META['snp_ml_mc_list'][0]; if (!$ml_mc_list) { $ml_mc_list = snp_get_option('ml_mc_list'); } if (snp_get_option('ml_mc_apikey') && $ml_mc_list) { $api = new Mailchimp(snp_get_option('ml_mc_apikey')); $args = array(); if (!empty($_POST['name'])) { $args = array('FNAME' => $names['first'], 'LNAME' => $names['last']); } if (count($cf_data) > 0) { $args = array_merge($args, (array) $cf_data); } try { $double_optin = snp_get_option('ml_mc_double_optin'); if ($double_optin == 1) { $double_optin = true; } else { $double_optin = false; } $double_optin = snp_get_option('ml_mc_double_optin'); if ($double_optin == 1) { $double_optin = true; } else { $double_optin = false; } $send_welcome = snp_get_option('ml_mc_send_welcome'); if ($send_welcome == 1) { $send_welcome = true; } else { $send_welcome = false; } $retval = $api->lists->subscribe($ml_mc_list, array('email' => $_POST['email']), $args, 'html', $double_optin, false, true, $send_welcome); $Done = 1; } catch (Exception $e) { if ($e->getCode() == 214) { $Done = 1; } else { $api_error_msg = $e->getMessage(); } } } } elseif (snp_get_option('ml_manager') == 'egoi') { $ml_egoi_apikey = snp_get_option('ml_egoi_apikey'); $client = new SoapClient(''); try { $ml_egoi_list = $POPUP_META['snp_ml_egoi_list'][0]; if (!$ml_egoi_list) { $ml_egoi_list = snp_get_option('ml_egoi_list'); } $args = array('apikey' => $ml_egoi_apikey, 'listID' => $ml_egoi_list, 'email' => $_POST['email']); if (!empty($_POST['name'])) { $args['first_name'] = $names['first']; $args['last_name'] = $names['last']; } if (count($cf_data) > 0) { $CustomFields = array(); foreach ($cf_data as $k => $v) { $args[$k] = $v; } } $res = $client->addSubscriber($args); if (isset($res['UID'])) { $Done = 1; } } catch (Exception $e) { // Error... // We'll send this by email. } } elseif (snp_get_option('ml_manager') == 'getresponse') { $ml_gr_apikey = snp_get_option('ml_gr_apikey'); require_once SNP_DIR_PATH . '/include/getresponse/jsonRPCClient.php'; $api = new jsonRPCClient(''); try { $ml_gr_list = $POPUP_META['snp_ml_gr_list'][0]; if (!$ml_gr_list) { $ml_gr_list = snp_get_option('ml_gr_list'); } $args = array('campaign' => $ml_gr_list, 'email' => $_POST['email']); if (!empty($_POST['name'])) { $args['name'] = $_POST['name']; } if (count($cf_data) > 0) { $CustomFields = array(); foreach ($cf_data as $k => $v) { $CustomFields[] = array('name' => $k, 'content' => $v); } $args['customs'] = $CustomFields; } $res = $api->add_contact($ml_gr_apikey, $args); $Done = 1; } catch (Exception $e) { // Error... // We'll send this by email. $api_error_msg = $e->getMessage(); } } elseif (snp_get_option('ml_manager') == 'campaignmonitor') { require_once SNP_DIR_PATH . '/include/campaignmonitor/csrest_subscribers.php'; $ml_cm_list = $POPUP_META['snp_ml_cm_list'][0]; if (!$ml_cm_list) { $ml_cm_list = snp_get_option('ml_cm_list'); } $wrap = new CS_REST_Subscribers($ml_cm_list, snp_get_option('ml_cm_apikey')); $args = array('EmailAddress' => $_POST['email'], 'Resubscribe' => true); if (!empty($_POST['name'])) { $args['Name'] = $_POST['name']; } if (count($cf_data) > 0) { $CustomFields = array(); foreach ($cf_data as $k => $v) { $CustomFields[] = array('Key' => $k, 'Value' => $v); } $args['CustomFields'] = $CustomFields; } $res = $wrap->add($args); if ($res->was_successful()) { $Done = 1; } else { // Error... // We'll send this by email. $api_error_msg = 'Failed with code ' . $res->http_status_code; } } elseif (snp_get_option('ml_manager') == 'icontact') { require_once SNP_DIR_PATH . '/include/icontact/iContactApi.php'; iContactApi::getInstance()->setConfig(array('appId' => snp_get_option('ml_ic_addid'), 'apiPassword' => snp_get_option('ml_ic_apppass'), 'apiUsername' => snp_get_option('ml_ic_username'))); $oiContact = iContactApi::getInstance(); $res1 = $oiContact->addContact($_POST['email'], null, null, isset($names['first']) ? $names['first'] : '', isset($names['last']) ? $names['last'] : '', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); if ($res1->contactId) { $ml_ic_list = $POPUP_META['snp_ml_ic_list'][0]; if (!$ml_ic_list) { $ml_ic_list = snp_get_option('ml_ic_list'); } if ($oiContact->subscribeContactToList($res1->contactId, $ml_ic_list, 'normal')) { $Done = 1; } } else { // Error... // We'll send this by email. $api_error_msg = 'iContact Problem!'; } } elseif (snp_get_option('ml_manager') == 'constantcontact') { require_once SNP_DIR_PATH . '/include/constantcontact/'; $cc = new cc(snp_get_option('ml_cc_username'), snp_get_option('ml_cc_pass')); $send_welcome = snp_get_option('ml_cc_send_welcome'); if ($send_welcome == 1) { $cc->set_action_type('contact'); } $email = $_POST['email']; $contact_list = $POPUP_META['snp_ml_cc_list'][0]; if (!$contact_list) { $contact_list = snp_get_option('ml_cc_list'); } $extra_fields = array(); if (!empty($names['first'])) { $extra_fields['FirstName'] = $names['first']; } if (!empty($names['last'])) { $extra_fields['LastName'] = $names['last']; } if (count($cf_data) > 0) { $extra_fields = array_merge($extra_fields, (array) $cf_data); } $contact = $cc->query_contacts($email); if ($contact) { $status = $cc->update_contact($contact['id'], $email, $contact_list, $extra_fields); if ($status) { $Done = 1; } else { $api_error_msg = "Contact Operation failed: " . $cc->http_get_response_code_error($cc->http_response_code); } } else { $new_id = $cc->create_contact($email, $contact_list, $extra_fields); if ($new_id) { $Done = 1; } else { $api_error_msg = "Contact Operation failed: " . $cc->http_get_response_code_error($cc->http_response_code); } } } elseif (snp_get_option('ml_manager') == 'madmimi') { require_once SNP_DIR_PATH . '/include/madmimi/MadMimi.class.php'; if (snp_get_option('ml_madm_username') && snp_get_option('ml_madm_apikey')) { $mailer = new MadMimi(snp_get_option('ml_madm_username'), snp_get_option('ml_madm_apikey')); $user = array('email' => $_POST['email']); if (!empty($names['first'])) { $user['FirstName'] = $names['first']; } if (!empty($names['last'])) { $user['LastName'] = $names['last']; } if (count($cf_data) > 0) { $user = array_merge($user, (array) $cf_data); } $ml_madm_list = $POPUP_META['snp_ml_madm_list'][0]; if (!$ml_madm_list) { $ml_madm_list = snp_get_option('ml_madm_list'); } $user['add_list'] = $ml_madm_list; $res = $mailer->AddUser($user); $Done = 1; } } elseif (snp_get_option('ml_manager') == 'infusionsoft') { require_once SNP_DIR_PATH . '/include/infusionsoft/infusionsoft.php'; if (snp_get_option('ml_inf_subdomain') && snp_get_option('ml_inf_apikey')) { $infusionsoft = new Infusionsoft(snp_get_option('ml_inf_subdomain'), snp_get_option('ml_inf_apikey')); $user = array('Email' => $_POST['email']); if (!empty($names['first'])) { $user['FirstName'] = $names['first']; } if (!empty($names['last'])) { $user['LastName'] = $names['last']; } if (count($cf_data) > 0) { $user = array_merge($user, (array) $cf_data); } $ml_inf_list = $POPUP_META['snp_ml_inf_list'][0]; if (!$ml_inf_list) { $ml_inf_list = snp_get_option('ml_inf_list'); } $contact_id = $infusionsoft->contact('add', $user); $r = $infusionsoft->APIEmail('optIn', $_POST['email'], "Ninja Popups on " . get_bloginfo()); if ($contact_id && $ml_inf_list) { $infusionsoft->contact('addToGroup', $contact_id, $ml_inf_list); } if ($contact_id) { $Done = 1; } } } elseif (snp_get_option('ml_manager') == 'aweber') { require_once SNP_DIR_PATH . '/include/aweber/aweber_api.php'; if (get_option('snp_ml_aw_auth_info')) { $aw = get_option('snp_ml_aw_auth_info'); try { $aweber = new AWeberAPI($aw['consumer_key'], $aw['consumer_secret']); $account = $aweber->getAccount($aw['access_key'], $aw['access_secret']); $aw_list = $POPUP_META['snp_ml_aw_lists'][0]; if (!$aw_list) { $aw_list = snp_get_option('ml_aw_lists'); } $list = $account->loadFromUrl('/accounts/' . $account->id . '/lists/' . $aw_list); $subscriber = array('email' => $_POST['email'], 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); if (!empty($_POST['name'])) { $subscriber['name'] = $_POST['name']; } if (count($cf_data) > 0) { $subscriber['custom_fields'] = $cf_data; } $r = $list->subscribers->create($subscriber); $Done = 1; } catch (AWeberException $e) { $api_error_msg = $e->getMessage(); } } } elseif (snp_get_option('ml_manager') == 'wysija' && class_exists('WYSIJA')) { $ml_wy_list = $POPUP_META['snp_ml_wy_list'][0]; if (!$ml_wy_list) { $ml_wy_list = snp_get_option('ml_wy_list'); } $userData = array('email' => $_POST['email'], 'firstname' => $names['first'], 'lastname' => $names['last']); $data = array('user' => $userData, 'user_list' => array('list_ids' => array($ml_wy_list))); $userHelper =& WYSIJA::get('user', 'helper'); if ($userHelper->addSubscriber($data)) { $Done = 1; } else { $api_error_msg = 'MailPoet Problem!'; } } elseif (snp_get_option('ml_manager') == 'sendpress') { $ml_sp_list = $POPUP_META['snp_ml_sp_list'][0]; if (!$ml_sp_list) { $ml_sp_list = snp_get_option('ml_sp_list'); } try { SendPress_Data::subscribe_user($ml_sp_list, $_POST['email'], $names['first'], $names['last'], 2); $Done = 1; } catch (Exception $e) { $api_error_msg = 'SendPress Problem!'; } } elseif (snp_get_option('ml_manager') == 'mymail') { $userdata = array('firstname' => $names['first'], 'lastname' => $names['last']); $ml_mm_list = $POPUP_META['snp_ml_mm_list'][0]; if (!$ml_mm_list) { $ml_mm_list = snp_get_option('ml_mm_list'); } $lists = array($ml_mm_list); if (function_exists('mymail')) { $entry = $userdata; $entry['email'] = $_POST['email']; $double_optin = snp_get_option('ml_mm_double_optin'); if ($double_optin == 1) { $entry['status'] = 0; } else { $entry['status'] = 1; } if (count($cf_data) > 0) { foreach ($cf_data as $k => $v) { $entry[$k] = $v; } } $subscriber_id = mymail('subscribers')->add($entry, true); if (!is_wp_error($subscriber_id)) { $success = mymail('subscribers')->assign_lists($subscriber_id, $lists, false); } if ($success) { $Done = 1; } else { $api_error_msg = 'MyMail Problem!'; } } else { $return = mymail_subscribe($_POST['email'], $userdata, $lists); if (!is_wp_error($return)) { $Done = 1; } else { $api_error_msg = 'MyMail Problem!'; } } } elseif (snp_get_option('ml_manager') == 'csv' && snp_get_option('ml_csv_file') && is_writable(SNP_DIR_PATH . 'csv/')) { if (!isset($_POST['name'])) { $_POST['name'] = ''; } if (count($cf_data) > 0) { $CustomFields = ''; foreach ($cf_data as $k => $v) { $CustomFields .= $k . ' = ' . $v . ';'; } } $data = $_POST['email'] . ";" . $_POST['name'] . ";" . $CustomFields . get_the_title($_POST['popup_ID']) . " (" . $_POST['popup_ID'] . ");" . date('Y-m-d H:i') . ";" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ";\n"; if (file_put_contents(SNP_DIR_PATH . 'csv/' . snp_get_option('ml_csv_file'), $data, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX) !== FALSE) { $Done = 1; } else { $api_error_msg = 'CSV Problem!'; } } if (snp_get_option('ml_manager') == 'email' || !$Done) { $Email = snp_get_option('ml_email'); if (!$Email) { $Email = get_bloginfo('admin_email'); } if (!isset($_POST['name'])) { $_POST['name'] = '--'; } $error_mgs = ''; if ($api_error_msg != '') { $error_mgs .= "IMPORTANT! You have received this message because connection to your e-mail marketing software failed. Please check connection setting in the plugin configuration.\n"; $error_mgs .= $api_error_msg . "\n"; } $cf_msg = ''; if (count($cf_data) > 0) { foreach ($cf_data as $k => $v) { $cf_msg .= $k . ": " . $v . "\n"; } } $msg = "New subscription on " . get_bloginfo() . "\n" . $error_mgs . "\n" . "E-mail: " . $_POST['email'] . "\n" . "Name: " . $_POST['name'] . "\n" . $cf_msg . "\n" . "Form: " . get_the_title($_POST['popup_ID']) . " (" . $_POST['popup_ID'] . ")\n" . "\n" . "Date: " . date('Y-m-d H:i') . "\n" . "IP: " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ""; wp_mail($Email, "New subscription on " . get_bloginfo(), $msg); } $result['Ok'] = true; } echo json_encode($result); die(''); }
public static function donation_button_get_icontact_lists() { $icontact_lists = array(); $enable_icontact = get_option('enable_icontact'); if (isset($enable_icontact) && $enable_icontact == 'yes') { $icontact_lists = unserialize(get_transient('donation_button_icontact_list')); $icontact_debug = get_option('log_enable_icontact') == 'yes' ? 'yes' : 'no'; $log = new Donation_Button_Logger(); if (empty($icontact_lists) || get_option('donation_button_icontact_force_refresh') == 'yes') { include_once DBP_PLUGIN_DIR_PATH . '/admin/partials/lib/icontact/icontact.php'; $icontact_api_id = get_option('icontact_api_id'); $icontact_api_username = get_option('icontact_api_username'); $icontact_api_password = get_option('icontact_api_password'); if (isset($icontact_api_id) && !empty($icontact_api_id) && (isset($icontact_api_username) && !empty($icontact_api_username)) && (isset($icontact_api_password) && !empty($icontact_api_password))) { iContactApi::getInstance()->setConfig(array('appId' => get_option('icontact_api_id'), 'apiUsername' => get_option('icontact_api_username'), 'apiPassword' => get_option('icontact_api_password'))); $oiContact = iContactApi::getInstance(); try { $lists = $oiContact->getLists(); } catch (Exception $oException) { unset($icontact_lists); $icontact_lists['false'] = 'API details is invalid'; if ('yes' == $icontact_debug) { $log->add('Icontact', 'Icontact API Details is Invalid.'); } } if (count($lists) > 0 and is_array($lists)) { unset($icontact_lists); foreach ($lists as $list) { $icontact_lists[$list->listId] = $list->name; } delete_transient('donation_button_icontact_list'); set_transient('donation_button_icontact_list', serialize($icontact_lists), 86400); if ('yes' == $icontact_debug) { $log->add('Icontact', 'Icontact Get List Success..'); } update_option('donation_button_icontact_force_refresh', 'no'); } } else { $icontact_lists['false'] = __("Required information is empty.", 'donation-button'); if ('yes' == $icontact_debug) { $log->add('Icontact', 'Required information is empty.'); } } } } return $icontact_lists; }
/** * Method for opting into the email service provider. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @param array $account Args to be passed when opting in. * @param string $list_id The list identifier. * @param array $lead The lead information. Should be sanitized. * * @return bool|WP_Error True on successful optin. */ public function optin($account = array(), $list_id, $lead) { // Instantiate the API. iContactApi::getInstance()->setConfig(array('appId' => $account['app_id'], 'apiPassword' => $account['app_pass'], 'apiUsername' => $account['username'])); $this->api = iContactApi::getInstance(); // Setup the data to be passed. $data = array('email' => $lead['lead_email']); // Set name if provided. if ($lead['lead_name'] && 'false' !== $lead['lead_name']) { $data['first_name'] = null; $data['last_name'] = null; $names = explode(' ', $lead['lead_name']); if (isset($names[0])) { $data['first_name'] = $names[0]; } if (isset($names[1])) { $data['last_name'] = $names[1]; } $data = apply_filters('optin_monster_pre_optin_icontact', $data, $lead, $list_id, $this->api); $res = $this->api->addContact($data['email'], 'normal', null, $data['first_name'], $data['last_name']); } else { // No name provided. $data = apply_filters('optin_monster_pre_optin_icontact', $data, $lead, $list_id, $this->api); $res = $this->api->addContact($data['email']); } // Subscribe the contact to the list. $sub = $this->api->subscribeContactToList($res->contactId, $list_id); return true; }
function icontact_addContact($info, $listId, $appId, $appUsername, $appPassword) { require_once 'icontact_lib/iContactApi.php'; iContactApi::getInstance()->setConfig(array('appId' => $appId, 'apiPassword' => $appPassword, 'apiUsername' => $appUsername)); $oiContact = iContactApi::getInstance(); try { $contact = $oiContact->addContact($info['email'], null, null, $info['first_name'], $info['last_name'], null, '123 Somewhere Ln', 'Apt 12', 'Somewhere', 'NW', '12345', '123-456-7890', '123-456-7890', null); $oiContact->subscribeContactToList($contact->contactId, $listId, 'normal'); return true; } catch (Exception $oException) { // Catch any exceptions return null; } return false; }
public function saveIContact($user, $uid) { $email = $user['email']; $first_name = $user['first_name']; $last_name = $user['last_name']; $phone = $user['phone']; $address = $user['address']; $address2 = $user['address2']; $state = $user['state']; $city = $user['city']; $zip = $user['zip']; require_once APPPATH . 'third_party/iContactApi.php'; // Give the API your information iContactApi::getInstance()->setConfig(array('appId' => 'jXjiMD9XP6EB4KOwRBqLI4D7MXE3MGDO', 'apiPassword' => '11111111', 'apiUsername' => '*****@*****.**')); // Store the singleton $oiContact = iContactApi::getInstance(); // Try to make the call(s) try { $res = $oiContact->addContact($email, null, null, $first_name, $last_name, null, $address, $address2, $city, $state, $zip, $phone, $phone, null); $icon_id = $res->contactId; if ($icon_id) { $this->db->where('id', $uid); $this->db->update($this->table, array('i_contact_id' => $icon_id)); } } catch (Exception $ex) { // Dump errors var_dump($oiContact->getErrors()); // Grab the last raw request data var_dump($oiContact->getLastRequest()); // Grab the last raw response data var_dump($oiContact->getLastResponse()); } }