if (!isset($_GET['download_id']) && !isset($_GET['cat_id'])) { add_to_title($locale['global_200'] . \PHPFusion\SiteLinks::get_current_SiteLinks("", "link_name")); } add_breadcrumb(array('link' => INFUSIONS . 'downloads/downloads.php', 'title' => \PHPFusion\SiteLinks::get_current_SiteLinks("", "link_name"))); $result = NULL; if (isset($_GET['file_id']) && isnum($_GET['file_id'])) { $res = 0; $data = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT download_url, download_file, download_cat, download_visibility FROM " . DB_DOWNLOADS . " WHERE download_id='" . intval($_GET['file_id']) . "'")); if (checkgroup($data['download_visibility'])) { $result = dbquery("UPDATE " . DB_DOWNLOADS . " SET download_count=download_count+1 WHERE download_id='" . intval($_GET['file_id']) . "'"); if (!empty($data['download_file']) && file_exists(DOWNLOADS . 'files/' . $data['download_file'])) { $res = 1; require_once INCLUDES . "class.httpdownload.php"; ob_end_clean(); $object = new httpdownload(); $object->set_byfile(DOWNLOADS . 'files/' . $data['download_file']); $object->use_resume = TRUE; $object->download(); exit; } elseif (!empty($data['download_url'])) { $res = 1; $url_prefix = !strstr($data['download_url'], "http://") && !strstr($data['download_url'], "https://") ? "http://" : ""; redirect($url_prefix . $data['download_url']); } } if ($res == 0) { redirect("downloads.php"); } } $info = array('download_title' => $locale['download_1001'], 'download_language' => LANGUAGE, 'download_categories' => get_downloadCat(), 'allowed_filters' => array('download' => $locale['download_2003'], 'recent' => $locale['download_2002'], 'comments' => $locale['download_2001'], 'ratings' => $locale['download_2004']), 'download_last_updated' => 0, 'download_max_rows' => 0, 'download_rows' => 0, 'download_nav' => ''); /* Filter Construct */
function download_file($file) { require_once INCLUDES . "class.httpdownload.php"; ob_end_clean(); $object = new httpdownload(); $object->set_byfile($file); $object->use_resume = true; $object->download(); exit; }
if (!isset($_GET["File"])) { print "no file selsect"; exit; } $file = $_GET["File"]; $type = end(explode('.', $file)); if ($_GET['usernameModel'] == 'basename') { $fileName = null; } else { $arrstr = explode('/', $file); $last = end($arrstr); $lastarr = explode('.', $last); // array_pop($lastarr); $fileName = implode('.', $lastarr); } include_once "class.httpdownload.php"; $object = new httpdownload(); $result = $object->set_byfile($file); if ($type == 'ipa') { $object->mime = '.ipa application/iphone-package-archive'; } elseif ($type == 'apk') { $object->mime = '.apk application/vnd.android.package-archive'; } else { } if (!$result) { print "下载失败 "; exit; } $object->filename = $fileName; $object->download(); ob_end_flush();
} elseif ($size[0] > $size[1]) { $img_w = 300; $img_h = round($size[1] * 300 / $size[0]); } else { $img_w = 300; $img_h = 200; } } else { $img_w = $size[0]; $img_h = $size[1]; } if ($size[0] != $img_w || $size[1] != $img_h) { $res = "<a href='" . FORUM . "attachments/" . $file . "'><img src='" . FORUM . "attachments/" . $file . "' width='" . $img_w . "' height='" . $img_h . "' style='border:0' /></a>"; } else { $res = "<img src='" . FORUM . "attachments/" . $file . "' width='" . $img_w . "' height='" . $img_h . "' style='border:0' />"; } return $res; } if (isset($_GET['getfile']) && isnum($_GET['getfile'])) { $result = dbquery("SELECT * FROM " . DB_FORUM_ATTACHMENTS . " WHERE post_id='" . $_GET['getfile'] . "'"); if (dbrows($result)) { require_once INCLUDES . "class.httpdownload.php"; ob_end_clean(); $data = dbarray($result); $object = new httpdownload(); $object->set_byfile(FORUM . "attachments/" . $data['attach_name']); $object->use_resume = true; $object->download(); } exit; }
require_once "../../maincore.php"; require_once THEMES . "templates/header.php"; require_once INCLUDES . "comments_include.php"; require_once INCLUDES . "ratings_include.php"; require_once INFUSIONS . "addondb/infusion_db.php"; require_once INFUSIONS . "addondb/inc/inc.functions.php"; include INFUSIONS . "addondb/locale/" . LOCALESET . "addon_view.php"; if (isset($_GET['download']) && isnum($_GET['download'])) { $data = dbarray(dbquery("SELECT * FROM " . DB_ADDON_CATS . " JOIN " . DB_ADDONS . " USING(addon_cat_id) WHERE addon_id='" . $_GET['download'] . "'")); if (checkgroup($data['addon_cat_access'])) { $result = dbquery("UPDATE " . DB_ADDONS . " SET addon_download_count=(addon_download_count+1) WHERE addon_id='" . $_GET['download'] . "'"); require_once INCLUDES . "class.httpdownload.php"; redirect($addon_upload_dir . $data['addon_download']); ob_end_clean(); $object = new httpdownload(); $object->set_byfile($addon_upload_dir . $data['addon_download']); $object->use_resume = true; $object->download(); exit; } } $addon_id = stripinput($_GET['addon_id']); $q_addons = dbquery("SELECT * FROM " . DB_ADDON_CATS . " JOIN " . DB_ADDONS . " tm USING(addon_cat_id) JOIN " . DB_ADDON_VERSIONS . " USING(version_id) JOIN " . DB_USERS . " tu ON tm.addon_approved_user=tu.user_id WHERE addon_id='" . $addon_id . "'"); $d_addons = dbarray($q_addons); if (!isnum($addon_id) || dbrows($q_addons) == 0 || $d_addons['addon_status'] != 0 && !iSUPERADMIN && $d_addons['addon_status'] != 0) { opentable($locale['addondb430']); echo "<center><br>" . $locale['addondb431'] . "<br><br><a href='index.php'>" . $locale['addondb433'] . "</a><br><br></center>"; closetable(); } elseif (!checkgroup($d_addons['addon_cat_access'])) { opentable($locale['addondb430']); echo "<center><br>" . $locale['addondb432'] . "<br><br><a href='index.php'>" . $locale['addondb433'] . "</a><br><br></center>";
<?php /*-------------------------------------------------------+ | PHP-Fusion Content Management System | Copyright (C) PHP-Fusion Inc | https://www.php-fusion.co.uk/ +--------------------------------------------------------* | Filename: downloads/index.php | Author: Frederick MC Chan (Hien) +--------------------------------------------------------+ | This program is released as free software under the | Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or | modify it under the terms of this license which you | can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online | at www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html. Removal of this | copyright header is strictly prohibited without | written permission from the original author(s). +--------------------------------------------------------*/ require_once "../maincore.php"; $request = pathinfo($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $result = dbquery("SELECT download_file FROM " . DB_DOWNLOADS . " WHERE " . groupaccess('download_visibility') . " AND download_file='" . form_sanitizer($request['basename'], '') . "' "); if (dbrows($result) > 0) { $data = dbarray($result); require_once INCLUDES . "class.httpdownload.php"; $object = new httpdownload(); $object->set_byfile(DOWNLOADS . "/files/" . $data['download_file']); $object->use_resume = true; $object->download(); }
public function FileDownload($id = null) { include_once Openbiz::$app->getModulePath() . '/attachment/lib/class.httpdownload.php'; if ($id == null || $id == '') { $id = Openbiz::$app->getClientProxy()->getFormInputs('_selectedId'); } if (!$id) { $id = $this->recordId; } $dataRec = $this->getDataObj()->fetchById($id); $file_source = $dataRec['path']; $file_name = $dataRec['filename']; $dataRec['download_count'] = (int) $dataRec['download_count'] + 1; $this->getDataObj()->updateRecord($dataRec); $logRec = array("user_id" => Openbiz::$app->getUserProfile("Id"), "attachment_id" => $id, "timestamp" => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); Openbiz::getObject("attachment.do.AttachmentDownloadLogDO")->insertRecord($logRec); $object = new httpdownload(); $object->filename = $file_name; $object->set_byfile($file_source); //Download from a file $object->mime = $type; $object->use_resume = true; //Enable Resume Mode $object->download(); //Download File exit; }
public function FileDownload($id = null) { include_once Openbiz::$app->getModulePath() . '/attachment/lib/class.httpdownload.php'; if ($id == null || $id == '') { $id = Openbiz::$app->getClientProxy()->getFormInputs('_selectedId'); } if (!$id) { $id = $this->recordId; } $dataRec = $this->getDataObj()->fetchById($id); $file_source = $dataRec['path']; $file_name = $dataRec['filename']; $object = new httpdownload(); $object->filename = $file_name; $object->set_byfile($file_source); //Download from a file $object->mime = $type; $object->use_resume = true; //Enable Resume Mode $object->download(); //Download File exit; }
} } else { $downlink = $url; } dbquery("UPDATE " . DB_PDP_DOWNLOADS . "\n\t\tSET\n\t\tdl_count=dl_count+1\n\t\tWHERE download_id='" . $download->id . "'"); dbquery("UPDATE " . DB_PDP_FILES . "\n\t\tSET\n\t\tdownload_count=download_count+1\n\t\tWHERE file_id='" . $file['file_id'] . "'\n\t\t\tAND download_id='" . $download->id . "'"); if (empty($filename)) { fallback($downlink); } else { error_reporting(0); require_once INCLUDES . 'class.httpdownload.php'; // @ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off'); while (@ob_end_clean()) { } $object = new httpdownload(); if (!$object->set_byfile($downlink)) { fallback('error.php?type=missing_file'); } $object->use_resume = true; if (!$object->download()) { die('FIXME:F**K!'); } exit; } // show license } else { opentable($pdp->settings['title']); echo ' <div align="text-align:center;"> <p> <a href="download.php?did=' . $download->id . '">' . $locale['PDP026'] . '</a>